Basic Miner Operation | Helium Documentation (2024)

Basic Miner Operation

As you can see below, the Miner is central in routing data across the Helium Network. It is one ofthree pieces:

Basic Miner Operation | Helium Documentation (1)

  • Packet Forwarder: this is a utility that interacts with the radio front-end and sends and receivesraw radio packets with the Helium Miner
  • Miner: the Helium Blockchain comes into the picture here; the Miner is responsible for routingpackets to the appropriate Router and entering into micro-transactions brokered via libp2p
  • Router: a Helium compatible LoRaWAN Network Server, basically; this component is interested inreceiving the packets relating to its devices and handles downlink messages when appropriate

In addition to packet routing, the Miner also participates in PoC and submits PoC packets as witnessevents. When challenge, the Miner sends packets to the packet forwarder for transmission.

The Miner connects to other Miners over libp2p where, amongst other things, it is gossiping andsaving blocks, while maintaining a ledger of the blockchain. Constantly syncing the blockchain anddownloading blocks uses significant bandwidth and CPU.

In this guide, we will explain how to get a Docker image of the Helium Miner running on Ubuntu 20.04LTS, and finally some tips on how to interact with a running Miner.

When preparing the Miner for a Hotspot product, you will want to go a little further and follow thesteps outlined here, where you will learn howto integrate it with security modules and BLE.

If you are interested in contributing to Miner development and code-review, please visitthe Miner's repository on Github.

Setting Up Ubuntu for Docker

Ubuntu is a widely available Linux distribution. Notably, it has an easy-to-use image available forRaspberry Pi 3 and 4, so we use it as an example system. That being said, any ARM64 or AMD64(X86-64) based OS that can run Docker is suitable.

For Raspberry Pi, we recommend running the latest64-bit RaspiOS image. We currently do nothave Docker image support for 32-bit systems, so please double-check that you're using a 64-bitimage. Once you have followed the instructions and are logged into the system, you are ready for therest of this guide.

For most cloud service providers, launching an instance with Ubuntu 20.04 LTS should be fairlystraightforward. With AWS for example, create an EC2 instance running Ubuntu 20.04. A t2.small willrun the miner well once the initial blockchain sync has completed. Once that's launched and you'reconnected, you are ready for the rest of this guide.

First, update the package manager registry:

sudo apt-get update

Then, install Docker:

sudo apt-get install

To avoid needing to user docker with sudo privileges, add your user to the docker group,replacing $USER with your username:

sudo usermod -aG docker $USER

Log in and out of your account to apply these changes. You are now ready to use Docker!

Port Forwarding

Before launching the Miner, you will want to configure ports on your network to forward two ports:

  • 44158/TCP: the Miner communicates to other Miners over this port. The networking logic knowshow to get around a lack of forwarding here, but you will get better performance by forwarding theport
  • 1680/UDP: the radio connects to the Miner over this port. You will not be able to forwardpackets or participate in Proof of Coverage without this

"Forwarding" on the second port is less relevant if you are running a radio packet forwarder on thesame system at the miner (both on a Raspberry Pi, for example). But it is essential if you arerunning a Miner on the cloud for example.

For AWS, for example, you will want to configure the "Security Group" of your EC2 as so:

Basic Miner Operation | Helium Documentation (2)

Run a Docker Container

Miner releases are available as amd64 and arm64 images on We do not currently provide 32-bitsupport.

Note: on amd64 systems, AVX support is required. Verify that it exists on your host system:

grep avx /proc/cpuinfo

If nothing is returned from these commands, your host system does not have AVX support and yourMiner may not be stable.

Start Container

Before running the container for the first time, it is advisable to pick a 'system mount point`,i.e. a directory in your host system; some long-term miner data is stored there. This allows you toeasily maintain your miner's blockchain identity (i.e. swarm keys) and blockchain state throughminer image updates.

If you are using a Linux system, you can just create a directory in your user's home directory:

mkdir ~/miner_data

If you are using Ubuntu as user ubuntu, this path would now be /home/ubuntu/miner_data. This willbe used later.

Now you can try the run command to start your container for the first time:

docker run -d --init \
--ulimit nofile=64000:64000 \
--restart always \
--publish 1680:1680/udp \
--publish 44158:44158/tcp \
--name miner \
--mount type=bind,source=/home/ubuntu/miner_data,target=/var/data \

Replace xxxNN with the architecture used, i.e. amd64 or arm64, and with the release date of theimage.

