Amaterasu (2024)

I am Amaterasu, the goddess of the sun, dawn and light. I bring hope and the day to deliver those oppressed by darkness from the thick and dark nights. There has never been a day when the night could stop the light from coming and bring the morning with hope. And there is no problem that light cannot overcome.

Amaterasu-Ōmikami, also known as just Amaterasu, the Shinto Solar Goddess, or Queen of the Sun, is the sun goddess venerated by Shintoists and queen of the High Plane of Heaven, having replaced her father Izanagi. As a major sun goddess and direct ancestor of Japanese rulers, she was considered the most sacred of all of the gods worshiped in Japan.


  • 1 Overview
  • 2 Appearance
  • 3 Personality
  • 4 Powers and Abilities
  • 5 History
  • 6 Myths and Legends
  • 8 Gallery
  • 9 Trivia


Amaterasu rules over the sky alongside Tsukuyomi, Amaterasu was worshiped in Japan even after the Christian colonization efforts, known for her great beauty among the gods of other pantheons. Amaterasu is possibly bisexual (i.e., she is attracted to both men and women).


In her human form, Amaterasu obviously has the appearance of a beautiful Japanese woman, usually wearing the typical robes of Shinto gods. Amaterasu can transform into a giant white fox with nine tails.


Powers and Abilities[]

Being the personification of the Sun, Amaterasu has her powers related to light. However, she also has powers related to stars or related things, such as gravity, due to being the personification of the sun, a star. Despite being an excellent light user, she admits that her luminous abilities are just "child-play" when compared to the ability of angels, who are made of God's own light.

  • Deity Physiology: Amaterasu is a solar goddess, a powerful entity descended from the primordials, the beings who forged the Universe as it is known. Amaterasu, like the other deities, is a conceptual entity to some degree, personifying the sunlight that brings hope to humanity. Despite that, she is like the other deities, she is still a subservient of The One True Creator Deity.
  • Solar Physiology: Amaterasu is made up of or can transform their body completely into solar energy/substances. Her transformed form is anatomically identical to her normal form, as well as being made of energy/solar substances, in which case it contains all organs and is somewhat vulnerable to attack. Alternately, she can transform into hom*ogeneous matter, without any part of their form being more important than the other. Also, since the sun is believed to generate luminous energy as well, it is possible that the body will be a being of both plasma and photons.
    • Solar Manipulation: She can create, shape, and manipulate all aspects of sun, starting from its immense heat, luminosity, mass/gravitational field, magnetic field, raw nuclear energy, and reaction, etc. More specific effects of your sun energy skills include winds/solar flares, geomagnetic storms, causing sunspot reactions, UV emissions and plant growth promotion.
    • Solar Empowerment: She becomes stronger, faster, more durable, etc. when they come into contact with sunlight, possibly unlocking abilities related to the affinity and enhancing the existing powers. She may be able to draw sustenance from the sun or even slow or stop aging.
    • Solar Energy Absorption: She can absorb solar energy, while removing it from the source, into their body and use it in various ways, gaining some form of advantage, either by enhancing themselves, gaining the drained power, using it as power source etc., either temporarily or permanently.
  • Stellar Manipulation: She can create, shape, and manipulate all aspects of stars, self-luminous celestial bodies consisting of a mass of super-heated gas held together by their own gravity in which the energy generated by nuclear reactions in the interior is balanced by the outflow of energy to the surface, and the inward-directed gravitational forces are balanced by the outward-directed gas and radiation pressures.
    • Nova Manipulation: She user can create, shape and manipulate novas (including supernovas, kilonovas and hypernovas), a transient astronomical event that causes the sudden appearance of a bright, apparently "new" star, that slowly fades over several weeks or many months. Nova involve an interaction between two stars that cause the flareup that is perceived as a new entity that is much brighter than the stars involved.
    • Light Manipulation: She can create, shape and manipulate visible light, commonly referred to as light, is electromagnetic radiation that is visible to the human eye, and is responsible for the sense of sight. Primary properties of visible light are intensity, propagation direction, frequency or wavelength spectrum, and polarization, while its speed in a vacuum (299,792,458 meters per second/186,000 MPS) is one of the fundamental constants of nature. Visible light, as with all types of electromagnetic radiation (EMR), is experimentally found to always move at this speed in a vacuum.
    • Absolute Light: She can create a field of absolute light that blinds the targets either temporarily or permanently and may also dull or even completely negate the other senses. It is potentially able to generate light so intense it can completely obliterate anything and everything in its path without any restrictions.
      • Light Attacks: She can release/use light to attacks of various shapes and/or intensities, either projected, used as a part of melee attacks, etc.
  • Black Hole Manipulation: She can create, shape and manipulate black holes, a region of space time where gravity prevents anything, including light, from escaping.
    • Black Hole Creation: She are able to create black holes that can virtually suck in matter and energy. Through Gravitational Singularity, the victim will be ripped to shreds when they enter a black hole. Their body would be stretched apart to a point of compression, causing a lot of pain and suffering. When they enter into a Gravitational Singularity, they would be erased to nothingness as body molecule, matter and energy will be absorbed, causing instant death.
      • Black Hole Attacks: She can release/use black holes for attacks of various shapes and/or intensities, either projected, used as a part of melee attacks, etc.
    • Black Hole Stabilization: She can stabilize black holes regulating them partially or completely, allowing the black hole to be contained and preventing it from absorbing nearby matter.
  • White Hole Manipulation: She can create, shape and manipulate white holes, a hypothetical region of space-time where gravity prevents entry, but energy and matter can escape. Considered the antithesis of black holes, general relativity theory says white holes could form from spinning black holes. The singularity’s rotation allows for entry without destruction. Anything entering would pass through a space-time tunnel (wormhole) and be expelled from a white hole, being set in a different region in space or time period.
  • Astronomical Object Manipulation: She can create, shape, and manipulate celestial/astronomical objects, such as comets, meteors, asteroids, planets, stars, constellations, moons, nebulas, galaxies, black holes, etc.
    • Quasar Creation: She create quasars (quasi-stellar radio sources), energetic and distant members of a class of objects called active galactic nuclei. They are amongst the largest single objects in the known universe. Quasars are luminous and were first identified as being high redshift sources of electromagnetic energy, including radio waves and visible light, and appeared to be similar to stars, rather than extended sources similar to galaxies. Their luminosity can be 100 times greater than that of the Milky Way.


