7 Successful Mom Blogs That Make Money - Twins Mommy (2024)

Interested in starting a mom blog but not sure if it will make money?

I know.

7 Successful Mom Blogs That Make Money - Twins Mommy (1)

You don’t want to invest in something that doesn’t produce results!

But, I can also tell you that you won’t know unless you give blogging a try!

Mamas – it is POSSIBLE that mom blogs make money. In fact, it’s the perfect way moms make money at home.

I want to share with you 7 mommy blogs that are generating income. I want to inspire you and let you know that if they can do it, then you can do it.

At the end of this post I’ll share with you how you can get started in making money from your mommy blog!

But, if you haven’t started a mom blog, please check out my free tutorial on how to start your own mom blog that makes money!

7 Mom Blogs That Make Money Blogging

1. What Moms Love

7 Successful Mom Blogs That Make Money - Twins Mommy (2)

Aly’s blog, What Moms Love is a parenting blog focussing onfamily/mom/kids. She and her content team provide helpful ideas, tips and recommendations to make busy moms’ lives easier!

I love this blog and all the content on it. Her pins are beautiful and are always on my feed!

Her blog has many different topics and each post are mostly huge roundups with even more tips and more products. This is like a mom blog on sterioids! But you know what? This started with one mama and it’s grown to this magnitude!

What Moms Love earns $30,000/month

Income sources in order or highest earnings to lowest:

  • Sponsored content
  • Ads
  • Amazon affiliate marketing

2. Swaddles n’ Bottles

7 Successful Mom Blogs That Make Money - Twins Mommy (3)

I love Caroline’s blog, Swaddles n’ Bottles (isn’t that just the best title?!).

What I like about her pregnancy and new baby blog is that her content is authentic and personal. She shares her story of pregnancy and being a mom and you know that what she recommends to her readers are things she’s used in the past!

If you’re pregnant or a new mom Caroline’s blog has all the resources for you!

Swaddles n’ Bottles earns $10,000+/month (six-figures)

Income sources in order or highest earnings to lowest:

  • Amazon affiliate marketing
  • Affiliate marketing
  • Sponsored posts

3. This Tiny Blue House

7 Successful Mom Blogs That Make Money - Twins Mommy (4)

Jenny’s blog This Tiny Blue House is amazing! It’s a frugal living blog but she has soo many amazing round up posts of the best crafts, holiday ideas and recipes!

What amazes me is that her blog is a frugal living blog that helps people save money. But she’s able to earn money doing this (and she does it effectively too!).

If you decide to do a blog with multi-topics, breaking your blog up with distinct categories is helpful for your audience!

This Tiny Blue House earns $10,000+/month

Income sources in order or highest earnings to lowest:

  • Ads
  • Affiliate marketing
  • Amazon affiliate marketing

4. Coffee and Coos

7 Successful Mom Blogs That Make Money - Twins Mommy (5)

Alexandra’s blog, Coffee and Coos is a pregnancy and motherhood blog!

I love her blog even though I’m not pregnant! She has amazing hacks and she tells you what it’s really like in your first trimester as a newly pregnant mom! And don’t you just LOVE her blog name?

Coffee and Coos earns $4,000/month

Income sources in order or highest earnings to lowest:

  • Ads
  • Amazon affiliate marketing
  • Service-based (virtual assistant)
  • Affiliate products for moms

If you have time, offering a service is a quick way to start generating income from your blog!

This is how I started blogging at first! I started a freelance writing blog and over time was able to replace my full-time income only working part-time hours!

4. Real Mom Recs

7 Successful Mom Blogs That Make Money - Twins Mommy (6)

Caitlin blog Real Mom Recs is a parenting blog for moms. She mostly blogs aboutpregnancy, parenting, and Disney travel!

What I love about her blog is that she doesn’t shy away from personal topics. From being authentic on her blog, she’s built a strong audience, which has helped her create valuable content for them.

In turn, she generates income from her mom blog.

Ream Mom Recs earns $2,000/month

Income sources in order or highest earnings to lowest:

  • Ads
  • Sponsored posts
  • Affiliate products that are parenting-related
  • Amazon affiliate marketing

5. Family Felicity

7 Successful Mom Blogs That Make Money - Twins Mommy (7)

Brandi’s blog Family Felicity is a lifestyle blog but she’s pivoting it to be more of a parenting and family blog. She’s a mom to three kids and her and her husband have been working from home for over ten years!

Her blog is perfect for moms in the thick of parenting toddlers and kids (that’s me!!). Her positive parenting tips are relatable to all moms and what you will find in this list of mom blogs is that if your audience is large you can still connect with them and grow your traffic and income.

Family Felicity is earning $1,000/month.

Income sources in order or highest earnings to lowest:

  • Ads
  • Affiliate for courses/programs
  • Amazon affiliate marketing

6. Smart Mom Ideas

7 Successful Mom Blogs That Make Money - Twins Mommy (8)

Smart Mom Ideas is one of my blogs! This blog has started generating income!

Smart Mom Ideas originally was a lifestyle parenting blog with topics around frugal living, organizing and mom life. But, recently I pivoted to a pregnancy and postpartum tips blog.

