Are Brass Knuckles Illegal? A State By State Breakdown in 2023 (2024)

Brass knuckles, also known as knuckle dusters or knucks, are commonly associated with street fights and gang violence. These small metal weapons consist of four finger holes that fit around the fingers, with a solid bar across the palm. While brass knuckles may seem like a relic of the past, they are still being used in violent altercations today.

Despite their negative connotations, brass knuckles have gained popularity as a fashion accessory in recent years. Many people purchase them without realizing that they are classified as weapons and are illegal in many states across the United States. In this article, we will provide a state-by-state breakdown of the laws surrounding brass knuckles and discuss why they are considered unlawful.

Are Brass Knuckles Legal?

Brass knuckles are considered illegal weapons due to their potential for causing serious harm. These small but powerful weapons can break bones, cause concussions, and even kill when used in an attack.

Additionally, brass knuckles are usually concealed, making them a dangerous surprise weapon that can easily go unnoticed by law enforcement.

Carrying Brass Knuckles

In most states, possessing brass knuckles is a felony offense. This means that carrying or using brass knuckles can result in significant fines and jail time. It's important to note that even if you are not involved in a violent altercation, simply possessing brass knuckles can lead to serious legal consequences. Therefore, it's essential to understand the laws in your state regarding these weapons.

State-by-State Breakdown

Let's take a closer look at the laws surrounding brass knuckles in each state:

State-By-State Breakdown

As mentioned earlier, the laws surrounding brass knuckles vary from state to state. Let's take a closer look at the legal status of brass knuckles in each state in 2023:


Brass knuckles are within the legal limits in Alabama. However, concealing these formidable tools is strictly prohibited. Adhering to this law requires obtaining a permit to carry concealed weapons. Failure to comply can lead to a misdemeanor charge.


In Alaska, as outlined in Sec. 11.61.210, individuals can be charged with misconduct involving weapons in the fourth degree if they engage in activities such as manufacturing, possessing, transporting, selling, or transferring metal knuckles.


In Arizona, individuals who are 21 years old or older have the legal right to carry a concealed firearm or dangerous weapon without obtaining a permit. Brass knuckles, commonly recognized as a lethal weapon, fall under this category. However, it is crucial to bear in mind that even though carrying brass knuckles is lawful, abusing or misusing them can lead to severe legal consequences, potentially resulting in a felony charge.


The possession, sale, exhibition, repair, manufacture, or display of brass knuckles is strictly prohibited in Arkansas. Violation of this law can result in criminal charges ranging from a misdemeanor to a felony, depending on the circ*mstances and the gravity of the offense.


California enforces a rigorous prohibition on all forms of brass knuckles, be they metallic or synthetic. This comprehensive ban encompasses the sale, purchase, use, possession, repair, lending, and production of such items. Noncompliance with this legislation results in confinement within either the California State Prison or Jail, imposing severe legal consequences.


The possession of brass knuckles is strictly prohibited in Colorado, encompassing their use as fashion accessories or any other display. Violating this regulation can result in a hefty fine of $1,000 and imprisonment for up to one year. It is imperative to adhere to this law to avoid severe consequences.


In Connecticut, brass knuckles are categorized as "dangerous weapons" and are illegal to possess, carry, or use. The violation of these laws can lead to significant penalties including fines, imprisonment, or both, depending on the severity of the offense.


In Delaware, brass knuckles are considered as deadly weapon under the law. Their manufacture, sale, or possession is regarded as a crime and can result in severe legal consequences. It's crucial to note that even having them as a collectible or fashion accessory is not legal in this state.


In Florida, brass knuckles are considered a concealed weapon. It is illegal to carry brass knuckles without a concealed weapon permit, and doing so can result in severe fines and penalties. Even with a permit, using brass knuckles in an assault can lead to felony charges. It is worth noting that even the sale or delivery of brass knuckles is prohibited in this state.


In Georgia, brass knuckles are considered a "prohibited weapon". Possessing, selling, or using brass knuckles could lead to criminal charges. The penalties can range from fines to imprisonment, depending on the severity of the offense and the circ*mstances surrounding its commission. It's worth noting that Georgia law also forbids the possession or use of any object that could be modified into a weapon, which could include brass knuckles.


Brass knuckles are legally permitted for sale and possession in Hawaii, although transporting or storing them in a vehicle is prohibited. Violation of this law constitutes a misdemeanor offense.


