Apex Legends: Every Character's Age, Height, And Home World (2024)

Apex Legends is a popular free-to-play battle royale game with an incredible array of detailed characters. Not only that, but the developers have worked tirelessly to create deep, engaging backstories for all of them. These tales have come as comics, lore books, and more, and it even gets as detailed as their exact height.

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As a result, the Legends' home worlds are colorful and vibrant locales, rather than simple stages for combat gameplay. Where characters come from can affect their personalities and how you care about them. So, how detailed are these Legends, and how do these details play into what makes them tick? Since their height isn't immediately available from official sources, we've taken each character model and compared them to determine what we believe is the closes approximation of that person's height. Please excuse us for any margin of error.

Updated April 2, 2023, By Branden Lizardi: We have two more Legends that have joined the roster since this list's last update. Catalyst and Vantage are now part of the potential character selection. Catalyst is a ferrofluid-slinging cyber witch with an affinity for the lunar side of life. Vantage is a recon survivalist with an adorable bat companion. Both characters have been added to our list of Apex Legends heights, ages, and homeworlds.

23 Newcastle

Apex Legends: Every Character's Age, Height, And Home World (1)
  • Age: 40
  • Height: 6'6"
  • Home World: Gridiron

The cybernetic knight Newcastle has a lot of secrets, though the fact that he's monstrously tall at 6'6" isn't one of them. His real name, Lamont Williams, isn't even his real name. Instead, it's Jackson Williams, the supposedly dead brother of the legend Bangalore. Having gone AWOL from the IMC and faked his own death, Jackson had settled down in Harris Valley, an idyllic town on the planet Solace. However, the town's debt to the Forgotten Families criminal syndicate is growing, and soon they'll come to collect.

Risking discovery, Jackson joined the Apex games to pay off the debts of his adopted hometown. And, though he was born on Gridiron like his sister, he fights for Solace, protecting Harris Valley in the same way he protects his fellow legends with his massive shield.

22 Loba

Apex Legends: Every Character's Age, Height, And Home World (2)
  • Age: 34
  • Height: 5'6"
  • Home World: None

Wait, how tall is Loba? The answer may surprise you since she appears to be about as tall as Bangalore in the game. However, that isn't her base height: she frequently points out that she fights in six-inch heels.

Loba has no home world because she spent her youth traveling from planet to planet, learning the tricks of her trade from her criminal-mastermind parents. She learned well, and has a boon to add to her skills: a teleportation bracelet that lets her get inside the most impregnable of locations.

21 Ash

Apex Legends: Every Character's Age, Height, And Home World (3)
  • Age: 121
  • Height: 5'6"
  • Home World: Unknown

The imposing cyborg known as Ash is actually a corruption of Dr. Ashleigh Reid, whose consciousness was uploaded into a simulacrum shell following what should have been an explosive death. Leigh lies dormant within Ash, but Ash is determined to show her - and the rest of the Legends - that she is superior.

While Dr. Reid was born on the Frontier, it's not known for sure which world she was born on. Her height is unclear, too. Some online seem to think she's seven feet tall, but that's disputed.

20 Bangalore

Apex Legends: Every Character's Age, Height, And Home World (4)
  • Age: 38
  • Height: 6'0"
  • Home World: Gridiron

Growing up in a military family with parents and siblings who all served in the IMC, it's to be expected that Bangalore is also an elite soldier. As a result, she's no stranger to the horrors of war. After a ship that was carrying herself and her brother Jackson was attacked, Jackson apparently sacrificed his life so that she might live on. Now, Bangalore joins the Apex Games to get the money she needs to get back home and reunite with her family.

Bangalore stands at six-foot-nothing and hails from Gridiron, a planet in the Frontier. Although it's home to 90 million people and has been terraformed for habitation, Gridiron is still a radioactive nightmare, and its populace goes through periods when they're unable to be in sunlight for more than a few seconds at a time.

19 Bloodhound

Apex Legends: Every Character's Age, Height, And Home World (5)
  • Age: Unknown
  • Height: 6'1"
  • Home World: Talos

Bloodhound comes from the harsh Outland volcanic world of Talos. Never home to much of a population, one notable event in Talos's history occurred when the IMC blew up a building while mining the planet, which caused a flash freeze and led to the IMC's evacuation.

That part of the planet is playable on the World's Edge map.

Bloodhound uses a mix of ancient methods and modern technology to hunt down and destroy any foe that crosses their path. It's what's made Bloodhound an elite hunter their whole life. At six-foot-one, it's not Bloodhound's height that makes them imposing; it's everything else. They are, in their own words, "the hunter the Gods have sent." And may the Gods help you if this enigma spots your tracks.