Smart Mom Ideas earns around $1,500/month.

Income sources in order or highest earnings to lowest:

  • Ads
  • Amazon affiliate marketing

I just recently signed up for more affiliate programs for courses and will work on creating content that features these new affiliate products. While I told myself that I wanted to ONLY do Amazon affiliate marketing, I found this a challenge from the first day. Since the commission for Amazon products is very low, you need to generate a lot of clicks per day.

It was only recently that I’m generating sales every day. This took around 8 months of actively trying new tactics.

7. Journey to SAHM

7 Successful Mom Blogs That Make Money - Twins Mommy (9)

Samantha of Journey to SAHM is the newest blog on this list. Her blog is only 7 months old and her blog was making income in her second month blogging! You go mama!

Samantha’s blog is a lifestyle parenting blog with focus on mom life and saving money. As you can see from this list, a lifestyle blog can definitely make money!

Journey to SAHM earns around $1,400/month

Income sources in order or highest earnings to lowest:

  • Sponsored posts
  • Affiliate marketing
  • Ads

Isn’t it amazing that these mom blogs are making money? Just imagine – your blog, your writing and your time to promote your blog on social media is actually making money! That’s awesome!

Blogging Tips for Moms

If you want to start a family and parenting blog or a mom lifestyle blog, my suggestion is to get to know other blogs in that niche. For example, you can use Pinterest and search for topics in the parenting niche to get an idea for blog topics.

I can type in “toddler tantrum” on Pinterest and see what comes up:

7 Successful Mom Blogs That Make Money - Twins Mommy (10)

From here you can decide on your blog audience. Will you create content to help:

  • Moms with newborns?
  • Moms with toddlers?
  • Moms with kids?
  • Moms with multiple kids?
  • Single moms with kids?
  • Moms with girls
  • Moms with boys

Once you narrow down your audience you can start creating content just for them.

How Do I Start Making Money With My Mom Blog?

The real answer to this is commitment and passion.

Love what you blog about, serve your audience with the best types of valuable blog posts and you will build a tribe that wants to buy from you mamas.

The second part of this equation is getting that audience, or blog traffic, to your blog. It’s hard to monetize a blog with little traffic (although the only way I know you can do that is if you offer a service).

To help you out, here are my best posts about building traffic for your mom blog:

  • How to Increase Traffic
  • How I Grew to 62,000 Pageviews in 1 Month
  • 8 Killer Blog Traffic Tips for New Bloggers

Once you start building your blog traffic, you can position your blog posts to help answer their questions and help them through their problems and challenges. Just like with this post, I’m helping moms understand that it is possible to make money with mom blogs and then I share tips on how to get started.

If you can provide a blog post that helps your readers, you will grow your traffic and income!

How Do I Write a Blog Post?

7 Successful Mom Blogs That Make Money - Twins Mommy (11)

The one way people will know you is through your blog posts. They will find it on Pinterest or Instagram or Facebook and click on your link to read it.

So, your writing has to really hook them from the first impression!

Here are some tips to help you with that:

  • Have a clickable headline – The very first introduction of your blog is your headline when they see it on social media. Make it juicy and clickable.
  • Introduce the problem in the beginning – A good trick to use is to think like your audience and make your writing align to what your reader is thinking so that they are constantly nodding their head, “yes! She gets me!”
  • Make your blog post easy to read – Make sure to add subheadings and break up your post to make it easy to read and no just skim!
  • Have a call to action – It’s important at the end of your blog post to have a CTA – a call-to-action. This is something you want your audience to do. It can be to sign up to your email list or answer a question in the comments.

What Is the Best Blogging Platform?

The only blogging platform I use for all my blogs is WordPress.org This is a self-hosted platform.

By having a self-hosted blog using WordPress you can monetize your blog and know that your content belongs to you (and not WordPress). WordPress also has a library of plugins. These are features that help manage your blog and grow your blog.

If you haven’t already started your mom blog, check out my super simple start a blog tutorial.

What Should I Blog About?

You want to start a mom blog but what should your blog be about?

There are many blogging ideas to help you get started but to figure out what YOU want to blog about consider these three ways:

  • Fill the empty space to stand out in your blog niche – this means finding blogs you enjoy reading and seeing any gaps in their content. Your blog can fill that empty space.
  • Look to your passions – blogging is a long term game and the things you write about today should inspire to you create that same content years down the road. So make sure that your blog niche is a passion topic of yours.
  • Have a journey blog – want to learn something new? Blog about that new learning experience and help others learn it too. You’re new to Pinterest, well have a Pinterest blog and share what you are learning!

How Will I Find Time to Start a Mom Blog?

I get it –

Your little one is your focus for the day. Or, you have a full-time job and run a busy house. How can you fit blogging in that time?

First, once you make the decision to start a mom blog, you need to carve dedicated time for blogging. This may mean no longer vegging on the couch at 9pm every night.

Or, it might mean waking up an hour early before you head off to work to write a blog post or schedule your pins in Tailwind.

If you’re a stay-at-home mom, the time to blog is there, but it’s not alway so cut and dry.

