B2-1.5-02, Loan Eligibility (07/05/2023) (2024)

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B2-1.5-02, Loan Eligibility (07/05/2023) (2)

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B2-1.5-02, Loan Eligibility (07/05/2023) (3)

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  • Home
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  • / Origination through Closing
  • / Subpart B2: Eligibility
  • / Chapter B2-1: Mortgage Eligibility
  • / Section B2-1.5: Other Loan Attributes and Related Policies


This topic contains information on mortgage loan eligibility requirements, including:

  • Ability to Repay Loan Eligibility Requirements
  • Acceptable Loan Terms
  • HOEPA and State Higher-Priced Loans
  • Impact of Special Assessments on Maximum Loan Amount
  • Premium Pricing
  • Private Transfer Fee Covenants
  • Age of Loan
  • Property Value for Loans Sold More than Four Months from Note Date
  • Seasoned Loans
  • Modified Loans
  • Nonstandard Payment Collection Options

Ability to Repay Loan Eligibility Requirements

The following provisions apply to loans with application dates on or after January 10, 2014.

Note: As to any loan for which the original application was made before January 10, 2014, but which was assumed on or after January 10, 2014, and subsequently purchased or securitized by Fannie Mae, then, for eligibility purposes, the application date is considered to be the date on which Truth in Lending Act disclosure requirements were triggered with respect to such assumption.

ATR Covered Loans. An ATR Covered Loan is a loan subject to the TILA’s ability to repay requirements under Regulation Z and is otherwise not an ATR Exempt Loan (defined below). An ATR Covered Loan must meet the following requirements in addition to the other underwriting and eligibility requirements in the Selling Guide:

  • have a loan term not exceeding 30 years (see Acceptable Loan Terms below);

  • be a fully amortizing loan, as defined in Regulation Z:

    • the loan must have regular periodic payments that are substantially equal that do not result in an increase in the principal balance or allow the borrower to defer repayment of principal;

  • have total points and fees as described below under Points and Fees Limitations; and

  • have an APR-APOR spread as described below under APR-APOR Spread Limitations.

The ATR Covered Loan requirements apply to acquisitions of newly originated loans (including government mortgage loans). These requirements do not apply to certain assumptions or modifications of existing Fannie Mae loans regardless of the dates on which the loans being assumed or modified were originally closed. Refer to the regulation for the applicable requirements.

ATR Exempt Loans. An ATR Exempt Loan is, with certain exceptions, a loan that either is not subject to TILA or is exempt from the ability to repay requirements in Regulation Z (12 CFR § 1026.43(a) or (d)). For purposes of determining whether a loan is an ATR Exempt Loan, lenders must follow the TILA and Regulation Z definitions.

Note: The classification of certain transactions for TILA purposes and for eligibility and underwriting purposes by Fannie Mae do not always align. For example, Fannie Mae defines a four-unit property where the borrower occupies one of the units as a “principal residence.” If under TILA such a loan is considered to be for commercial or business purposes, it will be exempt from TILA and therefore considered an ATR Exempt Loan by Fannie Mae.

Fannie Mae purchases or securitizes ATR Exempt Loans as long as such loans meet the other eligibility and underwriting requirements described in this Guide.

Points and Fees Limitations. For purposes of these requirements, “total points and fees” and “total loan amount” must be calculated in accordance with Regulation Z (12 CFR § 1026.32).

  • ATR Covered Loans: Total points and fees may not exceed 3% of the total loan amount or such different amount in accordance with the qualified mortgage provisions of Regulation Z (12 CFR § 1026.43(e)(3)(i)). If a lender makes a cure payment in the amount and by the time required by 12 CFR § 1026.43(e)(3)(iii), such loan satisfies this requirement.

  • ATR Exempt Loans: Total points and fees may not exceed 5% of the total loan amount. This determination may take into account either of the following adjustments:

    • permitted reduction of total points and fees pursuant to 12 CFR § 1026.31(h); or

    • in the case of loans not subject to TILA, restitution to the borrower of at least that portion of total points and fees that exceeded 5% at the time of loan closing.

APR-APOR Spread Limitations. Effective for loans with applications dates on and after July 1, 2021, the APR-APOR spread is the maximum difference by which the loan's APR cannot exceed the APOR. (Note: Loans with application dates before July 1, 2021 provided the loans otherwise meet the Revised QM Rule.)

