A Simple Guide For Choosing Best Investments During A Crisis (2024)

Throughout human history, we have been threatened by various crises. Some of these crises have been financial, like the banking and currency crisis, while others have been economic, like the debt crisis and the sub-prime crisis. But, perhaps the ones that we remember most vividly are social crises like food shortages and high unemployment, along with political and international crises like the current Ukraine-Russia conflict. While global markets have mostly weathered the initial shock of the Ukraine-Russia crisis, there are quite a few learnings that we can draw from the recent conflict.

In this blog, we will discuss how you should plan your investments during times of crisis to make the best of the situation. This will ensure that you do not panic or make emotionally-charged investment decisions that you will regret later. We will tell you all these things but let’s first take a closer look at how most investors react to a crisis.

How Do Most Investors React To A Crisis?

Irrespective of the type of crisis, there is always significant noise regarding the latest developments, and this noise inevitably impacts investors. The typical reaction of investors to a crisis is to panic and start selling their Equity investments even if they incur a loss. This decision to sell in a panic is often the wrong one yet it happens every time because of the overwhelming fear of further losses.

But even though you might not make a panic sale during a crisis, finding suitable investments during such periods can prove to be tricky. Some problems that you need to look out for when making investments during a crisis are – high volatility in Equity markets and chances of a double-dip recession.

The current crisis playing out in Ukraine currently seems to be following the same pattern. After the initial decline in Indian stock markets, the overall market has recovered significantly, yet there is definitely a lot of uncertainty regarding the future prospects of investments make during the current crisis. To get a better idea of how the current crisis might play out, let’s look at the impact of war on Equity investments.

What Is The Impact Of War On Equity Markets?

Most asset classes, sectors, and industries are adversely impacted by war. This is because war leads to trade disruptions, sanctions, higher inflation and tariffs and also a shortage of raw materials. Together these factors can result in a significant 10-30% drop in Equity share prices of many companies.

For example, during the current Ukraine-Russia conflict, the price of commodities like wheat, cooking oil, nickel, natural gas, and petroleum have increased considerably. This is a because both Russia and Ukraine export these commodities globally, and the current conflict has led to significant supply disruptions.

Due to this sudden increase in commodities prices globally, economies around the world, including India, will be impacted in the short as well as the medium to long term. But apart from the shortage in commodities and higher input costs, there is another reason for the correction in Equities during times of crisis. This is linked to the perception of investors and the fear that further corrections will occur in Equity markets.

Nonetheless, historical data regarding the longer-term performance of Equity markets following a crisis has shown a different trend. The below table shows the performance of the US Dow Jones Industrial Average after some key post-war crisis:

Dow Jones Performance after Post War Crises (1948-1990)
Market Low Date1 Year Returns Post Crisis2 Years Returns Post Crisis
Berlin Blockade19/07/1948-3.3%13.2%
Korean War13/07/195028.8%39.3%
1962 Stock Market Crash26/06/196232.3%55.1%
Cuban Missile Crisis23/10/196233.8%57.3%
Kennedy Assassination22/11/196325.0%33.0%
Gulf of Tonkin Attack06/08/19647.20%3.10%
Stock Market Crash 1969-7026/05/197043.60%53.90%
Stock Market Crash 1973-7406/12/197042.20%66.50%
Oil Crisis 1979-8027/03/198027.90%5.90%
Stock Market Crash 198719/10/198722.90%54.30%
Gulf War 199023/08/199023.6%31.30%
Average Market Appreciation25.80%37.50%

As you can see, the impact of war or other crisis on Equity markets has historically been short-lived. There has been a significant recovery within a year or two of markets reaching record lows. It is because, Equity markets typically adjust to the new reality within a short time, and growth returns shortly afterward.

A similar trend exists in the case of Indian Equities as well. The below table shows the impact of war and other domestic geopolitical crisis in Indian markets:

Impact of Geopolitical Crisis on the NIFTY 50 (1999-2020)
1 Day Returns1 Week Returns1 Year Returns
Kargil War 8 May 19992.9%9.6%24.7%
Attack On Parliament 13 Dec 2001-0.8%-2.3%0.0%
Samjhauta Express Blast 20 Feb 2007-1.4%-3.5%19.9%
Mumbai Attacks 26 Nov 20080.1%-3.5%81.9%
Surgical Strikes Across LoC 29 Sep 20161.0%-0.2%13.9%
Pulwama Attack 14 Feb 2019-0.4%-1.8%12.7%
Balakot Airstrike 26 Feb 2019-0.3%2.0%7.8%
Galwan Valley Skirmish 15 June 20201.0%6.7%61.7%

As you can see, Indian stock markets too have historically managed to recover quite well within a year of the crisis. So, if you are a long-term investor, you should not follow the masses and sell your Equity investments when a crisis happens. Just focus on time in market instead of trying to time the market to benefit from your investments.

