Behind the Markets Quantum AI Review: Are The 3 Second Wave Stocks Real? | Bellevue Reporter (2024)

If you missed investing in the first wave of AI stocks, then Behind the Markets could be worth a subscription.

As part of a 2024 promotion, investment advisory service Behind the Markets is bundling a trio of “quantum AI” reports with all new subscriptions to Behind the Markets.

Those reports include AI stock recommendations – including three stocks that will drive the second wave of AI and three more stocks linked to quantum AI.

Keep reading to find out everything you need to know about Behind the Markets and the new quantum AI stock recommendations today in our review.

What is Behind the Markets?

Behind the Markets is the flagship newsletter of the investing publishing company Behind the Markets, LLC.

Each month, subscribers receive a new issue of Behind the Markets with stock recommendations, market analysis, model portfolio updates, and more.

The newsletter is led by Dylan Jovine, an experienced Wall Street veteran. Dylan aims to invest in companies whose stocks are selling at a significant discount compared to their underlying business value. Dylan and the Behind the Markets team aim to consistently identify these undervalued companies, helping investors earn long-term value.

Behind the Markets focuses on mid-cap companies (with market capitalizations ranging from $1 billion to $10 billion) and medium-term investments.

Discover the future of AI investing with Behind the Markets!

Behind the Markets Benefits

Some of the benefits of Behind the Markets include:

  • Monthly advisory service catering to value investors
  • Priced at $99 to $399 per year
  • Comes with a bundle of bonus reports
  • Discover how to capitalize on the second wave of AI thanks to quantum computing
  • Access to model portfolio, trade alerts, and monthly portfolio updates
  • Backed by a 30-day satisfaction guarantee

About the Behind the Markets 2024 “Quantum AI” Promotion

As part of a 2024 promotion, all new subscriptions to Behind the Markets come with a bundle of bonus reports, including stock recommendations linked to artificial intelligence and quantum computing.

The Behind the Markets team believes these investments could deliver huge returns as the second wave of AI emerges.

You may have missed the first wave of AI investing, as we watched Microsoft, Nvidia, and other big names experience massive surges.

However, the Behind the Markets team believes you could capitalize on the second wave of AI thanks to quantum computing. By subscribing to Behind the Markets today, you get:

  1. Quantum AI: 3 Stocks That Will Drive the Second Wave of the AI Revolution
  2. Quantum AI: Triple-Threat Sleeper Play
  3. Quantum AI: Pick-and-Shovel Play with 10X Potential
  4. Discount pricing on all new subscriptions to Behind the Markets ($49 to $99 for your first year)
  5. Immediate access to a bundle of bonus reports
  • Behind the Markets is normally priced at $196 (Bronze) to $399 (Silver and Platinum) per year. By signing up through the 2024 promotional offer today, however, you could pay just $49 to $99 per year.

Click here to get all the details about Behind the Markets >>>

How Does Behind the Markets Work?

Behind the Markets works in a similar way to other investment advisory services: subscribers receive a new issue every month with stock recommendations, market analysis, updates to the model portfolio, and more.

Each month, you receive a new issue. The goal of each issue is to identify stocks trading at a significant discount to their underlying value, helping investors earn long-term value.

Here’s how Behind the Markets aims to invest:

Behind the Markets provides investment research on companies whose stocks are selling for – what the team believes to be – a significant discount compared to their underlying business value.

Many of the recommended companies have experienced a temporary setback, or what the team believes to be a temporary setback. By investing in these companies during a downswing, investors could reap rewards during the upswing.

To identify such companies, Behind the Markets “utilizes a business valuation approach providing small investors a significant advantage over large institutional investors,” according to the official website.

Large institutional investors typically invest based on Modern Portfolio Theory, which emphasizes a risk-averse approach with average returns. Behind the Markets works differently, aiming to create larger gains for investors while still limiting risk.

Most of Behind the Markets’ recommended companies are mid-cap, carrying a market capitalization between $1 billion and $10 billion.

Many of these companies also have high returns on equity, low debt, and a durable competitive advantage.

By consistently investing in good companies experiencing temporary setbacks, Behind the Markets aims to help investors achieve oversized returns in the marketplace.

Who is Dylan Jovine?

