API Discovery: 15 Ways to Find APIs | Nordic APIs | (2024)

Bill Doerrfeld

API Discovery: 15 Ways to Find APIs | Nordic APIs | (2)How do you find an API? Well, a Google search is likely your first guess, however, there are a trove of curated API marketplaces, directories, and lists for you to peruse before you make a decision.We’ve highlighted15 different ways to find APIs, including all the major API directories, and our insights into the past and potential future of API discovery trends.

This article was last updated on July 6, 2017.

Defining ‘API Discovery’

In the world of application programming interfaces or APIs there are differing methods for cataloging these services in order to make them discoverable. Certainly major headlines can spread the news of an API release, but developers need unique integrations for their specific situation, which may not match the API release of the week. Thus, API directories and API-specific search engines have emerged as a win-win scenario — they help market APIs from the provider side, and help developers discover the perfect match for their systems.

API directories are as diverse as the space itself — each with it’s own method of collecting and cataloging APIs. But which discovery format can scale with the future growth of the API industry? What search style presents the most relevant results to efficiently help developers find the right API for their application?

Manual Vs Automation

Imagine that rather than automatically scanning the web, Google maintained a single database and hired a team to contact business owners to inquire if they had a website. That’s essentially the manual legwork that’s been done to grow API directories like ProgrammableWeb to date. Hand-curation is feasible in the short run, but some feel the scalability of this process is weak if we anticipate future growth in the hundreds of thousands — or millions of APIs. To this end, API search engines have been developed such as APIs.io or APIs.guru that leverageautomation to increase scalability and standardize the cataloging process.

15Ways to Find APIs

We’ll now explore fifteenapproaches to finding APIs, outlining major API directories, marketplaces, and community curated lists, while giving a short review of their services.

1: ProgrammableWeb

Owned by Mulesoft, ProgrammableWeb distributes API-related press releases, news articles, reviews, and maintains the world’s largest hand-curated directory of APIs — now measured at over 17,000.

API Discovery: 15 Ways to Find APIs | Nordic APIs | (3)

In addition to APIs, the database also catalogues mashups and developer tools like SDKs, frameworks, libraries, and code samples. A lot of work goes into searching for APIs and vetting user-submitted APIs, and unique descriptions on API functionalities accompany each profile. The directory has an intricate tagging system, enabling a user to browse hyper-specific categories relevant to their app’s industry.

PW.com is also a consistent publishing machine, shooting out articles on new API releases, code tutorials, reviews, and more every day. Utilizing all their internal data, the PW.com research center also provides helpful resources for directing presentations on the API economy.

PW.com is exhaustive. With such a large collection, a potential problem is that there isn’t a quality ranking assigned to the APIs. Nevertheless, while the directory is comprehensive, the PW.com journal retains a proficient view of the API economy.

Check out additionalWays to Market Your API

2: RapidAPI.com

With the recentmerger of Mashape’s Public APIs and RapidAPI, RapidAPI.com has become a top curated marketplace of high impact APIs. The site aggregates some the“world’s top APIs”into subcategories likePayment, Machine Learning, eCommerce, Health, Geolocation, and other specific areas.Each API profile lists specific endpoints unique to the service. RapidAPI also allows users to test APIs and embed them into their apps, all through the RapidAPI account panel, allowing developers to track and monitortheir API dependencies.

API Discovery: 15 Ways to Find APIs | Nordic APIs | (4)

Visitors can search through and compare their array of API profiles, which include short descriptions andlinks to the provider’s documentation. You can also suggest new APIs to expand the directory.

2.5: Rakuten RapidAPI

Seeking to enter the Asia Pacific Region? Rakuten recently localized the RapidAPI marketplace for Japanese developers. This means that APIs can now be listed on both channels, increasing your visibility.

API Discovery: 15 Ways to Find APIs | Nordic APIs | (5)

The Rakuten RapidAPI team prioritized a couple hundred APIs, putting their documentation through the wringer of high quality human translation. The rest were auto-translated.

