Answers to the Most Common Investing Questions (2024)


Do you have questions about money and investing that you're too embarrassed to ask? We've got you. Here are some of your most common investing questions—answered.

There's no such thing as a dumb question, right? Still, if you're like us, you dread asking about anything to do with investing.

It's complicated, foreign, and daunting, and yet (again, if you're anything like us), you're secretly fascinated by it. Stocks. Bonds. Don't they sound so intriguing?

Well, we figured we'd help a friend out, so we hit up some of our favorite financial sources and money experts to answer 10 common questions on personal investments. And, dare we say it? Learning all of this was kind

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What We Cover

  • I'm spending more than 30 percent of my income on rent right now. Should I wait to invest?
  • When should I start looking to invest? How much money should I put down up front?
  • I’m still paying off my student loans. What’s the bigger priority: paying off my loans in full or starting early on investing?
  • I’m really interested in socially responsible investing. Where can I find more information on socially responsible funds?
  • Should I pick my own stocks? If so, how should I decide? If not, how should I vet the person who will be handling my investment?
  • I know that it’s important to have a “diversified” portfolio. What percentages of my investments should I put in toward stocks versus bonds?
  • How much of my income should I be investing?
  • How do I know when to sell?
  • Where should I go to learn more about investing if I'm totally new to this?
  • What are some major investing red flags?

1. I’m spending more than 30% of my income on rent right now. Should I wait until I’m more established to invest?

Financial expert Amanda Holdensays nope. "Spending 30% of income on rent isn’t itself worrisome—unfortunately, I know lots of young people who spend much more. And really, if you don’t have a house to maintain or a family to raise, use this time to stash away as much money as you can! Having no major financial commitments is the perfect reason to invest, not an excuse to avoid it!" But just to be clear, says Holden, that'safteryou pay down any high-interest debt.

"Generally speaking, your order of operations should look like this: 1. Pay off all high-interest debt like credit cards while you 2. Build up an emergency stash of cash. Once you finish those two steps, you should 3. Begin saving and investing for retirement. It is recommended you put at least 10% of your salary per year towards retirement, every year you work. That said—don’t be turned off if you can’t make 10% happen! Start with anything."

2. When should I start looking to invest? How much money should I put down up front?

Per Amanda Holden's advice, it's never too early to start—after you've paid down that debt and built up an emergency savings account. A recent CNN Money articlegoes further:"'We really encourage people to have six months of savings first,' says Yvette Butler, president of Capital One Investing. Once you have a few thousand in savings, then you can start investing."

But what about how much? The same article says the short answer is $5. The better answer is $500. The $5 answer stems from new investing apps, like Acorns. We've rounded up our favorites right here. Other, more hands-on services, tend to require that you start with a higher amount. Options include Betterment, Wealthfront, and Ellevest.

3. I’m still paying off my student loans. What’s the bigger priority: paying off my loans in full or starting early on investing?

Arielle O'Shea, an investing writer for NerdWallet says investingdefinitely. Or more specifically, she says that your student loans are at the bottom of the list of priorities. Says O'Shea:

"There is no doubt that the level of commitment in these tales is admirable. Student loans are draining, both financially and psychologically. Paying them off early feels very, very good. Not that I’d know: I’m making the minimum payments on mine.

That’s a calculated decision because I prioritize the three things you asked about—saving, investing and paying off student loans—in exactly the order you listed them, and I’d argue that you and most other people should do the same."

She goes on to explain exactlywhy, which you can read all about here.

"'Don’t put all your eggs in one basket' or, as I prefer, 'Don’t plan the wedding after one good Bumble date.' It’s really impossible to know which one will work out best, so you'll want to invest in both stocks and bonds." - Amanda Holden

4. I’m really interested in socially-responsible investing. Where can I find more information on socially-responsible funds?

So let's start with explaining what we're talking about here. According toForbes: "Socially Responsible Investing (SRI) is sometimes referred to as 'sustainable,' 'socially conscious,' 'mission,' 'green,' or 'ethical' investing. In general, socially responsible investors are looking to promote concepts and ideals that they feel strongly about." In other words, you invest in the companies you admire in the hopes that you can effect change long-term. But does it really work?

While this article in The Atlanticis a bit dated (published in 2007), it covers all the basics of socially responsible investing nicely. Basically, the jury's still out on whether it's as good of an idea as it sounds and results have been mixed. From there, this article on the Motley Foolcan get you started on funds in the category, as will this round-up from US News.

