American Express EPAY (2024)

What is American Express EPAY?
American Express EPAY is a service that gives you the ease and convenience of making online payments in a quick and secure manner.
You can pay your utility and telephone bills, insurance policy premiums, magazine subscription and even donate to NGOs anytime, anywhere using your American Express Card*(s).American Express EPAY not only helps you avoid the hassle of waiting in endless queues, but also saves the cost of mailing the payments.

Utility Definition: Telecommunications includes providers of land line phones, mobile phones, cable and other pay TV services, and calling cards. Fuel includes petrol, diesel, CNG from Oil Marketing Companies (OMC’s). Other utility services includes providers of household/domestic electricity, gas and water. These providers can be government departments and agencies including local / provincial / state / territory / municipal organizations, public housing societies and apartment associations.

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What are the benefits of using my American Express Card to pay bills through American Express EPAY?
American Express EPAY provides a simple and efficient way to manage your bills. American Express EPAY gives you :
Control: You can choose to make a one-time payment, or sign up to pay bills automatically. You can also keep track of your previous bills as your payment history is stored online for a period of 6 months.
  • Convenience: Paying bills with your Card means you'll write fewer checks and you can keep track of your spending on one statement.
  • Peace of Mind: Know that you can avoid late fees because your bill will be paid on time.
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How do I pay my bills with American Express EPAY ?
American Express EPAY service offers you three convenient ways of paying your bills with your American Express Card*.
• InstaPAY
• Register and Pay
• Autopay
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What is InstaPAY?
The InstaPAY choice allows you to pay your bills immediately without the need to register for the American Express EPAY service, though you may also use this functionality after registering. Simply click on the InstaPAY option on the Home page or click on Payee List on the main menu. You can search for the payee by State/City, Payee Category (telephone, insurance, etc.) and Payee Name. The same payee may appear under different cities; hence, ensure that the payee and state/city to who you wish to pay matches the information on your physical bill.

With InstaPAY, you will be required to enter details of the relevant payee and the corresponding bill every time you want to make a payment, as there is no registration involved. Because InstaPAY does not involve prior verification of the payee details, we would like to caution you that the payee will reject the payments in case the account or payee details provided by you are incorrect. Also, please note that you will not receive e-bill from your payees or be able to view your payment history, if you are not registered for American Express EPAY.

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What is Register and Pay?
The Register and Pay option offers you the benefit of payment against bill presentment. You will receive e-bills from the payees you add to your account & you may then pay them online with your American Express Card, and the application enables you to view your payment history for a period of 6 months.
After completing a short registration process, simply select the payees you wish receive e-bill from and submit your request for e-bill upon entering your payee account details. Please note that all payees may not offer e-bill service.
Once registered, you simply need to login with your credentials and initiate a payment or schedule it for a later date, on your American Express card. You can also receive email alerts every time a new bill arrives for payment and also reminders as the due date approaches.
For timely remittance, make your payments at least 4 working days in advance so as to avoid any service disruption or penalties for late payment. Please note that new registrations have been disabled.
What is AutoPay?
AutoPay option gives you the convenience of paying your bills automatically without having to worry about missing your due date for bill payment. It is a convenient way to automatically pay your recurring bills using any American Express Card.
You need to enable AutoPay for any payee account one-time, by providing your card details & American Express EPAY schedules any bills received from such payee each month for payment automatically, 4-5 days prior to the due date, saving you the hassles of logging in every month to make payment.
Enrolling for AutoPay is easy. Just click on the AutoPay tick box after you’ve added a payee. It may take up to two billing cycles for AutoPay to be enabled on your Card. We recommend that you continue paying your bills until you receive notification of successful registration at the payee’s end. Please note that new registrations have been disabled.
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After enrolling for AutoPay, will I still receive a bill from my service provider?
Yes, you will continue receiving paper bills unless you opt to view your bills online only.
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How do I cancel AutoPay?
To cancel AutoPay go to AutoPay tab and delete the AutoPay payee from your list.
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Who can I pay through American Express EPAY?
Currently you can pay over 100+ billers that you may be currently paying by cheque like your phone bill, insurance, utilities, or even your favourite NGO.

Utility Definition: Telecommunications includes providers of land line phones, mobile phones, cable and other pay TV services, and calling cards. Fuel includes petrol, diesel, CNG from Oil Marketing Companies (OMC’s). Other utility services includes providers of household/domestic electricity, gas and water. These providers can be government departments and agencies including local / provincial / state / territory / municipal organizations, public housing societies and apartment associations.

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Can I pay my bills without registration?
Yes you can pay your bills without registration through the InstaPAY functionality. Simply select the payee you wish to make payment to, enter your account details for the payee, and your American Express Card* information. However, please note that this functionality can be used to make payment to ‘only payment’ type payees. You'll need a copy of your physical bill to process such payment.
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What does it cost to use American Express EPAY?