3: APIs.guru OpenAPI Collection

APIs.guru is a machine-readable Wikipedia for publicly available REST APIs.The site acceptsURLs for publicly hosted API specifications, and converts formats into the Swagger 2.0 / Open API Specification, automatically updating when specs change. You browse the growing APIs.guru collection here, andview eachspecification in JSON or YAML. API owners or contributorsor canadd an API. They alsoprovide their own APIto access the directory programmatically.

API Discovery: 15 Ways to Find APIs | Nordic APIs | (6)

4: Public-APIs

Not to be confused with the retired PublicAPIs.com, the Public-APIs Github repo is an impressive curated list of the developer favorite APIs in over 40 niche categories, simply described as “📚 A public list of APIs from round the web.”If you are seeking quick options for how to implement Identity Verification, Machine Learning, Geolocation services, or any other data-heavy cloud solution, the APIs listed here are likely your top contenders.

5: APIs.io

At 7 characters, “APIs.io” certainly wins for brevity. Powered by 3Scale, API Evangelist, and API Tools, the {API}Search engine uses a kind of metadata to automate API discovery.API Discovery: 15 Ways to Find APIs | Nordic APIs | (7)

”The only way to discover APIs and their properties is via human driven search through public search engines or in hand curated API Directory listings. While these methods work, neither can scale to the potentially hundreds of thousands and millions of APIs which will be published over the next few years…The objective of APIs.json is to help fix this problem by making it easy for people to signpost where the APIs on a given domain are and provide information on how they work. The format is simple and extensible and can be put into any web root domain for discovery.”

Still in an experimental phase, the APIs.json format definitions are open sourced, and ongoing discussion occursin this Google group. Though the directory is still in it’s infancy, APIs.io or a derivative could be a scalable alternative to traditional modes of API cataloging.

6: API Hound

Relatively newto the API discovery game, API Hound uses machine scanners to find APIs. According to the API Hound blog, the service uses keyword searches to automatically scan the web for APIs. Textual analysis associates the resultswith specific categories, allowing APIs to be ranked in relevancy fueled by undisclosed algorithms. Search results provide direct links to the API provider’s site.

API Discovery: 15 Ways to Find APIs | Nordic APIs | (8)

“We launched APIHound because -like you- we depend on finding APIs to build cool stuff. We searched for a good API directory, but all we found were sites like ProgrammableWeb that have been manually collecting APIs for years and PublicAPIs which has a very small API database. There had to be more APIs out there waiting to be found.We decided it was time to bring API Searching into the 21st century. APIHound is continuously examining billions of pages to locate the best API resources.The result is that APIHound has uncovered over 50,000 APIs indexed, categorized, and available for searching.”

The site architecture could use some work — all data is populated by the URLs, the user-facing search results are not intuitively displayed, and no profiles for the APIs exist. However, the purported 50,000 APIs that the engine can purportedly access makes the service no laughing matter.

7: API For That

API For That is a hand-curated API directory. Organized intoabout 20 industry categories, API For That catalogues an estimated 400+ API profiles with links to documentation, a provider home page, and a short description for each API. The site encourages API developers to submit their APIs into the directory, and once an hour their Twitter tweets a new API that has been recently added.

API Discovery: 15 Ways to Find APIs | Nordic APIs | (9)

”We are bringing APIs from all over the web and beyond into one location. We help you find exactly what you’re looking for by sorting them, categorizing them, and keeping them up to date.”

8:Google APIs Explorer

Due to the vastness of the Google APIs collection, the Google APIs Discovery Service can programmatically return data onGoogle APIs through a “lightweight, JSON-based API that exposes machine-readable metadata.” In addition to the machine-readable format, the APIs Explorer provides an interactive web tool for human eyes.

