Advantages and Disadvantages of Python – Make a Favorable Decision | Explained simply by Squareboat (2024)

There are a multitude of programming languages available for application development. Each has its specific features, pros, and cons. Python is one of the most favored and widely used programming languages today. It tops the list of popular programming languages, according to the TIOBE Index for May 2023.

Besides app development, Python has applications in web development, data analysis, data visualization, and task automation. This language is among the one that holds relevance in the present and has a high potential in the future. Its simple syntax, simplicity to learn and code, and extensive standard library have made it the most preferred programming language among developers and data professionals.

Since it was founded in 1991 by Guido Van Rossum, Python's reach has grown daily, with several multinationals using it for development activities. While that says a lot about it, Python has a few downsides, often making application developers prefer other languages.

Through this post, we aim to highlight the advantages and disadvantages of Python. This will help you determine whether the language fits your next project well. But before that, let us highlight why developers should use Python.

Why Use Python?

Advantages and Disadvantages of Python – Make a Favorable Decision | Explained simply by Squareboat (1)Python is a general-purpose, high-level programming language primarily focusing on code readability. The syntax is straightforward, with simple English keywords. It eliminates the use of delimiters, like semicolons and brackets. Instead, it uses whitespace indentation to separate code blocks.

Here are some significant reasons developers use Python:

1. Readable and Maintainable Code

As discussed above, Python syntax is straightforward and has no complex structures, like C++ or Java. Also, it emphasizes code readability by using English keywords and eliminating the need for delimiters. This makes Python code easy to read and understand.

In addition, you need to write fewer lines of source code to develop applications than in other languages. Hence, developers can easily update and maintain code, saving time and effort.

2. Supports Multiple Programming Paradigms

Python supports object-oriented, procedural, and functional programming paradigms. The object-oriented programming approach facilitates code reusability, extensibility, and modularity using its concepts – abstraction, polymorphism, encapsulation, and inheritance. The functional programming paradigm helps developers write clearer and more bug-resistant code.

3. Extensive Standard Library

The extensive, robust library is an advantage for Python over other programming languages. It consists of multiple packages and modules to enhance the functionality of your Python application. You can import the required library into your code and accomplish a specific task without writing the code for it.

For instance, if you want to implement web services while developing a web application, you can simply import the corresponding library into the code.

4. High Compatibility

Python is compatible with various operating systems. Being a cross-platform and portable language, developers can run the same code, written in one platform, on other platforms without any changes.

5. Simplify Complex Software Development

The straightforward syntax and extensive library simplify complex software development. Also, it is well-known for developing scientific and numeric applications. You can also find many Python libraries for data analysis and visualization.

6. Multiple Open-Source Frameworks and Tools

Python is an open-source language that helps developers significantly reduce development costs. Several open-source Python frameworks, libraries, and other development tools are also available, helping developers curtail development time.

Some popular open-source Python frameworks for web development include Django, Flask, Pyramid, Bottle, and CherryPy. A few widely used open-source Python GUI libraries are PyQT, PyJs, PyGUI, Kivy, and wxPython.

7. Test-Driven Development

Python makes test-driven development (TDD) easy and quick. It lets developers write code and test it simultaneously. The TDD approach enables developers to create test cases before writing the source code.

Popular Applications of Python

Let us now peek into some popular uses of the Python language.

  • Web Server Programming: Developers can perform server-side programming through Python libraries like Django and Flask.
  • Prototyping: The language makes it easy for developers to create quick prototypes of applications.
  • Game Development: It is widely used for developing games with the help of GUI libraries.
  • Data Science and Machine Learning: Python is the most commonly used language in machine learning and data science. It has libraries for data manipulation, data visualization, data cleaning, and other data-related tasks.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Python

Advantages and Disadvantages of Python – Make a Favorable Decision | Explained simply by Squareboat (4)Now you know the reasons for the popularity of Python and its major use cases. We will now walk you through the advantages and disadvantages of Python.

Key Advantages of Python Programming Language

Let's look at some prominent Python advantages that make it easy for developers to work with.

1. Easy to Read and Learn

Python is a simple language to read and learn. It doesn't have complex syntax like other high-level languages such as C or C++. Thanks to lesser complexity, the language allows you to focus on logic building rather than the syntax structure.

2. Reduces Maintenance Cost

Owing to its simplicity, Python makes application maintenance easier. Thus, it reduces the costs involved, which is a massive advantage.

3. Avoid the Harm of Software Bugs

Python doesn't let a code bug initiate a segmentation fault within the application. Due to this, it is considered to be a preferred language.

4. Wide Applicability

Another essential feature of this language is that it is widely applicable. Engineers, scientists, and mathematicians broadly use it.

5. Easy Memory Management

Python has a vast library with memory management capabilities, making it stand out from the other programming languages. It includes a private heap containing all Python objects and data structures and a built-in memory manager to maintain this private heap.

