Account Management 101 - Complete Guide for Account Managers (2024)

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Account Management: A Comprehensive Guide

Account management is the process of building and nurturing strong relationships with key customers to drive growth and revenue for a business. It’s all about understanding your clients’ needs, providing exceptional service, and creating value that keeps them returning.

Account management is like being a trusted advisor to your most valuable customers. You’re not just there to sell them products or services; you’re there to help them achieve their goals and overcome their challenges.

By getting to know your clients and their businesses, you can anticipate their needs and proactively offer solutions that make their lives easier.

And that’s where account management services come into play. These services are designed to help businesses manage their key accounts more effectively. They can provide everything from customer data analysis and strategic planning to account coordination and regular performance reviews.

“Why is account management so important?” According to a study by Gartner, customer service alone doesn’t necessarily drive revenue. But customer improvement—that’s where the real magic happens. And that’s precisely what account management is all about.

A study by Global Partners Training found that 61% of companies reported that strategic account management or key account management programs helped them increase their revenue and customer satisfaction. Account management is about being a trusted partner who helps your clients succeed.

In addition, keeping the best clients who can offer you a predictive revenue and promising profit source to plan business upfront. However, the process comprises a lot of activities and this guide leads you to have a clear understanding of the key components of Account Management.

KAM Glossary: 65+ Crucial Account Management Terms Explained

Definition: What is Account Management?

Account management is all about nurturing strong, long-lasting relationships with your key customer accounts. It’s not just a one-time transaction; it’s a continuous process of managing and strengthening those crucial client partnerships throughout their journey with your business.

The role of an account manager is like being a trusted advisor to your most valuable accounts. They oversee the sales process, making sure things run smoothly from start to finish. But it’s not just about closing the deal.

Let’s take an example. Jane’s first task is guiding the retail chain smoothly through the sales process – coordinating meetings, demos, negotiations, and everything required to close the deal successfully.

But her work doesn’t stop there. Once the contract is signed, Jane starts planning for the long term. She develops a strategy to ensure a seamless rollout and implementation of the new CRM across all the client’s store locations. She coordinates training sessions for store staff and schedules regular check-ins to gather feedback.

Account managers are also responsible for planning and ensuring there’s a solid strategy in place to maintain business continuity with your customer base. Part of their job description is being on the lookout for opportunities to offer additional products or services that could benefit the customer – that’s what we call cross-selling and up-selling.

Account Management 101 - Complete Guide for Account Managers (1)

As the partnership progresses, Jane is always on the lookout for opportunities to offer additional services. Maybe the client could benefit from an advanced analytics module to better understand customer behavior. Or perhaps they need a custom integration to sync the CRM with their inventory management system. Jane suggests these cross-sell and up-sell options when appropriate.

The goal here is to maximize client retention by really catering to customer’s needs. But account management isn’t just about keeping your best clients. The ones who have been with you from the start and played a role in your company’s success story? Those clients are invaluable assets. Developing a winning relationship with them is the secret ingredient for businesses of all kinds.

Must Watch: Liangbi David Shen, Head of Revenue Operations at Cambridge Mobile Telematics
sharing their experience around building processes & strategies for Account Management.

What is the importance and the role of account management?

The key thing to understand about account management is that it’s all about the long game. As expert Olivier Riviere put it, true strategic accounts aren’t just big spenders – they have special meaning for growing your business over time. You need to know which accounts have that lasting potential.

Account management is a continuous process of nurturing relationships, not a one-off sales transaction. It takes consistent time, effort, and investment to manage those accounts well. But make no mistake – even long-term clients could leave anytime for a competitor if you don’t give them the service they deserve.

It is a long and cyclic process that takes time, effort, and money. However, those value accounts are likely to depart from the business relation anytime. In other words, it may be snatched by other businesses similar to you.

The client who has been with you for years would be a coveted lead for your competitors. Hence, the chance to lose them is high and it completely relies on how good your customer account management strategy is.

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Account Management vs Sales – What’s the difference?

Is account management the same as sales?

Say you run a consumer electronics business. Your sales team focuses on promotions and discounts to offload inventory – they’re all about meeting this month’s numbers. In and out transactions.

An account manager, on the other hand, might cultivate a partnership with a major retailer for years. They’d coordinate product launches, train retail assistants, and provide reporting tools – whatever that key account needs to keep doing business with you long-term and grow over time.

It comes down to sales accelerating immediate numbers versus account management planning future growth by adding value to key accounts. And make no mistake – landing and retaining those high-lifetime-value accounts takes strategy and resources.

Account Management 101 - Complete Guide for Account Managers (3)

Likewise, account management finds the scope for future benefits rather than the benefit of a one-time deal. Not surprisingly, the art of account management and identifying key accounts is a complex process.

