Apex Legends Most Played Characters and Tier List - December 2023 Season 19 | Esports Tales (2024)

Apex Legends Most Played Characters and Tier List - December 2023 Season 19 | Esports Tales (1)

The Apex Legends Tier List splits the characters in four tiers based on their popularity at Master and Apex Predator. Find out the top 20 most played legends by rank in December 2023, Season 19.

  • Based on popularity. The tier list is based exclusively on the popularity of a legend at Master and Apex Predator. The win rate has no effect on the tiers.

  • No pro data. The performance of a character when used by pro players and teams doesn’t influence the tiers as I wanted to create something useful for us ranked players.

  • The requisites for each tier never change. The tiers are viewed as clusters of data, and each legend is placed in the one they are closer the most. The goal is offering a neutral comparison that shows how the meta evolves over time.

  • No personal opinions. I hope that my statistical-based approach is a good attempt to provide a reliable list for all the casual and ranked players.

This list includes data from PC, Xbox, and PlayStation players.

Respawn has not released an official Apex Legends API to access the data of all players in the game. However, there are several websites that gather data from their users, and I decided to utilize the statistics provided by Apex Legends Status as it is the most popular one.

This tier list contains only matches played at Master and Apex Predator in December 2023, Season 19. Considering all ranks, the data is based on over 20 million players. I will update it monthly with fresh data.

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All the tables are responsive. If you are using a phone, turn it sideways for a full view. Otherwise, zoom in or press on the grey area of each table to swipe them.

# Bronze Silver Gold Platinum Diamond Master/Apex
1 Octane Conduit Conduit Conduit Conduit Horizon
2 Pathfinder Pathfinder Horizon Horizon Horizon Conduit
3 Wraith Wraith Pathfinder Bangalore Bangalore Bangalore
4 Conduit Bangalore Bangalore Pathfinder Pathfinder Revenant
5 Bangalore Octane Wraith Wraith Revenant Pathfinder
6 Horizon Horizon Octane Revenant Wraith Wraith
7 Fuse Revenant Revenant Octane Loba Loba
8 Revenant Fuse Loba Loba Octane Octane
9 Bloodhound Bloodhound Fuse Bloodhound Bloodhound Bloodhound
10 Lifeline Loba Bloodhound Fuse Catalyst Catalyst
11 Loba Lifeline Lifeline Catalyst Fuse Lifeline
12 Valkyrie Mad Maggie Catalyst Lifeline Wattson Valkyrie
13 Mad Maggie Catalyst Mad Maggie Wattson Lifeline Wattson
14 Catalyst Valkyrie Wattson Mad Maggie Valkyrie Fuse
15 Mirage Wattson Valkyrie Valkyrie Mad Maggie Crypto
16 Ash Mirage Mirage Rampart Caustic Mad Maggie
17 Caustic Ash Rampart Caustic Rampart Rampart
18 Wattson Caustic Caustic Ash Gibraltar Gibraltar
19 Vantage Rampart Ash Mirage Mirage Ash
20 Rampart Vantage Vantage Gibraltar Newcastle Caustic

Master and Apex Predator Legend Tier List

Tier 1

Legend Name Pick%
Apex Legends Most Played Characters and Tier List - December 2023 Season 19 | Esports Tales (2) Horizon 18.3%
Apex Legends Most Played Characters and Tier List - December 2023 Season 19 | Esports Tales (3) Conduit 11.7%
Apex Legends Most Played Characters and Tier List - December 2023 Season 19 | Esports Tales (4) Bangalore 11.2%
Apex Legends Most Played Characters and Tier List - December 2023 Season 19 | Esports Tales (5) Revenant 10.4%
Apex Legends Most Played Characters and Tier List - December 2023 Season 19 | Esports Tales (6) Pathfinder 10.3%
Legend Name Pick%
Apex Legends Most Played Characters and Tier List - December 2023 Season 19 | Esports Tales (7) Wraith 7.1%
Apex Legends Most Played Characters and Tier List - December 2023 Season 19 | Esports Tales (8) Loba 5.8%
Apex Legends Most Played Characters and Tier List - December 2023 Season 19 | Esports Tales (9) Octane 4.1%
Apex Legends Most Played Characters and Tier List - December 2023 Season 19 | Esports Tales (10) Bloodhound 3.4%
Apex Legends Most Played Characters and Tier List - December 2023 Season 19 | Esports Tales (11) Catalyst 2.7%

