Aptitude Pre-employment Tests 2024 | Guide For Recruiters (2024)

Aptitude Tests | Pre-employment Assessment Guide for Recruiters 2024

Technology has transformed hiring, empowering recruiters with powerful tools to find top talent. Applying for jobs is now easier than ever, thanks to ‘easy apply’ or ‘one-click apply’ features.

However, this advancement also presents a significant problem to the talent acquisition department. As a hiring manager or HR professional, finding the best candidate among the pool of job applications is daunting, often like finding a needle in a haystack.

To avoid this issue companies use standardized assessments, such as aptitude tests, to identify the best fit for the job. These tests evaluate a candidate’s potential for success in a specific role.

With the right blend of technology and strategies, you can uncover the perfect candidate from the applicant pool.

This article highlights the transformative benefits of pre-employment aptitude assessments, showing you how they can make your hiring process a breeze.

Keep reading to find out more.


  1. What are aptitude tests in recruitment?
  2. Why are aptitude tests important in recruitment?
  3. What are some examples of aptitude tests used in recruitment?
  4. How are aptitude tests scored and what are passing percentiles?
  5. Aptitude Tests vs. Traditional Interviews: Which Method Offers Better Predictive Accuracy?
  6. What are the pros and cons of implementing aptitude tests in recruitment?
  7. How do ongoing test validation and adaptation work in recruitment for aptitude tests?
  8. Why use Assess Candidates Aptitude Tests to Hire?
  9. Aptitude tests in recruitment- FAQs

1. What are Aptitude Tests in Recruitment?

An aptitude test is a standardized assessment to assess the cognitive skills and potential of candidates. By utilizing an aptitude test, employers can evaluate a candidate’s abilities and make informed decisions when selecting the most suitable applicants for the role.

A pre-employment aptitude test measures the ability of candidates to learn and perform required tasks to be successful in the specific work environment of your organisation. Although these assessments do not necessarily measure innate intelligence, they provide insight into whether a candidate has the necessary abilities to succeed in a given role.

Having explored the concept of aptitude tests in recruitment, we now turn our attention to their significance in the hiring process. Understanding why aptitude tests hold such importance is crucial in grasping their impact on effective candidate evaluation and selection.

Let’s now look into the key reasons why aptitude assessments are crucial in the recruitment process

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2. Why are Aptitude Tests Important in Recruitment?

Top 4 reasons why aptitude tests are important for the recruitment process

  1. Unbiased evaluation:
    • Pre-employment aptitude tests are all designed in accordance with strict test procedure. All candidates are given the same test ensuring the same standards when it comes to assessing their suitability for a given role. This guarantees that each applicant is given an equal opportunity to demonstrate their skills and eliminates any prejudice or subjectivity from the hiring process.
  1. Reliable indicators of work success
    • Recruiters can determine how likely an applicant is to perform well in the work position by evaluating their cognitive abilities, such as their problem-solving, numerical reasoning, and verbal reasoning skills. This could reduce the possibility of making a poor hire and assist you in making more informed hiring choices.
  1. Recognise a candidate’s strengths and weaknesses:
    • The test results bring out data that can help figure out whether an applicant would fit into a specific work position well and whether they would need extra support or training.
  1. Save time and money
    • By helping recruiters sift applicant groups, aptitude assessments can help you save time and money. You can use aptitude tests for recruitment to rapidly identify those with what it takes to succeed in the work position, saving you time from spending hours questioning applicants who may not be the right match.
  1. Enhance candidate experience
    • By giving applicants a clear grasp of the demands and standards of the position, aptitude assessments can also improve the candidate’s experience. A candidate experience that resonates is key to building a good impression of your brand.
Aptitude Pre-employment Tests 2024 | Guide For Recruiters (2)

Good to know: Having an engaging assessment platform can be a quick win to help build a favourable brand impression among your candidates.

Now that we understand the importance of aptitude tests in recruitment, let’s delve into the pros and cons of implementing them. By considering the benefits and challenges, we can gain valuable insights to enhance our hiring practices.

