Acheron (2024)

verified by zoink. "get ricch or die trying" -50 cent


Acheron is a 2.1 Extreme Demon mega-collaboration hosted by ryamu and Riot, published by ryamu and verified by Zoink on 23 August 2022 after 72,808 attempts.[1] It was initially set to be verified by Wolvez, who achieved 96% and 92% x2[2] before dropping the level on 7 April 2022, leaving the level with an open verification. The level features a dark, predominantly grayscale theming blended with red accents. It is considered a standalone successor to Tartarus, the level that inspired Acheron and its 1.9-styled decoration.

Acheron was initially placed at #2 on the Demonlist before being shifted to #1 a week later, surpassing Slaughterhouse and becoming the most difficult Demon in Geometry Dash; it was later dethroned by the shift of Avernus from #2 on 16 October 2023. Acheron is renowned for its meticulous balancing, presenting consistently high difficulty throughout every section. The level's ending is notably unforgiving, featuring claustrophobic and frame-perfect gaps.[3][4] While Acheron garnered praise for its style and sync, opinions on the gameplay were divisive, with players generally agreeing the level to be unenjoyable.[1][5][6][7]

A third level, Aeternus, was created in 2.1 and is also set to be the hardest level in the game.


  • 1 History
    • 1.1 Creation of Acheron
    • 1.2 Wolvez and leaking drama
    • 1.3 Open-verification progress
    • 1.4 Post-release controversies
  • 2 Gameplay
  • 3 Fails
  • 4 Trivia
  • 5 Videos
  • 6 Demonlist
    • 6.1 Main List
    • 6.2 Extended List
    • 6.3 Legacy List
  • 7 References


Creation of Acheron[]

Throughout the first week of July 2021, the project's creators would upload their part in Acheron onto YouTube. The level was unveiled to the public on 7 July 2021 on Riot's and IcEDCave's YouTube channels.

Wolvez and leaking drama[]

In September 2021, Wolvez intended to be Acheron's official verifier. Just a GD player asked for a copy to showcase on his channel, which Wolvez agreed to. When Exen also requested a copy, knowing Exen's history of leaking levels, Wolvez and ryamu advised against it. Despite this, Just a GD player gave Exen a copy without permission, angering the hosts. Tensions between the two parties escalated, leading Just a GD player to threaten to leak Acheron to Vernam unless Wolvez dropped the level. Wolvez, aware of Vernam's reputation, reluctantly complied, passing verification to spaceuk. Realising his mistake, Just a GD player apologised, and Wolvez regained verification. Later, ryamu uploaded Acheron to prevent further leaks. He clarified that any verification by someone other than Wolvez wouldn't be official.

After the drama concluded, Wolvez began progressing on the level, initially getting 38% on 28 October 2021[8] and 66% a week later.[9] He would soon make more significant progress including 85%,[10] 92%,[11] and finally 96%.[12] However, on 7 April 2022, Wolvez dropped the verification due to his worsening health condition caused by anaemia.[13] As a result, the hosts made the level an open-verification.

Open-verification progress[]

Numerous skilled players attempted to verify Acheron after the open-verification race had begun.

ThnnderGD was one of the first players to make some progress by getting 38% on 9 April 2022.[14] Baeru would get a run of 49-100% on 15 April 2022.[15] However, they lost interest in the level. OneAlphaHelix would get a run of 34% on 11 April 2022, followed by 38% a week later.[16] Over the next month, he would get 44%, 55% and 67% on 21 May 2022.[17] Zoink made the most serious progress on the level, getting 66% on 25 May 2022.[18] He would then get runs of 82%[19] and 91%.[20] On 7 June 2022, Zoink uploaded a showcase of his version of Acheron with fixed hitboxes and buffs.[21] Two days later, Zoink would also crash at 96% on the same spot where Wolvez also crashed.[22]

As Zoink slowed down playing Acheron, OneAlphaHelix would continue to grind out the level on Twitch, getting 72% on 1 August 2022[23] and 79% on 8 August 2022.[24] OneAlphaHelix played on his version, which was still around Top 1 difficulty but was nerfed and re-balanced to improve the enjoyment of the level. On 18 August 2022, Zoink would crash at 97% on Acheron. Riot uploaded a super-buffed version of the level onto his account around this time.

On 22 August 2022, Zoink finally verified Acheron after 72,808 attempts.[25] The level was rated five days later. On 30 January 2023, Zoink verified a small buff-date of Acheron, adding slight buffs and fixes to the level.[26] However, RobTop update-locked the level, so Zoink uploaded this updated version onto his account.

Post-release controversies[]

Before its initial placement, people discovered an alternate click pattern around the 34% UFO part, considered one of the hardest parts of the level. However, clicking for a second time after clicking the blue orb will make the jump significantly easier. Displeased by this, ryamu updated the level later on by adding a spike on the part to discourage 'skipping' the obligated click pattern. However, this feature was quickly reverted to another update, adding a trigger orb at the UFO part, which caused the player to crash on it with the text 'clueless :v' appearing. However, both updates have made the level impossible to pass through; however, ryamu would revert these changes later. These updates drew criticism from the community.[27]

After Zoink got 72% on his version of Acheron, he stated during a stream by the player Arcturus that he had slightly nerfed the level in private. The verified version of Acheron is nerfed compared to the version he got 72% on. spaceuk had been practising the version of the level before the nerfs and deemed that to be harder than Slaughterhouse. This instance could be why it was not placed at #1 on the Demonlist.

