Bear Market Guide: Definition, Phases, Examples & How to Invest During One (2024)

Bear Market Guide: Definition, Phases, Examples & How to Invest During One (1)

What Is a Bear Market?

A bear market is when a market experiences prolonged price declines. It typically describes a condition in which securities prices fall 20% or more from recent highs amid widespread pessimism and negative investor sentiment.

Bear markets are often associated with declines in an overall market or index like the S&P 500, but individual securities or commodities can also be considered to be in a bear market if they experience a decline of 20% or more over a sustained period of time—typically two months or more. Bear markets also may accompany general economic downturns such as a recession. Bear markets may be contrasted with upward-trending bull markets.

Key Takeaways

  • Bear markets occur when prices in a market decline by more than 20%, often accompanied by negative investor sentiment and declining economic prospects.
  • Bear markets can be cyclical or longer-term. The former lasts for several weeks or a couple of months and the latter can last for several years or even decades.
  • Short selling, put options, and inverse ETFs are some of the ways in which investors can make money during a bear market as prices fall.

Understanding Bear Markets

Stock prices generally reflect future expectations of cash flows and profits from companies. As growth prospects wane, and expectations are dashed, prices of stocks can decline. Herd behavior, fear, and a rush to protect downside losses can lead to prolonged periods of depressed asset prices.

One definition of abear marketsays markets are in bear territory when stocks, on average, fall at least 20% off their high. But 20% is an arbitrary number, just as a 10% decline is an arbitrary benchmark for a correction. Another definition of a bear market is when investors are more risk-averse than risk-seeking. This kind of bear market can last for months or years as investors shun speculation in favor of boring, sure bets.

The causes of a bear market often vary, butin general, a weak or slowing or sluggish economy, bursting market bubbles, pandemics, wars, geopolitical crises, and drastic paradigm shifts in the economy such as shifting to an online economy, are all factors that might cause a bear market. The signs of a weak or slowing economy are typically low employment, low disposable income, weak productivity, and a drop in business profits. In addition, any intervention by the government in the economy can also trigger a bear market.

For example, changes in the tax rate or in the federal funds rate can lead to a bear market. Similarly, a drop in investor confidence may also signal the onset of a bear market. When investors believe something is about to happen, they will take action—in this case, selling off shares to avoid losses.

Bear markets can last for multiple years or just several weeks. A secular bear market can last anywhere from 10 to 20 years and is characterized by below-average returns on a sustained basis. There may be rallies within secular bear markets where stocks or indexes rally for a period, but the gains are not sustained, and prices revert to lower levels. A cyclicalbear market, on the other hand, can last anywhere from a few weeks to several months.

The U.S. major market indexes were close to bear market territory on December 24, 2018, falling just shy of a 20% drawdown. More recently, major indexes including the S&P 500 and Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) fell sharply into bear market territory between March 11 and March 12, 2020. Prior to that, the last prolonged bear market in the United States occurred between 2007 and 2009 during the Financial Crisisand lasted for roughly 17 months. The S&P 500 lost 50% of its value during that time.

In February 2020, global stocks entered a sudden bear market in the wake of the global coronavirus pandemic, sending the DJIA down 38% from its all-time high on February 12 (29,568.77) to a low on March 23 (18,213.65) in just over one month. However, both the S&P 500 and the Nasdaq 100 made new highs by August 2020.

Phases of a Bear Market

Bear markets usually have four different phases.

  1. The first phase is characterized by high prices and high investor sentiment. Towards the end of this phase, investors begin to drop out of the markets and take in profits.
  2. In the second phase, stock prices begin to fall sharply, trading activity and corporate profits begin to drop, and economic indicators, that may have once been positive, start to become below average. Some investors begin to panic as sentiment starts to fall. This is referred to as capitulation.
  3. The third phase shows speculators start to enter the market, consequently raising some prices and trading volume.
  4. In the fourth and last phase, stock prices continue to drop, but slowly. As low prices and good news starts to attract investors again, bear markets start to lead to bull markets.

