8 Best Free and Open Source BIM Software Tools (2024)

It will only be a matter of time before your construction business (no matter how small) will start usingbuilding information modeling, otherwise known as BIM.

While BIM advocates will be quick to tell you all about its advantages, certain clients, notably in the public sector, aren’t simply relying on carrots to persuade you to become a BIM shop. Governments across the world are making BIM and BIM software a mandatory part of bidding for contracts and undertaking building projects.

Your choice will not be if, but how you use it.

8 Best Free and Open Source BIM Software Tools (1)

In the world of construction management software, there are always solutions that are available for free or that use open, non-proprietary code to help you avoid being locked into a particular software supplier.

BIM is no exception. The challenge is in choosing a free and/or open source BIM application that fits your needs.

Before we jump into these open source and free BIM software options, we’ll take a look at some of the advantages of using a BIM tool and the different types of BIM tools with varying degrees of complexity. Then we’ll look at some specific options for each type.

What is this“BIM” anyway?

Building information modelling is a process to help manage complexity and improve performance in construction projects. Using BIM as a software application gives users the followingadvantages:

  • 3D visualization of buildings. Your construction team can work better together, as well as with customers and subcontractors. Spot and correct errors in 3D designs before they happen in real life, or fix them faster afterward.
  • Change management. Alterations to building structures and furnishings can be automatically checked, conflicts identified, and quality improved.
  • Construction simulation. Try out different designs and optimize for the best cost-performance ratio while ensuring overall construction soundness and safety.
  • Data management. Attach different kinds of project data (schedules, photos, scans of handwritten notes) to be able to find it all again in one place.
  • Operational management. Check building performance (energy consumption for example) over the lifetime of a building and improve efficiency in remodels and extensions.

Many users and software developers stop at the first benefit. They consider BIM to be a kind of glorified computer-aided design (CAD). Yet BIM can go well beyond a static 3D drawing on a screen to help to reduce costs and accelerate construction schedules. And there are free and open source BIM applications that offer some of the advantages listed above.

This article looks at eight highly rated free BIM software options. See the full list of free BIM software solutions here.

Reasons for considering free or open source BIM software

At first glance, it seems obvious. “Free construction software” should help you save money. However, as any IT manager will tell you, initial software costs are often a small proportion of the real cost of using software, including staff time and effort to learn and use it. “Free” should be interpreted with caution!

BIM applications built on open source software offers their own set of benefits:

  • Open source software typically uses open standards in its design and interfaces. This can make the exchange of BIM data with customers, partners, and suppliers easier.
  • Open source software also allows you to modify the program itself (if you want to). You could, for example, change the user interface, add your own special functions, or make the program interact in new ways with other parts of your IT architecture.

Construction manager or software geek?

Software applications increasingly drive construction management and building work in general. But does that mean you have to know what goes on under the hood? Commercial BIM applications often take pains to shield users from this and charge you for it accordingly. The business logic is that you should get more value, faster, for your construction company because you don’t have to worry about the inner workings of your software platform.

Vendors of free software, on the other hand, may not have the same business perspective. Depending on how deeply you want to get into the software itself, you may prefer to pay for a packaged, user-friendly solution. Or perhaps you want to make the effort required to exploit the power and flexibility of certain free or open source solutions.

To help you decide, we’ll categorize options for free and open source BIM software into the following types:

  • Free BIM viewer.Although BIM advantages can go much further (see above), an application to view 3D models of buildings can help to get workers and customers into the mode of using BIM.
  • Standard office application-based BIM. Business information modelling may sound complicated, but sometimes a standard spreadsheet is all you need.
  • BIM as a bolt-on for CAD software. While purists argue that BIM software should be designed and built separately, this can be a pragmatic way of getting into building information modelling.
  • The BIM software toolkit. A software toolkit can be adapted or used to build a variety of BIM solutions, including extensions to existing applications. However, that means possessing or having access to the relevant software programming skills.
  • BIM from the start. In this case, the BIM software has been built expressly for building information modelling. Instead of trying to twist 2D or 3D drawings into BIM, this kind of BIM application gives you digital building blocks from which to make adaptable, purpose-built BIM projects.