A month after its rating, the level was initially placed at #2 on the Demonlist on 27 September 2022.[28] This caused controversy, with some criticising the Demonlist team about a supposed bias despite the emphasis that the placement is highly subject to change. The majority of the criticism blames both Doggie and OneAlphaHelix due to them believing that the level should be placed at #2 in difficulty, both of which have significant progress on their versions of Acheron.

One of the possible reasons for the uproar is that many in the community thought Zoink's version of the level had never received nerfs and that the version spaceuk had practised was identical to the version that was later verified. Vulcanium4, a list moderator for the Demonlist responded to the controversy, saying that the placement is the 'best' that the team could have given.[29] The level was later moved to #1 on 7 October 2022.

On 27 January 2023, ryamu added another update for Acheron; if the player uses the different click pattern at 34%, the text 'not cool man:(' will appear following the player until the end of the level. The string of updates caused RobTop to revert the changes and update-lock the level.[27] As a result, Zoink uploaded the buff-date of Acheron on his own account.


Note: If a player's name is italicised, the player has created gameplay in the section featured. If a player's name is underlined, the player has created decoration in the section featured.

  • 0-9% (ryamu + Riot + IcEDCave + GrenadeOfTacos): The level starts with a quadruple-spike jump, similar to Tartarus. After that, the player must perform tricky orb timings and a blue-orb spam. After the spam, the player has to precisely jump onto a yellow pad, sending them into a yellow gravity portal.
  • 9-17% (Silver): After being thrown around by a few gravity portals, the player is taken upwards to hit a blue orb, leading them into a precise jump to a precise blue orb timing. The blue orb timing sends the player onto a blue pad, leading them into a tough memory part where the player must navigate through many Clubstep monsters. After the memory part, the player has to jump onto a blue pad, which brings them into a segment with tricky orb timings. The part ends with the player hitting a blue orb, leading to a pink orb inside a normal-gravity portal.
  • 17-30% (IcEDCave + Deadlox): Then, the drop begins with a brief triple-speed auto cube segment that contains a total of five pads. The fifth pad launches the player into an anti-gravity mini-ship section. This section starts with the player needing to instantly fly downwards to hit a yellow orb inside a normal gravity portal. The yellow orb shoots the player up into a block, and now the player must precisely fall downwards to a pink orb that launches them into an anti-gravity portal along with a normal-sized portal. After entering both portals, the player must straight-fly through a narrow Clubstep-monster before entering an anti-gravity portal. After some upward straight-flying, the player must hit a yellow orb directly on top of an anti-gravity mini-sized portal. The yellow orb leads the player into another downward straight-fly, and the straight-fly is concluded with a normal-gravity portal directly on top of a yellow orb. The yellow orb projects the player into a brief cube segment that contains a single jump, a double-speed portal and an anti-gravity portal. Next, the player becomes normal-sized, and they must traverse through a considerably tight wave segment that becomes anti-gravity and mini-sized midway through. After the player becomes normal-gravity again, they must enter a cube section where they now have to perform a jump onto a blue pad, immediately followed by another jump. The second jump projects the player onto a blue pad, leading them to a yellow orb. Finally, IcEDCave and Deadlox's part concludes with a precise triple-speed straight-fly that becomes anti-gravity halfway through.
  • 30-40% (Deadlox + ryamu + Komp + AzuLer): After the straight-fly, the player becomes a mini-cube, and they are instantly sent downwards onto a platform to time a jump to a blue orb. Then, the player must jump onto a blue pad, leading them into an exceedingly tight jump. After the jump, the player goes at double-speed and must perform another jump, projecting themselves to a yellow orb timing. The yellow orb timing leads into a normal-sized UFO section. The section instantly starts with a difficult jump leading to a downward slope, sending the player onto a blue pad. Next, the player must fall into a blue orb that proceeds them into a brief spam-based segment. Afterwards, the player must fall into a cube portal, directly followed by an anti-gravity portal. The following cube section begins with four blue pads concluding with a jump into an anti-gravity portal. The full segment ends with another jump into a normal-speed anti-gravity wave segment that becomes normal-gravity midway through.
  • 40-49% (ryamu + Ewop): Then, the player enters a triple-speed cube portal. The player must now jump onto a blue pad leading them to a yellow orb timing, and it sends the player into a mini-sized ship portal. In the following ship segment, the player must fly downwards into a normal-gravity portal, followed by more flying downwards. Afterwards, the player must perform a considerably tight yellow orb timing which projects them into a normal-sized anti-gravity portal. Next, the player must fly downwards into a mini-sized normal-gravity portal and perform a brief yet precise straight-fly that concludes with a yellow orb. The player is projected up into the air until they hit a block, where they now have to fall through a tight space to hit a pink orb that launches them into an anti-gravity portal and a normal-gravity/normal-sized portal soon after. The full section ends off with a straight-fly featuring a slight upward bend.