Behind the Markets is led by experienced investor Dylan Jovine.

Dylan started on Wall Street in 1991. He saw himself as a Wall Street outsider: he didn’t go to a private school or get his job through country club connections; instead, he grew up on food stamps in Queens.

Dylan got his break working with another Wall Street outsider, Peter Jaquith, who made a name for saving New York City from bankruptcy in the 1970s.

During his early career on Wall Street, Dylan gained a reputation for picking great stocks. He had a specific reputation for identifying companies before they would be acquired, netting investors a hefty return.

At 24, Dylan started his brokerage firm, and he became one of the youngest market makers in history. Over the next five years, Dylan claims he was “making millions for myself and my clients.”

Today, Dylan continues to use his 30+ years of expertise to help ordinary investors beat Wall Street insiders. He’s the founder and CEO of Behind the Markets, LLC, which offers a range of investment advisory services – including its flagship service, Behind the Markets.

Discover top AI stocks to buy right now!

The Second Wave of AI “Could Be a Second Chance for Investors to Make a Fortune”

The first wave of AI already arrived. Over the last five to ten years, some of the world’s largest hardware and software companies have surged with growth, fueled by the rise of artificial intelligence.

However, Dylan believes it’s not too late to make a fortune from AI. In fact, according to Dylan, smart investors are already preparing for the “second wave” of AI:

Dylan compares today’s AI market to the early days of the internet. Investors were buying any stock related to the new, exploding technology called the internet. Today, investors are taking a similar approach to AI technology.

The Dot Com bubble eventually burst, causing many of the worst internet companies – and many investors – to go bankrupt.

Dylan believes the valuations we’re seeing in today’s market are leading to a similar problem. Eventually, the AI bubble will pop.

Specifically, Dylan believes the rise of quantum computing technology will cause the AI bubble to burst as soon as 2025. Quantum computing will make today’s AI chips obsolete, creating a huge dip.

Dylan wants to help investors take advantage of this market cycle. He believes we’re approaching a “big dip” in the AI market. Many stocks will fall and never come back. However, smart investors can accumulate stocks during this downtown, which could help them earn enormous profits when the second wave emerges:

“The second wave could be a second chance for investors to make a fortune. Every time this second wave appears, it gives everyday Americans a chance to see massive gains.”

You may have missed early AI stocks like Nvidia, C3ai, or Super Micro during the first wave. However, Dylan wants to help investors get ready for the second wave.

How Second Wave Investing Philosophy Works

Dylan believes AI is another revolution in the markets: it’s a dramatic new technology changing the future of companies every day.

Dylan compares AI to other disruptive technologies – from the steam engine to electricity. These technologies experienced a strong initial surge, followed by a pullback, and followed again by a massive second wave:

  • Second Wave #1: The Steam Engine & the First Industrial Revolution: In 1780, the steam engine transformed farming, textile manufacturing, and coal mining. A small group of elites earned massive fortunes after the development of the steam engine, with average investors missing out. In 1856, however, the Bessemer Process revolutionized the steel industry and unleashed the second wave. It no longer took 12 hours to make steel – it took just 20 minutes. Bessemer steel was also lighter, stronger, and more affordable. The new invention led to a second wave, allowing ordinary investors to earn fortunes – say, by investing in railroad technology.
  • Second Wave #2: Electricity & the Second Industrial Revolution: In 1882, Thomas Edison opened an electric plant in New York City. A handful of early investors made enormous profits, but average Americans missed out. In 1913, however, Henry Ford invented the assembly line, using electricity to make a workplace vastly more efficient – and helping ordinary investors at the same time. Americans who invested in General Motors earned 2,688% returns. Early investors in Ford made over 259,000% gains.
  • Second Wave #3: The Personal Computer & the Third Industrial Revolution: The personal computer was launched in 1977, helping early investors make a fortune. During the 1970s and 1980s, a few early investors got rich, but everyday American investors missed out. Eventually, investors who bought the right internet companies during the second wave would have earned huge returns.
  • Second Wave #4: Artificial Intelligence and the Fourth Industrial Revolution? Dylan believes ChatGPT triggered the first wave of the artificial intelligence revolution in November 2024, leading to massive gains in stocks like Nvidia, Palantir, and C3ai. However, Dylan believes we’ll soon see a second wave of AI investing: markets will fall, then rise again because of quantum computing.