Free BIM Viewer

8 Best Free and Open Source BIM Software Tools (2)

Screenshot of BIMx from Graphisoft

BIMx from Graphisoft is available free of charge for Android and iOS devices.

As an interactive 3D communication and presentation tool, it lets users upload a 3D drawing and explore it. Construction companies can take advantage of BIMx to:

  • Show customers what they will get, and why they should sign that contract (now!)
  • Show workers on site what the end result will be and therefore how each intermediate step should contribute to that result
  • Get precise feedback from workers and supervisors about any problems in the construction process by indicating where in the drawing the issue is occurring.

An iPad or Android tablet offers mobility, as well as a camera for taking pictures of problems and the ability to attach accompanying notes (although the website says that the free app is for viewing only and mostly intended for clients). BIMx also won a mobile Product of the Year Award as a testimony to its quality and user friendliness.

Another option is BIM Vision, a freeware IFC model viewer that allows the user to view virtual models created by systems such as Revit, Archicad, Advance, DDS CAD, Tekla, and Nemetschek VectorWorks, just to name a few. IFC stands for “Industry Foundation Class,” which is another kind of data model for describing building and construction industry data.

The software allows for lots of tweaking of the 3D model, including coloring elements based on the type, setting the transparency level for creating cross-sections, and comparisons of models to show the geometry changes and element properties. You can also load multiple IFC files in one view for side-by-side comparisons.

BIM Vision works on a PC or tablet with Windows 7 or newer, so Apple users are out of luck.

Standard office application-based BIM

8 Best Free and Open Source BIM Software Tools (3)

Image from Practical BIM

Do Microsoft Excel and the freeOpenOffice Calcqualify as BIM software? According to initiatives such as COBie (Construction Operations Building Information Exchange), the answer is yes.

COBie is a data format designed for the capture and recording of important building project data.

The data can be recorded in a spreadsheet, which can then be used as input for other software applications. In June 2011, the UK government set out a five-year plan to bring 3D BIM in for all its construction projects (PDF). The requirement for the first year was COBie: a “spreadsheet containing as much information about a building in as complete and as useful form as possible.”

COBie and similar data formats also highlight another interesting point. BIM isn’t only about 3D drawings. In fact, BIM can also exist without any such drawings at all as information in a COBie spreadsheet.

BIM as a bolt-on for CAD software

8 Best Free and Open Source BIM Software Tools (4)

Screenshot of FreeCAD

BIM and engineering CAD softwareare two different approaches to building design.

In a perfect world they would stay separate. However, in the real world, compromises are sometimes necessary in order to get building projects done. FreeCAD offers such a compromise. It is a CAD program that offers BIM functionality as an extension to help users handle BIM as a process.

In particular, FreeCAD offers “IFC compatibility.”FreeCAD also states that its functionality can be activated and driven by other software programs written in Python. Python is reputed for its relative user-friendliness, but for most people, it’s “geek-speak” all the same.

In summary, FreeCAD offers a way for users already familiar with CAD to get a head start along the road to BIM, but those without any software programming knowledge may find it tough going.

The BIM software toolkit

8 Best Free and Open Source BIM Software Tools (5)

Screenshot of xBIM

The phrase “software toolkit” instantly indicates a need for some serious software engineering capability in order to get any further. The challenge is to make the connection between the software constructs and terminology and a practical solution that helps your construction business. Unfortunately, some free toolkits or platforms seem to get stuck at the software stage.

xBIM (eXtensible Building Information Modeling) makes an effort to help users cross over the chasm andget to business value. While created as a software development toolkit, it offers practical examples of use in real life building contexts. It may take a software engineer to figure out the references to middleware and APIs (application programming interfaces), but other aspectsare easier to understand:

  • xBIM makes it relatively easy to manipulate the IFC building elements. You can work with beams, panels, doors, windows, teams, processes, and other “real life” entities to make a BIM representation of your construction project.
  • xBIM offers the abilityto create new functions to extend the possibilities of commercial BIM tools such as Autodesk Revit.
  • Sample applications based on xBIM are available. For instance, the iCIM (Interoperable Carbon Information Modeling) online tool lets designers assess the carbon impact of their design decisions throughout the lifecycle of a building.

