Ares (2024)

Do you need me to kill someone for you?

― Ares, Ep 100

Aresis the God of War. He is the sonof Hera and Zeus, brother of Eris, Hephaestus, Eileithyia, and Hebe, half-brother to Athena, Artemis, and Apollo, the ex-lover of Aphrodite, and father of their sons Erosand Storge.

He first appears in Episode 82.


  • 1 Appearance
  • 2 Personality
  • 3 Relationships
    • 3.1 Parents
      • 3.1.1 Zeus
      • 3.1.2 Hera
    • 3.2 Siblings
      • 3.2.1 Eris
      • 3.2.2 Hephaestus
      • 3.2.3 Hebe
      • 3.2.4 Athena
      • 3.2.5 Artemis
      • 3.2.6 Apollo
    • 3.3 Romantic
      • 3.3.1 Aphrodite
      • 3.3.2 Persephone
    • 3.4 Children
      • 3.4.1 Eros
    • 3.5 Extended Family
      • 3.5.1 Hades
  • 4 Powers and Abilities
  • 5 Gallery
  • 6 Trivia


Ares is a God with yellow-orange skin and light yellow, curly hair. The skin surrounding his eyes is red-orange, and the sclera of his eyes is a perpetualblood red. His body is crisscrossed with large white scars.

While in the Mortal Realm, Ares wearsdark brown Greek armor with a balteusand a long cape, a Spartanhelmet with a white feather plume, and open-toed shoes with leg greaves. In a flashback, this outfit becomes black.

On Olympus, Ares wears a navy-blue militaryuniform and a matchingpeaked cap. In later episodes, he wears wife-beater and gray sweatpants. He is usually seen wearing a white nose bandage.

In his early appearances, he wears a pink cast on his right arm signed by his younger sister Hebe.


Ares can be antagonizing, snarky, and quick to anger. When he found out that his father had slept with his girlfriend, and that this was because his father was otherwise going to punish their son, Ares quickly flew into a rage. He enjoys antagonizing Persephone, as her resulting anger appears to thrill him.

Like his father, Ares is somewhat promiscuous. He unashamedly flirts with Persephone despite being in a relationship with Aphrodite. He even goes as far as deceiving Persephone to get closer to her so that they can kiss, although this does not end up working well for him. Aphrodite eventually breaks up with him due to him "leading her on," leaving her for months with no contact, and telling her how hot he finds Persephone.

Ares does have a soft side. He is gentle with Aphrodite after she confesses to him, hugging her to his chest. He allows Hebe to draw hearts on the pink cast he gets upon returning to Olympus. He asks Persephone if she needs him to kill someone for her, and stands between Zeus and Hera when they fight, suggesting a protective nature.

Ares also displays a calculative intelligence when he is able to deduce that Persephone is a Fertility Goddess and that Zeus fears someone will use her to overthrow him.

However, Ares is not without his flaws. He can be selfish and inconsiderate of people and even aggressive when he wants things to go his way. His failed relationship with Aphrodite shows that he can be insensitive towards other's feelings in preference to his own. Despite his flaws, Ares does appear to recognize his negative traits and attempts to better himself, as shown when he apologizes to Persephone for his aggressiveness. When he accidentally struck his mother while defending her he was profusely apologetic and immediately calmed his rage, proving he can be empathetic.




Ares (1)

Zeus is Ares' father. Ares has an estranged relationship with him. He seems to resent his father for forcing him to go to the Mortal Realm, which Ares refers to as a "hell hole." Ares also claims that he is pretty sure the reason for this is because Zeus is "ashamed of him." Despite Zeus being the King of Gods, Ares is the only person willing and capable of standing up to his father, calling him out on his hypocritical behavior, to the point where even Zeus fears his son's wrath.

When he found out Zeus had sleptwith his girlfriend Aphrodite and threatened to punish his son Eros,he was completely consumed by his wrath to the point where he accidentally hithis mother.

