Alternatives to Bankruptcy: How to Avoid Financial Ruin (2024)

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Federal and state laws provide bankruptcy as a remedy for unmanageable debt, but the price you pay to clear away financial obligations is a steep one.

Filing for bankruptcy will reduce your credit score by 100 points or more and make it much harder to borrow money or possibly even land a job. Despite the harsh consequences, bankruptcy made a comeback in 2023 when filings jumped 17% compared to the previous year. This was after a decade-plus of significant declines.

Maybe not all 452,990 bankruptcy filings could have been avoided, but if you want avoid the consequences that come with filing bankruptcy, it’s wise to consider the alternatives.

In many cases, it’s possible to work with a nonprofit credit counselor who will evaluate your situation and recommend a course of action. Debt management, debt consolidation or negotiating a debt settlement will allow you to avoid the courtroom and do less damage to your credit score.

Debt Settlement

Whether you use adebt settlementcompany or do it yourself, you can sometimes strike an agreement with creditors to pay less, sometimes considerably less, than what you owe. Debt settlement involves forgiveness. Creditors or a debt collector must be willing to accept partial payment for settling the full balance.

For debt settlement to work, you must be in default. Creditors won’t want to forgive any debt if you are making minimum monthly payments. If you’re in default and file for bankruptcy, creditors face not getting anything, so they might be willing to strike a deal. Only seek settlement of debts that you stopped paying but continue making minimum monthly payments on those you can afford.

Before you consider proposing a debt settlement, think about the impact it will have on your future credit. If creditors agree to write down what you owe them, the unpaid balance is considered income and must be reported on your tax return. The amount you don’t repay will be reported to the nation’s three large credit rating agencies and be part of your credit report for seven years. That could seriously degrade your credit score, an important metric used to assess your worthiness as a borrower.

Be careful dealing with for-profit debt settlement companies. Many have spotty track records. Don’t work with any company that wants you to pay a fee before it negotiates a deal with your creditors. By law, debt settlement companies can’t collect a fee until they’re reached a settlement and you’ve made at least one payment to the creditor. If you have multiple creditors, they can charge a fee for each one they are able to reach a settlement with.

The advantage to settling is speed. If you can put aside at least 50% of what you owe, you might be able to pay off creditors in 2-3 years. That is the time frame usually associated with debt settlement. It also willstop harassing calls from collection agenciesand help you steer clear of bankruptcy court.

If you do it yourself, contacting creditors and explaining your financial bind, you also could save money on the fees a company would charge.

Debt Consolidation

Another alternative to bankruptcy isdebt consolidation. To do this yourself, you need access to a credit line or a loan that will allow you to pay off your debts. That could be a personal loan from a bank or credit union, though more likely a home equity loan or credit line that allows you to borrow against your house.

It’s possible – though extremely unlikely if you’re thinking about bankruptcy – to get a 0% balance transfer credit card to help consolidate your debts.

You should meet with a nonprofit credit counselor or a financial advisor for advice before you consolidate. With a consolidated payment, you can often save on interest and avoid the headache of paying multiple bills each month.

If you qualify for a credit card that offers to temporarily lower your interest rate on balances, you could transfer debt to that card and use the grace period to pay down principal. Before moving ahead, make sure your other cards allow you totransfer balances without penalties.

A personal loan has advantages if it allows you more time to make fixed payments at lower interest than your credit cards were charging. Home equity loans and credit lines usually charge far less interest than credit cards, but you must offer your home as collateral. If you can’t make the required monthly payments, you could lose your house. Many financial advisors caution against moving unsecured consumer debt to a secured home loan for that reason.

Finally, you can use a nonprofit credit counseling agency to consolidate your debts through adebt management program. If you go this route, the agency will collect a single monthly payment from you and oversee the payment of creditors. These programs usually take 3-5 years to eliminate the debt.

Sell Assets

If your income isn’t enough to make debt payments, consider selling your property and assets. You could direct the money you realize through asset sales to an account you can use to settle debts. If you have valuable assets, you might be able to reduce debts enough not to file bankruptcy.

You could hold a garage sale or find a buyer for that coin collection you inherited from Uncle Lester, but that probably won’t get you far. Your property is your most significant asset and could help you avoid bankruptcy.

If you file for Chapter 7 bankruptcy, there’s a chance you’ll be required to sell many of your assets and property anyway, but that will depend on your state’s bankruptcy exemptions. It’s a good idea to consult with a bankruptcy attorney before making that determination.

If you have a business, selling assets might help avoid a bankruptcy filing. Of course, you need to come up with a strategy first – you’ll need to keep assets that are essential to operating the business.

Credit Counseling

If negotiating with creditors doesn’t work, consider contacting a nonprofitcredit counseling firm like InCharge Debt Solutions. Credit counselors can help you decide between debt consolidation or bankruptcy and often develop a debt-management plan with payments you can afford.