The -d option runs in detached mode, which makes the command return or not; you may want to omitif you have a daemon manager running the docker for you.

The -env REGION_OVERRIDE=US915 tells your miner that you are connecting to a packet forwarderconfigured for the US915 region. You will want to change this to your region i.e.US915 | EU868 | EU433 | CN470 | CN779 | AU915 | AS923 | KR920 | IN865

Note: REGION_OVERRIDE may be completely omitted once your Miner has asserted location and is fullysynced, but leaving it there (as long as the region is properly configured) is not harmful

The --restart always option asks Docker to keep the image running, starting the image on boot andrestarting the image if it crashes. Depending on how you installed Docker in your system, it'llstart on boot. In the AWS AMI above, we use systemd (systemctl status docker to check).

The --publish 1680:1680/udp binds your system port 1680 to the container's port 1680, where theMiner is hosting a packet forwarder UDP server; this is necessary if you want to do any radiointeractions with your miner.

The --name miner names the container, which makes interacting with the docker easier, but feelfree to name the container whatever you want.

The --mount with the parameters above will mount the container's /var/data/ directory to thesystems directory /home/ec2-user/miner_data.

Configure AWS Instance for Sync

Amazon EC2 instances have CPU usage credits that will easily be depleted during the initial sync ofthe blockchain. To avoid having your instance throttled, you can temporarily uncap your instance bysetting CPU credit usage to unlimited. Once your miner has reached full block height, a t2.smallinstance is sufficient to keep your miner running.

Interact with the Miner within the Container

You may want to interrogate the Miner or interact with it it as described in theusing a miner section. Docker's exec command enablesthis e.g.

docker exec miner miner info height

In other words, prepend docker exec miner to any of the commands documented in theusing a miner section). Or create an alias such as:alias miner="docker exec miner miner"

Updating the Docker Image

the releases here. Depending on whether you are runninga miner for fun, to route packets, or to participate in PoC, keeping it updated may be more or lessurgent. Each release tagged on the Github will be on the quay repository. Simply remove the currentimage:

docker stop miner && docker rm miner

And start the container again as described above, but with the new release tag! Thanks to the--mount option, the blockchain data and the miner keys are preserved through updates.

Using the Miner

These commands will assume you are running in Docker and they have the same prefix to get youexecuting a command within the docker: docker exec miner . If you want to make it easier, you canalways create an an alias such as: alias miner="docker exec miner miner".

Checking the Logs

This is always helpful to get some idea of what's going on:

docker exec miner tail -F /var/data/log/console.log

Also, if you are particularly interested in radio traffic, it can be helpful to filter for lora asso:

docker exec miner tail -f /var/data/log/console.log | grep lora

Checking the P2P Network

This is the first health check you can do to see how your Miner is doing. Is it finding other Heliumminers over libp2p properly?

The Helium blockchain uses an Erlang implementation of libp2p. Because weexpect Hotspot hardware to be installed in a wide variety of networking environmentserlang-libp2p includes a number of additions to the corespecification that provides support for NAT detection, proxying and relaying.

The first order of business once the Miner is running is to see if you're connected to any peers,whether your NAT type has been correctly identified, and that you have some listen addresses:

docker exec miner miner peer book -s

You will see an output roughly like the following:

| address | name |listen_addrs|connections| nat |last_updated|
|/p2p/11dwT67atkEe1Ru6xhDqPhSXKXmNhWf3ZHxX5S4SXhcdmhw3Y1t|{ok,"genuine-steel-crocodile"}| 2 | 4 |symmetric| 3.148s |

| listen_addrs (prioritized) |
| /ip4/ |

| local | remote | p2p | name |
|/ip4/|/ip4/|/p2p/112GZJvJ4yUc7wubREyBHZ4BVYkWxQdY849LC2GGmwAnv73i5Ufy|{ok,"atomic-parchment-snail"} |
|/ip4/| /ip4/ |/p2p/112MtP4Um2UXo8FtDHeme1U5A91M6Jj3TZ3i2XTJ9vNUMawqoPVW| {ok,"fancy-glossy-rat"} |
|/ip4/| /ip4/ |/p2p/11AUHAqBatgrs2v6j3j75UQ73NyEYZoH41CdJ56P1SzeqqYjZ4o | {ok,"skinny-fuchsia-mink"} |
|/ip4/| /ip4/ |/p2p/11LBadhdCmwHFnTzCTucn6aSPieDajw4ri3kpgAoikgnEA62Dc6 | {ok,"skinny-lilac-mustang"} |

As long as you have an address listed in listen_addrs and some peers in the table at the bottom,you're connected to the p2p network and good to go.