Ares appears to enjoy antagonizing his father, as he confronts him over his theory that Persephone is a fertility goddess in a taunting manner. He even claims that he would enjoy having a wife that would cause Zeus "endless paranoia."


Hera is Ares' mother. It seem that they have a close relationship. Despite how close they are, Hera has shown a strong dislike for Aphrodite, Ares's longtime girlfriend with whom he had a son, Eros, whom Hera also has a poor relationship with. When Hera first mentions marriage to Persephone, she states that she has two very available sons, showing that she would gladly set up Persephone with Ares despite his relationship and family with Aphrodite.

Ares (2)

When Ares arrives back on Olympus, he witnesses one of Zeus and Hera's fights, and protects Hera from Zeus' wrath, showing great anger at Zeus' mistreatment of her. Hera, likewise, is thrilled when Ares returns home, cutting his hair while Hebe is signing his new arm cast. When Ares later discovers that Aphrodite slept with Zeus as a way for Eros not to be punished, Ares is furious and starts a fight with Zeus. Hera runs out and attempts to calm her son down but fails, resulting in him indirectly hitting her in the face. Ares is immediately snapped out of his rampage, wracked with guilt over this accident, but quickly leaves when Hera orders everyone to leave her home and get out of her sight.

Much later, Ares is contacted by Echo, Hera's new assistant, after Hera's old war wound reopens. Ares goes to see his estranged brother, Hephaestus, and attempts to get him to visit their mother. Ares is shown to be frustrated over Hephaestus distancing himself from their family, especially their mom. Ares also assumes that Echo is Hera's new girlfriend, and shows no anger over the idea that Hera is being unfaithful to Zeus.



Eris is Ares' oldest sister. There is no information regarding their relationship.


Hephaestus is Ares' younger brother. It is largely unknown what their relationship is like, but Ares is shown to be jealous over the amount of praise Hephaestus gets from their Uncle Hades, sarcastically stating that they should throw him a parade. When the two are left alone, Hephaestus is annoyed over Ares "stalking" him in order to talk to him about Hera. Likewise, Ares is upset over Hephaestus distancing himself from the family, especially Hera. It’s unknown if the two brothers are even speaking to each other after Aphrodite left him and she later married Hephaestus


Hebe is Ares' youngest sister. The two are shown to get along very well. Upon his return to Olympus, Hebe is the first (and possibly only person) to sign her name on his arm cast. She likes to hang out with him and is upset when Zeus sends him away, giving her father the cold shoulder after the fact. When he learns about Apollo framing his youngest sister for poisoning Zeus and making her flee to the mortal realm, the angered Ares proceeds to physically attack Apollo


Athena is Ares' half-sister. While there is little information regarding their relationship, both siblings were upset to discover that the death of Persephone's flower nymph handmaidens at the hands of humans was withheld from the court until Hades started his defense for Persephone.

During the ten years after the trial, the two siblings are assigned to guard the entrance of the Underworld together.


Although unknown to both for many years, Artemis is Ares' half-sister. There is no information regarding their relationship prior to Artemis discovering the truth about her parentage. During the last day of Persephone and Demeter's trial, Apollo reveals himself and Artemis to be Zeus' children, extending their family tree.


Although unknown to Ares for some time, Apollo is Ares' half-brother. There is no information regarding their relationship prior to Apollo discovering the truth about his parentage. During the last day of Persephone and Demeter's trial, Apollo reveals himself and Artemis to be Zeus' children, extending their family tree. When he learned that Apollo framed Hebe of poisoning Zeus and causing her to flee to the mortal realm, he proceeds to physically attack him in anger along with an equally angered Poseidon and Hermes backing Ares up.

Following Apollo's confession of what he did to Persephone, Ares, along with Demeter, proceeded to attack Apollo over his actions.