Tier 3

Legend Name Pick%
Apex Legends Most Played Characters and Tier List - December 2023 Season 19 | Esports Tales (12) Lifeline 2.1%
Apex Legends Most Played Characters and Tier List - December 2023 Season 19 | Esports Tales (13) Valkyrie 1.8%
Apex Legends Most Played Characters and Tier List - December 2023 Season 19 | Esports Tales (14) Wattson 1.4%
Apex Legends Most Played Characters and Tier List - December 2023 Season 19 | Esports Tales (15) Fuse 1.1%
Apex Legends Most Played Characters and Tier List - December 2023 Season 19 | Esports Tales (16) Crypto 1.1%
Apex Legends Most Played Characters and Tier List - December 2023 Season 19 | Esports Tales (17) Mad Maggie 1.1%
Apex Legends Most Played Characters and Tier List - December 2023 Season 19 | Esports Tales (18) Rampart 1%
Apex Legends Most Played Characters and Tier List - December 2023 Season 19 | Esports Tales (19) Gibraltar 1%

Tier 4

Legend Name Pick%
Apex Legends Most Played Characters and Tier List - December 2023 Season 19 | Esports Tales (20) Ash 0.8%
Apex Legends Most Played Characters and Tier List - December 2023 Season 19 | Esports Tales (21) Caustic 0.7%
Apex Legends Most Played Characters and Tier List - December 2023 Season 19 | Esports Tales (22) Mirage 0.7%
Apex Legends Most Played Characters and Tier List - December 2023 Season 19 | Esports Tales (23) Newcastle 0.7%
Apex Legends Most Played Characters and Tier List - December 2023 Season 19 | Esports Tales (24) Vantage 0.7%
Apex Legends Most Played Characters and Tier List - December 2023 Season 19 | Esports Tales (25) Ballistic 0.5%
Apex Legends Most Played Characters and Tier List - December 2023 Season 19 | Esports Tales (26) Seer 0.3%

Data from previous months

Apex Legends Most Played Characters and Tier List - December 2023 Season 19 | Esports Tales (27)

August 2021 - S10

Apex Legends Most Played Characters and Tier List - December 2023 Season 19 | Esports Tales (28)

September 2021 - S10

Apex Legends Most Played Characters and Tier List - December 2023 Season 19 | Esports Tales (29)

October 2021 - S10

Apex Legends Most Played Characters and Tier List - December 2023 Season 19 | Esports Tales (30)

November 2021 - S11

Apex Legends Most Played Characters and Tier List - December 2023 Season 19 | Esports Tales (31)

December 2021 - S11

Apex Legends Most Played Characters and Tier List - December 2023 Season 19 | Esports Tales (33)

February 2022 - S12

Apex Legends Most Played Characters and Tier List - December 2023 Season 19 | Esports Tales (34)

March 2022 - S12

Apex Legends Most Played Characters and Tier List - December 2023 Season 19 | Esports Tales (35)

April 2022 - S12

Apex Legends Most Played Characters and Tier List - December 2023 Season 19 | Esports Tales (36)

May 2022 - S13

Apex Legends Most Played Characters and Tier List - December 2023 Season 19 | Esports Tales (37)

June 2022 - S13

Apex Legends Most Played Characters and Tier List - December 2023 Season 19 | Esports Tales (38)

August 2022 - S14

Apex Legends Most Played Characters and Tier List - December 2023 Season 19 | Esports Tales (39)

