Always Encrypted - SQL Server (2024)

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Applies to: Always Encrypted - SQL Server (1) SQL Server Always Encrypted - SQL Server (2) Azure SQL Database Always Encrypted - SQL Server (3) Azure SQL Managed Instance

Always Encrypted - SQL Server (4)

Always Encrypted and Always Encrypted with secure enclaves are features designed to safeguard sensitive information, including credit card numbers and national or regional identification numbers (such as U.S. social security numbers), in Azure SQL Database, Azure SQL Managed Instance, and SQL Server databases. It enables clients to encrypt sensitive data within client applications, ensuring that encryption keys are never exposed to the Database Engine. This provides a separation between those who own the data and can view it, and those who manage the data but should have no access: on-premises database administrators, cloud database operators, or other high-privileged unauthorized users. As a result, Always Encrypted allows customers to securely store their sensitive data in the cloud, reducing the risk of data theft by malicious insiders.

Always Encrypted has certain restrictions, such as the inability to perform operations on encrypted data, including sorting, filtering (except for point-lookups using deterministic encryption), etc. This means that some queries and applications might not be compatible with Always Encrypted or might require significant changes to the application logic.

To address these limitations, Always Encrypted with secure enclaves enables the database engine to process encrypted data within a protected memory area called a secure enclave. Secure enclaves enhance the confidential computing capabilities of Always Encrypted by supporting pattern matching, various comparison operators, and in-place encryption.

Always Encrypted ensures that encryption is seamless for applications. On the client-side, Always Encrypted-enabled driver encrypts sensitive data before sending it to the Database Engine and automatically rewrites queries to maintain application semantics. It also automatically decrypts query results from encrypted database columns.

Configure Always Encrypted


For applications that need to perform pattern matching, use comparison operators, sort, and index on encrypted columns, you should implement Always Encrypted with secure enclaves.

This section provides an overview of setting up Always Encrypted. For details and to get started, see Tutorial: Getting started with Always Encrypted.

To configure Always Encrypted in your database, follow these steps:

  1. Provision cryptographic keys to protect your data. Always Encrypted uses two types of keys:

    • Column encryption keys.
    • Column master keys.

    A column encryption key is used to encrypt the data within an encrypted column. A column master key is a key-protecting key that encrypts one or more column encryption keys.

    You need to store column master keys in a trusted key store outside of the database system, such as Azure Key Vault, Windows certificate store, or a hardware security module. After this, you should provision column encryption keys and encrypt each with a column master key.

    Finally, save the metadata about the keys in your database. The column master key metadata includes the location of the column master key. The column encryption key metadata contains the encrypted value of the column encryption key. The Database Engine doesn't store or use any keys in plaintext.

    For more information on managing Always Encrypted keys, see Overview of key management for Always Encrypted.

  2. Set up encryption for specific database columns that include sensitive information to ensure protection. This might require creating new tables with encrypted columns or encrypting the existing columns and data. When configuring encryption for a column, you need to specify details about the encryption algorithm, the column encryption key to safeguard the data, and the type of encryption. Always Encrypted supports two types of encryption:

    • Deterministic encryption always generates the same encrypted value for a given plaintext value. Using deterministic encryption allows point lookups, equality joins, grouping, and indexing on encrypted columns. However, it might also allow unauthorized users to guess information about encrypted values by examining patterns in the encrypted column, especially if there's a small set of possible encrypted values, such as True/False, or North/South/East/West region.

    • Randomized encryption uses a method that encrypts data unpredictably. Each identical plaintext input results in a distinct encrypted output. This improves the security of randomized encryption.

To perform pattern matching using comparison operators, sorting, and indexing on encrypted columns, you should adopt Always Encrypted with secure enclaves and apply randomized encryption. Always Encrypted (without secure enclaves) randomized encryption doesn't support searching, grouping, indexing, or joining on encrypted columns. Instead, for columns intended for search or grouping purposes, it's essential to use deterministic encryption. This allows operations such as point lookups, equality joins, grouping, and indexing on encrypted columns.

Since the database system has by design no access to cryptographic keys, any column encryption requires moving and encrypting data outside of the database. This means that this encryption process can take a long time and is vulnerable to network interruptions. Additionally, if you need to re-encrypt a column later, such as when rotating the encryption key or changing encryption types, you'll encounter the same difficulties again. Using Always Encrypted with secure enclaves eliminates the necessity of moving data out of the database. Because the enclave is trusted, a client driver within your application or a tool like Azure Data Studio or SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) can safely share the keys with the enclave during cryptographic operations. The enclave can then encrypt or re-encrypt columns in place, significantly decreasing the time required for these actions.