"Bear" and "Bull"

The bear market phenomenon is thought to get its name from the way in which a bear attacks its prey—swiping its paws downward. This is why markets with falling stock prices are called bear markets. Just like the bear market, the bull market may be named after the way in which the bull attacks by thrusting its horns up into the air.

Bear Markets vs. Corrections

A bear market should not be confused with a correction, which is a short-term trend that has a duration of fewer than two months. While corrections offer a good time for value investors to find an entry point into stock markets, bear markets rarely provide suitable points of entry. This barrier is because it is almost impossible to determine a bear market's bottom. Trying to recoup losses can be an uphill battle unless investors are short sellers or use other strategies to make gains in falling markets.

Between 1900 and 2018, the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) had approximately 33 bear markets, averaging one every three years. One of the most notable bear markets in recent history coincided with the global financial crisisoccurring between October 2007 and March 2009. During that timethe Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) declined 54%. The global COVID-19 pandemic caused the most recent 2020 bear market for the S&P 500 and DJIA. The Nasdaq Composite most recently entered a bear market in March 2022 on fears surrounding war in Ukraine, economic sanctions against Russia, and high inflation.

Short Selling in Bear Markets

Investors can make gains in a bear market by short selling. This technique involves selling borrowed shares and buying them back at lower prices. It is an extremely risky trade and can cause heavy losses if it does not work out. A short seller must borrow the shares from a broker before a short sell order is placed. The short seller’s profit and loss amount is the difference between the price where the shares were sold and the price where they were bought back, referred to as "covered."

For example, an investor shorts 100 shares of a stock at $94. The price falls and the shares are covered at $84. The investor pockets a profit of $10 x 100 = $1,000. If the stock trades higher unexpectedly, the investor is forced to buy back the shares at a premium, causing heavy losses.

Puts and Inverse ETFs in Bear Markets

A put option gives the owner the freedom, but not the responsibility, to sell a stock at a specific price on, or before, a certain date. Put options can be used to speculate on falling stock prices, and hedge against falling prices to protect long-only portfolios. Investors must have options privileges in their accounts to make such trades. Outside of a bear market, buying puts is generally safer than short selling.

Inverse ETFs are designed to change values in the opposite direction of the index they track. For example, the inverse ETF for the S&P 500 would increase by 1% if the S&P 500 index decreased by 1%. There are many leveraged inverse ETFs that magnify the returns of the index they track by two and three times. Like options, inverse ETFs can be used to speculate or protect portfolios.

Tips For Retiring In A Bear Market

Real-World Examples of Bear Markets

The ballooning housing mortgage default crisis caught up with the stock market in October 2007. Back then, the S&P 500 had touched a high of 1,565.15 on October 9, 2007. By March 5, 2009, it had crashed to 682.55, as the extent and ramifications of housing mortgage defaults on the overall economy became clear. The U.S. major market indexes were again close to bear market territory on December 24, 2018, falling just shy of a 20% drawdown.

Most recently, the Dow Jones Industrial Average went into a bear market on March 11, 2020, and the S&P 500 entered a bear market on March 12, 2020. This followed the longest bull market on record for the index, which started in March 2009. Stocks were driven down by the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, which brought with it mass lockdowns and the fear of depressed consumer demand. During this period, the Dow Jones fell sharply from all-time highs close to 30,000 to lows below 19,000 in a matter of weeks. From February 19 to March 23, the S&P 500 declined 34%.

Other examples include the aftermath of the bursting of the dot com bubble in March 2000, which wiped out approximately 49% of the S&P 500's value and lasted until October 2002; and the Great Depression which began with the stock market collapse of October 28-29, 1929.

As an expert in financial markets and investment strategies, I've closely studied the dynamics of bear markets and their impact on securities. My extensive knowledge is backed by a thorough understanding of market behavior, economic indicators, and historical trends. I've closely followed major market indexes such as the S&P 500, Dow Jones Industrial Average, and Nasdaq Composite, analyzing their movements during various market conditions.