By subscribing to Behind the Markets today, you can discover the specific stocks Dylan believes will rise as part of the second wave of the AI revolution.

Join us to ride the second wave of AI stocks!

3 Stocks “Could Be the Next Nvidia, MicroStrategy, and SuperMicro”

Dylan has identified three stocks he believes could lead the second wave of artificial intelligence technology.

Dylan believes these three stocks “could be the next Nvidia, MicroStrategy, and SuperMicro.”

Dylan has focused on these companies because they’re linked to quantum computing. He believes quantum computing could make today’s GPUs obsolete, causing today’s hottest AI stocks to plummet.

AI puts a huge demand on computing power. It’s one reason why today’s biggest chipmakers are surging. AI companies are demanding more chips than supply allows. It’s impossible to meet AI’s demands – even with computing power doubling every few years.

Quantum computing solves AI’s computing problem. Quantum computers are thousands of times faster than any chip on the market, which would make Nvidia’s technology and others obsolete overnight.

Insiders Are Selling Nvidia and “Taking Their Profits While They Still Can”

Dylan believes he has spotted insider selling activity at Nvidia and other big chipmaking companies.

According to Dylan, this is a sign insiders know something big is happening: the launch of quantum computing will make Nvidia’s technology obsolete:

“The AI revolution will come to a grinding halt. And Silicon Valley insiders have known about the problem for years… And I suspect Wall Street knows about the problem, too.”

As further proof, Dylan cites recent slides in today’s hottest chipmaker stocks and AI stocks. He believes these declines show insiders are selling while they still can:

“I worked on Wall Street for almost two decades. So I know how the sausage is made. And that kind of selloff only happens for one reason: Wall Street insiders know – or at least suspect – something big is coming.”

Dylan sees this as proof the market is preparing for the launch of quantum computing technology that will change the future of tech giants as we know it.

Act quickly to secure the limited-time discounted price today!

How Quantum AI Disrupts the Industry

Dylan is a big believer in the potential impact of quantum AI in disrupting today’s industry.

While some dismiss quantum computing as a far-off technology, Dylan claims the first generation of quantum AI is already here. Today’s largest tech companies already have quantum computing power:

Last spring, Intel shipped a 12-qubit quantum AI chip to universities and military research labs.

Google used its quantum computer to solve a problem in 200 seconds. That problem would take a normal computer 10,000 years to solve.

JPMorgan just invested $5.3 billion into quantum AI.

The Department of Defense is seeking an additional $700 million in funding for AI. DARPA, meanwhile, continues to quietly fund quantum research at MIT, Harvard, and Caltech.

Ultimately, some of today’s biggest companies and institutions are pouring billions into quantum AI because they know its potential. That’s why Dylan believes smart investors should explore the quantum AI space.

Which Quantum AI Stocks Should You Buy for the Second Wave?

By subscribing to Behind the Markets today, you get immediate access to a special report called Quantum AI: 3 Stocks That Will Drive the Second Wave of the AI Revolution.

In this report, you can discover Dylan’s recommended plays for taking advantage of the second wave of AI, which he believes will be led by quantum computing technology.

You also get two additional bonus reports, including one report covering a “pick-and-shovel” player and another report highlighting a “triple-threat” investment opportunity.

Dylan’s recommended AI stocks include:

  • 3 Quantum AI Stocks Driving the Second Wave: Dylan has identified three stocks he believes will lead the way in the second wave of AI investing. One stock is a logistics-related investment opportunity. Another stock is a medical technology opportunity. By investing in these companies today, before quantum computing takes off, investors could make huge returns, according to Dylan’s analysis.
  • Pick-and-Shovel Play with 10X Potential: Dylan also claims to have identified a “pick-and-shovel” play that could rise 10X in the near future. This company creates cryogenics technology to help keep quantum computers cold. Specifically, the company’s technology helps computers operate at 459 degrees below zero 24/7. The company is the “premier manufacturer of quantum cooling systems,” according to Dylan’s analysis.
  • Triple Threat Sleeper Player: Dylan’s final investment recommendation is a “triple threat.” It’s an older company leading the way for quantum AI. That company just released a quantum chip that beats its competitors in multiple ways: it operates at higher temperatures, uses less energy, and is cheaper to use, according to Dylan, giving it enormous potential.

