8 Best Farmland REITs for Agriculture Investing (2024)

Best Farmland REITs

Now that we know what farmland REITs are and how they work let’s explore some of the best farmland REITs in the market. Which ones are best to invest your money in?

1. Gladstone Land

8 Best Farmland REITs for Agriculture Investing (1)

With around 25 years in the market, Gladstone Land is the oldest REIT. It was established in 1997, and as of this year, its total portfolio had grown to over $876 million in assets.

As I write this, this REIT has over 127 farms in the United States. The company focuses on over 45 crops, including berries, vegetables, and tree nuts, on its over 94,000 acres of land. With such a huge variety, investors are well cushioned if one or two crops fail due to diseases or even price shifts.

Generally, this company uses the traditional equity REIT model. First, the investors will inject money into the company. After this, Gladstone buys farmland and rents it to farmers to generate income to pay the investors.

Additionally, it might purchase agricultural-related properties and equipment, such as:

  • Packaging facilities
  • Cooling facilities
  • Distribution centers
  • Processing building

All these contribute to its income, which investors get part of as dividends. Since its 2013 public offering, the company boasts of having made over 90 monthly dividend distributions to its investors.

Pros of Buying REITs with Gladstone Land Corporation

If you are thinking of investing with Gladstone Land Corporation, here is why you are on the right track;

  • The company has a large and diversified portfolio with over 127 farms in the United States.
  • The firm focuses on more than 45 crops, which gives it some immunity to diseases or price shocks affecting specific crops.
  • It’s been around for a while, having been established in 1997
  • The company makes monthly dividend distributions to investors

It is certainly one of the best farmland REITs to start your investment in agricultural land.

See Related: Solar Farm Income Per Acre: How Much Can You Earn?

2. FPI – Farmland Partners

8 Best Farmland REITs for Agriculture Investing (2)

This is another great farmland REIT company that you can put your money in. FPI was established in 2013 and is based in Denver, Colorado. The firm focuses on owning, operating, and leasing high-quality farmland in primary agricultural markets across the United States.

So far, FPI has assembled a vast farm portfolio spanning over 155,000 acres of land. These are spread out across 17 states in the country. The company views the increased food demand in the country, coupled with the decreasing availability of farmland, as great indicators for investing in farmland.

Currently, Farmland Partners focuses on around 26 crop types in its over 100 pieces of land. This diversification helps cushion investors’ money against any unforeseen loss caused by crop failure or price changes.

Farmland Partners aim to lower input costs and improve the farmers’ farms. This results in more profits, which encourages both investors and farmers. The company takes advantage of the increased demand for human food, animal feed, and fuel.

Why Invest with Farmland Partners?

Here are the top reasons you should consider investing in Farmland Partners – one of the best two farmland REITs.

  • It owns, operates, and leases high-quality farmland in primary agricultural markets across the United States.
  • The company has a vast farm portfolio – 155,000 acres of land in over 100 pieces.
  • Has a huge crop variety which cushions investors against losses
  • It has an attractive dividend yield

Grow your passive income streams with Farmland Partners.

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3. Farmland LP (Private REIT)

8 Best Farmland REITs for Agriculture Investing (3)

With Farmland LP, it’s all about organically enriched soil. For investors who want to invest sustainably in farmland, this is the platform to go for. As they’ve put it, organically enriched soil is the foundation of impressive returns for investors, farmers, and the environment.

Established in 2009, Farmland LP is a leading farmland investment fund that has transformed agricultural investing. It works to convert traditional farmland into an organic one. And it uses the best and most modern tools and technology to ensure each party gets its rightful share.

Farmland LP focuses on several issues, including:

  • Converting farmland into organic
  • Increasing crop diversity
  • Investing in infrastructure
  • Active management of farmland

In addition, the company has an array of options which investors can choose from. These include;

  • Organic Dairy Farms
  • Pasture-based Livestock Farms
  • Specialty Crop Farms (fruits, vegetables, nuts)
  • Timberland

ESG issues are an integral part of Farmland LP’s investment strategies. The platform does more than invest. It cares for the environment.

See related: How to Become an Impact Investor [Step-By-Step Guide]

Farmland REITs Alternatives

8 Best Farmland REITs for Agriculture Investing (4)

The truth is, when it comes to Farmland REITs, investors have limited options. We have only two publicly-traded Farmland REITs in the US.

However, this doesn’t mean that you can’t find other options to invest in farmland. You can still invest through farmland crowdfunding platforms.

Some of the great options here include:

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1. FarmTogether

8 Best Farmland REITs for Agriculture Investing (5)

Unlike the companies mentioned above, FarmTogether uses a different investment approach. It doesn’t buy the farmland outright and leases it to farmers. Rather, it helps investors to finance the purchase of farmland property.

