Accounting 101: Debits and Credits (2024)

Debits and credits are the foundation of double-entry accounting. They indicate an amount ofvalue that is moving into and out of a company’s general-ledger accounts. For everytransaction, there must be at least one debit and credit that equal each other. When thatoccurs, a company’s books are said to be in “balance”. Only then can acompany go onto create its accurate income statement, balance sheet and other financial documents.

What Are Debits (DR) and Credits (CR)?

In accounting, the definitions of debit and credit may seem counterintuitive to what theymean in everyday language. These differences are important to grasp from the start. Inaccounting, a debit (DR) typically records an amount of value flowing into an assetor bank account — unlike, for example, a debit card, where money is taken out of anaccount.On the flip side, a credit (CR) generally records an amount of value flowing out ofan asset account, as opposed to receiving credit in the form of a loan or return, wheremoney flows into an account. Debits and credits are recorded as monetary units, butthey’re not always cash and may include gains, losses and depreciation. For thisreason, we refer to them as “value.”

Debits and credits underpin a bookkeeping system called double-entryaccounting, in which every transaction equally affects two or more separate general-ledger accounts, such as assets andliabilities.

Debits vs. credits: Debits and credits are like the yin and yang of accounting, interconnected and responsible forkeeping a business’s bookkeeping entries in balance and harmony. There is no debitwithout a credit. A debit increases the balance of an asset, expense or loss account anddecreases the balance of a liability, equity, revenue or gain account. Debits are recordedon the left side of an accounting journal entry. A credit increases the balance of aliability, equity, gain or revenue account and decreases the balance of an asset, loss orexpense account. Credits are recorded on the right side of a journal entry.

Debits (DR)Credits (CR)
Increase asset, expense and loss accounts.Increase liability, equity, revenue and gain accounts.
Recorded on the left side of an accounting journal entry.Recorded on the right side of an accounting journal entry.

Key Takeaways

  • Every transaction in double-entry accounting is recorded with at lease one debit andcredit.
  • Debits and credits indicate where value is flowing into and out of a business. They mustbe equal to keep a company’s books in balance.
  • Debits increase the value of asset, expense and loss accounts. Credits increase thevalue of liability, equity, revenue and gain accounts.
  • Debit and credit balances are used to prepare a company’s income statement,balance sheet and other financial documents.

Debits and Credits Explained

In double-entry accounting, every transaction is recorded with a debit and credit in two ormore accounts, which categorize different types of financial activities in a company’sgeneral ledger. Debits and credits are both opposite and equal (though each linedebit/credit doesn’t necessarily have an equal counterpart), occur simultaneously andrepresent a transfer of value. For example, if a business purchases a new computer for$1,200 on credit, it would record $1,200 as a debit in its account for equipment (an asset)and $1,200 as a credit in its accounts payable account (a liability). If, instead, it paysfor the computer with cash at the time of purchase, it would debit and credit twotypes of asset accounts: debit for equipment and credit for cash.

Drilling down, debits increase asset, loss and expense accounts, while credits decrease them.Conversely, credits increase liability, equity, gains and revenue accounts, while debitsdecrease them. As such, accounts are said to have a natural, or natural positivecredit/debit balance, credit or debit balance based on which one increases the account. Forexample, assets have a natural debit balance because that type of account increases with adebit.

Why Are Debits and Credits Important?

Debits and credits keep a company’s books in balance. They are recorded in pairs forevery transaction — so a debit to one financial account requires a credit or sum ofcreditof equal value to other financial accounts. This process lies at the heart of double-entryaccounting. Accuracy is crucial because accounts “roll up” into specific lineson acompany’s balance sheet or income statement, both of which paint a picture of acompany’s financial health, value and profitability. They also inform decision-makingfor internal and external stakeholders, including company management, lenders, investors andtax agencies.

How Are Debits and Credits Used?

Debits and credits indicate value flowing into and out of a business. They are equal butopposite and work hand in hand: For every transaction, an accountant or bookkeeper places adebit in one account and a credit in another account. No matter how many accounts or lineitems are involved, the total value of debits equals the total value of credits.

How debits and credits affect different types of accounts: Anorganization’s general ledger is composed of seven types of accounts, which appear onits various financial statements: assets, liabilities, equity, revenue, expenses, gains andlosses.