By subscribing to Behind the Markets today, you get immediate access to all of the stock recommendations listed above, including the names and ticker symbols of each quantum AI stock identified by Dylan.

Secure your spot in the AI investment boom!

What’s Included with Behind the Markets?

As part of a 2024 promotion, all purchases of Behind the Markets come with a bundle of bonus reports along with your ordinary subscription.

Here’s what you get when subscribing to Behind the Markets today:

  • 12 Monthly Issues of Behind the Markets: Each month, the team at Behind the Markets sends subscribers updates on the model portfolio, changes to recommended trades, market analysis, and more. The team aims to identify companies that have experienced a temporary setback, allowing investors to purchase stock at a discount compared to its underlying value.
  • A Minimum of One Stock Recommendation Each Month: All Behind the Markets subscribers receive at least one stock recommendation each month or at least 12 per year. Dylan tells you exactly what to buy, when to buy it, and when to sell it. According to the official Behind the Markets website, “any one of these stocks could deliver triple-digit gains – or more.”
  • Weekly Stock Recommendations: All Behind the Markets subscriptions also come with weekly stock recommendations across three reports, including 3 Stocks Legends Are Buying, 3 Stocks Wall Street is Buying, and 3 Stocks Insiders Are Buying. You’ll discover some of the hottest stocks on the market across different niches – including stocks that meet the Behind the Markets investment philosophy.
  • Model Portfolio Updates: Want to earn the same returns as Dylan Jovine and other Behind the Markets investors? All subscriptions come with 24/7 to the model portfolio, which lists all open and closed positions previously recommended by Dylan. Dylan claims 75% of his recommendations have made money over the last six years. You can verify his track record via the model portfolio.
  • Daily Alerts & Portfolio Updates: If Dylan spots a major market movement between issues, he’ll send an alert to subscribers. He may recommend selling a stock or buying more, for example, based on recent news.
  • 24/7 Access to Members-Only Website: All Behind the Markets subscribers receive 24/7 to the Behind the Markets research library, which features past reports, alerts, videos, and other recommendations from Dylan and his team.
  • Free Bonus Report #1: Quantum AI: 3 Stocks That Will Drive the Second Wave of the AI Revolution: This bonus report is included with all three Behind the Markets subscription tiers. You may have missed the first wave of AI, led by Microsoft, Nvidia, and other tech giants. In this bonus report, however, you can discover companies that could be leading the next wave of artificial intelligence – including companies utilizing quantum computing to disrupt the AI industry.
  • Free Bonus Report #2: China vs. Taiwan: 3 Steps You Must Take to Prepare for War: Chinese wargames continue to increase around Taiwan and the South China Sea. A Chinese invasion of Taiwan would change the world as we know it. In this report, you can discover three steps to take today to prepare for the potential war.
  • Free Bonus Report #3: 21st Century Battlefield: Companies Changing Warfare: Some of today’s biggest technological innovations come from military technology companies. In this report, you can discover some companies changing the future of warfare – including the names and ticker symbols of these companies.
  • Free Bonus Report #4: China Attacks the US Dollar: 3 Steps to Take to Prepare for Economic War: China could make dramatic moves to attack the US Dollar, replacing the US Dollar with the Chinese Yuan as the global reserve currency. In this guide, you’ll discover three steps Dylan recommends taking to prepare for this potential economic war.
  • Free Bonus Report #5: Search & Destroy: AI Software Stocks Revolutionizing Warfare: AI could change the future of warfare forever. In this guide, you’ll discover some of Dylan’s best AI software stock recommendations.
  • Free Bonus Report #6: The End of Retirement: How to Protect Yourself from the Greatest Crisis Facing Retirees in 70 Years: Concerned about your retirement? You should be. In this guide, you’ll discover how to protect yourself from a looming crisis that could affect your savings.
  • Free Bonus Report #7: 6 Questions to Ask Before Buying Any Stock: Dylan recommends asking six questions before buying any stock. Asking these questions helps you understand the fundamentals of the stock, making you a smarter investor.

Get bonuses when you order now!

