Bank of America Financial Center Services FAQs (2024)

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",btnText1:"Continue",btnText2:{bol:"Cancel"},modalHeaderBg:{bol:""}},"bol-SIPC":{header:"Benefits OnLine®",body:"

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",btnText1:"Continue",btnText2:"Cancel",modalHeaderBg:{bol:""}},"language-change":{header:"You're continuing to a page that could be in English",body:"

It's possible that the content, applications and other documents related with specific products and services on that page may only be available in English. Before choosing a product or service, please make sure you have read and understood all terms and conditions provided.

",btnText1:"Continue",btnText2:{edge:"Cancel",enterprise:"Cancel","co-brand":"Cancel",default:"Cancel"},modalHeaderBg:{edge:"",enterprise:"","enterprise-two":"","co-brand":"","small-biz":"",default:""}},"leaving-and-language":{header:"You're continuing to another website",body:"

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",btnText1:"Continue",btnText2:{bol:"Cancel"},modalHeaderBg:{bol:""}}},bankHolidays:["01/01/2020","01/20/2020","02/17/2020","05/25/2020","09/07/2020","10/12/2020","11/11/2020","11/26/2020","12/25/2020","01/01/2021","01/18/2021","02/15/2021","05/31/2021","07/05/2021","09/06/2021","10/11/2021","11/11/2021","11/25/2021","12/25/2021","01/01/2022","01/17/2022","02/21/2022","05/30/2022","06/20/2022","07/04/2022","09/05/2022","10/10/2022","11/11/2022","11/24/2022","12/25/2022","01/02/2023","01/16/2023","02/20/2023","05/29/2023","06/19/2023","07/04/2023","09/04/2023","10/09/2023","11/11/2023","11/23/2023","12/25/2023","01/01/2024","01/15/2024","02/19/2024","05/27/2024","06/19/2024","07/04/2024","09/02/2024","10/14/2024","11/11/2024","11/28/2024","12/25/2024","01/01/2025","01/20/2025","02/17/2025","05/26/2025","06/19/2025","07/04/2025","09/01/2025","10/13/2025","11/11/2025","11/27/2025","12/25/2025","01/01/2026","01/19/2026","02/16/2026","05/25/2026","06/19/2026","07/04/2026","09/07/2026","10/12/2026","11/11/2026","11/26/2026","12/25/2026","01/01/2027","01/18/2027","02/15/2027","05/31/2027","06/19/2027","07/05/2027","09/06/2027","10/11/2027","11/11/2027","11/25/2027","12/25/2027"],validationErrors:{validationErrorTitle:"[errorMessages.length] items need your attention",alphaOnly:"Enter only letters.",numberOnly:"Enter only numbers.",noNumbers:"Do not enter numbers.",alphaNumeric:"Enter only letters and numbers.",nameCharacters:{allowSpecialChars:"Enter only letters, spaces, apostrophes ('), periods (.) and hyphens (-).",noSpecialChars:"Enter only letters and spaces."},mailingAddress:"Enter a valid mailing address. (No P.O. Boxes)",streetAddress:"Start with a letter or number and follow with only letters, numbers, spaces, hyphens (-), slashes (/), periods (.) and pound signs (#).",cityCounty:"Start with a letter and follow with only letters, spaces and hyphens (-).",cityCanada:"Start with a letter and follow with only letters, spaces, periods (.), commas (,), apostrophes (') and hyphens (-).",stateCode:"Enter only letters.",intlStreetAddress:"Enter only letters, numbers, spaces, hyphens (-), slashes (/), periods (.), commas (,), apostrophes (') and pound signs (#).",unitNumber:"Enter only letters, numbers, spaces, hyphens (-), periods (.), apostrophes (') and pound signs (#).",phone:"Enter exactly 10 digits.",email:"Enter only letters, numbers, dots (.), underscores (_) and hyphens (-) in the format [email protected].",phoneOrEmail:"Enter a 10-digit phone number or an email address using only letters, numbers, dots (.), underscores (_) and hyphens (-) in the format [email protected].",zip:"Enter the 5- or 9-digit ZIP code in the format ##### or #####-####.",ssn:"Enter exactly 9 digits.",ein:"Enter exactly 9 digits.",idCharacters:"Enter only letters, numbers and asterisks (*).",numericValue:"Enter only numbers with up to $0 decimal place(s).",integer:"Enter only whole numbers (no decimals).",currency:"Enter only numbers and a decimal.",dateFormat:{fullDate:"Enter a valid month, day and year separated by non-numeric characters (MM/DD/YYYY).",monthYearDate:"Enter a valid month and year separated by non-numeric characters (MM/YYYY)."