  • ATR Covered Loans: The spread may not exceed 2.25% or a different amount as specified in the Revised General QM Rule, calculated in accordance with the provisions of that rule.

Note: For ARMs with initial fixed periods of five years or less, the APR must be calculated using the maximum interest rate that could apply during the first five years after the first payment is due.

  • ATR Exempt Loans: The spread may not exceed 6.5% or more calculated in accordance with the Revised General QM rule.

Acceptable Loan Terms

Fannie Mae purchases or securitizes loans that have original terms up to 30 years. The term of a first mortgage may not extend more than 30 years beyond the date that is one month prior to the date of the first payment. The minimum original term is 85 months, subject to applicable committing and delivery requirements for whole loans and loans in MBS.

Exception: The only exception to these requirements is for single-closing construction-to-permanent loans, which must have a loan term not exceeding 30 years after conversion to permanent financing (disregarding the construction period). See B5-3.1-02, Conversion of Construction-to-Permanent Financing: Single-Closing Transactions.

HOEPA and State Higher-Priced Loans

A loan that is subject to the Home Ownership and Equity Protection Act of 1994 (HOEPA), as described in Section 32 of Regulation Z, is not eligible for delivery to Fannie Mae.

In addition, Fannie Mae does not purchase or securitize loans that meet the definitions under the following laws of the state in which the property is located (“state higher-priced loans”), regardless of whether any provision of such state law is preempted by federal law with respect to a particular loan or for a particular originator:

StateLoan TypeDescription
ArkansasHigh-cost home loanLoans delivered on or after September 1, 2003 that meet the definition of “high-cost home loan” under the Arkansas Home Loan Protection Act (Ark. Code Ann. §§ 23-53-101 et seq.), notwithstanding the “safe harbor” language contained in § 23-53-103(5)(B).
GeorgiaHome LoanLoans originated between October 1, 2002 and March 7, 2003 that are governed by the Georgia Fair Lending Act (Ga. Code Ann. §§ 7-6A-1 et seq.).
GeorgiaHigh-cost home loanLoans delivered on or after January 1, 2003 that meet the definition of “high-cost home loan” under the Georgia Fair Lending Act (Ga. Code Ann. §§ 7-6A-1 et seq.), as amended effective March 7, 2003.
IllinoisHigh risk home loanLoans delivered on or after January 1, 2004 that meet the definition of “high risk home loan” under the Illinois High Risk Home Loan Act (§ 815 Ill. Comp. Stat. 137/1 et seq.).
IndianaHigh cost home loanLoans delivered on or after January 1, 2005 that meet the definition of “high cost home loan” under the Indiana Home Loan Practices Act (Ind. Code Ann. §§ 24-9-1 et seq.), notwithstanding the “safe harbor” language contained in § 24-9-1-1.
KentuckyHigh-cost home loanLoans delivered on or after September 1, 2003 that meet the definition of “high-cost home loan” under the Kentucky high-cost home loan statute (Ky. Rev. Stat. § 360.100).
MaineHigh-rate, high-fee mortgageLoans delivered on or after January 1, 2008 that meet the definition of “high-rate, high-fee mortgage” under the Maine Consumer Credit Code – Truth in Lending (Me. Rev. Stat. Tit. 9-A §§ 8-101 et seq.).
MassachusettsHigh-cost home mortgage loanLoans delivered on or after November 7, 2004 that meet the definition of “high cost home mortgage loan” under the Massachusetts Predatory Home Loan Practices Act (Mass. Gen. Laws Ann. ch.183C).
New JerseyHigh-cost home loanLoans delivered on or after November 27, 2003 that meet the definition of “high-cost home loan” under the New Jersey Home Ownership Security Act of 2002 (N.J. Rev. Stat. §§ 46:10B-22 et seq.).
New MexicoHigh-cost home loanLoans delivered on or after January 1, 2004 that meet the definition of “high-cost home loans” under the New Mexico Home Loan Protection Act (N.M. Stat. Ann. §§ 58-21A-1 et seq.).
New YorkHigh-cost home loanLoans delivered on or after April 1, 2003 that meet the definition of “high-cost home loan” under the New York Banking Law § 6-l.
New YorkSubprime home loanLoans delivered on or after September 1, 2008 that meet the definition of “subprime home loan” under New York Banking Law § 6-m.
Rhode IslandHigh-cost home loanLoans delivered on or after December 31, 2006 that meet the definition of “high-cost home loan” under the Rhode Island Home Loan Protection Act (R.I. Gen. Laws §§ 34-25.2-1 et seq.), notwithstanding the exemptions contained in § 34-25.2-11 of the Rhode Island law.
TennesseeHigh-cost home loanLoans delivered on or after January 1, 2007 that meet the definition of “high-cost home loan” under the Tennessee Home Loan Protection Act (Tenn. Code Ann. §§ 45-20-101 et seq.), notwithstanding the preemption provision contained in § 45-20-111 of the Tennessee law.

