A Silver Price Forecast For 2024 (2024)

Since August 15th, 2024, silver left an important trace on its chart: $27.59. For our silver price target of $34.70 to be hit in 2024, silver must respect $27.59 in the remainder of 2024 on a 13-day closing basis. If successful, the next silver price target will be $48-50.

Silver continues its move higher, in line with our silver price forecast. While our first bullish target of $34.70 was almost hit, it looks like our second target of $48-$50 is now officially postponed to mid-2025 as per the silver chart setup of June 21st, 2024.

Related –When Will Silver Hit $50 An Ounce?

We expect silver to move higher in 2024 because the top in Yields is confirmed. Silver and Yields are inversely correlated. Our bullish silver price forecast 2024 is supported by silver’s 4 leading indicators:

  1. Gold’s secular bull market;
  2. Yields setting a top;
  3. USD is lacking bullish momentum;
  4. Inflation expectations respecting their uptrend.

In this article, we focus on the details how we derive our bullish silver forecast. Readers that are not interested in the details, can focus on the outcomes, conclusions, summaries provided in this long article.

Latest updateAugust 29th, 2024, InvestingHaven’s research team confirms that 34.70 USD/oz is still a feasible target in 2024. Our second bullish target of $48-$50 is likely going to be hit in the period April through June of 2025 (alternatively December of 2025).

Our silver forecasts: a deep understanding of the silver market, hard work, over many decades

At InvestingHaven, we do the hard work, the genuine forecasting work. The information in this silver forecast is the result of two decades of hard work, analyzing markets, particularly precious metals, focusing on understanding price influencers. Thorough research, consistently refined over two decades, is the basis for our silver forecast(s).

In other words, this is a silver price forecast, based on a deep understanding and thorough analysis of silver price influencers.

Nowadays, the web is full of fake silver price forecasts. Many sites publish large tables, generated by AI, with price calculations for the next years, positioning those endless series of numbers as silver price forecasts. There is no silver forecasting involved in this; it’s price dumps practice which leaves the reader confused. We care about our readers.

Silver forecast analysis: outline

We have a very different view on how to predict the price of silver. If you are looking to understand the true dynamics driving the silver price, you will love our silver price prediction methodology.

  • 1. Silver prediction: summary
  • 2. Another Silver Price Prediction: Why?
  • 3. Leading indicators supporting our silver price prediction
  • 4. Our silver price prediction 2024
  • 5. Silver charts that support our forecast
  • 6. Silver’s leading indicator #1: Gold
  • 7. Silver’s leading indicator #2: Euro (USD)
  • 8. Silver’s leading indicator #3: Inflation expectations
  • 9. Silver’s leading indicator #4: Futures market (CoT)
  • 10. Physical silver market: physical shortage in 2024
  • 11. Silver price chart: a bullish reversal is almost complete
  • 12. Silver price forecast 2024: conclusion
  • 13. Silver price prediction Log (2024 update)
  • 14. Our track record predicting the price of silver
  • 15. Track our silver forecasts

What is the single most important influencer of the price of silver in order to meet our silver forecast 2024? There are four influencers:

  • Gold price: bullish even though hitting resistance. Read also our latest gold prediction 2025, 2026, 2030.
  • 10-Year Yields: topping, inversely correlated to silver.
  • USD: not experiencing a bull run.
  • Silver CoT: not bullish unfortunately.

August 29th, 2024 – While geopolitical tensions, both in the Middle East and amplified by Ukraine/Russia, in May and June of 2024, have been creating even more uncertainty but didn’t result in a meaningful move higher in precious metals. However, constant uncertainty about geopolitical turmoil is present in today’s environment. This, combined with the prospects of rate cuts in the US as confirmed by Chair Powell on August 23d, 2024, gives a continuous though soft catalyst to support precious metals.

Silver prediction: summary

We re-iterate our bullish stance about the silver market. Our silver price target stands strong.

The summary of our silver forecast 2024:

For 2024, we continue to predict that silver will rise to 28 USD/oz which is a secular breakout level. Whether it will succeed in clearing secular resistance will depend whether 10-Year Yields will confirm a local top. Stated differently, TNX is the last obstacle for silver to move higher. Once silver moves to 28 USD/oz, it will run quickly to the 32-36 area, a move which we expect to occur in the first half of 2024.

