Barbarians (2024)

Barbarians (1)

Barbarians (2)

Barbarians (3)

“A horde of melee attackers with mean mustaches and even meaner tempers.”

The Barbarians is a Common card that is unlocked from the Barbarian Bowl (Arena 3). It spawns five single-target, ground-targeting, melee, ground troops with moderate hitpoints and damage. Their deployment is in a star formation. They wield swords and have blond hair and moustaches. They are the same as those spawned by the Barbarian Hut, Battle Ram, Barbarian Barrel, and the Barbarian Launcher. A Barbarians card costs 5 Elixir to deploy.


For Battle Decks with this card, click here

  • The Barbarians are a great option to use against enemy troops such as tanks and medium size pushes as the Barbarians have a moderate amount of hitpoints and damage, and are perfect for attacks with other tanks. Although they are very effective against single target troops like the Prince, Barbarians are susceptible to spells and troops which do area damage due to their slow move-speed. Their slow attack speed also leaves them vulnerable to swarms such as the Skeleton Army.
  • Despite being a swarm unit, Barbarians are fairly effective against an Electro Giant due to their high DPS and their moderately higher hitpoints compared to other swarm units, allowing them to survive the Electro Giant's reflected damage and defeat him for a +2 Elixir trade, but they will likely die in the process or have an insignificant amount of remaining health. Note that since the Barbarians will have little health remaining, any sort of damage dealt to them besides the Electro Giant's reflected damage will often nullify their defense, so the player should account for supporting troops or accompanying the Electro Giant as well.
  • Due to the amount of counters to a Barbarian and most resulting in a positive Elixir trade for the opponent, it is ineffective to deploy a group of Barbarians without support in one lane, as they can be easily countered due to their slow speed and can leave the player vulnerable to a push in the other lane. However, if the opponent is extremely low on Elixir, or their best counters are out of rotation, they can be very effective at forcing the opponent to spend Elixir poorly, as they can quickly chop down cheap troops and will completely destroy a Crown Tower by themselves.
  • They are excellent for taking out low numbers of enemy troops such as the Prince or Musketeer on the player's side. The 5 Barbarians will quickly eliminate the unit if they are dropped directly on top of it, surrounding it.
    • A successful defense with Barbarians will also make for a powerful counter-push; tank for the Barbarians for a threatening push or use them to tank for a glass-cannon, which also results in a threatening push.
    • They can also defeat a splash unit if placed directly on top of the unit, but failing to surround the splasher with Barbarians will cause them to take more damage than necessary. Note that this is ineffective against a charging Dark Prince, a Valkyrie or a jumping Mega Knight, as they have 360º splash.
  • The Barbarians can be effectively countered by most ranged splash troops such as the Bomber and Wizard from a distance. However, you must be careful as the opponent can use a Tornado or Freeze to immobilize or destroy the splash attacker, allowing the Barbarians to devastate the Crown Tower.
  • An effective counter is the Fireball; the damage and radius of the spell is more than enough to OHKO the Barbarians. However, keep in mind that if the Fireball is at a lower Level than the Barbarians, it will not OHKO them.
    • Additionally, the Barbarians can also act as a bait for these counters, allowing you to use other cards that would be weak to Fireball, such as Zappies.
    • Poison can also be an effective counter to use. Its damage over time will eliminate the Barbarians and any supporting troops. However, as with Fireball, it will not defeat Barbarians with a Level higher than the Poison.
    • If the Barbarians survive, try supporting them with a tank in front to get some use out of them.
    • A Rocket can also defeat them, however it is a negative Elixir trade. It is best to be used if the Barbarians are assisted with another card.
  • Rage used with Barbarians can do severe damage to a Crown Tower, as it is hard to stop because Rage increases movement and attack speed. The Barbarians together have high damage and can make short work of a tower before the opponent stops them. However, spells such as Poison still make quick work of this combo.
  • They are very effective at defeating enemy tanks due to their numbers, high combined damage, and ability to tank most spells. Support troops will have trouble defeating them due to their combined hitpoints. If the combo happens to be any ground-based splash damage card + ground-based melee tank, wait for the troops to cross the river. As soon as they cross, immediately drop the Barbarians upon the splash card. They will surround and destroy it quickly before moving on to eliminate the now unsupported tank. This can result in a large positive elixir trade. However, if there is more than one splash unit, the Barbarians are likely to be taken out immediately. Note that this may be ineffective against a P.E.K.K.A as she can OHKO Barbarians up to 2 Levels higher.
  • Barbarians cannot target air troops, so any air troops like Minions, Bats, Baby Dragon, and Skeleton Dragons can counter them easily unharmed, with the particular examples also being a positive Elixir trade.
    • Although situational, the player can use the Barbarians to distract air troops on defense. Compared to other ground swarms, they have the hitpoints to survive multiple attacks from the air troops, while the Crown Tower slowly chip them down.
  • They are very effective against Hog Riders and Ram Riders. Not only do they deal a lot of damage to these troops, but their high mass and slight spread forces the Hog Rider and Ram Rider to go around them, extending their distance from the Crown Tower. Because of this, the Barbarians can easily defeat these units with no damage to the Crown Tower.
  • The Barbarians, if placed early enough, can surround the Crown Tower, making it less vulnerable to attacks from a Goblin Barrel. They can handle it quite well with only minimal damage done. However, this is a 5 Elixir investment so only consider using it if you lack better counters.
  • Like other swarms, they are a great counter to Graveyard. Their large unit count allows them to spread out enough to cover most of the spell's area, while their hitpoints allows them to survive weak incoming spells, like Arrows and Giant Snowball. However, they can still be defeated with stronger spells, like Fireball and Poison.
  • Splitting the Barbarians in the back can discourage the opponent from attacking either Crown Tower, due to the Barbarians' defensive presence, and spells will not have as much value. However, they are slow moving and as such, the opponent might deal some unnecessary damage before the Barbarians arrive on their target.
  • Due to being 5 of them, they can act as a Lightning rod for more fragile units like a Magic Archer or a Flying Machine. 2 of them will also survive for extra protection for the guarded fragile units.
  • Barbarians can be used to increase the troop count for the Void, allowing the player to possible save their other troops from the spell. The card spawns enough troops that it can save any single troop with just the Barbarians.
  • Guards can be used as an alternative to Barbarians in certain decks. They have a lower 3 Elixir cost, slightly longer range, move faster, and come with a shield that makes them more resistant to spells, with the exception of Poison. In exchange, they deal a lot less damage and come with less units.