5. Should I pick my own stocks? If so, how should I decide? If not, how should I vet the person who will be handling my investment?

Says Holden: "The short answer? No. Buy an index fund, which is a fund that invests you in the whole (or a large representative sample of the) stock market, and you earn exactly the stock market average. With one click of a button, you can have exposure to 500 of the leading companies in the United States, every company in the U.S., or even thousands of companies across the globe! The best part? This access to stock market returns through index funds (both mutual funds and ETFs) is very cheap. Truly, the index fund is a bonanza for young investors who for many years had no affordable investing options."

6. I know that it’s important to have a “diversified” portfolio. What percentages of my investments should I put in toward stocks versus bonds?

Holden again: "You’re exactly right that you’ll want to invest in both stocks and bonds (using stock and bonds funds—see answer to Question 5). ‘Don’t put all your eggs in one basket’ or, as I prefer, 'Don’t set a date at the altar afterone Bumble date.' Date all sorts of different folks because it’s really impossible to know which one will work out best.

To decide the mix of stocks versus bonds in your portfolio, it’s a matter of goals and time frame. If you are young and investing with the goal of long-term growth, you want to own more stocks than bonds. Stocks have much higher potential for growth, but they’re only appropriate for investors that have time to wait through the stock market’s inevitable rough patches. Most Career Contessa readers have the time!

If you are in your twenties or thirties, it is generally accepted that between 10% and 30% in bonds is appropriate. As you move closer to retirement, you’ll gradually shift into more bonds.The exact ratio depends on your comfort with a big ol’ stock market downturn—and your emotional ability to wait it out. The worst thing you can do during a market downturn is freak out and sell your stocks."

Psst! Want to know even more about building a diversified portfolio? Listen to this episode of The Femails, whereClever Girl Finance CEO Bola Sokunbi tells us how to build a 7-figure portfolio.

7. How much of my income should I be investing?

According to Sallie Krawcheck, founder of Ellevest,it's a fairly simple matter of percentages. "You should target saving 20% of your salary from your very first paycheck. This may sound like a lot—particularly because so many people save nothing. But years of research shows that people who save at this level are much better equipped to ride the ups and downs of the economy—and life—than others. Take your annual 20% savings and invest it in a diversified investment portfolio instead of leaving it in the bank (except for your emergency fund, of course)."

Not sure whether you can swing that 20%? Sallie says that's OK. Do whatever you can and gradually increase it. "It doesn’t have to be all-or-nothing to have an impact."

8. How do I know when to sell?

We're getting into the weeds a bit with this, but we promised to answer the big 10 questions and this is definitely one of them. The adage goes, "buy low, sell high." But what does thatmean?

Wealth management expert, Alice Finn, the CEO of PowerHouse Assets LLC and the author of Smart Women Love Moneyexplains:

"There are usually two main reasons you should sell. Reason 1: you will need the money within the next three years. If you need the money in the near term, you should not risk the volatility of the stock market because there is too high of a chance the market will be down when you need the money, forcing you to 'sell low.' Reason 2: you need to rebalance your portfolio because one asset class (i.e. a category of investments) has gone up more than others. Sell some of that asset class, and use the proceeds to buy some of a different asset class that has not done as well. This is the best way to 'sell high' and 'buy low.'"

Finn is also quick to explain: "You should never sell because you think the markets are too high. That is called 'market timing,' and it doesn’t work." In other words: avoid buying stocks if you feel like you'll need to sell them soon without a chance to plan for timing, and skip the hacks and fancy footwork when selling. Just focus on what you want to get out of your stocks, be patient, and think strategically.

9. Where should I go to learn more about investing if I'm totally new to this?

Start by reading up. Ellevest is a great platform to consider using (we love their tagline: "Invest like a woman. Because money is power"), but they also provide a free great resource center. And here's a list from Investopediaon the best books on investing (of course, Warren Buffet made the list).

10. What are some major investing red flags?

The simplest one is: if it seems to be too good to be true, it probably is. But we've actually covered all the red flags in detail here. Read and learn from our advice—so you don't have to learn from your mistakes. Plus, we have some helpful free webinar replays from experts like Amanda Holden here, here, and here.

*We want to let you know that some links in this article are affiliate links. That means when you purchase some of the items we listed, Career Contessa could earn a small commission at no cost to you. We only recommend items we know and love. Thank you for supporting the brands that help support Career Contessa.