For 2024, we firmly believe that silver has everything that it needs to stage a secular breakout in 2024. In other words, our expectation is that silver will break out in the first part of 2024. That’s why we prefer to wait for silver to clear 26 USD/oz which will open the door to move to 28 and 34.70 USD/oz.

July 14th, 2024 – Our silver forecast, discussed in the previous paragraph which we published in Oct of 2023, came true today! While 34.70 USD/oz was not touched, not yet, it looks like there is still a possibility that this will happen, either late 2024.

RELATED – Can The Silver Price Hit $100 an Ounce?

4 leading indicators supporting our silver price prediction

We work with a limited number of leading indicators for our silver price predictions:

  1. The price of gold (positively correlated to silver).
  2. The Euro (inversely correlated to the USD).
  3. Inflation expectations (positively correlated to silver).
  4. The futures market positioning (CoT).

In 2022, we noticed how a strong rise in the U.S. Dollar and consequently big decline in inflation expectations broke the secular breakout in silver that started in Q1. However, the silver CoT report continued to improve to the extent that it became historically bullish in Q3.

We believe that all leading indicators will turn bullish for silver in 2024, the only one that needs confirmation is 10-Year-Yields: if prices of Treasuries move a little higher, Yields a little lower, it will open the door for silver to move to our projected targets, first $34.70 followed by $50.00 sooner or later.

Our silver price prediction 2024

We turn to the silver charts to support our silver price forecast 2024.

As seen on the longest timeframe, the silver price chart over 50 years, there is a giant cup and handle in the making. This is a strongly bullish pattern, one that might take two more years to truly explode.

The area in green is the ‘handle’, it took some 6 years to create the first part of the structure. The consolidation is taking some 3 years now. We find it challenging to estimate the exact time required for this formation to complete. We can reasonably expect silver to move to the top of this formation (between 32 and 36 USD) in the first half of 2024.

July 14th, 2024 – The very bullish cup-and-handle reversal keeps on improving with each passing month. A breakout is in progress, on the daily timeframe and soon on the weekly timeframe as well. On the quarterly silver price chart, shown below, the breakout will be in progress once 25 – 27 USD/oz is confirmed to be cleared with at least one full quarterly candle above that level without touching it.

August 29th, 2024 – While the silver price retraced, just slightly, mid-summer 2024, it seems to not have affected the long term chart setup at all. Silver is, since August 15th, 2024, back above the really important level of 27.70 USD/oz. If this level is respected throughout the remainder of 2024, on a 5 to 8 day closing basis, it will open the door for an ultra-bullish 2025!

A Silver Price Forecast For 2024 (1)

Silver charts that support our forecast

We start with the weekly gold to silver ratio over 50 years.

We explained the importance and the meaning of the gold to silver ratio, in great detail, in this article:Gold-to-Silver Ratio and Historic Silver Rallies:

The historical evidence suggests that the gold-to-silver ratio entering the 80 to 100x range may act as a signal for a significant rally in the price of silver. At this very point in time, the gold to silver ratio chart embedded in this article shows how this ratio is above 80x since early 2022. This ratio is not a timing indicator, it is a stretch indicator. It suggests that silver is extremely undervalued relative to gold, it suggests that it’s a matter of time untilspot silverstarts reacting to the upside!

The gold to silver ratio chart over 50 years is shown below.

July 14th, 2024 – We set a target of 40 points in the gold to silver price ratio. For this target to be hit, silver has to double with gold being equal. We believe this target of 40 points may be hit either by mid-2024 or otherwise mid-2025.

August 12th, 2024 – As the gold to silver price ratio did not fall below 75 points, it ‘had to‘ bounce back higher. From support to resistance, that’s how all charts move. Eventually, silver will outperform gold and once the break below 75 points happens in gold to silver it will be ‘hallelujah‘ time in the silver market. This magic moment for silver investors is postponed with a few months or quarters.

A Silver Price Forecast For 2024 (2)

The 2nd chart that supports a higher spot silver price in 2024 is the correlation between inflation expectations (TIP), gold and SPX.

The decline in 2022 in all 3 of them is telling. We expected that all 3 of them will stop declining and turn up in 2023, which happened although without follow-through.

