All the Best (Cheap!) Activities to Do With Friends (2024)

Table of Contents
1. Have an at-home spa day. 2. Host a closet cleaning party. 3. Play some board games. 4. Go on a biking adventure. 5. Plan a scavenger hunt. 6. Host an at-home open mic night. 7. Throw a potluck dinner. 8. Plan a retro movie marathon. 9. Have a picnic in the park. 10. Manifest your dreams with vision boards. 11. Explore local nature trails. 12. Go scouting for vinyl records. 13. Find a charitable cause to volunteer for. 14. Have a friendly bake-off. 15. Host a clothing swap. 16. Start a community garden. 17. Head to the beach. 18. Teach yourselves a new skill. 19. Visit a free or reduced-admission museum. 20. Make a time capsule. 21. Rearrange your space. 22. Start a book club. 23. Go on a dessert crawl. 24. Try birdwatching. 25. Channel your inner painter. 26. Start learning a new language. 27. Write letters to your future selves. 28. Throw a playlist-swapping party 29. Sports! 30. Have an “extra” photo shoot. 31. Go stargazing. 32. Look up some free concerts. 33. Plan a camping adventure. 34. Make some edible candles 35. Belt your heart out with karaoke. 36. Have a PowerPoint party. 37. Have a puzzle and wine night. 38. Visit the local animal shelter. 39. Join an amateur sports league. 40. Try out an escape room. 41. Attend a book or poetry reading. 42. Donate blood. 43. Make bouquets. 44. Spend time at the local library. 45. Learn some TikTok dances. 46. Play “How well do you know me?” 47. Try rock climbing. 48. Head to the countryside. 49. Go thrift store shopping. 50. Flip through magazines for an afternoon.

If I could bottle up and sell the ecstatic mood that a few hours hanging with my girls leaves me in, I’d be a morally iffy billionaire by now. Getting all dolled up and linking with my crew for some well-needed shenanigan time always recharges my emotional battery.

And far be it from me to deny the power of a luxe weekend girls' trip, a post-work happy hour, or a Friday dinner reservation at a nearly-impossible-to-book TikTok hotspot with the girls. But there comes a point when it feels like those hangout options feel like they’ve been exhausted—or at least a time when your budget simply doesn’t allow for plane ticket splurges or multiple rounds of $25 co*cktails.

That’s where we come in with an assist. It shouldn’t cost you an arm and a leg to bond with your buds. So ahead, you’ll find a whopping 50 different ideas for fun sh*t to get into with the folks you love the most. Steal an idea and feel free to take full credit for it in your group chat. We won’t snitch. <3

1. Have an at-home spa day.

You could drop an entire paycheck on massages and manicures. Or you could recreate the whole experience from the comfort of your living room. Pick up a couple of sheet masks, play some relaxing YouTube sound bath videos in the background, and you're golden.

2. Host a closet cleaning party.

You’ve put it off for long enough, so make it a group effort for motivation. Once you secure some space-saving organizers to manage your many belongings, invite your crew over to tidy it all up/get the first dibs on your “donate” pile. After it's all said and done, whip up some co*cktails to reward yourselves for that productivity!

3. Play some board games.

There's nothing better than a classic game night. Have everyone bring their game (and drink) of choice for a night of competitive fun.

4. Go on a biking adventure.

Hop on a bike share (or your own wheels, if you’ve got ‘em) with nowhere to go and see where the day leads. The best journeys are usually unplanned, right? Just make sure you guys wear helmets, pls and thank you. (Here are some cute options!)

5. Plan a scavenger hunt.

It's the best way to see your city in a new light. And the winner gets bragging rights until your next adventure. Pick up a fun clue template, throw on your comfiest walking shoes, and get to huntin'!

6. Host an at-home open mic night.

Encourage everyone to channel their inner poet, singer, or musician for an evening. All you need is your crew, a karaoke mic, and maybe just a dash of talent. (But it’s even funnier if you lack that last one.)

7. Throw a potluck dinner.

Potlucks bring everyone together for the best reason of all: to eat! And a lot. Use this as an excuse to embrace your inner Ina Garten and try out a yummy new recipe that’ll impress your dear friends.

8. Plan a retro movie marathon.

Watching old movies is way better with friends. Collect your favorite classic films, find a friend who still has a DVD player (or just stream it if you’re not tryna be *too* vintage), and prepare for some memorable throwback moments.

9. Have a picnic in the park.

All you need is a blanket, some snacks, wine, obv, and a portable speaker for a relaxing hangout. All of your adorable picnic outfits deserve their moment in the sun, dammit!

