An Olympic Marathon Runner’s Advice for Staying Hydrated? Not Water - BNN Bloomberg (2024)

(Bloomberg) -- At Bloomberg Pursuits, we love to travel. And we always want to make sure we’re doing it right. So we’re talking to globe-trotters in all of our luxury fields—food, wine, sports, cars, real estate—to learn about their high-end hacks, tips, and off-the-wall experiences. These are theDistinguished Travel Hackers

Abdi Abdirahman is a road warrior in every sense of the word. The elite runner logs 400 running miles a month and flies at least 50,000 miles a year. This Sunday, Nov. 6, the five-time Olympian will be racing in the New York City Marathon for his eighth and finaltime.

He’s not done yet, though. The 45-year-old, Flagstaff, Arizona,resident is on a quest—with thousands of runners around the world—to run all six major marathons. He plans to knock off Tokyo in March and then run in London or Berlin in 2023. “I love running, too, so, why not?,” Abdirahman says.

The runner has twice finished as the top American in New York’s race, but all heknowsfor certain heading into this weekend is that he will be nervous. “You don’t get nervous because of fear, or you’re going to fail. You get nervous because you care about it. You want tosucceed,” Abdirahman said. “Sometimes if I don’t get nervous, I feel like I’m not ready.”

Abdirahman travels some 15 to 20 times year, to racearound the US, go to events,visithis family in Somaliaor train at hiscamp in Ethiopia. He flies on United Airlines when he can. Hilton is his preferred hotel chain, and he’s partial to Denver’s airport because it’s easy to get to and to get around in.

This Sunday, though,he’ll be speeding through New York’s five boroughs, running at a pace of fiveminutes per milefor 26.2 miles, from the Verrazzano-Narrows Bridge through Brooklyn, Queens, the Bronx and back down to Central Park.

The days leading up to a marathon can be an emotionally stressful time for long-distance runners.Aftermonths of intense training, they now have to rest upto get ready for the big day. Abdirahman says he focuses on rituals: getting to sleep on time, staying hydrated, carb loading from two to three days before it, and staying busy by getting out andseeing friends in the city for lunch and dinner. Oh, and shaving his head.

Just reachingthe start line is another massive undertaking.He flies from his home in Flagstaff to Phoenix and then to Newark International Airport in New Jersey before catching a ride into Manhattan. To avoid the stress of losing checked baggage, he always packs his race kit in his carry-on: singlet, shorts and his Asics Metaspeed Skyrunning shoes. “Everything else can be replaced while you’re there, but it’s kind of hard to replace your racing shoes,” he says.

Here are his travel tips.

The carry-on luggage that’s worth the price.

I have one piece of luggage I always carry on: Rimowa,a navy blue hard-case bag with wheels. I think it’s one of the best. It’s a little bit pricey. I’m a believer if you want to invest in something, you want to invest in something that will last forever. I have had it almost five years now, and the wheels have never come off. I have stickers from where I have been to.

Keep your wardrobe to a minimum ...

I just take maybe one pair of dress jeans, one pair of black Common Projects shoes, a blazer and two dress shirts—one dress white shirt and maybe one black. After that, nothing else. Toiletries, and that’s it.

... and you can prioritize delicious souvenirs for the trip back home.

I’m kind of a coffee snob. I like good coffeesince I’ve been traveling to Ethiopia the past few years. Ethiopian coffee is some of the best. So when I go there, I usually give my training clothes to my friends and my training partners, and then I make sure to bring my luggage back filled with coffee. Every time, I go try to find a good coffee shop. I like cortado. I like strong coffee. Some coffee shops give you dark water, and you put the milk in it; you can’t taste anything. So I usually bring my own AeroPress.

The one thing to pack on long flights?

You have to have a water bottle, especially like a 13-, 14- hour flight. A lot of people takesleeping pills, which I don’t, actually, I try not to take any supplements. I try to make everything natural for me. I just drink a lot of water and try to sleep as much as I can. If I get there in the morning, my goal’s usually to stay up until the afternoon, ormake it to night.

But the best way to hydrate isn’t water.

I like Pedialyte. Instead of drinking a lot of water, just drink one Pedialyte—strawberry flavored—a day or two days before a race, and that will give you the hydration that you need, instead of drinking water, water, water.

