Amazon Piggyback Listings - Your Complete Guide to Product Piggybacking (2024)

11 Jun

Amazon Piggyback Listings - Your Complete Guide to Product Piggybacking (3)

Amazon is a marketplace of opportunities, be it for consumers, advertisers, or even aspiring sellers. Its unique algorithm and one-of-a-kind marketing interface have laid down several opportunities that have enabled many sellers to excel and scale faster. One such opportunity is the concept of piggybacking on Amazon. A boon and a bane to sellers, Amazon piggybacking could really benefit some if used smartly and kick-start their Amazon seller journey without much hassle.

What is Amazon Piggybacking?

Amazon Piggybacking is becoming an ‘additional seller’ on the Amazon Marketplace. This happens when additional sellers try to capitalize on the original seller’s efforts and use their product listing to sell their own products. These additional sellers are listed under a different option from other sellers by Amazon.

Although piggybacking is not advisable, here’s a brief overview of how it helps sellers. For starters, it allows sellers to save a lot of time and money that would be involved in setting up a new listing from scratch. But on a strategic front, piggybacking also helps sellers understand the potential demand for their product before they can step into the real game.

Sounds interesting, right? Basically, with piggybacking, you can easily try out a niche category without investing much and gain the advantage of understanding the consumer behaviors and their buying patterns much more closely with minimal efforts.

However, there is a flip side to this as well. While piggybacking might seem like an excellent and smart move, it still has a lot of cons. It is not easy to get conversions initially when you piggyback. You’ll only get a chance at conversion if buyers look for the other seller’s page on the product page. This reduces the chances of getting sales to keep your business booming. When you piggyback, you have to cut down costs to attract customers, this can put a hole in your pocket.

For when a seller piggybacks efficiently, the seller who is the actual owner of the product page feels threatened. The piggy backer can steal the buy box due to their lower prices; this is often referred to as hijacking. The piggy backer targets buyers who solely look for price benefits rather than seller credibility to steal the buy box. Being hijacked is not the only concern; piggy backers can also sell counterfeit products. Selling fake or copied products is illegal and can also damage your brand reputation in the long run.

So, do you think piggybacking is ethical? Should you allow or engage in piggybacking to have an easy setup? Is the risk worth taking? Well, that’s a conundrum for you to settle. But here, we will help you decide better with our tips on piggybacking and how you can cope with it as a seller on both sides of the piggy.

Is piggybacking a fair business practice?

When the piggybacker uses the ASINs to sell counterfeit goods or knockoffs of branded products, it’s damaging. In this scenario, the listing can be used to manipulate brand reputation. These practices can undermine the authenticity of the entire Amazon Marketplace. Amazon can also get you blacklisted for selling fakes or carrying malpractices that are illegal.

However, in certain scenarios, piggybacking is a clever move. Like in one of the following situations:

  • When you want to offer a product at a competitive price as compared to other sellers in the market.
  • When the product is available to you at a very discounted rate (even temporarily, such as manufacturer flash sale or clearance sale) and you are authorized to resell it.
  • When the brand is selling the product already on Amazon at a competitive price, you are an authorized reseller of the product (here, undercutting on price is rarely possible, but you get sales if the brand runs out of inventory or if there is a sudden rise in demand).

In these scenarios, piggybacking can turn into a smart business decision and can be used to get a competitive advantage.

Setting up a piggyback listing isn’t a time-consuming task. Once you have decided on the listing, the ASIN you are going to use, and have procured the product, you are almost done. You just need to add the product to your seller account, choose the listing, and set your prices. However, here are a few things that you should keep in mind in order to ensure that it doesn’t go sideways, and you are on the right side of the frame.

Things to keep in mind while setting up a piggyback listing

Piggybacking is a gamble. To drive this gamble to your favor, you must be very vigilant, intelligent, and proactively aware of any changes in the market. Here are a few tips that can help you set up a better piggybacking listing and gain out of it.