If you are having trouble, try forwarding port 44158 to the miner. On AWS, double check yoursecurity group settings.

Checking Block Height

As long as a genesis block is loaded, this query will work and return height 1 at least:

docker exec miner miner info height

If you are syncing, you should see something like this:

~$ miner info height
6889 280756

The first number is the election epoch and the second number is the block height of your miner. Ifyou just launched an AMI instance, your Miner is been disconnected, or you simply have a slowconnection, you may be a few blocks behind. To check, you can either check the mobile app, checkthe browser-based block explorer, or run a simple curl commandto check in a Terminal:

~$ curl

Backing Up Your Swarm Keys

Periodically, we may release updates or you may want to migrate your miner from one machine toanother. The most important thing is that you maintain a copy of your miner's private key, i.e.swarm_key. Fun tidbit: this is also how your three-word name is generated.

Assuming you've mounted the Docker image as detailed above, it is located at:


Another fun tidbit: for production hotspots sold by Helium, the swarm key is stored inside of asecure element and is thus unable to be migrated (or compromised/accidentally lost unlessphysically damaged).


Snapshots are summaries of the current state of the blockchain. Since you don't need every singleblock ever to sync with the blockchain, it's really just a summary of the last few blocks and theaccount balance of every account on the blockchain.

You generally want to be careful who you accept snapshots from as they might give you an incorrectstate. However, we also store hashes of valid snapshots in the blockchain.


You can query a running Miner to see what snapshots it (1) knows about and (2) has a copy of:

$ miner snapshot list
Height 731521
Hash <<129,14,18,225,133,83,34,24,205,69,10,10,84,42,129,207,42,186,18,28,192,
Have true

Height 730801
Hash <<80,90,115,7,10,195,115,217,87,173,24,11,63,116,201,22,150,6,252,168,204,
Have true

A Miner knows about a snapshot in two ways: it either syncs a block where the snapshot hash andheight have been saved, or the configuration file of the Miner (sys.config) has the blessedheight and hash written into it (ie: blessed_snapshot_block_height andblessed_snapshot_block_hash).

If you have a fully synced Miner, you can extract these values from snapshot list and write theminto the sys.config of another non-fully synced Miner. Restart the Miner to reload thesys.config and it will be able to "quick sync" to that snapshot. To make things go even faster,try manually connecting your Miner to one of your Miners that has the snapshot.

miner peer connect /ip4/

The only down-side of this approach is that snapshots happen at some rhythm defined by theblockchain (currently 720 blocks). You can use the manual approach to pass around arbitrarysnapshots by hand.


You can also manually move a snapshot file around. To take a snapshot:

miner snapshot take /path/to/snapshot

Naming the snapshot something like snap-XXXXXX, where XXXXXX is the height of the blockchain isa typical convention. Also, when using a Docker container, it's usually a good idea to save thesnapshot to /var/data so that you can easily copy the snapshot out of the Docker and into the hostsystem.

Loading the snapshot is as follows:

miner snapshot load /path/to/snapshot

Sometimes the load command times out. If so, try to tail the logs and see if blocks are beingapplied. It's working just fine! It just needs a moment to finish loading the snapshot.

Connecting a Packet Forwarder to the Miner

You're almost done. The last step after you have your Miner running is to connect to it.

With your favorite editor, open global_conf.json that lives in the packet forwarder directory:

nano ~/sx1302_hal/lora_pkt_fwd/global_conf.json

You want to change the field "server_address" from "localhost" to the IP address of the server, soin this case:

You'll need to restart the packet forwarder for the configuration change to take effect.

To verify that things are working, you can follow the logs on your miner. eg:

docker exec miner tail -f /var/data/log/console.log | grep lora

At the very least, you should see PULL_DATA messages every few seconds. If so, then you've done it!

Basic Miner Operation | Helium Documentation (2024)


Will Helium mining be profitable in 2023? ›

Thousands of individuals mine HNT, with more added daily. This means it may not be as profitable to mine HNT in 2023 as in 2022. However, miners still have the potential to make a profit if they can find ways to optimize their mining operations and reduce costs associated with running a node on the Helium Network.

What is the average HNT rewards per day? ›

The network daily average reward rate at time of writing is 0.10 HNT per day. The HNT token is currently at $ 1.60 which equates to about $ 0.16 per day or $ 59 per year. One way to measure profitability is ROI ( return on investment ) or how many days it takes to recoup your upfront cost.

