Amish Bedroom Rules (A Rules & Rituals Guide) (2024)

Daily life in an Amish household is governed by some interesting rules, including the bedroom, but what is the purpose of these Amish bedroom rules, and how do they affect Amish relationships?

Like most rules in the Amish community, they have stood the test of time since the first Amish settlers arrived in the US. Some of these rules are meant to support the Amish way of life. Others trace their origin to old European customs of the Amish community’s forebears.

Learn more about the dynamics of Amish courtships and marriage in our guide to Amish bedroom rules.

What this article covers:

  • General Bedroom Rule
  • Courtship Bedroom Rituals
  • Wedding Night Rules
  • Amish Bedroom Ritual Rules

General Bedroom Rule

Amish Bedroom Rules (A Rules & Rituals Guide) (1)

Life is simple in Amish communities by design. They avoid all forms of vanity, worldliness, and ostentation. This is apparent in all their community buildings, homes, and even in their style of dress.

The bedroom is also subject to these rules of simplicity and humility. There are no excess frills and decorative elements. It’s a quiet and tranquil space.

The Amish like to keep their homes very neat and orderly, and the same applies to the bedroom, but that doesn’t mean that a bedroom is a sparse and uninviting space.

Simple and Neat But Not Completely Spartan

Pretty homemade bed linens stand out against well-crafted wooden furniture. There’ll be wooden closets and probably some of their traditional hand-woven baskets as storage.

Amish women are very adept at weaving rustic wicker decorative baskets for shelves and wicker sewing baskets. And no Amish kitchen is without a rustic bread box. And you can buy these very same products when you support Amish Baskets. They will lend a touch of old-world charm to your kitchen, living room, or home office.

Storage isn’t all this traditional craft is good for. Treat your pet pooch to a charming rattan dog basket, or boost your bicycle style with a bicycle front basket, ideal for those weekend rides to the farmers’ market.

Courtship Bedroom Rituals

One of the most intriguing Amish rituals has to do with dating couples and the bedroom. It’s the practice of ‘bundling’, which takes place during courtship. Ironically, it’s only the most conservative Old Order Amish communities that still do this.

Bundling entails spending the night together, in bed but fully clothed. A wooden board is sometimes in place to physically separate the young couple. Pre-marital sex is strictly forbidden by the rules in Amish Ordnung, the book of Amish laws.

History Of Bundling

Don’t get the wrong idea, the Amish didn’t invent this as a means to frustrate young sweethearts. In fact, it’s an old European custom that their ancestors practiced long before the Amish were established as a people. Several Amish rituals and traditions were brought over by the first Amish settlers that came to the US.

Even kissing isn’t allowed during this practice, but while this courtship bedroom ritual may seem counterintuitive, bundling encourages bonding and teaches restraint.

Bundling helps young couples to get to know each other by lying close to each other and talking all night. It encourages a special level of intimacy that has nothing to do with sex. That said, bundling with someone would usually only occur if the young couple saw each other as potential life partners.

Wedding Night Rules

Amish Bedroom Rules (A Rules & Rituals Guide) (5)

In most modern societies, the wedding night is the start of the newlyweds' life together as a couple. In some cultures, it may be their very first night of sexual union. In most cultures, it’s followed by a trip to an exotic destination, the so-called ‘honeymoon’.

Although those first two apply in Amish communities, the latter doesn’t. There’s no ‘honeymoon’ for the Amish. In fact, the wedding night is spent in the home of either set of parents, and potentially several nights afterwards too.

There’ll be no sleeping in and lazing about the next morning, either. The newly married couple is expected to rise early and help with the clean-up after the wedding festivities.

Why Do Amish Newlyweds Live with the Bride’s Parents?

The bride and groom will have gone from living in their respective parents’ houses straight to getting married. This means that neither of them will have acquired a home of their own yet.

Amish Bedroom Rules (A Rules & Rituals Guide) (6)

Amish people, unlike many non-Amish, don’t move out and go to college and get an apartment. They live at home until they get baptized and decide to marry.

While the newly married couple lives in the bride’s family home, the community has the time to build a home for them. When it’s ready, they move in together and truly start their new life together.