Impact of Special Assessments on Maximum Loan Amount

If special assessments have been levied against the property and they are not paid before or at closing, the maximum loan amount otherwise available must be reduced by the amount of the unpaid special assessments (unless sufficient deposits to pay them will be collected as part of the loan payment).

If the security property may be subject to liens for taxes and special assessments and the liens are not yet due and payable, Fannie Mae does not consider these conditions, restrictions, and encumbrances material and does not require a reduction in the maximum loan amount.

The lender must provide documentation to show that the current installments of taxes and assessments (or future installments of special assessments that have been levied) - including those which may have been attached as prior liens, but which are not now in arrears - have been paid or that sufficient deposits are being collected to pay them.

Premium Pricing

Premium pricing refers to situations when a borrower selects a higher interest rate on a loan in exchange for a lender credit. The lender credit cannot be used to fund any portion of the borrower’s down payment, and should not exceed the amount needed to offset the borrower’s closing costs.

Any excess lender credit required to be returned to the borrower in accordance with applicable regulatory requirements is considered an overpayment of fees and charges, and may be applied as a principal curtailment or returned in cash to the borrower. See the following sections for additional details on lender credits derived from premium pricing:

  • B3-4.1-01, Minimum Reserve Requirements

  • B3-4.1-02, Interested Party Contributions (IPCs)

  • B5-5.1-02, Community Seconds Loan Eligibility

Private Transfer Fee Covenants

In accordance with a regulation issued by the Federal Housing Finance Agency on March 16, 2012, and codified at 12 CFR Part 1228 (the “Private Transfer Fee Regulation”), except as provided below, Fannie Mae will not purchase or securitize loans on properties encumbered by private transfer fee covenants if those covenants were created on or after February 8, 2011, unless permitted by the Private Transfer Fee Regulation.

The lender must establish policies and/or procedures to ensure that the loans it delivers to Fannie Mae, whether or not the loans were originated by the lender, are not secured by properties encumbered with a private transfer fee that is unacceptable under the Private Transfer Fee Regulation. The policies and/or procedures will be reviewed by Fannie Mae as part of the lender’s operational review process.

As with all other federal, state, and local laws, the lender (and any third-party originator it uses) must be aware of, and in full compliance with, the Private Transfer Fee Regulation. (Refer to the Private Transfer Regulation for further detail concerning acceptable and unacceptable private transfer fee covenants, as well as the definitions of “private transfer fee” and “private transfer fee covenant.”)

Notwithstanding the Private Transfer Fee Regulation, Fannie Mae will purchase certain loans that are part of shared equity transactions and secured by properties encumbered by private transfer fee covenants that meet the conditions in B5-5.3-02, Shared Equity Transactions: General Requirements.

Age of Loan

To be eligible for purchase by Fannie Mae on a flow basis, a loan must be no more than six months old measured from the first payment date to the "Purchase Ready" date (whole loans) or the MBS pool issue date (MBS loans).

For example, if a whole loan is in "Purchase Ready" status in May 2023 or an MBS loan is in a May 1, 2023 issued pool, the first payment date can be no earlier than December 1, 2022.

NOTE: HomeStyle Renovation loans that are not delivered until renovation is complete (and delivered with SFC 279) can be sold up to 15 months after the note date. See B5-3.2-01, HomeStyle Renovation Mortgages for additional requirements.

