9 Side Hustles for Introverts That Pay Well In 2024 (2024)

9 Side Hustles for Introverts That Pay Well In 2024 (1)

Are you an introvert who gets exhausted working around other people? What if there was a way you could save all that energy for your skills while still making money?

Better yet, what if there was a way you could do that while making more money than you ever thought possible?

Well, I’m an introvert myself, and I’ve tried tens of different side hustles over the years. Some of them were pretty good, while some were let’s just say not one the best side hustles for introverrts

In this guide, I’ll show you the nine best side hustles for introverts that can turn into lucrative careers—and all of them can be done from the comfort of your own home.

With my years of experience in the digital marketing industry and a proven track record of success, you can trust that the side hustles I recommend are legitimate. Let’s take a look at each one.

Table Of Contents

  • The Best Side Hustles For Introverts That Make Money
    • 1. Affiliate Marketing
    • 2. Start An eCommerce Store
    • 3. Freelance Website Developer
    • 4. Freelance Writing
    • 5. Proofreading And Editing
    • 6. Graphic Designer
    • 7. Virtual Bookkeeper
    • 8. Virtual Assistant (VA)
    • 9. Audio Engineering
    • Alternatively, Promote Your Existing Career Skills On Upwork Or Fiverr
  • FAQs
    • How Can Introverts Make Money?
    • What Business Can an Introvert Do?
    • What Are the 5 Best Ways to Make Extra Money if You Hate People?
  • What Are The Highest Paying Side Hustles For Introverts?

The Best Side Hustles For Introverts That Make Money

9 Side Hustles for Introverts That Pay Well In 2024 (2)

You can do much better than being a dog walker or delivery service driver when you need a side hustle for introverts. The internet is filled with opportunities to make extra money by connecting to buyers and clients worldwide. You can thrive as an introvert in all of the following side hustle jobs:

  • 9 Side Hustles for Introverts That Pay Well In 2024 (3) Affiliate Marketing
  • 9 Side Hustles for Introverts That Pay Well In 2024 (4) Start an ECommerce Store
  • 9 Side Hustles for Introverts That Pay Well In 2024 (5) Freelance Website Developer
  • 9 Side Hustles for Introverts That Pay Well In 2024 (6) Writing Jobs
  • 9 Side Hustles for Introverts That Pay Well In 2024 (7) Proofreading and Editing
  • 9 Side Hustles for Introverts That Pay Well In 2024 (8) Graphic Designer
  • 9 Side Hustles for Introverts That Pay Well In 2024 (9) Virtual Bookkeeper
  • 9 Side Hustles for Introverts That Pay Well In 2024 (10) Virtual Assistant
  • 9 Side Hustles for Introverts That Pay Well In 2024 (11) Promote Your Existing Career Skills On Upwork Or Fiverr

Let’s look into these in more detail…

1. Affiliate Marketing

An affiliate marketer generates a sale for other people and then collects a percentage of what the customer paid (or just a flat “bounty”).

Have you ever visited a blog or social media accounts page for your favorite hobby? While there, you may have noticed buy-now links to products that were mentioned.

These links are often affiliate programs where the people who own the page (the “affiliate marketer”) get a cut of each product sold through the affiliate links.

9 Side Hustles for Introverts That Pay Well In 2024 (12)

This is a perfect side hustle for introverts because an affiliate marketer never has to store products, manage customer interaction, or handle cash. Everything happens through the product’s existing website and storefront.

A simple WordPress blog is all you need to get started.

If you can get people to read your blog, you can apply to affiliate networks.

Those networks will provide you with offers and custom links. Any sales that happen through your links will generate commissions for you.

How Do I Make Money As An Affiliate Marketer?