18 Caustic

Apex Legends: Every Character's Age, Height, And Home World (6)
  • Age: 48
  • Height: 6'3"
  • Home World: Gaea

Alexander Nox once lived the life of a corporate scientist, providing his services to create pesticide gas for Humbert Labs. But what good does testing on dead tissue do when true progress can only be seen by its effect on living subjects?

Humbert Labs believed this to be immoral and gross, so Dr. Nox burned down his former place of work. Now, this creator of noxious fumes joins the Apex Games to witness the full potential of his work.

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Gaea, Caustic's home world, is a planet in the Outlands, which lies on the outer edges of the Frontier. It is one of just five worlds known to exist in the Outlands, all of which are represented by various Legends.

17 Crypto

Apex Legends: Every Character's Age, Height, And Home World (7)
  • Age: 31
  • Height: 5'9"
  • Home World: Gaea

Rising up in life from abandoned orphan to corporate engineer, this ingenious hacker now finds himself framed for the murder of his sister. What better place than the Apex Games to get people's attention and clear his name?

Crypto was born in Gaea, like his fellow Legends Caustic and Rampart. Despite the galactic remoteness of the Outlands, Gaea plays host to the Games at Storm Point. The planet is also home to an Arenas map that Ash operates.

16 Fuse

Apex Legends: Every Character's Age, Height, And Home World (8)
  • Age: 54
  • Height: 5'6"
  • Home World: Salvo

While Fuse's height is unclear, he doesn't appear to be small. And, if his size doesn't scare you, the fact that he's got a big gun and a lot of bombs will. Fuse is a man who was born for sports combat. He's wanted to get in fights all his life - why not join the Apex Games?

Although it's difficult to pinpoint Fuse's height, it's known that he hails from Salvo, which was formerly part of the independent Fringe Worlds. Now, however, it's part of Syndicate Space. That being said, it's not like Salvo was a peaceful place before it fell into Syndicate hands - it's long been the site of constant battles between warlords seeking to control it.

15 Gibraltar

Apex Legends: Every Character's Age, Height, And Home World (9)
  • Age: 30
  • Height: 6'5"
  • Home World: Solace

If there's one person you'd want on your team in a real-life version of the Apex Games, it would be Gibraltar. This behemoth has a soft side, and he's going to be there to pull you out of danger, which, frankly, the Apex Games have a lot of.

Gibraltar is from Solace, a desert Outland planet that is ruled by the Syndicate. It's home to the Kings Canyon map in Apex Legends but is not very populated. Despite Solace being an entire planet, Solace City is the world's only urban center.

14 Horizon

Apex Legends: Every Character's Age, Height, And Home World (10)
  • Age: 37
  • Height: 5'8"
  • Home World: Psamathe

Horizon, known to her friends as Dr. Mary Somers, is 37 years old, but she was hurtled 88 years into the future via a black hole by her traitorous apprentice Dr. Ashleigh Reid, known as Ash in the Apex Games. So, some might say Horizon is actually 125 years old. If that's the case, she can at least boast that she looks great for her age.

In all seriousness, before the trip to the aforementioned black hole, Mary told her son she would come back safely. Now, she seeks a way to go back in time to fulfill that promise.

Horizon is this list's first representative from the Outland world Psamathe, which is best known as being the site of Olympus, a city in the sky.

13 Lifeline

Apex Legends: Every Character's Age, Height, And Home World (11)
  • Age: 24
  • Height: 5'5"
  • Home World: Psamathe

Lifeline is taking part in a heinous sport for a good reason: to fund the Frontier Corps, an organization giving aid to communities that need it. She puts her skills as a combat medic to good use in the Apex Games, which is an arena that really needs one.

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Along with Horizon and Octane, Lifeline also calls Psamathe home. She is of short stature, at just about five-foot-five. At least she can say she's taller than Wraith and Wattson.

12 Mad Maggie

Apex Legends: Every Character's Age, Height, And Home World (12)
  • Age: 55
  • Height: 5'7"
  • Home World: Salvo

Mad Maggie is the former best friend of Fuse, but far less fun and a lot angrier. In fact, she blew off her former pal's arm when he joined the Apex Games instead of helping her stir up rebellion on their home planet Salvo.

While that may seem harsh, since Salvo has been afflicted with fighting for eons, it's easy to see why Fuse's decision would rub her the wrong way. Ironically, Maggie now finds herself in the Apex Games following a death sentence handed down by the very people she was trying to overthrow.