Another option is BIMserver, which was created on the premise that no two construction projects are the same, and therefore construction managers need focused applications that can do one thing very well.

BIMserver is a platform that allows you to build a niche application perfectly suited for your project, although you’ll need some programming expertise to get started. The software is published under the GNU Affero GPLv3 license, so it’s free to use and modify. You can use this software to create your own BIM tool from the ground up, or modify other tools out there to fit your unique situation.

BIMserver’s core features include storing all revisions, open BIM standards, cloud capabilities, lots of interfaces, and a plug-in framework for easier fine-tuning, to name a few.

BIM from the Start

8 Best Free and Open Source BIM Software Tools (6)

Screenshot of B-processor

Anintuitive free BIM offering in this category is “B-processor.”

B-processor has been created from the start for BIM, and not as an add-on to a CAD software product. The 3D modeling of a building is relatively simple to learn. As spaces (such as rooms) and structures (such as walls) are put into place, users add further information (“tags”) to each element to describe its properties and function. These tags can then be used to provide total cost information, cost breakdowns, carbon footprint data, alerts about design conflicts, and more.

B-processor also keeps manipulation of each model simple too, with the possibility to define:

  • “Modelers”:tools for repetitive tasks and the creation of detailed elements
  • “Evalors”:tools for processes such as calculating areas, energy consumption, and structural properties.

Another BIM project, 4BIM, offerssimilar “native” BIM functionality, this time as an online software service. As an open source solution, it too has its sights set on practical functionality to help designers and builders.

  • An online viewer for 3D BIM models with access from a standard web browser. Construction project members are able to use the 3D BIM models without any significant learning effort.
  • An online review system for the data attached to a BIM model, following the IFC model of standard data formats and constructs.
  • Collaborative teamwork functions to view, merge and further process multiple BIM files, with tracking of changes in models and alerts about such changes being made.
  • A reporting system to pick out useful information now and in the future, such as the information for a bill of quantities or the highlighting of project conflicts.
  • A facilities management handover service to make relevant information available to clients or other parties, using the standard COBie 2 (see above for COBie) data format.
  • A mobile application for Android and iPhone/iPad device users to access and interact with BIM data in a project.

4BIM offers most or even all of the BIM benefits listed at the beginning of this article, without making builders jump through any software engineering hoops.

Meanwhile, back at the commercial vendors ranch…

Credit where credit is due;commercial CAD solution vendors such asAutodesk and Nemetschek (maker of Graphisoft, among other products) have also actively promoted common building data formats. This makes it easier to exchange such data between different programs.

The initiative to define the Industry Foundation Classes (IFC) started in 1994 when Autodesk formed an industry consortium on the subject. The consortium then became a nonprofitindustry-led organization to develop and maintain IFC specifications, and is now called buildingSMART, the eight tool in our list.

Independently of how commercial vendors view free and new solutions such as 4BIM, open standards to help interworking are in everybody’s best interest.


Building information modeling is increasingly part of any and all construction activities. While some clients choose to make it mandatory, BIM offers benefits to all players in the construction industry, whether they are architects, designers, engineers, or builders. This is as true for smaller companies as it is for larger ones.

Free and open source BIM software must be selected with care however. In this case, the size of the user’s organization does matter. Smaller construction companies may not have the internal software skills or resources to work with some of the more complex open source BIM programs or toolkits. Even larger companies will need to size up the effort required to put such programs to practical use. On the other hand, other free and open source solutions such as BIMx, B-processor, and 4BIM offer real possibilities to become part of the BIM scene and to do better business because of it.

Arethere any other free BIM software options that I missed? Leave your thoughts in the comments below and be sure to leave a review!