Affiliate programs exist for nearly every conceivable product, from dog toys to luxury yachts. The following sub-niches are known to be particularly lucrative:

  • 9 Side Hustles for Introverts That Pay Well In 2024 (13) Weight loss
  • 9 Side Hustles for Introverts That Pay Well In 2024 (14) Hosting/VPN
  • 9 Side Hustles for Introverts That Pay Well In 2024 (15) Muscle/Bodybuilding
  • 9 Side Hustles for Introverts That Pay Well In 2024 (16) Finance
  • 9 Side Hustles for Introverts That Pay Well In 2024 (17) Male Enhancement
  • 9 Side Hustles for Introverts That Pay Well In 2024 (18) Survival
  • 9 Side Hustles for Introverts That Pay Well In 2024 (19) Casino/Gambling
  • 9 Side Hustles for Introverts That Pay Well In 2024 (20) Pets
  • 9 Side Hustles for Introverts That Pay Well In 2024 (21) CBD
  • 9 Side Hustles for Introverts That Pay Well In 2024 (22) Adult

Earning Potential

This is one of my favorite side hustles for introverts that pay good money. The earning potential is simply enormous. A poll of the affiliates in The Affiliate Lab community Facebook group revealed that hundreds of people were already getting paid 10k+ a month.

9 Side Hustles for Introverts That Pay Well In 2024 (23)

Pros Of Being An Affiliate Marketer

  • 9 Side Hustles for Introverts That Pay Well In 2024 (24) Very low cost-of-entry. You can make money off a free WordPress blog and some cheap hosting
  • 9 Side Hustles for Introverts That Pay Well In 2024 (25) Nearly unlimited choice of products to promote
  • 9 Side Hustles for Introverts That Pay Well In 2024 (26) It’s a way to earn a lot more than you can earn from most gigs on this list

Cons Of Being An Affiliate Marketer

  • 9 Side Hustles for Introverts That Pay Well In 2024 (27) It’s a highly competitive gig. If you try something new and it works, expect every competitor to be using it in a week’s time
  • 9 Side Hustles for Introverts That Pay Well In 2024 (28) Depending on your niche, you’ll need a lot of visitors (50,000+) a month to qualify for great offers
  • 9 Side Hustles for Introverts That Pay Well In 2024 (29) It’s a lot of work to do alone, from building websites to creating content and graphics. But this can easily be overcome by building a team or outsourcing

2. Start An eCommerce Store

An e-commerce store is an online shop where visitors can browse products, spend money, and have items shipped to them in a single visit.

9 Side Hustles for Introverts That Pay Well In 2024 (30)

Amazon and eBay are examples of eCommerce stores, but you can find smaller shops owned and run by individuals or small teams. Introverts may be attracted to this side hustle because it lets them be their own boss.

eCommerce stores work roughly in the same way as any other kind of store. You’ll need to curate the products you want to sell, create a reassuring environment for buying (in other words, don’t look sketchy), and set up a payment processor.

You don’t necessarily need to store products. There are arrangements, such as drop shipping, that allow you to manage stores without actually taking possession of the products.

How Do I Make Money With An eCommerce Store?

If it’s a thing that can be sold, there’s probably an e-commerce store for it. These stores may sell:

  • 9 Side Hustles for Introverts That Pay Well In 2024 (31) Fashion
  • 9 Side Hustles for Introverts That Pay Well In 2024 (32) Personal electronics
  • 9 Side Hustles for Introverts That Pay Well In 2024 (33) Sports/hobby equipment
  • 9 Side Hustles for Introverts That Pay Well In 2024 (34) Health & Beauty
  • 9 Side Hustles for Introverts That Pay Well In 2024 (35) Home Gym & Fitness
  • 9 Side Hustles for Introverts That Pay Well In 2024 (36) Skincare & Cosmetics

Really, anything you can think of…

Earning Potential

Earning potential with eCommerce stores can be impressive. However, there is a huge gulf between what most stores earn and what the biggest ecommerce sites earn.

9 Side Hustles for Introverts That Pay Well In 2024 (37)

Don’t be discouraged if you need to start from the bottom. There are over 100,000 eCommerce stores that pull in more than $1,000,000 in annual revenue. You only have to work harder or smarter than one of them to have a million-dollar store.