API Discovery: 15 Ways to Find APIs | Nordic APIs | (10)

9: SDKS.io

SDKs.io ties into directories and API discovery formats to automatically generate data on SDKs and APIs that are available for public use. Visitors can explore the catalog by directory or category, discover APIs related to their needs, and peruse documentation for specific languages and platforms.API Discovery: 15 Ways to Find APIs | Nordic APIs | (11)

Learn How to Integrate APIs Into Creative Marketing Attempts

10: Mashery API Network

TIBCO’s Mashery API Network hosts around 40 public APIs from various providers.Their directory of APIs caters to categories like business services, media, eCommerce, location, health, and more. Only listing Mashery-powered APIs, it’s not an all-inclusive directory. Other than the listing, Mashery offers a suite of tools designed for developers, packed with open source interactive documentation tools.

API Discovery: 15 Ways to Find APIs | Nordic APIs | (12)

11: Azure Marketplace by Microsoft

Microsoft Azure is amping up its developer services game. Computer vision, face APIs, speech TTS APIs, and more are all part of some developer services powered by Azure for cloud applications listed in their marketplace.

API Discovery: 15 Ways to Find APIs | Nordic APIs | (13)

Read More: More Ways to Market Your API’s Operations Stage

12: Algorithmia

Who says the genius of academic computer scientists should stay on campus? Algorithmia provides an open marketplace for mathematicians to expose their algorithms. This enables smart micro tools in the fields of textual analysis, machine learning, computer vision, audio & video, graphs, computational mathematics and more to be exposed and integrated into apps. Though technically throttled through the Algorithmia API, the quickly expanding array of micro tools makes this an API directory in it’s own right.

API Discovery: 15 Ways to Find APIs | Nordic APIs | (14)

Developers can expose these algorithms in a RESTful JSON format for integration into third party apps, or can upload their own to monetize the system and play the algorithm market.

13: Product Hunt

Product Hunt is a community-curated directory of technology products that mimics the Reddit up-vote style. Though not exhaustive or explicitly related to APIs, many new APIs are often submitted and disseminated throughout the community, or arranged into favorite lists. Due to the crowd-sourced and somewhat competitive nature of the platform, it doesn’t hurt to follow Product Hunt to keep on the lookout for the freshest technologies and APIs.

API Discovery: 15 Ways to Find APIs | Nordic APIs | (15)

14: IBM’sAPI Harmony

IBM’s API directory takesa contextual approach to discovering APIs, structuringrelationships between APIs based on their use cases and related information, such asdeveloper discussions, usage advice, and Github projects using the API. The directory is populated with data from APIs.guru, and manual curation. Browse on API Harmonybysearch field or see theirFeatured, Popular, and Latest APIs lists.

API Discovery: 15 Ways to Find APIs | Nordic APIs | (16)

15:API List

API List has a small but growing curated directory of popular developer APIs. From Algolia’sSearch-as-a-service , to Face++ image detection, visitors can browse and learn about a wide range of programmable software.

API profiles come with a brief description, category, and feature information like SSL support, endpoint URL, authentication method, and supported data formats. Maintained by web entrepreneur Adam Hodara, API List is also open topublic contributions.

API Discovery: 15 Ways to Find APIs | Nordic APIs | (17)

16. Postman API Network

“The Postman API Network is the most authentic collection of API Publishers currently on the web.”

Postman is a popular tool in the API space, and they’ve recently released their own API Network, an aggregation of over 100 critical APIs in industries such as Business Solutions, eCommerce, Financial Services, Travel, and other areas. Visit the API Network to browse the APIs currently within the catalogue.

API Discovery: 15 Ways to Find APIs | Nordic APIs | (18)

17. API-Rest

“Explore tons of Apis (Rest or not) with our search engine”

API-Rest is a directory of RESTful (and non-REST) APIs. The directory is well-tagged, so you can search by niche topics. For example, a search for “NLP” returns profiles on APIs like Machine Linking API, Visual Context Graph, Lemmatizer API, and others. Each API profile displays simple information, such as base endpoint and developer home page. The Discover page allows you to see the top viewed APIs to get a sense on what is popular. You can suggest to add your APIhere.