For details on Always Encrypted cryptographic algorithms, see Always Encrypted cryptography.

You can perform the above steps using SQL tools:

  • Provision Always Encrypted keys using SQL Server Management Studio
  • Configure Always Encrypted using PowerShell
  • sqlpackage - which automate the setup process

To ensure Always Encrypted keys and protected sensitive data are never revealed in plaintext to the database environment, the Database Engine can't be involved in key provisioning and data encryption, or decryption operations. Therefore, Transact-SQL (T-SQL) doesn't support key provisioning or cryptographic operations. For the same reason, encrypting existing data or re-encrypting it (with a different encryption type or a column encryption key) needs to be performed outside of the database (SQL tools can automate that).

After changing the definition of an encrypted column, execute sp_refresh_parameter_encryption to update the Always Encrypted metadata for the object.


The following limitations apply to queries on encrypted columns:

  • No computations on columns encrypted using randomized encryption are allowed. Deterministic encryption supports the following operations involving equality comparisons - no other operations are allowed.

    • = (Equals) (Transact-SQL) in point lookup searches.
    • IN (Transact-SQL).
    • SELECT - GROUP BY- Transact-SQL.


    For applications that need to perform pattern matching, use comparison operators, sort, and index on encrypted columns, you should implement Always Encrypted with secure enclaves.

  • Query statements that trigger computations involving both plaintext and encrypted data aren't allowed. For example:

    • Comparing an encrypted column to a plaintext column or a literal.
    • Copying data from a plaintext column to an encrypted column (or the other way around) UPDATE, BULK INSERT, SELECT INTO, or INSERT..SELECT.
    • Inserting literals to encrypted columns.

    Such statements result in operand clash errors like this:

    Msg 206, Level 16, State 2, Line 89 Operand type clash: char(11) encrypted with (encryption_type = 'DETERMINISTIC', encryption_algorithm_name = 'AEAD_AES_256_CBC_HMAC_SHA_256', column_encryption_key_name = 'CEK_1', column_encryption_key_database_name = 'ssn') collation_name = 'Latin1_General_BIN2' is incompatible with char

    Applications need to use query parameters to provide values for encrypted columns. For example, when you're inserting data into encrypted columns or filtering them using deterministic encryption, query parameters should be used. It isn't supported to pass literals or T-SQL variables that correspond to encrypted columns. For more information specific to a client driver you're using, see Develop applications using Always Encrypted.

    In Azure Data Studio or SSMS, it's essential to apply parameterization for Always Encrypted variables to execute queries that handle values associated with encrypted columns. This includes scenarios such as inserting data into encrypted columns or applying filters on them (in cases where deterministic encryption is used).

  • Table-valued parameters targeting encrypted columns aren't supported.

  • Queries using the following clauses aren't supported:

    • FOR XML (SQL Server)
    • Format query results as JSON with FOR JSON
  • Always Encrypted isn't supported for the columns with the below characteristics:

    • Columns using one of the following data types: xml, timestamp, rowversion, image, ntext, text, sql_variant, hierarchyid, geography, geometry, alias, user-defined types.
    • FILESTREAM columns
    • Columns with the IDENTITY property.
    • Columns with ROWGUIDCOL property.
    • String (varchar, char, etc.) columns with collations other than binary-code point (_BIN2) collations when using deterministic encryption.
    • Columns that are keys for clustered and nonclustered indices when using randomized encryption (indices on columns using deterministic encryption are supported).
    • Columns included in full-text indexes (Always Encrypted doesn't support Full-Text Search).
    • Specify computed columns in a table.
    • Columns referenced by computed columns (when the expression does unsupported operations for Always Encrypted).
    • Use sparse columns.
    • Columns that are referenced by statistics when using randomized encryption (deterministic encryption is supported).
    • Partitioning columns.
    • Columns with default constraints.
    • Columns referenced by unique constraints when using randomized encryption (deterministic encryption is supported).
    • Primary key columns when using randomized encryption (deterministic encryption is supported).
    • Referencing columns in foreign key constraints when using randomized encryption or when using deterministic encryption, if the referenced and referencing columns use different keys or algorithms.
    • Columns referenced by check constraints.
    • Columns captured/tracked using change data capture.
    • Primary key columns on tables that have change tracking.
    • Columns that are masked (using Dynamic data masking).
    • Columns in stretch database tables. (Tables with columns encrypted with Always Encrypted can be enabled for Stretch.)