Property Value for Loans Sold More than Four Months from Note Date

For loans that are more than four months old from the date of the note to the date the loan is sold to Fannie Mae, the current value of the property cannot be less than the original value. If the lender is unable to warrant that the current value of the property is not less than the original value of the property, the loan is not eligible for sale to Fannie Mae by the lender except on a negotiated basis.

Seasoned Loans

Seasoned loans are loans that are more than one year old from the first payment date to:

  • the loan purchase date for whole loans, or

  • the pool issue date for MBS loans.

Note: Fannie Mae restricts purchase or securitization of seasoned loans to those that are delivered as a negotiated transaction. Contact Fannie Mae customer account team for additional information.

The table below provides the requirements for seasoned loans.

Seasoned Loan Requirements
Seasoned loans may not be included in Fannie Majors MBS pools. See Chapter C3–6, Pooling Loans into Fannie Majors.
The lender’s underwriting of the borrower’s credit and the security property for a seasoned loan must meet the current requirements set out in this Guide.
The borrower has not had a 30-day delinquency in the 12-month period that precedes the lender’s delivery of the loan to Fannie Mae.
If the current borrower assumed the loan and has owned the property for less than 12 months, theymust have had no 30-day delinquenciessince purchasing the property.
The borrower’s ability to pay must not have changed adversely.

Note: If the loan has been assumed, the new borrower’s credit must be fully documented and underwritten in accordance with the same standards used for new loans, unless the transfer of ownership was one of the exempt transactions that legally prohibit a credit review. See the Servicing Guide for an explanation of exempt transactions.

The current value of the property cannot be less than the original value. If the lender is unable to provide this warranty, the loan is not eligible for delivery to Fannie Mae by the lender except on a negotiated basis.
The status of the title to the property must not have been affected adversely.
The loan must satisfy Fannie Mae’s current applicable mortgage eligibility requirements.
If the loan is secured by a unit in a condo, co-op, or PUD project, the project must satisfy Fannie Mae’s current applicable project eligibility requirements.
If the loan was modified prior to delivery to Fannie Mae, it must be a modification that is eligible for delivery in accordance with the requirements of this Guide as described below under Modified Loans.
Except to the extent otherwise expressly permitted in the Selling Guide ( A2-3.2-01, Loan Repurchases and Make Whole Payments Requested by Fannie Mae), or the Servicing Guide with respect to the redelivery of loans to Fannie Mae, the loan being delivered cannot be one that was required to be repurchased by a secondary market investor, government-sponsored enterprise, or private institutional investor other than Fannie Mae for any documentation, underwriting, property valuation, or other deficiencies and/or issues with the property (including project eligibility if the property is in a condo, co-op, or PUD project), borrower credit or other deficiencies or for any other reason.

Modified Loans

A modified loan is a loan that was legally modified after loan closing in a way that changed any of the loan terms or attributes reflected in the original note. In general, loans with material modifications, such as changes to the original loan amount, interest rate, final maturity, or product structure, are not eligible for delivery to Fannie Mae.

A loan whose note was correctedto effect technical or typographical corrections is not considered to be a modified loan and is eligible for delivery. All of the changes must correct errors in the executed documents, which reflect the terms of the original loan transaction. None of the changes can be the result of a subsequent modification or amendment to the original loan amount, interest rate, or other material loan term. The correction may not result in a change to, or create any inconsistencies with, other legal documents.

Fannie Mae permits the delivery of certain other modified loans based primarily on whether the loan was owned or securitized by Fannie Mae prior to the modification, or the modification of the loan was done in accordance with a standard product or is common and customary in a certain area.

The table below provides a comprehensive overview of Fannie Mae requirements applicable to the delivery of modified loans. If the loan is not eligible in accordance with standard Selling Guide provisions, it may be eligible in accordance with a variance. Such variances may be subject to additional terms and conditions.