How To Choose Investments During A Crisis?

Any crisis, whether economic, geo-political or socio-economic, offers multiple opportunities to grow your wealth. In fact, historical data shows that periods of crisis often help investors generate excess returns, provided they choose investments wisely. The primary reason for this is of course, the behavior of investors in response to any crisis.

Typically at the onset of a crisis, investors usually decide to move their investments to sectors, industries, and asset classes that are considered to be “safe”. These include technology, utilities, consumer staples, and gold. While such investments can help control Equity portfolio losses to some extent, there is no guarantee that these investments will help create wealth in the long term.

A few smarter investors might choose a different option – short selling of stocks or index futures. A short-seller is able to make money from the fall of share prices or drawdown of indices. In simple terms, the short-sellers borrow shares they do not already own and sell them with the expectation that the shares can be available to purchase at a lower price later on. However, short-selling transactions are not simple as buying and redeeming Mutual Fund units, so this technique of benefiting from falling markets is not suitable for all investors.

How to Invest During Market Drawdowns?

During a drawdown in Equity markets, you can invest in high-quality stocks that are available at cheap valuations. To choose the best high-quality stocks during a crisis period, you have to consider some key criteria as follows:

1. Invest In Companies That Provide Essential Good And Services

During periods of crisis, opting for stocks of companies that provide essential goods and services is typically a good idea. This is because sectors that deal with essential items and everyday needs products like soap, milk, medicines, rice, etc. tend to do better during periods of crisis. In the case of other products or services, individuals might have the opportunity to postpone purchases, but that is not the case when it comes to essentials or everyday needs items.

Similarly, you should consider avoiding companies that operate in discretionary consumption segments like jewelry, automobiles, hospitality and entertainment, travel, etc. During times of crisis, the stocks of these companies might be available at a large discount, but such businesses typically take longer to recover and flourish post-crisis.

2. Find Companies That Control Their Own Supply Chain

Supply chain disruptions are to be expected during times of war. So it is natural for many companies to face raw material shortages that impact production. In such circ*mstances, companies that operate their own supply chain have a significant advantage.

This is because companies with direct distributors are typically able to normalize their supply chain faster than companies that use wholesalers. Similarly, companies that operate B2C channels on their own such as showrooms, diagnostic labs, etc. are better placed to rebound faster than companies that rely on a third-party.

3. Choose Companies That Support Its Stakeholders

Another factor to consider when you are investing during a crisis is the way in which a company manages the interest of its stakeholders. If a company is able to extend extra credit or give working capital loans to its suppliers, vendors, and distributors during a crisis, it is a sign that the company’s financials are strong.

A strong balance sheet indicates that the company is better placed to survive a crisis than its financially weaker peers. Moreover, if the number of market players decreases during the crisis, companies with a strong balance sheet can post significant gains in terms of market share by the time the crisis ends.

4. Companies Positioned To Increase Market Share

Typically, a period of crisis almost always leads to a shift in market share from unorganized to organized players. In effect, strong companies are made stronger by crisis, while weak companies become weaker and might even cease to exist.

So, you should invest in a company that belongs to a high-demand sector and has the ability to plug the supply chain gap. Such a company might be able to grab greater market share and emerge as a premium brand by increasing advertising spending during periods of crisis.

Some examples of industries that such companies can belong to include electronics equipment, supply chain, and logistics, textiles, footwear, packaged foods, etc.

The Smart Way To Choose Investments During A Crisis

If you have a well-diversified portfolio and rebalance your investments periodically, you do not need to worry about the short-term ups and downs of Equity Markets. The smart way to create a well-diversified portfolio that is rebalanced in response to market conditions is to become an ET Money Genius member.

ET Money Genius membership gives you access to 6 customized strategies based on your investment goals and personalized investment portfolios across Mutual Funds or stocks and ETFs. Some of the key benefits of ET Money Genius membership are:

  • Multi-asset allocation across various asset classes in line with financial goals
  • Risk management of your portfolio in response to changing market conditions
  • Monthly one-tap rebalancing of your portfolio
  • Consistent returns higher than the benchmark to reduce volatility and protect portfolio downside

Bottom Line

The ongoing Ukraine-Russia conflict is not the first crisis that has occurred, and we are sure to see other crises in the future too. The best way to overcome these crises is to ignore the noise, act rationally and stay invested for the long term. Investors who stay calm during periods of crisis not only grow their wealth in the long term but also tend to win big when markets rebound later.

A Simple Guide For Choosing Best Investments During A Crisis (2024)


A Simple Guide For Choosing Best Investments During A Crisis? ›

During periods of crisis, opting for stocks of companies that provide essential goods and services is typically a good idea. This is because sectors that deal with essential items and everyday needs products like soap, milk, medicines, rice, etc.