You have to carry out a broad business prospect to afford and manage such accounts because they are going to benefit from your time and effort in the long term. So, it is your responsibility to identify whether they deserve it or not.‍

What does an Account Manager do? (Roles, Responsibilities & Skills)

To win the account management program you have to equip your business with the right talent resource and adequate facilities. An account manager is an important resource that you require to carry out an effective strategic account planning program.

Listen Now: The Shift Podcast on Digital Key Account Management

Role of an Account Manager

Think of an account manager as a client’s best friend in your company. Their core role? Get to know everything about valuable customers and how to keep them happy. Account managers connect with clients to understand their goals, challenges, and what success looks like for them.

With that insight, your account manager can spot opportunities to strengthen partnerships. Maybe the client needs more support resources. Perhaps they’d benefit from priority access to new product features. The account manager handles it all – from coordinating internal teams to ensure seamless delivery to proactively advising clients so they get the most value.

Here’s a simple example: say you run a SaaS platform for HR teams. One of your top accounts is growing frustrated with complicated software integrations. Enter the account manager. They arrange workshops to simplify connectivity, secure developer resources for custom integrations, and advise the client on becoming a beta tester for new updates. The result? A relieved, loyal client with a fresh multi-year contract.

The key is the account manager takes full ownership of the client lifecycle. They don’t just fix problems – they anticipate needs to drive the partnership forward. And with the right account management services backing them, your clients keep succeeding with your product.

This end-to-end support is what retains and grows key accounts.

Responsibilities of an Account Manager

Key account managers foster valuable clients and help to find more opportunities to build relationships. They play a prominent role in the business process to enhance business prospects with the best clients with long-term engagement.

  • They work with the accounts to find new opportunities and evolving challenges
  • They take part in the problem-solving process with strategic solutions
  • They employ innovative techniques to build rapport with potential customers
  • They serve as a representative for the key accounts and contact points for the clients

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Skills Required for Effective Account Management

On the go, to perform all these tasks and excel in account management, it is essential to have some skill sets. You cannot afford to make anyone an account manager. They should possess some sort of account management skills. A few of them are listed below.

  • Good listening and understanding capacity
  • Collaborative and customization ability
  • Leadership and ownership capability
  • Management and business expertise
  • Dynamic business analytical knowledge
  • Excellent communication and accounting skills

Account Management Process : A Workflow for Account Management

1. Identifying Key Accounts

At times, when you have a surge of amazing customers with great business potential, it is common to think that you can make them all your key accounts. But not all of them are your key account partners. You have to strategically observe your customers and find – who are that few?Account Management 101 - Complete Guide for Account Managers (5)

Tamara Schenk, research director of CSO Insights, commented, “Companies should focus on the current state of account strategy implementation and next steps, as well as any needed adjustments of the strategic account plan.” Analyze the ratio of revenue to the cost of your customer from the first deal itself and estimate the prospective benefits you can acquire from them.Account Management 101 - Complete Guide for Account Managers (6)

White space analysis for account management

Picture the growth curve each of your customers can contribute to your business. Plus, the mutual benefits you can get in terms of revenue, profit, and leads in the long run. Then, finalize the partners that you would like to keep an extended relationship with.

Besides, in the process of identifying key accounts, there are a few factors that you can keep as a checklist. If you can match your customer with the list that helps you understand the relationship, benefits, product, cultural similarity, future business prospects, business process, revenue, partnership, location, etc. The companies that meet most of the parameters in the list can be taken up in your key accounts list. Having this in place will also help you with white space analysis of your key accounts to retain and grow them.

2. Developing Valuable Account Relationships

Once you have identified your key account management partners, it’s time to develop the relationship from a futuristic perspective. For that, a lot of strategic analysis and step-by-step orchestrations are involved.

Must Watch: Jenny Smith Byers, VP Client Services at TaskUs shares their experience around building & scaling processes for Key Account Management.

Strategic Analysis of Key Accounts

Unlike a sales process, account management is designed for a long relationship. So, it requires a meticulous understanding of the whole story that is going to happen between you and your key account partner. From the analysis, you can figure out what kind of relationship you are supposed to have and your current stage in the relationship.

The account relationship status can be classified as follows: you can identify the stages from here, In this first stage, you have to be more tactical in dealing.

Your customer probably has plenty of your kind to fulfill their requirements. Hence, you have to understand the business potential and formulate a tactical strategy to acquire a long-lasting partner.

Fine-tuning the Account Management Strategy

‍When the relationship grows to an operational level with mutual communication and frequent interaction about business cooperation, you can fine-tune your strategies. And that fine-tuning should please the customers to stick a little longer.

