A user guide to all angel numbers and their meanings (2024)

Do you find 111 on your phone lock screen? Is your Netflix show paused at 22:22? Your usual coffee bill is ₹444? Then lighten up because the angels are around you.

Success in our endeavours, a helping hand or a guiding force; Angel numbers are here for us to understand the signs God or Universe are sending to us.

Angels, all angel numbers and their meanings, this phenomenon has been in existence for decades now. But the past pandemic years have revived the faith of people in angels and their symbols. Leading to the increased popularity of angel numbers in great amounts.

Inside this article you’re about to see a lot of angel numbers and signs, so gear up as you’re about to be enlightened. You can also take this article as a sign from angels.

Who are Angels?
Sometimes people wonder who are angels? The spirits, the energy one feels around them or are they spiritual beings? The answer to this is, they are all. Whether you think of angels as spiritual beings, helpers, friends, spirits or even just a mere feeling of some energy present. It is all true.

Angelos is a Greek word that means messengers. Angels are therefore considered to be messengers of God, the universe or the creator. Angels exist on energy levels or in spiritual realms. They have powers and blessings greater than any human. They connect us with god and god from us. God created them for us.

No matter your religion, Hinduism, Judaism, Christianity, angels are here for you. Even for sceptics. Lorna Byrne is a spiritual teacher who claims to have seen and felt angels. She once said that for every sceptic person she meets, she laughs because she does see their guardian angels with them. Thus making no exception, whether you believe in them or not. They are here for you.

If you’re waiting for any concrete proof of angels, well there was a time when there was no proof present for the earth being round, and people thought it was flat. Angels are now seen as more secular entities or spiritual creatures, with many atheists and sceptics believing in them. Though originally they might have only been associated with religion. They are now universally and majorly accepted.

Angels are appealing and accepted for a variety of reasons, including their representation of unconditional love and protection along with their spiritual nature. While God may be a distant and daunting phenomenon, angels feel more comforting and warm. Real or fictional angels have been with mankind for a kilo annum now and they will continue to be so.

All angel numbers and their meanings are a form of communication through which angels communicate god’s or the universe’s messages to us. Angels are created for us, to show us the right path, to guide us, protect us, bless our goals and keep our faith.

Angels are present in energy forms, they are not physically visible to us. But people do claim to have seen their presence. These people can be clairvoyants, priests, or highly spiritually developed individuals. Even for an ordinary man, there are instances where one can feel the presence of someone else.

This light and loving sensation are what we can assume to be the presence of an angel. Angels are said to wrap their enormous arms around us in need, comforting us with their warmth. In sickness-in health, in joy-in sorrow, angels are here with us. Just like the vows you make at your wedding. Unlike a few marriages, angels are present here to maintain these vows with us. These are one-sided, unconditional and unlimited vows.

Guardian Angels

Just like we have parents, siblings and grandparents. We have our Guardian Angels. Our guardian angels are two angels which have been assigned to us since before our birth. Whenever a soul is born, he/she is assigned with these two angels.

Our Guardian Angels are here to help us, guide us and protect us. Their purpose in our lives is to keep us on the right path. In danger, in hope, in need, these guardian angels come and provide us with what we need. Whenever we call them, they come to us.

Even for our day-to-day problems. Where we are confused between two options, or have to make a decision. We can ask our guardian angels to give us the right answer. Scriptures affirm for us to trust these angels and call them as much as our heart desires.

What are Angel Numbers?

Numerology is one of the few sciences that has been proved time again by many, from priests to mathematicians. All angel numbers and their meanings are tied up with this phenomenon of numerology.

However, the difference between numerology and its meaning and all angel numbers and their meanings are the series of digits. Numerology is one digit. For example number 1 or 4. Whereas angel numbers are when you see a repetitive series of digits. Such as 1111 or 555.

There are no coincidences that happen when we see a series of numbers repeatedly, they are meant for us to be seen. It’s angels communicating with us. Guiding us towards the right path, communicating God’s desires to us, granting us with our wishes.

