Arthur Maxson (2024)

Arthur Maxson (1)Independent Fallout Wiki Character Overview ArticleArthur Maxson (2)

Look around you, Danse. Look at the scorched earth and the bones that litter the wasteland. Millions... perhaps even billions, died because science outpaced man's restraint! They called it a "new frontier" and "pushing the envelope," completely disregarding the repercussions. Can't you see the same thing is happening again?— Maxson to Danse on why synths need to be destroyed.

Elder Arthur Maxson is the last descendant of the Roger Maxson, founder of the Brotherhood of Steel.[1][2] He is a character in Fallout 3, Fallout 4, Fallout Shelter Online, Fallout: Wasteland Warfare.


  • 1 Background
    • 1.1 Publications
  • 2 Appearances
    • 2.1 Fallout 3
    • 2.2 Fallout 4
    • 2.3 Fallout Shelter Online
    • 2.4 Fallout: The Board Game
  • 3 Notes
  • 4 Behind the scenes
  • 5 Gallery
  • 6 References


He was born in 2267 to Lady Jessica Maxson and a high ranking paladin, Jonathan.[3] His father was killed in battle outside the New California Republic, and his mother sent an infant Arthur east to be raised by Elder Owyn Lyons due to an unsafe environment caused by internal conflicts.[1][Pub 1][3]

Arthur was an attentive student that studied the Brotherhood's history.[4] He observed a Behemoth from the Citadel walls and quoted the Codex when meeting outsiders.[5][6][7] He was trained in combat by Sentinel Sarah Lyons, who on one occasion showed him how to kill people by stabbing them in the kidneys.[8] He was barred from patrols due to accidentally shooting Lyons during an outing and Elder Lyons ordered Maxson be restricted from the Bailey while live fire practice was in effect.[9][10] During his free time at the Citadel, he wished to befriend Liberty Prime and snuck into Paladin Vargas room to read their copy of Guns and Bullets since he wouldn't give it to him otherwise.[11][12]

At the age of 12, he killed two raiders on a training patrol, saving the squad that was supposed to escort him.[13] At 13, he killed a deathclaw and received a scar on his face.[13] He killed the super mutant leader named Shephard at the age of 15, who was trying to reorganize the remnants of the Capital Wasteland super mutant infestation.[13]

At the age of 16, he brokered a peace with the Brotherhood Outcasts, re-integrating them into the Brotherhood of Steel.[13] Maxson was subsequently appointed elder, the youngest in Brotherhood of Steel history, and now leads the Brotherhood's forces from the Prydwen.[14][15] Proctor Quinlan maintains the records of Maxson's history, and notes that he is "assisted, even enhanced, by advanced technology" but is "still very much human."[16]


Squire Maxson is a descendant of the legendary Roger Maxson, founder of the Brotherhood of Steel. His father, a high-ranking Paladin serving just outside the N.C.R. (New California Republic), was recently killed in battle, and his mother, the Lady Maxson, sent the boy east to be raised under the tutelage of the respected Elder Lyons. Squire Maxson tends toward timidity, which is the main reason his mother sent him to the Citadel.Fallout 3 Official Game Guide/Wasteland Census


Arthur Maxson appears in Fallout 3, Fallout 4, Fallout: Wasteland Warfare, and Fallout Shelter Online.

Fallout 3

Fallout 4

Fallout Shelter Online

Fallout: The Board Game


  • A child-aged Arthur may grab a bottle of whiskey or beer from around the Citadel and drink it, similar to other characters.
  • It is impossible to pickpocket Maxson, even with the level 4 Pickpocket perk.
  • When fighting Maxson during Airship Down, there is a possibility of gaining a unique power armor frame called "Elder Maxson's Power Armor" by shooting the fusion core out of his suit. This has no unique effects, but it is one of only two named power armor frames in the base game, the other being that of Knight Sergeant Gavil.
  • Several concept art drafts of Maxson's appearance can be seen in The Art of Fallout 4. His name is spelled "Maxon."
  • The description of the Elder's battlecoat item in Fallout 76 is "the coat of the Brotherhood Elders."
  • Maxson's character description in Fallout Shelter Online states his rank as "High Elder" as opposed to just "Elder".[17]
  • His terminal designation is "MX-001E."[15]

Behind the scenes

The T-60 Power Armor Maxson wears during Airship Down is the only suit that can be found already upgraded to the highest tier (F), and has a unique paint job. If one decides to recolor the armor parts after acquiring them, they cannot be reverted back. It can be added to their inventory with console command player.additem 197994.



