8 natural ways to reduce your histamine levels (2024)

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8 natural ways to reduce your histamine levels (1)

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Toxaprevent is a safe, clean and natural binder. It contains MANC particles,...

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8 natural ways to reduce your histamine levels (3)

Why is histamine important?

Histamine is a chemical that is produced by the body and is involved in several important functions, including immune response, digestion, and regulating blood pressure. However, when histamine levels become too high, it can cause a range of symptoms, including allergic reactions, headaches, and inflammation.

DiscoverToxaprevent, our proven Zeolite Clinoptilolite product which detoxes histamine from the body.

8 natural ways to reduce your histamine

If you're looking for natural ways to reduce histamine levels in your body, here are eight strategies you can try:

  1. Eat alow-histamine diet: Some foods naturally contain high levels of histamine, while others can trigger the release of histamine in the body. To reduce histamine levels, consider incorporating more low-histamine foods into your diet, such as fresh vegetables, fruits, and meats. Avoid or limit high-histamine foods, such as fermented products, aged cheeses, and processed meats.
  2. Take supplements: Certain supplements, such as quercetin and vitamin C, may help reduce histamine levels and reduce allergy symptoms. Dosages of 400mg quercetin twice per day and up to 2000mg of vitamin C have seen to be beneficial. In addition, we recommend our Toxapreventhistamine intolerance protocolto detox histamine from the body. Consult withyour healthcare professional before taking any supplements to determine the right dosage and potential interactions with any medications you may be taking.
  3. Use essential oils: Some essential oils, such as chamomile and lavender, may have anti-inflammatory and antihistamine properties. Consider diffusing these oils in your home or adding a few drops to a warm bath alongside magnesium chloride to help restore the bodies natural minerals.
  4. Get enough sleep: Sleep plays a vital role in maintaining overall health and can help reduce histamine levels. Aim for 7-9 hours of sleep per night and establish a consistent sleep schedule. Aiming to shutting of electronic devices at least 1 hour before bed.
  5. Manage stress: Stress triggers the release of histamine and can worsen allergy symptoms and allergic reactions. Practice stress-reducing techniques, such as meditation, yoga, or deep breathing, to help lower histamine levels.
  6. Exercise regularly: Regular physical activity can help reduce inflammation and lower histamine levels. Aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise a day.
  7. Stay hydrated: Drinking enough water can help flush out histamine and other toxins from the body. Aim for at least 8 cups of water a day.
  8. Avoid triggers: Certain triggers, such as tobacco smoke and certain medications, can increase histamine levels. Avoiding these triggers can help reduce histamine levels in your body.

By incorporating these natural strategies into your daily routine, you can help reduce histamine levels and improve your overall health and well-being. Remember to consult with a healthcare professional before making any changes to your diet or lifestyle.

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Can I take Toxaprevent if I am pregnant?

Sadly, no. Even though Toxaprevent stays only in the GI tract, we don't have enough research to show its safety during pregnancy. You can only take Toxaprevent during pregnancy if you were taking it prior to becoming pregnant.We recommend consulting with your healthcare practitioner for further advice.

Can I take Toxaprevent if I am breastfeeding?

Even though Toxaprevent stays only in the GI tract we don't have enough research to show its safety during breastfeeding. You can only take Toxaprevent during breastfeeding if you were taking it prior to becoming pregnant and during your pregnancy.

Do I need to have a week's break after taking Toxaprevent for 1 month?

Nope! No gap is needed; you can continue taking the product. This is because the active ingredient in Toxaprevent is inert. Even though it is active, it binds to and absorbs the toxins circulating in your body. Once Toxaprevent binds to these toxins, it removes them from the body via stool alongside the Toxaprevent. We have to legally put this statement on the packaging to have this week's gap after using Toxaprevent for 30 days. Toxaprevent is classified as a medical device, and with this comes general information that we must put on the packaging. However, you can take Toxaprevent daily for as long as your body and you need to reduce the symptoms that come with toxin overload.