  • 49-54% (ryamu + Goobfrudla + Ewop): Next, the player transitions into a wave segment that becomes anti-gravity and mini-sized midway through. However, at the end of the segment, the player becomes normal-sized once again, and soon after, they must click a pink orb while simultaneously entering a UFO portal. After falling upwards for a bit, the player must time a jump into a normal gravity portal, leading to more falling action. Then, the player must time two jumps, the second leading into an anti-gravity portal, another jump and a yellow orb timing.
  • 54-59% (Metalface221): The yellow orb timing launches the player into a double-speed cube portal, and the player instantly falls onto three blue orbs, leading them to a fake pink orb timing (where the player must continue holding after hitting the third blue orb, leading them to jump off the pink orb). After the fake pink orb timing, the player must jump to a yellow orb, projecting themselves into a triple-speed ship segment. However, the ship segment does not last very long, as it only requires the player to fly upwards into an anti-gravity portal, leading them into a downward straight-fly from there. Metalface221's section ends with a brief normal-speed mini-sized cube section, where the player must jump into a blue orb timing.
  • 59-66% (Deadlox + Cersia): The blue orb timing leads the player into a normal-gravity triple-speed portal. Now, the player must time a blue orb leading to a yellow pad, launching the player into a normal-gravity portal stacked on top of a blue orb. If the player hits the blue orb, they will land on a pink pad, lightly projecting them onto a yellow pad that resides under two portals (those being a normal-sized portal and a normal-gravity portal). The yellow orb casts the player into a brief straight-fly before the player must enter another cube portal stacked on top of a yellow orb. The yellow orb leads the player to a blue orb, and if the player continues to hold after hitting the blue orb, they will jump off the platform they lie on and encounter a brief three-block gap cube spam.
  • 66-69% (ryamu + Riot + Deadlox): Finally, the first drop concludes with the song and the level both decelerating. This section begins with the player entering a mini-sized double-speed portal and then a half-speed portal soon after. After falling, the player must time a blue orb leading into a considerably tight normal-gravity straight-fly. After flying upwards for around two seconds, the player must proceed to enter an anti-gravity normal-sized wave section that instantly becomes normal-gravity right as it begins. Afterwards, the player traverses through exceedingly tight spaces for around two seconds.
  • 69-85% (IcEDCave): The second drop begins with a triple-speed mini-cube segment. It starts with a pink orb timing that lightly launches the player onto the corner of a block where they must jump. The jump leads to a blue orb, and if the player continues to hold, they will jump into two gravity portals that transport them into a ship portal. After entering the ship portal, the player must fly downwards into a normal-gravity normal-sized portal. Then, the player must fly slightly upwards until they reach an anti-gravity portal with a yellow orb inside. The yellow orb launches the player downwards until they reach a normal gravity portal with a yellow orb inside. Afterwards, the player must hold until they reach an anti-gravity UFO portal. Now, the player must jump into a mini-sized normal-gravity ship portal and straight-fly through a tight Clubstep monster to reach the cube portal on the other side. The following cube segment is automatic, as it only contains five pads: four blue pads and one pink pad. The pink pad launches the player into a brief ball segment where they must perform six exceedingly precise timings. The sixth timing leads to a blue pad, sending the player into a double-speed UFO portal. The player begins by hitting a pink orb leading into an anti-gravity portal in the following UFO section. Then, the player must jump into another pink orb, leading into a normal-gravity portal. Finally, the player must jump into another pink orb, slightly launching them into a brief normal-sized ball segment. After the player performs three ball timings, they transition into a triple-speed wave section that becomes mini-sized midway through and anti-gravity at the very end. Finally, IcEDCave's segment concludes with a considerably tight normal-sized straight-fly.
  • 85-100% (EndLevel + LimeTime313): Afterwards, the player is converted into a cube and must now instantly hit a pink orb after automatically hitting a blue pad. The pink orb casts the player into a normal-gravity portal with a yellow orb lying under it. The yellow orb shoots the player to a pink orb, leading to a blue orb, and the blue orb transitions the player into a brief double-speed wave segment that contains a single click. Then, the player converts back into a cube, and now they must jump into two exceedingly tight pink orb timings. The second pink orb timing lightly projects the player into a ball segment. It starts with two considerably tight clicks and a third one leading to a yellow orb that lies directly under a normal gravity portal. The yellow orb shoots the player into a mini-sized triple-speed portal, and now the player must perform two more timings before becoming a double-speed cube. Then, the player must jump twice, the second jump being at normal speed. The second jump also leads the player into an extraordinarily tight half-speed wave segment, eventually leading to the final ball segment containing two inputs, a simple ball input and a considerably precise yellow orb timing. Finally, the level ends.


