Best Free Obfuscator To Protect .NET Assemblies | Best Free .Obfuscators for .Net code - Dotnet Stuff (2024)

Want to protect .NET code from reverse engineering? Obfuscation is one of the solutions.There are many free dotnet obfuscators available.

This article lists out some best free obfuscator to protect .NET assemblies

Best Free Obfuscator To Protect .NET Assemblies | Best Free .Obfuscators for .Net code - Dotnet Stuff (1)

Table of Contents

  • .NET Obfuscators
  • Free .NET Obfuscator Tools
    • Eazfuscator.NET
    • Obfuscar–The Open Source Obfuscation Tool for .NET Assemblies
    • SharpObfuscator
    • Skater .NET Obfuscator Light Edition
    • FxProtect Express Edition
  • Frequently Asked Question on .NET Obfuscators
    • What is Obfuscation in C#?
    • How to Protect C# Code from Reverse Engineering?
    • How Effective are Source Code Obfuscators?
    • What are the Best C# Obfuscator?
  • Summary

.NET Obfuscators

You put all your effort and time to create an excellent .NET application. But using disassemblers any one can easily generate back full source code of your application from the assemblies/libraries.

Software that is difficult to reverse-engineer is said to be obfuscated application. The ultimate goal is to stop all casual hackers, as well as the most malicious and competent hackers, from attempting to scrutinise and crack the code you built.

So it is important to protect your source code from decompiling. It is mandatory to protect from reverseengineering .NET assemblies.

Obfuscation is a technique to protect your source code assemblies from reverse engineering and further getting modified and distributed by some one else.

It is not very easy to write code yourself for obfuscating your binaries.But the availability of various tools make it easy to obfuscate.

There are various commercial tools available and some free .NET obfuscators are also available for your benefit.

Free .NET Obfuscator Tools

Here see some of the best known free .net obfuscator tools which will satisfy most of your obfuscation requirements for .NET .


Eazfuscator.NET is an excellent obfuscator for .NET platform, protects your code, without breaking it.Eazfuscator.NET support .NET Framework versions 2.0, 3.0, 3.5, 4.0 and 4.5. Support is there for Silver light, Windows phone 7 applications etc.

Integration supports are provided with visual studio versions 2005, 2008, 2010 and 2012.

Obfuscar–The Open Source Obfuscation Tool for .NET Assemblies

Obfuscar is a basic obfuscator for .NET assemblies. It uses massive overloading to rename metadata in .NET assemblies (including the names of methods, properties, events, fields, types and namespaces) to a minimal set, distinguishable in most cases only by signature


SharpObfuscator is an obfuscator tool developed to help developers to obfuscate and protect their .NET code, optimize .NET assembly for better deployment, minimize distribution size, increase performance & add powerful post-deployment debugging capabilities.

Skater .NET Obfuscator Light Edition

Skater .NET Obfuscator Light Edition is a freeware Light Edition of well-known Skater. You can use Skater .NET Obfuscator Light Edition to protect your .NET applications for both personal and commercial purposes.Skater .NET Obfuscator implements all known software protection techniques and obfuscation algorithms.

FxProtect Express Edition

FxProtect. .NET code protection combines and includes method level code encryption, anti-reverse engineering, anti-debugging, anti-tracing, and more to prevent unauthorized access and modification of your assemblies.

But FxProtect Express Edition, which is a free .NET obfuscator, is provided with limited features.

Frequently Asked Question on .NET Obfuscators

What is Obfuscation in C#?

A complete look at a .NET application or library is accessible to anyone with a decompiler/disassembler. You can discover and exploit the security flaws within .NET software, pilfer ideas, and acquire unique licence keys.Also can make pirated copies of your application. Applications need be protected from this security threat.

This obfuscation renders the source code illegible and uninterpretable by anyone. While code obfuscation does not affect the application’s interface for end users or the final product, it does affect the process of writing it, making it more difficult and time-consuming.

How to Protect C# Code from Reverse Engineering?

Split your application into front-end and back-end components. Host the back-end component on your own server and expose it as API.This will make the front end as thin component without crucial business logics.Then the front-end will not worth stealing because it is very thin without major information. Meanwhile, your valuable business logic will be in back-end servers and secured to great extent.

Other option is to obfuscate your C# code. Obfuscation protect your code from decompiling.In this article we have listed some best obfuscators to protect C# code from reverse engineering.Have a read above.

How Effective are Source Code Obfuscators?