If thecredit counseloris able to work with creditors to lower your payments and interest rates, it could avert a bankruptcy filing. Even if you decide to file bankruptcy, the law requires that you consult a credit counselor first. Federal bankruptcy courts maintain lists of nonprofit counselors and you should consider contacting one before filing.

Borrow Money from Friends or Family

You may have friends or family who have stable finances and are willing to lend you money. This should be the last option before bankruptcy, because it’s loaded with pitfalls, the biggest one being that if you fail to repay the loan on time, it could end the relationship with a family member or friend.

If you go this route, treat it like a loan from a bank. Sit down and figure out what you owe, what you make and what you need to avoid bankruptcy. This will determine how much to money to borrow for from your friend or family member.

Put it in writing, agree to a payback schedule and stick to it. While it’s hard to have financial problems, destroying a good relationship over it can be much worse.

Find a Way to Earn Extra Income

Finding a second job, or other ways to make money, may help you generate enough income to avoid bankruptcy. Just like borrowing from family and friends, look at this as an option to avoid bankruptcy, not as a way to make more spending money.

There are manyways to make extra money, particularly with the digital app-based world we live in. Jobs driving for Uber or Lyft, shopping or driving for Instacart, and other delivery and shopping services can be found almost anywhere, even in more rural areas. Keep in mind that most of these jobs require a smartphone, a car and a clean driving record.

There are multiple websites that list freelance and part-time jobs – just search “freelance jobs” and you’re off to the races.

Don’t, however, discount old-school methods. Your local newspaper or that free weekly that you normally throw away, lists local jobs, particularly things like babysitting, pet-sitting or walking and, yes, delivering newspapers. It’s also a good place to advertise if you want to do those things but don’t want to be beholden to an app. It’ll cost money to take out the ad, but not as much as you may think.

Whatever you do, be sure you have the time and energy to do it and target whatever money you make to paying down your debt and avoiding bankruptcy.

Restructure or Refinance Your Mortgage

If you own a house and are still paying your mortgage, that’s likely a big bill. If restructuring your mortgage to pay less will help you avoid bankruptcy, you should approach your lender and see if they are willing to help structure a new payment plan. They may also agree to a temporary repayment plan, until you can repair your finances.

You may also look into refinancing your mortgage, which means applying for a new one with a lower interest rate and a longer pay period. This option usually requires a good credit record, since a bank is giving you a new loan.

Lower Expenses Making Changes to Your Budget and Lifestyle

Lowering your expenses and making changes to your budget and lifestyle to save money that can be applied to your bills isn’t just an option to avoid bankruptcy, but also a good idea no matter what you decide to do to repair your finances.

It may seem overwhelming tocreate a budget, but it’s really a matter of figuring how much money you have coming in, how much you have going out and how to make income exceed expenses. It should be standard operating procedure, no matter what your financial situation is.

One of the easiest things you can do that will create more money in your budget to help pay your necessary bills is tolower your expenses. This can be big picture things like selling your house, getting a paying roommate or smaller things like canceling some of your streaming subscriptions.

Go through your bank accounts for the month and look at what you spend on things you don’t really need, including eating out, cable TV, gym memberships and other things you don’t need or may have even forgotten you were paying for. Also look at insurance, utilities, and other monthly costs and find ways to pay less.

Any money you spend should go to pay down your debt to avoid filing for bankruptcy.

What to Expect If You Can’t Avoid Bankruptcy

If after considering all the alternatives to filing bankruptcy, your only option is to file, be prepared. Know the consequences and what’s involved.

Filing for bankruptcy will cost you a significant amount of money. Retaining a bankruptcy attorney could cost you several thousand dollars. If you prepare and file your own bankruptcy case, the filing fees alone are substantial, and your chances of success are greatly reduced because it can be a complicated process with a lot of moving parts.

The cost of a Chapter 7 bankruptcy is between $1,500 to $2,300 on average.

You will be required to take apre-filing bankruptcy coursebefore you file, so that you are aware of the alternatives.

The good news is that if youfile Chapter 7 bankruptcy, you have a good chance of success. Chapter 7 filings are discharged in more than 99% of cases every year. Of those filing Chapter 13, 40% of debts were discharged, but that’s not necessarily a bad thing. In the cases where they weren’t, the judge believed the filer could handle their debts with the assets they had.

Officially, there are six types of bankruptcies – Chapters 7, 9, 11, 12, 13 and 15 – but 99% of bankruptcy cases filed are Chapter 7 (liquidation) or Chapter 13 (personal reorganization).

The other four, Chapter 11 (business reorganization), Chapter 9 (municipalities); Chapter 12 (farmers) and Chapter 15 (cross border) make up the other 1%.