Can I take Toxaprevent with my Food Supplements?

Yep! You can take Toxaprevent with vitamins, minerals, supplements, and probiotics. No gap is needed, as the particle size of Toxaprevent is optimised to prevent it from binding to these valuable nutrients. Toxins such as heavy metals, moulds, and mycotoxins have a much higher ionic charge compared to minerals such as zinc and iron. Toxaprevent will favour binding to toxins first; before you say, there is no such thing as being toxin-free!In addition, Toxaprevent only stays in the gut. It NEVER enters the bloodstream, muscles, tissue, liver, or kidneys. Zeolite must never go past the gut, as there is no evidence that if it passes the gut barrier, it ever leaves the body with the toxins.This is why Toxaprevent is the safest Zeolite Clinoptilolite in the world. Most importantly, it is classified as a medical device, not a food supplement.

Contraindications when taking Toxaprevent

  1. Constipation: The most commonly reported issue with Toxaprevent is constipation, which only happens if you do not drink enough water. If you are still feeling constipated, this is a sign that you may not be eating enough fibre, carbohydrates, and protein in your diet to support stool formation or that you have low gut motility. We recommend increasing your fibre and discussing with your healthcare practitioner whether a good magnesium supplement could be added to support gut motility.
  2. Healing Crisis: The active ingredient in the Toxaprevent range (Zeolite Clinoptilolite: MANC) is not absorbed by the body and does not react with the body. It works autonomously, binding to the toxins in the digestive tract and then simply passing out via natural bowel movement. 1 in 1000 may get something called a 'healing crisis'. This is where the body begins to detox stored toxins. This happens when your liver and kidneys are engaged in removing stored toxins. Customers who report this say it feels similar to having flu-like symptoms where one feels tired, achy and wants to rest. If this happens, it is a positive sign; it means the body is detoxing stored toxins and is healing. These symptoms will typically pass within a week. We know it's tough, but perseverance is key, and we are here to help you if you want to talk or need support. Please keep hydrated, rest, and, most importantly, eat plenty of fibrous foods to help with stool formation.
  3. Feeling better: Yes, that's a contraindication. Bonkers, we know! However, as you begin to detox histamine, heavy metals, ammonium and other toxins, which we are all sadly exposed to daily, it is not uncommon to feel more energetic, less bloated and have fewer histamine symptoms.

Will Toxaprevent bind to my bodies nutrient and minerals?

Unlike other poor-quality binders, Toxaprevent does not bind to your body's nutrients and minerals. This is because the particle size of the Toxaprevent ingredient has been optimised, making it too small to bind to nutrients (which have a larger particle size). In addition, Toxaprevent's active ingredient is too large to pass through the gut lining, so it always stays in the GI tract.We produce longitudinal reports and studies as part of our medical device certification, which shows that long-term use of Toxaprevent does not deplete micronutrients and essential minerals levels in users' bodies.Download Longitudinal Report & StudyTherefore, Toxaprevent can be taken alongside food, other supplements, and even probiotics/prebiotics.It's only with medication you need to leave a two hour gap. You must take your medication first and then Toxaprevent 2 hours after. With food, we recommend taking Toxaprevent at least least 30 minutes before the meal or 2 hours after the meal.

Why should I take Toxaprevent 30 minutes before food?

These are the three reasons why you should take Toxaprevent 30 minutes before food:

  1. We want Toxaprevent to bind to circulating toxins in your body. If you have Toxaprevent too close to food, Toxaprevent will bind to the toxins such as histamine from the food rather than the histamine circulating in the body, causing your symptoms.
  2. If you use Toxaprevent to detox heavy metals from the body, this protocol will state that you should take the Toxaprevent Medi Pure Capsules 30 minutes before food. This is because your gall bladder and pancreas release bile, which aids digestion. This bile contains toxins such as heavy metals, ammonium, and other pollutants linked with inflammation. When you take the capsules 30 minutes before a meal, the protocol ensures these toxins are mopped up and removed safely from the gut!
  3. In addition, protein from food can stop Toxaprevent from binding to Toxins. Protein can coat the structure of Toxaprevent and prevent it from binding to toxins.

