API Keys and their security - GeeksforGeeks (2024)

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API Keys and their security - GeeksforGeeks (1)

Last Updated : 30 Sep, 2022




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After having so much discussion about API Keys and OAuth Credential, in this article, we will focus on which one is better from security and privacy point of view. But before proceeding further let’s first recall what does Authentication and Authorization means?

Authentication means to validate your identity by using credentials like User Id, Username, Password. It is concerned with determining whether you are what you say you are using credentials presented by you. A most general example is Login Form that we encounter almost on all the websites.

Authorization, on the other hand, aims at determining whether you are authorized to access the resources or not. After your identity is authenticated by the system, the next step comes to give you access to the resources based on your identity.

For example, If we take example of a Laptop. Suppose there are 2 users in a Laptop, One is Admin and Another one is ABC. ABC is not authorized to delete a file. ABC can only create a file, read a file, modify a file.
If a user has entered credential of Admin. The System will first match the credentials with the one in database to determine which user is this or for a case whether it is a legit user or not. After authenticating the credentials, System gets to know that it is Admin, so it will see the set of permissions for the Admin and grant only the privileges that are meant for Admin. Like Admin can delete a file also. But if it is user ABC, then it will only be able to create a file, read a file and modify a file, deletion will not be allowed. This is known is Authorization.

After going through these differences we can easily understand the difference between API Key and OAuth. There are three types of security mechanism for an API –

  1. HTTP Basic Authentication: In this mechanism HTTP User Agent provides a Username and Password. Since this method depends only on HTTP Header and entire authentication data is transmitted on insecure lines, Thus, it is prone to Man-In-The-Middle Attack where a user can simply capture the HTTP Header and login using copy-cat Header and a malicious packet. Due to enforced SSL, this scheme is very slow. HTTP Basic Authentication can be used in situations like Internal Network where speed is not an issue.
  2. API Keys: API Keys came into picture due to slow speed and highly vulnerable nature of HTTP Basic Authentication. API Key is the code that is assigned to the user upon API Registration or Account Creation. API Keys are generated using the specific set of rules laid down by the authorities involved in API Development. This piece of code is required to pass whenever the entity (Developer, user or a specific program) makes a call to the API. Despite easy usage and fast speed, they are highly insecure.

    Question still remains, WHY ??
    The problem is, API Key is a method of Authentication, not Authorization. They are like username and password, Thus providing entry into the system. In general, API Keys are placed at the following places: Authorization Header, Basic Auth, Body Data, Custom Header, Query String.

    Anytime while making a request we need to send an API Key by placing it in any of the above places. Thus if at any point of time network is compromised, then the entire network gets exposed and API Key can be easily extracted.
    Once an API Key is stolen, it can be used for indefinite amount of time. Unless and until the project owner revokes the API Key and generate a new one.

  3. OAuth: OAuth is not only a method of Authentication or Authorization, but it’s also a mixture of both the methods. Whenever an API is called using OAuth credential, user logs into the system, generating a token. Remember this token is active for one session only after which user has to generate a new token by logging again into the system. After submitting this token to the Server, User is authorized to the roles based on the credentials.
    Now if take an example from Youtube Data API, First the user will authenticate itself by submitting credentials like username and password and then Submit the generated token to the server and authorize itself for the role.

    Images below shows how OAuth Credential works:

API Keys and their security - GeeksforGeeks (3)

  1. After successful login, a token is generated. This token when presented to the server decides the appropriate rights for the calling user and generates the results accordingly. The highlighted portion in the image represent the Authorization Token that was generated.

API Keys and their security - GeeksforGeeks (4)


  1. https://nordicapis.com/3-common-methods-api-authentication-explained/
  2. https://zapier.com/engineering/apikey-oauth-jwt/
  3. https://apifriends.com/api-security/api-keys-oauth/
  4. https://cloud.google.com/endpoints/docs/openapi/when-why-api-key
  5. https://nordicapis.com/why-api-keys-are-not-enough/

API Keys and their security - GeeksforGeeks (5)


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API Keys and their security - GeeksforGeeks (6)

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API Keys and their security - GeeksforGeeks (2024)


API Keys and their security - GeeksforGeeks? ›

The problem is, API Key is a method of Authentication, not Authorization. They are like username and password, Thus providing entry into the system. In general, API Keys are placed at the following places: Authorization Header, Basic Auth, Body Data, Custom Header, Query String.