6. Large Community

The Python community provides rapid support to users. If you face any difficulty during Python development, community members are always up to help you and solve your queries.

Some experts give Python the moniker "ready-to-run language" because it only requires simple code to be executed. The language makes writing and testing code much more comfortable.

7. Asynchronous Coding

Asynchronous coding uses a single event loop to complete a job in small intervals. Python simplifies writing asynchronous code. It doesn't require complex research contentions, deadlocks, or any other complexity.

8. Integration with Other Languages

Python has libraries like Cython and Jython, which allow integration with other languages like C, C++, and Java to enable cross-platform development. This is one of the main perks of Python. No language is perfect, and sometimes development requires diverse functionalities that are impossible to have in one language.

9. Portable

Being a portable language, developers do not need to tweak Python code to make it run on platforms other than the one it is written on. The language follows the “Write Once, Run Anywhere (WORA)” feature. The only thing to remember is not to incorporate any system-dependent features.

10. Enterprise Application Integration

Python is the best choice for Enterprise Application Integration (EAI). It simplifies web application development, invoking CORBA or COM components, and direct calling to and from Java/C++/C.

Moreover, it offers reliable process control features and implementation of Internet data formats and protocols. Further, Python helps users in processing markup languages like XL, executes through the same byte code on advanced operating systems, and can be utilized as a scripting language.

Phew! That was quite an exhaustive list of Python advantages. Now, let us see the other side of the coin.

Disadvantages of Python Programming Language

Along with several pros, the language has some limitations in performance and security. Let us discuss them below.

1. Slow Execution Speed

Python is an interpreted language that works with an interpreter, not a compiler. As a result, the interpreter executes code relatively slower than a compiler. Hence, the language has a slower execution speed than compiled languages like Java and C++.

2. Large Memory Consumption

Python's data structures demand more memory space. It is not suitable to use for development under limited memory restrictions.

3. Not suitable for Mobile and Game Development

The language is mainly used in desktop and web server-side development. It is not considered ideal for mobile app and game development due to more memory consumption and slow processing speed.

4. Addiction to Easy Coding

Once a developer gets used to the ease and simplicity of this language, it becomes difficult for them to switch back to other languages.

5. Database Access

Python is considered highly insecure and involves security risks. There are some limitations to using Python to access databases.

Compared to other popular technologies such as JDBC and ODBC, the Python database access layer is a little underdeveloped and primitive. It is, therefore, not considered suitable if developers are looking for a smooth interaction of complex legacy data.

6. Design Restrictions

One of the significant issues of the language is its design restrictions. The reason behind this constraint is that Python is dynamically typed. Developers do not need to define the data types of variables. The Python interpreter automatically interprets the data type of a variable based on the value assigned to it. This results in runtime errors.

There you have it – an unbiased and precise evaluation of Python.

Python Advantages and Disadvantages



  • Easy to read and learn
  • Reduces maintenance costs
  • Easy Memory Management
  • Wide applicability
  • Large community
  • Easy integration with other programming languages
  • Asynchronous coding
  • Portable
  • Enterprise Application Integration
  • Slow execution speed
  • Large memory consumption
  • Not ideal for mobile and game development
  • Addiction to easy coding
  • Weak database access
  • Design restrictions
  • More prone to runtime errors

Wrapping Up!

Undoubtedly, Python is a widely used programming language ideal for software and web (server-side) application development. Besides, it has immense applications in data science and machine learning. The simple syntax, code readability, and extensive standard library make it a go-to language, even for beginners.

From the above advantages and disadvantages of Python, we can conclude that the advantages of Python can overcome its disadvantages.

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Frequently Asked Questions

1. Can Python libraries be used in coding interviews?

The use of Python libraries in coding interviews entirely depends on the interviewers and the company’s policies. Companies prohibiting the use of libraries may want to validate candidates’ coding and problem-solving skills.

2. Who developed Python?

Guido Van Rossum in 1991 developed Python.

3. Where is Python used in real life?

Web development, software development, data science, artificial intelligence and machine learning, and web scraping are real-world applications of Python.

4. What is unique about Python?

The straightforward syntax that eliminates the complex structure and an extensive standard library are unique Python features.

5. What are three facts about Python?

Three facts about Python are:

  • It was a hobby project.
  • Guido Van Rossum names the language ‘Python’, as he was the biggest fan of Monty Python’s Flying Circus.
  • The language supports multiple assignments in a single statement.

6. What is the most important thing in Python?

The most important thing in Python is its simplicity and ease of use.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Python – Make a Favorable Decision |  Explained simply by Squareboat (2024)


What are the advantages and disadvantages of Python? ›

Python's pros include its simplicity, wide range of libraries and frameworks, and strong community support. On the other hand, its cons involve potential performance limitations, dynamic typing, and slower execution speed compared to compiled languages.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of function in Python? ›

Advantages of Python Functions

The ability to return as many outputs as we want using a variety of arguments is one of Python's most significant achievements. However, Python programs have always incurred overhead when calling functions.