Alternatives to Bankruptcy: How to Avoid Financial Ruin (2024)


What is a better option than bankruptcy? ›

Bankruptcy Alternatives. Your options to avoid bankruptcy include debt management plans, debt consolidation loans and debt settlement.

What are the options before bankruptcy? ›

Depending on your situation, 4 options that might work for you are: consolidation loans, debt repayment programs, debt settlement options or a Consumer Proposal.

What are some ways to avoid bankruptcy? ›

Top 10 Ways to Avoid Bankruptcy
  • Negotiate your Debts. If you ultimately file bankruptcy, it is not only you who is affected. ...
  • Maximize Income. ...
  • Follow A Budget. ...
  • Always Consider “What If? ...
  • Liquidate Some Assets. ...
  • Reduce Your Spending. ...
  • Be Careful of Debt Consolidation Loans. ...
  • Avoid Debt Settlement Companies.

How to settle debt without bankruptcy? ›

How to Get Out of Debt Without Filing Bankruptcy
  1. Follow a Strict Budget. It may seem obvious, but planning and following a strict, bare-bones budget is often overlooked as a first step for getting out of debt. ...
  2. Choose a Payoff Strategy. ...
  3. Try a Balance Transfer. ...
  4. Consider a Consolidation Loan. ...
  5. Discover a Debt Management Plan.

How to get out of debt without ruining your credit? ›

How to consolidate debt without hurting your credit
  1. Stop using your credit cards. Cut up those credit cards and remove them from your digital wallets so you're not tempted to increase your debt utilization ratio.
  2. Pay your bills on time. ...
  3. Keep credit lines open whenever possible. ...
  4. Avoid opening new accounts for a while.
Sep 6, 2024

Which debt is not forgiven after you file for bankruptcy? ›

Debts not discharged include debts for alimony and child support, certain taxes, debts for certain educational benefit overpayments or loans made or guaranteed by a governmental unit, debts for willful and malicious injury by the debtor to another entity or to the property of another entity, debts for death or personal ...

Is the national debt relief program legit? ›

Is National Debt Relief legit? National Debt Relief is an accredited member of the American Association for Debt Resolution (AADR). It has been around since 2009 and has helped over 600,000 individuals reduce their debt. It also has an A+ rating from the BBB (Better Business Bureau).

Can you give money away before bankruptcy? ›

In short, giving gifts prior to filing for bankruptcy is okay as long as it is humble and doesn't exceed $600. Always disclose all gifts, donations, or loans to your bankruptcy attorney and the bankruptcy trustee to avoid delaying bankruptcy proceedings, discharge, or committing fraud.

What possessions do you lose in bankruptcy? ›

What creditors can take in a bankruptcy
  • Vehicles.
  • Land.
  • Houses.
  • Investment properties.
  • Savings accounts.
  • Any other items of value, like artwork or jewelry.
Nov 20, 2023

Is it best to avoid bankruptcy? ›

Bankruptcy is a serious step, with long-lasting negative consequences. Sometimes bankruptcy is a person's only option, but it's worth considering some alternatives. Ways to possibly avoid bankruptcy including cutting spending, boosting income, and trying to negotiate with creditors.

How do I protect my property from bankruptcy? ›

Seven Ways to Protect Your Assets from Litigation and Creditors
  1. Purchase Insurance. Insurance is crucial as a first line of protection against speculative claims that could endanger your assets. ...
  2. Transfer Assets. ...
  3. Re-Title Assets. ...
  4. Make Retirement Plan Contributions. ...
  5. Create an LLC or FLP. ...
  6. Set Up a DAPT. ...
  7. Create an Offshore Trust.
Aug 18, 2022

Is Chapter 7 or 11 bankruptcy better? ›

Chapter 7 is your better bet if you are hopelessly awash in debt from credit cards, medical bills, personal loans, and/or car loans and your income simply cannot keep up. As noted above, you're most likely going to get to keep most of your assets while erasing your unsecured debt.

Is it better to file bankruptcy or pay your debt? ›

“If you're about to lose your home or have your wages garnished, bankruptcy might be the only way out. “Debt assistance might be a better option if you want to avoid bankruptcy and can stick to a payment plan. It would be best to talk to a good lawyer about your situation to make the best choice.”

What is the easiest loan to get after bankruptcy? ›

Personal Loan Alternatives After Bankruptcy

Credit card: Secured credit cards and other credit cards for bad credit can give you a line of credit to borrow against when you need to, all while helping you build your credit score along the way.

How do I spend money down before bankruptcy? ›

Dratted cash!
  1. Fund IRA's.
  2. Obtain cash value life insurance up to exemption limit.
  3. Repay 401(k) loans.
  4. Buy a year's worth of home or auto insurance.
  5. Catch up on tax under-withholding.
  6. Get needed medical or dental treatment.
  7. Repair the things the client has.
  8. Tune-up car.

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