Source code obfuscators give protection to an extent. Protection from common attacks like code injection, reverse engineering, and tampering with personal information of customers and application users.

But, obfuscated source code is not suitable for confidential or proprietary source code.To further protect source code beyond what is possible with obfuscation Trusted Computing and other DRM technologies can be thought about.

What are the Best C# Obfuscator?

Few free best C# Obfuscators were listed in this article already. We also can get premium best C# obfuscators.Few of them are,

.NET Reactor

Postbuild .NET Obfuscator


C# Source Code Obfuscator

Salamander .NET Protector

DotNet Protector



Spices.Net Obfuscator


We covered few of the free dotnet obfuscators here. Hope you found this article useful to choose the best free obfuscator to protect your .NET assemblies/source code. Provide your feedback in the comment section below.

You may also like to read the following topics also,

Free Disassemblers for .NET

Free Bug Tracking Tools for .NET

Best Free Obfuscator To Protect .NET Assemblies | Best Free .Obfuscators for .Net code - Dotnet Stuff (2024)


Which tool is best for obfuscation? ›

SharpObfuscator is an obfuscator tool developed to help developers to obfuscate and protect their . NET code, optimize .

What is .NET obfuscator? ›

. NET Obfuscator is a tool that is used to protect . NET applications from reverse engineering. This is done by transforming the original . NET code into a form that is difficult to understand, making it hard for attackers to decompile the code and understand how it works.

What are obfuscation tools for C#? ›

The C# Obfuscator tool scrambles C# source code to make it very difficult to understand or reverse-engineer (example). This provides significant protection for source code intellectual property that must be shipped to a customer, and even provides protection against the all-too-disassembly of C# object code.

How do I install and use obfuscar? ›

I set this up to run on the Post Build event in Visual Studio.
  1. Add Obfuscar NuGet Package to your solution.
  2. Add obfuscar. xml file to your project and change Copy to Output Directory: Always. See the post on this thread by vinsa for an XML sample. ...
  3. In the Visual Studio post build events enter: "$(Obfuscar)" obfuscar.xml.
May 12, 2017

What is difference between masking and obfuscation? ›

In short, there are two major differences between data masking and data obfuscation methods like encryption or tokenization: Masked out data is still usable in its obfuscated form. Once data is masked, the original values cannot be recovered.

What is the difference between obfuscation and encryption? ›

What's the Difference? Obfuscation, also referred to as beclouding, is to hide the intended meaning of the contents of a file, making it ambiguous, confusing to read, and hard to interpret. Encryption is to actually transform the contents of the file, making it unreadable to anyone unless they apply a special key.

Are obfuscated servers safe? ›

Are obfuscated servers safe? Yes. Like a regular VPN, obfuscated servers provide a higher security and privacy level when you're browsing online. But, unlike a standard VPN server, an obfuscated server masks the fact that you're using a VPN in the first place.

What obfuscator is used by the malware sample? ›

XOR is the most commonly used technique for obfuscating any malware. Also, it is very simple to implement and can easily hide the malicious payload from getting detected.

Is VirTool Win32 obfuscator a virus? ›


VirTool:Win32/Obfuscator are detections for programs that have had their purpose obfuscated to hinder analysis or detection by anti-virus scanners. They commonly employ a combination of methods including encryption, compression, anti-debugging and anti-emulation techniques.

What happens when .NET solution is obfuscated? ›

Obfuscation makes it much more difficult for attackers to review the code and analyze the application. It also makes it hard for hackers to debug and tamper with your application.

Does obfuscation affect performance? ›

Disadvantages of Code Obfuscation

The main weakness cited against obfuscation is that adding extra layers of security bogs down code performance. Some estimate that obfuscation can impact program performance between 10% and 80%.

Can you reverse obfuscation? ›

Deobfuscation techniques can be used to reverse engineer -- or undo -- obfuscation. These techniques include program slicing, which involves narrowing the program code to just the relevant statements at a particular point in the program.

How do I obfuscate a DLL file? ›

Demonstrating Obfuscation on a . NET DLL File
  1. Build DLL. I first build the target dll with Visual Studio using an arbitrarily chosen C# file called Utility. ...
  2. Obfuscate DLL. Next, I obfuscate the code using tool ConfuserEx, which can be found in the link below. ...
  3. Decompile DLL.
Jun 20, 2020

What is .NET reactor? ›

.NET Reactor is a powerful code protection and software licensing system for software written for the .NET Framework, and supports all languages that generate .NET assemblies. Its' main features are : Intellectual property protection. NecroBit Protection. Native Code generation.