Let’s explore the advantages and potential drawbacks of aptitude tests in recruitment.

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3. What are the Pros and Cons of Implementing Aptitude Tests for Job Recruitment?

Top 5 advantages of using aptitude tests in recruitment

Advantage of using pre-employment aptitude testHow it impacts the hiring process
Cost effectiveAptitude tests for recruitment can help find the most eligible applicants for a job, reducing the need for additional recruitment efforts and saving on advertising and candidate screening costs.
UnbiasedPre-employment aptitude tests are given consistently to all applicants, guaranteeing that everyone is assessed using the same criteria. This serves to reduce differences in the recruitment procedure and reduces the possibility of bias.
Boost organizational diversityAptitude tests can be taken from anywhere allowing people from all over the world to be assessed, thus boosting potential for diversity across your organization.
Efficient recruitment toolAptitude assessments can be given swiftly and effectively, saving the HR department’s time spent interviewing and screening applicants.
Scientific validityAptitude assessments are designed based on research and psychometric principles to ensure that they accurately measure the abilities and skills that are relevant to the job.

Good to know: According to Sartori and Pasini, 2007, the objective of an aptitude test is to assess an applicant’s ability by scoring the speed and accuracy of their answers. Using these scores, the aptitude tests allow the employer to make a more informed hiring decision based on the candidate’s performance.

As we have explored the benefits of implementing aptitude tests in recruitment, it is important to acknowledge that like any assessment method, there are also potential challenges to consider. Now, let’s delve into the disadvantages of implementing aptitude tests, ensuring a comprehensive understanding of the subject and enabling you to make informed decisions for your recruitment process.

Top 5 disadvantages of using aptitude tests in recruitment

CONSHow it Impacts the Hiring Process
Test anxiety
Test Anxiety is a frequent challenge that applicants face while taking an aptitude assessment. It can impact candidate performance, preventing them from displaying their true ability. It can be avoided by offering them practice tests and tools, as well as straightforward instructions, support, and encouragement throughout the testing process.
CheatingCheating on aptitude tests is possible, especially if they are given remotely, which can weaken the accuracy of the results. Opt for a provider with tools to minimise cheating and strict time conditions where cheating is less impactful.
Captures one aspect of a candidate’s performanceAptitude tests for recruitment do not assess a candidate’s psychological characteristics, work experience, motivation, or interpersonal skills, all of which can influence job success. An applicant may score well on an aptitude test but lack the required skills or expertise to perform well in the interview. It is important to use a range of assessments to ensure softer skills are captured to build an overall picture.
Time is required to design the aptitude testThe design of an aptitude test can take time and needs plenty of detail to get just right. Solve this by turning to an external provider as opted for by many organisations.
Not suitable for all rolesPre-employment aptitude assessments are unlikely to be suitable for all roles. It is key to consider the nature of your role and request consultation from a trusted advisor to build your perfect assessment process.

Having examined the pros and cons of implementing aptitude tests for job recruitment, it is crucial to explore how these tests are scored and understand the concept of percentiles. By delving into the scoring process we can gain a deeper understanding of how aptitude tests are evaluated and how they can effectively inform hiring decisions.

Let’s now explore the scoring methods and passing percentiles associated with aptitude tests in recruitment.

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4. How are Aptitude Tests Scored and What are Passing Percentiles?

Since recruiters are in charge of administering the aptitude test, they can set a benchmark score or passing percentiles required for the candidates.

For example, a company may establish a passing percentile of 70%, indicating that individuals scoring at or above the 70% mark would be considered for future rounds.

You’re probably wondering what criteria you should use to determine a passing percentile.