    Stretch Database is deprecated in SQL Server 2022 (16.x) and Azure SQL Database. This feature will be removed in a future version of the Database Engine. Avoid using this feature in new development work, and plan to modify applications that currently use this feature.

    • Columns in external (PolyBase) tables (note: using external tables and tables with encrypted columns in the same query is supported).
  • The following features don't work on encrypted columns:

    • SQL Server Replication (transactional, merge, or snapshot replication). Physical replication features, including Always On availability group, are supported.
    • Distributed queries (linked servers, OPENROWSET (Transact-SQL), OPENDATASOURCE (Transact-SQL)).
    • Cross-Database Queries that perform joins on columns (using deterministic encryption) from different databases.

Always Encrypted Transact-SQL reference

Always Encrypted uses the following Transact-SQL statements, system catalog views, system stored procedures, and permissions.


DDL StatementDescription
CREATE COLUMN MASTER KEYCreates a column master key metadata object in a database
DROP COLUMN MASTER KEYDrops a column master key from a database.
CREATE COLUMN ENCRYPTION KEYCreates a column encryption key metadata object.
ALTER COLUMN ENCRYPTION KEYAlters a column encryption key in a database, adding or dropping an encrypted value.
DROP COLUMN ENCRYPTION KEYDrops a column encryption key from a database.
CREATE TABLE (ENCRYPTED WITH)Specifies encrypting columns

System catalog views and stored procedures

System catalog views and stored proceduresDescription
sys.column_encryption_keysReturns information about column encryption keys (CEKs)
sys.column_encryption_key_valuesReturns information about encrypted values of column encryption keys (CEKs)
sys.column_master_keysReturns a row for each database master key
sp_refresh_parameter_encryptionUpdates the Always Encrypted metadata for the parameters of the specified non-schema-bound stored procedure, user-defined function, view, DML trigger, database-level DDL trigger, or server-level DDL trigger
sp_describe_parameter_encryptionAnalyses the specified Transact-SQL statement and its parameters, to determine which parameters correspond to database columns that are protected by using the Always Encrypted feature.

Also see sys.columns for information on encryption metadata stored for each column.

Database permissions

There are four database permissions for Always Encrypted.

System catalog views and stored proceduresDescription
ALTER ANY COLUMN MASTER KEYRequired to create and delete column master key metadata.
ALTER ANY COLUMN ENCRYPTION KEYRequired to create and delete column encryption key metadata.
VIEW ANY COLUMN MASTER KEY DEFINITIONRequired to access and read the column master key metadata, which is needed to query encrypted columns.
VIEW ANY COLUMN ENCRYPTION KEY DEFINITIONRequired to access and read the column encryption key metadata, which is needed to query encrypted columns.

The following table summarizes the permissions required for common actions.

Key management (creating/changing/reviewing key metadata in the database)XXXX
Querying encrypted columnsXX

Important considerations

  • The VIEW ANY COLUMN MASTER KEY DEFINITION and VIEW ANY COLUMN ENCRYPTION KEY DEFINITION permissions are required when selecting encrypted columns, even if the user doesn't have permission to the column master keys (in their key stores), protecting the columns and doesn't access plaintext attempt.

  • In SQL Server, both VIEW ANY COLUMN MASTER KEY DEFINITION and VIEW ANY COLUMN ENCRYPTION KEY DEFINITION permissions are granted by default to the public fixed database role. A database administrator might choose to revoke (or deny) the permissions to the public role and grant them to specific roles or users to implement more restricted control.

  • In SQL Database, the VIEW ANY COLUMN MASTER KEY DEFINITION and VIEW ANY COLUMN ENCRYPTION KEY DEFINITION permissions aren't granted by default to the public fixed database role. This enables certain existing legacy tools (using older versions of DacFx) to work properly. To work with encrypted columns (even if not decrypting them), a database administrator must explicitly grant the VIEW ANY COLUMN MASTER KEY DEFINITION and VIEW ANY COLUMN ENCRYPTION KEY DEFINITION permissions.

Related content

  • Always Encrypted documentation

Next step

Tutorial: Getting started with Always Encrypted

Always Encrypted - SQL Server (2024)


What does always encrypted do in SQL? ›

As a result, Always Encrypted allows customers to securely store their sensitive data in the cloud, reducing the risk of data theft by malicious insiders.