With the correlation between those 3 markets in mind, we look at the current setups in silver / TIP / SPX.

Silver is setting a very strong inverted head & shoulders pattern, stocks are setting a double bottom (pending validation though), TIP looks to be consolidating.

A Silver Price Forecast For 2024 (3)

We believe all 3 instruments will move higher in 2024.

Silver’s leading indicator #1: Gold

We expected gold to eventually move higher in 2023, and it happened, driven by the divergence between its leading indicator M2 (the monetary base). The way we look at this leading indicator is that it is now supportive while it had a negative divergence a while ago.

July 14th, 2024 – Gold has been playing catch up as it relates to the rise in the monetary base. Gold may continue to rise until it stabilizes relative to the monetary base. In the end, monetary inflation remains one of the key drivers and price influencers of gold.

A Silver Price Forecast For 2024 (4)

We gave much more detail about the expected path of gold in 2024 in our gold forecast.

Silver’s leading indicator #2: Euro (USD)

Precious metals need a rising Euro (falling or flat USD) in order to shine.

If we look at the Euro chart on the longest timeframe we find 2 bearish targets: 0.9666 and ultimately 0.91-0.92. The first one was hit, a big bounce was triggered.

August 29th, 2024 – We see a strong price action in EURUSD in August of 2024. This is very supportive for precious metals. The probability of the USD to stage a strong bull run in the foreseeable future, which would be bad news for precious metals, is now very low.

A Silver Price Forecast For 2024 (5)

Silver’s leading indicator #3: Inflation expectations

Inflation expectations are positively correlated to precious metals. They are a very strong a leading indicator, certainly when combined with the USD/ Euro effect.

The long term setup in TIP seems to be hitting a multi-decade low in the context of its rising channel. Can TIP move lower? While everything is possible, we see that the recent decline was equally large as the previous ones in 2008 and 2020. That’s why we believe TIP is about complete its consolidation and move higher in 2024. We see a double bottom between Oct 2022 and Oct 2023 which should resolve higher, making it possible for silver to stage its long-overdue and long-awaited rally in the first half of 2024!

July 14th, 2024 – Inflation expectations uptrend should be respected for gold & silver to move higher. For now, TIP, representing inflation expectations, is supportive of rising silver prices.

A Silver Price Forecast For 2024 (6)

The medium term chart of silver / SPX / TIP, shown below, makes the point: a turning point in all three markets is not far away. All three should resolve higher in 2024.

A Silver Price Forecast For 2024 (7)

Silver’s leading indicator #4: Futures market (CoT)

This is the most bullish leading indicator for silver, way before 2024 kicks off. This leading indicator will act like fuel in 2024 whenever the other leading indicators turn bullish for silver!

The way to think of this leading indicator for silver is a stretch indicator:

  • When net positions in the futures market of commercials and non-commercials are stretched it indicates that price is going to take a turn.
  • This is not a timing indicator, we need the silver price chart to determine the timing of a turning point.
  • Right now, as per the data on the center pane (blue and red bars) we see that commercials and non-commercials have extremely low net positions, historically low. This is a setup that supports rising silver prices.
  • What we want to see in 2024 is the red and blue bars rising not so fast as the price of silver is moving towards 28 USD, the secular breakout point.

We recommend reading Ted Butler’s work who is the expert in reading the CoT report in silver. He also explains how price setting in the silver market is dominated by CoT. He is a lonely voice in pointing out how tight the physical silver market currently is, as we head into 2024, because of an epic turnover in physical silver warehouses.

August 29th, 2024 – The silver CoT report turned very bearish in April of 2024 with red hot readings in net positions of commercials. Silver is now back to a more healthy situation. The point is that this report shown below acts as a stretch indicator – extreme positions in net short positions of commercials do not allow for lots of upside in the price of silver.

A Silver Price Forecast For 2024 (8)

Physical silver market: physical shortage in 2023 & 2024

As discussed inour recent article that talks about the developing silver shortage, a supply deficit is growing in the physical silver market.

According to The Silver Institute) theglobal silver market should record a deficit in 2022. “At 194 Moz, this will be a multi-decade high and four times the level seen in 2021.