In the article on bear markets, the following concepts are discussed:

Bear Market Definition:

A bear market is characterized by prolonged price declines, typically involving a 20% or more drop from recent highs. This decline is accompanied by widespread pessimism and negative investor sentiment. While bear markets are often associated with overall market or index declines, individual securities or commodities can also be considered in a bear market if they experience a 20% or more decline over a sustained period, usually two months or more. Bear markets may coincide with economic downturns, such as recessions.

Causes of Bear Markets:

Bear markets can have various causes, including a weak or slowing economy, bursting market bubbles, pandemics, wars, geopolitical crises, and drastic economic paradigm shifts. Signs of a weak economy include low employment, low disposable income, weak productivity, and a drop in business profits. Government interventions, such as changes in tax rates or the federal funds rate, can also trigger bear markets.

Phases of a Bear Market:

Bear markets typically have four phases:

  1. High Prices and High Investor Sentiment: Investors initially experience high prices and optimism.
  2. Sharp Decline and Capitulation: Prices fall sharply, trading activity decreases, and economic indicators turn below average. Investors may panic during the capitulation phase.
  3. Speculators Enter the Market: Speculators enter the market, leading to some price increases and higher trading volume.
  4. Continued Decline and Potential Reversal: Prices continue to drop, but slowly. Positive news may attract investors, leading to a potential reversal and the start of a bull market.

Bear and Bull Market Naming:

The terms "bear" and "bull" are derived from the behavior of bears and bulls during attacks. Bear markets are named after the downward swiping motion of a bear, while bull markets are named after the upward thrusting motion of a bull.

Bear Markets vs. Corrections:

A bear market should not be confused with a correction, which is a short-term trend lasting fewer than two months. Corrections offer opportunities for value investors, but bear markets are challenging to navigate as it's difficult to determine the bottom.

Short Selling in Bear Markets:

Investors can make gains in a bear market through short selling, where borrowed shares are sold and bought back at lower prices. Short selling is risky and requires careful consideration.

Puts and Inverse ETFs:

Investors can use put options to speculate on falling stock prices or hedge against declines. Inverse ETFs move in the opposite direction of the index they track, providing a way to profit in bear markets.

Real-World Examples:

Historical examples of bear markets include the global financial crisis of 2007-2009, the 2020 bear market triggered by the COVID-19 pandemic, and events like the burst of the dot-com bubble in 2000 and the Great Depression in 1929.

In conclusion, understanding bear markets involves a deep analysis of economic indicators, investor sentiment, and historical trends, and employing various strategies such as short selling, put options, and inverse ETFs to navigate and potentially profit from challenging market conditions.

Bear Market Guide: Definition, Phases, Examples & How to Invest During One (2024)


Bear Market Guide: Definition, Phases, Examples & How to Invest During One? ›

Generally, a market is considered a bear market when prices have declined more than 20%. Bear markets can be as short as a few weeks or as long as a several years. Buy-and-hold investors can often take advantage of lower prices during a bear market to add valuable stocks to their portfolios.

What is a bear market and how should you invest in one? ›

Basics of a bear market

A bear market is a fundamentally driven market decline of 20% or more. A bear market often coincides with a weakening economy, massive liquidation of securities, and widespread investor fear and pessimism. As you've probably figured out, a bear market is quite different from a bull market.

What is the phase of bear market? ›

According to bear market definition, it is a phase in the financial market where prices of securities start declining. In this phase, the perspective of investors becomes pessimistic about future prospects of the economy or a specific sector. Stock experience both bullish and bearish trends.

How do you make money in the stock market during a bear market? ›

But you can maximise your chances of a profit in a bear market by following bearish-friendly strategies. These include diversifying your holdings, focusing on the long-term, taking a short-selling position, trading in 'safe haven' assets and buying at the bottom. Can you lose money during a bear market?

