A Practical Guide to Money and Your Chakras (2024)

Table of Contents
A Practical Guide to Money and Your Chakras Money and Chakras Overview What are money chakras? So what’s really happening here? There are two things you can do to begin the shift with your relationship with money: At WealthClinic, we help our clients with both challenges. Sacral Chakra “Svadhisthana” The sacral chakra “inner critic” tells you things like, So what’s really happening here? There are two things you can do to begin the shift with your relationship with money: At WealthClinic, we help our clients with both challenges. Solar Plexus Chakra “Manipura” The solar plexus “inner critic” tells you things like, So what’s really happening here? There are two things you can do to begin the shift with your relationship with money: At WealthClinic, we help our clients with both challenges. Heart Chakra “Anahata” The heart chakra “inner critic” tells you things like, So what’s really happening here? There are two things you can do to begin the shift with your relationship with money: At WealthClinic, we help our clients with both challenges. Throat Chakra “Vishuddha” The throat chakra “inner critic” tells you things like, So what’s really happening here? There are two things you can do to begin the shift with your relationship with money: At WealthClinic, we help our clients with both challenges. Third Eye Chakra “Anja” The third eye “inner critic” tells you things like, So what’s really happening here? There are two things you can do to begin the shift with your relationship with money and with feelings of “enoughness”: At WealthClinic, we help our clients with both challenges. Crown Chakra “Sahasrara” The crown chakra “inner critic/guide” tells you things like, So what’s really happening here? There are two things you can do to begin to shift your relationship with money and feelings of abundance. At WealthClinic, we help our clients with both challenges.

***Take the Free Money and Chakras Quiz***

(Discover which of your chakras needs rebalancing.)

A Practical Guide to Money and Your Chakras

1. Chakra and Money Overview

2. What Are Money Chakras?

3. Root Chakra “Muladhara”

4. Sacral Chakra “Svadhisthana”

5. Solar Plexus Chakra “Manipura”

6. Heart Chakra “Anahata”

7. Throat Chakra “Vishuddha”

8. Third Eye Chakra “Anja”

9. Crown Chakra “Sahasrara”

Money and Chakras Overview

Just like we are born with a body and a skeletal system, in the same way, we all share the same luminous anatomy. This includes the chakras and the acupuncture meridians.

The word chakra means “wheel” in Sanskrit. The chakras are swirling disks of energy that spin in a column from the crown to the tail bone down the area of the spine and connect into the central nervous system. The chakras are a direct pipeline to the human neural network.

They rotate clockwise — like the clock is held to you and facing outwards, in the same direction that the spiral arms of the galaxy revolve.

Each chakra has a unique frequency that we perceive as one of the seven colors of the rainbow. The chakras in a newborn child display their pure color, from red in the first chakra to violet in the seventh. As we grow older the color in our chakras becomes dull. The trauma and loss in our lives leave a toxic residues behind.

The sludge that adheres to the chakras does not permit them to vibrate at their pure frequency, and physical aging is accelerated. When the chakras are cleared they spin freely and vibrate with their original purity.

We clear the chakras so that the toxic energy accumulated through our lives as a result of trauma does not keep us from engaging in life fully and freely.

By doing this practice daily, you will find that your life on the outside starts becoming more in flow. Flow is a state of complete immersion in the present moment — it is a joyful state of awareness that reflects what is happening within.

Clarity within equates to flow states of consciousness. This is why athletes enter into flow states when they are utterly absorbed in an activity. To be in flow requires them to be fully in the present moment.

Balancing your chakras allows you to be here now fully present no matter what life is serving up — and that is a perfect example of what it feels like to be living in infinite abundance.

What are money chakras?

Unlike what most people believe, there is not one money chakra. Instead, the energy of money is related to all seven of the primary chakras, with each representing aspects of one’s relationship with money. As you move from the root chakra to the crown, you will find the representation of money becoming lighter and more ethereal.

The root chakra is related to things like fear of one’s safety and security.

The sacral chakra is connected to one’s sense of creativity and play and how that relates to your ability to save money.

The solar plexus is related to power and is connected to your ability to properly manage your money.

The heart chakra is oriented to giving and receiving money.

The throat chakra is about trusting yourself (and others) when it comes to money.