The legality of brass knuckles in Idaho is not explicitly stated by the law. However, as these implements can be perceived as dangerous weapons, their status is subjected to the judicial system's assessment. Factors taken into account include the manner of their usage and the intent of the possessor.


The possession or use of brass knuckles of any kind is strictly prohibited in the state of Illinois. This encompasses any object resembling or designed to function as brass knuckles, such as accessories, bags, pendants, and necklaces. The act of carrying or owning brass knuckles in Illinois is considered illegal, and utilizing them to cause harm constitutes a felony offense.


In the state of Indiana, possession and carrying of brass knuckles is permitted by law. While Indiana law does not categorize brass knuckles specifically as a dangerous weapon, their usage in acts of violence is strictly prohibited.


The legislation in Iowa does not explicitly address the legality of brass knuckles. However, given their potential as dangerous weapons, the courts have the responsibility of adjudicating their status, taking into account their usage and the intention behind their possession.


Brass knuckles are explicitly forbidden in the state of Kansas. This encompasses activities such as selling, brandishing, exhibiting, repairing, manufacturing, and possessing brass knuckles. Violations can result in either a misdemeanor or felony charge, depending on the circ*mstances surrounding the offense and the magnitude of the consequences.


Since 2019, carrying concealed weapons in Kentucky, including brass knuckles, no longer necessitates a permit. However, it is imperative to adhere to the legal requirement of being 21 years or older.


Louisiana permits the concealed carry of weapons, including brass knuckles, granted the individual possesses a valid concealed carry permit.


Possessing brass knuckles is a Class D crime in Maine, while using them in an assault can lead to felony charges.


In the state of Maryland, brass knuckles are not considered illegal; nonetheless, it is unlawful to possess them covertly or concealed unless you possess a valid license or permit for carrying concealed weapons. Noncompliance with this legislation will be categorized as a misdemeanor, subjecting the offender to a maximum fine of $1000 and a potential imprisonment period of up to three years.


The possession, sale, and manufacture of brass knuckles are strictly prohibited in Massachusetts. Violation of this law could result in a considerable fine ranging from $50 to $1000, or even imprisonment for up to six months.


The possession, sale, or manufacture of brass knuckles, regardless of the type or material, is strictly prohibited in Michigan. This extends to any item resembling brass knuckles, such as jewelry, bags, pendants, or necklaces. Violators of these laws may face felony charges, with potential consequences including a hefty fine of up to $2500 and imprisonment for a maximum of five years.


In the state of Minnesota, the possession and use of brass knuckles are strictly prohibited. This encompasses the sale, display, repair, production, and ownership of such items. Violations of this law carry varying degrees of severity, ranging from misdemeanor charges to potential felony charges, depending on the circ*mstances and the gravity of the offense.


In the state of Mississippi, while brass knuckles themselves are not deemed illegal, it is prohibited to carry them covertly or concealed, either as a whole or in parts. The initial offense may incur a penalty ranging from $100 to $500 and/or a potential prison term of up to six months.


The use of brass knuckles in Missouri was prohibited until 2022. However, on August 28th of that year, an act was passed, effectively overturning the prohibition on selling and possessing brass knuckles. Not only did this act repeal the prior prohibitions on firearm silencers and switchblade knives, but it also marked a significant shift in the legal landscape.


The legal status of brass knuckles in Montana is not explicitly defined by law. However, these potentially perilous weapons are subject to evaluation by the courts, considering factors such as their usage, the intent of the owner, and the level of threat they pose.


Brass knuckles are permissible to possess in Nebraska; nonetheless, concealing them is illegal sans a duly authorized license or permit. Concealed weaponry is prohibited in specific establishments like churches, schools, and bars, even for those with proper permits. Furthermore, business proprietors reserve the prerogative to forbid weapons within their premises, regardless of the presence of a permit. Noncompliance with this legislation carries the consequence of a misdemeanor charge.


The possession, sale, exhibition, or manufacturing of brass knuckles is strictly prohibited in Nevada. Violation of this law incurs a misdemeanor offense, which can result in fines of up to $2,000 and/or imprisonment for up to one year. Stay on the right side of the law and ensure you steer clear of these unlawful metal companions.