The day before the race is pasta, carbohydrates. Just carbo load a couple days, three or four days out before the race. Pasta with meatballs or meat sauce, that’s good for me.I’m not trying to overeat the night before—I just eat more than usual.I try to not to make it too complicated.

Choose the airline that works for you.

I like United. I travel with a lot of airlines and had trouble with flights getting delayed. I know United is not perfect, but I just never had that trouble, and I travel a lot. And it’s easier for me. I can go to Denver or I can go to Chicago, and you have a direct flight to Africa. Most of the other airlines, you have to go through Europe and then stay there for another 12, 13 hours. They haveStar Alliance and other airlines they work with, like Ethiopian Airlines.

Be kind to yourself on the road.

At the end of the day, I’m a human being like anyone else on the road. If I’m tired, if I have been traveling for almost 24 hours and I get to the hotel late at night, the last thing I want to think about is running. When you arrive in the morning, it’s easier to exercise and to do things you wanna do. If you arriveat night, you want toget to bed. For me sometimes, I get to the hotel in the morning and I don’t feel like doing anything, so I hydrate,get some rest, recover and get ready for the next day—because you don’t lose fitness in 24 hours, or even three to four days, if you don’t do anything.

I bring exercise bands. Usually, if I go overseas I also take my small foam roller. That’s just one big part of something easy to carry and to use in the hotel room.

And I never order room service,unless I am desperate and I have no other option. Most of the time I try to explore the town I’m in. I ask, what’s the best food here, how far is it?

Embrace naps.

I have been doing this for over 20-plus years now, so the most important thing for me is the recovery, especially at this point of my career. Taking a nap during the day—like an hour, or 40 minutes—hasbecome a part of my training.

Embrace the experience that comes with getting older.

I’m not the same athlete that I used to be. I’m not as fast as I used to be when I was young. But now I don’t need to do a lot because I have all those miles, 20 plus years of running. It’s just maintaining the fitness that I have.I kind of know the routine of how to get ready for a marathon, what to do, what not to do. I still feel the same way—get nerves and stuff.

Everybody is different. The most important thing that someone can learn, to run the marathon, is to just listen your body because you are the one who’s running. You are the one who knows how you feel, if you’re feeling tired, if you’re feeling fatigued, if you’re feeling pain. Sometimes we have a tendency to run with injury, or if we have pain because we want to accomplish something.

But people don’t realize that pain can turn into something bigger. Instead of being like two or three days of not exercising, it can be a few months of not exercising.I’m talking about the point where you have stress reaction instead of a stress fracture. A reaction can take a week or two to heal. If you get a fracture, it can take eightto 12 weeks.

Find your rituals to prepare.

I need to shave my head every night before the race—every race, it doesn’t matter. Even if I shaved it this morning, I have to shave it tonight before I go to bed. I think that started during college; I shaved my head and I did so well. It just became a habit.

Embrace the unknown.

I don’t like running on the road because I don’t want to see where I’m going. I like to explore new trails.Observatory Mesa is a little bit above [Flagstaff], so I drive to the top and park there. You can run so many miles, so many trails. I just love it there. If you go two miles out, you barely see anybody. Ilike being in peace and listening to myself and thinking about whatever’s going through my head.

But in New York, I run in Central Park. I don’t run anywhere else. I like that 1.5-mileloop around the reservoir because it’s soft. You do thattwice and then two miles to get there and two to get back to the hotel.I do the six-mile loop once in a while.

Thesecret to real mental toughness comes from within ...

When I madethe Olympics in 2020, a lot of people did not believe in me. That was the fifth one,and being the 40-plus year, people made a big deal out of it. I never thought about it until I made the team and I talked to people. I know some people who are 45 and they can’t do the half of the things—or the quarter of the things—that they want. But I think sometimes, they believe that they cannot do them. At the end of the day, I think as an athlete it’s what you believe in. It’s your mind.

…but there are otherways to gainan edge.

Instead of focusing on the whole 26 miles, focus on one 10k [6miles]at a time.

Sometimes you are running with a group of guys, and you’re not feeling good. Things are becoming difficult because we are not all the same level. Make sure you are running with your own comfort zone, what you’re capable of. Don’t try to run with someone who is 20, 30 seconds faster than you. You might never finish the race. Just run your own race. Don’t run someone else’s race.

