A language lover's guide to words with all vowels. A, E, I, O, U (2024)

Are you a language and letter enthusiast? You’re going to love this article! And if not, you can always use the information to wow people at a co*cktail party.

The fascinating world of the English language includes words that have all vowels — A, E, I, O, U. These words, albeit rare, sound really cool — almost like an exotic language like Finnish or Hawaiian.

Discovering and understanding words that incorporate all five vowels isn't just a linguistic exercise.

Delving into these words not only stimulates our curiosity but also provides a deeper understanding of phonetics, etymology, and the intricate ways in which words evolve.

From "education" to "facetious," "sequoia" to "abstemious," these words stand as prime examples of linguistic craftsmanship.

In this article, we'll embark on a fun journey through these linguistic oddities, from the shortest to the longest words with all vowels, and everything in between.

After all, vowels are the queens and kings of the English alphabet. And they’ll help you win the next Scrabble game!

A language lover's guide to words with all vowels. A, E, I, O, U (1)

What words use all five vowels and their meaning

Here are 30 words that contain all five vowels, along with their definition and an example. Did you know them all? If not, check out our English blog to learn some neat vocab!

Abstemious - Showing self-discipline, especially in eating and drinking. (Abstemious or not, check out our article on How to order food in English)

Example: The abstemious eater carefully monitored his diet to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Facetious - Treating serious issues with inappropriate humor.

Example: Despite the serious meeting, he couldn't resist making a facetious comment at work.

Audiophile - A person who is enthusiastic about high-quality sound reproduction.

Example sentence: As an audiophile, my dad invested in state-of-the-art speakers for the ultimate music listening experience.

Anxiousness - The state of being filled with anxiety or worry.

Example: Her anxiousness about the upcoming presentation was evident from her demeanor.

Arsenious - Relating to or containing arsenic in a trivalent state. (Hopefully, you won’t have to use that one very often)

Example: The chemist analyzed the sample to detect any arsenious compounds present.

Caesious - Bluish-gray or resembling the color of the sky on a cloudy day. (I told you you could impress people at the next co*cktail party)

Example: She painted her room in a calming caesious shade to create a soothing atmosphere.

Anemious - Affected by wind or growing in windy conditions.

Example: The anemious tree's branches swayed in the gusty breeze.

Equiprobable - Having an equal probability or chance of occurrence.

Example sentence: In a fair dice roll, each number has an equiprobable chance of landing face-up.

Education - The process of receiving systematic instruction or learning.

Example: In many societies, education is seen as a fundamental right.

Eudaemonia - A state of happiness, well-being, or flourishing. (Check out these beautiful words for emotions that don’t exist in English).

Example sentence: The pursuit of eudaemonia is often considered a key goal in philosophical discussions about a fulfilling life.

Aleurobius - A genus of scale insects found on various plants.

Example sentence: The presence of aleurobius on the leaves affected the plant's health.

Automobile - A four-wheeled vehicle designed for passenger transportation that is typically powered by an internal combustion engine.

Example sentence: He purchased a new automobile to commute to work more comfortably and efficiently.

Autoecious - Describing a plant that completes its life cycle on a single host species.

Example: The autoecious fungus thrived exclusively on the oak tree.

Evacuation - The act of moving people from a dangerous place to a safer location, especially in an emergency or crisis situation.

Example sentence: The government ordered the evacuation of residents from the coastal areas in anticipation of the approaching hurricane.

Areious - Of or relating to Ares, the Greek god of war. (Again, told you this article would help you show off).

Example: The ancient festival honored the Areious aspects of Greek mythology.

Ambidextrous - Able to use both hands with equal skill.

Example: Being ambidextrous, he could write simultaneously with both his left and right hands.

Audiometer - A device used for measuring the acuteness of hearing.

Example: The doctor used an audiometer to test the patient's hearing ability.

Autoimmunize - To produce immunity against one's own tissues or cells.

Example: In some diseases, the body may autoimmunize itself, leading to various health issues.

Autoinoculate - To introduce infection from one part of the body to another. (Hand washing, people!)

Example: He accidentally autoinoculated the virus from his hand to his face.

Auriferous - Containing gold or related to the occurrence of gold.

Example: The region was known for its auriferous deposits that attracted miners.

Uncontaminated - Free from pollution or impurities.

Example: The uncontaminated water from the spring was safe to drink.

Unnoticeable - Not able to be easily seen or perceived; inconspicuous.

Example: The changes in the painting were so subtle that they were unnoticeable at first glance.

Equivocating - Using ambiguous language to conceal the truth or avoid commitment.

Example: The politician — I won’t mention any names — was accused of equivocating when asked about the controversial issue.

Regulation - A rule or directive made and maintained by an authority, governing conduct within a particular area of activity.