When should I take Toxaprevent?

It's all down to the condition and protocol you are taking Toxaprevent for.Please note: For our protocols for specific conditions, please go to our conditions page by clicking here.If you are repairing a leaky gut and detoxing histamine, we recommend taking Toxaprevent at least 30 minutes to 2 hours before food or at least 2 hours after food. The further away from food, the better it will work!

  1. If you are repairing a leaky gut and detoxing histamine, we recommend taking Toxaprevent at least 30 minutes to 2 hours before food or at least 2 hours after food. The further away from food, the better it will work! We want Toxaprevent to bind to circulating toxins in your body. If you have Toxaprevent too close to food, Toxaprevent will bind to the toxins such as histamine from the food rather than the histamine circulating in the body, causing your symptoms.
  2. If you use Toxaprevent to detox heavy metals from the body, this protocol will state that you should take the Toxaprevent Medi Pure Capsules 30 minutes before food. This is because your gall bladder and pancreas release bile, which aids in digestion. This bile contains toxins such as heavy metals, ammonium, and other pollutants linked with inflammation. When you take the capsules 30 minutes before a meal, the protocol ensures these toxins are mopped up and removed safely from the gut!
  3. In addition, protein from food can stop Toxaprevent from binding to Toxins. Protein can coat the structure of Toxaprevent and prevent it from binding to toxins.

Does Toxaprevent contain gluten, dairy, wheat, soy or other allergens?

All Toxaprevent products are vegan and contain none of the 14 known allergens.The active ingredient, Zeolite Clinoptilolite MANC®, which stands for Modified Activated Natural Clinoptilolite, comes from volcanic ash, a raw material from sustainable sources. We then put this through our patented cleaning process known as Tribomechanical Activation, providing you with pure, safe-to-ingest Zeolite Clinoptilolite. All Toxaprevent products contain no animal components, blood, or by-products and no alcohol.

So yep, Toxaprevent is 100% vegan and 100% Natural Zeolite Clinoptilolite!

Is Toxaprevent Vegan?

Yes, Toxaprevent is vegan and contains none of the 14 known allergens.

Toxaprevent does not contain dairy, wheat, gluten, fish, soy or there derivatives. The active ingredient, Zeolite Clinoptilolite MANC®, which stands for Modified Activated Natural Clinoptilolite, comes from volcanic ash, a raw material from sustainable sources. We then put this through our patented cleaning process known as Tribomechanical Activation, providing you with pure, safe-to-ingest Zeolite Clinoptilolite. All Toxaprevent products contain no animal components, blood, or by-products and no alcohol.

So yep, Toxaprevent is 100% vegan and 100% Natural Zeolite Clinoptilolite!

What does Toxaprevent bind and detox from the body?

When you take Toxaprevent it immediately begins to detox the following toxins from the body:

  • Histamine
  • Mould
  • Mycotoxins
  • Ammonium
  • Aflatoxins
  • Ochratoxins A&B
  • Mercury
  • Lead
  • Aluminium
  • Cadmium
  • Arsenic
  • Nickel
  • Tin
  • Dimethylamine
  • Nitrosamine
  • Tyramine

Once Toxaprevent has mopped up these toxins it safely removes them and leaves the body through natural bowel movement.

Does Toxaprevent release Lead or Heavy Metals like other binders?

Nope, Toxaprevent does not release lead or heavy metals into the body.

We have questioned the complete inaccuracy of these statements and, alas, have never received a response. This letter circulated in 2020 to all our practitioners and users of Toxaprevent, explains the safety and reports that have gone into achieving our Medical Device License for Toxaprevent which we have held since 2006.