  • Make sure there are no copyrights or infringement of intellectual property involved.
  • Ensure the product is in good demand, is popular, and promises sustained sales in the future.
  • Calculate the cost of procurement, storage costs, the price it can be sold at, and profits from the sale to see if it makes business sense to do the piggybacking.
  • Ensure the product being sold is accurate and as per the description of the product mentioned in the ASIN; this will help prevent the customer from having a false or negative impression of your product.
  • If profits are substantial and consistent, it is always better to be a reseller from the manufacturer. This can help in better overall visibility in the long run.

If all things go well, with proper availability and price monitoring, your carefully set piggyback listing would have the capability to win the buy box.

Now, let’s see, what if you’re a victim of piggybacking. When you are being piggybacked upon, you get direct competitors with very competitive prices. They can harm your sales considerably and even take the buy box away from you. If indulged in selling counterfeit goods, a piggy backer would even damage your reputation and brand value, leading you to lose your customers entirely.

Ways to resolve a piggybacking issue

Being piggybacked upon can rarely be of advantage. It comes with many problems in the long run. You must keep a watchful eye on your listings and piggy backers. Here are some ways which can help you resolve your piggybacking issue.

Constantly monitor your listings:Keep an eye out for other sellers trying to claim to be selling your brand. Always check your sales volume; if there is a sudden dip, ensure the possibility of piggybacking and take action. Lastly, regularly check if your brand has the buy box.

Registering your brand with Amazon:Registered brands can raise concerns if resellers are selling the product at an unacceptably lower price or as cheap knockoffs. Such listings are quickly taken out of the equation by Amazon through their complaint handling mechanism that always favors the registered brands.

Display features of your brand clearly in the images:A clear display of the brand logo can help the customer distinguish the product clearly from counterfeit products. Also, watermarking the images used for display will help you keep fake and piggy backers away.

Ensure references to warranty:Clearly state that warranty will only be valid for purchase from you as a seller for your branded product and will not be valid for other sellers or resellers.

Brand Gating:Amazon allows private labels to gate their brands to protect them from counterfeits and third-party sellers. However, several hurdles are to be passed for the same, such as registering your product, having a trademark, setting up a website, and other features that support you to become a legitimate brand on Amazon. But, once this is done, complaints can be filed with Amazon with third-party sellers and counterfeits, and strict actions will be taken against the same.

All these pointers will help you prevent your listing from being hijacked. Although, what if you have already lost your buy box to your piggy backer? Don’t lose hope; you can still repossess it. Here are a few tips and tricks to help you do exactly that.

What to do if the listing is already hijacked?

Losing your buy box button from your listing could be a major setback for your sales, but there are always ways to regain them in no time. Here are some tips on how you can regain your buy box easily without much waiting:

  • If your product is not registered or gated on Amazon, bring it to the attention of Amazon’s support team and contact the sellers/third party selling the counterfeit product or product with a lower price and request them to take down the listings from the website.
  • If the product is registered and gated, then contact Amazon seller central and file an infringement complaint. You can use a product purchased from the same counterfeit seller as evidence to support your claim. Amazon will take action to suspend the hijackers and piggy backers, restoring your buy box immediately.
  • Temporarily lower the prices to get back your buy box even if it means lower profits. This will also prevent the hijacking of the listings by other unauthorized sellers.


Piggybacked upon is like being leeched upon. You must closely monitor your listings and keep a check on additional sellers claiming to sell the same product. You can also prevent piggybackers who sell legitimate products by getting your brand registered with Amazon and creating your own store. For piggybackers selling counterfeit products, our flagship product Sellos is a one-stop solution. It will let you sleep peacefully while checking the buy box regularly and keeping all piggybackers at bay. In addition to monitoring your listings for piggybackers and hijackers, with Sellos, we offer a whole host of services to make sure your Amazon Seller account blooms, promising returns. This way, you can sell your products on your own turf and be amazingly good at it as well.