The brow chakra has to do with feeling like you are enough and you have enough.

And finally, the crown chakra is about your ability to feel a sense of abundance (regardless of how much money you have).

Being out of balance in your root chakra can constrict the flow of energy throughout the body and lead to feelings of restlessness. When this happens, the need for security dominates your decisions and can lead to concerns over job stability, physical safety, shelter and health. The Root Chaka is located at the base of the spine and relates to survival instincts: your sense of grounding and connection to your physical body. First Chakra/ Muladhara is oriented to identity, preservation, safety, security, community and stability.

The “inner root chakra critic” tells you things like:

“I am not safe.”

“I am going to run out of money and be destitute.”

“Perhaps my family is right, maybe I should go out and get a real job.”

“I am afraid I won’t make money if I follow my passion.”

“I need to work very hard to make a lot of money so I can be safe.”

So what’s really happening here?

When the root chakra is out of balance, it often stems from feeling a lack of confidence around your ability to earn money or at least your ability to earn it consistently and confidently while doing what you most enjoy doing.

Let’s face it: being able to take care of your own basic needs (and your family’s needs, when applicable) while doing what you love is important. Plus it makes sense that if you cannot earn money in this way, sooner or later you are going to feel a lot of stress in the mind, body and heart. Perhaps you know what I am talking about already?

There are two things you can do to begin the shift with your relationship with money:

#1. Identify and release the emotional challenges that are likely making your situation worse.

#2. Learn new strategies for making money consistently while pursuing work you enjoy and find meaningful.

At WealthClinic, we help our clients with both challenges.

The first being that we need to help get your negative money critic under control, so that your “inner cheerleader” says,

“I am safe and supported.”

“I can make lots of money doing what I love.”
“I can do this.”
“Everything is going to be okay.”

Learn more about the root chakra and how imbalances affect your money through this video.

Shifting away from your inner critic and allowing your inner cheerleader to take over is within your reach. Your next step is to register for the Infinite Abundance program at www.infiniteabundance.life

Sacral Chakra


The Sacral is the second Chakra and is located just below the belly button. It relates to desires, pleasure, creativity and sexuality. Second chakra, or Svadhisthana, is oriented to attractiveness, emotional identity, gratification, sensation and connection to others. Its color is orange. Being out of balance in your Sacral Chakra can cause conflict in your life and the key is learning how to restore balance. By recognizing and understanding the issues surrounding the Sacral Chakra, you can learn new ways to shift the energy in your life so it becomes more positive overall. From thriving on drama, to facing challenges with addiction, to dealing with unhealthy relationships (including the one you have with money), the key is learning how to restore more balance into your life.

The sacral chakra “inner critic” tells you things like,

“I’m struggling with feelings of worthiness.”

“I am worried about not being responsible with my money.”

“I am worried about being dependent upon others.”

“I feel like I don’t save enough money.”

So what’s really happening here?

When the sacral chakra is out of balance, it can stem from one of two extremes: In the case of an under-active sacral chakra, you may be feeling a lack of confidence around your ability to save money (or at least your ability to save it consistently and confidently while doing what you most enjoy).

In the case of an overactive sacral chakra you may find yourself saving money at all costs, without allowing yourself to enjoy the fruits of your labor today.

Let’s face it: being able to save money and enjoy life are both important aspects to your overall well-being.

Plus it makes sense that if you are not able to enjoy life, or are not able to save money, sooner or later you are going to feel a lot of stress in the mind, body and heart. Perhaps you know what I am talking about already?

There are two things you can do to begin the shift with your relationship with money:

#1. Identify and release the emotional challenges that are likely making your situation worse.

#2. Learn new strategies for saving money consistently while pursuing work you enjoy and find meaningful.

At WealthClinic, we help our clients with both challenges.

The first being that we need to help get your negative money critic under control, so that your “inner cheerleader” says,

“I am worthy.”

“I am good at saving money and at enjoying my life.”

“I am good at paying down my debt and use it sparingly.”

“I feel balanced in my response to upsets.”

“I thrive in relationships where we are mutually supportive of each other.”

Shifting away from your inner critic and allowing your inner cheerleader to take over is within your reach.

Learn more about the sacral chakra and how imbalances affect your money through this video.

