Azure Front Door - Frequently asked questions (2024)

Table of Contents
General What is Azure Front Door? What features does Azure Front Door support? What is the difference between Azure Front Door and Azure Application Gateway? When should I deploy an Application Gateway behind Front Door? Can I deploy Azure Load Balancer behind Front Door? What protocols does Azure Front Door support? How does Azure Front Door support HTTP/2? What type of resources are currently compatible as an origin? In which regions can I deploy Azure Front Door services? What are the locations of the Azure Front Door POPs (points-of-presence)? How does Azure Front Door allocate its resources among different customers? Does Azure Front Door support HTTP to HTTPS redirection? How does Azure Front Door determine the order of routing rules? What are the steps to restrict the access to my backend to only Azure Front Door? Does the anycast IP of my Front Door remain the same throughout its lifetime? Does Azure Front Door offer static or dedicated IPs? Does AFD provide telemetry to show which rules engine rule AFD processes for each request? Can AFD provide protection from ‘HTTP/2 Rapid Reset’ DDoS attacks? Does Azure Front Door preserve `x-forwarded-for` headers? What is the estimated time for deploying an Azure Front Door? Does my Front Door remain operational during the update process? Configuration Does Azure Front Door have the capability to load balance or route traffic within a virtual network? What are the best practices for creating origins and origin groups for Azure Front Door? What are the default and maximum values for the timeouts and limits of Azure Front Door? How much time does Azure Front Door require to apply a new rule added to the Front Door Rules Engine? Is it possible to configure Azure CDN behind my Front Door profile or the other way around? Is it possible to configure Azure Front Door behind another Front Door profile or the other way around? What are the network service tags that Front Door supports? What is the value of header timeout from client to Azure Front Door? What is the value of the HTTP keep-alive timeout for Azure Front Door? Is it possible to use the same domain for two different Front Door endpoints? Is it possible to migrate a domain from one Front Door endpoint to another Front Door endpoint without any downtime? Performance How does Azure Front Door ensure high availability and scalability for its services? What are the conditions for caching ranged responses from my origin? TLS configuration How does Azure Front Door block domain fronting? What TLS versions are supported with Azure Front Door? Billing Do I get billed for the Azure Front Door resources that are disabled? Diagnostics and logging What are the metrics and logs that Azure Front Door provides? What is the duration of the diagnostics logs retention? What are the steps to access the audit logs for Azure Front Door? How can I configure alerts for Azure Front Door? Next steps FAQs


What is Azure Front Door?

Azure Front Door is a cloud-based service that delivers your applications faster and more reliably. It uses layer 7 load balancing to distribute traffic across multiple regions and endpoints. It also offers dynamic site acceleration (DSA) to optimize web performance and near real-time failover to ensure high availability. Azure Front Door is a fully managed service, so you don't have to worry about scaling or maintenance.

What features does Azure Front Door support?

Azure Front Door is a service that offers many benefits for your web applications, such as dynamic site acceleration (DSA), which improves the performance and user experience of your sites. Azure Front Door also handles TLS/SSL offloading and end to end TLS, which enhances the security and encryption of your web traffic. Additionally, Azure Front Door provides Web Application Firewall, cookie-based session affinity, url path-based routing, free certificates and multiple domain managements, and more. To learn more about the features and capabilities of Azure Front Door, see tier comparison.

What is the difference between Azure Front Door and Azure Application Gateway?

Azure Front Door and Azure Application Gateway are both load balancers for HTTP/HTTPS traffic, but they have different scopes. Front Door is a global service that can distribute requests across regions, while Application Gateway is a regional service that can balance requests within a region. Azure Front Door works with scale units, clusters or stamp units, while Azure Application Gateway works with VMs, containers or other resources in the same scale unit.

When should I deploy an Application Gateway behind Front Door?

Application Gateway behind Front Door is useful in these situations:

  • You want to balance the traffic not only globally, but also within your virtual network. Front Door can only do path-based load balancing at the global level, but Application Gateway can do it within your virtual network.
  • You need Connection Draining, which Front Door doesn't support. Application Gateway can enable Connection Draining for your VMs or containers.
  • You want to offload all the TLS/SSL processing and use only HTTP requests in your virtual network. Application Gateway behind Front Door can achieve this setup.
  • You want to use session affinity at both the regional and the server level. Front Door can send the traffic from a user session to the same backend in a region, but Application Gateway can send it to the same server in the backend.

