Agile Story Points: How Many Stories Per Sprint? (2024)

Andrew Fuqua

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Agile Story Points: How Many Stories Per Sprint? (2)

I’m often asked how many user stories you should have in a sprint and how big is too big for a story. People are looking for guidance.

User Stories Per Sprint

I’ve heard some coaches recommend “3-6 user stories per iteration per developer”. That’s a bad rule of thumb. For a team of 7 developers you would have over 20-40 user stories which is likely way too many. It also subtly takes the focus off of swarming and puts attention toward a developer per story.

5 to 15 user stories per sprintis about right. Four stories in a sprint may be okay on the low end from time to time. Twenty is an upper limit for me if we’re talking about a Web team with lots of small changes to do. Twenty-five may be okay for maintenance teams knocking down a backlog of small defects, but that’s way too many for new development of actual user stories. If you can do that many, your stories are too small, your sprint is too big or your definition of done is too weak.

Most userstories shouldn’t take more than half the sprint to develop and test. Having 1 story each sprint that takes more than half the sprint is all I would advise, and in that case all the other stories should be very small. For a 2 week sprint, it’s better if every story can be completed in 1 to 3 days. (Adjust that for longer sprints.)

I need to elaborate on that lastcomment: should be able to complete each storyin 1 to 3 days.

Swarming User Stories

I’m often asked whether that’s the developers working independently or all together. The answer is “whatever you are doing today.” It is best if the team can swarm user stories such that multiple developers can work on a story at the same time. If 2 or 3 devs can work on a story at the same time, then you can have larger stories finished within that 1 to 3 day rule of thumb. (And higher quality and better cross-training.) But if the team isn’t there yet, if that’s not the way they work today, then having stories that are too big given the way they are working is counterproductive.

Points Per Story

What’s the maximum number of points for a user story? How big is too big? How many points is too big for a story depends on the team’s pointing scale. I’ve known teams that start with 5 (5, 10, 15, 25, 40, and Too-Big). I’ve also known teams where a 1 point story would take less than half a day. For them, a 13 might not be too big.

If a 1 takes more than a day, then 13 is probably too big.

Generally, too big is an order of magnitude larger than the typical small story.

Here’s an example: Assume my 1 point story takes a day or two and once in a while we have something that is truly tiny and we call those half a point. The 1 pointer is my typical low end of the range. I have something smaller, but it’s not typical. A 13 is an order of magnitude larger that 1 point story. It’s very difficult to keep the scale linear when there is that much diversity in your story sizes.

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Comments (11)

  1. Ty Burn

    Thanks tons for writing this article.

    The information matches closely with my experience, and gave me a reference point that I need as I push back on a global enterprise client that is dicing up the work into non-productive little elements.

    The one point I might make more strongly is the value of simplicity & cost of complexity.

    The simplest decomposition of the work is probably the right one. Anything more or less will be sub-optimal. Obviously there are facets and nuances to what is simple. Practitioners can make individual judgements on that front.


  2. Abbas Dar

    Seriously? What are you talking about? There is no defined number on how many user stories you take into a sprint. You take in however many stories that your sprint capacity allows, whether that be 2,3,4, 10, 20 or even 40 it doesn’t matter! What matters is that in, each user stories develops that functionality, whether it be, let’s just say for simplicity sake creating a new field on an application form; end to end, such that the user story will create the field, have data populated into it with validation and store the value of that input into the database. You wouldn’t break that story into 3 given the architectural layer, you’d have one and 3 technical sub-tasks in order to complete that one user story. Once you’ve hit the maximum capacity of your sprint based on the teams estimation and the calculated capacity the number of user stories at the end of that whether it be 2, 4, 10, 20 or however many, still has no relevance what so ever!


    • Andrew Fuqua

      Thanks for asking for clarification, Abbas.

      You say that 2 is fine, 40 is fine, any number is fine. How about five hundred stories in one sprint for one team? Would that be too many? How about two thousand stories per sprint per team? You’d probably agree that there is some upper limit that would be excessive, unmanageable. I’m stating a case for where I think that limit is, and how one might want to think about it.

      And can you agree that zero (0) stories per sprint are too few? So there is a minimum reasonable limit as well.

      I’m arguing that stories can be too small. I’m arguing that stories can be too big. I’m arguing that a team can have too many or too few people on it. I’m arguing that a sprint might be too long… or too short. I’m suggesting that the number of stories a team can do is an indicator of those issues.