  • Wolvez and Zoink both crashed at 96% on their own versions of the level.
  • wPopoff, Doggie and OneAlphaHelix crashed at 97%.
  • Trick, RaeveZ, and yolomodeboom all crashed at 98%.[30][31]


  • ryamu's version of the level is free to copy, while Riot's version cannot be copied.
  • The level contains 47,965 objects.
  • The level is 1m 7s in length.
  • The level was rated on August 27, 2022.[32]
  • The level was initially placed at #2 on the Demonlist on September 27, 2022, above Abyss of Darkness (#3) and below Slaughterhouse (#1).
    • This addition pushed Firework out of the Top 5, Molten Core into Extended List, and Solarion into Legacy List.
    • It was later swapped with Slaughterhouse on October 7, 2022, securing the Top 1 spot.
    • On October 16, 2023, Acheron was dethroned after swapping positions with Avernus.
    • On June 16, 2024, Avernus was moved below Acheron, marking Avernus as a false Top 1. The level was at the top spot for 374 days but was the hardest demon on the list for 486 days.
  • On 7 October 2023, Acheron became the fourth overall Top 1 level to stay at the top spot for over a year, following Bloodbath, Bloodlust, and Tartarus.
    • Acheron and Bloodlust are the only Top 1 levels to stay in the top spot for over a year without being temporarily dethroned.
  • Acheron (Greek: Αχέροντας) is named after the river located in Epirus, Greece. According to Greek mythology, it is one of the five rivers of the Greek underworld, nicknamed the 'River of Pain'. It serves as the entrance to the underworld.
  • Skipping the triple-speed portal at 17% by jumping over it will result in death by hitting the spike, and the text 'DEEZ NUTZ :v' will pop out.
  • Acheron shares several similarities to Tartarus aside from their theming:
    • Both levels were open verifications, although Acheron was initially set to be verified by Wolvez.
    • Both levels sparked controversy after their verification. In Tartarus' case, Dolphy's verification was questioned for its legitimacy, while in Acheron's case, the level's initial placement on the Demonlist sparked controversy as well as the 34% UFO due to some minor changes that caused the level to become impossible.
    • Both levels reigned as #1 for over a year.
    • The level was dethroned by Avernus; however, it was moved below Acheron at #4 on June 16, 2024, although when Acheron is no longer #1, similarly to how Tartarus was temporarily dethroned by The Golden.
      • Strangely enough, Avernus is the unofficial "sequel" to the Golden, the same way that Acheron is the unofficial sequel to Tartarus.
  • Acheron had different gameplay sections scrapped in the current version, notably in IcEDCave + Deadlox's part at 17-30% and the last part from 95-100%. This version was uploaded by ryamu on 5 May 2023.[33]
  • Throughout its verification race, Acheron had many different versions of varying difficulty:
    • Original Version - The first version of Acheron. The difficulty is estimated to be around Top 5-10.
    • Wolvez Version - The well-known version of the level. This version was the buffed version Wolvez practised when he used to be the official verifier. The difficulty is around Top 3.
    • Zoink Version - The currently rated version. It contains numerous fixed hitboxes to increase its difficulty. It is around Top 1 in difficulty according to numerous skilled players. A buff-date of this version was also verified on 30 January 2023 and uploaded to Zoink's account.
    • Alpha Version - OneAlphaHelix's version of Acheron. It is a fixed version with the 31% cube nerfed while adding buffs on the easier sections and the pre-drop. The difficulty is around Slaughterhouse.
    • Doggie Version - Doggie used his fixed version of Acheron. A notable nerf was the 61% jump. Some clicks have been buffed. OneAlphaHelix believes that this version is easier than Wolvez's version.
    • Riot Version - The hardest version of Acheron. It is a super-buffed version recently uploaded by Riot, and its difficulty is near-impossible.
  • This is currently the hardest featured level in-game.
    • It is the first featured Top 1 Demon since Tartarus.
  • spaceuk was thought to be the first victor of the level on 23 October 2022, in 39,887 attempts.[34] However, he confessed to hacking the level on 26 April 2023.[35]
  • Doggie became the true first victor of the level on 3 November 2022 after 121,749 attempts, 11 days after spaceuk hacked the level.[36]
    • He also said that this is his least favourite Extreme Demon, with an enjoyment rating of 1/100,
  • Trick became the second victor of the level on 26 February 2023.[6]
    • He used to think Abyss of Darkness is harder; however, he now thinks Acheron is Top 1 after beating the level.
      • He also said that this level is one of his least favourite levels in the game, only to be beaten by Verdant Landscape.
  • The biggest fluke to 100% on the level was achieved by Zeroxy, who fluked from 61% on 21 May 2023, taking over 153,000 attempts to beat it.[37]
  • Netermind became the 13th victor of the level after approximately 65,000 attempts.[38]
    • His attempt count for the level is currently the lowest ever recorded.
  • OneAlphaHelix became the fifth victor of the level on 3 July 2023 after 420,317 attempts.
    • His attempt count is currently the highest ever recorded for the level.
    • However, his completion sparks a small controversy regarding his usage of the 'force don't fade/don't enter' hack.[39][40]
  • eandis and RaeveZ became the sixth and seventh victors of the level on 19 July 2023, within two hours of each other. The former spent around 91,510 attempts, while the latter spent a total of 323,378 attempts.[41][42]
  • A day after eandis and RaeveZ, Taiago became the eighth victor after 209,905 attempts.[43]
  • Acheron is part of the community-based 'ASK' trilogy along with Slaughterhouse and Kyouki.
  • Acheron is the 38th former Top 1 in the game's history.


  • Verification

  • Buffed Updated Version

  • Original Version

  • Acheron Versions Explained

See Also


Main List

  1. Tidal Wave by OniLink
  2. Acheron by ryamu
  3. Silent clubstep by Sailent
  4. Avernus by PockeWindfish
  5. Tunnel of Despair by Exen
  6. Abyss of Darkness by Exen
  7. Kyouki by Demishio
  8. Slaughterhouse by icedcave
  9. Sakupen Circles by Diamond
  10. KOCMOC by Cherry Team
  11. Menace by MannyHeffley
  12. Firework by Trick
  13. MINUSdry by CDMusic
  14. The Lightning Rod by Lavatrex
  15. Deimos by ItsHybrid
  16. poocubed by Lisp
  17. Saul Goodman by Renn241
  18. Eyes in the Water by hawkyre
  19. Solar Flare by Linear
  20. Belladonna by Cherry Team
  21. The Hallucination by SyQual
  22. COMBUSTION by Cersia
  23. LIMBO by MindCap
  24. Edge of Destiny by CDMusic
  25. Codependence by TCTeam
  26. Mayhem by LordVadercraft
  27. walter white by Renn241
  28. Deadlier Clubstep by HeroZombie80
  29. PSYCHOPATH by DeniPol
  30. SARYYX NEVER CLEAR by artos
  31. arcturus by maxfs
  32. Sinister Silence by Wahffle
  33. UNKNOWN by NineDice
  34. Sonic Wave Infinity by APTeam
  35. Damascus by Dzeser
  36. Midnight by Yuko
  37. Tartarus by Dolphy
  38. Jigsaw by NekonGames
  39. Oblivion by dice88
  40. Viprin UFO by hawkyre
  41. Natural Disaster by iIiLaSeRiIi
  42. The Golden by BoBoBoBoBoBoBo
  43. Verdant Landscape by Nisha
  45. Delta by Drakosa
  46. NETWORK by Agat3
  47. Shukketsu by Yuko
  48. Terminal Rampancy by Xyriak
  49. Climax by HushLC
  50. Trueffet by SyQual
  51. Aerial Gleam by EndLevel
  52. ORDINARY by vit12
  53. Critical Heat by Zeniux
  54. The Paroxysm of Rage by Zacanaii
  55. Zodiac by Bianox
  56. Hard Machine by Komp
  57. Esfera by SyQual
  58. Kenos by npesta
  59. Destruction 19 by bosjoker
  60. NEUTRA by Jenkins GD
  61. DISSONANCE by ImMaxX1
  62. Keres by ItsHybrid
  63. Fragile by EndLevel
  64. Widestep by Demishio
  65. Frost Spirit by Quaybus
  66. Dry Out Copyable 2 by tenzk
  67. Checked Steam by gruzy
  68. Crackhead Circles by AlrexX
  69. Axinie by SaturMan
  70. Promethean by EndLevel
  71. Lotus Flower by StarkyTheSalad
  72. Thinking Space by Atomic
  73. qoUEO by GhostVandalf
  74. SUPERHATEMEWORLD by icedcave
  75. Cold Sweat by para