10. Manifest your dreams with vision boards.

Go after your goals by visualizing them together. It's a crafting and manifesting activity.

11. Explore local nature trails.

We guarantee that you'll discover something new, and you'll capture pretty, inspiring nature content along the way. Plus, we have some excellent hiking outfit ideas for you and besties to wear, should you guys choose to wander.

12. Go scouting for vinyl records.

A record collection is hands-down the coolest kind of collection one can have. Stop by a couple of thrift shops and record stores, and see which albums you find.

13. Find a charitable cause to volunteer for.

Giving back is so much more fulfilling when you can do it all together. Look into organizations that focus on a cause you all share an interest in, and get involved as a group.

14. Have a friendly bake-off.

Compete to see who can pull off the most delicious recipe, and vote for a winner. You can feast on the mouth-watering finished products when it's all said and done, so really, there are no losers here.

15. Host a clothing swap.

Tired of your wardrobe? Instead of shopping for anything new, ask your friends to contribute to a clothing (and accessories!) swap so you can all switch up your looks.

16. Start a community garden.

Try to flex your green thumb (or lack thereof, but we’ve got tips to help with that). Even if nothing grows right away, you'll feel more connected to nature, which is always a plus!

17. Head to the beach.

Or lake. Or river. Or pond. Just any body of water, really. Grab your cutest bathing suit, and allow the H2O to provide you with a moment of Zen.

18. Teach yourselves a new skill.

From juggling to knitting to making origami, there's a YouTube tutorial for that. The more niche it is, the better party trick it’ll be.

19. Visit a free or reduced-admission museum.

Many museums offer certain days with free or reduced admission—perfect for taking in a little art and history when you're on a budget.

20. Make a time capsule.

Have everyone bring a couple of items to throw in the capsule, bury it, and make a pact to open it up 10 years from now. Hey, it’s a great way to ensure you all will stay in touch.

21. Rearrange your space.

Watching too much HGTV got you inspired to switch up your home's layout? Ask your friends for their design suggestions (or allow us to offer some decor advice) as you move things around.

22. Start a book club.

That stack of books on your nightstand isn't going to get read unless you motivate yourself somehow. Whether your group is into romance novels, celeb memoirs, or escapist reads, collective reading (with some slight peer pressure to actually finish the book) is the best way to do it.

23. Go on a dessert crawl.

I mean, dessert is the best part of the meal anyway. Pick a couple of spots to visit and indulge your sweet tooth. Everyone knows the entree is just the pregame anyway.

24. Try birdwatching.

All you need is as follows: a park, a notebook and pen (or your phone's notes app), and an observant eye. (Or maybe some good binoculars.)

25. Channel your inner painter.

Host your own paint-and-sip party at home with a bottle of bubbly, blank canvases, and paint supplies.

26. Start learning a new language.

Get on the language learning apps with your friends, because accountability is key when you're trying to master a different language. Plus, you need people to practice chatting with ¡Buena suerte!

27. Write letters to your future selves.

Curious about what you'll be like in five years? 10 years? 20 years? Write to yourself at those various stages and give the letters to your friends for safekeeping. Who knows, maybe your 2034 selves will get a good laugh out of the worries/haircuts/partners that you have now. Make sure to use some extra fancy stationary for the dramatic effect.

28. Throw a playlist-swapping party

Who better to get new music recs from than the people who know you the best? Assign each of your guests a specific vibe (Ex. “for when you’re feeling yourself” or “for when you need a good cry,”) and have them curate a playlist to match the mood. You can present the soundtracks to each other over wine and snacks!

29. Sports!

Speaking of your inner child, we have a feeling they'd really appreciate a good P.E. class-era game outside. You could host a classic round of dodgeball or capture the flag at your local park.

30. Have an “extra” photo shoot.

Get glam for a fun shoot with friends. You can be goofy and play model; plus, your friends definitely know how to find your light. Just make sure you’ve got a top-ranking camera to shoot with.

31. Go stargazing.

Set aside an evening to gather on a rooftop or at a park and soak in the stars. It’s wholesome fun with the galaxy.

32. Look up some free concerts.

Whether it's at a coffee shop or college campus, there are usually live musicians performing for free somewhere. Hop online and find some that you and your friends can meet up for.

33. Plan a camping adventure.

Even if it's just in your backyard, which, for the record, qualifies as a staycation. Set up that camping equipment anywhere in the great outdoors—it counts as an adventure in our book.

34. Make some edible candles

Here’s something that’ll result in good times and a cute appetizer (disguised as home decor). ICYMI, butter candles in bread are a viral hit made from, you guessed it, butter. Once your masterpieces melt, you have the perfect snack to share.