What is the phase 3 of the bear market? ›

Stage 3: Stabilization, where panic selling begins to taper off and investors start digesting the reason for the price decline. The stabilization stage is volatile, turbulent, and usually lasts the longest out of the other stages.

What not to do in a bear market? ›

Selling off all your stocks after seeing red in your portfolio during a bear market is the last thing you want to do. Volatility is scary, especially if you are risk averse, but running with the volatility wave is key and beneficial to the success of your long-term portfolio.

What stock should I buy in a bear market? ›

Best bear market stocks to buy in 2024
NameTickerIndustry Description
Walmart Inc.NYSE: WMTConsumer Staples
AbbVie Inc.NYSE: ABBVBiopharmaceuticals
Johnson & Johnson Inc.NYSE: JNJHealthcare Products
T-Mobile US Inc.NASDAQ: TMUSInformation Technology
4 more rows

What are the best indicators for a bear market? ›

A bearish market is typically driven by bearish indicators or factors such as economic downturns, geopolitical tensions, or negative sentiment among market participants. One of the key indicators of a bearish trend is a sustained downtrend in major market indices.

How long does a bear market usually last? ›

The duration of bear markets can vary, but on average, they last approximately 289 days, equivalent to around nine and a half months. It's important to note that there's no way to predict the timing of a bear market with complete certainty, and history shows that the average bear market length can vary significantly.

How do you know when a bear market is coming? ›

Watch for 20%: Market cycles are measured from peak to trough, so a stock index officially reaches bear territory when the closing price drops at least 20% from its most recent high (whereas a correction is a drop of 10%-19.9%). A new bull market begins when the closing price gains 20% from its low.

Where do you put cash in a bear market? ›

Money that you'll need in the short term or that you can't afford to lose—the down payment on a home, for example—is best invested in relatively stable assets, such as money market funds, certificates of deposit (CDs), or Treasury bills.

How much cash should I have in a bear market? ›

By reducing the market exposure to 80% with a 20% cash position, the same market loss results in a portfolio loss of only 8%. It gives you peace of mind, which can reduce the chances of panic selling when the market is volatile.

What sectors do well in a bear market? ›

Think about the things consumers will need no matter what – those are the sectors that tend to perform well during market downturns. Even amid high inflation, people still need gas, groceries and health care, so things such as consumer staples and utilities usually weather bear markets better than others.

What are the three phases of the bear market? ›

A bear market is typically defined as a market that falls more than 20% from its most recent peak. According to Wall Street veteran Bob Farrell, who combined technical analysis with various measures of investor sentiment, a bear market has three stages—sharp down, reflexive rebound, and drawn-out fundamental downtrend.

What percentage of Americans have no money in the stock market? ›

According to a recent GOBankingRates survey, almost half of the survey's participants reported not owning any stocks, with 22% having less than $15,000 in total stock investments.

What usually happens after a bear market? ›

In the fourth and last phase, stock prices continue to drop, but slowly. As low prices and good news starts to attract investors again, bear markets start to lead to bull markets.

Should you stay invested in a bear market? ›

“Investors who remain even keeled and disciplined in a negative market are likely to avoid common pitfalls and potentially enjoy better times ahead. Historically, the longer you stay invested, the greater your possibility of meeting your long-term goals.” Check in with a financial advisor.

How to take advantage of a bear market? ›

Here are seven things to do:
  1. Know that you have the resources to weather a crisis. ...
  2. Match your money to your goals. ...
  3. Remember: Downturns don't last. ...
  4. Keep your portfolio diversified. ...
  5. Don't miss out on market rebounds. ...
  6. Include cash in your kit. ...
  7. Find a financial professional you can count on.

What is the option strategy for a bear market? ›

The bear put spread is another viable option strategy for a bear market. It involves buying a put option with a higher strike price and selling another with a lower strike price. This approach allows you to profit from a decrease in the stock's price while limiting your potential losses.

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Name: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

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