How are API keys secure? ›

API keys aren't as secure as authentication tokens (see Security of API keys), but they identify the application or project that's calling an API. They are generated on the project making the call, and you can restrict their use to an environment such as an IP address range, or an Android or iOS app.

What is the risk of API keys? ›

Data breaches: If your API keys fall into the wrong hands, they can be used to access or alter your sensitive data. This includes customer information, financial details, or proprietary data. The consequences could range from data loss to identity theft, fraud, or even legal issues.

What are the types of API security? ›

Understanding API Security
  • SOAP APIs (1998-2010). Simple Objects Access Protocol (SOAP) APIs use digital signatures and encryption of the XML-formatted data to apply security at the message level. ...
  • REST APIs (2010-now). ...
  • GraphQL APIs (2020-future) GraphQL is an emerging query language for APIs.

Which is the most secure method to transmit an API key? ›

Don't share API keys through email. Always use HTTPS/SSL for your API requests — some APIs won't field your request if you're not using it.

What happens if an API key is compromised? ›

If you suspect that your API key may be compromised, we recommend revoking the key immediately. You can do so by logging into your Anthropic account, going to the API keys page from your profile, clicking the meatball menu (i.e. the three horizontal dots) next to the key in question, and selecting 'Delete API Key. '

Can API keys be intercepted? ›

The API Keys method embeds the API key directly into the header or query of the request, allowing others to see the content inserted into that request. As a result, someone can intercept the request and steal the API key 😮.

What are the 4 types of API? ›

What are the different web API types?
  • Open APIs. Public APIs (or Open APIs) function through a set of tools, routines, and protocols for developing software applications. ...
  • Partner APIs. ...
  • Internal APIs. ...
  • Composite APIs.
May 2, 2023

How to know if an API is secure? ›

4 Quick Ways to Test if Your API is Secure
  1. Parameter tampering. Parameter tampering is when an attacker changes the values in an API request. ...
  2. Injection. An injection attack occurs when an attacker inserts hostile input into an API. ...
  3. Input Fuzzing. ...
  4. Unhandled HTTP Methods.
Sep 7, 2020

Which API method is more secure? ›

HTTP Bearer Authentication: API consumers send API requests with a unique API access token in an HTTP header. API providers then validate the API access token to authenticate API users. This API authentication method is more secure than Basic, as API requests cannot be intercepted easily.

Can API keys be stolen? ›

The app was connecting directly to the api, meaning the api key was stored locally on the app. If you intercept the request, you can steal the key.

What is the difference between API and API key? ›

An API key is an alphanumeric string that API developers use to control access to their APIs. An API is a communication mechanism that allows data exchange between two software modules.

Which two elements help to secure your API keys? ›

API keys are supposed to be a secret that only the client and server know. Like Basic authentication, API key-based authentication is only considered secure if used together with other security mechanisms such as HTTPS/SSL.

How are APIs secure? ›

Most RESTful APIs will rely on transport layer security (such as HTTPS) and token-based authentication. A common architectural choice for addressing REST API security is to deploy REST APIs behind an API gateway, and then provide this connectivity option to clients.

Is it safe to share my API key? ›

Can I share my API key with my teammate/coworker? Can I share my API key with my teammate/coworker? To keep your account secure we recommend that you don't share your API Key with anyone. Instead of sharing your key, you can invite teammates to be part of your organization account through the Members page.

What happens if someone steals API key? ›

On the API keys tab of your account, you have the option to revoke an API key, and generate a new one.

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Name: Ray Christiansen

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Introduction: My name is Ray Christiansen, I am a fair, good, cute, gentle, vast, glamorous, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.