Which of the following are advantages of Python? ›

Top Advantages of Choosing Python

Easy to learn and easy to use – Python is easy for beginners to understand and learn. It has an easy syntax and simple keywords. That enables you to learn it faster and better. Portable – Python is flexible and easily portable.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of working in interactive mode in Python? ›

Advantages and Disadvantages of Interactive Mode

It can also be used to quickly execute commands on a remote server. The main disadvantage of interactive mode is that it can be difficult to automate tasks. For larger programs, the interactive mode is not suitable.

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Pros and Cons of Python in Web Development Projects
  • Pros: Why Use Python for Web Development? 1.1. Easy to Use and Read. 1.2. Asynchronous Coding. 1.3. ...
  • The Cons of Using Python for Web Applications. Fewer Seasoned Developers. Lack of True Multiprocessor Support. Speed Limitations. Design Restrictions. ...
  • Closing Thoughts.
  • FAQ'S.
Aug 16, 2023

What are the advantages and disadvantages of functions? ›

Advantages of Functions in C

Reduces Program Size: By organizing code into functions, it reduces the overall size of the program and keeps it manageable. Abstraction: Once a function is declared, you can use it without needing to understand its internal workings, fostering abstraction and simplifying the code.

What is the advantage of using Python over other languages? ›

Python's syntax is clean, readable, and emphasizes code readability, making it an ideal language for both beginners and experienced developers. Its straightforward and easy-to-understand code structure allows for faster development and maintenance of applications.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of functional programming? ›

Advantages and disadvantages of functional programming
Can be combined with imperative, object-oriented programmingRecursive programming can lead to serious errors
More accurate, shorter codeNot suitable for all tasks
4 more rows
Nov 2, 2020

What are the advantages and disadvantages of list and tuple in Python? ›

8) A tuple can be nested inside another tuple, whereas a list cannot contain any more lists within it. 9) It is easy to maintain the order of the elements in a tuple. 10) Tuples can be passed as parameters to functions, whereas lists cannot be used for this purpose. 11) Tuples are more memory intensive than lists.

What are the benefits of learning Python? ›

Why Learn Python - Find The Top 10 Reasons
  • Career Opportunities and Salary. Python language provides several job opportunities and promises high growth with huge salary prospects. ...
  • Data Science. ...
  • Machine Learning. ...
  • Web Development. ...
  • Scripting and Automation. ...
  • Libraries and Packages. ...
  • Testing Frameworks. ...
  • Portable and Extensible.
May 9, 2024

What is Python better for? ›

Python is commonly used for developing websites and software, task automation, data analysis, and data visualization. Since it's relatively easy to learn, Python has been adopted by many non-programmers such as accountants and scientists, for a variety of everyday tasks, like organizing finances.

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Advantages of using Classes in Python

Classes help you in keeping all of the various types of data properly organised in one place. You are keeping the code clean and modular in this manner, which improves the readability of your code.

What are the advantages of working in Python? ›

Readable and Maintainable Code

As discussed above, Python syntax is straightforward and has no complex structures, like C++ or Java. Also, it emphasizes code readability by using English keywords and eliminating the need for delimiters. This makes Python code easy to read and understand.

What are the cons of using functions in Python? ›

There are a few disadvantages of using python built-in functions: Control: Because python built-in functions are pre-written, programmers have less control over how they work and less flexibility to customize their behavior.

What is the primary advantage of using Python's interactive mode? ›

Interactive: developers can interact with the Python interpreter in real time. This interactive mode, often used in the Python shell (REPL – Read-Eval-Print Loop), enables them to enter and execute code snippets one at a time. It's useful for testing small code snippets, experimenting, and learning.

What are the disadvantages of Python in web development? ›

  • Fewer seasoned developers (especially comparing to Java)
  • Lack of true multiprocessor support.
  • Python is often criticized for its speed (yet, some Python benchmarks work faster than those of C and C++)
  • Not the go-to language for mobile app development.
  • Not ideal for memory-intensive Tasks.
  • Design restrictions.
Jun 13, 2024

What are the advantages and disadvantages of programming languages? ›

Machine Language
Machine language makes fast and efficient use of the computer.All operation codes have to be remembered
It requires no translator to translate the code. It is directly understood by the computer.All memory addresses have to be remembered.
1 more row
Jan 11, 2024

What are the advantages of Python compared to other languages? ›

Python's syntax is clean, readable, and emphasizes code readability, making it an ideal language for both beginners and experienced developers. Its straightforward and easy-to-understand code structure allows for faster development and maintenance of applications.

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