Answers to the Most Common Investing Questions (2024)


What are 5 questions you should ask when investing? ›

5 questions to ask before you invest
  • Am I comfortable with the level of risk? Can I afford to lose my money? ...
  • Do I understand the investment and could I get my money out easily? ...
  • Are my investments regulated? ...
  • Am I protected if the investment provider or my adviser goes out of business? ...
  • Should I get financial advice?

How do you solve investment questions? ›

"Investment" word problems, using the simple-interest formula, I = Prt, pretty much all work the same one of two ways: Either the exercise is just one application of the formula, or else the investment is split in some manner, so you'll be applying the formula more than once.

What are the 3 investing mistakes? ›

The worst mistakes are failing to set up a long-term plan, allowing emotion and fear to influence your decisions, and not diversifying a portfolio.

What are four 4 very good tips for investing? ›

With that in mind, here are four risk-management principles to get you started—and to stick with throughout your investing career.
  • Align your risk with your goals. What are you investing for and how are you going to achieve it? ...
  • Diversify. ...
  • Rebalance. ...
  • Watch out for leverage.

What are the 4 C's of investing? ›

To help with this conversation, I like to frame fund expenses in terms of what I call the Four C's of Investment Costs: Capacity, Craftsmanship, Complexity, and Contribution.

What is the 5 rule of investing? ›

This sort of five percent rule is a yardstick to help investors with diversification and risk management. Using this strategy, no more than 1/20th of an investor's portfolio would be tied to any single security. This protects against material losses should that single company perform poorly or become insolvent.

What are the three C's in investing? ›

As far too many investors have found out the hard way, investing mistakes can be quite costly! When looking at potential options on who you can trust to invest your money without making mistakes, consider each of the 3 “C”s: Cost, Conflicts, and Competence.

What are the 3 A's of investing? ›

Remember the 3 A's for retirement saving: amount, account, and asset mix.

What is the number one rule of investing? ›

Rule No.

1 is never lose money. Rule No. 2 is never forget Rule No. 1.” The Oracle of Omaha's advice stresses the importance of avoiding loss in your portfolio.

What are the 4 P's of investing? ›

These are People, Philosophy, Process, and Performance. When evaluating a wealth manager, these are the key areas to think about. The 4P's can be dissected further, but for the purpose of this introduction, we'll focus on these high-level categories.

What is 4 3 2 1 investment strategy? ›

The 4-3-2-1 Approach

One simple rule of thumb I tend to adopt is going by the 4-3-2-1 ratios to budgeting. This ratio allocates 40% of your income towards expenses, 30% towards housing, 20% towards savings and investments and 10% towards insurance.

What is the 10 5 3 rule of investment? ›

The 10,5,3 rule gives a simple guideline for investors. It suggests expecting around 10% returns from long-term equity investments, 5% from debt instruments, and 3% from savings bank accounts. This rule helps investors set realistic expectations and allocate their investments accordingly.

What questions should I ask an investor? ›

14 essential questions to ask investors
  • What is their expected level of involvement? ...
  • What value do they bring beyond capital? ...
  • What is the typical check size of their investments? ...
  • Would they lead a round of investment? ...
  • What is their investment timeline and exit strategy preferences?
Jan 24, 2024

What are the 5 steps of investing? ›

  • Step 1: Assess your risk tolerance. Conservative? ...
  • Step 2: Diversify your investment. Balancing risk and return is the key to long-term investment. ...
  • Step 3: Have a plan for asset allocation. Hit your investment targets with the right approach. ...
  • Step 4: Assess investment performance. ...
  • Step 5: Rebalance your investment portfolio.

What are the five basic investment considerations? ›

Five basic investment concepts that you should know
  • Risk and return. Return and risk always go together. ...
  • Risk diversification. Any investment involves risk. ...
  • Dollar-cost averaging. This is a long-term strategy. ...
  • Compound Interest. ...
  • Inflation.

What are the three 5 criteria an individual should consider when choosing an investment? ›

Use five evaluative criteria: current and projected profitability; asset utilization; capital structure; earnings momentum and intrinsic, rather than market, value. Ask whether an investment is consistent with your asset allocation and if a stock's characteristics are within your risk-tolerance levels.

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Name: Dr. Pierre Goyette

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Introduction: My name is Dr. Pierre Goyette, I am a enchanting, powerful, jolly, rich, graceful, colorful, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.