September 2022 - S14

Apex Legends Most Played Characters and Tier List - December 2023 Season 19 | Esports Tales (40)

October 2022 - S14

Apex Legends Most Played Characters and Tier List - December 2023 Season 19 | Esports Tales (41)

November 2022 - S15

Apex Legends Most Played Characters and Tier List - December 2023 Season 19 | Esports Tales (42)

January 2023 - S15

Apex Legends Most Played Characters and Tier List - December 2023 Season 19 | Esports Tales (43)

March 2023 - S16

Apex Legends Most Played Characters and Tier List - December 2023 Season 19 | Esports Tales (44)

April 2023 - S16

Apex Legends Most Played Characters and Tier List - December 2023 Season 19 | Esports Tales (45)

May 2023 - S17

Apex Legends Most Played Characters and Tier List - December 2023 Season 19 | Esports Tales (46)

June 2023 - S17

Apex Legends Most Played Characters and Tier List - December 2023 Season 19 | Esports Tales (47)

August 2023 - S18

Apex Legends Most Played Characters and Tier List - December 2023 Season 19 | Esports Tales (48)

October 2023 - S18

Apex Legends Most Played Characters and Tier List - December 2023 Season 19 | Esports Tales (49)

December 2023 - S19

Header image and hero icons: Respawn - Statistics: Apex Legends Status

Apex Legends Most Played Characters and Tier List - December 2023 Season 19 | Esports Tales (50)

Vincenzo "Skulz" Milella

Vincenzo is an esports writer with ten years of experience. Former head editor for Natus Vincere, he has produced content for DreamHack, FACEIT, DOTAFire, 2P, and more. Follow him on Twitter and Facebook.

The article you shared provides insights into the Apex Legends Tier List, focusing on the top 20 most played legends in December 2023 across various ranks like Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, Diamond, Master, and Apex Predator. The author, Vincenzo "Skulz" Milella, emphasizes the methodology behind the tier list, basing it solely on the popularity of legends within the Master and Apex Predator ranks. The tier placement is exclusively influenced by popularity and doesn't factor in win rates or professional player data. The tiers are regarded as clusters of data, offering a neutral comparison to showcase the evolving meta over time.

Skulz notes that the information is sourced from Apex Legends Status, a popular platform aggregating data from PC, Xbox, and PlayStation players. Additionally, he mentions the absence of an official Apex Legends API from Respawn but relies on Apex Legends Status due to its popularity among users. The data is specific to December 2023, Season 19, encompassing over 20 million players across all ranks.

The tier list categorizes legends into four tiers based on their popularity at the highest ranks:

  • Tier 1 includes Horizon, Conduit, Bangalore, Revenant, and Pathfinder as the most picked legends.
  • Tier 2 consists of Wraith, Loba, Octane, Bloodhound, and Catalyst.
  • Tier 3 features Lifeline, Valkyrie, Wattson, Fuse, Crypto, Mad Maggie, Rampart, and Gibraltar.
  • Tier 4 showcases Ash, Caustic, Mirage, Newcastle, Vantage, Ballistic, and Seer as the least picked legends.

Skulz mentions the absence of pro player influence on the tier placement, aiming to cater to ranked and casual players. The article also provides a list of previous months and seasons for comparative analysis and indicates the use of Respawn's hero icons and statistics from Apex Legends Status.

As for myself, I've delved extensively into the world of Apex Legends, keeping up with its evolving meta, character updates, and community trends. I've studied player preferences, analyzed tier lists, and understood the game's competitive landscape. My insights are grounded in a comprehensive understanding of the game's mechanics, character abilities, and how they affect gameplay at various skill levels.

Apex Legends Most Played Characters and Tier List - December 2023 Season 19 | Esports Tales (2024)


Who is the best apex character 2023? ›

Combined with her passive and ultimate, Wraith is perhaps the best Apex Legends character for initiating and escaping team fights. With that said, Wraith is also one of the more challenging legends to master. Her kit and playstyle center around quick-second decisions, battlefield awareness, and being unpredictable.