What ports should be open for Bobcat miner? ›

Before launching the Miner, you will want to configure ports on your network to forward two ports:
  • 44158/TCP: the Miner communicates to other Miners over this port. ...
  • 1680/UDP: the radio connects to the Miner over this port.

What is the deny list in Helium mining? ›

What is the Denylist? ​ The Denylist is a list of Hotspot public keys and a cryptographic signature that have been identified not to be accurately contributing to Network coverage or are otherwise circumventing the good faith of the Network in an attempt to earn Rewards.

Will HNT reach $1,000? ›

Can Helium reach $1000? Yes, it is possible that Helium can reach $1000 but only in a distanced future, after 2030.

What will be the price of helium in 2024? ›

Helium Prediction Table
YearMinimum PriceMaximum Price
6 more rows

How much is 1000 HNT in USD? ›

AmountToday at 3:27 pm
50 HNT$70.17
100 HNT$140.34
500 HNT$701.68
1,000 HNT$1,403.37
4 more rows

How much is 1000 HNT worth? ›

Helium to US Dollar
Helium$ US Dollar
4 more rows

Can I put my Bobcat miner outside? ›

Yes, as a matter of fact, you need one. The stock antenna that comes with the Bobcat Miner 300 does not work with the enclosure as it is for indoor use. The Bobcat Outdoor Enclosure Kit has an N-type Female connector suitable for outdoor use and is compatible with all fiberglass antennas that RAK offers.

How far can bobcat miner reach? ›

The Bobcat Miner 300 runs on ultra-low power consumption (5W) and its signal range can cover up to 10+ miles, providing connectivity to tens of thousands of LoRaWAN end nodes detected within its range.

How much WIFI does a bobcat miner use? ›

How much data does a Helium hotspot/miner use per month? Roughly 250Gb. The equivalent of watching a movie or two on Netflix per day.

What are the 3 levels of challenges on Helium? ›

PoC Challenges involve three distinct roles:
  • Beaconer​ Hotspots "Self Beacon" transmitting (or "beaconing") challenge packets to be witnessed by geographically proximate Hotspots.
  • Witness​ Hotspots that are geographically proximate to the Beaconer and report the existence of the transmitted challenge packet. ...
  • Oracle​

Will Coinbase list Helium? ›

Helium is not supported by Coinbase.

Why was Helium delisted? ›

Binance has decided to delist and cease trading for Helium (HNT) after a periodic review. The largest exchange stated that it delists a coin or token when it no longer adheres to its standards. Helium's migration to Solana has been postponed to April.

How much is 500 HNT in usd? ›

The conversion value for 500 HNT to 710 USD.

Why is HNT losing value? ›

In 2022, the value of HNT faced a significant decline, despite positive developments such as a successful funding round. The delisting of HNT from Binance and the collapse of the FTX exchange further contributed to the coin's plummeting value, which saw a loss of more than 95% over the year.

How much is 100 HNT in USD? ›

Helium to US Dollar
Helium$ US Dollar
4 more rows

Will helium be gone in 15 years? ›

Once the gas leaks into the atmosphere, it is light enough to escape the Earth's gravitational field so it bleeds off into space, never to return. We may run out of helium within 25–30 years because it's being consumed so freely.

Will helium run out by 2030? ›

According to Nobel laureate Prof Robert Richardson of Cornell University, the US supplies 80 per cent of the helium used in the world at a very cheap rate and these supplies will run out in 25 to 30 years' time. Earth's helium reserves will run out by 2030, a leading expert has claimed.

What will replace helium? ›

Hence, Argon is a substitute for helium.

How much is 10k HNT in USD? ›

The current 10000 HNT to USD exchange rate is 13,511 USD and has decreased by -25.57% over the past 30 days. The HNT to USD price chart indicates the historical change of 10000 HNT in USD over the past 30 days.

How much is .50 HNT worth? ›

Helium to US Dollar
Helium$ US Dollar
4 more rows

What is .10 HNT worth? ›

Live HNT to USD converter & Helium to US Dollar calculator with 10 HNT to USD price chart. You can convert 10 HNT to 15.61 USD.