If we look at it this way. Imagine you want to know if the new business partner you are partnering with is right. You ask God and you see a huge spiritual creature standing behind you; an angel. But won’t that startle you? Therefore we have these subtle indications and signs of communication through numbers.

Numbers aren’t the only way of communication. There are symbols that we see, like coins rattling or butterflies. But that’s a completely different and detailed topic altogether and we’re here to talk about all angel numbers and their meanings, so let’s continue.

These numbers can be seen anywhere, the last digits of a call you’re getting. Clock, your voter id number, your seats at a movie theatre, a random billboard, license plates and many more. Anywhere where digits are present, communicating with angels can be present too. It’s just about the timing.

Sometimes it also happens that one can see a random series of numbers again and again. Like 3678, 214 or numbers in any other form. These numbers don’t commonly mean a specific thing. But these are your angel numbers. Angels communicating specifically with you. Find out what your angel number means by adding all the digits together. The following answer, the significance of the digit through numerology, is your answer to what your angels are communicating with you.

Numbers and their interpretation are the easiest and most convenient ways for humans to interpret the messages and signs of God, the universe or any greater power you believe in. Hence angel numbers nowadays are the most talked about and google-searched phenomenon.

Below you can find all angel numbers and their meanings, with each one specifically described for you to understand the different roles each angel number plays in our lives.

All angel numbers and their meanings

Not all angel numbers mean the same thing. Suppose you see 555 or 1212 that does not mean that you have to make a wish or that your angels are here to fulfil a wish.

Every particular number or series of numbers, all have their own meanings and significance. Here is a user guide on all angel numbers and their meanings:

111 or 1111

A repetitive sequence of 111 or 11 11 is a very auspicious sign. It signifies powerful manifestation. This time is to plant a seed or start the pot. What you desire, put it out in the universe and it shall be given to you. Seeing this number also replicates your thoughts. So what you think , happens.

So when you see these numbers, make a wish and trust the universe. Wish-fulfilling energies are present within 111/1111. Angels of manifestations are around who carry our manifestation to god or the universe and fulfil it. Of all angel numbers and their meanings , this one is the most powerful manifesting angel number.

222 or 2222

This angel number carries strong energies of harmony. A very collaborative and harmonious time is signified through it. This could mean your existing business partnership is right for you, or your current love relationship is fruitful. Alignment, love, support etc are the energies that come along with this angel number.

It signifies good relationships or you can ask the angels of relationship to bless any conflict between you and your friend, husband/wife or boss. 222/2222 could also mean a new relationship is coming your way, for all single people. A new business collaboration, investor or support from a friend, love interest. All sorts of harmony indications.

333 or 3333

3 in itself is a very divine number. The three main Hindu gods (Lord Shiva, Lord Brahma and Lord Vishnu), Trinity Gods of Christianity ( the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit) or even in physical matters the mind, body and spirit. Three is present everywhere.

Now imagine the power of 3 into 3 times. This means of all angel numbers and their meanings, 333 carries divine powers like no other. Hence it signifies power and abundance. Abundant creative energies are present. Holy energies and present. 333/3333 means it’s time to ask for more clarity, creativity or absorbing holiness. With the presence of God and spirit together, this is a time of high vibrations and good news.

444 or 4444

This symbolises that angels are around you, watching over you and guiding you. Particularly your guardian angels are here for you. Protecting you and letting you know their presence.

Guardian angels guiding you to the right path and telling you that you are being watched over, need not worry. It is a sign of divine intervention and help. Seeing this number repeatedly means you are being guided and protected at all times.

555 or 5555

Change is here. This angel number signifies that change is imminent and benevolent. Change can be daunting, but seeing this number will make the forthcoming change favourable for you.

A shift from an existing situation, transition to something new or changes in the current environment are likely to follow. Prepare for it and Embrace it. The angels are here to forecast your future desirable change or shift in life.

666 or 6666

Sometimes we lose track and fall prey to evil. Seeing this number signifies reflection and refocus. The angels are sensing some imbalance, so they’re here to warn you.

This time is to introspect and detect what’s becoming a hindrance or issue. Reflect on what negative thinking you are indulging in. Time to refocus and alter your thoughts to positive ones. Angels are here to check you, correct you and thus help you.