What is the best asset to hold during a recession? ›

Cash. Cash is an important asset during a recession. Having an emergency fund to tap if you need extra cash is helpful. This way, you can let your investments ride out market lows and capitalize on long-term growth.

What is the safest investment in a recession? ›

Healthy large cap stocks also tend to hold up relatively well during downturns. Investing in broad funds can help reduce recession risk through diversification. Bonds and dividend stocks can provide income to cushion investors against downturns.

How much money do I need to invest to make $3,000 a month? ›

Imagine you wish to amass $3000 monthly from your investments, amounting to $36,000 annually. If you park your funds in a savings account offering a 2% annual interest rate, you'd need to inject roughly $1.8 million into the account.

How to invest in a crisis? ›

Strong Balance Sheets. A good investment strategy during a recession is to look for companies that are maintaining strong balance sheets or steady business models despite the economic headwinds. Some examples of these types of companies include utilities, basic consumer goods conglomerates, and defense stocks.

Where is the safest place to put your money during a recession? ›

Treasury Bonds

Treasurys, says Collins, are similar to government and corporate bonds, as they are backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. government. They are typically seen as safe investments during a recession.

What not to invest in during a recession? ›

Avoiding highly indebted companies, high-yield bonds and speculative investments will be important during a recession to ensure your portfolio is not exposed to unnecessary risk. Instead, it's better to focus on high-quality government securities, investment-grade bonds and companies with sound balance sheets.

Is cash king during a recession? ›

Cash Is King During a Recession

However, selling investments to get cash in anticipation of a recession is risky. You might sell prematurely and get trapped in cash as markets rise.

Can you lose money in a savings account during a recession? ›

Saving Accounts

Like checking accounts, they're federally insured and are generally the simplest and safest place to keep cash in good times and bad.

What investments did well in the 2008 crash? ›

Gold Bullion. Gold is the go-to choice of many investors coping with market volatility. Gold's value typically increases when the overall market struggles. Between 2008 and 2011, for example, gold's price rose more than 100% as the economy struggled through the Great Recession and moved into recovery.

How much do you need to invest a month to become a millionaire? ›

So, what do you need to do to have $1 million after five years? If you have never invested before (you have zero balance in your investment account), you need to invest approximately $12,821 at the end of every month for the next five years.

How to invest $100 000 to make $1 million? ›

Buy a low-cost index fund that tracks the S&P 500; your $100,000 could grow to $1 million in about 23 years. You'll get there even faster by investing additional funds. Add $500 monthly and reach $1 million in just 19 years. Of course, past results don't guarantee future outcomes, but history is on investors' side.

How much money do you have to make a month to make $100000 a year? ›

$100,000 a year is how much a month? If you make $100,000 a year, your monthly salary would be $8,333.87.

What assets are good during a recession? ›

Still, here are seven types of investments that could position your portfolio for resilience if recession is on your mind:
  • Defensive sector stocks and funds.
  • Dividend-paying large-cap stocks.
  • Government bonds and top-rated corporate bonds.
  • Treasury bonds.
  • Gold.
  • Real estate.
  • Cash and cash equivalents.
Nov 30, 2023

How to become a millionaire during a recession? ›

3 Ways to Get Rich During a Recession
  1. Invest as much as you can. The easiest way to get rich during a recession is to invest as much money into the stock market as you can. ...
  2. Protect your income. Stable income is a key part of personal finance success, including building wealth. ...
  3. Cut back on expenses.
Jan 14, 2023

What food to buy before a recession? ›

Canned meats are a good selection. Rice and varieties of beans are nutritious and long-lasting. Ready-to-eat cereals, pasta mixes, rice mixes, dried fruits, etc.

Which asset is recession proof? ›

Examples of recession-proof assets include cash and cash-equivalent investments, such as three-month U.S. Treasury bills, while examples of recession-proof industries are consumer staples, utilities, and healthcare, among others.

How to make money during a recession? ›

Recessions can also push you to reexamine your finances, develop passive income streams, and consult financial advisers to make sure your assets are safe.
  1. Cut living expenses. ...
  2. Build an emergency fund. ...
  3. Develop new skills. ...
  4. Speak with a financial adviser. ...
  5. Create passive income sources. ...
  6. Start a business. ...
  7. Consumer staples. ...
  8. Bonds.
Jan 5, 2024

Should I hold cash in a recession? ›

Cash gives you a lot of options. You can spend it if you need to, for example, if you lose your job during a recession, and it allows you to make an opportunistic investment if the stock market suddenly sells off or you find the perfect house later on. But there is a downside to holding too much cash.

Where does the money go during a recession? ›

During recessions, one of the primary culprits responsible for money vanishing into thin air is the collapse of banks. As financial institutions crumble under the weight of bad loans and dwindling assets, they often go belly up, taking the money entrusted to them along for the ride.

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Name: Carmelo Roob

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