API Discovery: 15 Ways to Find APIs | Nordic APIs | (19)

A Short History of API Discovery

Things are only catalogued if there are too many of them to count. So, when we talk about discovery, we must first talk about growth. If compared to the trend in website growth in the 90s and early 2000s, a similar exponential growth has occurred with APIs. Now estimated at over 17,000 public APIs in existence, the world is quickly becoming too large to manage, too diverse to know all containments, too extraordinary to recall.

Enter API Discovery. For John Musser, ProgrammableWeb didn’t emerge because he saw a business opportunity — it was out of pure necessity. Musser began to hand-catalogue web APIs while preparing for a completely separate project, and in the process realized that no directory for APIs existed at the time. In 2005, he launched a simple site, which quickly received a lot of attention. By 2008, PW.com had 1,000 APIs listed. As a community hub, the ProgrammableWeb directory grew larger, and satisfied the needs of developers looking to create mashups, mobile apps, web apps, and more with these new, somewhat unprecedented technologies.

In 2014 we saw the emergence of a new breed of API discovery – automation. Powered by the minds behind 3Scale, API Evangelist, and APITools, APIs.io works on the proposed APIs.json discovery format, essentially a tag API providers can add to their code to automatically submit their API to the directory. What began with a few APIs has quickly emerged into nearly one thousand APIs.

Aside from the APIs.json discovery format, as we’ve covered above, today there are a slew of API management providers, API directories, listings, marketplaces, search engines, and so forth, each with their own method of making sense of the API jungle. Still, even with these tools, it’s important to note that API discovery will highly depend on SEO and word of mouth. The latter takes the form of talk at developer conferences, meetups, hackathons, sound bites on TechCrunch, a 10 minute fame on Product Hunt, or perhaps an integration walkthrough on the Nordic APIs blog.

#API Discovery is a combination of pure luck and word-of-mouth. https://t.co/laKLBz0ufP #APIdaysBCN

— Bruno Pedro (@bpedro) May 6, 2015

The Future of API Discovery

As APIs become more and more ubiquitous, the way they are catalogued and found naturally becomes an increasing concern. Treating an API as a product, providers must consider all possible marketing attempts — and in this space, searchability iskey. This may mean adding your API to all the applicable directories mentioned above to maximize exposure.

Though API directories like PublicAPIs have a nice user interface with curated collections, they require manual updating. The prospect of machine-machine automation offers benefits like auto-update of API information and the ability to crawl, offering up some tasty benefits to the future of API discovery.

Have any thoughts on what should be done to help APIs become more discoverable? Did we leave out an API directory or API discovery service? Please share below!

API Discovery: 15 Ways to Find APIs | Nordic APIs | (2024)


How do I find available APIs? ›

Best Websites To Find/Discover APIs
  1. RapidAPI.com.
  2. ProgrammableWeb.
  3. Public APIs.
  4. API List.
  5. API For That.
  6. APIs. guru OpenAPI Collection.
  7. Google APIs Discovery Service.
Jan 8, 2021

How do I find API endpoints in code? ›

1. Through the dataset URL: You can get the API endpoint by simply taking the dataset's UID and replacing it in this string: https://domain/resource/UID.extension *where the extension is the data format you's like to pull the data as. For a full list of extension formats please go here.

What are the three most common APIs available? ›

Today, there are three categories of API protocols or architectures: REST, RPC and SOAP.

How do I get all API data? ›

The most straightforward way of accessing data from an API endpoint is simply viewing it in the browser. As long as you're connected to the internet, you should be able to preview most API's data regardless of its format.

How does API discovery work? ›

API Discovery is the process of finding and identifying APIs that are available for integration with your applications. This process is essential for ensuring API security and can involve researching, testing, and evaluating APIs to determine their suitability for your project.

How do I find the API of a website in Chrome? ›

  1. Open the Chrome Developer Console: a. Open Chrome and navigate to the page you want to test. ...
  2. Search for ip. json: In the developer console, select the Network tab and enter ip. json in the filter box.
  3. Reload the page: a. ...
  4. Check the firmographic attribute data: a.
Jan 4, 2023

How do I get API in my browser? ›

Using the browser address bar
  1. Go to the API Reference to see which methods exist and which one specifically you would like to test.
  2. Download a JSON formatter so that the output JSON is easily readable. Suggestions. Google Chrome: Install the JSON Formatter or Pretty JSON addon. Mozilla Firefox: Install the JSONovich addon.