Extended List

  1. Crimson Planet by TrueOmega
  2. Renevant by nikrodox
  3. ConClusion by DreamZoneGD
  4. Scream Machine by TMco
  5. Sky Shredder by Dorvict
  6. Calculator Core by Walroose
  7. shimmer by Amplitron
  8. DIRECTIONS by ryli
  9. Cognition by EndLevel
  10. Cosmic Cyclone by APTeam
  11. Trotil by Cherry Team
  12. Amalgam by XLSpiral
  13. Guideless Goobering by Enfur
  14. SARY NEVER CLEAR by KugelBlitZ
  15. Instinct by Krazyman50Real
  16. Lucid Nightmares by CairoX
  17. Ykds1479ymdppr by Kapycta999
  18. RUST by neigefeu
  19. CORRODERE by Moosh
  21. Shardscapes by Kiba
  22. Akashic Records by VoTcHi
  23. RUTHLESS by Surjaco
  24. Sides Of My Mind by MaxxoRMeN
  25. Horros by Shrc
  26. Ragnarok by knobbelboy
  27. Escape Room by SleyGD
  28. TORN by Kyhros
  29. me when machine gang by akun akun
  30. Launchpad Labyrinth by Moffe
  31. Silent Club by Luqualizer
  32. Descent Into Exile by GrenadeofTacos
  33. SAND SAILOR by Custi
  34. Omega Interface by Platnuu
  35. Coral Cave by awesomeme360
  36. Pandemonium by Cersia
  37. The Rupture by Ka1ns
  38. Jupiter My Favourite by Akunakunn
  39. Kappa by Armadeus
  40. The Art of the Blade by mbed
  41. no jokes by TheParadoxTeam
  42. Bloodlust by knobbelboy
  43. Asterios by Exen
  44. Excruciation Chamber by spcreat
  45. Jesse Pinkman by Renn241
  46. Terminux by VulgarisAerae
  47. Twilight by Yuko
  48. Neon Skyline by recillia
  49. CITRA by Varse
  50. Fog by notesxd
  51. Sazerix by Zeptrus
  52. BarbarosFinaleFinale by awesomeme360
  53. Gracefully by DTDom
  54. Awedsy by sink
  55. Congregation by Presta
  56. Sigma by MindCap
  57. Aronia by Exen
  58. untitled unmastered by para
  59. Deimos by EndLevel
  60. Pagoda by Seturan
  61. Moving Forward by Crohn44
  62. DsinK by stanstanmansan
  64. Knights of Thunder by HangerLord
  65. Atmos by Marwec
  66. Ploink by goobfrudla
  67. IthacropoliX by BIGMAC77
  68. Nhelv by SrGuillester
  69. Pootis Engage XTREME by AAAAAlex
  70. Cicatrize by Wintter
  71. Gustavo Fring by Renn241
  72. FRIDAY by Metalface221
  73. Farthest Outpost by Jghost217
  74. Ouroboros by Viprin
  75. CONNECT by MCres

