A Closer Look at What It Means to Be Financially Sound (2024)

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We all face dozens of decisions that affect our finances. They range from minor to life-changing. The sum of these big and small decisions determines your bank account balance, financial stability, and financial security.

Yes, some people are born into wealth, and people do win the lottery. For the average person, whether you’re broke, rich, or somewhere in the middle largely depends on the quality of your financial decisions. The more financially sound choices you make, the better off your finances will be. Here, we offer 18 tips to help you be more financially sound.

Track Spending

A Closer Look at What It Means to Be Financially Sound (1)

You’ll have a tough time making financially sound decisions if you have no idea where your money goes. If you’re not currently tracking your spending, start. Tracking your monthly daily expenses will expose any money-wasting or destructive money habits.

Create a Budget

A Closer Look at What It Means to Be Financially Sound (2)

Starting a budget ensures that you’re monitoring your income and your expenses. A budget is not meant to prevent you from enjoying life. It’s simply a road map for spending money that reflects your priorities.

Identify and Eliminate Bad Money Habits

A Closer Look at What It Means to Be Financially Sound (3)

Once you start tracking your spending and creating your budget, you’ll probably spot some bad habits that need addressing. Bad financial habits include impulse spending, being late on bills, and overspending on credit cards. Eliminating bad spending habits saves money for your financial goals.

Live Within Your Means

A Closer Look at What It Means to Be Financially Sound (4)

Living within your means is one of the core principles of sound money management. Regardless of your income, you’re headed for trouble if your monthly spending exceeds your monthly income.

Living within your means means spending less than you make. You don’t necessarily need to live a more frugal life, but addressing bad habits and cutting expenses where possible helps. Budgeting and controlling impulse spending also help.

Review Your Budget Regularly

A Closer Look at What It Means to Be Financially Sound (5)

Income and living expenses fluctuate, and needs, goals, and plans change. Success with budgeting requires creating a realistic budget you can stick to and reviewing it occasionally.

Compare what you planned to spend in the prior month with what you spent. Note any categories where you went over or expenses you underestimated. Make any necessary adjustments. Devise a strategy for staying on or under budget for the next 30 days.

Set Financial Goals

A Closer Look at What It Means to Be Financially Sound (6)

Creating SMART financial goals is an excellent way to keep yourself motivated and on track. You might have short-term goals like saving for a down payment or your next vacation. Your longer-term goals might include starting a college savings plan for your kids or increasing your savings for retirement.

Break your short-term and future goals down into action steps. This will make your goals more manageable and make tracking your progress easier.

Use Cash for Daily Expenses

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Use cash for your everyday living expenses. It’s too easy to rack up credit card debt or lose track of how much you’re spending when you use your debit card for everything. Handing over cash makes you much more aware of your spending habits and less likely to go overboard.

Prepare for Emergencies

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Part of your financial plan should include being prepared for emergency expenses. You can’t know what tomorrow will bring, but you can bet life will throw you a few surprises, and those surprises often cost money.

Most financial experts recommend setting aside 3 to 6 months of expenses in an emergency fund. If your primary source of income fluctuates, say you’re a contractor like me or work on commission, then saving 8 to 12 months’ worth of expenses would be a financially sound decision.

Secure Your Family’s Future

A Closer Look at What It Means to Be Financially Sound (9)

Beyond having an emergency fund, if you’re married or have dependents, you should have a life insurance policy. Do this as soon as you can. After identifying any expenses you can cut, you might be able to use the money you free up for the premium on a life insurance policy. And don’t forget to create a will.

Eliminate and Avoid Debt

A Closer Look at What It Means to Be Financially Sound (10)

One reason many people struggle financially is credit card debt. Being saddled with high-interest credit card debt makes it hard to progress in other areas of your finances.

It’s not just carrying high-interest credit card balances that get people in financial trouble. Any debt, including mortgages, student loan debt, and other so-called “good debts, ” can lead to financial ruin. That’s why paying off debt and avoiding new debt is so important.

Make Savings a Priority

A Closer Look at What It Means to Be Financially Sound (11)

Savings should be one of your top priorities, especially if you haven’t established an emergency fund yet. You might think you don’t make enough to save, but you can save money on a low income. Focus on what you can put aside, not what you can’t, even if it’s only $5 a week.