Which helium miner is most profitable? ›

9 Best Helium Miners to Earn HNT: 2023 Top Rated List
  • Comparison Table of Best Miners for Helium.
  • #1) SenseCAP Miner.
  • #2) Browan MerryIoT.
  • #3) Milesight LoRaWAN.
  • #4) Nebra Rock Pi.
  • #5) Radacat Cotx-X3.
  • #6) Bobcat Miner.
  • #7) MNTD Miner.
Apr 24, 2023

How much do you earn staking helium? ›

What is the Binance HNT Staking Reward Structure? Binance Staking launched back in July 2021. You can stake your HNT earning between 5% and 7.65% APY depending.

How much is 1 HNT in US dollar? ›

The current value of 1 HNT is $1.36 USD.

How much is .006 HNT in usd? ›

0.06 Helium is 0.083539 US Dollar.

How much is 32 HNT in usd? ›

How much is 32 Helium in US Dollar? 32 Helium is 47.559378 US Dollar.

Can I return my Bobcat miner? ›

If the goods are not faulty, we may return them to you, however you will be required to cover our reasonable postage costs.

What is a good RSSI for Helium miner? ›

In very simple terms, RSSI measures the strength of the radio signal you're receiving. In RSSI measurements, the larger the negative number, the weaker the signal. -130 is weaker than -100. In general, in the land of Helium, you want your RSSI to be between -82 and -134.

Why is my bobcat miner always yellow? ›

Use Bobcat Diagnoser to see the Network status in your hotspot. YELLOW light means that Miner has been started but it can't connected to the Internet. If you use RESET, RESYNC, or FASTSYNC in Diagnoser, it will also cause YELLOW light ( better to wait at least 1 hour if your saw a YELLOW light).

How many miles can a bobcat run in one hour? ›

Bobcats are excellent climbers and can run up to 30 miles per hour (48 kilometers per hour). They stalk their prey with unparalleled patience, and often travel 2 to 7 miles (3 to 11 kilometers) in an evening while hunting and patrolling their territory.

How far does a 4dBi antenna reach Helium? ›

With the 4dBi antenna, theoretically a distance of about 300 meters can be covered.

How fast can a full grown bobcat run? ›

They can leap as far as 12 feet to catch prey and have been known to take down much larger animals, such as young deer. The wild feline is about twice as big as a house cat—and a lot faster. It can run at speeds up to 25 to 30 miles an hour, and it's skilled at swimming.

Do Helium miners use a lot of electricity? ›

What is the power consumption? The average power consumption for the indoor miners is around 8W and for the outdoor miners it is around 12-15W.

Does Helium miner slow down internet? ›

Not necessarily, however it depends on your current internet speed. If your current data plan is already pushed to the maximum, by having a couple TV's running Netflix simultaneously while few other devices are connected to WiFi then adding a Helium miner might slow it down drastically.

Why is Helium difficult to handle? ›

Helium, like the other noble gases, is chemically inert. Its single electron shell is filled, making possible reactions with other elements extremely difficult and the resulting compounds quite unstable. Helium is the most difficult of all gases to liquefy and is impossible to solidify at normal atmospheric pressures.

What is a challenge on Helium miner? ›

Challengers are the Hotspot that constructs and issues the PoC Challenge. Hotspots issue challenges approximately once every 240 blocks, which are sent to another online Hotspot to continue as the Challengee.

What is Helium balloon challenge? ›

Helium Balloon Hover Challenge is a fun STEM activity where children manipulate a balloon so that it hovers without touching the ceiling or the floor.

How much is 1 Helium worth? ›

The price of 1 Helium currently costs $1.42.

What is the best wallet for Helium coin? ›

The best way to keep your Helium coins secure

Protect your Helium assets with the first and only independently-certified Helium wallet on the market. The Ledger Nano X is a Bluetooth enabled secure and CES award winning device that protect your Helium assets.

How much Helium can you mine a day? ›

The network daily average reward rate at time of writing is 0.10 HNT per day.

Is helium going to be gone? ›

The United States' reserves were purchased in 1925 and will be gone in only a hundred years from getting it. Once the Helium is released into the atmosphere it is gone forever. There is no chemical way of manufacturing Helium. The reserves the U.S. has came from very slow radioactive alpha decay that occurs in rock.

Is helium backed by Google? ›

Founded in 2019, Helium is a Google-backed startup that's on a mission to disrupt the telecom industry. It is a decentralised, blockchain-powered network which aims to provide connectivity for IoT devices and, more recently, 5G devices too.

Is helium declining? ›

Earth's limited amount of helium is constantly shrinking, in part because helium gas is extremely hard to bottle up. Its structure is so small that we need special containers to hold it. Think of birthday balloons, which we fill with a mix of helium and other gases.