Barbarians (4)

Barbarians (5)

Barbarians (6)
Hit Speed
Barbarians (7)
Barbarians (8)
Deploy Time
Barbarians (9)
Barbarians (10)
Barbarians (11)
Barbarians (12)
Barbarians (13)
Barbarians (14)
Barbarians (15)
51.3 secMedium (60)1 secMelee: Short (0.7)Groundx5GroundTroopCommon
Barbarians (16)
Barbarians (17)
Barbarians (18)
Damage per second
Barbarians (19)

Card Mastery

Damage Dealer
Barbarians (20)
1Deal a total of 110,000 damage to enemy Troops or buildings200 Barbarians cards
25 Barbarians (21)
2Deal a total of 330,000 damage to enemy Troops or buildings2,000 Barbarians (22)
25 Barbarians (23)
3Deal a total of 550,000 damage to enemy Troops or buildings150 Barbarians (24)
25 Barbarians (25)
Troop Destroyer
Barbarians (26)
1Destroy 350 enemy Troops3,000 Barbarians (27)
100 Barbarians (28)
2Destroy 1,000 enemy Troops200 Barbarians (29)
100 Barbarians (30)
3Destroy 1,750 enemy Troops300 Barbarians (31)
100 Barbarians (32)



  • The Barbarians card was added with Clash Royale's game launch on 4/1/2016.
  • On 2/2/2016, the February 2016 Update, decreased the Barbarians' hitpoints by 3%.
  • On 29/2/2016, the March 2016 Update, decreased the Barbarians' sight range to 5.5 tiles (from 6 tiles).
  • On 3/5/2016, the May 2016 Update, increased the Common card Level cap to 13 (from 12). The update also fixed the “range bug”, which decreased the Barbarians' range to 0.7 tiles (from 1.2 tiles), but their effective range was unchanged.


  • On 4/6/2018, a Balance Update, decreased the Barbarians‘ attack time interval to 1.4 seconds (from 1.5 seconds). It also increased the distance between the Barbarians upon deployment.


  • On 28/1/2019, the January 2019 Update, fixed an issue where the Barbarians' Star Level used the sound effects of the Elite Barbarians.
  • On 4/3/2019, a Balance Update, decreased the Barbarians' hitpoints by 13%. It also increased the Barbarians' count to 5 (from 4) and gave the Barbarians a new 0.15 second deploy stagger from each other.
  • On 26/11/2019, the End of November 2019 Update, added a card render to the Barbarians' card info screen.


  • On 2/6/2020, a Balance Update, decreased the deploy stagger for each Barbarian to 0.1 seconds (from 0.15 seconds).


  • On 27/10/2021, the Champions Update, increased the Level cap of all cards to 14 (from 13).