Establishing a savings habit is more important than the dollar amount. You can always save more aggressively when your financial situation improves. Budget for savings just as you would for any other important financial obligation.

Automate Your Finances

A Closer Look at What It Means to Be Financially Sound (12)

When given a choice, we don’t always make wise decisions. We know a salad is healthier, but often, we go for the greasy cheeseburger instead. Automating your finances is one of the easiest financially sound decisions you can make when starting.

Set up transfers from your bank account for as many bills as possible. You can set them up to occur on or near your paydays so the money for bills goes toward your bills before you can spend it on other things. Also, set up automatic transfers to your savings, investment, or retirement accounts. That way, you pay yourself first without even thinking about it.

Invest for Retirement

A Closer Look at What It Means to Be Financially Sound (13)

What are your plans for retirement? Unless your ultimate goal is working daily for the rest of your life, you need a plan. If you’re young, you probably don’t think about retirement often.

But it’s never too early to start investing or retirement planning, especially if your company offers a 401k with employer matching. If your company retirement plan offers employer matching, take advantage of it. Employer matching is free and risk-free, making it a sound investment.

Make Healthier Choices

A Closer Look at What It Means to Be Financially Sound (14)

One of the surest ways to go broke in America is by getting sick. Medical bills can ruin even the best financial plan. Living a healthier lifestyle can save you money by preventing health issues. Making lifestyle changes will not be easy, but it is worth it. You’ll be there for your loved ones and enjoy the fruits of your labor.

Increase Your Income

A Closer Look at What It Means to Be Financially Sound (15)

You can be financially stable and make financially sound choices regardless of your income. Making more money will help you reach your goals faster, however. Multiple income streams also offer protection in case of a job loss or pay cut.

You can try asking for a raise at work, finding a second part-time job, using your skills to freelance, starting a low-cost side hustle, or via gig economy websites and apps in your spare time.

Never Stop Learning

A Closer Look at What It Means to Be Financially Sound (16)

Most schools don’t teach personal finance, even though everyone could benefit from learning how to manage their money. That means learning about personal finance is up to you. Fortunately, there are plenty of resources available.

There are plenty of blogs and websites dedicated to personal finance. For the basics, grab a personal finance book from Amazon. If you prefer more structured learning, sign up for the free Kahn Academy Personal Finance Class.

Be Patient and Consistent

A Closer Look at What It Means to Be Financially Sound (17)

You’ll have to make financially sound decisions daily for an extended period. Establishing an emergency fund or reaching a savings goal takes time, as does getting out of debt. Compound interest, dividends, and retirement savings grow over time, not overnight. But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t celebrate the little milestones along the way.

The Case for Being Financially Sound

A Closer Look at What It Means to Be Financially Sound (18)

How much you earn doesn’t determine whether you live well or struggle. How much of your income you spend and how much you save are what separates success from misery.

Financially successful people make sound decisions. They don’t spend more than they earn, and their spending choices reflect their priorities, not their impulses. Being financially sound gives you more options in life and assures you won’t lose any sleep over finances.

Robbery in Plain Sight: 18 Tax Breaks for the Over 50s They Hope You’ll Never Discover

A Closer Look at What It Means to Be Financially Sound (19)

Let’s talk about money. Everyone loves keeping more cash in their pockets, don’t they? Well, there are these sneaky little things called tax breaks that a LOT of us are overlooking. Gasp! Yup, they’re there, waving at you from behind the paperwork. So let’s shed some light on 18 tax breaks that might be your new BFFs.

Robbery in Plain Sight: 18 Tax Breaks for the Over 50s They Hope You’ll Never Discover

Avoid These 19 Pointless Expenses When Living Paycheck to Paycheck

A Closer Look at What It Means to Be Financially Sound (20)

Living from paycheck to paycheck puts one in a dangerous financial bind. It’s more prevalent than you can imagine. According to a survey by CNBC, more than half of all Americans (58%) live paycheck to paycheck. When money is tight, it’s crucial to pinpoint and cut out wasteful expenditures that eat away at your hard-earned savings.

Avoid These 19 Pointless Expenses When Living Paycheck to Paycheck

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A Closer Look at What It Means to Be Financially Sound (2024)


What does "financially sound" mean? ›

A financially sound person is the person who has control of daily and monthly earnings and expenses, but who also has the ability to absorb a financial crisis and find a solution for it. This especially means that the way in which we spend money satisfies our personal values and inner needs.