1. Download the letter
2. Download the longitudinal safety report of Toxaprevent, which removes toxins such as aluminium, lead, mercury, and histamine and can be used daily.
3. Download the longitudinal safety report showing that Toxaprevent does not interfere with the body's vitamins, minerals or nutrients.

Does Toxaprevent cause constipation?

We understand how uncomfortable feeling constipated can be. However, if this happens when taking Toxaprevent, don't worry. It can be easily resolved and is a positive sign that your gut is not only detoxing but also time to make a few tweaks!

Constipation can happen for two reasons:

  1. It's a sign that you may need to increase your water intake
  2. Or it's a sign you do not have enough soluble and insoluble fibre or protein in your diet

One of the main issues with histamine symptoms or detoxing is restrictive diets and having to limit nutritious foods, which are not only full of nutrients and fibres but also what our body needs to produce and pass stool. We suggest increasing your intake of fibrous fruits and veggies.

  • Eating slightly green bananas, i.e. not over-ripened as they are packed full of resistant starch
  • Turn your carbohydrates into resistant starches
  • Adding lentils, beans or legumes in with your veggies to provide a good protein and fibre hit
  • Increasing veggie intake. Veggies such as broccoli, sweet potato, cauliflower and edamame peas
  • Adding flaxseeds, chia seeds or nuts into your food to increase fibre and protein
  • Speaking with your practitioner about adding a magnesium supplement to support bowel movements

We understand it can be uncomfortable, but these small changes will make a big difference and support not only fuller stool but also frequency in your bowel movements.

What does Toxaprevent contain?

Toxaprevent contains Zeolite Clinoptilolite MANC, a scientifically-backed toxin binder that has been proven to mop up and remove toxins and reverse toxins, leading to an overreactive immune system known as Histamine Overload (Histamine Intolerance). Toxaprevent contains medical-grade Zeolite Clinoptilolite MANC, Modified Activated Natural Zeolite—the cleanest, safest, and most optimised Zeolite in the world. Toxaprevent's active ingredient, MANC, has been put through a unique process that optimises the particle size to keep it between 6 and 10 microns; this is extremely important when choosing the right Zeolite. Our Zeolite Clinoptilolite MANC is kept between these two sizes, as it is proven that it is too small to bind vitamins, minerals or nutrients but too large to pass through the gut barrier.Zeolite must never enter the liver or kidneys or pass through the bloodstream, as there is no evidence to show that once it does, it leaves. Toxaprevent stays only in the gut, where it binds to the toxins and then leaves the body with the toxins in your stool.Toxaprevent binds and removes the following toxins from the body:

  • Histamine
  • Mould
  • Mycotoxins
  • Ammonium
  • Aflatoxins
  • Ochratoxins A & B
  • Mercury
  • Lead
  • Aluminium
  • Cadmium
  • Arsenic
  • Nickel
  • Tin
  • Dimethylamine
  • Nitrosamine
  • Tyramine

Toxaprevent is regulated and classed as a medical device. Even though the packaging may look medical, Toxaprevent is completely natural. Toxaprevent is certified as a medical device because we can prove what toxins Toxaprevent removed from the body. It is safe to take daily, and most importantly, we proved that once it mopped up and absorbed the toxins, it left the body.This is why Toxaprevent was awarded its medical device certification. The certification shows that our Zeolite Clinoptilolite (MANC) has been processed to remove all the toxins, so it is completely clean of all environmental pollutants and irritants.

Watch our video on how to choose the RIGHT Zeolite: Stop Using The Wrong Zeolite: How To Choose The Right Zeolite

What is the difference between Toxaprevent Medi Plus Sachets and Toxaprevent Medi Pure Capsules?

The Toxaprevent Medi Plus Sachets (Purple one) mop up toxins in theupper GI: Mouth, Oesophagus and Stomach.

The Toxaprevent Medi Pure Capsules (Red one) mop up toxins in thelower GI: Intestines and Colon.