Can I deploy Azure Load Balancer behind Front Door?

To use Azure Front Door, you must have a public VIP or a DNS name that is publicly accessible. Azure Front Door uses the public IP to route the traffic to your origin. A common scenario is to deploy an Azure Load Balancer behind Front Door. You can also use Private Link with Azure Front Door Premium to connect to an internal load balancer. For more information, see enable Private Link with internal load balancer.

What protocols does Azure Front Door support?

Azure Front Door supports HTTP, HTTPS and HTTP/2.

How does Azure Front Door support HTTP/2?

Azure Front Door supports HTTP/2 protocol for client connections. However, the backend pool communication uses HTTP/1.1 protocol. HTTP/2 support is on by default.

What type of resources are currently compatible as an origin?

You can use different types of origins for Azure Front Door, such as:

  • Storage (Azure Blob, Classic, Static websites)
  • Cloud service
  • App Service
  • Static Web App
  • API Management
  • Application Gateway
  • Public IP address
  • Traffic Manager
  • Azure Spring Apps
  • Container Instances
  • Container Apps
  • Any custom hostname with public access.

The origin must have a public IP or a DNS hostname that can be resolved publicly. You can mix and match backends from different zones, regions, or even outside of Azure, as long as they're publicly accessible.

In which regions can I deploy Azure Front Door services?

Azure Front Door isn't limited to any Azure region, but operates globally. The only location you have to choose when you create a Front Door is the location of the resource group, which determines where the resource group's metadata get stored. The Front Door profile is a global resource and its configuration is distributed to all edge locations worldwide.

What are the locations of the Azure Front Door POPs (points-of-presence)?

For the complete list of points of presence (POPs) that provide global load balancing and content delivery for Azure Front Door, see Azure Front Door POP locations. This list is updated regularly as new POPs are added or removed. You can also use the Azure Resource Manager API to query the current list of POPs programmatically.

How does Azure Front Door allocate its resources among different customers?

Azure Front Door is a service that distributes your application globally across multiple regions. It uses a common infrastructure that gets shared by all its customers, but you can customize your own Front Door profile to configure your application's specific requirements. Other customers' configurations can't affect your Front Door configuration, which is isolated from theirs.

Does Azure Front Door support HTTP to HTTPS redirection?

You can redirect host, path, and query string components of a URL with Azure Front Door. To learn how to configure URL redirection, refer to URL redirection.

How does Azure Front Door determine the order of routing rules?

Front Door doesn't sort the routes for your web application. Instead, it chooses the route that best fits the request. To find out how Front Door matches requests to routes, see How Front Door matches requests to a routing rule.

What are the steps to restrict the access to my backend to only Azure Front Door?

To ensure optimal performance of Front Door's features, you should only allow traffic that comes from Azure Front Door to reach your origin. As a result, unauthorized or malicious requests encounter the security and routing policies of Front Door and are denied access. To learn how to secure your origin, see Secure traffic to Azure Front Door origins.

Does the anycast IP of my Front Door remain the same throughout its lifetime?

The IP address of your Front Door's frontend anycast is fixed and might not change as long as you use the Front Door. However, the fixed IP address of your Front Door's frontend anycast isn't a guarantee. Avoid relying on the IP directly.

Does Azure Front Door offer static or dedicated IPs?

Azure Front Door is a dynamic service that routes traffic to the best available backend. It doesn't offer static or dedicated frontend anycast IPs at this time.

Does AFD provide telemetry to show which rules engine rule AFD processes for each request?

Yes. Refer to the MatchedRulesSetName property under Access Logs.

Can AFD provide protection from ‘HTTP/2 Rapid Reset’ DDoS attacks?

Yes. For more information, see Microsoft response to DDoS attacks against HTTP/2.

Does Azure Front Door preserve `x-forwarded-for` headers?

Azure Front Door supports the X-Forwarded-For, X-Forwarded-Host, and X-Forwarded-Proto headers. These headers help Front Door identify the original client IP and protocol. If X-Forwarded-For is already present, Front Door adds the client socket IP to the end of the list. Otherwise, it creates the header with the client socket IP as the value. For X-Forwarded-Host and X-Forwarded-Proto, Front Door replaces the existing values with its own.

For more information, see Front Door supported HTTP headers.

What is the estimated time for deploying an Azure Front Door? Does my Front Door remain operational during the update process?

The deployment time for new Front Door configurations varies depending on the type of change. Typically, it takes between 3 and 20 minutes for the changes to propagate to all our edge locations worldwide.


