Advent Candles and Advent Wreaths: The History and Meaning, Colors, Symbolism, Themes, and More  (2024)

Advent is a journey towards Bethlehem. May we let ourselves be drawn by the light of God made man.

Pope Francis

During Advent, we prepare for His coming – He who brought Light into the darkness – for four weeks, represented by the four candles around the Advent wreath.

Table of Contents

  • Advent wreaths – history and meaning
  • Blessing of an Advent wreath (USSCB)
  • Advent candles
    • What do the four candles of Advent symbolize?
    • First Candle/Sunday: Hope
    • SecondCandle/Sunday: Peace
    • Third Candle/Sunday: Joy – “Gaudete Sunday”
    • Fourth Candle/Sunday: Love
  • Prayers for lighting Advent candles (Henri Nouwen)
  • Related prayers

The word “Advent” comes from the Latin word “adventus,” which means “a coming, approach, arrival.” When we expect guests to arrive at our homes, we turn the lights on; we anticipate their arrival and welcome them with joy. In Advent, we prepare our homes and churches as we joyfully anticipate His arrival, and the light also gets brighter as we near Christmas day, the day on which the Light of the World was born. St. Gregory of Nyssa wrote,

“Today, the darkness begins to grow shorter and the light to lengthen, as the hours of light become fewer. […] Do you see that the beams of light are more intense and the sun higher than it has been? Realize that the true light is now here and, through the rays of the Gospel, is illuminating the whole earth.”

Advent wreaths and candles are commonly seen in Catholic churches during the liturgical season. Many people also display Advent wreaths in their homes and light a candle each Sunday as families. Read more to learn about the history, traditions, and symbolism behind Advent wreaths and candles and how you can celebrate Advent at home with family and friends.

Advent wreaths

The Advent wreath is a centuries-old Christian tradition. Potentially overlooked by the candles it holds to light the way for the birth of Jesus, the Advent wreath itself symbolizes many themes and beliefs central to the Christian faith. In parishes, Advent wreaths are placed anywhere on the altar, on a side table, or even hung from the ceiling. In the home, you might place your Advent wreath on an entry or dining table or another location where you, your family, and your guests can enjoy the wreath during the Advent season.

History of the Advent wreath

The origin of the Advent wreath has been traced back to Germany, though the exact dates are unknown. Historians have suggested that pre-Christian Germanic peoples would light candles around wreaths in the dark winter months in anticipation of the warmer, lighter months in springtime. This tradition likely evolved into an “Advent wreath” at some point during the Middle Ages, transforming the pagan tradition into a Christian one. Rev. William Saunders explained that “By 1600, both Catholics and Lutherans had more formal practices surrounding the Advent wreath.” Ultimately, the Advent wreath tradition spread beyond Germany and into other areas of the world, namely throughout the western Church.

Advent wreath meaning

The circular shape of the Advent wreath symbolizes God’s infinite love for us – it is never-ending, just like the true Light of the World, Jesus, who leads us into eternal life with Him. The materials of the Advent wreath similarly lead us to reflect on the everlasting nature of God; traditionally, Advent wreaths have been made of evergreen leaves, such as pine or fir, which maintain their green color beyond the season in which they are collected. Nowadays, there are many modern interpretations of Advent wreaths that still help us celebrate the traditional meaning of the wreath: preparing the way for the Light of the World, Jesus. Battery-operated/LED wreaths are a good example of this as they simulate the four candles but don’t require lighting each week.

Blessing of an Advent wreath (USCCB)

Time needed:5 minutes

Pray this blessing from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops the night before or on the first Sunday of Advent in your home.

  1. Make the Sign of the Cross.

    In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.

  2. Say, “Our help is in the name of the Lord, who made heaven and earth.”
  3. Then, read Scripture from the Book of Isaiah.

    The USCCB points us toward Isaiah 9, Isaiah 63, or Isaiah 64.

  4. Pray with the following blessing written by the USCCB.

    “Lord our God,
    we praise you for your Son, Jesus Christ:
    He is Emmanuel, the hope of the peoples,
    He is the wisdom that teaches and guides us,
    He is the Savior of every nation.
    Lord God,
    let your blessing come upon us
    as we light the candles of this wreath.
    May the wreath and its light
    be a sign of Christ’s promise to bring us salvation.
    May He come quickly and not delay.
    We ask this through Christ our Lord.

Advent candles

Advent Candles and Advent Wreaths: The History and Meaning, Colors, Symbolism, Themes, and More (1)

What do the four candles of Advent symbolize?

The four candles of Advent represent the four Sundays of Advent, and they respectively symbolize hope, peace, joy, and love. In some homes and parishes, people will also light a fifth candle on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day to represent the birth of Jesus; this candle, when added to the Advent wreath, is typically white and larger than the other candles and is placed in the center of the wreath.