That's why we recommend using both together. The sachets detox the stomach and pass into your colon to be passed out via your stool. The Toxaprevent Medi Plus Sachets have already bound to toxins in your stomach, so the sachets won't be as effective in the intestines and colon. Whereas, the Toxaprevent Capsules have an enteric coating (delayed release), bypassing the stomach and opening up in the intestines and colon to detoxify the toxins further down.

So, depending on the protocol or where you wish to detox the toxins, you can use them individually or both together, as we recommend in our protocols. Check out our Toxaprevent protocols where we explain how Toxaprevent works on specific conditions.

How long can you use Toxaprevent?

You can take Toxaprevent daily. The active ingredient, Zeolite Clinoptilolite MANC, is inert. It doesn't have a physiological or immunological effect on the body; it binds to the toxins and leaves the body with them. So, you can not build a tolerance or immunity to Toxaprevent. Once Toxaprevent has mopped up the toxins it leaves the body with the toxins.You can use Toxaprevent for as long as you need, as it's all down to your toxin levels, symptoms, and body. Most people will see a big difference in taking Toxaprevent daily, as it mops up and removes toxins, pollutants, and irritants that cause the symptoms and conditions you are feeling.The issue is that we are exposed to toxins on a daily basis. Though we can do our best to avoid them, and our body tries to filter most toxins, unfortunately, this is not always the case because of how much we are exposed to them. This is where Toxaprevent can help by binding directly to the toxins and removing them from the body, reducing the toxic burden from our body and the symptoms that come with toxin overload.

How quickly will I see a difference taking Toxaprevent?

It depends on your symptoms and toxic load. Everyone's body, symptoms and toxin levels are different. We've had customers who, within a week, see a big difference in their symptoms, and in others, it takes over 3 months as they have such a big build of toxins in the body.Toxaprevent works immediately, but you must remember that your histamine intolerance symptoms or the buildup of heavy metals didn't happen overnight; they built up over time. This is what Toxaprevent is going to undo. Toxaprevent will bind to these toxins in the body and reduce the toxin load. Taking Toxaprevent daily ensures that not only are these stored toxins being removed, but also toxins we are exposed to daily are also removed.The issue is that we are exposed to toxins daily. What triggers our histamine could be more than just food, and as well as detoxing histamine, Toxaprevent is also removing heavy metals, moulds and mycotoxins, to name a few that we are exposed to.Though we can do our best to avoid them, and our body tries to filter most toxins, unfortunately, this is not always the case because of how much we are exposed to them. This is where Toxaprevent can help by binding directly to the toxins and removing them from the body, reducing the toxic burden from our body and the symptoms that come with toxin overload.

Detox using the best Zeolite Clinoptilolite in the world: Toxaprevent.Remember: You can use Toxaprevent daily and long-term, as once it binds to the toxins, it leaves the body. So, you can not build up a tolerance to the products!

Can I take Toxaprevent with medication?

Yes, you can take Toxaprevent with any medication, but you must leave a two-hour gap between the medication and Toxaprevent.
Take your medication first, and then take Toxaprevent at least 2 hours afterward. If possible, eat and take your medication together, wait 2 hours, and then take your Toxaprevent.
If you need support or help building your protocol, please email us the following information: [email protected]

  • The time you take your medication
  • When you eat
  • When you sleep

We will then support you and your practitioner with when to take Toxaprevent.

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8 natural ways to reduce your histamine levels (2024)


How can I lower my histamine levels quickly? ›

However, one or more of the following approaches may help:
  1. taking antihistamines.
  2. taking DAO enzyme supplements.
  3. avoiding medicines associated with histamine intolerance, which may involve switching medications.
  4. taking corticosteroids.

What foods flush out histamine? ›

Foods which are reported as having lower histamine levels include most fresh produce, fresh meat, certain fresh/frozen fish, eggs including quail eggs and most fresh herbs.