Example sentence: The new regulation imposed by the city council required all restaurants to adhere to strict hygiene standards for food preparation and handling.

And speaking of authority…

Authorities - Individuals or organizations with the power or right to control, make decisions, or enforce rules in a particular area or jurisdiction.

Example sentence: The local authorities are responsible for maintaining public safety and enforcing traffic laws within the city limits.

Misbehavior - Improper or unacceptable behavior that goes against established rules, norms, or social expectations.

Example sentence: The teacher addressed the student's misbehavior in class by discussing the importance of respecting others' opinions during discussions.

Unequivocally - In a way that leaves no doubt or uncertainty.

Example: The witness stated unequivocally that he saw the suspect at the crime scene.

Sequoia - A type of large evergreen tree found in California. (Don’t you love the sound of this word?)

Example: The Sequoia trees in the national park were awe-inspiring due to their immense size.

Aeronautic - Relating to the design, construction, or navigation of aircraft.

Example: The aeronautic industry continues to innovate for safer and more efficient flights.

Precaution - An action taken in advance to prevent something harmful or dangerous from happening.

Example sentence: Before the storm hit, the residents took precautionary measures by boarding up their windows and securing outdoor furniture.

Are there any 5-letter words with all vowels?

How cool would that be?

Unfortunately, the English language does not have 5 letter words with all vowels. I know, bummer.

So, what is the shortest word in English with all five vowels?

A language lover's guide to words with all vowels. A, E, I, O, U (2)

What is the shortest word in English, containing all five vowels?

And the shortest word with all vowels in English is… Drum roll…

A language lover's guide to words with all vowels. A, E, I, O, U (3)


Eunoia refers to a state of beautiful thinking or a well-mind, characterized by goodwill and harmonious thinking.


Her eunoia — I’ll give you an eunoia — was evident in the way she approached challenges with a positive mindset and always sought to find the good in people.

What is the longest word in English, containing all five vowels and no consonants?

Unfortunately, after extensive research, we regret to inform you that there is no word with all five vowels and no consonants in English. What a disappointment!

What is the longest word in English, containing all five vowels and consonants?

Don’t worry, the next word will cheer you up. If we add consonants, the longest word in English with all five vowels would be…

A language lover's guide to words with all vowels. A, E, I, O, U (4)

Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis (Bless you):

A lung disease caused by inhaling very fine silica dust, typically found in volcanic ash. While the word was created to be an example of an exceptionally long word, it's not commonly used in medical practice. (More monster words in English in this article!)


Despite its length and rarity, pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis is a serious occupational hazard for miners and individuals exposed to fine silica particles.

Vowel word tips for word games like Scrabble

In Scrabble and other letter-based games, possessing only vowels on a player's rack presents a challenge as it’s tricky to construct words and get points. Indeed, vowels, while crucial as the foundation for words, are among the scarcer letters in English.

Nevertheless, having an all-vowel rack could also offer an opportunity for players to craft longer words. Vowels can be appended to existing words, enabling the formation of new ones, particularly when utilizing blank tiles.

Therefore, your success as a player will depend on your vocab knowledge more than on the letters you get.

So, below are a few vowel-rich words to help you win the game — because the winner takes it all!

Eavesdropping - Secretly listening to someone's conversation without their consent.

Example sentence: She caught her neighbor eavesdropping on their private conversation.

Outrageous - Shockingly bad or excessive.

Example: Ross had an outrageous reaction when he found out his moist-maker sandwich had disappeared.

Anadromous - Relating to fish that migrate from the sea to freshwater to spawn. (More cool animals in English here)

Example: Salmon is an example of anadromous fish that swim upstream to lay their eggs.

Euouae - A medieval musical term referring to a melodic passage. (If you can’t pronounce it — neither can I — don’t worry, these letters are actually an abreviation)

Example: The choir practiced the intricate Euouae section of the song diligently.

Aerobic - Relating to or requiring oxygen.

Example sentence: Regular aerobic exercise, such as jogging or cycling, is beneficial for heart health — By the way, did you know that learning a language can be useful for sports?

Ailourophile - A lover of cats. (That would be my sister)

Example sentence: As an ailourophile, Phoebe still loved her smelly feline companion.

Aeruginous - Having a greenish or bluish color, like that of weathered copper. (More colors in English here)

Example sentence: The old statue had an aeruginous patina due to years of exposure to the elements.

Ultraviolet - Beyond the visible spectrum at the violet end, having a wavelength shorter than visible light.

Example sentence: Ultraviolet light is used in many applications, including sterilization and tanning beds.

Ambiguous - Having more than one possible interpretation; unclear.

Example: The ambiguous statement left everyone puzzled about its true meaning.

Osmiophilous - Attracted to odors or capable of being detected by the sense of smell.