If you have an eCommerce store, you’re more of a business owner than a freelancer. You decide how much time you want to devote to the side hustle job and whether you want to work from home or out of an office.

Pros Of e-Commerce Stores

Cons Of e-Commerce Stores

  • 9 Side Hustles for Introverts That Pay Well In 2024 (41) Significant legal and tax obligations. You’ll need to sign contracts just to take credit cards. You may need a lawyer to ensure compliance
  • 9 Side Hustles for Introverts That Pay Well In 2024 (42) Higher technical demands than many types of side hustle websites
  • 9 Side Hustles for Introverts That Pay Well In 2024 (43) You’ll need to manage customer service issues yourself. The more popular your store becomes, the more people you’ll need to email in the course of your day

3. Freelance Website Developer

9 Side Hustles for Introverts That Pay Well In 2024 (44)

A freelance website developer is a coder who helps clients build, fix, or overhaul their websites. This is a technical skill that will take some effort to develop. You’ll likely need to know one or more of the following languages to earn money online as a website developer.

  • 9 Side Hustles for Introverts That Pay Well In 2024 (45) CSS
  • 9 Side Hustles for Introverts That Pay Well In 2024 (46) HTML
  • 9 Side Hustles for Introverts That Pay Well In 2024 (47) Java
  • 9 Side Hustles for Introverts That Pay Well In 2024 (48) JavaScript
  • 9 Side Hustles for Introverts That Pay Well In 2024 (49) PHP
  • 9 Side Hustles for Introverts That Pay Well In 2024 (50) Python
  • 9 Side Hustles for Introverts That Pay Well In 2024 (51) Ruby/Ruby on Rails
  • 9 Side Hustles for Introverts That Pay Well In 2024 (52) SQL

If the training isn’t a problem, this can be a rewarding side hustle. You’ll often be able to work independently without interference from other people, and most positions won’t require you to visit offices.

This is also a highly lucrative skill whether you want to get paid from freelancing or go back to the suit-and-tie world. You can do it in your spare time if you take the right side hustle, but with just a few sites under your belt, you can probably land full-time projects.

How Do I Make Money As A Freelance Website Developer?

Developers may specialize in working for certain industries, providing rare coding languages, or implementing certain CMS systems.

9 Side Hustles for Introverts That Pay Well In 2024 (53)

Some of the most common specialization options requested by people include:

  • 9 Side Hustles for Introverts That Pay Well In 2024 (54) Front-end developer: These web developers specialize in the behavior and appearance of websites. Skilled front-end developers can make a website fast, beautiful, and easy to use
  • 9 Side Hustles for Introverts That Pay Well In 2024 (55) Back-end developer: Backend developers deal with the servers that keep websites operating. Large, complex websites may require full-time back-end developers

Earning Potential

Website development is a good way to make money due to the demand and premium rates. You can earn money online part-time if you focus on clients with small needs.

9 Side Hustles for Introverts That Pay Well In 2024 (56)

Web design is also a great way to earn money online while you’re still learning what makes a site successful. That’s the knowledge you can take directly to being a more successful affiliate or eCommerce merchant.

In recent polls, freelance web developers have reported earning an average of $71,705 per year. Some experienced senior freelance web developers can earn upwards of $200,000+ annually.

Pros Of Freelance Website Development

  • 9 Side Hustles for Introverts That Pay Well In 2024 (57) There is plenty of demand for your services. Web development side hustle jobs are posted on most freelance websites
  • 9 Side Hustles for Introverts That Pay Well In 2024 (58) The compensation is great for independent work

Cons Of Freelance Website Development

  • 9 Side Hustles for Introverts That Pay Well In 2024 (59) Requires extensive training. Clients may refuse to hire freelancers without certifications
  • 9 Side Hustles for Introverts That Pay Well In 2024 (60) Working directly with clients may require you to manage disputes, deal with non-payment, and handle other issues that are thorny for introverts
  • 9 Side Hustles for Introverts That Pay Well In 2024 (61) Some people may misunderstand the limits of your profession

4. Freelance Writing

A freelance writer creates content, often for websites. It’s needed by nearly every industry that does business online to handle short and long-term projects.