Advent candle weeks, names & colors

  • Advent week 1 – Hope: Prophecy Candle (purple)
  • Advent week 2 – Peace: Bethlehem Candle (purple)
  • Advent week 3 – Joy: Shepherd’s Candle (pink)
  • Advent week 4 – Love: Angel’s Candle (purple)

First Advent Candle/Sunday: Hope

“Once in our world, a stable had something in it that was bigger than our whole world.” – C.S. Lewis

It is only fitting that the first candle on the Advent wreath represents Hope – the first Sunday of Advent not only leads us to anticipate the birth of Christ but celebrate the beginning of a new liturgical season as well. The first candle is purple, the primary color of Advent and a color symbolizing royalty. Sometimes called the “Prophecy Candle,” the first candle harkens us back to Isaiah’s foretelling of the birth of Christ and all of the promises God gave us in the Old Testament that would be fulfilled by the birth of Jesus. This Advent, light the first candle on Sunday, December 3, 2023.

Second Advent Candle/Sunday: Peace

“May we be in this world a ray of that light which shone forth from Bethlehem, bringing joy and peace to the hearts of all men and women.” – Pope Francis

The second candle on the Advent wreath represents Peace. Like the first candle, it is also purple. Often called the “Bethlehem Candle,” the second Advent candle reminds us of Mary and Joseph’s journey from Nazareth to Bethlehem before Mary gave birth to Jesus. Building on the meaning of the Prophecy Candle, this second candle recalls that after all of the division, destruction, and dispersion of the kingdom in the Old Testament, there might finally be peace on Earth – Jesus is coming, and so is his Kingdom of Peace. As we read in the quote from Pope Francis, this light of peace shone forth from Bethlehem for all the world. This Advent, light the second candle on Sunday, December 10, 2023.

Third Advent Candle/Sunday: Joy – “Gaudete Sunday”

“But the angel said to them, ‘Do not be afraid; for see — I am bringing you good news of great joy for all the people: to you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is the Messiah, the Lord. This will be a sign for you: you will find a child wrapped in bands of cloth and lying in a manger.’” (Luke 2:10-12)

The third candle of Advent symbolizes Joy. As we continue to approach Christmas Day, our joy grows more and more. The third candle takes us back to the joyful anticipation of the shepherds who journeyed to see Jesus in Bethlehem, even before the wise men. On this third Sunday of Advent, which the Church calls “Gaudete Sunday,” meaning rejoice or praise, we light the third candle and rejoice like the shepherds. For this reason, the third candle of Advent is called the “Shepherd’s Candle,” and its color is pink, the liturgical color for joy. This Advent, light the third candle on Sunday, December 17, 2023.

Fourth Advent Candle/Sunday: Love

“And in the end, everything else will turn out to be unimportant and inessential, except for this: Father, Child, and Love.” – St. (Pope) John Paul II

The fourth candle of Advent represents Love, the ultimate love of God that He might send His only Son for us. Called the “Angel’s Candle,” the fourth candle of Advent is lit the Sunday before Christmas, and it is the color purple, leading us to eagerly await the new Kingdom of God on earth. This Advent, light the fourth candle on Sunday, December 24, 2023.

Advent Candles and Advent Wreaths: The History and Meaning, Colors, Symbolism, Themes, and More (2)

Prayer for lighting Advent candles — Henri Nouwen

Each person or family might approach lighting Advent candles in a different way, which is totally okay! Some families will let different members light a candle each week and say a prayer. What matters most is that the candles remind you of the overflowing hope, peace, joy, and love that the birth of Jesus means for each of us. If you’re struggling to find the words for prayer, this Advent prayer from Fr. Henri J.M. Nouwen encapsulates what many of us feel and hope for during the Advent season:

Lord Jesus, Master of both light and darkness, send your Holy Spirit upon our preparation for Christmas.

We who have so much to do seek quiet spaces to hear Your voice each day.

We who are anxious over many things look forward to your coming among us.

We who are blessed in so many ways long for the complete joy of Your Kingdom.

We whose hearts are heavy seek the joy of Your presence.

We are Your people, walking in darkness yet seeking the light. To You, we say, “Come, Lord Jesus!”

Where to find Advent candles and wreaths?

First, check with your local parish for Advent wreaths and candles. You can also purchase Advent candles and wreaths at local religious stores, from individuals selling on Etsy or personal sites, or through major shopping outlets like Target, Amazon, and Walmart. Or, you can attempt to DIY an Advent wreath and candles by putting together a wreath made of natural materials around your home or neighborhood; then, add purple and pink ribbons around plain white candles to signify the specialty and sacredness of the four Sundays of Advent.

Stay tuned for our #Pray25 Advent Community Challenge on Hallow – we cannot wait to pray with you!

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  • Our Father Prayer
Advent Candles and Advent Wreaths: The History and Meaning, Colors, Symbolism, Themes, and More  (2024)


What do the 4 candles of Advent wreath mean? ›

Each candle represents something different—love, hope, joy, and peace. Whether you participate in Advent or not, there is beauty in reflecting upon how Jesus delivers these virtues to the world and to our lives.