Is data masking better than encryption? ›

Encryption is ideal for storing or transferring sensitive data, while data masking enables organizations to use data sets without exposing the real data. Whichever method gets used, it is essential that the encryption keys and algorithms used to mask data are secured to prevent unauthorized access.

What is the difference between data masking and tokenization? ›

Tokenization - a method of replacing sensitive data with non-sensitive placeholder tokens. These tokens are swapped with data stored in relational databases and files. Data masking - a process that scrambles data, either an entire database or a subset.

What are the two methods for masking? ›

Types of data masking
  • Static data masking creates a separate masked data set from a production database that can be used in non-production environments, such as research, development and modelling. ...
  • Dynamic data masking provides role-based security, particularly in production systems, when users require real data.

Can obfuscated code be decompiled? ›

The results show that it is possible to reverse engineer obfuscated code but some parts. Obfuscation does protect the code, as all the variable names are changed and every unused method are removed, as well as some methods changed to non-con- ventional ways to program.

Is Google obfuscated? ›

If you're referring to the code you see when you press "View Page Source" on Google, then yes, the code is obfuscated.

What is the difference between steganography and obfuscation? ›

The main principal of obfuscation is that transforms data into new form and it must conceal the original data while the steganography hides the existence of information. The obfuscated text can be hidden in image by using Least Significant Bit(LSB) substitution method.

Can obfuscated servers be detected? ›

Obfuscated servers are specialty VPN servers that hide the fact that you're using a VPN. That way, you can enjoy access to restricted content without the fear and inconvenience of being detected.

What is a onion over VPN? ›

Onion over VPN, also called Tor over VPN, is when you connect to a VPN and then open Tor browser. This approach protects your digital identity and data better than using either alone. You get the VPN's security and privacy with Tor's anonymity.

Is WireGuard better than OpenVPN? ›

WireGuard is much faster than OpenVPN. It also consumes around 15% less data, handles network changes better, and appears to be just as secure. However, OpenVPN has been thoroughly tried-and-tested, is more privacy-friendly, and is supported by a larger number of VPNs.

What is Babel Obfuscator? ›

Babel Obfuscator

This enables decompilation back to the original source code with risk to reveal the software intellectual properties to other competitors. Babel Obfuscator is a powerful protection tool that transforms . NET assemblies in order to conceal the code and make reverse engineering more difficult.

Can malware be hidden in HTML? ›

Also, when a developer obfuscates for legitimate purposes, they keep the scrambled portion small and within the HTML tags. By contrast, obfuscated malware is often put outside the main <html> tags where we're less likely to spot it. Malicious code will use other tricks to hide any manifestation of itself.

How malicious traffic could be obfuscated in the network? ›

Simple malware obfuscation techniques

Obfuscation can be as simple as interposed text or extra padding within a string. Even trained eyes often miss obfuscated code. The malware mimics everyday use cases until it is executed. Upon execution, the malicious code is revealed, spreading rapidly through the system.

How do you identify a malicious virus? ›

How To Know if You Have Malware
  1. suddenly slows down, crashes, or displays repeated error messages.
  2. won't shut down or restart.
  3. won't let you remove software.
  4. serves up lots of pop-ups, inappropriate ads, or ads that interfere with page content.
  5. shows ads in places you typically wouldn't see them, like government websites.

How do I get rid of obfuscator virus? ›

  1. STEP 1: Use Malwarebytes to remove VirTool:Win32/Obfuscator. XZ Virus. ...
  2. STEP 2: Use HitmanPro to Scan for Malware and Unwanted Programs. ...
  3. STEP 3: Double-check for malicious programs with Emsisoft Emergency Kit. ...
  4. STEP 4: Reset your browser to default settings. ...
  5. 2 thoughts on “How to remove VirTool:Win32/Obfuscator.
Jun 30, 2017

What is Java obfuscator? ›

Bytecode Obfuscation is the process of modifying Java bytecode (executable or library) so that it is much harder to read and understand for a hacker but remains fully functional. Almost all code can be reverse-engineered with enough skill, time and effort.

What are the disadvantages of obfuscate? ›

Disadvantages of obfuscation

It adds time and complexity to the build process for the developers. It can make debugging issues after the software has been obfuscated extremely difficult.

