American Households' Average Monthly Expenses | The Motley Fool (2024)

The average monthly expenses for American households total $6,081, according to the most recent Consumer Expenditure Survey from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS).

That spending covers everything from major costs such as mortgage payments and groceries to smaller purchases like apparel and entertainment spending.

That's a $503 increase from average monthly household spending in 2021 and a $1,822 increase from 2013. Those numbers are a reflection of inflation pushing Americans to spend more.

How Americans divvied up their spending between food, housing, and other major expenses remained mostly consistent from 2021 to 2022, with a slight increase in the percentage of the average budget going towards food and small decreases in spending on housing and entertainment.

By peeking into the national average budget for all these categories, we can get a better idea of where people spend the most and how our own spending habits compare.

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  • Key findings
  • Average monthly expenses per household: $6,081
  • Average annual household income: $83,195
  • Average monthly spending on housing: $2,025 (7% increase)
  • Average monthly spending on transportation: $1,025 (12% increase)
  • Average monthly food spending: $779 (13% increase)
  • Average monthly personal insurance and pension spending: $729 (11% increase)
  • Average monthly healthcare spending: $488 (7% increase)
  • Average monthly spending on entertainment: $288 (3% decrease)
  • Average monthly spending on apparel and services: $162 (11% increase)
  • Average monthly expenses by household size
  • Average monthly spending by age
  • How do your average monthly expenses compare?
  • Sources

Key findings

  • The average household's monthly expenses are $6,081 ($72,967 over the entire year). That's up from $5,557 ($66,928 over the entire year) in 2022.
  • The average annual income after taxes is $83,195, up from $78,743 in 2022.
  • Housing is the largest average cost at $2,025 per month, making up 33% of typical spending.
  • Americans spend $779 on food per month, with almost two-thirds being spent on groceries ($475) and the rest on eating out ($303).
  • Transportation costs more than many realize ($1,025 per month), largely due to the intermittent nature of those expenses.
  • Healthcare spending averages $488 per month.

American Households' Average Monthly Expenses | The Motley Fool (1)

Average monthly expenses per household: $6,081

The average expenses for a single consumer unit in one month in 2022 were $6,081. Meanwhile, average spending per year came out to $72,967.

Keep in mind that the cost of living can vary by region -- some cities are cheaper to live in and others are more expensive. The figures presented in this article are national averages.

Average expenses grew 9% from 2021 to 2022, with Americans resuming the trend of spending more each year after expenditures shrunk in 2019.

You might be wondering what exactly counts as a consumer unit. BLS defines a consumer unit as any of the following:

  • Families
  • Single persons living alone
  • Single persons sharing a household with others but who are financially independent
  • Two or more people living together and sharing major expenses

For example, two parents and a child would be one consumer unit. Three roommates would be three consumer units. The average consumer unit is 2.4 people.

Average annual household income: $83,195

The average annual household income after taxes in 2022 was $83,195 and $94,003 before taxes, per the BLS.

Based on those figures, Americans spend 88% of their after-tax income and have a savings rate of 12%. That's somewhat off the recommended savings rate of 20% and a 3% decline from 2021.

While the amount you save is most important, where you put that money also matters. A good option may be a high-yield savings account to maximize the interest you earn.

Where Americans spend their money

Here's a full breakdown of the average spending by category:

American Households' Average Monthly Expenses | The Motley Fool (2)

A quick note about monthly spending

The BLS survey only calculates annual spending, so we divided those numbers by 12 to get the average household expenses per month. Because we rounded to the nearest dollar, there may be small discrepancies when comparing the monthly and annual numbers.

It's also worth noting that not all of the typical expenses are monthly expenses. Some of these expenses are intermittent. For example, most people aren't spending $288 per month on entertainment. But over the course of the year, the average is $3,458.

Average monthly spending on housing: $2,025 (7% increase)

Housing is by far the largest expense for Americans. Monthly housing expenses in 2022 averaged $2,025, a 7% increase from 2021. Over the course of 2022, Americans spent $24,298 on housing on average. With housing prices cooling off somewhat in 2023, it remains to be seen how much spending will change year over year.

Of the $2,025 Americans spend on housing each month, $1,209 of it goes towards housing payments. That amount can change significantly depending on location, house size, and whether a person has roommates.

Here's a more detailed breakdown of different expenses of homeownership and how much Americans spend in each category.

American Households' Average Monthly Expenses | The Motley Fool (3)

Average monthly spending on transportation: $1,025 (12% increase)

Transportation is the second-largest monthly expenditure, and Americans spent 12% more on transportation in 2022 than they did in 2021.

Transportation expenses tend to be spread out but add up to be significant. Maintenance and repairs aren't generally monthly expenses but amounted to $1,160 on average over the entire course of 2022. People don't usually buy a new car every year, but when they do, it's a major purchase. Depending on the payment schedule you choose, auto insurance could be a monthly expense or one that you pay twice a year.

