Apex Legends: The 15 Best Legends, Ranked (2024) (2024)

Apex Legends regularly rework legends and provide buffs and nerfs to keep the game balanced or as much as they can. Due to the difficulty of managing over 23 unique legends, some will be stronger than others. When the game first came out, some legends were vastly different from their current state.


Apex Legends: Tips For The Broken Moon Map

The Broke Moon map in Apex Legends requires players to remember some important things if they are to win.

Lifeline could heal faster than other legends, but her rework caused her to lose popularity until she was buffed. Wraith is another legend who has seen massive changes since her initial state. Wraith remains a popular legend despite her constant nerfs to her kit. She is still an excellent pick for aggressive players. For 2024, here's how the best legends in Apex Legends rank against each other.

Updated on May 24, 2024, by Aly Azmy: The addition of legend upgrade perks has largely changed the legend rankings in Apex Legends and can play a significant role during a fight. This list has been rewritten and reranked to focus on the recent legend updates and the perks of each legend. Other changes such as temporarily removing the digital threat scope have affected legends such as Bangalore. Most legends have received either buffs or nerfs and have had their ranking altered.

15 Seer

Skill Level Required: Beginner

Apex Legends: The 15 Best Legends, Ranked (2024) (2)

Heart Seeker (Passive)

Reveals enemies within 50 meters when aiming down sights.

Focus of Attention (Tactical)

Fire several drones that go past walls and halt enemy abilities while revealing their location.

Exhibit (Ultimate)

A deployable device that covers a 35-meter radius and reveals any enemies who sprint, walk, or fire weapons in its vicinity.

For a while, Seer dominated the Apex Games until he was nerfed. Currently, Seer is a good choice for teams that play off information and require constant scans. Aggressive players will benefit the most from a Seer as his scan-on-demand kit fits that play style.

His upgrades offer no substantial advantages, as players may opt to remove his movement penalty when using his passive. Using Seer requires players to scan quickly and coordinate a fast push before the other team can defend appropriately.

14 Caustic

Skill Level Required: Expert

Apex Legends: The 15 Best Legends, Ranked (2024) (3)

Nox Vision (Passive)

Gain immunity to and spot enemies inside Nox Gas.

Nox Gas Trap (Tactical)

Deploy a total of 6 gas canisters. Cannisters are triggered by approaching players or when shot at.

Nox Gas Grenade

Throwable Grenade that covers a wide area in Nox Gas.

Caustic shines brightest during the last few rings, as his ultimate does a spectacular job at flushing out teams from tight areas. During the early game, Caustic struggles to create any opportunities for plays, especially out in the open.

The Toxic Trapper of the Apex Games has not received a strong upgrade to his kit with the level upgrades. Caustic’s gas trap extension upgrade vastly improves his range and allows him to be more aggressive indoors. With his increased gas damage in Season 21, Caustic’s gas barrels are more deadly than ever.

13 Wattson

Skill Level Required: Expert

Apex Legends: The 15 Best Legends, Ranked (2024) (4)

Spark Of Genius (Passive)

Instantly charge ultimate from a single Ultimate Accelerant. Slow passive shield regeneration.

Perimeter Security (Tactical)

Place nodes that connect and form an electrical fence. Stuns enemies passing fences.

Interception Pylon (Ultimate)

Placeable pylon that disabled all ordinance in its vicinity. Provides limited shield regen to nearby players.

The fan-favorite defender is a must-pick for defensive players who take things slow and steady. Wattson is capable of fortifying indoor areas on the fly and pushing her fences blindly usually does not end well. Her ultimate does an excellent job at countering countless abilities and is incredibly useful during the final ring.


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Wattson’s level 2 upgrade provides her team with more Arc Stars than they will ever use. The other level two option helps Wattson function as a healer in a pinch, the 50 HP is vital during tense moments.

12 Valkyrie

Skill Level Required: Intermediate

Apex Legends: The 15 Best Legends, Ranked (2024) (6)

VTOL Jets (Passive)

Grants the ability to fly using a jetpack with regenerating fuel.

Missile Swarm (Tactical)

Fire several mini-rockets that damage and stun any struck enemies.

Skyward Dive (Ultimate)

Launches Valkyrie and connected teammates into the air and performs a skydive.

After the addition of EVAC Towers, Valkyrie has taken a massive hit to her utility. Her kit still does exceptionally well as she offers lots of mobility, especially in areas with lots of verticality. Her level 3 upgrade gives a 25% increase to VTOL Jets, resulting in a noticeable difference during combat situations.

In open areas and indoors, Valkyrie’s flight offers no advantages. Her tactical does a great job at creating pressure and stunned enemies can be taken down easily by a coordinated team.

11 Lifeline

Skill Level Required: Beginner

Apex Legends: The 15 Best Legends, Ranked (2024) (7)

Combat Revive (Passive)

Initiating a revive on teammates will deploy a drone that takes over the animation and leaves the Lifeline free to move and shoot.