11 Mirage

Apex Legends: Every Character's Age, Height, And Home World (13)
  • Age: 30
  • Height: 5'11"
  • Home World: Solace

Mirage is the life of the party. The class clown. The center of attention. He also loves being in the Apex Games.

And who could blame him? He's equipped with the best holographic technology on the market, and he uses it to drive his opponents crazy and the crowd wild. His charms work on the Apex community too, since he's heavily featured in most seasons' launch trailers and seems to be trending toward becoming the Internet's favorite Legend.

10 Octane

Apex Legends: Every Character's Age, Height, And Home World (14)
  • Age: 24
  • Height: 5'5"
  • Home World: Psamathe

It's safe to assume that most people who lose their legs doing death-defying stunts would probably call it quits after that. Not so for Octane, who decided that, since his legs were easily replaced (by Lifeline, no less), he needed to up the ante of his death-defying stunts.

And so, Octane finds himself in the Apex Games. A lifetime filled with doing incredible, dangerous acts for a crowd of onlookers comes to a head in the name of pure adrenaline.

9 Pathfinder

Apex Legends: Every Character's Age, Height, And Home World (15)
  • Age: Unknown
  • Height: 6'2"
  • Home World: Unknown

Pathfinder is the only Legend who doesn't know where he's from or how old he is. He's a robot, so he was created by someone at some point in time, he just doesn't know. Hopefully, he can gain enough attention by winning at the Apex Games. His maker has to be out there somewhere, right?

The only thing that is really known about Pathfinder is his height. Pathfinder is six-foot-two, making him one of the taller characters in the game.

8 Rampart

Apex Legends: Every Character's Age, Height, And Home World (16)
  • Age: 21
  • Height: 5'4"
  • Home World: Gaea

Imagine being the best at what you do, only to lose your entire business to violence and have your only recourse be to compete in the Apex Games?

That might be pretty tough for you to imagine, but for Rampart, that's the path her life took. It helps that Rampart is the best mechanic-slash-big-gunner around. Not only that, she knows she's the best. What's more, she'll tell you all about it, and she'll keep going on about how incompetent you are in comparison.

7 Revenant

Apex Legends: Every Character's Age, Height, And Home World (17)
  • Age: Unknown
  • Height: 6'8"
  • Home World: Solace

Hailing from the desert world Solace, Revenant is the other side of the coin his fellow Solocian Gibraltar is on. In the same way that Gibraltar is the guy you might want most on your team, Revenant is the enemy you'd never want to cross.

Revenant is six-foot-eight, although some users online argue he's seven feet tall. But Tom Casiello, a writer for Apex Legends, stated on Twitter that the Synthetic Nightmare is not quite that tall. He did, however, make room for the argument that Revenant could potentially be taller.

6 Seer

Apex Legends: Every Character's Age, Height, And Home World (18)
  • Age: 26
  • Height: 5'9"
  • Home World: Boreas

Seer's story is both tragic and inspiring. It was prophesied that his birth was a bad omen and, indeed, his planet's moon was blasted by a comet when he was born. Still, his parents loved him, even if society cast him out.

Living life as a social outcast is enough to make anyone join the Apex Games, and it's there that all the other outcasts cheer his name. They see much of themselves in Seer, and that is a beautiful thing.

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What about that comet, though? Well, with the moon ripped to shreds, it's why Boreas has regularly-occurring meteor showers, which are disrupting tides and wreaking havoc on the planet's climate. As a result, Boreas looks like it will be unlivable in the next half-century or so if nothing is done.

5 Valkyrie

Apex Legends: Every Character's Age, Height, And Home World (19)
  • Age: 30
  • Height: 5'3"
  • Home World: Angelia

A life of piloting, smuggling, boozing, and romance was never enough for Valkyrie, who's spent her life embroiled in a quest for justice after her father's disappearance. Her height is unknown and debated, with those saying she is either short or about as tall as Mirage.

As far as Valkyrie's home world goes, Angelia is where Angel City is located. Unfortunately, Valkyrie mentions the former home of millions as being nothing more than a ghost town at this point.

4 Wattson

Apex Legends: Every Character's Age, Height, And Home World (20)
  • Age: 22
  • Height: 5'4"
  • Home World: Solace

Being the daughter of the Apex Games' lead electrical engineer, Wattson has a distinct advantage when taking part, since she's read all the manuals. And that's something that anyone like Wattson would want when participating in a fight-to-the-death battle royale since she doesn't have much stature to be an imposing force.

While shorter than most of her fellow Legends, she does come from the same planet as Gibraltar, Mirage, and Revenant. The planet has the honor of originating the Apex Games, which it did at Kings Canyon.

Apex Legends: Every Character's Age, Height, And Home World (2024)
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