New Hampshire

Selling or carrying brass knuckles in New Hampshire is strictly prohibited by law. Violation of this law can lead to a misdemeanor charge that carries penalties of up to $2,000 in fines and a maximum of one year imprisonment. Similarly, possession and carrying of brass knuckles are illegal in New Jersey, with few exceptions for lawful purposes such as theatrical productions, personal collections, or educational and entertainment endeavors.

However, disregarding this law, even if one carries brass knuckles for self-defense, can result in a felony offense with fines of up to $10,000 and imprisonment for a maximum of 18 months. The consequences escalate to a hefty $15,000 fine and three to five years in prison for individuals found in possession of brass knuckles with intent to commit illegal activities.

New Mexico

Although possessing brass knuckles is not considered illegal in New Mexico, concealing or carrying them without a proper license or permit to carry concealed weapons is prohibited by law. Non-compliance with this legislation can lead to a misdemeanor charge, along with a substantial fine of up to $1000 and a potential prison sentence of up to three years.

New York

The use of brass knuckles is strictly prohibited in New York, encompassing both metallic and synthetic varieties. Non-compliance with this legislation carries the weight of a misdemeanor charge, which may lead to a maximum imprisonment period of one year.

North Carolina

In North Carolina, brass knuckles are not considered illegal. However, it is unlawful to possess them covertly or concealed without a proper license or permit to carry concealed weapons. Violation of this regulation will result in a misdemeanor offense, subjecting offenders to a fine of up to $1000 and a maximum imprisonment period of three years.

North Dakota

Brass knuckles are not deemed unlawful in North Dakota; nevertheless, you are prohibited from discreetly concealing them on your person or in your vehicle unless you possess a valid permit. It is noteworthy to mention that certain establishments, like liquor stores or public gatherings, explicitly prohibit the possession of concealed weapons even with a permit. Deviating from this statutory requirement may lead to a misdemeanor charge.


According to the legislation in Ohio, the use and possession of lethal weapons are deemed unlawful. However, an interesting fact is that brass knuckles remain unaddressed. Nevertheless, caution should be exercised as they can potentially be classified as deadly weapons. It is important to note that carrying a concealed weapon without the appropriate permit is against the law and can lead to substantial penalties and potential imprisonment.


Carrying offensive weapons, such as brass knuckles, is prohibited, except as authorized by the Oklahoma Self Defense Act. Non-compliance with this legislation may lead to a misdemeanor charge.


Brass knuckles are not prohibited in Oregon; nonetheless, concealing or hiding them is against the law. Noncompliance with this legislation can result in a misdemeanor offense, carrying penalties of up to $1000 in fines and a maximum of three years behind bars.


In the state of Pennsylvania, the use and possession of brass knuckles is strictly prohibited by law. This encompasses various activities such as selling, carrying, purchasing, manufacturing, repairing, or even transporting brass knuckles, regardless of their composition, be it metal or plastic. Neglecting this legislation could lead to a misdemeanor charge with penalties of up to five years' imprisonment.

Rhode Island

Possession and carrying of brass knuckles are prohibited by law in Rhode Island. Non-compliance with this regulation may result in a misdemeanor, accompanied by fines of up to $1,000 and a maximum imprisonment of one year.

South Carolina

Brass knuckles are legally permissible in South Carolina without requiring a concealed carry permit. However, their possession is prohibited within school grounds or medical facilities. The use of brass knuckles with intent to engage in criminal activities is strictly illegal.

South Dakota

Brass knuckles are permissible in South Dakota, allowing individuals to possess them discreetly, except when there is an intention to inflict harm. Violation of this regulation may lead to the imposition of felony charges.


The possession or use of brass knuckles is strictly forbidden in Tennessee. This encompasses activities such as selling, displaying, maintaining, producing, or possessing brass knuckles. Violation of this law can result in either a misdemeanor or a felony charge, contingent upon the circ*mstances and severity of the offense.


Starting from September 1st, 2019, the possession and use of brass knuckles for self-defense purposes in Texas was officially legalized. Previously, individuals found carrying or possessing them could face misdemeanor charges, leading to potential fines of up to $4,000 or even incarceration for up to one year.


Utah law does not explicitly address the legality of brass knuckles. Nonetheless, these unorthodox tools can be perceived as perilous weapons. Consequently, it becomes the prerogative of the judiciary to ascertain their status, considering their purpose and the intent of the possessor.