9 Side Hustles for Introverts That Pay Well In 2024 (62)

For example, a freelance writer may be hired to populate new websites and landing pages. Or, eCommerce stores that undergo an expansion may hire freelance writers to create new product descriptions.

Writing is one of the best side hustles for introverts who are beginners with remote work. If you’re willing to take some low rates starting out, you can easily find offers to fill up a portfolio while you make extra money.

You can make money writing on most major freelance-writing side hustle sites.

How Do I Make Money As A Freelance Writer?

Freelance writers are often defined by the type of content they create. Freelance writers may specialize in:

  • 9 Side Hustles for Introverts That Pay Well In 2024 (63) Blogging
  • 9 Side Hustles for Introverts That Pay Well In 2024 (64) Business and product descriptions
  • 9 Side Hustles for Introverts That Pay Well In 2024 (65) Sales Copy
  • 9 Side Hustles for Introverts That Pay Well In 2024 (66) Email marketing
  • 9 Side Hustles for Introverts That Pay Well In 2024 (67) Ghostwriting e-books and other long-form content
  • 9 Side Hustles for Introverts That Pay Well In 2024 (68) Landing pages
  • 9 Side Hustles for Introverts That Pay Well In 2024 (69) Social media account posts
  • 9 Side Hustles for Introverts That Pay Well In 2024 (70) Specific industries
  • 9 Side Hustles for Introverts That Pay Well In 2024 (71) Online Surveys
  • 9 Side Hustles for Introverts That Pay Well In 2024 (72) Text Ads

Earning Potential

A freelance writing side hustle doesn’t have the highest earning potential, but it can’t be beaten if you’re looking for flexible gigs where you can learn some persuasion skills that will help you enter the much more lucrative affiliate space.

9 Side Hustles for Introverts That Pay Well In 2024 (73)

Writing assignments on major marketplaces come in all sizes. You can commit to a course of only 5-hours a week when you’re getting started.

Later, if you want to write and publish your own books on Amazon, tools like Book Bolt will come in handy.

Ziprecruiter estimated that the average freelance writer earned $63,213 a year. At the high end of the industry, some freelancers earned as much as $150,000+.

Pros Of Freelance Writing

  • 9 Side Hustles for Introverts That Pay Well In 2024 (74) Very low cost. Most work can be completed and even delivered in free word processors like Google Docs
  • 9 Side Hustles for Introverts That Pay Well In 2024 (75) Writing offers are available for almost every industry. You can often combine writing and your past job experience to take specialist assignments
  • 9 Side Hustles for Introverts That Pay Well In 2024 (76) There are a lot of platforms devoted to connecting writers to clients

Cons Of Freelance Writing

  • 9 Side Hustles for Introverts That Pay Well In 2024 (77) Building a portfolio to qualify for good offers can take a long time
  • 9 Side Hustles for Introverts That Pay Well In 2024 (78) Projects frequently fall through

5. Proofreading And Editing

Proofreaders and editors ensure that content is free of errors. Most of us get by without a perfect knowledge of grammar. Editors and proofreaders make sure even the most specific rules are followed.

9 Side Hustles for Introverts That Pay Well In 2024 (79)

This can be a great side hustle for introverts with patience and attention to detail. When you’re starting out with this side hustle job, you can get paid by people for editing short pieces on places like Fiverr.

How Do I Make Money As A Proofreader?

Proofreaders and editors don’t always need industry knowledge to get paid for their services because they just apply grammar rules.

9 Side Hustles for Introverts That Pay Well In 2024 (80)

They may work on a range of different content, such as:

  • 9 Side Hustles for Introverts That Pay Well In 2024 (81) Product releases
  • 9 Side Hustles for Introverts That Pay Well In 2024 (82) White papers
  • 9 Side Hustles for Introverts That Pay Well In 2024 (83) eBooks
  • 9 Side Hustles for Introverts That Pay Well In 2024 (84) Websites

Earning Potential

In a poll of proofreaders, the respondents reported earning an average of $51,391 a year. Editors, who typically provide a more comprehensive service, report an average $69,599 /year income.