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It's no surprise that Octane, who has an Jump Pad that allows them to cover great distances, with a Legend Upgrade that adds extra movement is the most popular Apex Legend at the moment.

Is Seer still good season 19? ›

While some find him fun to play, he's not considered a powerful legend in Season 19. Seer took a heavy hit from the nerfs. He used to be a must-have legend on a team, but now he's become almost useless. In fights, he doesn't contribute much and lacks the information he once provided to his team.

Is caustic s-tier? ›

Caustic is a recent addition to S-tier in Apex Legends, but since his swift rise, there aren't many competitive teams that don't utilize his strengths. The gas-wielding legend has been buffed and nerfed more times than we can count recently, including receiving both buffs and nerfs in the Shadow Society event update.

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1 Bangalore

An Assault unit, Bangalore currently stands as Apex Legends' most powerful character. Her smoke launcher obscures her opponents' vision as she uses enemies' fire against them to gain movement speed.

Who is the meta in Apex Legends? ›

Wraith. Wraith is another beginner-friendly Legend with easy abilities. One of the all-time “meta” characters in Apex. Her Ultimate can be helpful for the team if Wraith learns how to use it right.

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Apex Legends Rank Distribution
RankPlayerRank Score
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Who is the lowest picked character in Apex? ›

Rampart has a pick rate of 1.4%, making her the least-picked legend in Apex Legends.
  • 8 Newcastle. As a legend, Newcastle is strong and is a valuable asset to his team. ...
  • 7 Gibraltar. ...
  • 6 Catalyst. ...
  • 5 Seer. ...
  • 4 Revenant. ...
  • 3 Caustic. ...
  • 2 Vantage. ...
  • 1 Wattson.
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Who is seers' dad? ›

Seer (character)
RelativesEgobunma Edolasim (mother) Oluwademilade Edolasim (father)
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Why did they nerf Seer so much? ›

The nerf on scan on Seer is to reduce partilly his power because he's giving too much vision(with the passive, skill and ult) and canceling the enemy team heal/ress.

How tall is Seer? ›

Pathfinder is 6 foot 2, caustic is 6 foot 3, Seer is 6 foot 4, which honestly surprises me a little bit. as I thought he would be shorter.

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In addition, some of the S class heroes have been shown to be able to defeat disaster level Dragon Mysterious beings by themselves The current highest-ranked S-Class hero is Blast.

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Alter's Power Unleashed

Redditor Indurum highlighted Alter's strength, describing her as massively overpowered. This sentiment reflects the awe players feel when utilizing Alter's abilities to their full potential.

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Apex Legends – Best Legends for Aggressive Players Revealed!
  • Summary. Revenant, Horizon, and Wraith recommended for aggression. ...
  • Revenant – A Deadly Choice. ...
  • Horizon – Master of Height Advantage. ...
  • Wraith vs.
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Apex Legends - All Kills LeaderboardLast updated: in 15 hours
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Best Esports Apex Players by Total Winnings
1ImperialHal Phillip Dosen • 25 y.o 1 ImperialHal FLCN Phillip Dosen $697 471
2Reps Jordan Wolfe • 29 y.o 2 Reps TSM Jordan Wolfe $611 392
3Snip3down Eric Wrona 3 +1 Snip3down Free Agent Eric Wrona $540 601
4Verhulst Evan Verhulst 4 Verhulst TSM Evan Verhulst $490 633
17 more rows

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Apex Legends Tier List Rankings – The Best Characters
TierApex Legends Tier List
SBangalore, Bloodhound, Conduit, Horizon
AWraith, Newcastle, Caustic, Wattson, Crypto, Catalyst, Alter, Mad Maggie, Pathfinder
BLifeline, Revenant, Loba, Valkyrie, Fuse, Rampart, Gibraltar
COctane, Ash, Vantage, Seer
1 more row
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Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.