D.O.C Heal Drone (Tactical)

Deploy a drone that heals nearby players

Care Package (Ultimate)

Call in a Care Package containing beneficial loot tailored to the team

Lifeline has been receiving much-needed love as one of the oldest healers in the game. Aside from her role as the healer, she provides lots of utility to the team through her frequent Care Packages, which keep players topped off with shields, healing items, and weapon attachments.

Her level upgrade options are spectacular and will turn Lifeline into a must-have legend on any team. Her level 2 upgrade can increase revive speed by 20%, which makes her the strongest support character in the game.

10 Gibraltar

Skill Level Required: Expert

Apex Legends: The 15 Best Legends, Ranked (2024) (8)

Gun Shield (Passive)

Adds a shield when aiming down sights. Arm shield has 50 health and regenerates after 9 seconds.

Dome of Protection (Tactical)

Deploy a bubble that blocks all internal and external attacks.

Defensive Bombardment (Ultimate)

Signal for a mortar strike on a specified location.

In the right hands, Gibraltar is a lethal legend with the strongest passive in the game. His arm shield helps him dominate close-quarter fights and he can easily initiate them thanks to his tactical. Bubble fighting is a skill aggressive Gibraltar players have mastered and use it to dominate other players, as long as the enemy team does not have a Mad Maggie.

Gibraltar’s level upgrades give impactful changes to combat. Shotgun-focused players will love the level 2 upgrade that automatically reloads their shotgun on knocks. One of his level 3 upgrades can increase his tactical duration and result in a noticeable difference during the end game.

9 Bloodhound

Skill Level Required: Beginner

Apex Legends: The 15 Best Legends, Ranked (2024) (9)

Tracker (Passive)

Read clues that indicate the presence of nearby enemies. Following white ravens will lead to the nearest enemy.

Eye of the Allfather (Tactical)

Reveal enemies directly ahead of Bloodhound with a maximum distance of 75 meters.

Beast of the Hunt (Ultimate)

Gain 30% speed increase and highlight enemies in red. Downing enemies adds between 5 and 15 seconds to Beast of the Hunt.

Having information is paramount to guiding a team to victory. Bloodhound captures an excellent balance of information and mobility that allows them to decimate enemy teams. Their new tracker abilities turn Bloodhound into a literal Bloodhound and will always lead their team into unsuspecting enemies.


Apex Legends: A Complete Guide To Bloodhound

Bloodhound is one of the best assets a team can have in Apex Legends, so here's all you need to know about the tracker character.

Bloodhound’s level 3 upgrade received a major buff in Season 21 that increased their health regain upgrade to regen an additional 25 HP on enemy knocks. Regaining 50 HP can turn Bloodhound into a deadly legend that will strike fear into enemies who hear their Beast of the Hunt mode.

8 Revenant

Skill Level Required: Beginner

Apex Legends: The 15 Best Legends, Ranked (2024) (11)

Assassin's Instinct (Passive)

Highlights nearby enemies low on health. Increases crouch walk and climbing speed.

Shadow Pounce (Tactical)

Leap forward for a range of up to 50 meters.

Forged Shadows (Ultimate)

Shrouds Revenant in shadows that add 75HP. Lasts 25 seconds and is restored by knockdowns.

Revenant has skyrocketed to a powerful legend after his rework. His tactical ability is tailored to singling out one lone member of a team and knocking them. His ultimate is incredibly powerful against uncoordinated players.

His upgrades can be optimized to improve his tactical and make it more responsive with a reduced cooldown. With a 20-second tactical cooldown and a 20% reduced charge time for his Shadow Pounce, Revenant’s tactical becomes readily accessible during combat.

7 Alter

Skill Level Required: Intermediate

Apex Legends: The 15 Best Legends, Ranked (2024) (12)

Gift From The Rift (Passive)

Interact with a death box remotely to obtain one item. The item cannot be a shield core.

Void Passage (Tactical)

Create a passage through surfaces that lasts 15 seconds.

Void Nexus (Ultimate)

Place a regroup nexus that can be used remotely to teleport to it. It has a 200-meter range and lasts 120 seconds.

Apex Legend’s newest legend is the definition of the ideal legend. Her kit’s usefulness highly depends on the skill of the player. Alter’s tactical allows flexibility in altering a battlefield, especially in an indoor environment. Coordinated teams will benefit the most from her ultimate, as they can quickly reunite and form new strategies.

Alter has decent legend upgrade options that tweak her kit for player preference. For both her level upgrades, opting to reduce cooldown durations will make Alter more effective during the end game as her cooldowns are on the longer side.

6 Ash

Skill Level Required: Beginner

Apex Legends: The 15 Best Legends, Ranked (2024) (13)

Marked for Death (Passive)

Shows location of recent deathboxes on map.

Arc Snare (Tactical)

Fire a snare that clamps an enemy down to a small area for 4 seconds.

Phase Breach (Ultimate)

Instantly create a one-way portal with a maximum range of 62 meters.