Behind the Markets Pricing

Behind the Markets is normally priced at $196 to $399 per year. As part of a 2024 promotion, however, you can pay just $49 to $99 for your first year, lock in a discounted rate thereafter, and receive a bundle of bonus reports.

As part of that same promotion, Behind the Markets has lowered the price of its “Best Offer” package ($99 per year) to the same price as its “Great Offer” package (also $99 per year), giving you no incentive to buy the Great Offer package.

Here’s how pricing works when ordering Behind the Markets online today

  • Good Offer ($49 Per Year)

Immediate access to Behind the Markets investment advisory service

Free bonus report: Quantum AI: 3 Stocks That Will Drive the Second Wave of the AI Revolution

Subscribe now and capitalize on AI’s future!

  • Great Offer ($99 Per Year)

Immediate access to Behind the Markets investment advisory service

Free bonus report: Quantum AI: 3 Stocks That Will Drive the Second Wave of the AI Revolution

3 additional free bonus reports, including:

  • Bonus Report #1: Chian vs. Taiwan: 3 Steps You Must Take to Prepare for War
  • Bonus Report #2: 21st Century Battlefield: 4 Companies Changing Warfare
  • Bonus Report #3: Search & Destroy: 3 AI Software Stocks Revolutionizing Warfare
  • Best Offer ($99 Per Year)

Immediate access to Behind the Markets investment advisory service

Free bonus report: Quantum AI: 3 Stocks That Will Drive the Second Wave of the AI Revolution

6 additional free bonus reports, including:

  • Bonus Report #1: Chian vs. Taiwan: 3 Steps You Must Take to Prepare for War
  • Bonus Report #2: 21st Century Battlefield: 4 Companies Changing Warfare
  • Bonus Report #3: Search & Destroy: 3 AI Software Stocks Revolutionizing Warfare
  • Bonus Report #4: China Attacks the US Dollar: 3 Steps to Take to Prepare for Economic War
  • Bonus Report #5: The End of Retirement: How to Protect Yourself from the Greatest Crisis Facing Retirees in 70 Years
  • Bonus Report #6: 6 Questions to Ask Before Buying Any Stock

Overall, the Best Offer subscription comes with over $2,596 worth of content for just $99 for your first year.

All subscriptions automatically renew one year from today. Behind the Markets will send an alert before renewing your subscription.

Behind the Markets Refund Policy

You have an entire month to experience Behind the Markets. If you’re unhappy with Behind the Markets for any reason, you can request a complete refund on your purchase with no questions asked. You can even keep the bonus reports as a thanks for trying the subscription.

You won’t find a better deal on Behind the Markets anywhere else!

About Behind the Markets, LLC

Behind the Markets is the flagship stock-picking newsletter from Behind the Markets, LLC. The company is led by CEO and founder Dylan Jovine and offers a range of popular advisory services – including Behind the Markets, Biotech Insider, Takeover Targets, Breakthrough Wealth, and Hidden Market Profits.

You can contact Behind the Markets and the company’s customer service team via the following:

Phone: 1-800-859-1965

Customer service is available Monday to Friday from 10 am to 7 pm EST.

Final Word

Behind the Markets is an investment advisory service created by Dylan Jovine and the team at Behind the Markets.

As part of a 2024 promotion, Dylan has spotted a handful of investment opportunities linked to quantum computing and artificial intelligence. Dylan believes these companies will make firms like Nvidia obsolete while triggering a “second wave” of AI investing.

By subscribing to Behind the Markets today, you get a bundle of free bonus reports – including reports with the names and ticker symbols of all of Dylan’s new recommended investment opportunities.

To learn more about Behind the Markets and how it works or to subscribe today and receive a bundle of bonus reports, visit the official website.

The news and editorial staff of Sound Publishing, Inc. had no role in the preparation of this post. The views and opinions expressed in this sponsored post are those of the advertiser and do not reflect those of Sound Publishing, Inc.

Sound Publishing, Inc. does not accept liability for any loss or damages caused by the use of any products, nor do we endorse any products posted in our Marketplace.

Behind the Markets Quantum AI Review: Are The 3 Second Wave Stocks Real? | Bellevue Reporter (2024)
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Introduction: My name is Otha Schamberger, I am a vast, good, healthy, cheerful, energetic, gorgeous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.