Your next step is to register for the Infinite Abundance program at www.infiniteabundance.life

Solar Plexus Chakra


Being out of balance in your Solar Plexus Chakra can result in an underactivity or overactivity in the momentum needed to move forward in realizing your goals. It plays a fundamental role in the development of personal power and fuels your direction so you are able to take action to bring your dreams into reality. The Solar Plexus/Power Center Chakra is the third chakra and is located in the area solar plexus. It relates to our power center, will, autonomy and metabolism. The third Chakra, or Manipura, is oriented to self-identity, power, vitality and purpose. Overactivity leads to misuse of power and underactivity leads to introversion. The color is yellow. It plays a fundamental role in the development of personal power and fuels your direction so you are able to take action to bring your dreams into reality.

The solar plexus “inner critic” tells you things like,

“I am uncertain.”

“I can’t do this on my own or, at the other extreme, I need to do everything on my own.”

“I am not as good as I should be at managing my money.”

“I feel stuck and don’t know what to do next.”

So what’s really happening here?

When the solar plexus/power chakra is out of balance, it often stems from feeling a lack of confidence around your ability to manage money – or at least your ability to manage it consistently and confidently while doing what you most enjoy doing.

Let’s face it: being able to manage the money you’ve worked hard to save is important.

Plus it makes sense that if you cannot manage your money well sooner or later you are going to feel a lot of stress in the mind, body and heart. Perhaps you know what I am talking about already?

There are two things you can do to begin the shift with your relationship with money:

#1. Identify and release the emotional challenges that are likely making your situation worse.

#2. Learn new strategies for managing your money consistently.

At WealthClinic, we help our clients with both challenges.

The first being that we need to help get your negative money critic under control, so that your “inner cheerleader” says,

“I am certain and powerful.”

“I am good at managing my money.”

“I like to ask lots of questions when I am learning something new.”

“I know what I want and I have the ability to create it.”

“I am capable of taking care of my money.”

“I am proud of myself.”

Learn more about the solar plexus chakra and how imbalances affect your money through this video.

Shifting away from your inner critic and allowing your inner cheerleader to take over is within your reach. Your next step is to register for the Infinite Abundance program at www.infiniteabundance.life

To find out which of your chakras are out of balance by taking this quick money and chakras quiz – click here

Heart Chakra


Being out of balance in your heart chakra, you may experience difficulties in your relationships with others, such as feelings of not being fully appreciated for all that you do. This can result in feelings of jealousy, codependency, or being closed down and withdrawn. Imbalances can lead to feelings of losing your identity and acceptance of others and their behavior without discernment. The Heart is the 4th Chakra and is located near the center of the chest near the heart. It relates to love, compassion, beauty and acceptance. Fourth chakra, or Anahata, is oriented to self-love, forgiveness, social connection, peace, acceptance, openness, harmony and contentment. The color is green.

The heart chakra “inner critic” tells you things like,

“I am not feeling loved/fully appreciated by those close to me OR the world at large.”

“I am really good at giving money away but not so good at receiving it.”

“Money isn’t showing up when I need it.”

“If I make a lot of money, no one will like me.”

“I don’t need too much money.”

So what’s really happening here?

When the heart chakra is out of balance, it often stems from feeling a lack of confidence about being loved or fully appreciated for all that you do. The way this shows up with money has to do with not making as much money as you know you would like to be making or being compensated fully for your efforts.

Let’s face it: being able to be well paid for what you do is important and meaningful.

Plus it makes sense that if you cannot earn the amount of money you know in your heart you are worthy of earning, sooner or later you are going to feel disappointed and possibly resentful. Perhaps you know what I am talking about already?

There are two things you can do to begin the shift with your relationship with money:

#1. Identify and release the emotional challenges that are likely making your situation worse.

#2. Learn new strategies for managing your money consistently.

At WealthClinic, we help our clients with both challenges.

The first being that we need to help get your negative money critic under control so that your “inner cheerleader” says,

“I am loved and fully appreciated for being myself.”

“People, including myself, are always doing the best they can.”

“I feel compassion for myself and forgive my mistakes of the past.”

“I forgive those who have harmed me.”

“I can have lots of money and be loved deeply by others.”

“I love to give and I love to receive.”

Learn more about the heart chakra and how imbalances affect your money through this video.