  • An asset account reflects the value of resources owned by a company andis expected to provide future economic benefit. Examples include cash, accountsreceivable, inventory and property.
  • An expense account reflects the costs a company incurs for conductingbusiness and generating revenue. Examples include the cost of goods sold (COGS) orservices delivered, employee salaries, travel, advertising and rent.
  • A liability account reflects the amount a company owes. Examplesinclude credit card accounts/balances, accounts payable, notes payable, taxes and loans.
  • An equity account reflects the shareholders’ interests in thecompany’s assets. Examples include stocks, distributions, capital contributed,dividends and retained earnings.
  • A revenue account reflects the amount of money generated from operatingand nonoperating activities. Operating examples include sales and consulting services;nonoperating examples include interest and investment income.
  • A gain account reflects an increase in value from activities notrelated to the core business. Examples include money won from a lawsuit and a gain invalue from the sale of an asset or business property.
  • A loss account is the opposite of a gain account, reflecting a decreasein value from nonprimary-business events. Examples include money paid for the loss of alawsuit and a loss in value from the sale of an asset or business property.

For every business transaction — whether a company is receiving payment from acustomer,reimbursing a salesperson for travel, purchasing office supplies or taking out a loan— theamount of value changes in at least two accounts. Here’s how debits and credits impactthe seven types of accounts:



  • Asset account
  • Expense account
  • Loss account
  • Liability account
  • Equity account
  • Revenue account
  • Gain account
  • Liability account
  • Equity account
  • Revenue account
  • Gain account
  • Asset account
  • Expense account
  • Loss account

Debits and Credits T-Chart

A “T chart”, also referred to as a “T-account”, is a two-column chartthat shows activitywithin a general-ledger account. The chart resembles the shape of the letter“t”, where theleft column displays debits and the right column displays credits. The name of the account—such as cash, inventory or accounts payable — appears at the top of the chart.

Say, for example, your company buys $10,000 worth of monitors on credit. The purchasetranslates to a $10,000 increase in equipment (an asset) and a $10,000 increase in accountspayable (a liability) for money owed. The T-charts will look like this:

Office Equipment

Accounts Payable


At the end of the month, you’re ready to pay your bill. The accounts payable accountwill be debited to remove the liability, and the cash account will be credited to reflectpayment (value flowing out). The T-charts will look like this:

Accounts Payable


3/31/2022$10,000 3/31/2022$10,000
Balance$ 0Balance$10,000

Examples of Debits and Credits

Now let’s examine a more complex example of a transaction that calls for debits andcredits across multiple accounts. Let’s say your company sells $10,000 worth ofmonitor stands, and you’re based in Arizona, where the state sales tax is 5.6%. Thetotal charge to the customer is $10,560, which will be the exact amount you will debit(increase) your accounts receivable. You will also debit (increase) your COGS accounts,which we’ll earmark as $5,000. Now we shift to the credit half of the recordingprocess. Your revenue account will be credited (increased by) $10,000 (the purchase price),your liabilities account will be credited (increased by) $560 (for sales tax payable) andyour inventory account will be credited (decreased by) $5,000 (the value of the inventory).

The sum of the debits ($10,560 + $5,000) is $15,560. The sum of the credits ($10,000 + $5,000+ $560) is also $15,560. Congratulations! You have mastered double-entry accounting —atleast for this transaction.

3/4/2022 Accounts Receivable$10,560
Sales Tax Payable$560

Manage Debits and Credits With Accounting Software

It’s not difficult to imagine how much time and energy it might take an accountant orbookkeeper (or teams of them) to manually record debits and credits for hundreds orthousands of business transactions and make sure they’re all in balance. All it takesis one error to throw off the books and resulting financial statements. This is why the taskis best handled by software, such as NetSuite Cloud AccountingSoftware, which simplifies and automates many of the processes required bydouble-entry accounting. That includes recording debits and credits, as well as managing acompany’s general ledger andchart of accounts. Once a transaction is created — the software can handle that forcertainjournal entries, too — debits and credits will be automatically posted to the correctaccounts. NetSuite also streamlines accountsreceivable, accounts payableand close managementprocesses, boosting efficiency and improving cash flow. All of these capabilities feed intoa company’s ability to produce highly accurate financial statements and reports.


The concepts of debits and credits may be clear to accountants and bookkeepers, but they takesome getting used to when you’re a business owner who thinks in the everyday terms ofcredit and debit cards. In the world of double-entry accounting, every transaction impactstwo or more financial accounts, whereby a debit indicates value flowing in and a creditindicates value flowing out. The two sides must be equal to balance a company’s books,which are used to prepare financial statements that reflect its health, value andprofitability.

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Debits and Credits FAQs

What are examples of debits and credits?

Say your company buys $10,000 worth of monitors on credit. The purchase translates to a$10,000 increase in equipment (an asset) and a $10,000 increase in accounts payable (aliability) for money owed. At the end of the month, you’re ready to pay your bill. Theaccounts payable account will be debited to remove the liability, and the cash account willbe credited to reflect payment.

How are accounts affected by debit and credit?

Debits increase asset, loss and expense accounts; credits decrease them. Credits increaseliability, equity, gains and revenue accounts; debits decrease them.

