9 Layer Salad - Sweet ReciPEAs (2024)

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This 9 Layer Salad is a twist on the 7 layer salad I grew up on but I add salted cashews and avocados for even more flavor.

Usually upon returning from a Food Bloggers Conference I’m filled with inspiration and come home wanting to bake and blog.

I mean last year at IFBC they had Dorie Greenspan speak and so how was I not going to get inspired by that?

This year while it was a good time and I got to meet bloggers I had wanted to meet in real life for quite some time, I didn’t really leave inspired if we are being honest.

Though part of that is that my step-daughter gave MDP and me her cold and mostly I am inspired to eat carbs and lay around.

Sometimes I even get a little defeated when I go to blogging conferences.

For while I am all for making money food blogging (I know I need to in order to keep up with the cost of blogging), I do get disheartened with how many people are now going into it with the main goal of profiting from blogging.

And sometimes I think to myself why exactly is it that I keep blogging?

The answer is because of comments like this:

“De-lurking and sending all positive vibes your way.

It’s probably time that I thanked you for completely changing part of my relationship with my hubby of 25 years.

He was very puzzled a while ago when he went to caress my tummy in bed and I didn’t flinch.

For the first time.

I told him he had “Peabody” to thank….

He just smiled and said ” I love that dog”.

You change peoples lives…. I hope you know that. Huge hugs.

I wish I could make you feel better as you did me.”

I came home from the conference to read that comment.

A reminder that even if I only make one person’s life better it’s sooo worth writing the blog.

I actually keep a journal of all the amazing comments like these for emergencies of when I don’t feel like blogging anymore. 🙂

Oh and if you want to know what that comment is in reference to, it’s this post HERE.

When we don’t really feel like cooking/baking around these parts we make this salad.

Lots of people have different versions of a 7 layer salad.

Mine of course is probably the worst for you…aka the yummiest. 🙂

Mine is also 8 layers…and usually 9 but I couldn’t find a good avocado this time at the store.

But if you don’t really feel like cooking but want a tasty dinner make this.

P.S. It’s a great day to buymy cookbookHoly Sweet!

Want More Salad Recipes?

Salad with Strawberry Poppy Seed Vinaigrette

Broccoli Salad Recipe

Black Bean Squash Corn Salad

Fried Pimento Cheese Salad

9 Layer Salad - Sweet ReciPEAs (3)


  • 1 head of iceberg lettuce, chopped (if lazy like me just one smaller bag of American salad mix)
  • 1 10 oz bag of frozen peas
  • 2 cans sliced water chestnuts, drained
  • 10 oz shredded cheddar cheese
  • 1 pound bacon, cooked and crumbled
  • 1 cup salted cashews
  • 4 hard boiled eggs, chopped
  • Avocado if you can find a good one
  • Dressing:
  • 2 cups mayonnaise
  • 2 tsp. granulated sugar
  • 1 tsp. seasoning salt
  • ¼ tsp. garlic powder


  1. Place greens in a large glass bowl (if you don’t have one that’s fine you just can’t see the pretty layers without it is all).
  2. Layer with peas, then water chestnuts.
  3. In a medium bowl whisk together all the dressing ingredients.
  4. Spread the dressing on top of the water chestnut layer.
  5. Add the cheese, bacon, and egg layers.
  6. Place in fridge overnight or for at least 4 hours.
  7. Remove from fridge and add cashews (that way they stay crunchy) and if using avocado.
  8. This is best enjoyed on the first day or else it starts to go soggy.

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  1. Mia says

    I’m so glad you blog…


  2. Ashley says

    I have loved salads like this since I was a kid. They were at every church potluck and I thought they were great.

    They always felt so magic, more than normal salads, because of the layers. I think this needs to be dinner soon!


  3. KB says

    My mom has a seven-layer salad recipe I make for her a lot, but hers is about twelve layers unless I can group six different kinds of chopped veggies into one “layer.” I’ve never added water chestnuts, though, and I know she loves them. Going to try it next time! 🙂


  4. Erin @ The Spiffy Cookie says

    Agreed! I sometimes feel completely overwhelmed and out of my league when it comes to blogging. I barely have a grasp on what SEO is and how it works let alone the effects of links in posts and the titles of pictures. Things I do not have the time or energy to figure out. I do the best I can but in the end I just want to make delicious food and share the recipes. I find I have more fun when I stop worrying about all that other stuff. And yay for that comment!!


  5. Becky says

    Hi there, I just wanted to drop by your blog and say how nice it was to meet you at IFBC! And wow, what a amazing comment you had on your blog while you were gone… that’s what we should all be striving for – caring and helping others!! I look forward to reading your blog more AND making this dip… cashews, bacon AND avocado- yum!! Take care, Becky


  6. sara says

    Yum! This looks fabulous. 🙂


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9 Layer Salad - Sweet ReciPEAs (2024)
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Name: Rev. Leonie Wyman

Birthday: 1993-07-01

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Introduction: My name is Rev. Leonie Wyman, I am a colorful, tasty, splendid, fair, witty, gorgeous, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.