Category of ModificationOwned or Securitized by Fannie Mae Prior to or at Time of Modification?Eligible for Delivery to Fannie Mae After Modification?Selling Guide or Servicing Guide Reference
Converted ARMsYesYesSelling Guide: See B2-1.4-03, Convertible ARMs, for convertible ARMs that are redelivered to Fannie Mae after their removal from an MBS pool
Maturing Balloon with Conditional Right to Refinance or ModifyNoNoN/A
Borrower Principal Curtailment and Recast Over Remaining TermYesN/A — No redelivery requiredServicing Guide: See Chapter C-1, Processing Mortgage Loan Payments
NoYesSelling Guide: See below and B2-1.5-05, Principal Curtailments
Changes to Borrowers Due to Death, Marriage, or Other Allowable Property TransfersYesN/A — No redelivery requiredServicing Guide: See Chapter D1–4, Transfers of Ownership
Single-Closing Construction-to-Permanent FinancingNoYesSelling Guide: See B5-3.1-02, Conversion of Construction-to-Permanent Financing: Single-Closing Transactions
New York Consolidation, Extension, and ModificationNoYesSelling Guide: See B8-2-02, Special-Purpose Security Instruments
Modifications that Result in Material Changes to Loan TermsNoNoSelling Guide: See Modified Loans, above

Borrower Principal Curtailment and Recast Over Remaining Term

Fannie Mae will purchase a re-amortized loan following the application of a principal curtailment received from the borrower. The curtailment reduces the principal balance and monthly mortgage payment over the remaining term of the loan. The following requirements must be met:

  • The only changes to the original note terms are a corresponding reduction in the principal balance and a re-amortized reduction to the monthly mortgage payment.
  • The original note amount must comply with maximum loan limits in effect at the time of acquisition. See B2-1.5-01, Loan Limits.
  • When the loan was underwritten, the borrower was fully qualified based on the original note amount.
  • The loan must be delivered with Special Feature Code 76.
  • The lender must complete an Agreement for Modification, Re-Amortization, or Extension of Mortgage (Form 181), in accordance with the requirements of the Servicing Guide, place a copy in the loan servicing file, and deliver the completed documents to the applicable document custodian in accordance with Selling Guide E-2-01, Required Custodial Documents.
  • The delivery data must comply with the delivery instructions for principal curtailments.

See B2-1.5-05, Principal Curtailments for additional requirements related to principal curtailments.

Nonstandard Payment Collection Options

A nonstandard payment collection option is a payment option that permits the borrower to make loan payments on a schedule other than a monthly basis. If the nonstandard payment collection option terms are included in the loan documents, then the loan is ineligible for delivery to Fannie Mae.

Lenders may offer nonstandard payment collection plans as part of a separate agreement; however, the loan is eligible for delivery to Fannie Mae only under the following conditions:

  • the agreement must not impact the terms and conditions of the mortgage note, nor the reporting or remittance of payments to Fannie Mae;

  • the agreement must be cancelable by the borrower without cost; and

  • the loan must be identifiable by the lender such that the information can be provided to Fannie Mae upon request.

Recent Related Announcements

The table below provides references to recently issued Announcements that are related to this topic.

AnnouncementsIssue Date
Announcement SEL-2023-06July 05, 2023
Announcement SEL-2023-04May 03, 2023
Announcement SEL-2021-10November 03, 2021
Announcement SEL-2021-08September 01, 2021
Announcement SEL-2021-05June 02, 2021
Announcement SEL-2020-07December 16, 2020
Announcement SEL-2020-05September 02, 2020
Announcement SEL-2019-07August 07, 2019
Announcement SEL-2019-05June 05, 2019

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B2-1.5-02, Loan Eligibility (07/05/2023) (2024)


Which loan program is only available to homeowners who are 62 or older? ›

No. Home Equity Conversion Mortgages (HECMs), the most common type of reverse mortgage loan, are a special type of home loan available only to homeowners who are 62 and older. Age is one requirement for a HECM.

What is the conventional loan limit for 2023 in California? ›

2023 conforming loan limits for California is $726,200 and goes up to $1,089,200 for high-cost counties (aka. high balance mortgage loans) for one-unit properties. Every year Fannie Mae & Freddie Mac, FHA, and the VA revise their California county maximum mortgage limits.

Which of the following is considered an ineligible property type for a Fannie Mae purchased loan? ›

Projects with Property that is not Real Estate

Fannie Mae acquires mortgage loans secured by real estate. Houseboats, boat slips, cabanas, timeshares, and other forms of property that are not real estate are not eligible for delivery to Fannie Mae.

Is it easy to get a Fannie Mae loan? ›

Fannie Mae Loan Requirements

With loans from either Fannie Mae or its competitor Freddie Mac, you'll need a qualifying FICO® Score of at least 620. If you're an individual borrower, your qualifying score is the median between the three major credit bureaus – Experian™, Equifax® and TransUnion®.