8 Best Free and Open Source BIM Software Tools (2024)


Is BIM software free? ›

BIMx from Graphisoft is available free of charge for Android and iOS devices. As an interactive 3D communication and presentation tool, it lets users upload a 3D drawing and explore it.

What is Open Source BIM? ›

BIM applications built on open source software offers their own set of benefits: Open source software typically uses open standards in its design and interfaces. This can make the exchange of BIM data with customers, partners, and suppliers easier.

Is Revit open source? ›

Open-Source for Commercial Software

While Revit is not free, Iran-Nejad's add-in is freely available. Users can download the compiled add-in or its source code and modify it to their own uses. Likewise, Ladybug Tools is a collection of open-source tools that support environmental design.

Is there a free version of BIM 360? ›

No, Autodesk BIM 360 does not offer a free plan.

Is Revit a free software? ›

Students can access free software to download at home. You will need an email account and will have to create an account at this website before the download can happen.

Is Revit Open BIM? ›

The Open BIM – Revit Plugin is an open-access application. To operate it, users must have a Revit user license of version 2015 or higher, (with the IFC 2015 or IFC 2016 plugin installed – later versions of Revit already include this plugin).

Which is better BIM or Revit? ›

But the fact is, Revit is not BIM. BIM (Building Information Modelling) is a process/technology/ platform and Revit is one of the many BIM tools/applications available like ArchiCAD, AECOsim, Edificius etc. Thus, a 3D model designed using the Revit application is designed for BIM.

Is SketchUp a BIM tool? ›

Revit belongs to the family of BIM software. Sketchup, however, is a CAD software.

Is Revit the only BIM software? ›

Revit is just one of many software applications under the BIM umbrella that lead to an efficient design of space. Revit is the main application that falls under BIM, but there are other applications designed to perform certain functions that Revit cannot achieve or is ineffective at tackling.

How do I choose a BIM software? ›

How to choose the right BIM software?
  1. Define your needs. ...
  2. Create a list of programs that caught your attention. ...
  3. Check out the most important features of the software.
  4. Software performance. ...
  5. One Source of Truth. ...
  6. License and Terms. ...
  7. Verify the vendor list.
1 Nov 2021

What is better than Revit? ›

Winner: ArchiCAD. You'd save about $500 with a 3-year subscription, including license and upgrades. The longer you continue with ArchiCAD, the more savings you'll get versus Revit, because the per year upgrade cost is less than Revit.

Is Ansys open-source? ›

It is part code repository, part version control system and part open-source collaboration community. The site is home to more than 100 million repositories and used by more than 50 million developers from more than 3 million organizations and now Ansys is officially one of those organizations.

How much is Revit monthly? ›

The price of an annual Revit subscription is $2,545 and the price of a monthly Revit subscription is $320. Only the newest version of Revit is available for download. Current Revit version 2021 will open files from previous versions.

What replaced BIM 360? ›

BIM 360 Design has been rebranded "Autodesk BIM Collaborate Pro" to reflect the inclusion of the Model Coordination and Insight* modules, Glue, and access to the new Autodesk Construction Cloud platform.

Is Rhino a CAD or BIM? ›

Rhino owes a lot of its' continued expansion to its' flexibility as a CAD platform. Out of the box, Rhino supports importing and exporting over 30 different CAD file formats, including industry standards such as . STL, . OBJ, STEP, DWG/DXF, and more.

Is BIM 360 only for Revit? ›

When a model is initiated to the cloud, the BIM 360 project is locked to that version of Revit. Only models saved from the open version of Revit (from which the model was initiated in the cloud) will be visible. The RVT files have been uploaded directly to BIM 360 without initiating Revit Cloud Worksharing.

Is CAD or Revit better? ›

What's the difference between Revit and AutoCAD? The biggest difference is that AutoCAD is a CAD software and Revit is software for BIM. While AutoCAD is a general drawing tool with broad application, Revit is a design and documentation solution, supporting all phases and disciplines involved in a building project.