How do I manually test API endpoints? ›

API testing flow is quite simple with three main steps:
  1. Send the request with necessary input data.
  2. Get the response having output data.
  3. Verify that the response returned as expected in the requirement.

What is API endpoint URL? ›

An API endpoint is a digital location where an API receives requests about a specific resource on its server. In APIs, an endpoint is typically a uniform resource locator (URL) that provides the location of a resource on the server.

How do I find my API URL? ›

To find your API request URL, you'll need to check the API documentation for your API of interest. Depending on the API's complexity and the strength of its documentation, available endpoints and parameters may be more or less easy to discover, but everything you need should be right there in the docs.

How do I access Google search API? ›

Step 1: Get Your Google Search Console API Key
  1. Go to Google's developers console, and sign-in;
  2. Go to “Dashboard” and click “Enable APIs and Services” ;
  3. Search for “Google Search Console API” and enable the API;
  4. Go to the “credential” tab, click on “create credential” and select “OAuth Client ID”;
Feb 2, 2020

What is an API for dummies? ›

APIs, or Application Programming Interfaces, are like a set of rules and protocols that allow different software programs to talk to each other and share data or functionality. For example, when you use a weather app on your phone, it's probably using an API to get the current weather data from a service.

How do I access API of an app? ›

For you to gain access to an API, you'll need to enter an API key to prove your identity. An API key is basically an authentic string of letters and numbers. Developers need to register with the API provider for them to get an API key. Once they have it, they can now open the API and move to the next step.

What are 2 types of APIs? ›

A public API and an internal API, for example, are two distinct types, based on who has access.

Which API is mostly used? ›

The most common type of API is the web API, which can be accessed over the internet using HTTP. It's typically used with JavaScript to add features during web development. Other APIs include local APIs, mobile APIs, and machine-to-machine (M2M) APIs, but we'll be focusing on web APIs for now.

What is the most basic API? ›

RPC is short for Remote Procedural Call and is the oldest and simplest type of API protocol. RPC is a request-response protocol, where a client sends a request to a remote server to execute a specific procedure, and then the client receives a response back.

How do I get random data from API? ›

We run the function inside the “randomUserGenerator” function and pass the data we get from the API to the “showRandomUserData” function. Once you refresh your file in the browser, you'll see a random name of a person, which was fetched from the API 💥.

Is there an API for every website? ›

Virtually every operating system or webpage you visit includes some sort of API. API use is now commonplace and all the end user needs is a web browser.

How to get API for free? ›

Best Free APIs
  1. HubSpot API.
  2. Yahoo Search Marketing API.
  3. Common Crawl.
  4. Google APIs.
  5. WordPress APIs.
  6. Sejda PDF API.
  7. QRcode Monkey.
  8. Telegram API.
Sep 14, 2021

What is your API secret? ›

The API secret key is used to identify your account. You will be asked to provide one to connect to some of our services like the Google Sheets Add-on and the API functionalities. You can find your API secret key in the API page on your dashboard. You can also create new API keys in the same section if necessary.

What are discoverable APIs? ›

API discovery refers to defining innovations and capabilities when it's used in internal programming. It plays a key role in ensuring effective API development done for applications granting access to third-party resources and applications.

How API secret keys work? ›

An API key is passed by an application, which then calls the API to identify the user, developer, or program attempting to access a website. It can help break development silos and will typically be accompanied by a set of access rights that belong to the API the key is associated with.

How do I use Google API on my website? ›

Go to the Google Maps Platform > Credentials page. On the Credentials page, click Create credentials > API key. The API key created dialog displays your newly created API key. Click Close.

What is an API with example? ›

APIs are mechanisms that enable two software components to communicate with each other using a set of definitions and protocols. For example, the weather bureau's software system contains daily weather data. The weather app on your phone “talks” to this system via APIs and shows you daily weather updates on your phone.