Please note that there will be no convenience fee levied by American Express on payments made directly to the utility service providers (biller), such as payments made or standing instructions set up on biller website etc. However, service providers (billers) may charge convenience or processing fee on such payments as per their own practices.

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Is there a limit to the number of payments I can make through American Express EPAY?
There is no limit to the number of payments you can make. The more payments you make, the more you save on mailing costs.
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What is a ‘Presentment’ Payee?
A Presentment Payee is a payee who presents a bill and accepts payment only against the presented bill.
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What is a ‘Payment’ Payee?
A ‘Payment’ Payee is a payee, who accepts instant/ adhoc payments, without presenting a bill.
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What is a ‘Presentment and Payment’ Payee?
A ‘Presentment and Payment’ Payee is a payee who presents a bill and accept payment against the presented bill and also accepts instant/ adhoc payments.
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What are e-Bills?
e-Bills are electronic versions of your paper bills that come directly from payees to your American Express EPAY account. They provide basic information for your account, such as account details, payment due and due date. You can opt to receive email/SMS notifications of the bills delivered to your account. See the list of payees currently offering e-bills
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Can all of my bills be e-Bills?
e-Bills are only available from select payees. All payees available on American Express EPAY, offer e-bills, except for donations and charity. Please refer to our list of payees to view payees currently available through American Express EPAY.
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How many payees offer e-Bills?
The number of companies offering this convenient feature is growing all the time. Please refer to our list of payees to view ‘presentment type’ payees..
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Can I set-up alerts or notifications about payments or e-bill delivery?
Yes, American Express EPAY allows you to set up email and SMS alerts that serve as notifications for payment activities related to any particular payee. (Receipt of new e-bill, payments made, their status, payment overdue, etc.) To set up these alerts, click on My Profile, select Change Alert Setup and follow the given instructions.
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What should I do if there is an erroneous charge on my American Express Card?
If you have a question regarding the amount billed to you by a particular service provider (for example, your mobile service), you should call the service provider directly. If you have been billed by a service provider that you do not recognize, contact the Customer Service number mentioned on the reverse of your Card.
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Will I receive rewards for bills I automatically pay with the Card?
Yes, as long as your card is issued by American Express Banking Corp. in India and enrolled in American Express Membership Rewards Program, subject to American Express Membership Rewards Terms & Conditions.
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What should I do if my Card has been lost or stolen and I've received a replacement Card with a new account number?
If your card plastic is replaced, you may continue to make payments using the new card plastic. However, if you have enabled the AutoPay service against any payee, please cancel the previously enabled AutoPay and enable a fresh AutoPay request using your new card plastic. Please note that the EPAY service will not automatically transfer your charges to the new card.
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What do I do if my payee is not listed on the American Express EPAY site?
Please write to us with your suggested payee at [email protected] and we will request the payee to accept payments through EPAY.
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What happens if I do not have enough credit available in my account to cover an online bill payment I've made?
Your payment transactions will be declined by your issuer.
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How does American Express EPAY keep my information secure and private?
With American Express EPAY, you can be confident that your information is safe. We treat your personal information as confidential and do not share your information in a manner that differs from our Privacy Policy without your prior consent.
To ensure that your personal information remains confidential, American Express EPAY uses Secure Socket Layer (SSL) technology to transmit and receive your personal information. This technology encrypts - or scrambles - your personal information such that it is virtually impossible for anyone other than American Express EPAY to read it. Additionally, we maintain physical, electronic, and procedural safeguards to help prevent unauthorized access to your personal information. We continually update and test our technology to improve these protections and to ensure the integrity of your personal information.

With American Express EPAY, you can feel confident your information is safe with us. Click here to read our full Privacy Policy.

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Do I need to maintain a record of my billing and payment information on my computer?
Your billing and payment information is stored online by American Express EPAY for six months. Information more than six months old cannot be retrieved online; hence, we recommend printing and keeping such information in your records for future reference.
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How does American Express EPAY ensure the bills I view and pay online are specifically mine?
When you register on American Express EPAY, we collect specific information about you for future verification and protection from identity thefts. Once you've signed up for EPAY, you'll select the companies whose bills you want to receive and view online. To verify that you are authorized to view those bills, we ask you to confirm billing information, such as your account number, and any other information the payee may require to ensure that you receive the correct bill.
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What proof of payment do I receive?
You will get an instant online receipt at the time of making a payment, which you can either print or save for future reference. Each receipt has a unique transaction ID which can be used for tracking purposes or in case of any disputes.
Also, payments made through American Express EPAY will appear in your American Express credit card statement as 'AMEXEPAY-Payee's name'
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Can I pay a bill on someone else’s behalf?
Yes, you can make a payment for someone else through American Express EPAY. You just have to add the name of the payee to your list and provide the account information. You can also use InstaPAY for ad hoc payments, after providing the relevant information.
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By when should I pay to ensure that the payee receives my payment before the due date?
Please make your payment at least 4 working days before the due date to ensure timely remittance and to avoid service disruption or any penalties for late payment.
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How do I activate/deactivate alerts and reminders?
Alerts/reminders are a convenience available to registered users of American express EPAY. To set up or modify alerts, go to Change Alert Setup under the My Profile tab. Here you can choose the email id and/or mobile number at which you wish to receive the alerts/reminders.