Ares (3)

Aphrodite is Ares' longtime girlfriend and the mother of their son, Eros. Due to Zeus forcing Ares to go into the mortal realm for long periods of time, the two are frequently separated. Aphrodite is shown to care for Ares, as she searches for him in the mortal realm for fear of his safety. Although the two love each other deeply, they are not exclusive and openly sleep with multiple partners. Ares kissesPersephone in the mortal realm and later flirtswith her in the house he shares with Aphrodite.

There appears to be an unspoken rule for Aphrodite to never sleep with Ares' father, Zeus.She shows deep regret over having to seduce Zeus for Eros's sake and immediately tells Ares when he returns to Olympus, causing him to fly into a rage. However, he places the blame entirely on Zeus, sparing Aphrodite his wrath completely. In Episode 116, the two are seen living together again with their son Eros, resuming their relationship.

Ares is aware of Aphrodite’s plan involving Eros and Psyche, something that no one else seems to be aware of. While it is unknown how many of Aphrodite's children are his, he is shown to pay attention to Storge and holds his pet hamster with a smile on his face. This could indicate that Ares has a close relationship with the other children regardless of being their biological father or not.

After the ten-year time-skip, it is revealed that Aphrodite and Ares have broken up, with Aphrodite now being married to Hephaestus. Ares appears very torn over the breakup, strongly coming onto Persephone in an attempt to move on, but lamenting Aphrodite's new marriage after Persephone correctly deduces his reason for hitting on her. Ares is able to realize the reasons for the breakup but is still oblivious as to why these reasons are bad. These reasons include Ares leading Aphrodite on, leaving her with no contact for prolonged periods of time, and constantly talking about Persephone and how attractive she is. He tries to contact Aphrodite through text telling her he misses her, but he sadly discovered he was blocked; showing that she has moved on and is happy with her relationship with Hephaestus


Ares (4)

Ares and Persephone are friends, although Ares sees her in a romantic way that Persephone does not reciprocate. The two first met in the Mortal Realm. Ares fell from the sky and was impaledon a tree. Kore was alerted of this by the flower nymphs and went aloneto help him. Without realizing it, she healed his wounds. He was enchanted by her anddecided to seek her out, later finding herwhile she was enjoying her rare alone time.He managed to convinceher he couldn’t read so that she would teach him, and he couldget closer to her. After a week of secretly meeting, the two kissed. Right after, Kore realized he had a personal planner in his bag, meaning he could read AND write and had takenadvantage of her. Aftercallingfor her mother,the encounter ended with Demeter beating Ares with a pitchfork.Persephone initially seemed smug about this development, but it was this event that caused Demeter to restrict her alone time and Persephone later shows regret over alerting her mother.

When they meet again in the Underworld, Persephone is annoyed by Ares' instigation and easily falls prey to his wrathful influence. Ares finds her subsequent moments of anger to be "interesting," appearing to be attracted to it. He revealsthat he returned from the Mortal Realmbecause he could sense Persephone's great rageand declaration of war and was eager to find out more.

Ares continually flirts with Persephone, but she no longer reciprocates. When Ares discovers Persephone's attraction to his uncle, he brings up how his uncle is much older than her but doesn't show much disapproval over the relationship, instead including this fact while teasing her.

After a warrant is put out for Persephone's arrest due to her act of wrath, Ares congratulates Persephone on her "excellent work" and tells her to let him know if she ever wants to "join him on a rampage." He is later seen wearing a "Team Persephone" shirt, clearly displaying his support for her. While attending Persephone's trial, Hades explains that the death of Persephone's flower nymph handmaidens at the hands of humans was withheld from the court, angering Ares.

After the ten-year time-skip, the two meet when Persephone is attempting to re-enter the Underworld, as Ares is acting as a guard of the entrance. Ares aggressively hits on her, which leads Persephone to correctly deduce that Aphrodite has "ditched" him. Persephone continually rejects his advances, increasingly becoming annoyed with him and calling him a "trash can of a God" when he doesn't supply her with answers about the state of the Underworld. After agreeing to a lunch date with Ares to continue on into the Underworld, Ares shows concern over her safety and warns her to be careful.