As seen on the table which depicts the supply/demand situation in the last 10 years, it becomes clear that 2023 will be year with a structural and undeniable physical market shortage. The strength of the physical shortage is the one conclusion that stands out, see red annotation.

As said, “this physical market imbalance (supply shortage) is historic, it’s not just a big supply shortage jump of 4x against last year.

A Silver Price Forecast For 2024 (9)

The shortage did not resolve in 2024. In fact, there is an increasing number of signs that the shortage is only intensifying. Sooner rather than later, silver’s physical market shortage should be reflected in the price of silver.

Silver price chart: a bullish reversal is almost complete

A bullish reversal setup that is testing the edges. While not really visible on this chart, there is a rounded pattern that already resolved and is testing the breakout point (23 USD/oz).

Remember, the longer a consolidation goes on, the more powerful the outcome will be. While, emotionally, a long consolidation is no fun for most investors, the reality is that the longer term implications of a long consolidation are bullish.

July 14th, 2024 – Silver is now working on a bullish reversal. On July 3d, 2024, a successful test of the breakout level at 28.80 USD/oz took place. IF resistance at 33 USD/oz is cleared, silver will move to our bullish target of $34.70, and maybe even continue to $37.70 in the short term.

August 29th, 2024 – The really important price level for silver is 27.59 USD/oz, for reasons outlined on the next chart.

A Silver Price Forecast For 2024 (10)

Silver price forecast 2024: conclusion

That was a lot information to take in, so let’s ensure we come to a very clear and simple conclusion:

  1. Leading indicators Euro and inflation expectations turned bearish in Q2/2022, pushing silver lower.
  2. The silver CoT turned extremely, historically bullish as we head into 2024.
  3. Once inflation expectations start rising, accompanied by a confirmed top in 10-Year Yields, we silver see taking off.

That’s why we see silver easily moving to 28 USD in 2024 and moving to our first and longstanding bullish target of 34.70 USD. Our silver price forecast 2024 is 34.70 USD. Whatever happens at that price point will inform us about the intention of silver to attack ATH, presumably beyond 2024.

Our track recording predicting the price of silver

Between 2017 and 2021, our silver forecasts were phenomenally accurate. Those silver predictions are all still available on our public blog. The table below depicts the summary of each year’s silver forecast with the highs/ lows per year.

Interestingly, InvestingHaven’s research team has been spot-on with its gold price forecasts for 5 consecutive years. However, in 2021 and 2022, the price of silver came close to our silver forecast. It eventually did not exactly touch our forecasted price.

We firmly believe that our silver price forecasts of 2022 and 2023 will materialize in 2024. Our longstanding targets are 34.7 and 50 USD. We firmly believe that silver will rise to both targets in 2024 and 2025.

This is an overview of our silver price forecasts from last year. We publish these forecasts many months prior to the year that we forecast. Prices reflect silver's spot price.

Our silver forecastSilver priceForecast accuracy
2017 | neutral | $15$14.41 - $18.65Spot-on
2018 | neutral$13.91 - $17.68Spot-on
2019 | bullish | $20-21$14.30 - $19.64Spot-on
2020 | bullish | $22$11.65 - $29.64Spot-on
2021 | bullish | $34$21.42 - $30.37Accurate
2022 | bullish | $34$17.83 - $26.90Missed
2023 | bullish | $34$20.01 - $26.06Missed
2024 | bullish | $34$22.09 - $32.10Accurate

Weekly Gold & Silver Price Analysis

Our public blog posts typically share high level insights that are not actionable. For actionable insights, we recommend considering our detailed gold & silver price analysis. It is a premium service, covering leading indicators of the gold price and silver price.

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Tags: 2024 ForecastsMust Read ForecastsSILVER

A Silver Price Forecast For 2024 (2024)


What is the silver projection for 2024? ›

According to the Silver Institute's estimates in the 2024 WSS, the global silver deficit will rise by 17 percent to 215.3 million troy ounces in 2024 due to an expected 2-percent growth in demand—again led by robust industrial consumption—combined with a 1-percent decline in total supply.

What will the price of silver be in 2025? ›

Investing Cube sees silver trading between $34 and $50 in 2025.

