A large portion of the student body at every American college is "drowning thems... (2024)

atdt on July 2, 2023 | parent | context | favorite | on: Why do Ivy League students self-sabotage?

A large portion of the student body at every American college is "drowning themselves in pleasure and mindlessness". The simple, naturalistic explanation is that when Harvard students abandon themselves to partying and procrastination, it is for the same reason that students at Boston University or Colorado State do it: i.e., they're young, horny, and on the loose for the first time in life, and their mental circuitry for self-regulation isn't fully wired up yet. But this account does not satisfy the Harvard man, who is at pains to distinguish his habits of procrastinton as themselves the mark of a Harvard man, a proof of belonging to an elite order.

A large portion of the student body at every American college is "drowning thems... (1)

nicbou on July 2, 2023 | next [–]

There you go.

Why are people lazy and self-sabotaging? Because they're human. They want to do pleasant things more than they want to do unpleasant things.

It's just school. A few years down the road people don't care about most of what you did there. Better enjoy the ride as much as you can without torpedoing your career.

A large portion of the student body at every American college is "drowning thems... (2)

trabant00 on July 2, 2023 | prev | next [–]

Exactly this. There is no need for overthinking things, like in the article.

When I was in college I noticed one group who managed well above all the others. They where in their 30s.

A large portion of the student body at every American college is "drowning thems... (3)

ProllyInfamous on July 2, 2023 | parent | next [–]

My now-deceased mother earned her bachelors [UTSA] in her early-50's, and always commented how "few of my classmates attend office hours and even fewer seem to care about what we're learning."

Lady: they're just trying to survive while all these intoxicating chemicals [hormones, drugs, rage] pollute their very existences.

A large portion of the student body at every American college is "drowning thems... (4)

searealist on July 2, 2023 | prev [–]

You honestly believe that people who get into Harvard don't have more self-discipline on average that those who don't?

A large portion of the student body at every American college is "drowning thems... (5)

badrequest on July 2, 2023 | parent | next [–]

Not the GP, but emphatically and obviously yes. There's the "reads a new book once per week" type of discipline that the average ivy leaguer tends to have, and there's the "wakes up at 4AM to go to the job they don't like despite how much their back hurts" discipline that the working class are obligated to develop.

A large portion of the student body at every American college is "drowning thems... (6)

josh_fyi on July 2, 2023 | root | parent | next [–]

> reads a new book once per week" type of discipline that the average ivy leaguer tends to have

I got two degrees and spent five years at Harvard, and -- no, they don't.

A large portion of the student body at every American college is "drowning thems... (7)

credit_guy on July 2, 2023 | root | parent | prev | next [–]

So you're saying the sweat of a coal miner is equivalent to the sweat of an Einstein ("genius is one percent inspiration and 99 percent perspiration")?

A large portion of the student body at every American college is "drowning thems... (8)

deely3 on July 2, 2023 | root | parent | prev | next [–]

Whoa, thats quite arrogant statement. So, are you PR person from Harvard?

A large portion of the student body at every American college is "drowning thems... (9)

p-e-w on July 2, 2023 | parent | prev | next [–]

People who attend institutions considered "elite" have on average been told since early childhood that they are part of the elite.

In my experience, such people tend to have less self-discipline and fewer inhibitions than regular folks. That's a natural consequence of knowing that nothing truly bad can ever happen to you, no matter what you do.

A large portion of the student body at every American college is "drowning thems... (10)

Gareth321 on July 2, 2023 | root | parent | next [–]

While true, the estimated average IQ at Harvard is 142. IQ is highly associated with self-control and discipline.

A large portion of the student body at every American college is "drowning thems... (11)

p-e-w on July 2, 2023 | root | parent | next [–]

> IQ is highly associated with self-control and discipline.

I'd like to see a citation for that, especially for the idea that the self-control/discipline associated with high IQs transfers over to non-academic aspects of life, which is what's in question here.

