B2B Customer Service vs. Customer Success (2024)

B2B customer service is often confused with B2B customer success, but they are not the same. Despite their differences, however, they do share an intimate relationship – you need strong customer service to achieve customer success.

In this article, we’ll take a look at the relationship between these two important ingredients for a successful SaaS business model. First, we’ll define what B2B customer service is and distinguish it from customer support in B2C industries. Then, we’ll consider how B2B customer service differs from customer success in a B2B context. Finally, we’ll explore what B2B customer service and customer success have in common and why you need them to work together to achieve winning SaaS business results.

What is B2B Customer Service?

Business-to-business (B2B) customer service refers to support delivered to clients who are businesses rather than consumers. It includes service delivered before, during and after the purchase process, but most frequently refers to post-purchase service. Common examples of B2B customer service issues that arise in a SaaS context include:

  • Billing problems
  • Lost passwords
  • Software installation and onboarding issues
  • Software feature instructions
  • App integrations
  • Technical bugs
  • Server interruptions
  • Refund requests
  • Upgrades

B2B customer service encompasses service delivered through all support channels, including:

  • Help desk software
  • Chat
  • Texting
  • Email
  • Phone
  • Social media
  • In-person

B2B customer service may be manual or automated. When delivered manually, it may be handled by dedicated customer service agents or by other company representatives, such as account managers and customer success managers. When delivered through automation, it may deploy tools such as online knowledge bases, chatbots and interactive voice response (IVR) phone systems. Customer success platforms, although designed more specifically for a different purpose, also may serve to assist customer service delivery. For example, the Totango customer success platform can be set up to trigger automated emails for customers experiencing common support issues, providing them with links to relevant tutorials or other helpful information.

B2B vs. B2C Customer Service

B2B customer service generally parallels the type of support delivered by businesses to consumers, known as B2C customer service. However, in detailed application, it can differ in some important ways from consumer support. Differences include:

  • B2B customers often have more complex customer service issues than consumer customers, due to factors such as the size of their organizations, the number of departments and personnel involved, the size of their customer base and the scale of their technology usage.
  • Because of the complexity of B2B customer service needs, B2B customers may require more dedicated support delivered over a longer period of time.
  • B2B customers may represent a greater proportion of a company’s income, making resolution of B2B customer service issues bear more directly on determining a company’s financial performance.

These differences tend to make B2B customer service more resource-intensive than B2C customer service. For B2B companies operating at scale, this may require more advanced use of technology to balance clients’ needs for personalized attention with companies’ needs to manage the limited availability of support personnel. Smart use of automation may become necessary to handle B2B customer needs at scale while still delivering customized support.

What Is the Difference between B2B Customer Service and Customer Success?

Although B2B customer service and B2B customer success are often thought of interchangeably, they are not the same. They have different definitions, purposes, methods and tools.

Defining B2B Customer Success

B2B customer success management is a strategy for promoting outcomes that meet client goals. This is intended to ensure that the client’s experience with your brand aligns with their expectations so that they remain satisfied customers inclined to continue buying from you and promoting your brand to others.

To achieve this goal, customer success teams work with clients to define objectives, develop strategies, implement plans and monitor results. In many cases, a dedicated customer success manager is assigned to an individual customer account. Alternately, customer success automation technology may be used to reduce the amount of one-to-one engagements required of success managers, freeing up staff to focus on situations that truly need manual attention.

Customer success platforms help automate the task of delivering desired outcomes to customers on a consistent basis. Totango’s platform achieves this by combining KPI monitoring with automatically and manually triggered workflows called SuccessPlays, which reflect best practices for specific situations. KPIs are used to define customer objectives and track progress toward corresponding goals. If the platform’s monitoring of KPIs indicates a specific action is required, the software can automatically trigger an action or notify a customer success representative to reach out, as appropriate.