Which is better rhino or Revit? ›

Rhinoceros and Revit are programs with different properties. While Rhinoceros is a good option for modelling complex surfaces and geometries with precision, Revit is a high quality program for modelling with information.

Is AutoCAD better than Revit? ›

Autocad works more like a drawing paper where you can create a 2D design representing real elements for your project, whereas Revit is more focused on considering the project as a whole and closet to the real thing. It is used to build 3D components equipped with real-life information.

Why is Revit not BIM? ›

However, BIM is a process and Revit is a software package. Revit software is used to design 3D models for BIM, which, as you know, stands for Building Information Modeling. The key word here is “information”. It is a process in which all the information required for a construction is assimilated.

Which country is best for BIM? ›

CountryMost common BIM maturity levelDate BIM become mandatory
Germany2, with some 1 and 32017 for projects worth over €100 million
Poland1, growing rates of 22030 for capital construction projects with a state budget
France21st January 2022
Croatia0, some cases of 1Not currently mandatory
3 more rows
21 Jun 2021

Is AutoCAD a BIM? ›

The short answer is that, no, AutoCAD is not a BIM. It's a facilitator of BIM. Computer-aided design (CAD) drawings—like those generated in AutoCAD software—are an integral part of a BIM system.

What are the 4 stages of BIM? ›

The Four Phases of BIM Implementation
  • Evaluation/Assessment.
  • Preparation for the Transition / Project Pre-Planning.
  • Execution of the Plan / Design and Construction.
  • Operations and Maintenance through Experience and Expertise.

What is 6D and 7D BIM? ›

5D cost analysis | cost management, construction cost estimating, etc. 6D sustainability| environmental, economic and social sustainability impact studies. 7D life cycle and maintenance | Facility Management: planning and management of maintenance operations throughout the building's lifecycle.

Who invented BIM? ›

It is sometimes difficult to determine who first coined the term “BIM.” Some claim Charles M. Eastman at Georgia Tech coined the term, the theory being based on a view that the term is basically the same as “building product model,” which Eastman has used extensively in his publications since the late 1970s.

Can Revit replace AutoCAD? ›

Can Revit Replace AutoCAD? It is a good practice to start with a pilot project, and then start each new project in Revit. Over time, Revit can replace AutoCAD.

Who uses Revit the most? ›

It's generally used by architects, structural engineers, mechanical, electrical, and plumbing (MEP) engineers, designers, and contractors. Autodesk Revit allows users to create, edit, and review 3D models in exceptional detail.

Can BIM replace CAD? ›

From CAD to BIM

The point of BIM isn't to replace or upgrade CAD workflows, but rather to make these drawings part of a centralized ecosystem of project management. One that puts the building model at the core and updates in tandem with the project.

Should I use Revit or SketchUp? ›

If you must have something easy to use and inexpensive, then Sketchup is the way to go. On the other hand, if you need powerful professional software that is all-inclusive in building design, then fork over the dough to invest in Revit.

Is Solidwork is a BIM software? ›

SOLIDWORKS is very popular in the Architectural and Construction industry and integrates into the BIM Methodology. There are many definitions of Building Information Modelling (BIM), but it is simply the means by which everyone can understand a building through the use of a digital model.

Is AutoCAD better than SketchUp? ›

AutoCAD is mainly for 2D drawing, while SketchUp was always designed to be a high-quality 3D modeling program. Because of this, AutoCAD has a student version, but SketchUp does not.

Why is AutoCAD not BIM? ›

CAD is simply the use of computer systems to assist with design. While BIM tools such as Revit are technically CAD programs, the term "CAD" is used more for drafting programs. In terms of building design, CAD is essentially using a drafting tool, such as AutoCAD, to create lines and arcs to represent a building design.

Is solidworks better than Revit? ›

Revit and SOLIDWORKS both meet the requirements of our reviewers at a comparable rate. When comparing quality of ongoing product support, reviewers felt that SOLIDWORKS is the preferred option. For feature updates and roadmaps, our reviewers preferred the direction of Revit over SOLIDWORKS.