Legacy List

  1. Ourwa by Demishio
  2. XRAY by GDSkele
  3. kowareta by Gablor
  4. Dump by GiggsRH
  5. Visible Ray by KrampuX
  6. Th3Dev0n by Zeptoz
  7. The Yandere by Dorami
  8. Arctic Lights by Metalface221
  9. Plasma Pulse Finale by Smokes
  10. Frozen Cave by TheParadoxTeam
  11. WORSTBRAINMAP by bims
  12. Fragmented by Cersia
  13. Dust Bowl by Iconic
  14. SZYSLAK by Zeniux
  15. REPENTLESS by Renn241
  16. CHROMA FINALE by Renn241
  17. Calamity by Awedsy
  18. AKIRA by Eridani
  19. Hardry by KuraiYonaka
  20. EGO KILLING by exactteam
  21. RAM by James
  22. Spectrum Cyclone by Temp
  23. FusionDynamix by TwisterDude161
  24. nevermore by EidamGD
  25. Kjdf8314jlfssf by Kapycta999
  26. CRIDIUM by 4yoet
  27. Fever Dream by icedcave
  28. Aquatic Auroras by EndLevel
  29. Storming Summit by Nimbus
  30. Shutdown by OliSW
  31. Requiem by Zylenox
  32. ConTroller by DreamZoneGD
  33. Mirrored Calamity by Nimbus
  34. Obscura by Eridani
  35. Sparkling by MzeroGD
  36. Eternal Moment by Rainstorm
  37. RANDOM ACCESS MEMORY by Acute144
  38. Beyond Hell by fakeblast
  39. Omega by MindCap
  40. Gamma by MindCap
  41. Dance of the Violins by DrayTM
  42. network by VanDerVals
  43. Power Grid by YraX
  44. Spacial Rend by Eclipsed
  45. Hyper Paracosm by ViRuZ
  46. of Ambrosia by Renn241
  47. Collect All Pets by rynoxious
  48. the wiener by rynoxious
  49. Dedohexdragon by royen
  50. Ryft by Dreamlight
  51. Cybernetic Crescent by Viprin
  52. Wasureta by HelpegasuS
  53. Macabre by ZephiroX
  54. Edge of the World by L4tezk
  55. Sink by Awedsy
  56. Golden Club by Zenmuron
  57. Molten Core by Janucha
  58. Loochiverse by Nerhy
  59. ELLIPSISM by Swib
  60. LUMINA by hechie
  61. Sonic Wave Rebirth by Serponge
  62. Sonic Wave by Sunix
  63. Infinite Iniquity by Flukester
  64. Molten Gear by knobbelboy
  65. Shmarley Ville by Renn241
  66. GONER by Nightning
  67. Sephiroth by Rainstorm
  68. Necromancer by TGI
  69. Iris of a Puppeteer by EternaswipVMAX
  70. Yatagarasu by TrusTa
  71. Rage by nSwish
  72. X0 by Mulpan
  73. Edge of the Blade by Eiruni
  74. Silentium Clavas by Xolarzz
  75. The Hell Nutz by TheLasaga
  76. Cersia Difficult by Cersia
  77. xo by KrmaL
  78. Generic Wave by Pennutoh
  79. Titan Complex by TCTeam
  80. Nunri by Szilu
  81. Icotact by icedcave
  82. Quantum Theory by HeroZombie80
  83. memories by ImMaxX1
  84. rosedynamix by rose;
  85. BRKMGB8GJCZ by robotchief
  86. Cersia Madness by Cersia
  87. MISFIRE by Galaxxyss
  88. Kuzureta by Teno
  89. Erebus by BoldStep
  90. Delebit Oblivio by TeamSmokeWeed
  91. Retention Rush by TheBlackHell
  92. The Reaper by Kyhros
  93. Nightshade by YakobNugget
  94. Sunset Sandstorm by crohn44
  95. Altered Ascent by Prism
  96. reeses potentially by SubStra
  97. Dark Flare by KeiAs
  98. Chromatic Haze by Cirtrax
  99. Ddiamond by Lfritz
  100. DubKore X by Loogiah
  101. Celestial Force by MindCap
  102. Tapwreck by MrLorenzo
  103. RELENTLESS by Surjaco
  104. ameliorate by maxis044
  105. Devil Vortex by Rustam
  106. Timor by Colorbolt
  107. super probably level by Alkali
  108. WOW by TrusTa
  109. ConFusion by DreamZoneGD
  110. Framework by Agat3
  111. Catalyze by ZephiroX
  112. Raisins by Airzyy
  113. Dreams by Kapycta999
  114. Lucid Chaos by CairoX
  115. Stygian Machinery by TeamE12
  116. Paroxysm by Lemons
  117. Freedom08 by Pennutoh
  118. Jamboree by JustJohn
  119. Photovoltaic II by Mazl
  120. The Moon Below by Onvil
  121. Lateral Myst by Bedrock
  122. Friday Vortex by Cersia
  123. IMAPHONE by Azuvy
  124. Apollo 11 by nasgubb
  125. inanimate INSANITY by Orange GD
  126. Bitcrusher by SleyGD
  127. Digital Descent by Viprin
  128. Stalemate Redux by GDTheTactiq
  129. TheCinnyBun by Cinny
  130. Cadrega City by Pennutoh
  131. ZAPHKIEL by Darwin
  132. Factory Realm X by HelpegasuS
  133. Springtime by VigorousGard3n
  134. Dole Damos by Jeyzor
  135. RGB by SleyGD
  136. Delta Interface by Platnuu
  137. Killbot by BoldStep
  138. Omicron by Proxima
  139. Tempered Steel by ItsHybrid
  140. vaenstep by vaen
  141. Step To Hell by LaZye
  142. Auroral Darkness by ViRuZ
  143. Solarion by ZephiroX
  144. Demonicat by f3lixsram
  145. Black Flag by Nekon
  146. Fabrication by KeiAs
  147. Ethereal Artifice by Zeroya
  148. Artificial Ascent by Viprin
  149. Effect II by MrSupremeGD
  150. Quantum Dynamix by GrenadeofTacos
  151. Future Chaos by neoraptor
  152. Luxtra by TheGalaxyCat
  153. Occult Outcry by Havok