  1. 1.0 1.1 Lone Wanderer: "Aren't you a little young for all this?"
    Arthur Maxson: "Oh, well... You see, I am descended from the great Roger Maxson, founder of our order. I am the last of his line. They say my soul was forged from eternal steel, but I don't believe that. I'm really just a normal boy. I was sent to the Citadel many years ago, to be fostered by Elder Lyons. But that was before the Western Elders lost, um... faith... in the Elder. I really don't know if I'll ever get home. But, well... I kind of like it here. Sentinel Lyons has been very kind to me. She's taught me so much."
    (Arthur Maxson's dialogue)
  2. Fallout Shelter Online Dweller Info: "Arthur Maxson is the last descendant of the founder of the Brotherhood of Steel Roger Maxson. He succeeded the position of the High Elder of the Brotherhood of Steel (East Coast). He pacified the rivaling forces in the Capital Wasteland and tried to expand the influence of the Brotherhood to the Commonwealth."
  3. 3.0 3.1 Citadel terminal entries; Maxson Archive terminal, New Entry: Scribe Arthur Maxson
  4. Lone Wanderer: "What do you make of the Enclave, Squire?"
    Arthur Maxson: "Y... You're asking me what I think of the Enclave? Well... The Brotherhood of Steel has actually faced the Enclave before. Back West. More than thirty years ago, according to our chronicles. Judging from those records, I'd say their soldiers are outfitted in Advanced Power Armor Mark II. It's... pretty strong. Better than our Power Armor. And some of their technology is amazing! Vertibirds! Plasma weapons that can turn a man to goo! Does... that help?"
    (Arthur Maxson's dialogue)
  5. Lone Wanderer: "I don't suppose you know anything about the Super Mutants?"
    Arthur Maxson: "Oh yes! I've studied them quite a bit since I've been here! They're not all the same, you know. Besides the regular ones, there are also Brutes. And after them, the Masters -- they're really tough. But the worst of all? The Behemoth! He's a giant! I saw one once, outside the Citadel walls. Sooo scary. The Super Mutants are all over the city ruins, but Elder Lyons doesn't think they're actually from there, or we would have found their home by now. It kind of seems like they're looking for something, but we're not really sure what that is."
    (Arthur Maxson's dialogue)
  6. Lone Wanderer: "Relax, Squire. I don't bite."
    Arthur Maxson: "I plead for your pardon if my behavior offends you, sir/ma'am. We don't get many visitors in the Citadel. The Brothers and Elder Lyons are excellent teachers, but I get nervous about the protocols. The codex says that outsiders are not to be trusted. Shield yourself from those not bound to you by steel, for they are the blind. Aid them when you can, but lose not sight of yourself, it says."
    (Arthur Maxson's dialogue)
  7. Lone Wanderer: "You seem nervous, kid. Do I make you nervous?"
    Arthur Maxson: "Well... yes, sir. If I may speak my will: You do, sort of. We don't have many guests in the Citadel. And when we do, they're usually visiting Brothers. Outsiders are not to be trusted, so says the Codex. Shield yourself from those not bound to you by steel, for they are the blind. Aid them when you can, but lose not sight of yourself."
    (Arthur Maxson's dialogue)
  8. Citadel terminal entries; Squire Maxson's terminal, Diary Entry 2
  9. Citadel terminal entries; Important!: Squire Maxson Bailey Access
  10. Lone Wanderer: "They don't actually... make you fight. Do they?"
    Arthur Maxson: "No. But I could! I know I'm ready! I mean, it would be scary, but... It's not fair that I have to sit inside while the knights go on patrol! I did go out one time, you know! Sarah... Um... Sentinel Lyons took me out. Just to show me. I killed a Super Mutant, too! I swear! I, um... I also sort of shot Sarah. But just a little! It was just a flesh wound..."
    (Arthur Maxson's dialogue)
  11. Citadel terminal entries; Squire Maxson's terminal, Guns and Bullets
  12. Citadel terminal entries; Squire Maxson's terminal, Diary Entry 1
  13. 13.0 13.1 13.2 13.3 The Prydwen terminal entries; Proctor Quinlan's terminal, Accomplishments
  14. The Prydwen terminal entries; Proctor Quinlan's terminal, Our New Leader
  15. 15.0 15.1 Sole Survivor: "Can you tell me anything about Elder Maxson?"
    Kells: "Elder Maxson is the supreme commander of the Brotherhood. Without his tenacity and his vision, we'd still be a small group of complacent stragglers occupying the Citadel in the Capital Wasteland. In a mere decade, he's grown the Brotherhood of Steel into a major military force. He's an inspiration to us all."
    (Kells' dialogue)
  16. The Prydwen terminal entries; Proctor Quinlan's terminal, Aftermath
  17. (Maxson's FOSO character description)