},startDate:"Enter a date on or after $0.",endDate:"Enter a date on or before $0.",dateRange:"Enter a date between $0 and $1.",minLength:"Enter at least $0 characters.",maxLength:"Enter no more than $0 characters.",lengthRange:"Enter between $0 and $1 characters.",minValue:"Enter a numeric value of $0 or more.",maxValue:"Enter a numeric value of $0 or less.",valueRange:"Enter a numeric value between $0 and $1.",multipleOf:"Enter a multiple of $0.",maxRepeatedChar:"$0 repeated too much. Please enter a different value.",isNotSingleRepeatingChar:"$0 is not a valid value.",sameAsField:"Enter a value that matches $0.",notSameAsField:"Enter a value different from $0.",isNotValue:"Enter a valid $0.",customPattern:"***You must supply a custom message when using the 'customerPattern' rule***",customFunction:"***You must supply a custom message when using the 'customFunction' rule***",required:"This field is required",namePrefix:"Enter only letters.",nameSuffix:"Enter only letters.",nameGeneration:"Enter only letters.","AML.firstName":"$0 is not a valid value.","AML.middleName":"$0 is not a valid value.","AML.lastName":"$0 is not a valid value.","AML.namePrefix":"$0 is not a valid value.","AML.nameSuffix":"$0 is not a valid value.","AML.nameGeneration":"$0 is not a valid value.","AML.businessName":"$0 is not a valid value.","AML.addressLine1":"$0 is not a valid value.","AML.addressLine2":"$0 is not a valid value.","AML.cityCounty":"$0 is not a valid value.","AML.stateCode":"$0 is not a valid value.","AML.zipCode":"$0 is not a valid value.","AML.countryCode":"$0 is not a valid value.","AML.dateOfBirth":"$0 is not a valid value.","AML.ssn":"Enter a valid SSN value.","AML.tin":"Enter a valid TIN value.","AML.itin":"Enter a valid ITIN value.","AML.ein":"Enter a valid EIN value."},formErrorMessaging:{btnHideErrors:"Hide additional errors",btnShowErrors:"Show additional errors"},inputs:{openHelp:"Open information for ",closeHelp:"Close information for ",textareaCharRemaining:"characters remaining.",textareaLimitExceeded:"Limit exceeded.",masking:{actions:{hide:"Hide",show:"Show"},inactive:"The value of this field will be hidden from view when not active",instructions:{default:"this value",message:"(the value will be hidden again in 5 seconds)"},securityText:"This value has been hidden for security reasons"}},inputsCombobox:{inputLabel:"Search",ariaLabel:"Search",searchBtn:"Search",dataSearching:"Searching",noDataErrorTitle:"Searching",noDataError:"No results or we are unable to retrieve your data.",controlReset:"Reset",controlToggleOpen:"Toggle",inputInvalid:"Enter a valid value."},favicons:{links:[{rel:"apple-touch-icon",sizes:"180x180",href:""},{rel:"icon",sizes:"32x32",type:"image/png",href:""},{rel:"icon",sizes:"16x16",type:"image/png",href:""},{rel:"icon",sizes:"192x192",href:""},{rel:"mask-icon",color:"#6e6e6e",href:""},{rel:"shortcut icon",href:""}],metas:[{name:"msapplication-TileColor",content:"#ffffff"},{name:"msapplication-TileImage",content:""},{name:"theme-color",content:"#ffffff"}]},structuredData:{corporation:{context:"",type:"Corporation",name:"Bank of America",url:"",logo:""},organization:{context:"",type:"Organization",name:"Bank of America",url:"",logo:""}},messagingIcons:{warning:'',error:'',info:'',success:''},messageIconText:{warning:"warning",error:"error",info:"info",success:"success"},accordions:{statusIconADAText:{error:", contains