What is an example of browser API? ›

A good example is the Geolocation API, which is used to get the geographical position of a user. It takes advantage of the device's capability to pinpoint the user's location that can then be used in the web app.

How do I access rest endpoints? ›

Step #1 – Enter the URL of the API in the textbox of the tool. Step #2 – Select the HTTP method used for this API (GET, POST, PATCH, etc). Step #3 – Enter any headers if they are required in the Headers textbox. Step #4 – Pass the request body of the API in a key-value pair.

Which tool is used for API testing? ›

The tool that is most commonly used for API testing is Testim. Testim is a powerful tool for API testing that makes it easy to create and execute automated tests for your API. Testim also provides a wide range of assertions and verifications that you can use to validate the results of your API tests.

How do I authenticate an API? ›

To authenticate API requests, you can use basic authentication with your email address and password, your email address and an API token, or an OAuth access token. All methods of authentication set the authorization header differently. Credentials sent in the payload or URL are not processed.

What are the API methods? ›

The 5 essential HTTP methods in RESTful API development
  • HTTP resources vs. resource collections. ...
  • Method 1: POST. ...
  • Method 2: PUT. ...
  • Method 3: PATCH. ...
  • Method 4: GET. ...
  • Method 5: DELETE.
Jul 16, 2021

How do you expose API endpoints? ›

Expose Your Application With a REST API
  1. Step One – Define API Interactions. Rental Listing Example.
  2. Step Two – Identify Resources. Resources. ...
  3. Step Three – Define Message Format. ...
  4. Step Four – Define Endpoints. ...
  5. Step Five – Implement Endpoints. ...
  6. Step Six – Document Your API.
  7. Step Seven – Publish Your API.
Sep 14, 2020

What is the difference between URL and API? ›

Url is a just a link to any website from where you can scrap data , or crawl or do anything the way you want manually. API are special urls / links , which provide data in json format so that we can parse them and use them in the way we need to use them. They are not like a website , but kind of some data providers.

What is an example of API testing? ›

Some specific examples of API testing tools include Accelq, Apache JMeter, Apigee, Assertible, Insomnia, Katalon, Postman, ReadyAPI, REST Assured, SoapUI and Swagger UI. As an example, Apache JMeter is a free, open source Java application that works on Windows, Linux or macOS.

What is the base path of an API? ›

The base path is the initial URL segment of the API, and does not include the host name or any additional segments for paths or operations. It is shared by all operations in the API.

What is my API name? ›

View API names. Go to Setup > API, Apps & Integrations > Developer Space > CRM API. Under the API Names tab, you can view the list of API names for all the available modules.

How do I get data from Google API? ›

Go to the Google Cloud console API Library. From the projects list, select the project you want to use. In the API Library, select the API you want to enable. If you need help finding the API, use the search field and/or the filters.

What is JSON API? ›

JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) API is an application programming interface designed for lightweight data interchange (text-based data exchange format) between two computer applications operating on the same hardware device or between different computers in different geographical areas.

Does Google image search have an API? ›

Google Reverse Image API allows to get results for image search https://images.google.com . The API is accessed through the following endpoint: /search?

How hard is it to learn API? ›

Take a deep breath. Relax. While the way people talk about APIs sounds horribly complex, in reality they are very easy to understand. That said, if you run a website or supervise people who do web development, you do need to understand what an API is – and why they are mission critical to your business.

How to setup an API? ›

How to Create an API
  1. Determine Your Requirements. First, you'll need to determine your API requirements. ...
  2. Design Your API. Next, you'll need to consider API design. ...
  3. Develop Your API. Now, it's time to start developing your API product. ...
  4. Test Your API. ...
  5. Publish/Deploy Your API. ...
  6. Monitor Your API.
Feb 7, 2023

How do I enable API on my phone? ›

Follow these steps to enable the API:
  1. In the Google Cloud Console, go to the Projects page. ...
  2. Enable the Android Performance Parameters API on the project you selected. ...
  3. Select the Credentials tab on the left.
  4. If the project does not have an existing API key, click CREATE CREDENTIALS and select API Key. ...
  5. Copy the API key.
Mar 15, 2022

What is API code? ›

An application programming interface (API) is code that enables two software programs to communicate. An API defines how a developer should request services from an operating system (OS) or other application, and expose data within different contexts and across multiple channels.