A large portion of the student body at every American college is "drowning thems... (12)

Gareth321 on July 2, 2023 | root | parent | next [–]

Here you go: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/2614657/

> Delay behavior in both sexes was also correlated positively with IQ and with Q-sort-derived indexes of ego resiliency and ego control. The relationship between ego control and delay behavior was particularly strong after both IQ and ego resiliency were partialled. These results were interpreted as reflecting the fundamental importance of both cognitive skillfulness and impulse control for adaptive delay behavior in situations that contain strong motivational inducements.

This study doesn’t measure academic related delayed gratification. I’m surprised to be asked for a source. This has been settled science for decades.

A large portion of the student body at every American college is "drowning thems... (13)

DropInIn on July 2, 2023 | root | parent | prev | next [–]

I'm pretty sure they're conflating a higher likelihood of determining an action precluding risk factor prior to action with actual self control and discipline....

It's more just that the smarter you are the more likely you are to both recognize the existence of the risk factor as well as "do the math" before your impulses induce action.

A large portion of the student body at every American college is "drowning thems... (14)

meindnoch on July 2, 2023 | root | parent | prev | next [–]

Estimated average IQ from SAT score.

So it's bullsh*t. They just cram SAT prep non-stop with private tutors.

A large portion of the student body at every American college is "drowning thems... (15)

candiodari on July 2, 2023 | root | parent | next [–]

And this explains the question pose as well. They don't self-sabotage. They just "jump through academic hoops" ... but not through their own effort, or only with great assistance. This help they get just really breaks for most in the university years.

They don't self-sabotage, they just lose their advantage.

A large portion of the student body at every American college is "drowning thems... (16)

Gareth321 on July 2, 2023 | root | parent | prev | next [–]

> So it's bullsh*t.

That’s quite the opinion. Do you have any evidence to back that up? Countless studies have found that SAT scores are highly correlated with intelligence. Both “g” and IQ, which are roughly equivalent for this context. For example: https://www.psychologicalscience.org/pdf/ps/Frey.pdf?origin=...

And here is another: http://www.iapsych.com/iqmr/koening2008.pdf

A large portion of the student body at every American college is "drowning thems... (17)

411111111111111 on July 2, 2023 | root | parent | next [–]

I don't think anyone would argue otherwise, the controversy is that IQ test results can be increased significantly by training.

But that discussion ultimately boils down to what intelligence really is... You either subscribe to the believe that it's essentially something you're born with or something that can be improved by training.

IQ tests fundamentally cannot measure for the former definition, but I does a decent job for the latter.

A large portion of the student body at every American college is "drowning thems... (18)

Gareth321 on July 2, 2023 | root | parent | next [–]

The user I replied to is clearly arguing that SATs do not provide any correlation with IQ. They called the proposition “bullsh*t.”

As for your question, g is very difficult to improve through training. Almost impossible in adulthood. The only studies I am aware of which indicate an ability to improve IQ score over time are those which allow participants to repeatedly take similar IQ tests. This enables the respondents to practise the type of question and answer faster and more accurately. Obviously this would produce an inaccurate result, over-estimating the intelligence of the individual.

To draw parallels with the SAT, I see evidence that repeated attempts reveal gaps in one’s knowledge and skill, and these are prerequisites for the test. This permits the individual to study those areas and practise the kinds of skills required to improve their score. Given this, we should acknowledge that the SAT is not a perfect analogue for IQ tests, but in aggregate, they do yield striking correlation. To tie this to my premise above, it is highly likely that the average Harvard student has an above-average IQ.

A large portion of the student body at every American college is "drowning thems... (19)

411111111111111 on July 2, 2023 | root | parent | next [–]

They are BS under the first definition.

And I think we've gotten quiet far from the context their statement was made in.

The premise was that intelligence increases self control/delayed gratification. From this, we've extrapolated that havard students will have on average a higher self control, because they've had the the privilege of a much better education, which caused their IQ scores to be quiet high.