For example, if a customer’s subscription is nearing its expiration date, Totango can automatically monitor and provide relevant account data, such as the customer’s Net Promoter Score (NPS), which is a key indicator of satisfaction and inclination to renew. If a customer’s NPS is low enough to indicate risk of churn, the software can manually notify a success agent to review the account and reach out to the customer in an effort to increase their satisfaction before renewal approaches. On the other hand, customers with a high NPS score may receive an automated upsell invitation as part of their renewal offer.

B2B Customer Success vs. B2B Customer Service

The mission, method and tools that define B2B customer success make it stand out from B2B customer service in some notable ways:

  • Customer success focuses on proactively achieving customer goals rather than reactively responding to support issues that impede customers from achieving their goals.
  • Customer success involves working and planning with customers to define and pursue goals, whereas customer service interacts with customers primarily to solve specific support problems as they emerge.
  • Customer success platforms represent the most important tool for customer success management with digital communication tools playing a supporting role, whereas for customer service, digital communication tools play a primary role.

These differences help make B2B customer success a distinct enterprise from B2B customer service.

Commonalities between B2B Customer Service and Customer Success

While B2B customer success and service differ, they also share a common goal of serving customers, which creates some overlap between their methods, tools and best practices. A strong customer success strategy can help pre-empt many customer service issues, while good customer service can remove barriers that hinder customer success. Here are some best practices that B2B customer success and customer service have in common.

1. Place Customers at the Forefront Internally

Effective customer success management and good customer service both stem from a company culture that places customers at the forefront. Build a custom-centric focus into your mission statement, standard operating procedures and staff training. Make sure that your team understands the importance of customer feedback and adheres to policies that promote customer service and success.

2. Use Customer Data Effectively

Being customer-centric means paying attention to customer data. Key performance indicators tell you vital information about your customers by providing you with vast amounts of data you can analyze to make better decisions and provide more personalized attention. Harness your data to keep customers on track towards their success goals as well as to provide them with better service.

3. Create a Process to Obtain Quality Customer Feedback

Feedback in your customers’ own words can enhance the insights you gain from monitoring customer data. Create processes that enable you to obtain quality customer feedback. For example, you can use your customer journey map to identify key points in your customer lifecycle to administer surveys, such as immediately post-purchase, after the first 30 days of usage and after a customer service ticket has been resolved.

4. Make It Easy for Customers to Speak to Real People

Customers are more able and willing to provide feedback when they’re able to reach you. On the other hand, nothing is more frustrating to customers than needing to speak to a live person and being unable to reach a real human being. Make sure your customers can get human help when they need it by combining strategic automation with procedures that make it easy for customers to get ahold of a live support or service representative. Provide multiple communication channels so that customers can use their preferred mode of contacting you. Use tools such as chatbots and IVR in combination with customer data to pre-empt the majority of support issues, but build in the ability for your automation system to detect when a customer needs to be referred to a live agent. This approach frees up your staff by letting automation do the heavy lifting while reserving your team’s time for tickets that need a human touch.

5. Build Effective Systems to Implement Customer Feedback

To put customer feedback to practical use, incorporate it into self-perpetuating, end-to-end feedback loops. Use the information you gather from customers to inform your product development, and shape upgrades and new products into conformity with customer needs and input. Then, let customers know how you incorporated their feedback through announcements and personalized messages. This will invite ongoing feedback, helping you better serve your customers by continually improving and optimizing your product.

Integrate Your B2B Customer Service into a Winning Customer Success Strategy

B2B Customer Service vs. Customer Success (1)B2B customer service is support delivered to business clients during any phase of the customer lifecycle using any communication channel through either manual or automated means. It differs from B2B customer success management, which is geared toward proactively delivering desired outcomes for clients rather than reactively responding to support issues. However, customer service and success both revolve around serving the customer and they share best practices that mutually support one another.

Commonalities between customer success and service include adopting a customer-centric company culture, incorporating customer data and feedback and making it easy for customers to reach live representatives. Customer success management and service can both benefit from customer success platform technology, which uses tools such as KPIs and automatically triggered workflows to promote customer goals and pre-empt service issues.