Pros Of Freelance Proofreading And Editing

  • 9 Side Hustles for Introverts That Pay Well In 2024 (85) It doesn’t cost much to get started. You can do most of your jobs in a web browser
  • 9 Side Hustles for Introverts That Pay Well In 2024 (86) You are rarely ever needed on location, so you can work from anywhere
  • 9 Side Hustles for Introverts That Pay Well In 2024 (87) Editing and proofreading jobs are available side hustles for introverts on most freelance marketplaces

Cons Of Freelance Proofreading And Editing

  • 9 Side Hustles for Introverts That Pay Well In 2024 (88) Requires an above-average amount of attention to detail
  • 9 Side Hustles for Introverts That Pay Well In 2024 (89) It may take a while to build contacts for higher-paying offers. Your income will likely be inconsistent until you have enough projects

6. Graphic Designer

Freelance graphic designers provide websites and individuals with images and designs that present information to people in an engaging way. Companies may hire designers to create unique images rather than pay license fees for often overused stock images.

9 Side Hustles for Introverts That Pay Well In 2024 (90)

This side gig can be perfect for introverts because they’re free to work independently. They can use their own tools and achieve the client’s goals however they like.

You don’t even have to work for someone else if you don’t want to. Graphic designers can get paid by creating stock images, or selling print-on-demand copies of their work.

Graphic design can be a part-time, full-time, or one-time side hustle. You’ll be able to find offers at every level, though you may need a portfolio to be considered. A friend willing to order and give you a review may be a good starting point.

How Do I Make Money As A Graphic Designer?

Freelance graphic designers often take contacts to work on:

  • 9 Side Hustles for Introverts That Pay Well In 2024 (91) Marketing and advertising materials
  • 9 Side Hustles for Introverts That Pay Well In 2024 (92) Websites and UI features
  • 9 Side Hustles for Introverts That Pay Well In 2024 (93) Graphics for packaging
  • 9 Side Hustles for Introverts That Pay Well In 2024 (94) Art and illustration

Earning Potential

Freelance graphic designers report an average annual income of $55,642 a year. Some in-demand designers can earn more than $90,000 a year.

Pros Of Freelance Graphic Design

  • 9 Side Hustles for Introverts That Pay Well In 2024 (95) There is an interesting variety of work available
  • 9 Side Hustles for Introverts That Pay Well In 2024 (96) You can earn money as a passive income by posting work on stock image sites

Cons Of Freelance Graphic Design

  • 9 Side Hustles for Introverts That Pay Well In 2024 (97) The right skills can take a long time to learn
  • 9 Side Hustles for Introverts That Pay Well In 2024 (98) You may need expensive software
  • 9 Side Hustles for Introverts That Pay Well In 2024 (99) The tone of graphic work can be subjective, leading to misunderstandings with clients

7. Virtual Bookkeeper

9 Side Hustles for Introverts That Pay Well In 2024 (100)

Virtual bookkeepers provide remote accounting services. Client relationships are managed online or by phone so that either party is free to work from anywhere.

This can be a low-stress side hustle as long as you don’t choose clients who need more time than you have to give.

How Do I Make Money As A Virtual Bookkeeper?

Virtual bookkeepers are concerned with specific laws, so they don’t have much trouble switching between different industries. They may choose to specialize in something like:

  • 9 Side Hustles for Introverts That Pay Well In 2024 (101) Taxes for online businesses
  • 9 Side Hustles for Introverts That Pay Well In 2024 (102) International transfers and compliance
  • 9 Side Hustles for Introverts That Pay Well In 2024 (103) Consulting

Earning Potential

Virtual bookkeepers report earning $38,193 /year. At the higher end of the profession, experienced bookkeepers report earning about $54,000. It’s a good gig if you’re looking to transition easilyto your own bookkeeping business in the future.