  154. Aesthetic by SyQual
  155. Yuh by Lfritz
  156. Polygonal Paradox by Hypno
  157. Missing Benefits by TGI
  158. Mind Control by Deadlox
  159. Night Rider by LmAnubis
  160. The Hell Field by Stormfly
  161. Quantum Processing by Riot
  162. lodin da fish washer by KoKo43
  164. The Hell Zone by Stormfly
  165. Belloq by Sminx
  166. Glowy by Rob Buck
  167. Crystal by Zeronium
  168. Boogie by Digitalzero
  169. Quaoar by Flosia
  170. Rate Demon by RoiMousti
  171. Void Wave by Cherry Team
  172. Bausha Vortex by Pennutoh
  173. Spectrum Rave by Ryder
  174. Never Beat It by Metalface221
  175. Balengu Vortex by Temp
  176. Bass Cave by Bloodshot
  177. distraught by Alkali
  178. Sinister Incision by ItsHybrid
  179. Static Ignition by Magmeta
  180. Berserk by TrusTa
  181. Black Blizzard by KrmaL
  182. Auditory Breaker by LazerBlitz
  183. Ziroikabi by RoiMousti
  184. Pandemonium by Yakimaru
  185. SECTOR 19 by Sillow
  186. Hatred by AZuLer4
  187. Furious Flames by Failure444
  188. The Hell Inferno by Stormfly
  189. ErebuS by Platnuu
  190. Cadrega Mode by TCTeam
  191. Hyper Paradox by ItsHybrid
  192. CHROMA II by Renn241
  193. BuTiTi III by JonathanGD
  194. Ziroikapi by Kapinapi
  195. DMG CTRL by GhostVandalf
  196. Surge of Memories by TMNGaming
  197. Carcano by Asuith
  198. Astral Divinity by knobbelboy
  199. Surge of the Shield by Geo
  200. 2 1 1 by SrGuillester
  201. Dolos by Enzeux
  202. Glitched Memories by TCTeam
  203. Audio Expulsion by GoodSmile
  204. MONSTROSITY by Snarlax523
  205. Anoxysm by Lemons
  206. SubSonic by Viprin
  207. ikaros by Pavlaxan
  208. Mujigae by YGYoshI
  209. Betrayal of Destiny by Splash
  210. Shock Therapy by Arb
  211. i hate you by AlrexX
  212. SINGULARITY by Bianox
  213. Breakout Redux by Waivve
  214. The Hell World by Stormfly
  215. Low Death by KrmaL
  216. Athanatos by Exenity
  217. Anahita by Yuko
  218. Adrenaline by Wapon77
  219. Galactic Shift by TeamSmokeWeed
  220. SPEEDRUN by Kaito
  221. Kinetic Bypass by Sminx
  222. Shock Breaker by Spectex
  223. Endless Dream by DreamTide
  224. Infernal Abyss by swithi
  225. Fabricated Thoughts by MaxiKD
  226. RASH by loltad
  227. Ithacropolis by BIGMAC77
  228. OPSM1 by VARSE
  229. Disentombed by YakobNugget
  230. TeaM Z by 99Percent
  231. MadMansion by GunnerBones
  232. Mystic by EndLevel
  233. SHATTER by efext
  234. The Hell Origin by Stormfly
  235. DARKENED by Bianox
  236. Advanced AirStream by Zekke
  237. EnvY by DanZmeN
  238. Carnage Mode by Findexi
  239. Removed Submission by WHErwin
  240. Asmodeus by Vexion
  241. Tenth Circle by DeniPol
  242. Fusion Z by PlebKingdom
  243. Untitled by iiLuna
  244. Falcon16 by LIEB
  245. Alpha Baa X by Failure444
  246. VendetTa by CFteamgd
  247. Dimension Breaker by Bianox
  248. Phobos by KrmaL
  249. Shibui by Xanii
  250. Sakupen Hell by TrusTa
  251. Dimensional Breaking by Dalfa
  252. Ancestral Calamity by MrSpaghetti
  253. Silentium Gradas by Stormfly
  254. Blade of Justice by Manix648
  255. Libertas by WOOGI1411
  256. Betrayal of Fate by weoweoteo
  257. Biohazard by Artumanka
  258. Artifice by f3lixsram
  259. Epsilon by Proxima
  260. Atmosphere by VoidSquad
  261. Bloodbath by Riot
  262. Monstercat by f3lixsram
  263. Glacial Torrent by Nell
  264. ElectroLux by Zafkiel
  265. Molten Mercury by ItsHybrid
  266. Under lavaland by N R G
  267. Hateful Reflection by Iris
  268. Ecstasy by SleyGD
  269. ATMarbl by Pennutoh
  270. Azure Fiesta by Dorami
  271. The Hell Bird by Havok
  272. Down Bass by Spectra
  273. Idols by Zafkiel
  274. Just DANCE by Texic
  275. Inflective by Mojitoz
  276. Conical Depression by KrmaL
  277. phosphorescent by LimeTime313
  278. Prismatic Haze by Cirtrax
  279. Tempest Tornado by Colorbolt
  280. Aurora by TheKris
  281. Arctic Arena by Eclipsed
  282. Artificial Ideology by Team N2
  283. A Bizarre Phantasm by Team N2
  284. The Hell Factory by Team N2
  285. Annihilation Nation by Zylenox
  286. Mirage by Golden
  287. Sigma Interface by Platnuu
  288. Extinction by Chom
  289. Esencia by Zafkiel
  290. WaveBreaker by Lemons
  291. Penultimate Phase by nwolc
  292. aftermath by Exenity
  293. INNARDS by Kaito
  294. GridLocked by Eclipsed
  295. Plasma Pulse III by Smokes
  296. Novalis by Gryllex
  297. Maybe Possibly Thing by iNubble
  298. N0 by Metalface221
  299. The Hell Dignity by Stormfly
  300. Triple Six by Zylenox
  301. Niflheim by Vismuth
  302. PanaSonic by TheShadowRealm