Amish people also tend to get married when they are still very young. Marriage and family life entails a whole host of new responsibilities. This time spent in the home of their parents will teach them much about the running of a household, in preparation for starting a family of their own.

Husband and Wife Dynamics

Most of the rules Amish women must follow revolve around a need for modesty and discipline. Amish women are the caregivers of the community. They’re expected to be subservient to their husbands and to look after the children.

Amish men are seen as the providers or breadwinners, and always the head of the household. An Amish man must take care of his wife and children.

Amish Bedroom Rules (A Rules & Rituals Guide) (7)

This may seem very antiquated to the non-Amish community, but the Amish are simply following in the footsteps of the patriarchal culture of their ancestors. This was also the norm in biblical times, and the Amish take a lot of inspiration for their Ordnung from the Bible.

Amish Bedroom Ritual Rules

So, what do the Amish do at night? The old saying, “Early to bed and early to rise” would certainly apply here. A day in an Amish community starts early, so they tend to go to sleep very early, too. However, other than that, Amish married couples have bedroom lives that mirror most non-Amish couples.

Large Families Are Encouraged

Contraception isn’t allowed in Amish life. This, coupled with the fact that the Amish get married young, leads to fairly large families. Large families are seen as a blessing, so no steps are taken to keep families small.

Because the Amish live separately from non-Amish society, inevitably many people within each Amish settlement are related to each other. However, steps are taken to limit the genetic effects of this, and first cousins don’t marry each other.

Amish Bedroom Rules (A Rules & Rituals Guide) (8)

No Marrying of Non-Amish Outsiders

Outsiders do sometimes join the Amish community, but this is extremely rare.

Firstly, Amish people may not marry non-Amish people. This is forbidden by the Amish Ordnung rules. Secondly, not too many outsiders opt to join the Amish.

In the rare event that this occurs, and they get baptized into the Amish faith, they’d be permitted to marry in the Amish community.

Rules About Sex

Sex is seen as a sacrament of marriage, and there’s nothing unnatural about it in general. However, as a very religious community, adultery, the Amish don’t tolerate or condone premarital sex, and hom*osexual acts.

These are forbidden in the Bible, and therefore they’re forbidden for the Amish. Anyone who engages in such practices would have to repent or possibly face shunning if they refuse to change their ways.

Adultery is viewed as a serious offense. Although not expressly forbidden by Amish Ordnung rules, this doesn’t mean that it’s encouraged. It’s simply expected that Amish people would know not to do so.

Amish shunning rules are usually reserved for these types of serious offenses, but they’re not employed lightly either. An Elder in the church may speak to the couple first, in an attempt to help them solve the issue.

Amish Bedroom Rules (A Rules & Rituals Guide) (9)


While the concept of ‘bedroom rules’ may sound foreign to more liberal societies, it’s just a normal part of everyday Amish life.

These rules aren’t designed to punish or restrict. On the contrary, they’re meant to guide their path and support their values. Amish rules have kept their community alive and prosperous, and they will for years to come.

No matter your cultural affiliation, rules serve a vital purpose. They teach us about what is acceptable, or not, in our cultural group. They’re essential guidelines that help us to lead purpose-led lives.

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Amish Bedroom Rules (A Rules & Rituals Guide) (2024)


Amish Bedroom Rules (A Rules & Rituals Guide)? ›

Each person sleeps on their side of the bed, with a board in between them to prevent any physical contact. The couple is allowed to talk to each other during the night, but they're not allowed to touch each other.

What are Amish bedroom rules? ›

Pre-marital sex is strictly forbidden. The idea is that they can lie beside each other all night, talking but not touching, and that develops self-discipline. To discourage unseemly activity, one or both of them are wrapped sausage-style in a blanket.

What are the Amish dating marriage rituals? ›

Dating among the Amish typically begins around age 16 with most Amish couples marrying between the ages of 20 and 22. To find a prospective date, the young adults socialize at functions such as frolics, church, or home visits. One of the most popular activities is the Sunday night singing.

What are the Amish rituals? ›

Two important religious rituals in Amish life are baptism and communion. As Anabaptists, the Amish place supreme importance on adult baptism. Those who take the baptismal vow commit themselves to following the ways of Jesus and upholding the Ordnung of the church for life.