First, FarmTogether identifies an agricultural land, does all due diligence, and negotiates the best deal. It then lists this property on its site, where interested investors can raise money to make the purchase. Investors will then earn dividend yields from the land’s cash flow or capital gain from its sale.

This means that you are not investing in a blanket project as an investor. Your money goes into financing the purchase of a specific property.

The only disadvantage with farmland is that you must be an accredited investor to invest with the platform. This is usually a blow to the non-credited ones.

This firm was established in 2015 and is based in San Francisco, California. Currently, FarmTogether has enabled the funding of over 40 deals worth more than $170 million. And this makes it a reliable company to invest in.

Like what you are hearing? Read more in our full FarmTogether review.

2. AcreTrader

8 Best Farmland REITs for Agriculture Investing (6)

AcreTrader is another online marketplace that allows investors to invest in farmland without having to deal with the hassles of ownership.

The company buys, owns, and operates the farmland on your behalf. All you have to do is choose a piece of land that you want to invest in and make your investment. Once the harvest is done, you will receive your share of the profits.

Generally, AcreTrader’s offerings are in the form of shares, which allows you to own part of the farm. The platform usually requires you to purchase at least 10 shares ranging from $3,000 to $10,000 per share. Each share represents an acre of land and your legal farmland ownership.

AcreTrader promises a stable investment, which allows you to earn around an 11% annual return. Read our full AcreTrader review for more information.

3. FarmFundr

8 Best Farmland REITs for Agriculture Investing (7)

This is another crowdfunding platform that helps interested investors grow their money with farmland. The equity crowdfunding platform is farmers-owned and focuses on growing specialty crops in the US. It allows investors to acquire fractional farmland, making investing in agricultural land easy.

The good thing about this farmland investment platform is that it’s easy to join and make money with. All you need to do is sign up, invest, monitor your investment, and receive your dividends when they are due.

FarmFundr has been in the market for some time now. It was founded over 20 years ago by a 4th-generation farmer and has grown to be a great vehicle in farmland investing. Its management prides itself on an excellent track record of purchasing, improving, and managing properties for the best returns.

Currently, it promises its investors an 11.5% average annual farmland return.

4. Steward

8 Best Farmland REITs for Agriculture Investing (8)

For eco-conscious investors, Steward is another great sustainable farmland investment platform. Established in 2016, it’s a unique farmland lending platform designed to offer to finance to small-scale sustainable farmers. It helps these farmers to improve their farms, fisheries, and even ranches.

The great thing about this platform is that it deals with small farmers and investors. This helps to bridge the gap created by the larger platforms that only focus on heavyweight investors.

With Steward, an investor can participate in lending deals with as little as $100. The amount is way lower than other platforms, which average $10,000.

Even better, Steward caters to all investors, whether accredited or not. So, if you are looking for a sustainable way to invest in the agricultural sector, you have a winner here.

5. Harvest Returns

8 Best Farmland REITs for Agriculture Investing (9)

Last on our list is Harvest Returns. It might not be one of the best Farmland REITs, but it’s certainly an excellent crowdfunding one.

The platform offers various agricultural deals for investors, although for accredited ones. The major difference between Harvest Returns and other platforms is that it offers significantly smaller funding deals. Subsequently, it requires just as low minimums when you want to invest.

As I’ve mentioned, this platform is meant for accredited investors. However, not exclusively. It offers a few investment chances for non-accredited ones in every deal.

Another good thing is that the platform is present beyond the US borders. For this reason, it has become one of the best farmland platforms for international investors.

Up to now, Harvest Returns has enabled around 23 deals, having raised over $11 million.

Pros and Cons of Farmland REITs

Like any other investment, farmland REITs have their pros and cons. This means that before you dive all in, it’s prudent to understand what this type of investment entails. With that, you’ll be able to know whether it’s the right investment choice for you or not.


Some of the benefits of investing in Farmland REITs include;

  • Diversification: Farmland REITs offer investors an excellent way to diversify their portfolios. Usually, these REITs are not affected by the same economic conditions as other investments, such as stocks and bonds. For instance, farmland prices might not necessarily drop when the stock market is struggling.
  • Inflation hedge – Farmland also provides an excellent inflation hedge. This is because as prices go up, so does the value of farmland and food prices.
  • Consistent cash flows – Farmland REITs offer investors more consistent and predictable cash flows. As the demand for food will always be there, farmers will always need to lease farmland.
  • You don’t manage the farm yourself but still earn from its operations.


Nothing is free from drawbacks – even if it’s just one. Here are some reasons that make Farmland REITs not so appealing;

  • If farmers mismanage the farms, the investors will feel the resulting loss.
  • REITs are treated as normal income during taxation instead of capital gains. Subsequently, they attract higher taxes.
  • You don’t have a say in choosing who to lease the farmland to. The REITs management has the sole responsibility of doing that. And even the best farmland REITs might not always be right on this issue.