What is Revit stands for? ›

The ease of making changes inspired the name Revit, a contraction of Revise-Instantly. At the heart of Revit is a parametric change propagation engine that relied on a new technology, context-driven parametrics, that was more scalable than the variational and history-driven parametrics used in mechanical CAD software.

How much does BIM software cost? ›

How much does a BIM Collaborate Pro subscription cost? The price of an annual BIM Collaborate Pro subscription is $945 and the price of a monthly BIM Collaborate Pro subscription is $120 . The price of a 3-year BIM Collaborate Pro subscription is $2,695 .

What is a good BIM? ›

The best building information modeling software is Autodesk BIM 360. Designed to help professionals in the construction industry, BIM 360 is capable of connecting teams in real-time, from design to construction.

Is BIM better than AutoCAD? ›

CAD has rapidly been overtaken by BIM though, as BIM offers real-time visualisation and model-analysis that is better suited to the construction industry. The use of BIM allows architects, contractors and engineers to work together throughout the project using the same database and building model.

What is the future of Revit? ›

Published: 27/04/2021. Technological innovation has the potential to make the construction sector efficient. Building Information Modeling (BIM) holds the center stage for virtual design and construction. The future looks bright with Revit software application in BIM & virtual design and construction services.

Is Revit harder than AutoCAD? ›

In conclusion, Revit is harder to use than AutoCAD. Although it offers more features, the learning curve is much steeper. If you are already familiar with AutoCAD, it will be much easier for you to learn Revit. However, if you have no experience with either program, I would recommend starting out with AutoCAD.

Why is Revit so popular? ›

It has become more popular due to the precision that it provides to the users so they don't find it difficult at the end where they make final decisions based upon the designs. Revit is the kind of software that allows its users to create a model by drawing fewer designs as compared to the other software.

What is better than ANSYS? ›

However, ABAQUS has a huge advantage over ANSYS: its connection to Solidworks and Catia modeling software. These three (ABAQUS, Solidworks, and Catia) are like three vertexes of a triangle. This triangle will come to your aid when you want to model a complex structure and analyze it.

Is ANSYS better than Matlab? ›

Ansys Fluent rates 4.5/5 stars with 80 reviews. By contrast, MATLAB rates 4.5/5 stars with 658 reviews. Each product's score is calculated with real-time data from verified user reviews, to help you make the best choice between these two options, and decide which one is best for your business needs.

Is Autodesk open-source? ›

“As they did with their contributions to OpenColorIO, Autodesk is once again demonstrating its commitment to open source by sharing foundational libraries and toolsets that will help push the industry forward.”

How much RAM do I need for Revit? ›

Autodesk Revit 2021 Product Line System Requirements and Recommendations
Revit Server 2021
CPU Type4+ cores 2.6 GHz+6+ cores 3.0 GHz+
<100 Concurrent Users (multiple models)MinimumPerformance
Memory8 GB RAM32 GB RAM
Hard Drive7,200+ RPM15,000+ RPM
7 more rows
30 Nov 2021

Why is Autodesk Revit so expensive? ›

CAD software prices are generally set to maximize profit. Once a product has become established in industry, firms will pay a lot to keep using it as long as it does what they need. Changing to a different CAD which has a different UI and file formats is expensive in training and administration costs.

Does BIM 360 cost money? ›

This is not inexpensive software. BIM 360's pricing starts at $480 per year, per user, and if you want more functionality, you must connect with a "specialist" to customize a plan for you.

› products › revit › overview ›

Revit | BIM Software

https://www.autodesk.in › products › revit › overview
https://www.autodesk.in › products › revit › overview
Revit BIM software is for architectural design, MEP, structural design, detailing, engineering and construction. Available alone or as part of the AEC Collectio...
Use Revit software for architectural design, MEP, structural design, and construction. Buy a Revit subscription from the official Autodesk store or a reseller.
Revit software enables you to attain virtual modelling i.e. get a virtual model of the building or infrastructure before it is actually done on-site. The tools ...