Amaterasu was born from the Divine couple: Izanagi and Izanami. She was one of a multitude of children born from the two, as her brothers Tsukuyomi and Susanoo followed after her. Izanagi clearly held Amaterasu on a pedestal, declaring her his destined successor. He showered Amaterasu with love and gifts, giving her as much as he could, even if it meant ostracizing his two other sons.

But it was in the birth of the fourth and final child in which tragedy struck, as the youngest son kagutsuchi accidentally burnt his mother to death upon his birth, leading to Izanagi killing him in a fit of rage.

After Izanagi failed in rescuing Izanami from the clutches of yomi, Susanoo began to cry. Susanoo’s cries never ceased as his wails caused calamity across both heaven and earth. Izanagi, fed up with the crying, ordered Susanoo to be banished from heaven.

Before Susanoo could be thrown out of heaven he wished to converse with his sister one last time. Amaterasu, however, didn’t trust Susanoo’s motives for visiting her, believing he was just trying to trick her. So as a sign of good faith Susanoo proposed a game, they would chew on each other’s belongings (Amterasu’s magatama and Susanoo’s sword) and spit out the resulting gods, and whoever spit out more would be the victor. Amaterasu spat out Takiribime, Ichikishimahime, and Tagitsuhime while Susanoo spit out Oshihomimi, Amenohohi, Amatsuhikone, Ikutsuhikone, and Kumanonokusubi. Susanoo after proving his earnestness fell into a ‘victory craze’ trampling her rice fields, pooping in her palace and throwing a flayed horse at one of her maids. Susanoo’s rampage lead to Amaterasu’s self exile.

The reins of leading heaven fell onto Amaterasu’s lover Tsukuyomi, who after banishing Suanoo again, worked on a plan to reinstate Amaterasu. Tsukuyomi learned that Amaterasu had secluded herself into a cave, leaving the earth without a sun, allowing it to be stricken with calamity and plague. After many failed attempts the Amatsukami hang the mirror Yata-no-kagami in a nearby Sakaki tree, with the naked dawn goddess Ame-no-Uzume dancing on a turned over bucket. As the gods laughed in hilarity at Ame-no-Uzume Amaterasu emerged from the cave lured both by the dancing goddess and her own beautiful refelction. Before she could go back into the cave the Amatsukami resealed it behind her, with Tsukuyomi asking her to return to her throne in Takamagahara, with Ameterasu accepting.