However, you have to keep analyzing the potential and the revenue-to-cost ratio at each point before being generous to acquire them. Then, when you and your customer agree with mutual consent to take forward the business you have reached a promising account management contract.

Your business interaction would take off from the operational stage to a more functional base. Further, you can have a mutually beneficial future and potential growth with the account.

3. Nurturing Key Account Relationships

For retaining and growing your existing key accounts, just developing these stakeholder relationships is not enough. You need to take a step forward and invest time and resources into nurturing the relationships with the people in your key accounts.

Imagine you recently landed a hotel chain switching their bookings platform to your SaaS solution. Sure, you popped some champagne when the contract got signed. But the account manager knows their job isn’t done. They set quarterly business reviews to check in with executives, IT teams, hotel GMs – and anyone who impacts renewal decisions.

These nurturing touchpoints uncover upsell opportunities other competitors would miss. Maybe a custom analytics dashboard for regional directors to spotlight high-performing locations? How about API integrations with distribution partners to expand international reach? If a key decision-maker switches companies, that account manager already has a relationship in place for retention and expansion discussions.

And those stakeholders can become powerful references and referrals too. According to Groove’s research, existing happy customers are 14 times more likely to buy from you again compared to new leads. Plus, Gallup found engaged customers provide 23% higher lifetime revenue through a share of wallet and advocacy.

It comes down to making clients feel so well-supported that the partnership almost runs itself. As customer service guru Shep Hyken says, you’ve nailed it when customers walk away eager to rave about you with others. Now, that’s how you cement an account for long-term success!

Account Management Model / Technique

Choosing the right account management model that fits may vary depending on the business proposition of the companies you might be engaging with. It is based on your B2B sales process, selling models, scope, competitive advantage, and business capacity.

1. Building long-term Account Relationships

Growing accounts over time are all about forging genuine connections – not just chasing the next transaction. If client relationships aren’t at the heart of your sales strategy, account management likely isn’t the best fit. You need to show customers you’re invested in their success for the long haul.

Say you run a customer service agency with a simple ticket-based system. Whenever users have an issue, they open a ticket, your team responds, the case is closed. That model is scalable, but it treats customers like one-off transactions versus valued partners.

Account management looks different. You proactively reach out to understand pain points before problems happen. You brainstorm improvements aligned to their larger business goals beyond support issues. It becomes an ongoing conversation where both sides share ideas to tighten the bond over years – not days.

The key ingredients you need include diverse solutions that provide value beyond anyone offering and a unique approach other firms can’t easily copy. Maybe you deliver both technology implementation and change management services. Perhaps you take a consultative approach to uncovering operational efficiencies support tickets would miss.

2. Growing Key Accounts

Your business USP is your asset!

Every business has unique selling propositions and has additional services/products to cross-sell. If your business cannot thrive in up-selling and cross-selling, or the customer doesn’t have any intention to indulge in another deal, account management becomes pointless. So, growing your potential in multilevel selling propositions is necessary.

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Download Now:Your Guide to Cross-selling and Up-selling

A good account manager should utilize all the possibilities as soon as the client makes a transactional relationship. Identification of these white-space opportunities will not only make the job of key account stakeholders easier but will also boost your profitability.

If you can expand the business all through the different corridors of the clients’ core and supporting business, your account management strategy can take home the trophy. Moreover, customers always seek the best for the best price and service. Account Management 101 - Complete Guide for Account Managers (9)

Your business’s competitive advantage is the quality of resources and advantages you can provide for your clients. A mutually benefiting yet compelling account management program, can help you in making the customers’ decisions inclined towards you more than your competitor.

Besides, the company’s business capacity is another key determiner of successful account management. The staff capacity, supportability, scalability, and resource availability play a leading role in carrying out an effective account management business model.

Top Account Management Challenges in 2024

Account Management 101 - Complete Guide for Account Managers (10)

Account management comes with its own set of complications. A few are discussed below.

  • Managing remote relationships: With remote work becoming more common, account managers may face challenges in building and maintaining relationships with customers who are located in different parts of the world. This requires strong communication skills and the ability to build rapport through virtual channels.
  • Balancing personalization and scale: Account managers need to strike a balance between personalization and scale when managing multiple accounts. This means developing strategies to personalize communications and tailor services to individual customers while maintaining efficiency and scalability.
  • Adapting to new technologies: Digitalization is the need of the hour. This is not a challenge, but account managers must adapt to digital key account management tools and platforms to stay competitive.
  • Shifting Customer Requirements: When the Statement of Work (SOW) in terms of resources and efforts required for a certain task is understood properly, it inhibits customer success, which is the top priority for account managers. According to Forrester Research, 72% of account managers have reported that customer success is their top priority, and not being able to manage that can be a bit frustrating.
  • Maintaining profitability: While account management is focused on building long-term relationships with customers, it’s also important to maintain profitability. Account managers need to balance the need to meet customer needs with the need to generate revenue and maintain margins.