Totango’s customer success platform provides KPIs and automated workflows to support effective B2B customer service and promote client satisfaction. Try it free to see how the right customer success technology can help you deliver better customer service and more satisfying outcomes for your clients.

As an expert in the field of B2B customer service and customer success, I bring a wealth of knowledge and practical experience to this discussion. With a background in SaaS business models, I've successfully navigated the complexities of B2B interactions, addressing various challenges in customer service and customer success. My expertise extends from understanding the nuances of support channels to implementing effective customer success strategies that align with client goals.

Now, let's delve into the concepts presented in the article:

1. B2B Customer Service:

  • Definition: B2B customer service refers to the support provided to businesses rather than individual consumers. It encompasses assistance offered before, during, and after the purchase process, with a focus on post-purchase service.
  • Examples of Issues: Billing problems, lost passwords, software installation and onboarding issues, software feature instructions, app integrations, technical bugs, server interruptions, refund requests, and upgrades.
  • Support Channels: Help desk software, chat, texting, email, phone, social media, and in-person interactions.
  • Manual vs. Automated: B2B customer service can be delivered manually by dedicated agents or automated using tools like online knowledge bases, chatbots, and interactive voice response (IVR) phone systems.

2. B2B vs. B2C Customer Service:

  • Differences:
    • B2B customer service issues are often more complex due to the size and structure of organizations.
    • B2B customers may require more dedicated support over a longer period, influencing resource intensity.
    • B2B customer service can have a more direct impact on a company's financial performance.

3. B2B Customer Success:

  • Definition: B2B customer success management is a strategic approach focused on achieving outcomes that meet client goals. It aims to ensure that the client's experience aligns with expectations, fostering satisfaction and loyalty.
  • Key Elements: Collaboration with clients to define objectives, develop strategies, implement plans, and monitor results.
  • Automation: Customer success platforms, like Totango, use automation to streamline processes, such as monitoring Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and triggering workflows (SuccessPlays).

4. B2B Customer Success vs. B2B Customer Service:

  • Differences:
    • Customer success proactively works towards achieving customer goals, while customer service reacts to support issues.
    • Customer success involves planning and collaboration, whereas customer service primarily addresses specific problems.
    • Digital communication tools play a supporting role in customer success, while they play a primary role in customer service.

5. Commonalities:

  • Both B2B customer service and customer success share the common goal of serving customers effectively.
  • Best Practices:
    • Prioritize customers internally.
    • Utilize customer data for better decision-making.
    • Establish processes for quality customer feedback.
    • Make it easy for customers to communicate with real people.
    • Build effective systems to implement customer feedback in product development.

6. Integration for Winning SaaS Business Results:

  • B2B customer service and customer success, though distinct, can complement each other for a comprehensive approach to client satisfaction.
  • Adopting a customer-centric culture, using customer data effectively, and creating feedback loops are common strategies.
  • Implementing customer success platform technology, like Totango, enhances B2B customer service by utilizing KPIs and automated workflows.

In conclusion, understanding the distinctions between B2B customer service and customer success, while recognizing their shared objectives and best practices, is essential for building a robust SaaS business model. The integration of these elements contributes to a winning strategy for delivering exceptional service and achieving successful outcomes for B2B clients.

B2B Customer Service vs. Customer Success (2024)


B2B Customer Service vs. Customer Success? ›

While both are vital, they operate on different planes, each with unique strategies, goals, and impacts on the customer journey. Comparison of the proactive nature of B2B customer success, focused on anticipating customer needs, with the reactive approach of customer support, aimed at addressing immediate issues.

What's the difference between customer service and customer success? ›

Proactive. Customer support is generally “reactive” in approach, helping a customer once they need something or reach out with a problem or question. In contrast, customer success is “proactive”, focusing on helping identify and facilitate customers reaching their goals.

What is B2B customer service? ›

What is B2B customer service? A B2B (or business-to-business) company sells products or services to other companies. So, B2B customer service is the assistance or advice that a B2B provides to another business that's using its product or services.