When facing off against Kronos, Ares and Athena arrive and save Persephone from Kronos. Ares tries to get Persephone to safety but Persephone insits he help her get to Erebos's tree. Although hesitant at first, Ares holds off Kronos for Persephone long enough to let her get to the tree safely, and eat the pomegranate, making her Queen of The Underworld. Ares and Athena then watch from a safe distance as Persephone fights against Kronos and wins.

After the battle, he and Persephone went on the agreed lunch date, which ended up being a visit to an underground temple filled with mentions and images of fertility goddesses, complete with a mysterious etched out space on the wall where there were images of Gaia, Rhea, and Metis. After Ares explains that this temple could prove the powers of fertility goddesses, as well as making a remark that he thought that it was just "magical lady stuff", Persephone meets Metis. This being unknown to him, he leaves a note saying that he needed to use the bathroom and that "he couldn't guarantee he would come back".



Ares is Eros's father. Eros seems embarrassed of his father due to his behavior and often scolds him when he acts overbearing. When introducing Ares to Persephone, he calls him "my disaster" before he says, "my dad," he overall has a good relationship with his dad and it appears that Ares cares very much for his son as well, like when he was furious that Zeus would punish Eros.

Despite their vastly different personalities, they share many similarities. Both have similar outfits while in the mortal realm, similar hair curls, and similar expressions when smirking about interesting developments. They are also both capable of great acts of wrath and destruction.

Extended Family[]


Hades is Ares's uncle through Zeus. Although there is little information regarding their relationship, Hades shows that he is willing to let Ares off without a punishment after he indirectly hurts Persephone when using his powers on her. Hades shows anger when Zeus and Ares' fight leads to Ares indirectly hurting Hera and orders the two to shut up. When Ares discovers Persephone's attraction to his uncle, he brings up how his uncle is much older than her but doesn't show much disapproval over the relationship.

Hades seems to know about Ares's attraction towards Persephone but does not show great concern over it. When Ares arrives at the Underworld as Hades is introducing Hephaestus to Persephone, Hades grabs Persephone to shield her from Ares when he makes his appearance known. While attending Persephone's trial, Hades would bring up how the deaths of flower nymphs at the hands of humans after they trespassed Demeter's land was looked over, angering Ares as such important information was withheld from the court.

Powers and Abilities[]

  • Ares can influence the emotions of individuals, being able to fuel the rage of others.
  • Ares can sense anger. If the emotion is intense enough, he can sense it from other realms. He is especially attuned to declarations of war.
  • Ares is skilled with using a spear, able to expertly throw it so that it landed between Zeus' legs.
  • When sufficiently enraged, he can breathe fire.
  • He has enhanced strength and durability. He is able to crack a glass door just by touching it, is able to then completely shatter the glass, and can hold up a humanoid with ease (and then throw them through a window). He is able to withstand a direct bolt of lighting from Zeus and get back up no worse for wear, and is able to still talk and move around after falling from a great height and becoming impaled on a tree.
  • He appears to have the ability to fly.


Ares (5)

Ares (6)

Ares (7)

Ares (8)

Ares bothering Persephone.

Ares (9)

Ares (10)

Persephone getting angry at Ares.

See Also

Ares (11)

Ares (12)

Ares (13)

Ares worried about Hera after accidentally hitting her.

Ares (14)

Ares (15)

Ares (16)

Ares (17)

Ares (18)

Persephone healing Ares.

Ares (19)

Ares (20)

Ares (21)

Color sketch of Eros, Aphrodite, and Ares.

Ares (22)

Ares and Aphrodite during Episode 116.

Ares (23)

Ares (24)

Ares (25)

Ares (26)

Ares after the ten-year timeskip.

Ares (27)

Ares (28)

Ares as a child


  • Before Persephone and Demeter are put on trial, during the video call episode, Ares is seen wearing a pink "Team Persephone" shirt. This heavily implies that despite how much he annoys her, Ares cares (at least a bit) about Persephone.
Ares (2024)
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