Custom TLS/SSL certificate updates might take longer, from several minutes up to an hour, to be deployed globally.

Updates to routes or origin groups/backend pools are seamless and don't cause any downtime (assuming the new configuration is correct). Certificate updates are also done atomically, so there's no risk of outage.


Does Azure Front Door have the capability to load balance or route traffic within a virtual network?

To use Azure Front Door Standard, Premium or (classic) tier, you need a public IP or a DNS name that can be resolved publicly. This requirement of a public IP or a DNS name that can be resolved publicly allows Azure Front Door to route traffic to your backend resources. You can use Azure resources like Application Gateways or Azure Load Balancers to route traffic to resources in a virtual network. If you use Front Door Premium tier, you can use Private Link to connect to origins behind an internal load balancer with a private endpoint. For more information, see Secure origins with Private Link.

What are the best practices for creating origins and origin groups for Azure Front Door?

An origin group is a collection of origins that can handle similar types of requests. You need a different origin group for each application or workload that is different.

In an origin group, you create an origin for every server or service that can serve requests. If your origin has a load balancer, like Azure Application Gateway, or is hosted on a PaaS that has a load balancer, then the origin group only has one origin. Your origin takes care of failover and load balancing between origins that Front Door doesn't see.

For example, if you host an application on Azure App Service, how you set up Front Door depends on how many application instances you have:

  • Single-region deployment: Make one origin group. In that origin group, make one origin for the App Service app. Your App Service app might scale out across workers, but Front Door sees one origin.
  • Multi-region active/passive deployment: Make one origin group. In that origin group, make an origin for each App Service app. Set each origin's priority so that the main application has a higher priority than the backup application.
  • Multi-region active/active deployment: Make one origin group. In that origin group, make an origin for each App Service app. Set each origin's priority to be the same. Set each origin's weight to control how many requests go to that origin.

To learn more, see Origins and origin groups in Azure Front Door.

What are the default and maximum values for the timeouts and limits of Azure Front Door?

Azure Front Door is a service that provides fast and reliable web delivery for your applications. It offers features such as caching, load balancing, security, and routing. However, you need to be aware of some timeouts and limits that apply to Azure Front Door. These timeouts and limits include the maximum request size, the maximum response size, the maximum header size, the maximum number of headers, the maximum number of rules, and the maximum number of origin groups. You can find the detailed information about these timeouts and limits in the Azure Front Door documentation.

How much time does Azure Front Door require to apply a new rule added to the Front Door Rules Engine?

The configuration updates for most rule sets are done in less than 20 minutes. The rule will be applied right after the update is finished.

Is it possible to configure Azure CDN behind my Front Door profile or the other way around?

Azure Front Door and Azure CDN are two services that provide fast and reliable web delivery for your applications. However, they aren't compatible with each other, because they share the same network of Azure edge sites to deliver content to your users. This shared network causes conflicts between their routing and caching policies. Therefore, you have to choose either Azure Front Door or Azure CDN for your application, depending on your performance and security requirements.

Is it possible to configure Azure Front Door behind another Front Door profile or the other way around?

The fact that both profiles would use the same Azure edge sites to handle incoming requests causes this limitation that prevents you from nesting one Azure Front Door profile behind another. This setup would cause routing conflicts and performance issues. Therefore, you should ensure that your Azure Front Door profiles are independent and not chained together, if you need to use multiple profiles for your applications.

What are the network service tags that Front Door supports?

Azure Front Door uses three service tags to manage the traffic between your clients and your origins:

  • The AzureFrontDoor.Backend service tag contains the IP addresses that Front Door uses to access your origins. You can apply this service tag when you configure security for your origins.
  • The AzureFrontDoor.Frontend service tag contains the IP addresses that clients use to reach Front Door. You can apply the AzureFrontDoor.Frontend service tag when you want to control the outbound traffic that can connect to services behind Azure Front Door.
  • The AzureFrontDoor.FirstParty service tag is reserved for a select group of Microsoft services hosted on Azure Front Door.

For more information on Azure Front Door service tags scenarios, see available service tags.

What is the value of header timeout from client to Azure Front Door?

Azure Front Door has a 5-second timeout for receiving headers from client. The connection is terminated if the client doesn't send headers within 5 seconds to Azure Front Door after establishing TCP/TLS connection. You can't configure this timeout value.