Personally, I'd agree that this extrapolation is flawed, because both factors are only correlated with no causal link.

A large portion of the student body at every American college is "drowning thems... (20)

Gareth321 on July 2, 2023 | root | parent | next [–]

> They are BS under the first definition.

I provided a study which shows high correlation. Do you have any evidence to the contrary?

I don’t agree with your summary of the premise. It doesn’t follow that more training means higher IQ scores, but I acknowledge it could mean higher SAT scores for individuals. Just not in aggregate.

A large portion of the student body at every American college is "drowning thems... (21)

411111111111111 on July 2, 2023 | root | parent | next [–]

Correlation is not causation and is meaningless for extrapolations. The only thing it provides is interesting data to discover the causality through further study.

But I guess you're too far gone into narcissism to understand how dumb this has gotten.

A large portion of the student body at every American college is "drowning thems... (22)

Gareth321 on July 3, 2023 | root | parent | next [–]

I made no claims about causation. The claim is correlation. Perhaps you should re-read the comments :)

A large portion of the student body at every American college is "drowning thems... (23)

411111111111111 on July 3, 2023 | root | parent | next [–]

you're extrapolation, thus you're using it as a causation.

Let me give you an example:

Swiss cheese has holes, by studying its properties you can find a correlation between the size of the cheese and the total volume of holes.

You do another study and find that as you increase the size of the holes the cheese, you're left with less grams of cheese.

by your logic, which extrapolates between these two unrelated studies finding different correlations, you can confidently state this:

 more cheese correlates with more holes more holes correlates with less cheese more cheese == less cheese

outstanding logic, indeed.

A large portion of the student body at every American college is "drowning thems... (24)

searealist on July 2, 2023 | root | parent | prev | next [–]

The claim being made is correlation.

A large portion of the student body at every American college is "drowning thems... (25)

yardstick on July 2, 2023 | parent | prev | next [–]

It’s my understanding that a lot of people who could make the cut for Harvard etc but do not due to resource constraints (limited student numbers, limited finances).

These people then go on to other universities. So yes I believe you’ll find all levels of self-discipline across all the universities.

A large portion of the student body at every American college is "drowning thems... (26)

kelipso on July 2, 2023 | root | parent | next [–]

The difference is there are some 3000 universities in the US. I guarantee you, the vast majority of students who could make the cut at Harvard are not attending a college ranked at 1500. So when you compare an average student at Harvard, maybe there's no significant difference between that student and students at the top 100 (or pick a number, 100 seems high frankly, I've studied in universities ranked around 20, 50, 100 and the differences in the average student and course difficulty was quite big between the 20 and 100) ranked universities, but there's certainly a difference between that student and the average college student.

A large portion of the student body at every American college is "drowning thems... (27)

jrflowers on July 2, 2023 | parent | prev | next [–]

Can’t speak for the GP but I’d say “No they do not” to your question.

A large portion of the student body at every American college is "drowning thems... (28)

testermelon on July 2, 2023 | parent | prev | next [–]

Assuming that they do, does it significantly change the patterns and tendencies of actions among that age group? I think the distribution of behavior should be intact even if you just sample among Harvard students.

A large portion of the student body at every American college is "drowning thems... (29)

beebeepka on July 2, 2023 | parent | prev [–]

This has to be sarcasm

A large portion of the student body at every American college is "drowning thems... (2024)


What is the student body of a college? ›

Meaning of student body in English

all the students in a particular school, college, or university, considered as a group: Half the student body is expected to come from overseas.

What is the Bernie college Plan? ›

Under this legislation, students from any family making $125,000 or less—about 80% of our population—would be able to attend a public four-year college or university, or four-year tribal college or university, tuition- and fee-free.