  1. Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition p. 98: "Squire Arthur Maxson: Squire Maxson is a descendant of the legendary Roger Maxson, founder of the Brotherhood of Steel. His father, a high-ranking Paladin serving just outside the N.C.R. (New California Republic), was recently killed in battle, and his mother, the Lady Maxson, sent the boy east to be raised under the tutelage of the respected Elder Lyons. Squire Maxson tends toward timidity, which is the main reason his mother sent him to the Citadel."
    (Fallout 3 Official Game Guide/Wasteland Census)
Arthur Maxson (2024)


Is Arthur Maxson the last Maxson? ›

Elder Arthur Maxson (Registration MX-001E) is the last descendant of the Maxson lineage. He served as a squire in the Citadel in 2277 in Fallout 3 and became the supreme commander of the East Coast chapter of the Brotherhood in 2287, during the events of Fallout 4.

How to get Maxson's power armor? ›

The only way to obtain the battlecoat is to kill Maxson and take it from his body.

Can you get rid of Elder Maxson? ›

In the final game, killing Elder Maxson will result in the Sole Survivor being declared an enemy to the Brotherhood of Steel, and Danse goes hostile as if he was still allied with the Brotherhood.

Which Maxson is in Fallout 76? ›

Appearances. Roger Maxson is mentioned in Fallout, Fallout 3 and Fallout: New Vegas, Fallout: The Roleplaying Game, as well as Fallout 76 (which introduced his recorded voice) and its updates Steel Dawn and Steel Reign.

How did Maxson get his scar? ›

At 13, he killed a deathclaw and received a scar on his face. He killed the super mutant leader named Shephard at the age of 15, who was trying to reorganize the remnants of the Capital Wasteland super mutant infestation.

Is Squire Maxson Elder Maxson? ›

Elder Maxson appears as a squire and he is nothing more than a young child.

How to get Elder Maxson's gun? ›

You have to kill Elder Maxson and take the Final Judgment from him, but unfortunately, it's often too difficult to find his body in a sea of others, so it's a difficult weapon to get.

Why doesn't Elder Maxson wear power armor? ›

Arthur Maxson does use power armor. If the Sole Survivor sides with the Institute during the quest Airship Down, Arthur Maxon will emerge from the crashed Prydwen in his own unique Elder T-60 series power armor and with his unique Gatling laser. He wears it when he's going into battle.

Is Danse really a synth? ›

In the Institute's records, Danse's model is listed as “missing,” meaning that Danse was likely a rescued synth. Given this, most of the memories of his childhood were likely fabricated. The memories he actually experienced probably began with him meeting Cutler and joining the Brotherhood of Steel.

Is Elder Maxson a villain? ›

He is the leader of the East Coast Brotherhood of Steel. He serves as the main antagonist if the Sole Survivor sides with the Institute, the secondary antagonist if the Sole Survivor sides with the Railroad and optional major antagonist if the Sole Survivor sides with the Minuteman.

Should I give Liam the password? ›

Give Liam The Password

Once the password is safely in his hands, feel free to ignore him and continue on with the mission, as there is no more use for him, and no need to ask him any questions that may confuse him and his loyalties to freeing Synths, so simply do what he asks which is to update Z1-14 about the plan.

Can I keep Danse alive? ›

Letting Danse live requires passing a speech check. During the conversation with the Synth, you can refuse to kill him. Then, you get three dialog options ("Maxson's Wrong," "Losing A Friend," and "Coward's Way Out") to try to persuade your friend to stay alive.

Should you talk to DiMA? ›

Speaking with DiMA, you can forgive him and cover up his crime, or try to encourage him to turn himself in (or just do it anyway) If you help him, you'll gain a unique Synth Armor - Acadia's Shield - and start the path to the ending where peace can be achieved via the Reformation quest.

What happens if you don't recruit Doctor Li? ›

The Brotherhood questline will then proceed with Diamond City's Professor Scara rather than Doctor Li. Professor Scara can be acquired only if Doctor Li is dead and/or the Institute is hostile to the player, no matter how antagonistic the conversation with Doctor Li.

Is Arthur Maxson related to Roger Maxson? ›

Maxson is also the direct descendant of Roger Maxson, the founder of the BoS. That's probably why Beth made him so old school Brotherhood, even despite being raised by Lyons and his chapter.

Who was the elder before Maxson? ›

After the end of Fallout 3, both Elder Lyons and Sarah Lyons were killed and then Maxson (who was 16) was made Elder by the West Coast Elders. He also brought the Brotherhood of Steel Outcasts back into the main fold. hope this helps!

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Introduction: My name is Rob Wisoky, I am a smiling, helpful, encouraging, zealous, energetic, faithful, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.