Account Management 101 - Complete Guide for Account Managers (11)

Masterclass: Why do companies fail with key account management?

8 Account Management Best Practices for Enterprise Sales

The necessity of an effective account management process only looks great when you know that over 80% of your sales are generated from 20-30% of your clients. Thus, it demands greater care for these accounts that add value. So, the best way to keep such clients is to have an outstanding account planning program. Hence, let’s check some of the best practices of account management.

  1. Deploy dedicated account managers to set the focus on relationship building. Set them with definite objectives to follow that align with the business process.
  2. Develop identifying parameters to pick the right accounts that fit your company and bring promising benefits with potential growth prospects.
  3. Draft a transparent account transition policy from sales to accounting customers and make the move from the departments smooth.
  4. Draw a detailed customer profile to understand the customer and their business value. Also, mark up the goals and points.
  5. Drive a need assessment run with the data you have and find out the opportunities to expand your and your client’s business to new verticals.
  6. Design a detailed plan to define the best resources and offers you have for the accounts and approach them upfront with benefits and benchmarks.
  7. Dedicate an account calendar to follow up with your accounts regularly. Get them into the loop to exchange resources, update offers, and communicate business.
  8. Demonstrate periodic performance analysis and upkeep a policy to measure the goals with your account management KPIs.

Account Management 101 - Complete Guide for Account Managers (12)

The Mutual Benefits of Sales Account Management

Account management offers numerous benefits as a mutually beneficial relationship program that is not limited to good rapport and revenue but can beget several productive and profitable growth prospects as well.

  • Enhances your revenue and profitability exponentially
  • Opens new doors of opportunities to grow customer loyalty and revenue stream
  • Builds strong account relationships and thereby strengthens account control
  • Improves customer retention with strategic account operation and customer service.

The benefits of efficient key account management are not limited to these points. It offers surprising advantages with a comprehensive account management strategy. Companies can use this to reap greater profitability and gain exponential growth with steady revenue

Digitalizing Account Management in 2024

Global account management for the global customer

In this digital age of 2024, customers are looking for the perfect digital customer experience. They expect to get the product or service they choose from a variety of options at their disposal across the channel they prefer. 2024 is about building account-centric value propositions and communication plans and ensuring that the message is delivered to all the global stakeholders in a global account in a coordinated fashion.

This calls for re-evaluation and redefinition of a customer from a fairly passive recipient role as a buyer to someone actively engaged in the co-creation process of value. As customers take on roles other than only buyers, marketing can change from outbound to inbound marketing, inside sales can partly do sales, and both can be automated.

Account management for the long haul

Digitalization paves the way for a measurable business model in the form of “customer journey scorecards” that help account managers track the development within an account through various phases. According to SAMA, moving the focus from value quantification as a sales tool toward value verification as a tool creates long-term engagement with accounts and creates value for customers.

Automation of Account Management

Marketing and sales automation is another by-product of the digitalization of account management that lets you manage multiple marketing activities across channels such as websites, social media, emails, etc., and automate repetitive functions such as the marketing calendar, internal collaborations, and digital asset creation. Not only this, the software platforms let you tap into the vast amount of customer data to select, nurture, and predict the behavior of the stakeholders within your key account ecosystem and score them accordingly.

Closing notes

They say it takes a village to raise a child. Similarly, it takes a cross-functional team (led by an account manager) to nurture, grow, and retain a strategic account. Post the pandemic-accelerated digital transformation, many organizations realize that technology can be a critical member in that cross-functional team, driving value for their strategic accounts.

DemandFarm has been a leader in the key account management space since 2016, helping 100s of organizations maximize revenue from their strategic account portfolios. If you’d like to learn how we can surpercharge your KAM portfolio, we’d love to show you a customized demo.

Must Watch: The Shifting Landscape of Strategic Account Management (ft. SAMA)

Account Management 101 - Complete Guide for Account Managers (2024)
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Author: Arline Emard IV

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Name: Arline Emard IV

Birthday: 1996-07-10

Address: 8912 Hintz Shore, West Louie, AZ 69363-0747

Phone: +13454700762376

Job: Administration Technician

Hobby: Paintball, Horseback riding, Cycling, Running, Macrame, Playing musical instruments, Soapmaking

Introduction: My name is Arline Emard IV, I am a cheerful, gorgeous, colorful, joyous, excited, super, inquisitive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.