What are the Amish hygiene habits? ›

The Amish have various hygiene practices, just like regular Americans. They take showers, although the frequency may vary among different Amish orders. Conservative Amish don't use deodorant, talc, or lotion. They simply wash, dry, and put on clean clothing.

What is bed courting Amish? ›

Traditionally, the practice of courtship involved two young adults, often betrothed, who spent the night in bed together under the parental roof to ensure compatibility and accountability. A bundling board or bundling sack may make an appearance, as it takes the form of a contraceptive for a bundling couple.

Do Amish use birth control? ›

The large number of children is due to the fact that many children are appreciated by the community and not because there is no birth control.

What does an Amish woman do on a wedding night? ›

In fact, the wedding night is spent in the home of either set of parents, and potentially several nights afterwards too. There'll be no sleeping in and lazing about the next morning, either. The newly married couple is expected to rise early and help with the clean-up after the wedding festivities.

What are the Amish rules on kissing? ›

The Amish also believe marriage should be between a man and a woman. Same-sex relationships are not allowed within the Amish community. Unmarried Amish men and women aren't supposed to have any physical contact with each other. This includes kissing, hugging, and even holding hands.

What does a blue door mean on an Amish house? ›

The blue door is a physical representation of their commitment to God, humility, and simplicity. In the eyes of the Amish, blue represents tranquility, peace, and elegance. It's a platform for self-expression and a reminder to outsiders that the Amish have chosen a life of strength, courage, and resilience.

What are the unusual Amish rules? ›

So, the Amish can use power sources such as solar, propane, and diesel. These rules allow many modern appliances to be used, such as refrigerators. In addition, generators or batteries are allowed by the Amish. Phones are not permitted in the home but are commonly used for business purposes.

What are 5 practices all Amish have in common? ›

A: Yes, most Amish groups share certain practices: use of horse and buggy for local transportation, rejection of electricity from public utility lines, prohibition against televisions and computers, some type of distinctive dress, beards for men, ending of formal education at the eighth grade, meeting in homes for ...

Do Amish people have social security numbers? ›

One consequence of observing these and other core beliefs is that the Amish refrain from accepting Social Security and Medicare benefits, and in some cases from even obtaining a Social Security number, at least until later in life.

How often do Amish take showers? ›

Yes, the Amish bathe, but they often do it without electricity, and sometimes without indoor plumbing. They usually heat the water on a stove in order to have a warm bath. This labor-intensive process is one reason that the Amish don't normally bathe every day.

How often do Amish brush their teeth? ›

Dental Health Behavior.

Almost two-thirds of this Amish population reported brushing their teeth less than once a day, while only 1.3 percent brushed twice or more a day; 2.6 percent reported never having brushed their teeth.

How do the Amish wash their hair? ›

Daily hair care consists of traditional Amish methods such as oiling the scalp and braiding the hair at night to prevent tangles. They also use natural ingredients like vinegar, lemon juice, and rosemary to make homemade treatments that can be used in place of store-bought shampoos or conditioners.

Do Amish sleep in the same bed before marriage? ›

The Amish bedroom rules contain what is known as bundling. This is the practice of sleeping in the same bed with someone of the opposite sex while fully clothed. Bundling is not considered sexual in nature. Rather, it's seen as a way to get to know someone better before marriage.

Do Amish people have mirrors in their house? ›

While the Amish do not take pictures of themselves, they do use mirrors. The use of a mirror is allowed because unlike a picture, it is not a graven image. Women use mirrors to do their hair and men use mirrors to shave. If you take our guided farmhouse tour, you'll spot a few mirrors in the house.

What time do the Amish go to sleep? ›

The Amish stay up after dark, but they go to bed early: typically between 9 and 9.30pm in summer, and more like 8.30-9pm in winter. Most people start work at around 5.30am, so they're often up by 4.45am.

Is there inbreeding in Amish communities? ›

The Amish are one of several groups that suffer from a higher rate of certain genetic disorders because their gene pool is so small. Because they only marry within their community, many people carry the same recessive genes, and the odds of a husband and wife both carrying genes for the same disease are high..

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Name: Kareem Mueller DO

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Introduction: My name is Kareem Mueller DO, I am a vivacious, super, thoughtful, excited, handsome, beautiful, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.