an error message",warning:", contains an warning message",success:", contains a success message"}},squeezeboxes:{statusIconADAText:{error:", contains an error message",warning:", contains an warning message",success:", contains a success message"}},tabNavigation:{dropdown:"entering dropdown menu layer"},smallImage:"",video:{play:"Play video",replay:"Replay video",pause:"Pause video",rewind:"Rewind video","fast-forward":"Fast-forward video",captions:{enable:{titleAttr:"Captions toggle",ariaLabel:"Enable closed captioning",string:"Press enter to enable closed captioning."},disable:{titleAttr:"Captions toggle",ariaLabel:"Disable closed captioning",string:"Press enter to disable closed captioning."}},fullscreen:{on:{titleAttr:"Full-screen toggle",string:"Press enter to enable full-screen mode"},off:{titleAttr:"Full-screen toggle",string:"Press enter to exit full-screen mode"}},transcript:{header:"Transcript",show:"View transcript",hide:"Hide transcript",collapsed:"Transcript collapsed",expanded:"Transcript expanded"},"time-elapsed":"00:00","time-total":"00:00","volume-up":"Volume up","volume-down":"Volume down","volume-control":{titleAttr:"Volume control",ariaLabel:"Press enter to activate volume control. Use the Up and Down arrow keys to adjust the volume."},status:{loadingStarted:"Loading video",loadingComplete:"Loading complete"}},pagination:{first:"First",previous:"Previous",next:"Next",last:"Last",showing:"Showing",showingNext:"Showing next",to:"to",of:"of",display:"Rows",pageType:"Page",rowsPerPage:"Rows per page",results:"results",for:"for",showMoreRows:"Show more rows",selectNumberOfResults:"Select the number of results per page that you would like displayed",selectPageNumber:"Select the page number that you would like displayed"},dataTable:{noDataErrorTitle:"Alert",noDataError:"We are currently unable to retrieve your data. Please try again later.",sorting:{iconSortable:"column is sortable",iconDirection:"column is sorted",directionAsc:"ascending",directionDsc:"descending"}},chips:{groupFilterLabel:"Filter Options",chipReset:"Reset [chipText] options [chipValue] back to default.",chipPolite:"[chipText] has changed from [layerCurrent] to [layerNow]"},spinner:{cancelBtn:"Cancel",retryBtn:"Try again"},whiteListDomains:{allEnv:["","","","","","","","","","",""],nonProdEnvOnly:["","","","","","","",""]},carousels:{ariaLabelPrev:"Previous",ariaLabelNext:"Next",ariaLabel:"Slide [slideIndex] of [slidesLength]"},skeletonLoader:{pageLoadingStart:"Page loading started",pageLoadingComplete:"Page loading complete",pageLoadingMultiStart:"One or more page sections are loading",pageLoadingMultiComplete:"All page sections are now loaded",sectionLoadingStart:"Section loading in progress",sectionLoadingComplete:"Section loading complete"},progressStepper:{complete:"complete",incomplete:"incomplete",current:"current",error:"error",statusText:"Status: ",stepText:"step",stepTextOf:"of",statusSpacer:" with "}},es:{globalText:{copy:"©",year:"2024",boaCorp:"Bank of America Corporation.",allRightsReserved:"Todos los derechos reservados."},footnote:{adaText:"Nota"},globalJs:{closeADALabel:"x: ",closeText:"cerrar",closeLayerADAText:"Ventana modal",closeModalADAText:"Ventana modal",closeMessageADAText:"Mensaje",openText:"abrir",show:"mostrar",hide:"cultar",continueText:"Continuar",cancel:"Cancelar",carouselItem:"Elemento",carouselItemOf:"de",disabledText:"Desactivado",optionalText:"opcional",layerStart:"Inicio de contenido en ventana modal",layerEnd:"Fin de contenido en ventana modal"},sprites:{message:""},layers:{modalHeaderBackgrounds:{edge:"",enterprise:"","enterprise-two":"","co-brand":"","small-biz":"",default:""},"leaving-site":{header:"Va a entrar a otro sitio web",body:"