What is the value of the HTTP keep-alive timeout for Azure Front Door?

Azure Front Door has a 90-second HTTP keep-alive timeout. The connection is terminated if the client doesn't send data for 90 seconds, which is the HTTP keep-alive timeout for Azure Front Door. You can't configure this timeout value.

Is it possible to use the same domain for two different Front Door endpoints?

You can't use the same domains for more than one Front Door endpoint, because Front Door needs to distinguish the route (protocol + host + path combination) for each request. If you have duplicate routes across different endpoints, Azure Front Door can't process the requests correctly.

Is it possible to migrate a domain from one Front Door endpoint to another Front Door endpoint without any downtime?

At this time, we don't offer the option to move domains from one endpoint to another without any interruption in service. You need to plan for some downtime if you want to migrate your domains to a different endpoint.


How does Azure Front Door ensure high availability and scalability for its services?

Azure Front Door is a platform that distributes traffic across the world and can scale up to meet your application's demands. It uses Microsoft's global network edge to deliver global load-balancing capability that lets you switch your entire application or specific microservices to different regions or clouds if there was failure.

What are the conditions for caching ranged responses from my origin?

To avoid errors when delivering large files, make sure your origin server includes the Content-Range header in the response, and that the header value matches the actual size of the response body.

You can find more details on how to configure your origin and Front Door for large file delivery in Delivery of large files.

TLS configuration

How does Azure Front Door block domain fronting?

Domain fronting is a network technique that enables an attacker to conceal the actual destination of a malicious request by using a different domain name in the TLS handshake and the HTTP host header.

Azure Front Door (Standard, Premium and Classic tier) or Azure CDN Standard from Microsoft (classic) resources created after November 8, 2022, have domain fronting blocking enabled. Rather than blocking a request with mismatched SNI and host headers, we permit the discrepancy if the two domains belong to the same subscription and are included in the routes/routing rules. Domain fronting blocking enforcement will start on January 22, 2024, for all existing domains. The enforcement may require up to two weeks to propagate to all regions.

When Front Door blocks a request due to a mismatch:

  • The client receives an HTTP 421 Misdirected Request error code response.
  • Azure Front Door records the block in the diagnostic logs under the Error Info property with the value SSLMismatchedSNI.

For more information about domain fronting, see Securing our approach to domain fronting within Azure and Prohibiting domain fronting on Azure Front Door and Azure CDN Standard from Microsoft (classic).

What TLS versions are supported with Azure Front Door?

Front Door uses TLS 1.2 as the minimum version for all profiles created after September 2019.

You can choose to use TLS 1.0, 1.1, 1.2 or 1.3 with Azure Front Door. To learn more, read the Azure Front Door end-to-end TLS article.


Do I get billed for the Azure Front Door resources that are disabled?

Azure Front Door is a service that provides fast and secure web delivery. It allows you to define how your web traffic is routed and optimized across multiple regions and endpoints. Azure Front Door resources, such as Front Door profiles and routing rules, are only charged when they're enabled. However, web application firewall (WAF) policies and rules are charged regardless of their status. Even if you disable a WAF policy or rule, it still incurs costs for you.

Diagnostics and logging

What are the metrics and logs that Azure Front Door provides?

For information on logs and other diagnostic capabilities, see Monitoring metrics and logs for Front Door.

What is the duration of the diagnostics logs retention?

You can store diagnostic logs in their own storage account and choose how long to keep them. Alternatively, diagnostic logs can be sent to Event Hubs or Azure Monitor logs. For more information, see Azure Front Door diagnostics.

What are the steps to access the audit logs for Azure Front Door?

To access the audit logs of Azure Front Door, you need to visit the portal. Select your Front Door from the menu page and select on Activity Log. The Activity Log provides you with the records of your Azure Front Door’s operations.

How can I configure alerts for Azure Front Door?

You can set up alerts for Azure Front Door based on metrics or logs. By doing so, you can monitor the performance and health of your front-end hosts.

To learn how to create alerts for Azure Front Door Standard and Premium, see configure alerts.

Next steps

  • Learn how to create an Azure Front Door profile.
  • Learn about the Azure Front Door architecture.
Azure Front Door - Frequently asked questions (2024)


What are the limits of front door rule in Azure? ›

The composite route metric for each Front Door profile can't exceed 5000. Most Front Door profiles don't approach the composite route limit. However, if you have a large Front Door profiles, consider whether you could exceed the limit and plan accordingly.