Even though Americans spent more on transportation in 2022 compared to 2021, they spent 7% less on vehicle purchases ($375 a month compared to $402 a month) with most savings coming from cheaper used vehicles.

Spending on gas increased 45% year over year, a reflection of rising gas prices and Americans traveling more after the pandemic. Public transportation expenditures rocketed up 87% in 2022, continuing its return from a low in 2020.

American Households' Average Monthly Expenses | The Motley Fool (4)

Average monthly food spending: $779 (13% increase)

Food spending includes groceries and food away from home, which is any food that you pay someone else to prepare for you. Average food spending increased 13% from 2021 to 2022. On average, Americans spent $779 per month on food in 2022 and $9,343 over the full year.

Spending on food away from home increased by 20% from 2021, continuing the post-COVID 19 trend of people spending more of their food budget at restaurants.

Grocery spending increased by 8% in 2022, mostly in line with annual increases seen since 2020.

Food prices and particularly grocery prices have been hit hard by inflation. If you've seen your own supermarket spending increase, a grocery credit card could help you save on that.

American Households' Average Monthly Expenses | The Motley Fool (5)

Average monthly personal insurance and pension spending: $729 (11% increase)

Personal insurance and pensions accounted for $729 in monthly spending in 2022 and $8,742 over the full year, an 11% increase from 2021.

To clarify, this category includes life insurance, personal liability insurance, accident insurance, and disability insurance. It doesn't include homeowners insurance or renters insurance, which are part of housing costs, or auto insurance, which is part of transportation.

Just 6% of spending in this category goes toward personal insurance. The remaining 94% goes to pensions and Social Security. That category includes contributions to retirement accounts and the Social Security benefits withheld from paychecks.

American Households' Average Monthly Expenses | The Motley Fool (6)

Average monthly healthcare spending: $488 (7% increase)

Average monthly healthcare spending amounted to $488 in 2022, up 7% from 2021.

Sixty-eight percent of healthcare spending in 2022 went toward health insurance premiums, which cost an average of $320. While Americans spent slightly more on health insurance premiums, the overall percentage of healthcare spending devoted to premiums declined by a small amount. Spending on drugs increased 23% year over year.

American Households' Average Monthly Expenses | The Motley Fool (7)

Average monthly spending on entertainment: $288 (3% decrease)

Americans spent 5% of their monthly budgets on entertainment in 2022, adding up to $288 per month and $3,458 over the course of 2022. That's down 3% from 2021, perhaps due to inflation pinching wallets and causing a pullback in discretionary spending.

BLS made some interesting decisions in what was and wasn't considered entertainment. As entertaining as pets can be, pet owners would probably argue that they deserve their own category. Avid readers may be surprised to learn that reading doesn't fall under entertainment (it has its own category instead).

American Households' Average Monthly Expenses | The Motley Fool (8)

Average monthly spending on apparel and services: $162 (11% increase)

Apparel spending grew for the second year in a row after plummeting 24% from 2019 to 2020, likely due to Americans spending more time in social situations after being less concerned about dressing up during the early days of the pandemic.

Americans spent an average of $162 per month on apparel and related services in 2022, or $1,945 over the year. That's up 11% from 2021.

American Households' Average Monthly Expenses | The Motley Fool (9)

Average monthly expenses by household size

Average monthly spending can vary by household size, and data shows that although one-person households spent much less than all other households in 2022, they were the only group to spend more than their after-tax income.

American Households' Average Monthly Expenses | The Motley Fool (10)

Average monthly spending by age

Americans between 45 and 54 years old spent $7,590 on average per month in 2022, the most out of any age group. Americans aged 35 to 44 years old spent a few hundred dollars less, $7,171.

Americans under 25 years old spent the least, with their average monthly expenses in 2022 coming out to $3,863. Their spending was closest to Americans at the other end of the age spectrum -- those over 65 years old spent $4,818 on average per month in 2022.

It's no surprise that Americans toward the middle of the age range are spending the most per month. That segment of the population are likely to make the most money while also having taken on significant financial responsibilities, like raising kids and paying off auto and home loans. As Americans reach retirement age, their spending quickly falls off.

American Households' Average Monthly Expenses | The Motley Fool (11)

American Households' Average Monthly Expenses | The Motley Fool (12)

How do your average monthly expenses compare?

It's interesting to see what the typical American spending habits look like and compare them to your own. Maybe you find that you spend similar portions of your monthly income in each category, or your spending patterns could be completely different.

Neither on its own is a good or a bad thing. We all have different things we value and different areas where we're willing to spend more money. If you're happy with your spending habits and you feel financially secure, that's what's important.