What breaks down histamine in the body? ›

Your body uses enzymes, mostly diamine oxidase (DAO), to break down histamine. If you have low levels of DAO and you eat something or take medication that increases your level of histamine, the histamine signals could cause symptoms like diarrhea, headaches, runny nose and hives.

What are the worst histamine foods? ›

Foods High in Histamine
  • High-Histamine Foods.
  • Processed Meats.
  • Aged Cheeses.
  • Alcohol.
  • Fermented Foods.
  • Fruits and Vegetables.
  • Legumes.
  • Spoiled Fish.

What clears histamine from the body? ›

Some research suggests that copper, vitamin B6, and vitamin C can help lower histamine levels. Talk to your doctor before changing your diet or starting supplements. They can help you choose foods, strategies, and supplements that won't interfere with other health conditions or medications.

What is the strongest natural antihistamine? ›

Quercetin is considered one of the most powerful natural antihistamines.

Why is my body producing so much histamine? ›

High histamine levels are often caused by a deficiency in the enzyme DAO, which helps to break down histamine. Such a deficiency could be caused by: Medications that block DAO production or function. Certain foods that block DAO.

How do you stop histamine overload? ›

Other than making changes to your eating pattern, there's not much you can do to fix histamine intolerance. Antihistamines may help reduce symptoms in the short term. A 2020 research review notes that DAO supplements may also help, but more research is needed to confirm how well they work.

What blocks histamine in the body? ›

Antihistamines block cells from seeing histamine and can treat common allergies. Medicines like steroids can calm the inflammatory effects of allergies. And anaphylaxis needs to be treated with a shot of epinephrine, which opens up airways, and increases blood pressure.

What reverses histamine? ›

Antihistamines are a pharmaceutical class of drugs that act to treat histamine-mediated conditions. There are two main classes of histamine receptors: H-1 receptors and H-2 receptors. Antihistamine drugs that bind to H-1 receptors are generally used to treat allergies and allergic rhinitis.

What is a histamine dump? ›

A histamine dump happens when your body produces too much histamine that builds up in the brain. Histamine dumps often happen late at night or early in the morning. You might suddenly feel changes in body temperature, itchiness, or blood pressure changes as your histamine levels rise.

Does B12 lower histamine? ›

Folic acid (with vitamin B12) can help to raise the histamine level. High histamine (histemia): Vitamin C acts as a modulator on the synthesis and release of histamine in the body: the human blood histamine increases with the decrease of the plasma ascorbic acid.

How to detox histamine? ›

Stay hydrated: Drinking enough water can help flush out histamine and other toxins from the body. Aim for at least 8 cups of water a day. Avoid triggers: Certain triggers, such as tobacco smoke and certain medications, can increase histamine levels. Avoiding these triggers can help reduce histamine levels in your body.

Are eggs bad for histamine? ›

Boiled, fried, or poached eggs aren't affected by cooking methods when it comes to histamine content. Eggs are low in histamines, this makes them ideal for the low-histamine diet. Chickpeas, peanuts, and lentils have been found to have low concentrations of histamines and may be safely consumed in a low-histamine diet.

Is coffee high in histamine? ›

What is the Link Between Coffee and Histamine? Research on coffee and histamine is not extensive, but it all points to low-quality coffee and unripe coffee used in roasting. In high-quality coffee, histamine in green, roasted, and coffee beverages may not be found or may be present in small concentrations.

What is the best histamine blocker? ›

Benadryl (diphenhydramine) is the strongest and most effective first-generation antihistamine, says Roberto Garcia-Ibáñez, M.D., a board-certified allergist and immunologist at The Allergi Group in Tampa, Florida. It's often administered in the emergency room to treat an allergic reaction, he adds.

Can drinking lots of water flush out histamine? ›

There's no clear link between drinking water and flushing out histamine when it builds up to high levels. But research suggests that dehydration can trigger immune responses that involve histamine.

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Name: Frankie Dare

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Introduction: My name is Frankie Dare, I am a funny, beautiful, proud, fair, pleasant, cheerful, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.