What is the College for All Act? ›

This bill establishes measures to expand access to higher education, including by eliminating tuition and required fees for eligible students, revising the Federal Pell Grant program, and reauthorizing certain programs to assist students from disadvantaged backgrounds.

Why should college be free, pros, and cons? ›

The benefits of free college include greater educational access for underserved students, a healthier economy, and reduced loan debt. Drawbacks include higher taxes, possible overcrowding, and the threat of quality reduction.

Who has the largest student body in college? ›

University of Central Florida, located in Orlando, Florida, has the highest undergraduate enrollment of any university in the US. With over 69,000 students, UCF offers a wide range of programs with a strong emphasis on research and innovation.

What is the purpose of a student body? ›

Student Council is an organization conducted by students and supervised by adults. The purpose of the student council is to give students an opportunity to develop leadership by organizing and carrying out school activities and service projects.

What did Bernie go to College for? ›

Sanders studied at Brooklyn College for a year in 1959–1960 before transferring to the University of Chicago and graduating with a Bachelor of Arts degree in political science in 1964.

What is the meaning of the United Negro College Fund? ›

UNCF, the United Negro College Fund, also known as the United Fund, is an American philanthropic organization that funds scholarships for black students and general scholarship funds for 37 private historically black colleges and universities.

What is the Gonzaga program? ›

Named in honor of St. Aloysius Gonzaga, who is the patron saint of young students, this academic support program is designed for incoming students who demonstrate academic potential and a desire to learn but need support to navigate NDP's college preparatory curriculum successfully.

What is the America's college Promise ACT? ›

Specifically, the bill establishes a program to waive resident tuition and fees for community college students. The Department of Education (ED) must award grants to states and Indian tribes to pay the federal share (75% of the average resident community college tuition and fees per student) of the program.

What college is 34 on the ACT? ›

ACT Score Ranges for Selective Colleges
SchoolACT Composite Score (25th–75th percentile)Acceptance Rate
Columbia University34–354%
Harvard College33–367%
Massachusetts Institute of Technology34–367%
New York University32–3513%
4 more rows

Which colleges prefer ACT over SAT? ›

No college has a preference between the two tests,” says Ginger Fay, a consultant for Green Apple College and Guidance, a college admissions consulting firm. “They're like two children. They love them both the same. They just want them to be good."

Why can't college be free? ›

The answer is: public institutions receive government funding. If colleges were to become free, taxes across the board would increase and the middle class would receive the majority of this. Those who did not attend college, or couldn't afford it, may not want to pay for someone else's education.

Should college be free for all Americans? ›

In general, the “pros” of free are: having better access to education, the elimination of student debt, increased graduation rates, and an opportunity to explore your passions/interests. The “cons” include: overcrowding, wasted opportunities, and money.

Would free college lower the value of a degree? ›

More People Would Go to College

It could be argued that college being free could actually decrease the value of a college degree. Since everyone can afford one, it may become more commonplace and could lower salaries for those who already have a bachelor's and those who graduate.

What do you call a student who is in college? ›

Undergraduates are students of universities and colleges: they've graduated from high school and have been accepted to college, but they haven't graduated yet.

What is another word for student body? ›

What is another word for student body?
registrantsclass enrollment
course enrollmentschool enrollment

What is UCLA's student body? ›

It has a total undergraduate enrollment of 32,423 (fall 2022), its setting is urban, and the campus size is 419 acres. It utilizes a quarter-based academic calendar. University of California—Los Angeles' ranking in the 2024 edition of Best Colleges is National Universities, #15.

What is the student body at university of Texas? ›

The University of Texas--Austin has a total undergraduate enrollment of 41,309 (fall 2022), with a gender distribution of 43% male students and 57% female students. At this school, 18% of the students live in college-owned, -operated or -affiliated housing and 82% of students live off campus.

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Name: Catherine Tremblay

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Introduction: My name is Catherine Tremblay, I am a precious, perfect, tasty, enthusiastic, inexpensive, vast, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.