If you're not able to save as much money as you like, then it's a good idea to reevaluate your typical spending and your budget. Whether it's dining out, entertainment, or something else, there could be an area where you're spending more than you realize and are able to cut back.


American Households' Average Monthly Expenses | The Motley Fool (2024)


What is the average American monthly expenses? ›

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), the average household spent $6,080 each month on housing and other monthly expenses in 2022. 1 This represents a 9% increase from 2021, while average income increased 7.5% in the same time period.

What is the #1 expenditure for the average American household? ›

What Are the Main Household Expenses? The 10 major categories for household expenses and their share of the total expenses for average Americans are: Housing: 33.3% Transportation: 16.8%

What is the average monthly entertainment cost for a family of 4? ›

The fourth largest expense is food, which costs the average American household of four $1,088 per month, or $13,055 per year. The average four-person household spent $7,288 on healthcare in 2022, or $607 per month. Entertainment costs an average of $4,752 for a four-person household in 2022, or $396 per month.

What is the largest expense for the average American family? ›

According to Ramsey Solutions, the average monthly housing cost stands at $2,025, constituting the largest expense for most households. This includes rent or mortgage payments, property taxes, homeowners insurance, utilities and furniture.

What is the average living expenses per month in the US? ›

What is the average cost of living in the US? The average cost of living in the United States is estimated to be between $2,500 and $3,500 per month, depending on your location and lifestyle. This includes housing, food, transportation, health care, taxes, and other expenses.

What is the 50 30 20 rule? ›

The 50-30-20 rule recommends putting 50% of your money toward needs, 30% toward wants, and 20% toward savings. The savings category also includes money you will need to realize your future goals.

What is the single biggest expense for the average American? ›

Housing is by far the largest expense for Americans. Monthly housing expenses in 2022 averaged $2,025, a 7% increase from 2021. Over the course of 2022, Americans spent $24,298 on housing on average.

How much spending money does the average American have per month? ›

Average Household Budget: How Much Does the Typical American Spend? American households spend an average of $61,334 per year, or $5,111 per month — 82% of our after-tax income.

What is the average grocery bill per month? ›

USDA-suggested moderate cost grocery budget
Age-gender groupsWeekly grocery costMonthly grocery cost
14-18 years$87.80$380.30
19-50 years$87.00$376.90
51-70 years$81.80$354.40
71+ years$79.70$345.30
17 more rows
Apr 23, 2024

What is average spending per month for family? ›

Average Expenses of U.S. Households in 2022 and 2021
Family of two$6,372$5,782
Family of three$7,189$6,597
Family of four$8,460$7,749
Family of five or more$8,068$7,400
3 more rows
Nov 14, 2023

How much money does a family of four need to live comfortably? ›

Out of all 99 cities SmartAsset examined, a family of four would need a median of $226,886 to live comfortably.

How much does a week of groceries cost for one person? ›

The average household in California spends approximately $297 a week on grocery shopping, according to the data released in November. That is almost $30 more than the reported national average. Here's how much California spends based on household size: One person - $176.81.

What do Americans spend the most money on? ›

Average American household expenses

According to the BLS survey, the largest expenditures were housing and transportation, which comprised 26 percent and 13 percent of people's pay, respectively. Another big spending category was food, to which 10 percent was devoted.

How much should a single person spend a month? ›

Here, you'll get a sense of how much an average person might spend per month so you can consider how your own budget looks. The average monthly expenses for one person can vary, but the average single person spends about $3,405 per month.

What is the 2nd largest expense in the average American budget? ›

The average annual expenditures for 2022 were broken down into 14 major components (table B). Overall, housing accounted for the largest share (33.3 percent), followed by transportation (16.8 percent), food (12.8 percent), personal insurance and pensions (12.0 percent), and healthcare (8.0 percent).

How much does the average American pay per month? ›

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor, the average U.S. annual salary in Q4 of 2023 was $59,384. This is up 5.4% from the same time period in 2022 when the average American was making $56,316 per year. Average weekly earnings reached $1,142, while the average American made $4,949 per month in Q4 of 2023.

What is a reasonable monthly budget? ›

We recommend the popular 50/30/20 budget to maximize your money. In it, you spend roughly 50% of your after-tax dollars on necessities, including debt minimum payments. No more than 30% goes to wants, and at least 20% goes to savings and additional debt payments beyond minimums. We like the simplicity of this plan.

What is the average 6 month expenses? ›

The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported the average American household spends about $66,928 a year or $5,577.33 per month in 2021. If you follow the rule of thumb of three to six months' worth of living expenses, the range would be $16,732 to $33,464, a very large difference for many people.

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Name: Aron Pacocha

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Introduction: My name is Aron Pacocha, I am a happy, tasty, innocent, proud, talented, courageous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.