What is the history of the Advent wreath and candles? ›

The story goes that in 1839, Johann Hinrich Wichern (1808-81), a pastor in Germany, built a wreath out of an old cartwheel to help the children in his mission school count the days until Christmas. He added small candles to be lit every weekday and Saturday during Advent, and on Sundays, a large white candle was lit.

What are the colors of the Advent candles and what do they mean? ›

The wreath includes 3 purple candles, 1 pink, and 1 white. 1 hope, 2 faith, 3 joy, 4, (pink) peace, 5 (white) purity. The wreath stands for eternity of the God's Church. Remember this is a traditional symbolization to promote remembrances of.

Why is 1 pink and 3 purple? ›

A tradition is that each week represents 1,000 years – (representing) the 4,000 years from Adam and Eve until the birth of the Savior. “Three candles are purple and one is rose. The purple candles symbolize the prayer, penance and preparatory sacrifices and good works undertaken at this time.

What are the four themes of Advent? ›

Four Themes of Advent
  • Hope: The first theme of advent is hope. ...
  • Peace: The second week of advent focuses on peace. ...
  • Love: In week three, we celebrate love. ...
  • Joy: The theme of the last week of advent is joy — how fitting is that!
Dec 15, 2023

What is the symbolism of the Advent wreath? ›

The Advent wreath serves as a spiritual compass on our journey in preparation for the nativity of our Lord. It symbolizes hope, peace, joy and love through its four candles, each representing a week leading up to the birth of Christ.

What do the 5 Advent candles represent? ›

A green candle, symbolizing faith, is lit on the first Sunday that begins on November 15; on the second Sunday, a blue candle, symbolizing hope, is lit; on the third Sunday, a gold candle, symbolizing love; on the fourth Sunday, a white candle, symbolizing peace; on the fifth Sunday, a purple candle, symbolizing ...

What is the most important candle in Advent? ›

The first candle symbolizes a shining light in anticipation of the coming of Christ. It is usually a purple candle and can be called the Prophecy Candle. It represents God's forgiveness of man's sins. Purple is traditionally the most important of the Advent candle colors.

Why is Advent important to Christians? ›

The word 'advent' literally means 'coming' and it is a time of reflection on the coming of Christ into the world at his birth. It is also a time of preparation when Christians think about the second coming of Christ and what they need to do to be ready for his return.

Why is the color purple traditionally associated with Advent? ›

Purple (or violet) has traditionally been the primary color of Advent. It is the color of royalty and the sovereignty of Christ. The presence of purple demonstrates the anticipation of the coming King. Since purple is also the color of penitence and fasting, it has become the primary color of Lent as well.

What are the great Advent themes? ›

Many Christians like to associate each week of Advent – and hence each candle in the Advent wreath – with a particular theme. A common set of themes is Hope, Peace, Joy, and Love, so you might hear about the “hope candle,” the “peace candle,” and so on.

What is the history of the Advent candles? ›

The story goes that in 1839, Johann Hinrich Wichern (1808-81), a pastor in Germany, built a wreath out of an old cartwheel to help the children in his mission school count the days until Christmas. He added small candles to be lit every weekday and Saturday during Advent, and on Sundays, a large white candle was lit.

What do the purple candles represent? ›

Purple candle

Do you feel that someone is sucking the strength out of you, or do you have an unreasonable fear? A purple candle will save you from this problem once and for all. In addition, it will strengthen your aura and prevent energy vampires from disturbing you.

What is the significance of the Advent season? ›

In Christian communities around the world, Advent refers to a four-week season of remembering and celebrating the arrival of Jesus on Earth. It's a time to reflect on the unexpected nature of Jesus' humble birth and join in the anticipation of when he will come again to reunite Heaven and Earth once and for all.

In what order do you light Advent candles? ›

When lighting the advent candles, you first light a purple candle. Then you light another purple candle as well as the first candle. The pink candle is next in line, as well as the first two candles. Then it is the last purple candle with the other three candles.

What is the message of the 4th Advent? ›

Advent should also inspire hope as we wait for the Second Coming of Christ. We are calling the Fourth Candle the “Candle of Peace” and it reminds us that Jesus comes to bring Peace to the world and to people's hearts. Without Christ, there is no peace in this world.

What is the 4th candle of Advent prayer? ›

“Father, all-powerful God, your eternal Word took flesh on our earth when the Virgin Mary placed her life at the service of your plan. Lift our minds in watchful hope to hear the voice which announces his glory and open our minds to receive the Spirit who prepares us for his coming.

What is the big candle in church called? ›

For congregations that use a Paschal candle, it is the largest candle in the worship space. In most cases, the candle will display several common symbols: The cross, which is the most prominent symbol and most clearly identifies it as the Paschal candle.

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