What is being financially sound? ›

Essentially, it means having enough income to cover your expenses without relying on credit or loans. If you are financially stable, you also likely have savings that can help offset unexpected expenses or pay for emergencies.

What is something that is financially sound? ›

What is another word for financially sound?
debt-freein credit
in fundsprofit-making
in the blacknot in debt
out of debtable to pay its debts
18 more rows

How to be financially sound? ›

7 steps to financial stability
  1. Invest in yourself. Having further education, more knowledge, and required skills for work can support your career advancement. ...
  2. Make money from what you like. ...
  3. Set saving and expense budgets. ...
  4. Spend wisely. ...
  5. Set emergency fund. ...
  6. Pay off debts. ...
  7. Plan for retirement.

What does financially sound enough mean? ›

: having enough money to live on and not having to worry about money.

What does financial soundness mean? ›

Financial soundness is the ease with which investors can use a financial institution/business to determine the level of performance on their investment portfolio. The major components used to determine the soundness of finance is summarised as CAMELS.

What is an example of a sound financial decision? ›

For example, you're saving regularly, not spending more than you make, putting money away in an emergency fund, budgeting, making smart investments for the long term, saving for retirement, paying off debt, finding ways to increase your income, and so on.

What does it mean to be financially? ›

: with respect to money : from a financial point of view. The company struggled financially for many years. He has made some smart investments, so he's doing very well financially.

How do you know if you're doing well financially? ›

The most common signs of a financially stable person include having little to no debt, being able to make and stick to a budget, having a healthy amount of money in savings, and having a good credit score. Financially stable people tend to see their net worth increase year over year.

What makes money sound? ›

Central bank money is sound when the paper money system is supported by three mainstays: a central bank mandate focused on price stability, the independence of the central bank, and solid state finances. Central bank money that retains its value is a prerequisite for sound bank deposits.

What is the sound finance? ›

Sound finance, in such a case, is the choice of a financial method which creates no spurious cost. In the short run, credit expansion seems to be the surest method, since one cannot be certain that borrowing or taxation will not provide funds only at the expense of other lines of expenditure.

How do you have sound financial goals? ›

5 Examples of Financial Goals
  1. Create and stick to a budget. Not only is budgeting one of the top financial goals people set each new year, but it's also the foundation you should build all your other money goals on. ...
  2. Build up an emergency fund. ...
  3. Get out of debt. ...
  4. Save up for your dream retirement. ...
  5. Spend less and save more.
Dec 29, 2023

How do you become financially balanced? ›

Strike a balance—working toward financial security doesn't mean you need to deprive yourself.
  1. Track Your Spending. ...
  2. Live Within Your Means. ...
  3. Don't Borrow to Finance a Lifestyle. ...
  4. Set Short-Term Goals. ...
  5. Become Financially Literate. ...
  6. Save What You Can for Retirement. ...
  7. Don't Leave Money on the Table. ...
  8. Take Calculated Risks.

What does it mean to be financially stable person? ›

It means being able to pay your bills without worry and having some extra left over for saving and for fun. And when you need a little extra help, a manageable amount of debt that you can pay off in a reasonable time frame may help you maintain your financial stability. Learn More About Personal Loans.

What is the meaning of sound money? ›

: money not liable to sudden appreciation or depreciation in value : stable money. specifically : a currency based on or redeemable in gold compare paper money, soft sense 17.

How do you determine if a company is financially sound? ›

There are many ways to evaluate the financial success of a company, including market leadership and competitive advantage. However, two of the most highly-regarded statistics for evaluating a company's financial health include stable earnings and comparing its return on equity (ROE) to others in its market sector.

What does sound financial position mean? ›

Low Debt-to-Income Ratio

Your debt-to-income ratio is a measure of how much debt you have compared to your income. A healthy financial position usually means having a low debt-to-income ratio that won't give you nightmares. You're not drowning in debt; you're in control and making progress towards being debt-free.

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Author: Terrell Hackett

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Name: Terrell Hackett

Birthday: 1992-03-17

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Hobby: Board games, Rock climbing, Ghost hunting, Origami, Kabaddi, Mushroom hunting, Gaming

Introduction: My name is Terrell Hackett, I am a gleaming, brainy, courageous, helpful, healthy, cooperative, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.