Can a senior on Social Security get a home loan? ›

It's possible to get a mortgage with Social Security as your only income, depending on how high your payments are. But like any borrower with a low income, you might not qualify for a large mortgage, and you may have to put down a sizable down payment to get approved.

Can I borrow money from my social security benefits? ›

Social Security will not give you a loan or let you borrow against your future benefits. You can't, for example, ask to borrow $5,000 and then simply have Social Security deduct that sum from your benefits once you start collecting them.

What is the high balance loan limit in California? ›

Loan limits are derived by median home prices in a particular county and have a ceiling of 150% of the baseline mortgage limit. Loan amounts between $766,550 and $1,149,825 are referred to agency 'High Balance' or 'Super Conforming' loans because they exceed the baseline limit.

What is considered a Jumbo loan in California? ›

These limits vary by county. For most counties along the California coast and the San Francisco Bay Area, the 2024 conforming loan limit is $1,149,825. Any loan that exceeds $1,149,825 is considered a jumbo loan. Individual counties such as Solano County and San Joaquin county have lower jumbo loan limits.

What are conforming loan limits? ›

The conforming loan limit determines the maximum a homebuyer can borrow and still qualify for a conventional loan. The baseline conforming loan limit in 2024 for single-family dwellings is $766,550 for most of the United States, but it depends on where you live.

What loans are not backed by Fannie Mae? ›

Non-conforming mortgages don't meet Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac's rules. Examples of non-conforming loans are jumbo and government-backed loans, including FHA, VA, and USDA. These loans are still good, reliable mortgage programs that have helped millions of people become homeowners.

Which type of loan is not exempt from RESPA? ›

The TILA-RESPA rule applies to most closed-end consumer credit transactions secured by real property, but does not apply to: HELOCs; • Reverse mortgages; or • Chattel-dwelling loans, such as loans secured by a mobile home or by a dwelling that is not attached to real property (i.e., land).

What are prohibited qualified mortgages? ›

Qualified mortgages can't have: Risky loan features: Lenders can't offer artificially low monthly loan repayments in the early years of the loan term or provide loans with risky features. Examples include interest-only loans, balloon payments and negative amortization.

How many credit scores do you need for a Fannie Mae loan? ›

Fannie Mae recommends obtaining at least two credit scores for each borrower. Select a single score for each borrower. When two credit scores are obtained, choose the lower score.

How much do you need for a down payment on a Fannie Mae second home? ›

You can use a Fannie Mae loan to buy a primary or secondary residence, or an investment property, while government-backed loans only allow you to buy a primary residence. One caveat: The down payment requirements are higher for second homes (10% minimum) and investment properties (20% minimum).

What is the debt to income limit for Fannie Mae? ›

Maximum DTI Ratios

For manually underwritten loans, Fannie Mae's maximum total DTI ratio is 36% of the borrower's stable monthly income. The maximum can be exceeded up to 45% if the borrower meets the credit score and reserve requirements reflected in the Eligibility Matrix.

What is a mortgage that is only for persons 62 years old or older? ›

A reverse mortgage allows those 62 years or older to take out a loan using their home as collateral. The equity or home ownership built up in your home can be cashed out via a monthly payment stream, credit line, or lump-sum payment. Unlike a traditional mortgage, you don't make monthly payments on a reverse mortgage.

What is the loan available to homeowners 62 years or older? ›

Key Takeaways

A reverse mortgage allows homeowners age 62 and older to tap into their home equity without having to sell the home. Reverse mortgages don't require monthly payments. Instead, the interest accumulates and the loan is paid off when the homeowner dies or moves out.

Can a 62 year old get a 30 year mortgage? ›

You Can Get a 30-year Mortgage at Any Age

Thanks to the Equal Credit Opportunity Act, a lender can't discriminate against an applicant due to age, says the Consumer Finance Protection Bureau (CFPB). You could be 99 years old and get a 30-year mortgage as long as you qualify.

What is the 62 plus loan? ›

The 62 PLUS loan is a type of reverse mortgage designed for homeowners aged 62 and older. It allows seniors to convert a portion of their home equity into cash, which can be used for any purpose.

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