Will silver go over $100 an ounce? ›

Silver will likely rise to $100 /oz where it will set a major top. This might happen in 2026-2027, certainly not 2024-2025. Silver requires exceptional conditions like rising inflation or an extreme shortage in order to rise to $100 /oz which might not be its endpoint once it clears ATH.

Will silver go to $50 an ounce? ›

Silver could reach a record price of $50 per ounce in 2024, but only if the global economy sees a significant uptick in uncertainty and instability. To better understand what conditions lead to high silver prices, let's take a closer look at which factors led to silver's all-time highs in 1980 and 2011.

What is the rate projection for 2024? ›

In fourth quarter 2024 outlooks, Fannie Mae analysts anticipate 30-year rates at 6.4 percent, while the Mortgage Bankers Association predicts 6.5 percent. The National Association of Realtors projects 6.7 percent.

How much will 1 oz of silver be worth in 5 years? ›

Silver Price Predictions for Next 5 years
DateMin forecast priceMax forecast price
01.12.202427.673 USD27.839 USD
01.12.202528.630 USD28.814 USD
01.12.202629.589 USD29.778 USD
01.12.202730.552 USD30.750 USD
2 more rows

Is silver going to skyrocket? ›

The silver price forecast is revised upward, anticipating silver to average $30/oz in 2024. A higher price of silver could drive investment in silver-backed ETFs. Supply deficit due to continued decline in silver mine production could support silver price.

How much will silver be worth in 10 years from now? ›

10-Year Prediction

According to many long-term forecasts, the value of silver is expected to go above $70 per ounce in 10 years, and some even predict it will get close to $80 per ounce. However, this amount could increase. Most value increases are due to supply and demand based on past market prices and predictions.

What is silver going to be worth in 2030? ›

GoldIRAexplained.com predicts that silver will be trading at an average price of $330 by 2030. This forecast suggests a significant increase in the value of silver over the coming years, indicating a bullish outlook for the precious metal.

Is silver price about to explode? ›

Silver continues its move higher, in line with our silver price forecast. While our first bullish target of $34.70 was almost hit, it looks like our second target of $48-$50 is now officially postponed to mid-2025 as per the silver chart setup of June 21st, 2024.

Will silver rise if dollar collapses? ›

In the event of a dollar collapse, silver, being a precious metal with intrinsic value, may see a rise in price due to increased demand as investors seek a hedge against inflation and financial instability. Silver's value as an investment could serve as a store of wealth in uncertain economic times.

How many ounces of silver can I get for $500? ›

Why invest in a $500 face value junk silver bag from GoldSilver? Because each bag contains approximately 357.3 oz of pure silver. These dimes or quarters are not your average currency.

Is there a silver shortage in 2024? ›

Silver Prices Poised to Explode Amid Unprecedented Supply and Demand Imbalance. According to the recently released World Silver Survey – 2024 marks the fifth consecutive year of a Silver shortage – with this year in particular being one of the most intense on record.

How much is silver worth in 2024? ›

“The price of silver will move to our first bullish target in 2024 which is $34.70. We predict $48 to be hit either by mid-2024 or mid-2025.”

How high will gold go in 2024? ›

In 2024, gold prices have soared to record highs, reaching $2,409 per ounce. This surge has been driven, in part, by robust central bank demand—including from emerging markets such as China, India, and Turkey.

Should I be buying silver right now? ›

Silver currently trades at about $25 per ounce compared to over $2,100 per ounce for gold (as of March 25, 2024), and the significantly lower pricing of silver makes it much easier for investors to build up a meaningful allocation over time without requiring as much upfront capital outlay.

How much silver should I own? ›

The Average Silver Allocation in a Portfolio

Many analysts recommend holding an average allocation of 5-10% in gold and silver. It's important to note that this is just a general guideline. Each investor has their own risk appetite and long-term goals so your ideal allocation may be different.

How much will 1 oz of gold be worth in 5 years? ›

Gold Price Predictions for the Next 5 Yearsё
AnalystGold Price Forecast for the Next 5 Years
Lukman Leong$3,000/oz
Ibrahim Assuaibi$2,200/oz
ING2026: $2,240
Fitch Ratings2026: $1,700 2027: $1,600
1 more row
Aug 22, 2024

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Name: Duncan Muller

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Introduction: My name is Duncan Muller, I am a enchanting, good, gentle, modern, tasty, nice, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.