      I’m suggesting that if a team can only get 1 or 2 stories done in a sprint, it might be difficult to finish every sprint cleanly, with no stories partially complete, without having to split stories because they started something that couldn’t be finished in the same sprint.

      I’m suggesting that it’s difficult to track and demo 50 stories each sprint, if a team can do that many.

      In any case, it’s worth considering the size of stories, of the team and of the sprint.


  3. Stephan

    ” If you can do that many, your stories are too big,”

    I guess you meant to write: your stories are too small.. right? If the stories are big, how could you do more than 20 of them in a sprint :)


    • Andrew Fuqua

      Ah! Good catch Stephan. Thank you. I fixed the error.


  4. Narayana Murty

    Hi Andrew,

    Very helpful Article.

    Please let me know if there is any universally accepted standard or technique to map a story point to no of hours.
    For example, map a story point to 4 hours or a story point is equal to 8 hours.
    Is there any minimum or maximum limit on the no of hours a story point can be mapped to.
    For example, a story point can never be less than 1 hour or greater than 3 hours.

    Thank you,
    Narayana Murty


  5. Juan Nallar

    A user story explains what the user wants. I can or cannot fit in a sprint. Stop saying User Stories are PBIs as it confuses most of the people.


  6. Bryan Patrick Coleman

    I stumbled across this article in a search I was doing for the opposite problem. I am now a manager, and am struggling with the number of velocity points the developers are estimating for each user story. When I developed my team would typically do 30 to 40 user stories per developer per two week sprint. Later when I first pulled together a team and was directly over the team they throughput was similar. Now that I have become a manager of managers, I am getting story point estimates that I would have estimated at maybe an hours worth of work coming across with 3 or 4 days on the estimate. Other than firing everyone and getting new developers are there any resources for getting your team to perform faster?


    • Sam P

      Bryan: If you’re getting estimates in days then there’s probably something wrong at the start. Assuming that the 3-4 day estimates are really in story points and you are just working backwards from the team’s velocity I think you still need to track whether the estimates are accurate and the work is slow (query why the work is taking so long), or whether the estimates are overly pessimistic and the work is fast/normal (query why the estimates are so pessimistic).

      If you are measuring velocity by number of user stories completed (3-4 per day per person) rather than story points it doesn’t sound like story points are serving you well. Surely the user stories could be of wildly varying size so user stories/dev/sprint is not very meaningful. A sustained rate of 3-4 stories/day/person getting to done suggests either very small stories or very productive and error-free developers.

      If the issue is that the real velocity is low, then it doesn’t sound like user stories, estimation etc are your issue and you will need to drill into the team-specific issues for low performance. There are unlikely to be generic answers which are useful.


  7. Logan

    We are a team of two developers and together take on around 20-25 points per two-week sprint. This current sprint, the other developer is working a single 5-point ticket and says it’ll take the entire sprint. Meanwhile I’m doing a 5, a couple of 3’s and a bunch of 1’s, totaling 19 points. I’m letting it slide for this sprint, but this isn’t going to work for me long term.


  8. GHRT1-74-bart

    In our team, estimations are based upon extremely experienced people, while most of the team consists of juniors. We take the average of the last 3 sprints and multiply by 1.5 to get something we never can do. But we want to be sure there is enough work for the sprint, so nobody has to wait for the next sprint to take any task.

    For me personally, this is not a commitment anymore, it’s not even possible to finish the sprint on time. When things are red for a long time, I get even color-blind. But, when the goal is high, most are motivated to do some extra work, e.g. in the weekend. But no matter how much you do, the result of work is more work.


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Agile Story Points: How Many Stories Per Sprint? (2024)


Agile Story Points: How Many Stories Per Sprint? ›

It also subtly takes the focus off of swarming and puts attention toward a developer per story. 5 to 15 user stories per sprint is about right. Four stories in a sprint may be okay on the low end from time to time. Twenty is an upper limit for me if we're talking about a Web team with lots of small changes to do.

How many story points should be in a sprint? ›

Based on data I analyzed on successfully finished sprints, I determined that a team should average around 1 to 1-1/2 user stories (product backlog items of any sort, really) per person per sprint.