Pros Of Virtual Bookkeeping

  • 9 Side Hustles for Introverts That Pay Well In 2024 (104) You can do it from anywhere
  • 9 Side Hustles for Introverts That Pay Well In 2024 (105) Virtual bookkeepers are in high demand due to most online stores needing these services several times a year

Cons Of Virtual Bookkeeping

  • 9 Side Hustles for Introverts That Pay Well In 2024 (106) Accountants have to be licensed or certified in many countries. Extensive coursework may be necessary to be a virtual bookkeeper
  • 9 Side Hustles for Introverts That Pay Well In 2024 (107) Intense obligations. The wrong advice could put a client in legal jeopardy
  • 9 Side Hustles for Introverts That Pay Well In 2024 (108) It requires a lot more interaction with clients than other gigs on this list

8. Virtual Assistant (VA)

9 Side Hustles for Introverts That Pay Well In 2024 (109)

Virtual assistants are remote employees who handle administrative tasks for a client. These assistants answer emails, schedule meetings, prepare daily agendas, and make travel arrangements.

This side hustle can be great for the introvert who craves a high-speed environment but wants to experience it from a distance. Of course, compared to other ways to make extra money on this list, it will require more communication with people.

How Do I Make Money As A Virtual Assistant?

Assistants often adapt to meet their client’s needs over time. They may learn specific programs that their client uses or processes that are involved in their business. They may specialize in:

  • 9 Side Hustles for Introverts That Pay Well In 2024 (110) Data entry
  • 9 Side Hustles for Introverts That Pay Well In 2024 (111) Research
  • 9 Side Hustles for Introverts That Pay Well In 2024 (112) Bookkeeping
  • 9 Side Hustles for Introverts That Pay Well In 2024 (113) Managing fans/subscribers

Earning Potential

Virtual assistants report earning an average of $67,115 a year. The same poll found that the most successful assistants could make more than $130,000. Reaching this level will require long-term relationships.

Pros Of Being An Assistant

  • 9 Side Hustles for Introverts That Pay Well In 2024 (114) You can control what services you offer to guarantee a comfortable working relationship
  • 9 Side Hustles for Introverts That Pay Well In 2024 (115) You don’t need any expensive tools, though you may need to learn systems that your employer uses

Cons Of Being An Assistant

  • 9 Side Hustles for Introverts That Pay Well In 2024 (116) Most contracts are short-term, such as during squeeze periods, recent baby births, or product launches
  • 9 Side Hustles for Introverts That Pay Well In 2024 (117) Each client may have custom demands

9. Audio Engineering

9 Side Hustles for Introverts That Pay Well In 2024 (118)

As an introvert, you may rapidly begin selling audio engineering services such as mixing, producing, and tracking if you have the means to buy the necessary equipment. There are a few things on your to-do list:

  • 9 Side Hustles for Introverts That Pay Well In 2024 (119) Put together a studio in a peaceful nook of your house.
  • 9 Side Hustles for Introverts That Pay Well In 2024 (120) Get a powerful laptop processor
  • 9 Side Hustles for Introverts That Pay Well In 2024 (121) Get some digital audio workstation software like Audacity or Garageband.
  • 9 Side Hustles for Introverts That Pay Well In 2024 (122) Find a good microphone for recording.
  • 9 Side Hustles for Introverts That Pay Well In 2024 (123) Use a MIDI keyboard or controller.

In addition to making money from internet music streaming services like Spotify and YouTube, audio engineers often sell their composed and recorded music to other side hustles.

How Do I Make Money from Audio Engineering?

This career path can provide you with a range of options for generating income. You need just identify your strengths and the goals you hope to accomplish via them.

9 Side Hustles for Introverts That Pay Well In 2024 (124)

Beginning their careers in recording studios, most audio engineers eventually seek new challenges.