  • On 7/6/2022, a Balance Update, decreased the Barbarians‘ attack time interval to 1.3 seconds (from 1.4 seconds).
  • On 1/8/2022, the August 2022 Update, changed the Barbarians' card image and card render, by making them look pixilated.
  • On 2/9/2022, a maintenance break, reverted the Barbarians' card image and card render to their state before 1/8/2022.



Barbarians (33)

Barbarians' card image between 1/8/2022 and 2/9/2022.

Barbarians (34)

Barbarians' card image before 19/6/2023.

Barbarians (35)

Barbarians' card render between 1/8/2022 and 2/9/2022.

Barbarians (36)

Barbarians' card render before 19/6/2023.

Barbarians (37)

Current card render.

Barbarians (38)

Rock Barbarian.


Wiki Navigation
CommunityHomeGame Version HistoryEsportsSupercell IDSupercell MakeAbbreviations
AssetsLoading ScreensLoading Screen HintsNotificationsSoundtracks
GeneralAbout CardsCard OverviewsBattle Decks
Troop CardsCommonMinionsArchers(Evolution)Knight(Evolution)Spear GoblinsGoblinsBomber(Evolution)Skeletons(Evolution)Barbarians(Evolution)Electro SpiritSkeleton DragonsFire SpiritBats(Evolution)Royal Recruits(Evolution)Royal Giant(Evolution)Ice Spirit(Evolution)Skeleton BarrelGoblin GangElite BarbariansMinion HordeFirecracker(Evolution)Rascals
RareMini P.E.K.K.A.MusketeerGiantValkyrie(Evolution)Mega MinionBattle Ram(Evolution)Wizard(Evolution)Flying MachineHog RiderRoyal HogsThree MusketeersBattle HealerIce GolemDart GoblinZappiesHeal SpiritElixir GolemGoblin DemolisherSuspicious Bush
EpicGuardsBaby DragonSkeleton ArmyWitchP.E.K.K.A.(Evolution)Dark PrincePrinceBalloonGiant SkeletonGoblin Giant(Evolution)HunterGolemElectro DragonWall Breakers(Evolution)Electro GiantBowlerExecutionerCannon CartRaging Prince+
LegendaryMega Knight(Evolution)Ram RiderElectro WizardInferno DragonSparkyMinerPrincessPhoenixRoyal GhostIce WizardMagic ArcherBanditLava HoundNight WitchLumberjackMother WitchFishermanGoblin MachineSuper Lava Hound+ • Super Witch+ • Super Mini P.E.K.K.A.+ • Santa Hog Rider+ • Super Ice Golem+ • Super Magic Archer+ • Super Archers+ • Wizard Trio+
ChampionGolden KnightSkeleton KingArcher QueenMighty MinerLittle PrinceMonkTerry+
Spell CardsCommonArrowsZap(Evolution)Giant SnowballRoyal DeliveryWarmth+
EpicGoblin Barrel(Evolution)LightningFreezeBarbarian BarrelPoisonRageVoidCloneTornadoMirrorGoblin Curse
LegendaryThe LogGraveyardParty Rocket+
Building CardsCommonCannonMortar(Evolution)Tesla(Evolution)Barbarian Launcher+
RareGoblin Cage(Evolution)Goblin HutTombstoneBomb TowerInferno TowerBarbarian HutFurnaceElixir Collector
EpicX-BowGoblin Drill(Evolution)
LegendaryParty Hut+ • Rocket Silo+
Tower Troop CardsCommonTower PrincessBaby Goblins+
LegendaryDagger duch*ess
BasicsBasics of BattleCardsElixirCard Evolution
ModesTraining CampArenasTournament (Special Event Challenges)Path of LegendsGoblin Queen's Journey+ • 2v2TouchdownGlobal SpellHeistTroop RushTreasure HuntObstacle Course+ • Chess Royale+ • Trick or Treat+ • Buff+
Crown Towers/Ruler'sKing's TowerGoblin Queen Tower+ • Princess Tower
SocialClansClan WarsFriendly BattleTrade TokensEmotesClan ChestClan Wars I
CurrenciesGoldGemsChestsTrophiesExperienceStar PointsMagic Items
FeaturesShopSeason ShopPass RoyalePlayer ProfileEvents+ • Card MasteryBattle BannersDaily TasksTV RoyaleAchievementsQuests

Current cards and features appear in blue. Formerly available cards and features that are no longer in the game appear in gray. Upcoming cards and features that are not yet in the game appear in yellow. A card or a feature with a + next to it denotes something that is/was temporary (has/had a timer on it, for example only through temporary events and gamemodes).

Barbarians (2024)
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Author: Patricia Veum II

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Name: Patricia Veum II

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