Do all websites have APIs? ›

Many of the apps on your phone, including IOS, or you interact with on a daily basis are APIs with a user interface. Virtually every operating system or webpage you visit includes some sort of API. API use is now commonplace and all the end user needs is a web browser.

How many public APIs are available today? ›

At present, ProgrammableWeb indicates over 24,000 public APIs currently listed on their directory. While some of these listings may be defunct, it's still a useful approximation of how many APIs are out there, though, and well worth a look, especially if you're searching for APIs by category.

Where can users discover what APIs you have published? ›

After publication, Application Developers use the Developer Portal to discover, evaluate, register, and consume your published APIs.

What does API availability mean? ›

API Availability means that the entitlement related API is fully functional with [*] = CERTAIN INFORMATION HAS BEEN OMITTED AND FILED SEPARATELY WITH THE COMMISSION.

Can you access any API? ›

For you to gain access to an API, you'll need to enter an API key to prove your identity. An API key is basically an authentic string of letters and numbers. Developers need to register with the API provider for them to get an API key. Once they have it, they can now open the API and move to the next step.

Is an API just a URL? ›

An API endpoint is a digital location where an API receives requests about a specific resource on its server. In APIs, an endpoint is typically a uniform resource locator (URL) that provides the location of a resource on the server.

What is world's largest API? ›

Rapid, the World's Largest API Marketplace, Introduces API Hub for Business, Empowering Any Company to Launch its Own Custom Hub in Minutes.

Which tool to explore APIs? ›

Comparison Chart:
Tool NamePlatform
ReadyAPIWindows, Mac, Linux.
ACCELQcloud-based continuous testing
Katalon PlatformWindows, macOS, Linux
PostmanWindows, Mac, Linux, and Chrome browser-plugin
2 more rows
Mar 20, 2023

How do you check if an API is public or private? ›

See if an API is public or private

Private APIs appear with the PRIVATE label on the SwaggerHub dashboard, in search results and on the API definition page. Note that different versions of the same API can have different visibility statuses.

How do I trace an API request? ›

How to use Trace
  1. Select an API proxy from the API Proxies page.
  2. Be sure the API you wish to trace is deployed.
  3. Click Trace to go to the Trace tool view.
  4. Use the Deployment to Trace dropdown menu to select which deployment environment and proxy revision you wish to trace.
  5. Click Start Trace Session.
Mar 31, 2023

How do I know if my API is up? ›

Using JavaScript to Validate API Response Bodies

In your API Science monitor, you can use JavaScript to validate any of these fields. Let's say your API at this moment relies on the response “day” value to be “2”. If the API isn't returning this JSON value, then, from the point of view of your product, the API is down.

How do I know if API is reachable? ›

Make a call and check the [status](w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec10.html )of it. Try to use an ajax request using GET method. A 404 status code is the best sign that the server has not found anything matching the URI given, which means the api is not reachable at least in that endpoint.

What is an example of API in real time? ›

APIs are used in web applications to connect user-facing front ends with critical back-end functionality and data. APIs are used to deliver material by streaming services such as Spotify and Netflix. APIs are used by automakers such as Tesla to provide software upgrades.

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Article information

Author: Rob Wisoky

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Views: 5855

Rating: 4.8 / 5 (68 voted)

Reviews: 83% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Rob Wisoky

Birthday: 1994-09-30

Address: 5789 Michel Vista, West Domenic, OR 80464-9452

Phone: +97313824072371

Job: Education Orchestrator

Hobby: Lockpicking, Crocheting, Baton twirling, Video gaming, Jogging, Whittling, Model building

Introduction: My name is Rob Wisoky, I am a smiling, helpful, encouraging, zealous, energetic, faithful, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.