Shifting away from your inner critic and allowing your inner cheerleader to take over is within your reach. Your next step is to register for the Infinite Abundance program at www.infiniteabundance.life

Throat Chakra


A blocked throat chakra can lead to feelings of not being able to fully express your truth. This can result in feelings of insecurity, fragility and introversion, or in the opposite case, a tendency to talk too much or be overly verbally aggressive. All said, it may seem like you are out of balance when it comes to trusting yourself and trusting others. This can affect the work that you do and the ways in which you invest for your future.

The throat is the fifth Chakra and is located at the base of the throat. It relates to communication, trusting yourself, trusting others, creativity and speaking your inner truth. Fifth Chakra, or Vishuddha, is oriented to sounds, self-expression, harmony and creativity identity.

The throat chakra “inner critic” tells you things like,

“I am unsure about revealing my fullest expression.”

“I am not good at investing my money.”

“I am worried about trusting myself and trusting others (especially when it comes to money).”

“I need to hold back from showing my emotions and feelings to others.”

“It isn’t safe to speak my true opinions.”

So what’s really happening here?

When the throat chakra is out of balance, it often stems from feeling a lack of confidence around your ability to invest your money (or at least your ability to protect and grow it consistently and confidently) while doing what you most enjoy doing.

Let’s face it: being able to invest the money you’ve worked hard to save is important.

Plus it makes sense that if you cannot protect nor invest your money well, sooner or later you are going to feel a lot of stress in the mind, body and heart. Perhaps you know what I am talking about already?

There are two things you can do to begin the shift with your relationship with money:

#1. Identify and release the emotional challenges that are likely making your situation worse.

#2. Learn new strategies for protecting and investing your money.

At WealthClinic, we help our clients with both challenges.

The first being that we need to help get your negative money critic under control, so that your “inner cheerleader” says,

“I am confident about revealing authentic self.”

“I am good at protecting and investing my money for my future.”

“I know how to hire professionals who carefully and supportively care for my money while including me in the decision making process.”

“I feel safe when I express my opinions to others even when they might not agree.”

“I feel confident when I express my emotions in front of others.”

Learn more about the throat chakra and how imbalances affect your money through this video.

Shifting away from your inner critic and allowing your inner cheerleader to take over is within your reach. Your next step is to register for the Infinite Abundance program at www.infiniteabundance.life

Third Eye Chakra


An imbalance in the third eye chakra can result in feeling stuck in a rut without being able to see beyond your problems. The third Eye is the sixth Chakra and is located in the center of the forehead between the eyebrows.

It relates to the act of seeing, both physically and intuitively. Sixth Chakra/Anja is oriented to self-reflection, perception, imagination, clairvoyance and self-identity. Its’ color is Indigo.

The third eye “inner critic” tells you things like,

“I am not enough.”

“I cannot trust my intuition.” OR, at the other extreme…

“I only rely on my intuition when making big decisions.”

“I am not good at getting what I want.”

“There is not enough to go around.”

So what’s really happening here?

When the brow chakra is out of balance, it often stems from feeling like you are not enough (or at least feeling like you, what you have and what the world has to offer is not enough).

Let’s face it: being able to feel like you are enough and the world is enough is something that brings great meaning to your life.

Plus it makes sense that if you do not feel like you are enough, sooner or later this leads to a level of sadness in the mind, body and heart. Perhaps you know what I am talking about already?

There are two things you can do to begin the shift with your relationship with money and with feelings of “enoughness”:

#1. Identify and release the emotional challenges that are likely making your situation worse.

#2. Learn new strategies for what it means to feel like not only are you enough, but the world is also enough.

At WealthClinic, we help our clients with both challenges.

The first being that we need to help get your negative money critic under control, so that your “inner cheerleader” says,

“I am enough.”

“I am good at manifesting what I want for myself and my family.”

“I make big decisions by checking in with my intuition AND my practical situation.”

“The world is filled with enough.”

“My future is filled with love and joy.”

“I am content.”

Learn more about the third eye chakra and how imbalances affect your money through this video.

Shifting away from your inner critic and allowing your inner cheerleader to take over is within your reach. Your next step is to register for the Infinite Abundance program at www.infiniteabundance.life

Crown Chakra


When you have an imbalance in the crown chakra, you may feel disconnection from spirit and disbelief about concepts surrounding spiritual teachings. On the other extreme, you may feel a sense of disconnection with the body.