35. Belt your heart out with karaoke.

Where else can you unapologetically sing Celine Dion, be off-key, and still get a standing ovation? You don't even need to drop cash for stage time at a bar—invest in an at-home karaoke machine to have a fun night on standby all of the time.

36. Have a PowerPoint party.

Never heard of it? It’s when groups of friends get together to do presentations on each of their niche interests. And if you’re drawing a blank on subject ideas, we’ve got you covered here!

37. Have a puzzle and wine night.

Ask everyone to bring their puzzle (and bottle) of choice and see how quickly you can put the pieces together! It’s a great way to exercise your brain, and teamwork makes the dream work.

38. Visit the local animal shelter.

And if one of you happens to leave with a puppy in hand, don't say we didn't warn you (but FWIW, volunteering is also an option, too).

39. Join an amateur sports league.

If you guys haven't played sports since high school but miss getting competitive, this option is definitely for you. It’s just official enough to feel like your old varsity days, but with significantly less pressure. It’s a great way to flex your adorable workout wear too.

40. Try out an escape room.

There’s nothing like an IRL brain game to test your problem-solving skills and the patience you have for your loved ones (JK). Surf Groupon for deals at local spots, then round up your crew to put those minds to work!

41. Attend a book or poetry reading.

These are always going down at local bookstores and libraries, and at no cost for attendees! Look up the schedules at places nearby to get a sense of who's coming to read. You could even book a meal after for “dinner and a show” vibes!

42. Donate blood.

If no one in your group is squeamish, this activity is not only ideal for bonding, but it's also super helpful to those in need.

43. Make bouquets.

How’s this for wholesome? A flower arrangement party! Have everyone bring a bouquet and a vase, then mix and match all of the pre-existing arrangements to create your own masterpieces. It’s a great way to get creative and work on your green thumb.

44. Spend time at the local library.

It may sound basic, but we should stay reminded that libraries are basically heaven on earth. Pick a few books that you can all read together and exchange when you're done. A publicly-funded book club! What could be better?

45. Learn some TikTok dances.

Just silly, active fun. We’ll give you bonus points if you film the final performance and actually have the chutzpah to post it.

46. Play “How well do you know me?”

Put your friendships to the (fun) test! Each of you has to come up with a handful of personal trivia questions and quiz everyone else on them. If the questions stump you guys, no harm, no foul. That just means you’re getting to know everyone even more!

47. Try rock climbing.

Do you remember that scene in The Princess Diaries where Mia and her mom discuss her royal heritage during a rock climbing sesh? It’s the best setting for deep convos if you ask me. Take your gals to the local climbing gym and get your bonding on.

48. Head to the countryside.

Sometimes you just need to get out of the city. Drive to the nearest small town to explore and do some window shopping in a brand-new setting.

49. Go thrift store shopping.

Finding an affordable gem while thrifting is a high like no other—but it’s even better when you spot a bargain piece with your girls around to hype up your keen eye. We love an adventure that’s easy on the wallet and a win for your closet.

50. Flip through magazines for an afternoon.

When was the last time you read an actual physical magazine? Make it a whole experience with drinks and fun throwback tunes. Might we suggest…looking through our own?

All the Best (Cheap!) Activities to Do With Friends (1)

Mekita Rivas


Mekita Rivas is an editor at Cosmopolitan, where she primarily covers fashion, culture, and lifestyle. She writes about everything from the best leather totes and books she can't put down to plants, podcasts, and politics. Prior to joining Cosmopolitan, she was a senior contributing fashion editor at PopSugar and Bustle. Her writing has been published in dozens of publications including The New York Times, Vogue, Harper's BAZAAR, Women's Health, Refinery29, and others. She currently splits her time between New York City and Washington, D.C. Follow Mekita on Instagram, where you'll typically find a mix of her snapshots from fashion week and various editor travels.

All the Best (Cheap!) Activities to Do With Friends (2)

Annabel Iwegbue

Annabel Iwegbue is an assistant editor at Cosmopolitan where she primarily covers lifestyle, entertainment, and fashion. Before joining Cosmo, she covered entertainment at Harper's Bazaar, The Knockturnal, and Black Film. She's originally from Charleston, South Carolina, and is currently based in Brooklyn, New York. She holds a B.A. in Journalism and Cinema Studies from New York University. You can check out some of Annabel’s work here and also find her on Instagram and Twitter.

All the Best (Cheap!) Activities to Do With Friends (2024)
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Name: Prof. An Powlowski

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