What are Farmland REITs?

8 Best Farmland REITs for Agriculture Investing (10)

A REIT stands for a Real Estate Investment Trust. And it’s a trust formulated to hold and manage real estate for investors. So, regarding farmland REITs, we refer to companies that own or finance income-generating real estate assets related to agriculture.

These companies tend to focus on farmlands and offer investors an indirect way of profiting from owning farmland. Typically, investors will raise the money required to buy farmland or other agricultural commodities. On the other hand, the REIT will manage these farmlands and properties and pay the investors the agreed dividends.

The good thing about farmland REITs is that the investors don’t have to do anything except invest their money. The REIT company does all the logistics and management. As for you, you sit back and enjoy that stable passive income.

Besides this, REITs are quite attractive for several other reasons. For instance, you can easily buy or sell them on the same stock exchange you trade stocks. This means that they are pretty easy to acquire and dispose of.

Types of Farmland REITs

Like any other REITs, farmland REITs are categorized into two. These include equity REITs and debt REITs.

Farmland equity REITs usually invest in the ownership of farmland. The companies buy farmland properties and equipment and lease them to farmers. The money generated here is used to pay the investors.

On the other hand, debt REITs invest in loans secured by farmland properties. The companies lend money to farmers, who use it to improve their farm operations. They then pay the loans with interest, reaching the investors as dividends.

These two types of REITs offer different benefits to investors. For instance, equity REITs tend to have higher risks but offer high potential returns.

On the other hand, debt REITs offer more stability and predictable cash flows. They also have lower risks but might not offer as high potential returns as equity ones.

The best farmland REITs usually invest in a mix of both types. This helps to mitigate the risks while still offering investors excellent returns.

Buying a Farmland REIT

So, how do you invest in REITs? As we’ve said, REITs can be bought from various stock exchanges. And, within just a few minutes, you’ll be a proud investor in the farming sector.

You don’t need much money to invest in farmland REITs. For example, $100 or less is enough to start your investment journey.

However, you’ll need a good trading app to make this purchase. And one that supports the trading of REITs. Platforms like Robinhood and Diversyfund are excellent options you can start with.


Are farm REITs a good investment?

Farm REITs, or real estate investment trusts, allow investors to purchase shares in a company that owns and operates agricultural properties. They can offer investors exposure to the agriculture industry without the need for direct ownership of farmland.

Like any investment, the potential for returns and risks should be carefully considered before investing in farm REITs. It is important to research the specific company and its management team, as well as the current state of the agriculture industry, before making an investment decision.

What is the largest farmland REIT in the US?

The largest farmland REIT in the US is Farmland Partners Inc., a publicly traded real estate investment trust that owns and manages high-quality farmland throughout the United States. The company owns and manages over 130,000 acres of farmland across 16 states.

Is there an ETF for farmland?

There is an ETF for farmland called the iShares Global Agriculture Index Fund (COW). This ETF provides exposure to companies in the agriculture industry, including those involved in the ownership and management of farmland. The fund seeks to track the performance of the S&P Global Agriculture Index.

Are there REITs that invest in farmland?

There are REITs that invest in farmland. These REITs own and operate agricultural land, leasing it to farmers for crop production or raising livestock. Investing in farmland REITs can provide diversification benefits to an investor’s portfolio while also offering exposure to the agriculture industry.

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8 Best Farmland REITs for Agriculture Investing (11)

The Impact Investor

Kyle Kroeger, esteemed Purdue University alum and accomplished finance professional, brings a decade of invaluable experience from diverse finance roles in both small and large firms. An astute investor himself, Kyle adeptly navigates the spheres of corporate and client-side finance, always guiding with a principal investor’s sharp acumen.

Hailing from a lineage of industrious Midwestern entrepreneurs and creatives, his business instincts are deeply ingrained. This background fuels his entrepreneurial spirit and underpins his commitment to responsible investment. As the Founder and Owner of The Impact Investor, Kyle fervently advocates for increased awareness of ethically invested funds, empowering individuals to make judicious investment decisions.

Striving to marry financial prudence with positive societal impact, Kyle imparts practical strategies for saving and investing, underlined by a robust ethos of conscientious capitalism. His ambition transcends personal gain, aiming instead to spark transformative global change through the power of responsible investment.

When not immersed in the world of finance, he’s continually captivated by the cultural richness of new cities, relishing the opportunity to learn from diverse societies. This passion for travel is eloquently documented on his site, ViaTravelers.com, where you can delve into his unique experiences via his author profile.