What is the purpose of an Azure Front Door? ›

Azure Front Door is a modern cloud content delivery network (CDN) service that delivers high performance, scalability, and secure user experiences for your content and applications. Cloud-native and DevOps tools to automate and streamline deployment. Fully customizable rules engine for advanced routing capabilities.

What are the requirements for Azure Front Door network? ›

To use Azure Front Door Standard, Premium or (classic) tier, you need a public IP or a DNS name that can be resolved publicly. This requirement of a public IP or a DNS name that can be resolved publicly allows Azure Front Door to route traffic to your backend resources.

Does Azure Front Door protect against SQL injection? ›

Azure WAF is a web application firewall that helps protect your web applications from common threats such as SQL injection, cross-site scripting, and other web exploits. You can define a WAF policy consisting of a combination of custom and managed rules to control access to your web applications.

What are custom rules in Azure frontdoor? ›

There are two types of custom rules: match rules and rate limit rules. A match rule controls access based on a set of matching conditions. A rate limit rule controls access based on matching conditions and the rates of incoming requests.

Does Azure front door support rate limiting? ›

The Azure Web Application Firewall rate-limit rule for Azure Front Door controls the number of requests allowed from a particular source IP address to the application during a rate-limit duration.

How to scale an Azure Front Door? ›

If you don't have an Azure subscription, create an Azure free account before you begin.
  1. Prerequisites. ...
  2. Create an Azure Front Door resource. ...
  3. Create an Azure WAF profile to use with Azure Front Door resources. ...
  4. Add managed rule sets to the WAF policy. ...
  5. Associate the WAF policy with the Azure Front Door resource.
Mar 27, 2024

Does Azure Front Door provide DDoS protection? ›

Azure Front Door also includes layer 3, 4, and 7 DDoS protection and a web application firewall (WAF) to help protect your applications from common exploits and vulnerabilities.

What is difference between Azure Front Door and traffic manager? ›

Azure Traffic Manager is a DNS-based load balancer. It sends traffic directly to your origin's endpoints. In contrast, Azure Front Door terminates connections at points of presence (PoPs) near to the client and establishes separate long-lived connections to the origins.

Who uses Azure Front Door? ›

Websites using Azure Front Door
6 more rows

Does Azure Front Door support private endpoints? ›

You'll receive an Azure Front Door private endpoint request at the origin pending your approval. You must approve the private endpoint connection before traffic can pass to the origin privately. You can approve private endpoint connections by using the Azure portal, Azure CLI, or Azure PowerShell.

What is the timeout value in Azure Front Door? ›

This timeout value is applied to all endpoints in the Azure Front Door profile. The value of the response timeout must be between 16 and 240 seconds.

Is Azure Front Door a load balancer? ›

Azure load-balancing services

Azure Front Door is an application delivery network that provides global load balancing and site acceleration service for web applications.

Does Azure Front Door support TCP? ›

Front Door (classic) works at Layer 7 (HTTP/HTTPS layer) using anycast protocol with split TCP and Microsoft's global network to improve global connectivity. Based on your routing method you can, ensure that Front Door (classic) routes your client requests to the fastest and most available application backend.

Is Azure Front Door secure? ›

Azure Front Door is Microsoft's modern cloud Content Delivery Network (CDN) that provides fast, reliable, and secure access between your users and your applications' static and dynamic web content across the globe.

What is the limitation of Azure Firewall rule? ›

Azure Firewall allows any port in the 1-65535 range in network and application rules, however NAT rules only support ports in the 1-63999 range. This is a current limitation. An Azure Firewall configuration update can take three to five minutes on average, and parallel updates aren't supported.

What is the maximum header size in Azure front door? ›

Azure Front Door Standard and Premium service limits
ResourceStandard tier limitPremium tier limit
Maximum security policy per profile100200
Maximum associations per security policy110225
Maximum secrets per profile100500
HTTP header size limit (per header)32 KB32 KB
28 more rows

What is the maximum number of custom rules in Azure WAF? ›

The maximum number of WAF custom rules is 100. For more information about Application Gateway limits, see Azure subscription and service limits, quotas, and constraints. Any redirect rules applied at the application gateway level will bypass WAF custom rules.

What is the Azure RBAC limit? ›

You can have up to 4000 role assignments in each subscription. This limit includes role assignments at the subscription, resource group, and resource scopes. You can have up to 500 role assignments in each management group. For more information, see Troubleshoot Azure RBAC limits.

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