How much does BIM software cost? ›

How much does a BIM Collaborate Pro subscription cost? The price of an annual BIM Collaborate Pro subscription is $945 and the price of a monthly BIM Collaborate Pro subscription is $120 . The price of a 3-year BIM Collaborate Pro subscription is $2,695 .

Is BIM free for Students? ›

The ACCA software BIM solutions for schools, teachers and students. ACCA offers free access to software that allow you to prepare the future generation of students for their working life.

Does BIM 360 cost money? ›

This is not inexpensive software. BIM 360's pricing starts at $480 per year, per user, and if you want more functionality, you must connect with a "specialist" to customize a plan for you.

Can I access BIM 360 without a license? ›

Yes, a BIM 360 user can be invited to use BIM 360 without purchasing a service agreement under their own company.

Is Sketchup a BIM software? ›

Revit belongs to the family of BIM software. Sketchup, however, is a CAD software.

Which is better BIM or Revit? ›

But the fact is, Revit is not BIM. BIM (Building Information Modelling) is a process/technology/ platform and Revit is one of the many BIM tools/applications available like ArchiCAD, AECOsim, Edificius etc. Thus, a 3D model designed using the Revit application is designed for BIM.

Which country is best for BIM? ›

CountryMost common BIM maturity levelDate BIM become mandatory
Germany2, with some 1 and 32017 for projects worth over €100 million
Poland1, growing rates of 22030 for capital construction projects with a state budget
France21st January 2022
Croatia0, some cases of 1Not currently mandatory
3 more rows
21 Jun 2021

Is BIM just Revit? ›

What are the differences between BIM and Revit? BIM is the overall process of creating a three-dimensional database in the form of a model of information that pertains to the design of a building. Revit is just one of many software applications under the BIM umbrella that lead to an efficient design of space.

Does BIM need coding? ›

So, it's time to admit that programming is not a small area with a few gurus working in it anymore. I'm pretty happy about this new dynamic, because I think if you're doing BIM, you need to know coding.

What replaced BIM 360? ›

BIM 360 Design has been rebranded "Autodesk BIM Collaborate Pro" to reflect the inclusion of the Model Coordination and Insight* modules, Glue, and access to the new Autodesk Construction Cloud platform.

Which is better rhino or Revit? ›

Rhinoceros and Revit are programs with different properties. While Rhinoceros is a good option for modelling complex surfaces and geometries with precision, Revit is a high quality program for modelling with information.

Is BIM 360 only for Revit? ›

When a model is initiated to the cloud, the BIM 360 project is locked to that version of Revit. Only models saved from the open version of Revit (from which the model was initiated in the cloud) will be visible. The RVT files have been uploaded directly to BIM 360 without initiating Revit Cloud Worksharing.

Why is AutoCAD not BIM? ›

CAD is simply the use of computer systems to assist with design. While BIM tools such as Revit are technically CAD programs, the term "CAD" is used more for drafting programs. In terms of building design, CAD is essentially using a drafting tool, such as AutoCAD, to create lines and arcs to represent a building design.

How can I get a free Revit license? ›

Where do I download free Revit software for students? Students and educators can get free one-year educational access to Autodesk products and services, renewable as long as you remain eligible. If you are a student or educator, you can access free Revit software with an Autodesk Education plan.

Is BIM better than AutoCAD? ›

CAD has rapidly been overtaken by BIM though, as BIM offers real-time visualisation and model-analysis that is better suited to the construction industry. The use of BIM allows architects, contractors and engineers to work together throughout the project using the same database and building model.

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Article information

Author: Tish Haag

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Views: 5849

Rating: 4.7 / 5 (47 voted)

Reviews: 86% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Tish Haag

Birthday: 1999-11-18

Address: 30256 Tara Expressway, Kutchburgh, VT 92892-0078

Phone: +4215847628708

Job: Internal Consulting Engineer

Hobby: Roller skating, Roller skating, Kayaking, Flying, Graffiti, Ghost hunting, scrapbook

Introduction: My name is Tish Haag, I am a excited, delightful, curious, beautiful, agreeable, enchanting, fancy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.