Possession, use, or sale of brass knuckles in Vermont is prohibited by law. Violation of this legislation can lead to a misdemeanor charge, accompanied by fines of up to $1,000 and a possible imprisonment of up to five years.


Possessing brass knuckles in Virginia without a concealed weapon permit is against the law. Non-compliance with this statute can lead to a misdemeanor punishable by fines of up to $2,500 and imprisonment for up to one year. Repeat offenders will face a felony charge, making it a serious matter to disregard this regulation.


Brass knuckles are prohibited under Washington law. The possession, distribution, or production of such weaponry is considered a serious offense, resulting in a gross misdemeanor charge. Perpetrators may face fines of up to $5,000 and a potential prison sentence lasting up to one year.

West Virginia

In the state of West Virginia, it is prohibited to possess brass knuckles without a concealed weapons permit. Non-compliance with this legislation can lead to a misdemeanor charge, potentially resulting in fines of up to $1,000 and a maximum prison sentence of one year.


While possessing brass knuckles within the confines of one's residence is not unlawful in Wisconsin, concealing them without a valid concealed carry permit is strictly prohibited. Failing to comply with this regulation carries the consequence of a Class A misdemeanor.


In Wyoming, possessing brass knuckles is not prohibited by law, but carrying a concealed weapon is strictly forbidden. Failure to comply with this legislation can lead to a misdemeanor charge, punishable by fines of up to $750 and imprisonment for a period of up to six months.

Some states may have exceptions to these laws, such as allowing brass knuckles for use in professional sporting events or theatrical performances. It is important to research and understand the specific laws and regulations in your state regarding brass knuckles before possessing or using them.

Additionally, it is always important to handle any type of weapon responsibly and with caution. Stay informed and stay safe. So remember, whether you are a resident or just visiting, it is important to be aware of the laws and regulations regarding brass knuckles in any state you are in. Always handle any type of weapon responsibly and with caution to ensure everyone's safety. Stay informed and stay safe. So remember, whether you are a resident or just visiting, it is important to be aware of the laws and regulations regarding brass knuckles in any state you are in.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is it legal for me to possess brass knuckles?

The legality of possessing brass knuckles depends on the state laws. Some states allow possession within the confines of one's residence, while others prohibit it entirely. Always comply with your state's regulations to avoid any legal issues.

Can I carry brass knuckles in my state?

The legality of carrying brass knuckles varies greatly from state to state. Some states allow carrying brass knuckles with a concealed weapon permit, while others strictly prohibit it. It's crucial to research the laws in your state to understand the regulations.

Are plastic knuckles considered brass knuckles under the law?

Yes, in most states, plastic knuckles are considered equivalent to brass knuckles under the law. The law often focuses on the object's function rather than its composition.

Were brass knuckles used in World War II?

Yes, during World War II, many soldiers used trench knives, which had brass knuckles attached to them, for close combat situations. They were effective in hand-to-hand warfare.

Are brass knuckles ever considered belt buckles under the law?

Some individuals may attempt to classify brass knuckles as belt buckles to circumvent the law, but this is usually not successful. In most cases, law enforcement and the courts focus on the item's potential use as a weapon rather than its designated purpose.

Do city laws differ from state laws when it comes to brass knuckles?

Yes, city laws can often be stricter than state laws when it comes to the possession and use of brass knuckles. It's essential to understand both your city and state laws to ensure you are not inadvertently breaking the law.

Can possessing brass knuckles be a criminal offense?

Yes, in many states, possessing brass knuckles without a permit or with intent to harm can lead to criminal charges, including misdemeanors or felonies. Penalties can include fines, imprisonment, or both.

How do state laws vary on brass knuckles?

The state laws on brass knuckles differ significantly. Some states permit possession and use for self-defense, while others strictly prohibit them. It's important to understand your specific state laws before possessing or using brass knuckles.

Can city laws override state laws on brass knuckles?

In some cases, city laws can be stricter than state laws, but they cannot override state laws. If state law permits the possession of brass knuckles, a city cannot ban them outright. However, they can apply stricter regulations and limitations. Always be aware of both state and local legislation.

Are Brass Knuckles Illegal? A State By State Breakdown in 2023 (2024)


Are Brass Knuckles Illegal? A State By State Breakdown in 2023? ›

However, other states have total bans on brass knuckles, including Alabama, California, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania.