How many days for 3 story points? ›

Some teams try to map the story points to hours – for example two story points correspond to a task that will take 2–4 hours, and 3 story points can be mapped to tasks from 4 to 8 hours long, and so on.

What is 13 story points in Agile? ›

For example, a 1 could mean that complexity is minimal, and the story point can be delivered quickly (within an hour). Several of these tasks can be completed in a day. A 13 means the story point is very complex and could take weeks to complete.

Can we have 4 story points in Agile? ›

Story points in Agile are abstract measurements that developers use instead of hours. Points are relative values, so a story with a value of four is twice as hard as a story with a value of two. The actual numbers don't matter — you could assign values between 1,000,000 and 5,000,000 if you want.

How many story points for 2 week sprint? ›

Many factors influence the number of story points each team member can complete during a two-week sprint, such as the individual's experience, the complexity of the tasks, and the team's working dynamics. New scrum teams typically average 5–10 story points per person for each two-week sprint.

How many hours are 13 story points? ›

In the best case, it might take 26 hours to write a 13-story point story if nothing goes wrong or gets in the way. For example, if the API works well from one endpoint to the next. If it doesn't, the story could take 30 to 50 hours, depending on how many things don't match up.

Is 1 story point equal to 1 day? ›

Each Story Point represents a normal distribution of time. For example,1 Story Point could represent a range of 4–12 hours, 2 Story Points 10–20 hours, and so on.

Should I use story points or hours? ›

It can differ significantly between teams. Story points represent the relative effort required to complete a task, while hours are a specific time measurement. A team should consider their velocity and experience with similar tasks to determine the appropriate hours mapping to story points.

What is the minimum story points in Agile? ›

It should also be two-thirds of a story that is estimated 3 story points. In addition, it is important to note that when the single story point of the assessment is greater than 21, the user story needs to be split again, and the single user story point is no more than 8 is the most rational state.

What are the 3 C's in an agile story? ›

The three Cs stand for Card, Conversation and Confirmation and in this article, I'm going to discuss each of the elements, explaining why, and how to ensure you're doing it right. I'll also scatter in a few tips from my experiences with agile teams.

How many hours is 1 story point? ›

One of the concepts new scrum teams struggle with is how to relate story points and hours. People want an easy answer, such as “one story point = 8.3 hours.” The truth is, though, that the relationship, while real, is not quite that easy to quantify and will vary greatly from team to team.

What is an ideal story point range? ›

For instance, one story point item could be a range of 4-6 hours, 2 story points 5-10 hours, etc. The goal is to have a rough estimate of how much time each product backlog item will take to be finished.

When not to use story points? ›

Story Points do not support decision-making.

So, her decision may vary depending on the estimation of tasks. However, even if you through estimation with Story Points, she cannot make decisions because Story Points are not universal units of measurement in the business.

What does 8 story point mean in Agile? ›

Agile teams often use the story-point method to estimate how much work they can complete during the next sprint. The team might start its backlog review with a fixed number of points—maybe 5 or 8—for the entire sprint. Next, they will look at the backlog's higher-priority items.

What is the minimum story points in agile? ›

It should also be two-thirds of a story that is estimated 3 story points. In addition, it is important to note that when the single story point of the assessment is greater than 21, the user story needs to be split again, and the single user story point is no more than 8 is the most rational state.

Should a story fit in a sprint? ›

Since stories should be completable in one sprint, stories that might take weeks or months to complete should be broken up into smaller stories or should be considered their own epic.

Is it OK to change story points mid sprint? ›

Certainly there are teams that do change story points, either during a Sprint or when a story rolls to the next one. When a story is put into the Sprint it should meet DOR, which includes pointing. My view is to leave the point as it is and the team future estimates just need to be more accurate.

Is it OK to change story points during sprint? ›

If during the sprint a story is over or under estimated is it then advisable to change the among of story points according new insights or do one not change it, learn from it and do a better estimation in the next sprint.

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Author: Greg Kuvalis

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Name: Greg Kuvalis

Birthday: 1996-12-20

Address: 53157 Trantow Inlet, Townemouth, FL 92564-0267

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Job: IT Representative

Hobby: Knitting, Amateur radio, Skiing, Running, Mountain biking, Slacklining, Electronics

Introduction: My name is Greg Kuvalis, I am a witty, spotless, beautiful, charming, delightful, thankful, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.