Living in your head, disconnected from your body and earthly matters is another sign of an overactive crown chakra energy. The crown or seventh Chakra is located at the crown/top of the head. It relates to consciousness as pure awareness. Seventh Chakra, or Sahasrara, is oriented to wisdom, spirituality, understanding and connection. Its’ color is violet. The crown chakra relates to the transcendence of our limitations, whether they are personal, or bound to space and time. When we are immersed in the energy of the crown chakra, we feel a state of blissful union with all, which brings about feelings of spiritual ecstasy and emotional utopia.

The crown chakra “inner critic/guide” tells you things like,

“I can’t have it all.”

“I feel separated or disconnected from God/the Divine/Source.”

“I don’t need anything other than my faith (and yet still find yourself struggling with money).”

So what’s really happening here?

When the crown chakra is out of balance, it often stems from feeling like you cannot have all that you want in life and business (or at least feeling like you are separated from what you most want).

Let’s face it: being able to feel like you can have all that you want, especially from a spiritual level, is something that brings great meaning to your life.

Plus, it makes sense that if you feel like you are cut off from abundance, sooner or later this leads to a level of disappointment in the mind, body and heart. Perhaps you know what I am talking about already?

There are two things you can do to begin to shift your relationship with money and feelings of abundance.

#1. Identify and release the emotional challenges that are likely making your situation worse.

#2. Learn new strategies for what it means to develop abundance in your all areas of your life.

At WealthClinic, we help our clients with both challenges.

The first being that we need to help get your negative money critic under control, so that your “inner cheerleader” says,

“I am abundant.”

“I am That.”

“I am One.”

“I am.”

Learn more about the crown chakra and how imbalances affect your money through this video.

Shifting away from your inner critic and allowing your inner cheerleader to take over is within your reach. Your next step is to register for the Infinite Abundance program at www.infiniteabundance.life

If you want to learn more about money and chakras, Leisa’s book, The Mindful Millionaire helps you explore limiting beliefs while breaking through your blocks to abundance. Click here to purchase.

Find out which of your chakras are out of balance by taking this quick money and chakras quiz (click here)

Leisa Peterson is THE Mindful Millionaire Maker.

She helps inspired business owners become game-changers in their field and achieve million dollar breakthroughs in their business.

She’s a passive income specialist, author of The Mindful Millionaire, and podcaster who inspires people around the world to create a life of prosperity.

Leisa’s been an entrepreneur since 1975 when she started selling seeds door-to-door at age 8 and grew her expertise over-time to become a self-made millionaire by her mid-30’s.

Leisa recently grew her visionary passive income streams by over $30K which also led to doubling her net worth.

Leisa is a CFP®who has over 17 years of coaching and financial advisory experience. Prior to that Leisa was a Fortune 500 executive who built and led record-breaking teams and new divisions within billion dollar companies.

Noted in Forbes as one of10 Women Driving Growth in Wealth Management and Investing,Leisa has appeared in The Wall Street Journal, FastCompany, The Week, Huffington Post, Gaia Media and has been featured on many podcasts and radio shows.

Leisa lives in Sedona, Arizona, with her husband and college sweetheart Tim, and her 14 year old son. She also has a daughter, who just graduated from college. Tim and Leisa also run an Airbnb and commercial real estate business in Sedona, AZ.


If you are ready to begin your journey and take action on bringinggreater prosperity into your life — the best way to start is by joining Leisa’s Infinite Abundance Program. The 30 day scarcity cleanse process has been completed by over 1,000 people and the results for those who take the work to heart is life changing in many beneficial ways. Learn more here…

A Practical Guide to Money and Your Chakras (2024)
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Author: Golda Nolan II

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Name: Golda Nolan II

Birthday: 1998-05-14

Address: Suite 369 9754 Roberts Pines, West Benitaburgh, NM 69180-7958

Phone: +522993866487

Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Worldbuilding, Shopping, Quilting, Cooking, Homebrewing, Leather crafting, Pet

Introduction: My name is Golda Nolan II, I am a thoughtful, clever, cute, jolly, brave, powerful, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.