Here are a few crucial factors that will help you to get more clarity:

  • Skills required for the job
    • If the job opening is for a financial analyst, a numerical reasoning test may be used to assess a candidate’s ability to analyze data and solve problems. The passing percentile for this test may be set at a level that reflects the level of analytical ability needed to be successful in the role.
    • Similarly, if the job requires strong verbal communication skills, a verbal reasoning test may be used to assess a candidate’s ability to understand and interpret written information.
  • Desired level of performance of candidates
    • To ensure that only the highest-performing candidates are to be selected, you can set a passing percentile at 70% or 80%. This means that the candidates must score higher than the benchmark score to get selected.
    • In some cases, a passing percentile may be set at 50%, depending on the number of job applications.

We recommend a lower cut-off at the 30th percentile. This helps ensure not too much weight is put on an assessment, as no method is 100% infallible. Rather, you safely sift and progress desired applicants through this method.

  • Precise evaluation:
    • Evaluate the exact skills necessary for the position to determine the passing percentage for the aptitude test. It’s crucial to establish a passing percentile that represents the minimum performance required to succeed, considering factors like test complexity and applicant pool size.
    • For example, to simply sift a larger pool into something more manageable, you may opt for a lower cut-off as recommended above to safely sift and progress applicants.

Now that we have covered how aptitude tests are scored and the importance of passing percentiles, let’s shift our focus to the ongoing validation and adaptation of these tests in the recruitment process. Exploring this continuous process will help us understand how aptitude tests remain reliable and relevant in assessing candidates over time.

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5. How do Ongoing Test Validation and Adaptation Work in Recruitment for Aptitude Tests?

Ongoing test validation and adaptation are critical to keeping aptitude tests relevant and successful in the recruiting process. Here are some key details to consider:

  • Job Analysis: This involves assessing the knowledge, skills, abilities, and other qualities (KSAOs) necessary for effective work performance. Understanding the role’s unique needs allows you to determine if the existing aptitude tests you use effectively assess those KSAOs.
  • Test Review: Regularly review the content and format of aptitude tests to ensure they align with the job criteria. Assess the clarity and appropriateness of exam items, instructions, and scoring criteria. Additionally, evaluate if any updates or revisions are necessary due to industry changes, technological advancements, or evolving job duties.
  • Benchmarking: Determine benchmark scores or passing percentiles by studying the performance of current employees who have excelled in their positions. To detect trends or correlations, compare their aptitude test scores to their work performance. This data can be used to help future applicants determine suitable passing scores.
  • Legal Compliance: Ensure that the aptitude tests adhere to current legal criteria, such as equal employment opportunity (EEO) regulations and with the Disabilities Act. Review the tests regularly to detect and address any potential negative impact on protected groups. Make necessary changes to ensure the recruiting process is fair and inclusive.
  • Technology and Innovation: Stay up-to-date and Identify clever technologies and platforms that can improve aptitude test administration and scoring. Consider using adaptive testing approaches, which allow for a more exact evaluation of abilities by dynamically adjusting the difficulty level of the exam based on a candidate’s responses.
  • Continuous Improvement: Monitor and assess the success of the aptitude tests regularly, collect input from candidates and hiring managers, and remain current on industry best practices. Use this data to find areas for improvement and make modifications to increase the test’s efficacy.

While aptitude tests undergo ongoing validation and adaptation to ensure relevance, it’s crucial to question their effectiveness compared to traditional interviews. Aptitude tests for recruitment provide objectivity, while interviews are often said to be prone to biases.

Let’s explore the nature of aptitude tests and then weigh their predictive accuracy against traditional interviews.

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6. Aptitude Tests vs. Traditional Interviews: Which Method Offers Better Predictive Accuracy?

Traditional interviews have long been the go-to method for evaluating job candidates, but research suggests they may not be the most accurate predictor of job performance.

According to a Harvard Business Review survey, 63% of hiring managers believe traditional interviews fall short in assessing a candidate’s true capabilities. While interviews allow for open conversations and the evaluation of soft skills, they are prone to biases and first impressions, which can cloud judgment.

Aptitude tests, on the other hand, provide a more objective and unbiased evaluation of a candidate’s skills. These exams assess a candidate’s cognitive ability, problem-solving abilities, and other work-related traits, offering insightful information about how well they could function in their future roles.