Está a punto de entrar a un sitio web cuya propiedad o administración no pertenecen a Bank of America. El propietario del sitio es el único responsable del contenido, los productos y servicios ofrecidos, y el nivel de seguridad del sitio web, por lo que debe consultar la política de privacidad y los términos de uso publicados en el sitio. Es posible que la información proporcionada en el sitio web esté disponible solo en inglés.

",btnText1:"Continuar",btnText2:{edge:"Cancelar",enterprise:"Cancelar","co-brand":"Cancelar",default:"Cancelar"},modalHeaderBg:{edge:"",enterprise:"","enterprise-two":"","co-brand":"","small-biz":"",default:""}},"language-change":{header:"Va a entrar a una página que podría estar en inglés",body:"

Es posible que el contenido, las solicitudes y los documentos asociados con los productos y servicios específicos en esa página estén disponibles solo en inglés. Antes de escoger un producto o servicio, asegúrese de haber leído y entendido todos los términos y condiciones provistos.

",btnText1:"Continuar",btnText2:{edge:"Cancelar",enterprise:"Cancelar","co-brand":"Cancelar",default:"Cancelar"},modalHeaderBg:{edge:"",enterprise:"","enterprise-two":"","co-brand":"","small-biz":"",default:""}},"leaving-and-language":{header:"Va a entrar a otro sitio web",body:"

Está a punto de entrar a un sitio web cuya propiedad o administración no pertenecen a Bank of America. El propietario del sitio es el único responsable del contenido, los productos y servicios ofrecidos, y el nivel de seguridad del sitio web, por lo que debe consultar la política de privacidad y los términos de uso publicados en el sitio. Es posible que la información proporcionada en el sitio web esté disponible solo en inglés.