I am a seasoned expert in e-commerce, marketplace strategies, and digital marketing with a track record of success in helping businesses thrive in the online space. My expertise extends to Amazon, one of the most prominent online marketplaces globally. I have hands-on experience in navigating the complexities of Amazon's algorithms, marketing interfaces, and seller dynamics.

Now, let's delve into the concepts covered in the provided article:

  1. Amazon Piggybacking:

    • Definition: Amazon Piggybacking involves becoming an additional seller on the Amazon Marketplace by capitalizing on an original seller's efforts and using their product listing to sell one's own products.
    • Pros:
      • Saves time and money in setting up a new listing from scratch.
      • Provides an opportunity to understand potential demand for a product before a full commitment.
    • Cons:
      • Difficulty in getting conversions initially.
      • Risk of losing the buy box to piggybackers with lower prices.
      • Potential for piggybackers to sell counterfeit products, damaging brand reputation.
  2. Ethical Considerations:

    • When Piggybacking is Considered Unethical:
      • Selling counterfeit goods or knockoffs, damaging brand reputation.
      • Manipulating brand reputation, undermining the authenticity of the Amazon Marketplace.
    • When Piggybacking is Considered Clever:
      • Offering a product at a competitive price compared to other sellers.
      • Authorized reselling of a product available at a discounted rate.
  3. Setting up a Piggyback Listing:

    • Steps:
      • Choose a listing and ASIN.
      • Procure the product.
      • Add the product to the seller account, choose the listing, and set prices.
    • Considerations:
      • Ensure no copyrights or intellectual property infringement.
      • Assess product demand, popularity, and potential for sustained sales.
      • Calculate costs, including procurement, storage, and potential profits.
  4. Dealing with Piggybacking Issues:

    • When Being Piggybacked Upon:
      • Constantly monitor listings for potential piggybackers.
      • Register your brand with Amazon to raise concerns about unauthorized resellers.
      • Clearly display brand features in images to distinguish from counterfeit products.
      • Utilize brand gating to protect against counterfeits and third-party sellers.
  5. Repossessing the Buy Box:

    • If Already Hijacked:
      • Contact Amazon's support team if the product is not registered or gated.
      • File an infringement complaint if the product is registered and gated.
      • Temporarily lower prices to regain the buy box and prevent further hijacking.
  6. Conclusion:

    • Emphasizes the importance of closely monitoring listings.
    • Suggests preventive measures, such as brand registration and brand gating.
    • Introduces a solution, Sellos, to monitor listings and deter piggybackers.

In conclusion, the article provides comprehensive insights into the opportunities and challenges of Amazon Piggybacking, ethical considerations, and practical tips for both sellers and those dealing with piggybackers.

Amazon Piggyback Listings - Your Complete Guide to Product Piggybacking (2024)


What is an Amazon piggyback listing? ›

An Amazon piggyback refers to an “additional seller.” Essentially, Amazon piggybacking happens when other retailers try to benefit from the original seller's efforts by using their listing to make sales. But that's not all.

How to prevent piggybacking on Amazon? ›

The best way to prevent piggybackers who sell legitimate products is to get your brand registered with Amazon and to create your own website. That way, you can sell your products on your own turf.

Can you have two listings of the same product on Amazon? ›

Duplicate listings are against the Amazon listing policies because it distorts the search results pages of Amazon which makes product search difficult for customers. And gives the defaulting seller the undue advantage of diverting impressions from the original listings.

Can I use someone else's asin on Amazon? ›

Can You Use Someone Else's ASIN? Yes, you can. If you're selling a product already listed on Amazon, you can use the original ASIN and skip creating a new ASIN altogether. However, you must have permission from the brand owner to use their ASIN.

What is piggybacking How does it work? ›

The term piggybacking is also used to describe a process in which data is transferred more efficiently across a computer network, using minimal channel bandwidth. When two devices are communicating across a network, data is sent from one to the other in tiny segments called data frames.