Example: Bees are osmiophilous creatures, being drawn to certain floral scents.

Auspicious - Showing signs that promise success or good fortune.

Example: The rainbow appearing after the storm was seen as an auspicious sign for the newlyweds.

Exiguous - Extremely small in size or amount; scanty.

Example: The exiguous amount of evidence made it challenging to reach a conclusion.

A language lover's guide to words with all vowels. A, E, I, O, U (2024)


What's a 5 letter word with all vowels? ›

This all words uses all the 5 vowels. There is no any word 5 letter words which uses all vowels they include maximumly 3 or 4 vowels such as AUDIO ,MIAOU, AALII and AERIE.

What word has all the vowels in it in order? ›

Shortest Word With All Six Vowels In Order: Facetiously

Not only does it have all six vowels; it has all of them in alphabetical order, making it a particularly interesting word.

What 7 letter words have all 5 vowels? ›

Eunoia, at six letters long, is the shortest word in the English language that contains all five main vowels. Seven letter words with this property include adoulie, douleia, eucosia, eulogia, eunomia, eutopia, miaoued, moineau, sequoia, and suoidea. (The scientific name iouea is a genus of Cretaceous fossil sponges.)

What word has 5 vowels in alphabetical order? ›

The shortest English word with the five vowels in alphabetical order is AERIOUS (meaning airy). I personally like FACETIOUS, which is a bit longer.

Is there a word with all 26 letters? ›

The most famous is probably “the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.” You probably mean all 26 letters of the alphabet. If so, there is no word that contains every letter…not even close. The closest you will probably get is a word with 16 unique letters, as in the 18-letter: BIVENTRICULOGRAPHY.

Which word has no vowels? ›

English Words without Vowels
3 more rows

What is the only word in the English language with all the vowels? ›

They include unequivocally, abstemious, and unquestionably. Eulogia, miaoued, and miauos all use all five vowels and are eminently playable.

What is the shortest word in the world? ›

The Shortest Word

Some might wonder about the word I since it consists of one letter, too. In sound, a is shorter because it is a monophthong (consists of one vowel), while I is a diphthong. Both do consist of one letter in the English writing system, and in most fonts I is the narrowest letter.

What is the only 7 letter word with all vowels and Q? ›

🌲 A 7 letter word that has the letter Q and all 5 vowels. There are over a million words in the English langua...

What word has 7 vowels? ›

There are several seven-letter words containing all the vowels, including SEQUOIA, EULOGIA, MIAOUED, ADOULIE, EUCOSIA, EUNOMIA, EUTOPIA, MOINEAU, and DOULEIA.

What word has only vowels? ›

Words (found in major English dictionaries) consisting entirely of vowels include AA (a type of lava), AE, AI, AIEEE, IAO, OII, EAU, EUOUAE, OE, OO, I, O, A, IO, and UOIAUAI, the last of these being the longest vowel-only word (seven letters).

Is there a 5 letter word with all 5 vowels? ›

Unfortunately, the English language does not have 5 letter words with all vowels.

What word contains every vowel? ›

Pages in category "English words that use all vowels in alphabetical order"
  • abstemious.
  • abstemiously.
  • abstenious.
  • abstentious.
  • acedious.
  • acerbitous.
  • acheilous.
  • acheirous.

What is the longest word with all the vowels in order? ›

Euouae is six letters long, but all of the letters are vowels. It holds two Guinness World Records. It's the longest English word composed exclusively of vowels, and it has the most consecutive vowels of any word.

What is the best 5 letter word for wordle? ›

Common Five-letter Words for Wordle, List 5
  • blind.
  • sheet.
  • crush.
  • relax.
  • drain.
  • label.
  • expel.
  • thump.

Which 5 letter word uses most vowels? ›

Five Letter Words with the Most Vowels
  • OUIJA. 15 points. ...
  • MIAOU. 9 points. ...
  • ADIEU. 7 points. ...
  • AUDIO. 7 points. ...
  • AULOI. 7 points. ...
  • LOUIE. 7 points. ...
  • AUREI. 6 points. ...
  • OURIE. 6 points.
Jul 8, 2022

What are the 5 most used letters in Wordle? ›

We see from Figure 1 that “e” is the letter that is most frequently used (1,233 times in total), followed by “a”, “r”, “o”, “t”, “l”, “i”, “s”, “n”, “c”. The most frequently used letter in the first position is “s”, while the most frequently used letter in the second or third position is “a”.

Is there a word with only vowels? ›

A word in the English language that contains only vowels is… Iouea, pronounced as, "aye-oh-you-ee-ah". Iouea are a genus type of sea sponge.

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Name: Stevie Stamm

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Introduction: My name is Stevie Stamm, I am a colorful, sparkling, splendid, vast, open, hilarious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.