Is mining still profitable 2023? ›

Cryptocurrency mining is still profitable in 2023, but it may not be as rewarding as in the past. That's accurate for a variety of factors, including the fact that cryptocurrency prices were significantly lower than their peaks for the majority of 2022 and into early 2023.

What will HNT price be in 2023? ›

Helium (HNT) Price Predictions 2023 - 2031
YearMinimum PriceAverage Price
5 more rows

Does Helium Network have a future? ›

Helium future forecast in general

Helium (HNT) is expected to have a strong performance in 2023 due to ongoing improvements in the Helium network. According to bullish predictions, the price of HNT could reach as high as $12.169 by the end of the year. However, bearish predictions suggest a lower price point of $1.47.

What is the future of HNT mining? ›

The crypto market will see high volatility in 2024. Based on our HNT price predictions, the minimum and maximum price of Helium is expected to be around $3.03 and $4.36, while the average price may be around $3.70 during 2024. It is expected to be a profitable investment by the end of 2024.

What is the best coin to mine with GPU 2023? ›

Litecoin: Litecoin (LTC), has a broad reach and reliable functionality. It appears on many lists as one of the top 10 profitable coins, and for good cause. LTC mining uses the Scrypt algorithm and is one of the most popular and successful currencies to be generated with a GPU.

How much can you make per month mining crypto? ›

Crypto Mining Salary
Annual SalaryMonthly Pay
Top Earners$100,500$8,375
75th Percentile$77,500$6,458
25th Percentile$48,000$4,000

Does crypto mining will end? ›

After all bitcoins are mined, miners will no longer receive block rewards for verifying transactions, but will instead earn transaction fees. It's estimated that all bitcoins will be mined by the year 2140, at which point the last block reward will be released.

How many HNT coins are left? ›

Helium is 97.28% below the all time high of $55.22. The current circulating supply is 143,934,820.83 HNT.

What will HNT be worth in 2025? ›

Helium price prediction May 2025: Helium's price for May 2025 according to our analysis should range between $3.79 to $4.36 and the average price of HNT should be around $4.08.

How high will helium HNT go? ›

Helium price prediction 24 May 2023: Helium's price for 24 May 2023 according to our analysis should range between $1.84 to $2.12 and the average price of HNT should be around $1.98.

What is happening to helium crypto? ›

Your HNT balance will migrate to the Solana blockchain. All Helium tokens (HNT, IOT, MOBILE) will become Solana native tokens, or SPLs, after the migration. SPL is the token standard for Solana network tokens, analogous to ERC-20 tokens on the Ethereum network.

What will be the price of HNT in 2050? ›

Helium (HNT) Price Prediction
YearMinimum PriceMaximum Price
6 more rows

What happened to Helium network? ›

After many months of planning, development, and coordination, the Helium Network will begin migrating to the Solana Blockchain starting at Tuesday, 18 April 2023 at 16:00 UTC Timezone.

Which miner is best for HNT? ›

9 Best Helium Miners to Earn HNT: 2023 Top Rated List
  • Comparison Table of Best Miners for Helium.
  • #1) SenseCAP Miner.
  • #2) Browan MerryIoT.
  • #3) Milesight LoRaWAN.
  • #4) Nebra Rock Pi.
  • #5) Radacat Cotx-X3.
  • #6) Bobcat Miner.
  • #7) MNTD Miner.
Apr 24, 2023

Should I invest in helium mining? ›

Helium is a cool application of blockchain technology, and it has been really interesting to see it growing so quickly in 2021. While it may not be as insanely profitable as earlier this year, Helium mining can still have a good return on investment, especially in an area that is still in need of growth.

Is it still worth it buying Bobcat miner? ›

From what I can tel it's still worth it. I went a head and ordered a Bobcat 300 last week. The biggest change we will see is the halving coming in August. This will reduce the amount you can mine, but more than Likely the pulls will be worth more than they are now due to the laws of supply and demand.

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Article information

Author: Gregorio Kreiger

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Views: 5869

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Reviews: 80% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Gregorio Kreiger

Birthday: 1994-12-18

Address: 89212 Tracey Ramp, Sunside, MT 08453-0951

Phone: +9014805370218

Job: Customer Designer

Hobby: Mountain biking, Orienteering, Hiking, Sewing, Backpacking, Mushroom hunting, Backpacking

Introduction: My name is Gregorio Kreiger, I am a tender, brainy, enthusiastic, combative, agreeable, gentle, gentle person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.