  303. A2Marbl by Golden
  304. limitless by Konsi
  305. The Antimatter by Bianox
  306. Marathon by weoweoteo
  307. Audio Extraction by GoodSmile
  308. Elite Z Rebirth by KrmaL
  309. Twisted Tranquility by Flukester
  310. Unearthed by YakobNugget
  311. Breakout by Surv
  312. Grill Kill by RoiMousti
  313. Concaved Memories by CairoX
  314. Elliptic Curve by Mulpan
  315. Heat Wave by Nico99
  316. Heartbeat by KrmaL
  317. Deception Dive by Rustam
  318. Skrrah by VirtualCrack
  319. The Flawless by IIIRyanIII
  320. Fexty by SkyJax
  321. Digital Disarray by Giron
  322. NecropoliX by Namtar
  323. Retention by WOOGI1411
  324. CholeriX by Shaggy23
  325. Alcatraz by Asuith
  326. Insaction by ByBoy 11
  327. Killerzone by Dorami
  328. Artificial Dream by iIiViRuZiIi
  329. Glide by crohn44
  330. Red World Rebirth by Riot
  331. Violently X by Dorami
  332. Incipient by Jenkins GD
  333. Cromulent by RelayX
  334. Exotic Energy by Ellisha
  335. Volume by Metalface221
  336. AcropoliX by SoulsTRK
  337. Matilda the Machine by Jeyzor
  338. SUBVERSIVE by Snowr33de
  339. Tech Manifestation by Pleoslim
  340. CYCLONE by Bianox
  341. The Lost Existence by JonathanGD
  342. UltraSans by PlebKingdom
  343. Raindance by Milos482
  344. Duelo Maestro by Nacho21
  345. Polish Alphabet by Patchimator
  346. Pumped Up Kicks by Quiken
  347. Zettabyte by Jenkins GD
  348. Sky tech by Giron
  349. Uprise by Blad3M
  350. Awakening Horus by Juhou
  351. Gammaray by stardust1971
  352. Allegiance by nikrodox
  353. night party by RLOL
  354. Instant Execution by Plexidit
  355. HyperSonic by Viprin
  356. Cataclysm by Ggb0y
  357. Cosmorush 21 by Pennutoh
  358. Underground by Keyblade
  359. Falling Up by KrmaL
  360. 8o X by f3lixsram
  361. Penombre by ZephiroX
  362. Grimoire Heart by CFteamgd
  363. Dark Rivalry by Flex
  364. Frizzantino Vibes by UserMatt18
  365. Electrosonic by CastriX
  366. Cosmic Calamity by SrGuillester
  367. Excessive Compliment by Pennutoh
  368. Superstrike by Lemons
  369. Doop by WormFodder
  370. Torrential Storm by xKstrol
  371. Arcadelocked by Tongii
  372. Es Dilar Nos by Mulpan
  373. The Ultimate Phase by Andromeda
  374. Destruction of God by RelayX
  376. Photovoltaic by Mazl
  377. After Catabath by Boy of the Cones
  378. Final Epilogue by Pennutoh
  379. Astronomical Alchemy by iSparki
  380. Dark RainBow Rebirth by knobbelboy
  381. ICE Carbon Diablo X by Roadbose
  382. Hydraulic Overdrive by Xyriak
  383. NecroDynamix by HelpegasuS
  384. Galaxy Breaker by Bianox
  385. Kurumi City by xnail
  386. Galatic Fragility by TeamSmokeWeed
  387. New Supersonic by CronosCrl
  388. Creeper Force by CreeperMILK
  389. Abandoned Kingdom by Sunix
  390. Future Circles by KeiAs
  391. Quest For Perfection by LazerBlitz
  392. Cyber Chaos by Hinds
  393. Temple of Destiny by DrakeGhast
  394. Clubstep Reborn by Boy of the Cones
  395. Spectral Tentation by DiscJoker
  396. Crimson Clutter by RedUniverse
  397. Demonic Bass by Miniman2098
  398. Asymmetry by WOOGI1411
  399. Rewind by Awzer
  400. Plasma Pulse II by Giron
  401. Elements X by Eiken
  402. Wander of Thought by Noriega
  403. Hate War by Stormfly
  404. The Secret Box by Metalface221
  405. Lunatic Doom Machine by SrGuillester
  406. Valor by KrmaL
  407. Night Terrors by Hinds
  408. Hyperio Technia by ML500
  409. Subterranean Animism by EricVanWilderman
  410. Pursuit by Shocksidian
  411. Ultraviolet by Viprin
  412. Wolfstep by RLOL
  413. Light Years by Smokes
  414. Geminorum by Feko9
  415. X Adventure by Pasiblitz
  416. Sparklic Ocean by Koreaqwer
  417. DeltaNova by RyanAB
  418. Necropolis by Neptune
  419. The JanuS Miracle by Megadere
  420. Catastrophic by TheOne21
  421. Sadism by Nox
  422. DoomsDay by ElectricBass
  423. lezicuv by Step4enko
  424. Entwined Room by MidNight


  1. 1.0 1.1
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Acheron (2024)
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Author: Amb. Frankie Simonis

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Author information

Name: Amb. Frankie Simonis

Birthday: 1998-02-19

Address: 64841 Delmar Isle, North Wiley, OR 74073

Phone: +17844167847676

Job: Forward IT Agent

Hobby: LARPing, Kitesurfing, Sewing, Digital arts, Sand art, Gardening, Dance

Introduction: My name is Amb. Frankie Simonis, I am a hilarious, enchanting, energetic, cooperative, innocent, cute, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.