A study conducted by revealed compelling evidence of the effectiveness of various cognitive ability tests, including aptitude tests, in predicting job performance with a validity coefficient exceeding 51%(Hurtz & Donovan, 2000).

Both aptitude tests and traditional methods of interviewing can be used by a wide range of companies, and the choice between them often depends on various factors, including:

  1. The company’s industry
  2. Size
  3. Resources
  4. Hiring goals

Aptitude tests are highly valued in

  • Large corporations with high-volume hiring needs
  • Technical and STEM industries
  • Consulting and professional services firms

Traditional interviews are preferred in:

  • Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)
  • Creative and artistic industries
  • Relationship-driven industries (e.g., sales, customer service)

The approaches a firm chooses to use to evaluate job candidates, traditional interviews or aptitude tests, depends on the requirements and preferences of that particular organization. A hybrid strategy that combines the two approaches can result in a more thorough and accurate review, which will eventually improve recruiting decisions.

Now that we have explored the aptitude tests versus traditional interviews in assessing candidate performance, we will take a look at examples of aptitude tests used in recruitment.

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7. What are some Examples of Aptitude Tests Used in Recruitment?

Aptitude tests used in recruitment cover a wide range of cognitive abilities and skill sets. By examining these examples in detail, we can gain a better understanding of the types of aptitude tests utilized to assess candidates’ skills, abilities, and potential.

Here are a few examples of aptitude tests commonly used by employers.

  • Numerical Reasoning Test
  • Verbal Reasoning Test
  • Logical Reasoning Test
  • Diagrammatic Reasoning Test
  • Abstract Reasoning Test
  • Spatial Reasoning Test
  • Critical Reasoning Test
  • Situational Judgement Test

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Let’s explore a range of aptitude tests frequently employed in recruitment in detail and how they contribute to effective candidate evaluation.

Numerical Reasoning Test

The Numerical Reasoning Test assesses the candidate’s ability to perform arithmetic calculations by drawing numerical data from charts, graphs and tables.

An example of a pre-employment numerical reasoning question:

Aptitude Pre-employment Tests 2024 | Guide For Recruiters (8)

Verbal Reasoning Test

Verbal reasoning assessments measure the candidate’s ability to critically read a passage of text, interpret it and use conclusions drawn from a written passage of text to assert if the statements in question are true, false or Cannot Say.

Here is a glimpse of a pre-employment verbal reasoning test question:

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Logical Reasoning Test

Logical reasoning test examines the candidate’s ability to solve problems, identify the pattern, and reason critically by interacting with visual sequences based on shapes, diagrams and icons.

Check out the pre-employment logical reasoning test question example below:

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Diagrammatic Reasoning Test

Diagrammatic Reasoning Test requires candidates to use logical reasoning skills to interpret the patterns in a sequence to solve problems. Diagrams, flowcharts, and other visual representations of information are commonly used in diagrammatic reasoning assessment.

Here is an example of a diagrammatic reasoning test

Aptitude Pre-employment Tests 2024 | Guide For Recruiters (11)

Abstract Reasoning Test

Abstract reasoning tests use abstract shapes and symbols. It is used to assess a candidate’s ability to recognise patterns and relationships in complex sets of data without the assistance of visual representations.

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Spatial Reasoning Test

This assessment measures the candidate’s ability to compare and analyse various 2D and 3D shapes to solve problems.

Spatial reasoning frequently demands the candidate to rotate and manipulate shapes in their head mentally and is used to evaluate abilities including spatial perception, mental visualisation, and spatial memory.

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Critical Reasoning Test

In this assessment, the candidate’s ability to critically reason is measured using a variety of statements and questions around the information provided.

The critical reasoning test is to analyse the capacity of candidates to make judgements and solve problems by applying evidence and reasons.

Critical thinking abilities are regarded as an important talent for assessing decision-making capacity while under pressure.

Aptitude Pre-employment Tests 2024 | Guide For Recruiters (14)

Situational Judgement Test

In this assessment, candidates are provided with likely scenarios and will be required to choose the best (and worst) decision options.