Registered users who have opted to receive e-mail alerts will also be notified by e-mail when a new payee joins the service.

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What are the things I should be aware of when using American Express EPAY?
Your payment is processed in accordance with the payee and bill details provided by you and as such, it is your responsibility to ensure that it is complete, accurate and in line with the terms specified by the payee. American Express EPAY will not be accountable if the payee rejects your payment or there occurs a delay in the processing of payments caused in case of any discrepancy in the details specified by you.

You will have to bear any additional charges levied by your payee in the event of a late/declined payment. In case a payment is declined by your payee, your bill will remain unpaid till you take a suitable action.

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What should I do if I forget my login id/password?
Your Login ID is the e-mail address specified by you at the time of registration. For security reasons, we do not allow access to your American Express EPAY account without a valid Login ID. In case you forget your password, please go to the “Forgot your password” link on home page and request for a new password by providing your Login ID and Date of birth for authentication. Failure to provide valid information several times may render your account inaccessible.
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Do I need to contact my payee for using American Express EPAY?
No, you do not have to contact your payee for using American Express EPAY. You just have to make your payments and we will take care of the rest.
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Can I make a payment to a payee who is not listed on American Express EPAY?
No. Currently, you can only make payments to the participating payees as listed on the site.
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How long will it take for a payee to be activated for a particular payee after I have added him?
After you add a new payee, American Express EPAY forwards your details to your payee for verification. Payees will process your registration within a period ranging from 4 days to three weeks, depending on payee policy. On successful verification of details, you will receive your first electronic bill during the next billing cycle. Payees will continue to send you your physical copy of the bill as usual.
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Till I receive the first electronic bill from a particular payee, should I continue paying the corresponding physical bills?
Yes. Even if you have registered with American Express EPAY and have added a particular payee, you should continue paying the corresponding physical bills till you receive an e-bill from that payee via American Express EPAY.
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How do I discontinue American Express EPAY service for a particular payee?
To discontinue this service for any payee, go to View/Delete Payees under the Manage Payees tab. Here you can view all the payees you have added and can also delete any payee. Typically, from the next billing cycle, you will stop receiving e-bill from the deleted payees.
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If I have registered and added a particular payee, can I still make some of its payments in person?
Yes, you may still pay any of your bills in person. American Express EPAY is an optional service which does not in any way restrict your traditional modes of payment.
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How is a payment processed?
Once you enter your American Express Card details and confirm the payment, your payment details are sent to American Express for authorization. You cannot cancel a payment post confirmation. You will be informed about the status of the payment within a few seconds. You will be provided a transaction identification number in case of a successful payment. Else, you will be informed of the reason the transaction was not successful.
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Can I stop a payment after it has been processed?
American Express EPAY cannot stop a payment after it has been processed. You will have to contact your payee for a refund request in this regard.
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Can I pay while I am traveling outside India?
Yes. As long as you have internet access and can connect to the American Express EPAY website, you can continue using this service. However, your billing address must be within India. Since currently this service is for payees within India only, all payments must be made in Indian Rupees.
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How do I cancel my American Express EPAY account?
You can unsubscribe to American Express EPAY by sending us an email at [email protected]. Upon receiving your request, American Express EPAY will complete any pending payment instructions that you may have given. Post this, your payees will be informed and your registration will be canceled. Please note that you will not be able to make any new payments after we confirm your request to unsubscribe.
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Is American Express EPAY a secured/certified site?
American Express EPAY is certified by Verisign Inc., one of the leading certifying authorities for web-site security.
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How do I know that no unauthorized payments will be made from my cards?
American Express requires you to authorize every payment made from your Card. No payments can be made without your acknowledgement.
American Express EPAY (2024)
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Author: Fredrick Kertzmann

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Name: Fredrick Kertzmann

Birthday: 2000-04-29

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Introduction: My name is Fredrick Kertzmann, I am a gleaming, encouraging, inexpensive, thankful, tender, quaint, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.