In what states are brass knuckles illegal? ›

Many states consider them prohibited weapons. For example, California, Washington, Michigan, Illinois, and Vermont prohibit possessing, selling, or using brass knuckles. New York is the same.

Why are brass knuckles illegal but not guns? ›

Brass knuckles are considered illegal weapons due to their potential for causing serious harm. These small but powerful weapons can break bones, cause concussions, and even kill when used in an attack.

Can you carry brass knuckles in Florida? ›

Brass knuckles are legal in Florida, but only if you carry them openly. If you conceal brass knuckles, you could face legal consequences. In practice, however, this makes brass knuckles effectively illegal in many cases.

What is the legal alternative to brass knuckles? ›

Brass knuckle alternatives

Pepper spray, for instance, offers protection without legal risks. Scream alert buttons are another savvy option.

Can you use brass knuckles for self-defense? ›

The knuckles are not always necessarily made of brass (they can be made of plastic or another metal), but they are generally still referred to as brass knuckles. Having brass knuckles, even if for self-defense, is illegal, much to the shock of most people.

Are Stabby cat keychains illegal? ›

For instance, as cute as they might look, kitty cat keychains are classified as brass knuckles, a deadly weapon that's illegal in California.

Will brass knuckles break your fingers? ›

Composed of brass, steel, or other hard plastics, damage from brass knuckles can be severe. Broken bones, lacerations, and concussions can all result if struck with brass knuckles. The dangers of brass knuckles have prompted various states and local jurisdictions to enact brass knuckle laws.

Are 3D printed brass knuckles illegal? ›

So metal knuckles, plastic knuckles, 3D printed knuckles or DIY homemade knuckles are frequently illegal too. Materials don't matter if they have the same dangerous functionality. Plastic/3D printed knuckles may fall into gray areas in some states.

What do brass knuckles symbolize? ›

Outside their use as a dirty add-on in a street fight, brass knuckles are also appreciated as a fashion aesthetic and accessory, especially to symbolize strength and resilience.

Are brass knuckles legal in Texas? ›

Texans are now free to carry certain self-defense weapons without fear of criminal prosecution. Thanks to House Bill (HB) 446, which took effect on September 1st, it's now legal for Texans to carry brass knuckles, clubs, and wild kat keychains (also known as “kitty keychains”).

Can you carry a gun in your glovebox in Florida? ›

You do not need to hold a concealed carry permit to keep a firearm in your vehicle in Florida, but your gun may not be kept in open view. Weapons must be kept in a concealed location such as a glove box or trunk and cannot be on your person unless you have a concealed weapons license.

Can you wear brass knuckles in public? ›

California imposes a strict ban on all kinds of brass knuckles, whether they are metal or plastic. This includes selling, buying, using, carrying, repairing, lending, and manufacturing. Breaking this law lands an individual in either California State Prison or Jail.

In what states can you have brass knuckles? ›

However, other states have total bans on brass knuckles, including Alabama, California, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania. And Michigan bans “bludgeon attachments” like brass knuckles.

What self-defense is similar to brass knuckles? ›

Carabiners are generally perceived as benign, unlike brass knuckles or similar devices, which may face legal restrictions. This makes them a discreet yet effective option for defense. For optimal use, choose a carabiner that comfortably fits all fingers and has a locking collar to prevent accidental opening.

What is a knuckle duster? ›

a metal weapon that is worn over the knuckles and is intended to increase the injuries caused when hitting a person.

Are brass knuckles illegal in Texas? ›

Texans are now free to carry certain self-defense weapons without fear of criminal prosecution. Thanks to House Bill (HB) 446, which took effect on September 1st, it's now legal for Texans to carry brass knuckles, clubs, and wild kat keychains (also known as “kitty keychains”).

Why are brass knuckles illegal in California? ›

Under California Penal Code 21810 PC, brass knuckles are prohibited, which means it's a crime to manufacture, sell, lend, or possess them. Brass knuckles are metal objects worn on a hand to increase the power of a punch. The force behind a punch from someone using brass knuckles can be dangerous and lethal.

Can you carry brass knuckles in Ohio? ›

So yes, it is legal to manufacture, sell, possess, and carry firearms, knives, brass knuckles, and other weapons in Ohio.

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Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.