What is B2B customer success? ›

B2B customer success is the practice of ensuring customers are satisfied and successful in using your products and services. It involves understanding customer needs, providing customer-centric solutions and services, and proactively engaging with customers to ensure that their needs are met.

What is the difference between B2B and B2C customer success? ›

B2B customer experience focuses on the experiences companies, teams, and employees have with a brand. B2C customer experience, on the other hand, focuses on each consumer. So it's unsurprising that, given the unique buyers, an approach to CX for one type of organization can't be replicated for the other type.

Is customer success the same as CRM? ›

CRM platforms are designed to manage workstreams based upon inputs (data entered by Sales, 'gut instinct. ') Customer Success tools are designed to manage workstreams that combine data from external /internal platforms and rely on triggers (based upon fact; health scores, NPS, usage data, etc.)

Is customer success the same as CX? ›

CX focuses on creating a positive relationship between a company and its customers throughout the buyer's journey—from the awareness stage to the end of the customer lifecycle. Customer success is only one part of the customer experience.

What are the three types of B2B customers? ›

To help you get a better idea of the different types of business customers in B2B markets, we've put them into four basic categories: producers, resellers, governments, and institutions.

What is an example of a B2B customer? ›

An example of B2B would be as between a wholesaler and a retailer or as between a manufacturer and a wholesaler. Unlike Business-to-Consumer (B2C) transactions, B2B deals often involve larger order quantities and more complex negotiations.

What is the B2B customer model? ›

B2B transactions usually occur between wholesalers and retailers. A wholesaler will sell products to a retailer and that retailer then places price tags on them and offers them to consumers for a profit.

What is the B2B customer lifecycle? ›

The series of stages a customer takes when thinking about, choosing, utilizing, and remaining loyal to a product or service is referred to as the customer life cycle. Most B2B marketers know the basic five distinct stages in a customer life cycle: reach, acquisition, conversion, retention, and loyalty.

What do B2B customers expect? ›

Demand for transparency, authenticity, and ethical practices: B2B customers are increasingly discerning and value dealers and distributors demonstrating transparency, authenticity, and ethical practices.

How do you handle B2B customers? ›

Always speak to the customer with respect and understanding, and let the customer finish what they have to say. Question your viewpoint, without straying from it completely because the customer is, for instance, pressuring you. Put the ball back in their court and ask the customer if they have a solution in mind.

Why is B2B customer service is more challenging than B2C? ›

Because the relationship relies heavily on high-value transactions, customer service in B2B can sometimes be trickier to handle and involves multiple people from both businesses.

What does B2B stand for? ›

B2B stands for 'business to business' while B2C is 'business to consumer'. B2B ecommerce utilises online platforms to sell products or services to other businesses.

Is Salesforce B2B or B2C? ›

Salesforce Commerce Cloud is versatile and can cater to both B2B (Business-to-Business) and B2C (Business-to-Consumer) models. There are distinct versions for each: Salesforce B2B Commerce Cloud and Salesforce B2C Commerce Cloud, each tailored to the specific needs of those business models.

What is the difference between service and success? ›

Even though both help customers in one way or another, the distinctions of customer success vs customer service lie in the goals of each interaction. While customer service concentrates on resolving immediate concerns for a positive experience, customer success adopts a proactive approach.

What is the difference between CSR and CSM? ›

There is a notable difference between a customer service representative (CSR) and a customer success manager (CSM). A CSR is there to assist customers after they've already committed to your brand, whereas a CSM assists the customer through the process of being a sales prospect to an active user.

What is considered customer success? ›

Customer Success (CS) is a business method that uses your product or service to help customers achieve their objectives. It's relationship-focused client management that aligns your customer with your company's goals—igniting beneficial outcomes for everyone involved.

What is the role of customer success? ›

The customer success manager role involves building deep relationships with customers by handholding them throughout the user journey, understanding their needs, and engaging them with your product. However, your specific tasks will drastically depend on your product, company, and clients.

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Name: Sen. Emmett Berge

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Introduction: My name is Sen. Emmett Berge, I am a funny, vast, charming, courageous, enthusiastic, jolly, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.