What are debits and credits?

Debits and credits are considered the building blocks of bookkeeping. A debit may be referredto as a “DR”. A credit may be referred to as “CR” — these arethe shortcut references.

Accounting 101: Debits and Credits (2024)


What is the easiest way to understand debits and credits? ›

The basics of DR and CR

The individual entries on a balance sheet are referred to as debits and credits. Debits (often represented as DR) record incoming money, while credits (CR) record outgoing money. How these show up on your balance sheet depends on the type of account they correspond to.

How do you remember debit and credit in accounting? ›

The easiest way to remember the meaning of debit and credit in accounting is as follows: – Assets increase on the debit side and decrease on the credit side. – Liabilities increase on the credit side and decrease on the debit side. – Equity increases on the credit side and decreases on the debit side.

How do you solve debit and credit in accounting? ›

Rules for Debit and Credit
  1. First: Debit what comes in, Credit what goes out.
  2. Second: Debit all expenses and losses, Credit all incomes and gains.
  3. Third: Debit the receiver, Credit the giver.

What is the correct rule of debits and credits? ›

Equity accounts are increased by credits and decreased by debits. Revenues are increased by credits and decreased by debits. Expenses are increased by debits and decreased by credits. Debits must always equal credits after recording a transaction.

What is the mnemonic for remembering debits and credits? ›

ADEx LER: How to Remember Debits and Credits

If you have trouble remembering this, just think of ADEx LER: Accountants Don't Expect Low Earning Rates. Assets, Dividends, Expenses, Liabilities, Equity, and Revenue.

What are the golden rules of debit and credit? ›

Before we analyse further, we should know the three renowned brilliant principles of bookkeeping: Firstly: Debit what comes in and credit what goes out. Secondly: Debit all expenses and credit all incomes and gains. Thirdly: Debit the Receiver, Credit the giver.

What is the acronym for debits and credits? ›

CR is a notation for "credit" and DR is a notation for debit in double-entry accounting.

What is an accounting cheat sheet? ›'s Accounting Cheat Sheet is a quick reference and overview of accounting. concepts. You should consult a professional accountant and/or the accounting profession's official. pronouncements for specific situations and for more complete information.

What is a debit and credit for dummies? ›

Debits are recorded on the left side of an accounting journal entry. A credit increases the balance of a liability, equity, gain or revenue account and decreases the balance of an asset, loss or expense account. Credits are recorded on the right side of a journal entry.

What is the golden formula of accounting? ›

What are the Golden Rules of Accounting? 1) Debit what comes in - credit what goes out. 2) Credit the giver and Debit the Receiver. 3) Credit all income and debit all expenses.

What is the important rule of debits and credits? ›

Debit and Credit Rules

All accounts that usually have a credit balance will increase when a credit (right-hand side) is added, and decrease when a debit (left-hand side) is added. Credit accounts include liabilities, equity and revenue. The debit side and credit side of a transaction must be equal.

What is the formula for debit and credit? ›

The extended accounting equation is as follows: Assets + Expenses = Equity/Capital + Liabilities + Income, A + Ex = E + L + I. In this form, increases to the amount of accounts on the left-hand side of the equation are recorded as debits, and decreases as credits.

What is the easiest way to remember the rules of debit and credit? ›

Both columns represent positive movements on the account so:
  1. Debit will increase an asset.
  2. Credit will increase a liability.
  3. Debit will increase a draw.
  4. Credit will increase an equity.
  5. Debit will increase an expense.
  6. Credit will increase a revenue.

What are the three basic rules of accounting? ›

These three golden rules of accounting: debit the receiver and credit the giver; debit what comes in and credit what goes out; and debit expenses and losses credit income and gains, form the bedrock of double-entry bookkeeping.

How to understand debits and credits in accounting? ›

Debits increase asset or expense accounts and decrease liability, revenue or equity accounts. Credits do the reverse. When recording a transaction, every debit entry must have a corresponding credit entry for the same dollar amount, or vice-versa. Debits and credits are a critical part of double-entry bookkeeping.

What is debit and credit in simple words? ›

Debits and credits in double-entry bookkeeping are entries made in account ledgers to record changes in value resulting from business transactions. A debit entry in an account represents a transfer of value to that account, and a credit entry represents a transfer from the account.

How do you understand credit and debit cards? ›

Debit cards allow you to spend money by drawing on funds you have deposited at the bank. Credit cards allow you to borrow money from the card issuer up to a certain limit to purchase items or withdraw cash. You probably have at least one credit card and one debit card in your wallet.

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Name: Rubie Ullrich

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Introduction: My name is Rubie Ullrich, I am a enthusiastic, perfect, tender, vivacious, talented, famous, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.