What is an example of a piggyback company? ›

The other use of 'piggyback marketing' works when partnering companies are selling complementary products – such as a car manufacturing company promoting tyres or batteries from other companies, as they are complementary products rather than competing products.

What is Amazon listing hijacking? ›

Amazon listing hijacking happens when an unauthorized seller lists a counterfeit version of your product on the platform. These counterfeit products are usually cheap versions of the actual products your brand produces and sells. It is fairly simple for a bad actor to hijack one of your product listings on Amazon.

How do I piggyback Amazon Prime? ›

Share Your Amazon Prime Benefits
  1. Visit Your Amazon Prime Membership.
  2. Locate the Share your Prime Benefits section.
  3. Select Manage Your Household.
  4. Enter the name and email address of the person you want to share benefits with.
  5. Select Continue. ...
  6. Review the terms.

How do you stop Amazon from tracking you? ›

Amazon says it allows customers to view their browsing and purchase history from “Your Account” and manage which items can be used for product recommendations. More broadly, you can also use privacy-focused browsers such as DuckDuckGo or Brave to stop Amazon from tracking you.

How does Amazon detect multiple seller accounts? ›

How does Amazon track multiple accounts?
  1. Identity of the seller (identification documents according to which the account was registered).
  2. Bank or credit card information.
  3. Email to log into your account. ...
  4. General categories of products or ASINs.
  5. Brand information.
  6. IP address.
Nov 28, 2023

Can I just sell one product on Amazon? ›

You can change your plan anytime. Create a selling account to sell one item or thousands. If you have a brand, enroll it in Amazon Brand Registry.

Can multiple people sell the same product on Amazon? ›

Yes, multiple sellers can sell the same product on Amazon. The platform allows for both individual sellers and businesses to list their products for sale. However, each seller sets their own price for the product and are subject to Amazon's policies and fees.

Is it illegal to sell someone else's product as your own? ›

In general, you are free to resell any lawfully purchased item and you are not required to purchase from an authorized source, but doing so ensures the best chances that you are dealing in a legitimate product. If the products you sell turn out to be counterfeit you are responsible for that.

Is it illegal to sell someone else's product on Amazon? ›

Yes, you can sell someone else's products on Amazon as long as you follow Amazon's policies and obtain proper authorization from the product owner if required. A brand name is not always necessary, but you must comply with Amazon's rules and agreements. Can I just sell a product on Amazon without having my brand on it?

Can you sell on both Amazon and Amazon Handmade? ›

What if I already sell in Amazon's online store? No problem! Once you complete your Handmade application and are approved to sell, you can list your Handmade products in the Handmade store and continue selling your other products outside of Handmade.

What is a piggyback shipment? ›

In piggyback transport, truck trailers or shipping containers are loaded onto railcars or flatbed rail wagons, transported via rail, and then offloaded and transferred back onto trucks for the final leg of the journey.

What is a piggyback purchase? ›

This is when you use an existing contract to acquire the same commodities or services at the same or lower price from another public entity contract.

What is a piggyback transaction? ›

You take out one big loan and a second, smaller one at the same time. The second, smaller loan essentially provides funds toward your down payment. As a result, the piggyback loan cuts the need for you to pay for private mortgage insurance (PMI).

What are the two types of selling on Amazon? ›

4 Most Popular Ways to Sell on Amazon
  • 1) Dropshipping on Amazon. Dropshipping is arguably the most popular way to start selling products on Amazon. ...
  • 2) Wholesale, or 1P selling on Amazon. ...
  • 3) Private label, or 3P selling on Amazon. ...
  • 4) Amazon retail arbitrage.

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Name: Gregorio Kreiger

Birthday: 1994-12-18

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Introduction: My name is Gregorio Kreiger, I am a tender, brainy, enthusiastic, combative, agreeable, gentle, gentle person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.