A Situational Judgement Test can give significant insight into how a candidate would react in certain work scenarios.

Specific soft skills, like leadership, responsibility, and time management, can potentially be measured through situational judgement assessments.

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8. Why use Assess Candidates Aptitude Tests to Hire?

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Here are the top four reasons to consider using Assess Candidates’ Aptitude tests for your hiring process:

  • Designed by Experts: Our aptitude test platform is developed by chartered scientists, psychologists and psychometricians, which have undergone rigorous testing and validation to select top talent in multiple organizations
  • Hiring Assessment Platform Compatibility: Assess Candidates’ easy-to-use hiring assessment platform allows employers to view candidate performance and make hiring decisions confidently with flexible criteria. Employers can easily shortlist candidates based on how well they performed in each psychometric test.
  • Candidate Engagement: Assess Candidates’ engaging candidate experience to ensure that the tests are user-friendly and accessible from any device. The psychometric assessments will be delivered on a fully branded portal for a seamless experience.
  • Easy Accessibility: Support for those with visual disabilities including; additional time, a zoom feature, and avoiding the use of certain colours and images, in line with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) to allow for the use of screen readers.

In conclusion, by incorporating aptitude tests, recruiters can make informed decisions, improve the efficiency of candidate selection, and enhance the overall quality of their workforce. However, it is crucial to regularly validate and verify the effectiveness and accuracy of the tests over time. This ensures that the aptitude tests remain reliable and up-to-date, and continue to provide valuable insights for making hiring decisions.

In the following FAQ section, we will address some final queries that recruiters often have.

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9. Aptitude Tests In Recruitment – FAQs

  1. Can aptitude tests be used for internal promotions or career development?
    • Yes, aptitude tests can be beneficial for identifying existing employees’ strengths and areas for development, aiding in internal promotions and career growth opportunities.
  1. Are aptitude tests suitable for all types of job roles?
    • Yes, aptitude tests can be customized and tailored to specific job roles and industries.
  1. How long does it typically take to complete an aptitude test?
    • The duration of a combination of aptitude tests vary, but they are designed to be completed within a reasonable timeframe, usually ranging from 30 minutes to a 2 hours.
  1. Are there any legal considerations when using aptitude tests in recruitment?
    • It is important to comply with local laws and regulations regarding the use of aptitude tests, such as ensuring they do not discriminate against protected characteristics and align with equal opportunity employment principles.
  1. How often should aptitude tests be updated or reviewed?
    • Aptitude tests should undergo regular review and updates to align with evolving job requirements and to maintain their relevance and accuracy in predicting job performance.
  1. Can the Assess Candidates platform provide benchmarking data for comparing candidate performance against industry standards?
    • Yes, the Assess Candidates platform can provide benchmarking data for comparing candidate performance against industry standards. The platform utilizes comprehensive data from a wide range of candidates, and industries also providing valuable insights into candidate strengths, weaknesses, and potential for success in specific job roles.

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Aptitude Pre-employment Tests 2024 | Guide For Recruiters (2024)


What is the most popular pre-employment test given? ›

What is the most common pre-employment test? The most common pre-employment tests are cognitive ability tests, also known as aptitude tests.

How do I prepare for a pre-employment aptitude test? ›

Tips to Clear a Pre-Employment Assessment
  1. Research about the Job Role. No two jobs are identical. ...
  2. Identify the Industry and Domain. ...
  3. Speak to the Hiring Team. ...
  4. Use Mock Pre-Employment Tests. ...
  5. Check System Requirements. ...
  6. Stay Calm. ...
  7. Be Aware of Job Context in Your Answers. ...
  8. Read Questions Carefully.

What is the aptitude test hiring process? ›

An aptitude test is a way for employers to assess a candidate's abilities through a variety of different testing formats. Aptitude tests will test your ability to perform tasks and react to situations at work. This includes: problem-solving.