Are obfuscated servers slower? ›

Yes, connecting to obfuscated servers will affect your internet connection speed like any other VPN connection. If your ISP is restricting your internet access or throttling your speeds, connecting to these servers should improve it.

Which issue is taken care of most while obfuscating data? ›

Another crucial word that should come to mind when talking about data obfuscation is compliance. This word by itself could mean a number of different things, but in the context of digital security, you're most likely to encounter it meaning being compliant with laws and regulations that protect data from users.

How to decode obfuscated code? ›

Press F12 to open Developer Tools inside Chrome. Now switch to the Scripts tab, right-click and choose De-obfuscate source. That's it!

Is obfuscation a virus? ›

Definition. A virus obfuscation technique (also called Polymorphism) is a way of constructing a virus that make it more difficult to detect. If a virus is hard to detect, it is likely to spread more widely.

Does OpenVPN obfuscate? ›

OpenVPN obfuscate (also known as scramble) is an option to hide OpenVPN traffic from firewalls or gateways. When obfuscate is enabled it doesn't look like OpenVPN traffic to the firewalls. It's worth trying enabling obfuscate to bypass VPN blocks.

How do I know if my APK is obfuscated? ›

Indicators of Obfuscation
  1. No strings: Java and Android are highly dependent on strings so if you don't see any or only scrambled strings, it's highly likely the strings are obfuscated. ...
  2. Scrambled strings: The Java and Android APIs require the plain text strings, not scrambled.

What are the different types of obfuscation techniques? ›

Some examples of obfuscation techniques are:
  • Variable renaming and String encryption. ...
  • Code flow obfuscation. ...
  • Obfuscating debug information. ...
  • Address obfuscation. ...
  • Assembly code obfuscation.
Nov 26, 2020

What is the difference between minification and obfuscation? ›

Obfuscation is the process of making your code unclear and unreadable to humans. This adds a level of security to source code specially in web world were source code is readily available. Minification is the process of removing unnecessary data present in code resulting in smaller file sizes and faster loading.

What is obfuscation tool? ›

A tool called an obfuscator will automatically convert straightforward source code into a program that works the same way, but is more difficult to read and understand. Unfortunately, malicious code writers also use these methods to prevent their attack mechanisms from being detected by antimalware tools.

What is obfuscation techniques for malware? ›

Malware obfuscation is the act of making the code of a program hard to discover or understand—by both humans and computers—but without changing how the program works. The goal is not just to make a program unreadable, but to hide its presence completely.

What is obfuscation app? ›

Application obfuscation refers to a set of technologies used to protect an application and its embedded intellectual property (IP) from application-level intrusions, reverse engineering and hacking attempts.

How do attackers use obfuscation? ›

Obfuscation refers to the process of concealing something important, valuable, or critical. Cybercriminals use obfuscation to conceal information such as files to be downloaded, sites to be visited, etc.

Is ProGuard free? ›

ProGuard is free. You can use it freely for processing your applications, commercial or not.

Which of the following tools is used to handle packed and obfuscated malware? ›

Packers, crypters, and protectors are tools that can be used to obfuscate malware by packing, compressing or encrypting its binary; to make it harder and tedious to analyze by the malware analyst using static analysis.

Should I use obfuscated VPN? ›

Are obfuscated servers safe? Yes. Like a regular VPN, obfuscated servers provide a higher security and privacy level when you're browsing online. But, unlike a standard VPN server, an obfuscated server masks the fact that you're using a VPN in the first place.

How to check if APK is obfuscated? ›

Reverse Engineering APKS: Guide To See If Obfuscation Works
  1. Rename app.apk to ...
  2. In a convenient location, paste your classes.dex (note your classes.dex directory )
  3. Using command line, go to dex2jar location and run this command: ...
  4. Your .jar should now be available on your dex2jar folder.
Oct 8, 2017

Is obfuscated code slower? ›

The more advanced obfuscation is used, the slower the obfuscated code is executed. Name obfuscation does not affect the performance and should always be used.

What technique can a developer use to prevent software from being reverse engineered by a hacker? ›

Programs can also use runtime integrity and anti-debugging checks to detect if their code is being examined while executing inside a virtual machine, now a common technique used by both commercial software and malware to discourage reverse engineering.

What is spear phishing? ›

“Spear phishing” is a type of phishing campaign that targets a specific person or group and often will include information known to be of interest to the target, such as current events or financial documents.

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Name: Jamar Nader

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Introduction: My name is Jamar Nader, I am a fine, shiny, colorful, bright, nice, perfect, curious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.