8 Best Farmland REITs for Agriculture Investing (2024)


Is there a REIT that invests in farmland? ›

Currently, two farmland REITs are actively traded on US exchanges: Farmland Partners (NYSE ticker: FPI) and Gladstone Land (NASDAQ ticker: LAND). Both REITs own land in multiple states, but the geographic concentration of their holdings differs. Figure 1 shows the distribution of REIT farmland holdings across states.

What is the best ETF for farmland? ›

Top agricultural ETFs include the Invesco DB Agriculture Fund (DBA), VanEck Vectors Agribusiness ETF (MOO), and iShares MSCI Global Agriculture Producers ETF (VEGI).

Which farmland stock is best? ›

12 Best Farmland and Agriculture Stocks To Buy According to Hedge Funds
  • Tyson Foods, Inc. ( NYSE:TSN) ...
  • CNH Industrial N.V. (NYSE:CNHI) ...
  • The Scotts Miracle-Gro Company (NYSE:SMG) ...
  • FMC Corporation (NYSE:FMC) ...
  • Bunge Global SA (NYSE:BG) ...
  • AGCO Corporation (NYSE:AGCO) ...
  • Archer-Daniels-Midland Company (NYSE:ADM)
Mar 24, 2024

Is land REIT a good investment? ›

Are REITs Good Investments? Investing in REITs is a great way to diversify your portfolio outside of traditional stocks and bonds and can be attractive for their strong dividends and long-term capital appreciation.

Does Warren Buffett own any farmland? ›

Warren Buffett, who famously bought the country's biggest railroad and Apple stock that's now worth more than $100 billion, once pointed instead to two tiny personal investments that did nothing to alter his net worth — a 400-acre farm in Nebraska and retail real estate near New York University in Manhattan. Why?

Why is Bill Gates investing in farmland? ›

Starting in 2013, Gates began investing his billions (through the firm Cascade Investment) in agriculture because of its steady increase in value and low volatility.

Is it smart to invest in farmland? ›

Farmland produces returns both with rent yields and appreciation in the farmland's value. So these investments can work somewhat like dividend stocks, with gains from income and capital gains. This combination of appreciation and rent yields has led to consistently strong performance.

What is the ROI on farmland? ›

U.S. Farmland Returns

Over the last 20 years, United States farmland has offered average returns of 12.75%.

How to invest in farmland USA? ›

Because of that, some call farmland a gold-like investment with a yield.
  1. How can I invest in farmland? ...
  2. Buy land directly. ...
  3. Purchase shares of specialty REITs focused on farmland. ...
  4. Invest through a crowdfunding platform focused on farming. ...
  5. AcreTrader. ...
  6. A growing number of ways to invest in farmland.

What is the investment outlook for farmland? ›

Farm sector equity is expected to increase by 4.7 percent ($166.2 billion) from 2023 to $3.74 trillion in 2024 in nominal terms. Farm sector assets are forecast to increase 4.7 percent ($193.2 billion) to $4.28 trillion in 2024 following expected increases in the value of farm real estate assets.

Is farmland a good inflation hedge? ›

Investment in farmland may provide a better hedge against inflation than gold, according to asset-management firm Nuveen.

Is there an ETF that invests in farmland? ›

VanEck Agribusiness ETF (MOO)

This fund offers investors exposure to a combination of equities involved in the agricultural sector. Its holdings are primarily in developed regions, but it also holds global farmland in emerging markets, including Brazil, Malaysia, and Singapore.

What is the downside of REITs? ›

When investing only in REITs, individuals incur more risk than when they are part of a diversified portfolio. REITs can be sensitive to interest rates and may not be as tax-friendly as other investments.

What is the average return on a REIT? ›

REITs vs. stocks: Digging into the historical data
Past 20 years9.7%10.4%
Past 10 years12.0%9.5%
Past 5 years15.7%10.3%
Past year (2023)26.3%11.4%
2 more rows
Mar 4, 2024

How do you passively invest in farmland? ›

A sale-leaseback transaction would likely be the least risky and most passive way of directly investing in farmland. However, in exchange, an investor might need to pay a higher price for the land and therefore earn a lower cash yield.

Is investing in farmland profitable? ›

Farmland produces returns both with rent yields and appreciation in the farmland's value. So these investments can work somewhat like dividend stocks, with gains from income and capital gains. This combination of appreciation and rent yields has led to consistently strong performance.

Is Farmland Partners a good investment? ›

Farmland Partners (FPI) appears an attractive pick, as it has been recently upgraded to a Zacks Rank #1 (Strong Buy).

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Author: Dan Stracke

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Name: Dan Stracke

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Introduction: My name is Dan Stracke, I am a homely, gleaming, glamorous, inquisitive, homely, gorgeous, light person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.