What score do you need to pass an aptitude test? ›

To ensure that only the highest-performing candidates are to be selected, you can set a passing percentile at 70% or 80%. This means that the candidates must score higher than the benchmark score to get selected. In some cases, a passing percentile may be set at 50%, depending on the number of job applications.

What is an example of an aptitude test? ›

The Scholastic Assessment Test (SAT) that high school students take during their senior year is a good example of a multiple aptitude test.

What are the best aptitude tests for employees? ›

The most popular ones are verbal, spatial, cognitive, personality and numerical tests. Common Aptitude Test providers include SHL, Korn-Ferry, Saville Assessment, Mcqauig, Cubiks, BKSB and Aon Cut-e, CCAT, USPS 474, Criticall, Predictive Index (PI), IBEW, Wonderlic.

How hard is it to pass an aptitude test? ›

Is an aptitude test hard? Yes, aptitude tests can be difficult. They are designed to be challenging so that you can differentiate between those with high reasoning skills and those with lower skill level.

What type of questions are asked in an aptitude test pdf? ›

Aptitude Questions and Answers PDF

There are many different types of aptitude tests, but some of the most common include: Numerical reasoning: This type of test measures your ability to solve mathematical problems. Verbal reasoning: This type of test measures your ability to understand and interpret written language.

What is aptitude test in HR? ›

Definition of Aptitude Testing

Aptitude testing helps recruiters understand a candidate's ability to learn or do necessary jobs in a given situation. These tests don't measure how intelligent a person is; instead, they give a clear picture of their strengths and weaknesses.

Why do companies do aptitude tests? ›

Aptitude tests measure someone's potential to learn a new skill set. They evaluate general knowledge and are designed to discover someone's baseline knowledge. An employer looking to hire an industrial maintenance mechanic will not accurately understand a candidate's current skills using a mechanical aptitude test.

What is a general aptitude test? ›

A general aptitude test is a way to assess an applicant's ability to use logic to solve complex problems. It is an individual's innate, learned or acquired ability to perform specific tasks. It helps assess an individual's capacity to learn and understand, in general, regardless of any particular skill.

Is there math on an aptitude test? ›

Basic math skills are probably the most common component in pre-employment aptitude testing. Math skills are important in the recruitment world for two main reasons. The first is that many jobs require basic knowledge of math concepts and the ability to perform job-related tasks.

What happens if I fail my aptitude test? ›

In most cases, if you fail an aptitude test you will not progress to the next stage of the application process. You may be able to reapply for the position at a later date and retake the aptitude test.

Is the aptitude test oral or written? ›

Verbal aptitude tests evaluate a candidate's proficiency in language and their ability to understand and interpret written information. These tests typically include tasks such as: Reading comprehension: Candidates are presented with passages of text and must answer questions based on the information provided.

What is the most common pre-employment drug test? ›

Urinalysis – A urine test is the most common form of pre-employment drug testing and is typically conducted once a conditional offer of employment has been sent.

What are the pre-employment tests? ›

Pre-employment tests provide an objective measure of a candidate's qualifications, skills, and suitability for a role. They can assess technical knowledge, integrity, cognitive ability, personality traits, emotional intelligence, specific skills, and physical ability.

How to pass a pre-employment screening test? ›

Tips to Pass the Pre-Employment Assessment Tests
  1. Understand the purpose of the assessment: ...
  2. Be honest: ...
  3. Practice in advance and identify your strengths: ...
  4. Negative marking: ...
  5. Research well: ...
  6. Time your preparation: ...
  7. Brush up technical skills: ...
  8. Understand your potential employer:

Which is the most widely used career interest test? ›

The SII is a widely respected career interest inventory designed to provide insight into your personal interests and help you identify jobs to explore based on those interests. The assessment is backed by more than 80 years of research about how people of similar interests are employed.

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Author: Tyson Zemlak

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Name: Tyson Zemlak

Birthday: 1992-03-17

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Introduction: My name is Tyson Zemlak, I am a excited, light, sparkling, super, open, fair, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.