With Amaterasu back as the ruler of heaven, she became swathed with duties and responsibilities. To alleviate this she held a banquet for the gods so she could have some down time, sending Tsukuyomi in her stead. After learning of Tsukuyomi’s killing of Ukemochi, Amaterasu exiled Tsukuyomi to the other half of the sky, separating night from day, and leaving her alone with her only support being that of her father Izanagi.

Amaterasu worried about the state of the earth and how it was overrun with evil Kami and Demons. Asking her father for advice, Izanagi advised her to take the rulership of the earth from the Kunitsukami. Not wanting to shed blood, Amaterasu sent a multitude of ambassadors to try and convince the Kunitsu to hand over their rulership, however each one either failed or was convinced to switch sides. Frustrated and on her final straw, Amaterasu declared war on the Kunitsu. The war was long and bloody, with both sides taking heavy casualties, but in the end the leader of the Kunitsukami: Okuninushi, surrendered, not wishing to have any more of his fellow Kunitsu die.

Despite being the victor, Amaterasu still had to clean up the overwhelming evil presence across the earth. So she tasked the future emperor Jimmu to help her in reclaiming ground from the demons. Despite the sun god detesting Jimmy’s violent actions, she concluded it was necessary to bring peace back to the earth. However I’m his crusade Jimmu defaced a foreign god known as Arahabaki, leading to the god to break, becoming the impetus of the god’s rage.

Amaterasu looked upon the pile of bodies that she had created in her pursuit of peace, she was wreathed in self loathing, believing herself to be a monster. And in her solitude there was no one to counter these thoughts.

Until her brother Susanoo ascended to heaven and met with her. He apologized for his actions, reflecting on them during his time on earth, gifting his sister the Murokumo no tsurgi. The two caught up with each other, with Susanoo catching onto Amaterasu’s hidden plight, deciding that the two should go and reunite their fractured family.

Their grand adventure started off with their journey to find Tsukuyomi. With the help of Kunitsu and the Kamui they found him on the moon. With the help of Susanoo’s bluntness, Amaterasu is able to commune with her excommunicated lover. Through their conversation Amaterasu learns of Tsukuyomi’s self resentment, learning that in his time in exile he grew like Susanoo. Their conversation eventually lead to their reconciliation, with Amaterasu even offering Tsukuyomi to come back to her side of the sky, covertly trying to reignite their relationship.

After grabbing Tsukuyomi, the three made their way to Yomi, encountering their brother Kagutsuchi. Kagutsuchi, attacked Amaterasu and Tsukuyomi, trying to protect his mother. But after being calmed down by Susanoo, Amaterasu tried opening a conversation with Kagutsuchi. Kagutsuchi held a grudge against her and Tsukuyomi for not only siding with their father, but also never visiting him, never taking the opportunity to know him. Kagutsuchi ultimately breaks down crying, with Tsukuyomi and Amaterasu promising to be better siblings.

Kagutsuchi led them to the entrance to Izanami’s dwelling, where Izanagi was waiting. He refused to let them past him, saying that he doesn’t want his children to see his greatest failure. He forces the four to fight him, the battle is long and hard but the four are able to pull out a win. Izanagi admits that he was to scared to return to Izanami after his failed rescue attempt, preferring to run away than face his problems head on.

Eventually Susanoo and Amaterasu convince him to come with them to Izanami. They find Izanami in her quarters with her noticing Izanagi. In a rage she attacks him, screaming at him for leaving her in yomi. During the fight Izanagi apologizes for everything and ultimately admits that he still loves her. Izanami, though filled with anger, felt the same. But that hate had taken shape and given birth to Amatsu-Mikaboshi, the living embodiment of Izanagi’s failures. Together the family fought the demon, however even with their great strength none could deal a finishing blow. So together the family looked their power together and sealed away the great monster, tough it wasn’t dead, they knew that whenever it came back they could beat it together.

Myths and Legends[]

Amaterasu is a figure of worship in Shintoism from the Kojiki.


Praise the Sun!
Oh yes, Amaterasu, she's like the deity version of my sister Uriel, only younger and with less experience.



  • It is rumored that Amaterasu is a lesbian or at least has an attraction towards the female body but this is unconfirmed.
  • As the primary goddess of Shintoism, Amaterasu is still worshiped in Japan.
  • Amaterasu is likely an aspect of Ra, as she is a solar goddess.
    • When Ra was asked for his opinion on this theory, he said "What? What are you talking about? I've seen her in person, how-".


Amaterasu (2024)
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