A career in audio engineering can really take you anywhere. How far you will go is up to you. Beginners in audio engineering usually get paid by offering the following services:

  • 9 Side Hustles for Introverts That Pay Well In 2024 (125) Recording Services
  • 9 Side Hustles for Introverts That Pay Well In 2024 (126) Audio for Visuals
  • 9 Side Hustles for Introverts That Pay Well In 2024 (127) Voice Over Narration audio
  • 9 Side Hustles for Introverts That Pay Well In 2024 (128) Soundtrack creation
  • 9 Side Hustles for Introverts That Pay Well In 2024 (129) Mixing Services

Earning Potential

As of March 29, 2022, the average income for an audio systems engineer is $81,191. However, salaries for this role frequently vary from $73,422 to $90,447. Many criteria, such as level of education, professional certifications, supplementary talents, and years of experience in the field, can have a significant impact on salary.

Alternatively, Promote Your Existing Career Skills On Upwork Or Fiverr

If you have some spare time for a side hustle, you can also consider using the spare time to promote your existing skills on marketplaces like UpWork or Fiverr.

9 Side Hustles for Introverts That Pay Well In 2024 (130)

You may discover better offers out there or projects that align more with your interests.

As an introvert, you can use this strategy to transition toward the remote opportunities these platforms offer. You may be able to replace your current office job with freelance clients over time.


How Can Introverts Make Money?

Introverts can make money working as affiliate marketers, freelance writers, graphic designers, drop shipper, or one of the many working from home jobs that require minimal human connection.

What Business Can an Introvert Do?

An introvert can do various business opportunities that align with their strengths, such as freelance writing, graphic design, e-commerce, virtual assistance, web development, online tutoring or teaching, and social media management.

What Are the 5 Best Ways to Make Extra Money if You Hate People?

The 5 best ways to make extra money if you hate people are affiliate marketing, drop shipping, day trading, house sitter, or a freelancer.

What Are The Highest Paying Side Hustles For Introverts?

There is a side hustle for every introvert out there. Now, you know many of the best paying ones, including web development, freelance writing, and working as a VA.

While all of these side hustles for introverts can be rewarding, some of them stand above the rest when it comes to earning potential.

Personally, my favorite is affiliate marketing. It might take some time to get a consistent income flowing each, but a few years in the right niche can earn you millions of money online. While the events are fun, you won’t need to hang out with extroverts or make eye contact with anyone on your way up.

Want to learn more about making the most of affiliate marketing? At The Affiliate Lab, you can learn how the pros launch new affiliate sites, build an audience, and drive conversions. Our courses can help you make the most of this option’s earning potential.

9 Side Hustles for Introverts That Pay Well In 2024 (131)

Article by

Matt Diggity

Matt is the founder of Diggity Marketing, LeadSpring, The Search Initiative, The Affiliate Lab, and the Chiang Mai SEO Conference. He actually does SEO too.

9 Side Hustles for Introverts That Pay Well In 2024 (2024)


What is the best side hustle to make money in 2024? ›

One of the best and easiest side hustles to start is freelancing, as it provides you with a way to charge on a per-project basis and allows you to lean into your existing skills. Creatives can do especially well as freelancers, making money freelancing in various areas depending on their skills and abilities.

How can an introvert make extra money? ›

9 Side Hustles for Introverts That Pay Well In 2024
  1. Affiliate Marketing.
  2. Start An eCommerce Store.
  3. Freelance Website Developer.
  4. Freelance Writing.
  5. Proofreading And Editing.
  6. Graphic Designer.
  7. Virtual Bookkeeper.
  8. Virtual Assistant (VA)

What is the easiest side hustle from home? ›

As you think about the business idea that feels right for you, here are some side hustles that you can start right from your own home.
  • Proofreading or copyediting. ...
  • Crafting/artist. ...
  • Transcription service. ...
  • Virtual assistant. ...
  • Language teacher. ...
  • Hosting online workshops or classes. ...
  • Audiobook narrator. ...
  • Traveler host.
Mar 15, 2024