",btnText1:"Continuar",btnText2:{edge:"Cancelar",enterprise:"Cancelar","co-brand":"Cancelar",default:"Cancelar"},modalHeaderBg:{edge:"",enterprise:"","enterprise-two":"","co-brand":"","small-biz":"",default:""}}},bankHolidays:["01/01/2020","01/20/2020","02/17/2020","05/25/2020","09/07/2020","10/12/2020","11/11/2020","11/26/2020","12/25/2020","01/01/2021","01/18/2021","02/15/2021","05/31/2021","07/05/2021","09/06/2021","10/11/2021","11/11/2021","11/25/2021","12/25/2021","01/01/2022","01/17/2022","02/21/2022","05/30/2022","06/20/2022","07/04/2022","09/05/2022","10/10/2022","11/11/2022","11/24/2022","12/25/2022","01/02/2023","01/16/2023","02/20/2023","05/29/2023","06/19/2023","07/04/2023","09/04/2023","10/09/2023","11/11/2023","11/23/2023","12/25/2023","01/01/2024","01/15/2024","02/19/2024","05/27/2024","06/19/2024","07/04/2024","09/02/2024","10/14/2024","11/11/2024","11/28/2024","12/25/2024","01/01/2025","01/20/2025","02/17/2025","05/26/2025","06/19/2025","07/04/2025","09/01/2025","10/13/2025","11/11/2025","11/27/2025","12/25/2025","01/01/2026","01/19/2026","02/16/2026","05/25/2026","06/19/2026","07/04/2026","09/07/2026","10/12/2026","11/11/2026","11/26/2026","12/25/2026","01/01/2027","01/18/2027","02/15/2027","05/31/2027","06/19/2027","07/05/2027","09/06/2027","10/11/2027","11/11/2027","11/25/2027","12/25/2027"],validationErrors:{validationErrorTitle:"[errorMessages.length] detalles requieren de su atención",alphaOnly:"Indique solo letras.",numberOnly:"Indique solo números.",noNumbers:"No indique números.",alphaNumeric:"Indique solo letras y números.",nameCharacters:{allowSpecialChars:"Indique solo letras, espacios, apóstrofos ('), puntos (.) y guiones (-).",noSpecialChars:"Indique solo letras y espacios."},mailingAddress:"Indique una dirección de correo válida. (No apartados de correos)",streetAddress:"Comience con una letra o número y siga solo con letras, números, espacios, guiones (-), barras oblicuas (/), puntos (.) y signos de número o almohadilla (#).",cityCounty:"Comience con una letra y siga solo con letras, espacios y guiones (-).",cityCanada:"Comience con una letra y siga solo con letras, espacios, puntos (.), comas (,), apóstrofos (') y guiones (-).",stateCode:"Indique solo letras.",intlStreetAddress:"Indique solo letras, números, espacios, guiones (-), barras oblicuas (/), puntos (.), comas (,), apóstrofos (') y signos de número o almohadilla (#).",unitNumber:"Indique solo letras, números, espacios, guiones (-), puntos (.), apóstrofos (') y signos de número o almohadilla (#).",phone:"Indique exactamente 10 dígitos.",email:"Indique solo letras, números, puntos (.), guiones bajos (_) y guiones (-) con el formato [email protected].",phoneOrEmail:"Indique un número de teléfono de 10 dígitos o una dirección de correo electrónico usando solo letras, números, puntos (.), guiones bajos (_) y guiones (-) con el formato [email protected].",zip:"Indique el código postal de 5 o 9 dígitos con el formato ##### o #####-####.",ssn:"Indique exactamente 9 dígitos.",ein:"Indique exactamente 9 dígitos.",idCharacters:"Indique solo letras, números y asteriscos (*).",numericValue:"Indique solo números y una cifra decimal.",integer:"Indique solo números.",currency:"Indique solo números y una cifra decimal.",dateFormat:{fullDate:"Indique un mes, día y año válidos separados por caracteres que no sean numéricos (MM/DD/AAAA).",monthYearDate:"Indique un mes y año válidos separados por caracteres que no sean numéricos (MM/AAAA)."},startDate:"Indique una fecha que sea el, o después del, $0.",endDate:"Indique una fecha que sea el, o antes del, $0.",dateRange:"Indique una fecha entre el $0 y el $1.",minLength:"Indique al menos $0 caracteres.",maxLength:"Indique no más de $0 caracteres.",lengthRange:"Indique entre $0 y $1 caracteres.",minValue:"Indique un valor numérico de $0 o más.",maxValue:"Indique un valor numérico de $0 o menos.",valueRange:"Indique un valor numérico entre $0 y $1. 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Bank of America Financial Center Services FAQs (2024)


Does Bank of America still use challenge questions? ›

Bank of America Corporate Information Security requires that a minimum of six challenge questions be established when used to verify your identity.

Is Bank of America having problems right now? ›

No, we are not detecting any problems with Bank of America right now. The last outage detected for Bank of America was on Saturday, September 14, 2024 with a duration of about 40 minutes.

How to get $500 dollars from Bank of America? ›

How to Apply for a Bank of America Balance Assist Personal Loan. Balance Assist allows eligible Bank of America customers to borrow in increments of $100, up to $500. You will complete a loan application online, and, if it's approved, you should receive your funds in minutes.

What credit score do you need for Bank of America balance assist? ›

According to the lender, approval is based on your relationship with the bank and credit-based factors. This likely includes your credit score and credit history, though there is no credit score requirement for Balance Assist.