777 or 7777

Of all angel numbers and their meanings, this one means the most powerful when it comes to spirituality. This signifies spiritual awakening. A divine and spiritual connection between the body and the soul. It could also be a reassurance that you’re rightly on your spiritual path.

Apart from spirituality. 777 or 7777 also denotes wisdom. You are wise and capable. Your forthcoming decisions would be wise for you. Wisdom is wishing you, guiding you to make the right choices or decisions. Angels are here to impart you with this wisdom to help you further.

888 or 8888

This number is here for you to absorb all abundance showering onto your life. Abundance and good things falling into place are what this angel number signifies. Angels are here to shower you with abundance and good news. Take it all in.

This abundance could be for finances, relationships or health. However, mostly it means financial abundance. Any money which has been stuck up for months? It’ll flow to you now. The money you desire is on its way to you. Drench yourself in this financial abundance.

999 or 9999

A very important part of our lives is to let go of what doesn’t serve us well anymore. The more space you create by letting go, the more new good things can find space. When you empty a vessel, only then you can fill it with what you desire.

999 or 9999 is a time when angels are asking you to let go of negative thinking, negative relationships or anything which is harbouring your growth. It’s time to wrap those things up and throw them out. Leaving space for fresh and new things to flow.


Inside the world of angel numbers 000 also has huge significance. When you see this number it indicates new beginnings and fresh starts. Just like zero is the start to digits. Zero indicates the start of new ventures, new relationships and new opportunities coming to you.

You can seek blessings from the angel present for new endeavours. 000 also indicates a completion of the circle. Completion of some past events. End of a cycle and the beginning of a new one. Fasten up your seat belt and start your new journey.

Apart from these series of repetitive numbers, there are other combinations of numbers that are said to be signs of angels communicating to you. These numbers are not similar in digits but possess a unique power within them. These are:

This number simply means that the angels are around you to support you. Seek their blessings or ask them to bless something specifically for you. Angels are here to connect you with the ultimate source, thus providing you power and bliss.

This angel number is a powerful manifestor. Angels are here to tell you that you yourself can create your desires with the help of this number. 369 is a divine manifesting code. Where people can fulfill their desires by using and employing these numbers in their manifestations.

Just like 1,2,3; get-set-go. This series of ascending numbers is to signify readiness to receive good news. Good things are coming to you. Sometimes it also means a four-step process towards your manifestation. Clarity, Setting your intention, Visualisation, and lastly gratitude.

What you should do when you see an angel number

Now that you know what all angel numbers and their meanings each signify. Whenever you see a particular angel number remember what it’s trying to indicate. Take a few deep breaths. Be in a meditative and more importantly a positive mind-state. Now do what the angel number asks you to do. Whether it’s accepting abundance or making a wish. Do it. Have gratitude in your heart and let go.

Don’t fixate on it, don’t bother. It is done. Continue forward with your day knowing that your angels are with you and doing what they do best. Blessing and protecting you.


These numbers are here for you to give you hope and positivity. A common mistake people often make is to attach themselves too much to these numbers. Keep checking to see them or get disheartened when they don’t see them. This thus generates anxiety, frustration and worry. One should not fixate on them.

Fixating always leads to anxiety and that is not the purpose of angel numbers. Don’t let yourself dwell if you’re not seeing these numbers. Don’t get discouraged. Angel numbers are here to lighten up and show you that you’re being taken care of.

We should let these angel numbers be the subtle and loving signs of communication and not assign worry to them.

It is very important to understand that you only will see them when you do. You can’t set alarms at 3:33 pm to see it. Doing so will hamper the meaning of these numbers. You are supposed to see them when the angels desire for you to see them. Wait and you shall.

Becoming more aware and accepting the power which is present beyond our imagination is the purpose of angel numbers and their phenomena. Save this article as a guide to know what any or all angel numbers and their meanings signify. 1111 here’s your sign for today. Make a wish.

A user guide to all angel numbers and their meanings (2024)
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Introduction: My name is Roderick King, I am a cute, splendid, excited, perfect, gentle, funny, vivacious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.