How can I make $3000 a month as a side hustle? ›

How To Make $3,000 A Month
  1. Become An Online Freelancer.
  2. Use Get-Paid-To Websites.
  3. Try Delivery Gigs.
  4. Start A Blog.
  5. Start An Ecommerce Store.
  6. Invest For $3,000 In Passive Income.
  7. Use Other Gig Apps.
  8. Consulting.
5 days ago

Which side gig pays the most? ›

These side hustles include:
  1. Marketing Strategy. This side hustle stands as the highest-paid side hustle of 2024, commanding rates of $178 on average. ...
  2. Mobile App Development. ...
  3. Presentation Design. ...
  4. Web Design. ...
  5. 3D Industrial Design. ...
  6. Brand Style Design. ...
  7. Packaging and Label Design.
Feb 28, 2024

What are the highest paying side hustles for a single day of work? ›

Three categories of work stand out as the highest-paid assignments in digital marketing: Marketing Strategy, Mobile App Marketing and Social Media Marketing. Of these, Marketing Strategy is by far the highest earner (see Design, Marketing and Writing Roles Among Best Paid U.S. Side Hustles above).

What side hustles pay weekly? ›

Overview: Side hustles that pay weekly
Side HustleEarning PotentialDifficulty
Babysitting or House Sitting$350-$500Low
Freelance Writing and Content Creation$250-$1000High
Dog Walking or Pet Sitting$250-$350Low
Online Surveys$100-$200Low
3 more rows
Mar 22, 2024

How to be rich as an introvert? ›

Top Side Hustles for Introverts
  1. Freelance Writing. For introverts who enjoy writing, freelance writing is a great way to make money on the side without having to interact with clients too much. ...
  2. Book Reviews. ...
  3. Data Entry. ...
  4. Online Tutoring. ...
  5. Virtual Assistance. ...
  6. Start an Online Shop. ...
  7. Blogging. ...
  8. Social Media Management.
Jun 13, 2023

What is the best business for introverts? ›

If you're an introverted entrepreneur, there are certain industries that can play to your strengths. Consider starting a business in fields such as writing and editing, graphic design, software development, online tutoring, or even niche consulting.

Who is the richest introvert in the world? ›

Warren Buffett, born on August 30, 1930 is known as the World's Richest Introvert. He is an American businessman, investor, and philanthropist who currently serves as the co-founder, chairman and CEO of Berkshire Hathaway.

What is the number one side hustle? ›

1. Freelancing. Freelancing is a tried-and-true way to earn extra money and deserves a top spot on any list of easy side hustle ideas. Freelancers deliver work on a per-project basis for one or more clients and you can schedule it in your spare time.

Are there any side hustles that actually work? ›

Start freelance writing or editing

There are lots of sites online where you can start writing and editing for clients on a freelance basis. You can make yourself a free profile on websites like Upwork and Fiverr and apply for editing, writing, and proofreading jobs instantly.

What side hustle makes money the fastest? ›

Our top side hustles ideas
  1. Take online surveys. ...
  2. Deliver food. ...
  3. Start a blog. ...
  4. Deliver groceries. ...
  5. Make coffee. ...
  6. Tutor online. ...
  7. Style hair. ...
  8. Become a makeup artist.
May 27, 2024

How to make 250 a day? ›

Jobs like Instacart and DoorDash are popular ways to earn 250 dollars a day in your spare time. But you can also try rideshare driving for companies like Uber and Lyft if you don't mind driving people around in your car.

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Article information

Author: Reed Wilderman

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Views: 6378

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Reviews: 91% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Reed Wilderman

Birthday: 1992-06-14

Address: 998 Estell Village, Lake Oscarberg, SD 48713-6877

Phone: +21813267449721

Job: Technology Engineer

Hobby: Swimming, Do it yourself, Beekeeping, Lapidary, Cosplaying, Hiking, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Reed Wilderman, I am a faithful, bright, lucky, adventurous, lively, rich, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.