How to change Bank of America challenge questions? ›

You selected challenge questions and answers when you enrolled in Online Banking. You can change them at any time by going to Profile & Settings in Online Banking.

What are the weaknesses of Bank of America? ›

Following are some of the weaknesses of the company:
  • Low rate of income in the countries outside of the U.S: Bank of America gets 90% of its annual revenue from the banks in the United States. ...
  • Higher Rate of Interest: Most customers believe that the bank incurred a higher Rate of Interest.

Is Bank of America going under? ›

Overall, Bank of America appears to be in a relatively healthy financial position and is not currently in imminent danger of collapse. However, as with any financial institution, there are always risks involved, and customers and investors should always monitor the bank's financial health and risk profile.

How stable is Bank of America right now? ›

Bank of America Corporation
Long-term seniorA1AA-
2 more rows

Why can't i access my Bank of America? ›

Having problems signing in or resetting your Password? Check your password requirements. It should be at least 8 characters consisting of at least 1 uppercase letter, 1 lowercase letter and 1 number. Check your User ID.

What is the maximum cash withdrawal from Bank of America? ›

So, what is the ATM withdrawal limit for Bank of America? Bank of America sets a per transaction limit which is usually 1,000 USD or 60 bills². However, other limits might also apply which can vary based on your specific account type and availability of funds.

Can you keep millions of dollars in a bank account? ›

These limits can be imposed per account or as an aggregate across all your accounts. For example, you might be capped at $1 million for a single deposit account and $3 million across all of your accounts. Depending on your bank, the limits may be higher, lower or nonexistent.

What is the maximum amount of money you can have in a bank account USA? ›

You also may not want to deposit more than the FDIC-insured limit of $250,000 per account. 1 Learn more about the various bank policies you may face regarding how much you can deposit.

What FICO score does Bank of America use? ›

What score model was used to calculate my score? Your score in Online Banking is a FICO® Score 8 based on TransUnion Data to manage your account and that is what Bank of America shares with you. FICO® Scores consider five main categories of information from your credit report.

What is the max credit limit for Bank of America? ›

The Bank of America card that gives the highest credit limit is the Bank of America® Customized Cash Rewards credit card, which has a reported maximum limit of $95,000. Your individual limit will be determined based on your credit history, income, outstanding debts, and other factors.

What is the minimum credit score for Bank of America loan? ›

What credit score does Bank of America require for a mortgage? Bank of America requires a minimum credit score of 600 to qualify for a mortgage. That applies to VA and FHA loans. For a conventional loan from Bank of America, you'll need a credit score of at least 620.

Are security questions still valid? ›

Security questions are meant to help reset passwords, reopen locked accounts, and ultimately protect your digital spaces from attacks or breaches, but such safeguarding is widely considered flawed and unreliable .

Does Bank of America do a hard inquiry? ›

Yes, the Bank of America® Customized Cash Rewards credit card does a hard inquiry on your credit report when you apply.

Did Bank of America fail stress test? ›

According to a Federal Reserve statement, all 31 banks tested, including Bank of America, JPMorgan Chase, and Morgan Stanley, absorbed total projected hypothetical losses of $685 billion and remained above the minimum capital requirements for common equity tier 1 (CET1) banks, or banks considered important to the ...

Do banks use security questions? ›

Security questions are usually used by banks, online services, etc. The purpose of asking such questions is to add another layer of security alongside your password.

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Author: Greg Kuvalis

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Name: Greg Kuvalis

Birthday: 1996-12-20

Address: 53157 Trantow Inlet, Townemouth, FL 92564-0267

Phone: +68218650356656

Job: IT Representative

Hobby: Knitting, Amateur radio, Skiing, Running, Mountain biking, Slacklining, Electronics

Introduction: My name is Greg Kuvalis, I am a witty, spotless, beautiful, charming, delightful, thankful, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.