©2022 Bloomberg L.P.

As a seasoned traveler and fitness enthusiast myself, I can undoubtedly relate to the comprehensive approach that Abdi Abdirahman takes towards both his running endeavors and his travel routines. Abdirahman's distinguished status as a five-time Olympian and his commitment to logging 400 running miles a month speak volumes about his dedication to the sport. His extensive travel, encompassing 15 to 20 trips a year, requires a strategic and well-thought-out approach to ensure peak performance in marathons while balancing the demands of constant movement.

Let's delve into the key concepts and travel tips highlighted in the article:

  1. Luggage Choice - Rimowa: Abdirahman emphasizes the importance of investing in high-quality luggage. His preferred choice is the Rimowa, a navy blue hard-case bag with wheels. This reflects a traveler's need for durability and reliability in their luggage, especially when dealing with the rigors of frequent travel.

  2. Minimalist Wardrobe: Abdirahman's approach to packing includes a minimalist wardrobe, consisting of essentials such as one pair of dress jeans, one pair of black shoes, a blazer, and two dress shirts. This minimalist approach aligns with the idea of efficient packing for frequent travel, ensuring flexibility while keeping luggage light.

  3. Prioritizing Souvenirs: Abdirahman, being a coffee enthusiast, prioritizes bringing back delicious souvenirs, particularly coffee, from his travels. This highlights the personal aspect of travel and the importance of collecting meaningful mementos from different destinations.

  4. Hydration on Long Flights: Abdirahman emphasizes the importance of staying hydrated during long flights. While many opt for sleeping pills, he advocates for natural methods, including drinking plenty of water. His preference for Pedialyte over water for hydration before a race showcases a specific choice based on personal experience.

  5. Pre-Race Rituals: The runner's rituals leading up to a marathon include getting adequate sleep, staying hydrated, carb loading, and staying busy with social activities. These rituals underscore the significance of mental and physical preparation for a demanding athletic event.

  6. Airline Preference - United: Abdirahman expresses a preference for United Airlines, citing reliability and direct flight options. This preference aligns with the idea that choosing an airline that works for you, based on personal experiences, can significantly impact the overall travel experience.

  7. Embracing Naps and Recovery: Abdirahman emphasizes the importance of recovery, including embracing naps during the day. This aligns with the needs of a professional athlete but also underscores the significance of self-care and rest during travel.

  8. Adapting to Aging: Abdirahman acknowledges that he is not the same athlete he used to be and highlights the importance of adapting to changes in one's body over time. This concept emphasizes the need for flexibility and an understanding of one's physical limits as they evolve with age.

  9. Mental Toughness and Belief: Abdirahman discusses the mental aspect of his training, emphasizing the power of belief and mindset. This concept extends beyond running, highlighting the importance of a positive mindset and self-belief in overcoming challenges.

  10. Strategic Racing Approach: Instead of focusing on the entire marathon distance, Abdirahman advises breaking it down into smaller segments, such as one 10k at a time. This strategic approach reflects the importance of pacing and self-awareness during endurance events.

In conclusion, Abdi Abdirahman's travel habits and marathon preparation reveal a holistic approach that combines physical and mental well-being with practical travel strategies. These insights offer valuable tips for both athletes and travel enthusiasts looking to optimize their experiences on the road.

An Olympic Marathon Runner’s Advice for Staying Hydrated? Not Water - BNN Bloomberg (2024)


How do marathon runners stay hydrated? ›

Stay hydrated

The American College of Sports Medicine recommends drinking 5 to 12 ounces of fluids every 15 to 20 minutes during a marathon, although this is often difficult to accomplish and can result in over hydration if your sweat loss is low.

What happens if a marathon runner drinks only water for hydration? ›

Answers. If marathon runner drinks only water for hydration during and after the race, without also replacing sodium, then their cells can shrink from dehydration. This is because, during intense physical activity like a marathon, the body loses water through sweat.

Does not drinking enough water affect running? ›

If you don't rehydrate, your physical and mental performance is likely to be affected. A loss of fluid equal to two percent of body mass (for example a 1.4 kg loss in a 70 kg person) is enough to cause a detectable decrease in performance.