What is the difference between TDE and always encrypted? ›

To simplify: TDE secures all of the database files on disk, hence the term "at rest". Since encryption and decryption are done by the database engine, it's transparent to all clients. Always Encrypted is more granular, specific data elements/columns store encrypted data which requires a "key" to translate.

What is the difference between always encrypted and column level encryption? ›

Always encrypted is completely transparent to the applications. The client application needs to be heavily modified to support column-level encryption. An Always Encrypted-enabled driver needs to be installed on a client computer to handle encryption and decryption transparently.

How to setup always encrypted? ›

SSMS provides a wizard that helps you easily configure Always Encrypted by setting up a column master key, a column encryption key, and encrypt selected columns.
  1. In Object Explorer, expand Databases > ContosoHR > Tables.
  2. Right-click the Employees table and select Encrypt Columns to open the Always Encrypted wizard.
Feb 28, 2023

What is a disadvantage of using encryption SQL? ›

Disadvantages. Database encryption requires tight integration with the database and may need to be purchased separately from a database vendor. It is often highly invasive to the database design.

What are the benefits of always on SQL Server? ›

Benefits of an Always On SQL Server
  • 1) Enhanced data availability. ...
  • 2) Improved performance. ...
  • 3) Increased security. ...
  • 4) Scalability. ...
  • 5) Cost Savings. ...
  • 6) Enhanced disaster recovery. ...
  • 7) Improved Data Protection. ...
  • 8) Increased Reliability.

What is the alternative to always encrypted in SQL Server? ›

Another method for encrypting your data is via cell-level encryption (CLE) to protect and secure your data at Rest. Similar to Always Encrypted, CLE is used to encrypt specific columns or cells. Cell-level encryption uses symmetric encryption and is often referred to or called column-level encryption.

What is always encrypted feature? ›

Always Encrypted is a feature designed to protect sensitive data, such as national/regional identification numbers (Social Security numbers for those in the USA), credit card numbers, and other highly sensitive types of data.

What are the disadvantages of TDE encryption? ›

One disadvantage of TDE is that it does not protect data in transit. Data is only encrypted when it is at rest in the database. If data is transmitted over a network, it can be intercepted and read by an attacker.

What are the disadvantages of column level encryption? ›

BUT, I understand that it has the following drawbacks:
  • It is not transparent: the user must explicitly choose the key, encrypt/decrypt the column.
  • It is hardly portable to other clouds/DBs,
  • Efficient select/filter/search on the encrypted attribute is compromised because of impossibility of indexing on them.
Jun 28, 2023

What are the three 3 different encryption methods? ›

There are different types of encryption techniques, but the following three are the most common and widely used: Symmetric Encryption, Asymmetric Encryption, and Hashing.

What type of encryption is always encrypted? ›

Always Encrypted uses two types of keys: Column master keys and column encryption keys. A column master key (CMK) is a key encrypting key (for example, a key that is used to encrypt other keys) that is always in a client's control, and is stored in an external key store.

What are the two types of encryption allowed in always encrypted? ›

Always Encrypted uses two types of keys, column encryption keys and column master keys. A column encryption key is used to encrypt data in an encrypted column. A column master key is a key-protecting key that encrypts one or more column encryption keys.

How do I turn off always encrypted in SQL Server? ›

Use the SQL Server Management Studio to remove the protection provided by Always Encrypted column encryption. Right-click on the required database. Select Tasks -> Encrypt Columns… to open the Always Encrypted wizard. On the Column Selection page change the Encryption type to Plaintext for the columns to decrypt.

How to insert data in always encrypted column in SQL Server? ›

How to Insert Encrypted Data
  1. First, make sure the application uses parameterized queries, which are a best practice for security and performance reasons.
  2. For tools like SQL Server Management Studio, we have to enable “Column Encryption Setting=Enabled” in the connection properties. This setting directs the .
May 2, 2024

Should data always be encrypted? ›

Many types of data should always be encrypted to ensure protection against unauthorized access. This includes personally identifiable information, financial records, customer information, confidential business data, and any other information that could lead to privacy breaches or legal implications.

What is with encryption in SQL? ›

In SQL Server, encryption keys include a combination of public, private, and symmetric keys that are used to protect sensitive data. This section explains how to implement and manage encryption keys.

What is the default encryption in SQL? ›

By default, server level encryption key is used. A TDE certificate is automatically generated for the server that contains the database. You set the TDE master key, known as the TDE protector, at the server or instance level.

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