For the longest time, Ash’s tactical Snare would interrupt her actions and force her to slow down to use her ability. In Season 21, Ash’s Snare was moved to her offhand, allowing her to use it without stopping actions such as consumables.

The buff allows Ash to get more use of her level 3 upgrade which gives her an extra Snare charge. Ash can use more Snares and not worry about interrupting ongoing actions. Her Ultimate requires no upgrades and has an excellent ability to push teams and escape from hairy situations.

5 Conduit

Skill Level Required: Beginner

Apex Legends: The 15 Best Legends, Ranked (2024) (14)

Savior's Speed (Passive)

30% Speed increase when sprinting towards allies out of range of Conduit's tactical.

Radiant Transfer (Tactical)

Temporarily restore shields to nearby teammates. Cannot recover shields if teammates are further than 50 meters.

Energy Barricade (Ultimate)

Deploys shield-damaging machines that slow and damage nearby enemies.

Apex’s shield healer holds a solid spot in the ranks as she provides a valuable role as a unique healer. Conduit works best in a tight-knit group that sticks together. Conduit’s ultimate is great at slowing down enemies indoors but lacks proper use outdoors.

Her upgrades only offer slight buffs and aren’t likely to be the reason a team wins a fight. The additional range will make it more forgiving to be a bit more separated as a team and have easier access to ranged healing.

4 Wraith

Skill Level Required: Beginner

Apex Legends: The 15 Best Legends, Ranked (2024) (15)

Voices of the Void (Passive)

Get alerted of nearby traps or when an enemy is aiming at Wraith.

Into the Void (Tactical)

Temporarily enter a void space to avoid damage while maintaining the ability to reposition.

Dimensional Rift (Ultimate)

Create a two-way portal with a total distance of 152 meters.

Wraith has been and will probably always be a good pick in Apex Legends. Her kit provides an excellent opportunity to initiate fights and quickly escape difficult situations. Wraith’s Ultimate offers lots of team play potential and can be used in a variety of ways, from offensive to defensive.

One of her level 2 upgrades will alert Wraith of nearby teams, although it won’t give any direction. Her level 3 upgrade offers a 20% wind-up reduction to her tactical and is a saving buff for aggressive Wraith players.

3 Bangalore

Skill Level Required: Intermediate

Apex Legends: The 15 Best Legends, Ranked (2024) (16)

Double Time (Passive)

30% speed increase when fired at and lasts for 2 seconds.

Smoke Launcher (Tactical)

A two-charge smoke grenade launcher that covers a long distance. Shrouds the area in smoke and deals small damage.

Rolling Thunder (Ultimate)

Artillery strike that covers a wide area outdoors and stuns enemies caught in the explosion.

Bangalore is a highly skill-based legend that can influence her surroundings to a large degree. Her tactical smokes will alter any ongoing fight and strategic placement can give one team an advantage over the other. Bangalore’s ultimate is great at creating pressure over a wide area, especially during the last few rings.

Each upgrade level has a great buff for Bangalore. On level 2 she can reduce her tactical cooldown, giving players the chance to utilize her kit further. On level 3 she can regenerate health inside her smokes, which is especially helpful since Season 21 has temporarily removed the Digital Threat Optic.

2 Horizon

Skill Level Required: Intermediate

Apex Legends: The 15 Best Legends, Ranked (2024) (17)

Spacewalk (Passive)

Grants immunity to fall impacts.

Gravity Lift (Tactical)

Creates an upward current that launches all players upward.

Black Hole (Ultimate)

Throwable device that draws enemies toward it.

Movement legends will always have a massive advantage in Apex Legends. Horizon is one of the best movement legends in areas with lots of verticality. In the open her tactical still has some use of making her harder to shoot.

Horizon’s level 2 upgrades can give her an easier time collecting ordnance to pair with her ultimate. Her level 3 upgrade options reduce her cooldowns, which makes it possible to revert the nerf she received onto her tactical.

1 Pathfinder

Skill Level Required: Expert

Apex Legends: The 15 Best Legends, Ranked (2024) (18)

Insider Knowledge (Passive)

Scanning care packages reduces the cooldown of his Ultimate

Grappling Hook (Tactical)

Grapple that propels Pathfinder to a desired location.

Zipline Gun (Ultimate)

Create a zipline that can be used by his team.

Everyone’s favorite MRVN has always held a firm spot as a murder machine. Pathfinder has received steady buffs that kept him on top of the Apex Games. His kit is easy to learn but difficult to master and has a limitless skill ceiling, giving players an excellent legend to main.


Apex Legends: The Ultimate Pathfinder Guide

Here's how Apex Legends players can utilize Pathfinder to the fullest.

His upgrade options are excellent and can favor either a defensive or offensive playstyle depending on which upgrade players opt for. The level 3 upgrade option to reset his tactical after a knock gives aggressive players the chance to knock and grapple away with ease.

Apex Legends: The 15 Best Legends, Ranked (2024) (20)
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Apex Legends: The 15 Best Legends, Ranked (2024) (2024)
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