How do you rehydrate a marathon? ›

A good rule to follow is to try to consume around 400ml to 500ml 2 hours before the start and another 200ml 15 minutes before the run. Then, make sure you continue to drink at regular intervals throughout the marathon.

How much water should a runner drink per day? ›

There are no exact measurements for how much water an athlete should drink. Generally, adult women should consume about 91 ounces (11 cups) of fluid a day. Adult men require about 125 ounces (15 cups), according to the Institute of Medicine of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine.

How do marathon runners get electrolytes? ›

The day of the marathon

The best practice, he says, is to hydrate normally in the run-up to the day of the event. “Start sipping about 600ml of water with an electrolyte tablet in it three hours before the race, and drink until your urine is clear.

Is water or Gatorade better for running? ›

The recommendation is for adults and children to only have sports drinks during extended and heavy exercise that lasts longer than an hour. “Water, water and water should be the beverage of choice for hydration before, during and after physical activity or exercise routines lasting less than one hour,” Dr. Nish says.

How many gels do elite runners use? ›

Most elite runners today aim for this last number, which equates to roughly four standard gel packets per hour, but very few recreational marathoners come anywhere close to it.

What is the best drink after running? ›

Plain water is a great choice to replace lost fluids after moderate exercise. But other options, such as milk or tart-cherry juice, may offer additional benefits after high-intensity workouts. Sports drinks can also help you recover from long or vigorous workouts.

What is the best hydration drink for seniors? ›

Best Hydrating Drink Options

Examples of drinks that are suitable for seniors could be water with a twist of lemon juice, seltzer mineral waters, unsweetened herbal teas, or vegetable juices. Of course, the best option overall is to simply drink plain water.

What is the best drink for hydration? ›

Water is the best option for staying hydrated. Other drinks and foods can help you stay hydrated, but some may add extra calories from sugar to your diet. Drinks like fruit and vegetable juices, milk, and herbal teas can contribute to the amount of water you get each day.

What are the side effects of not drinking enough water? ›

dry skin, tongue and mouth. tiredness. irritability. light headedness or fainting.

Why do marathon runners drink Gatorade? ›

When you run, not only are you using up electrolytes at a faster rate, but you're also unable to replenish those lost electrolytes by eating. Sports drinks are a quick and easy way to help your body maintain proper electrolyte levels, so your performance doesn't suffer.

Why do marathon runners get dehydrated? ›

“Dehydration is influenced by multiple factors, including temperature and humidity, the length and intensity of your run, your body weight and your own personal sweat rate,” adds Skolnik. She offers these tips to help keep dehydration from derailing your progress.

Why shouldn't we drink water immediately after running? ›

It is said that we should not drink water just after strenuous exercise. Is there any scientific basis to it? There is no scientific contemplation behind this belief that we should not drink water just after strenuous exercise. During a workout, the body loses a lot of fluids through sweating and leads to dehydration.

Can marathon runners become dehydrated? ›

Marathon runners can become dehydrated due to the excessive sweating and fluid loss during prolonged physical activity. To rehydrate their cells effectively, they should consume fluids that help replenish the lost water and electrolytes.

What do marathon runners do if they need the toilet? ›

If you find that you need to use the toilet during the marathon, come prepared knowing when your loo stops are. And if you miss these breaks on the course, find a secluded spot but be prepared to feel a little less comfortable, especially if you have to let it go while running.

How do I stop dehydration when running? ›

5 tips for staying hydrated on a run when it's really hot outside
  1. Start your run already well hydrated. ...
  2. Go to sleep hydrated and swap coffee for water if you're going for a morning run. ...
  3. Bring water if you're running longer than 20 minutes. ...
  4. Add electrolytes if you'll be sweating a lot.
Jun 28, 2023

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Name: Arielle Torp

Birthday: 1997-09-20

Address: 87313 Erdman Vista, North Dustinborough, WA 37563

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Job: Central Technology Officer

Hobby: Taekwondo, Macrame, Foreign language learning, Kite flying, Cooking, Skiing, Computer programming

Introduction: My name is Arielle Torp, I am a comfortable, kind, zealous, lovely, jolly, colorful, adventurous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.