Your child may be fussy that morning, or may not nap that afternoon – I get it, I’ve been there!

What I liked to do when my twins were home while I blogged, was set up activities for them to keep them busy.

This gave me pockets of 20 minutes here, 45 minutes there etc…

I also blogged when they napped and when they went to bed for the night. This gave me about 4 hours a day to start a business and to blog. It is possible mamas!

If you need more tips, here is my ultimate guide for time management for mom bloggers.

Make This Your Year Mama!

Now is the perfect time to get ready to start a mom blog and gain blog traffic to build your income! If you want to start a blog, tell me in the comments what you want to blog about! I want to hear your blog niche!

Remember to pin me!

Share this post with your friends!


How to Start a Blog on Instagram (2024 Guide)

60 Proven and Creative Ways You Can Make Money As A Blogger

A 6 Figure Blogging Schedule: Daily and Weekly Plan to Make Money

7 Successful Mom Blogs That Make Money - Twins Mommy (2024)


How much does the average mom blogger make? ›

Some mommy bloggers can earn a few hundred dollars per month, while others can generate a full-time income ranging from a few thousand to tens of thousands of dollars per month. It's important to note that building a successful and profitable blog takes time, dedication, and consistent effort.

Can you make money from a mom blog? ›

Ways to make money from your mom blog include advertising, affiliate marketing, partnerships with brands relevant to parenting and household products, and selling your own products or ebooks.

Are mom blogs still popular? ›

Yes, new mom blogs today are still popping up and making money. Mom blogs were insanely popular throughout the early-mid 2010's, but the landscape has changed since people don't really follow blogs anymore the same way that they used to.

Who was the first mommy blogger? ›

Heather Armstrong, who created her "Dooce" blog in 2001, has also been regarded as one of the first and most popular mommy bloggers.

Who is the richest blogger? ›

Top 10 Highest Earning Bloggers 2024 (Earnings & Analysis)
  • Who are the highest earning bloggers? (And how much do they earn?)
  • #1: Timothy Sykes ($1 million per month)
  • #2: Chiara Ferragni ($250,000 per month)
  • #3: Melyssa Griffin ($238,000 per month)
  • #4: Sarah Titus ($200,000 per month)
  • #5: Pat Flynn ($200,000 per month)

How much can a beginner blogger make a month? ›

Within the first year, bloggers can make $500-$2,000 per month. As you can see, you can earn a wide income range as a blogger. But aside from the numbers, remember these important takeaways before you begin: You can make money blogging even if you're not a professional writer.

What kind of blogs make most money? ›

6 Blog Ideas That Make Money
  • Affiliate Marketing: Dive into the world of affiliate marketing by reviewing products or services and earning a commission for each sale made through your referral link. ...
  • DIY and Crafting: ...
  • Online Course Reviews: ...
  • Healthy Living & Fitness: ...
  • Personal Finance & Investment: ...
  • Traveling on a Budget:

Can you make $1,000 a month with a blog? ›

If you can start a blog in a niche that you're obsessively passionate about, one that isn't too saturated, where you can build a decent audience, then you can make a cool $1000 per month, or more, from blogging. Especially as a freelancer!

Is starting a mom blog worth it? ›

Not only does it provide an opportunity to connect with others who can relate to your daily adventures, but it's also a fantastic way to document precious moments with your little ones. A mom blog can additionally be a creative outlet, and maybe even a source of inspiration for other parents out there.

What platform is best for mom blog? ›

2. Get Your Mom Blog Online (Web Hosting) Once you have a clear idea of what you want to do with your blog, you need to find the right platform to get started. While there are plenty of blogging sites to choose from, I almost always recommend WordPress as a your blogging platform of choice.

How to start a mommy blog for free? ›

Quick Guide to Starting a Mom Blog
  1. Step 1: Identify Your Mom Blog Niche.
  2. Step 2: Pick a Name and Register Your Domain.
  3. Step 3: Choose the Right Hosting Provider.
  4. Step 4: Install WordPress.
  5. Step 5: Select a WordPress Theme.
  6. Step 6: Customize Blog Settings.
  7. Step 7: Install Essential Plugins.
Jun 20, 2024

What famous mommy blogger died? ›

Heather Armstrong's partner opens up about her death, online hate and the grief of losing a loved one to suicide. The writer dubbed the "queen of mommy bloggers" died by suicide at age 47.

Who is the queen of the mummy bloggers? ›

She started her blog, Dooce - the name was a riff on her inability to quickly spell "dude" during online chats - in 2002, during the early rise of blogging. At its peak, Dooce had more than eight million monthly readers and Ms Armstrong was dubbed "the queen of the mommy bloggers" by The New York Times Magazine.

Who is the youngest female blogger? ›

Rakshika Jain is India's youngest female Blogger and YouTubber.

How much do mommy influencers make? ›

She says many mom influencers make tens of thousands of dollars. "But there is a subset of mom influencers who are making over a million dollars," she said.

How much a normal blogger earn? ›

Blogger salaries in India

The estimated total pay for a Blogger is ₹81,100 per month, with an average salary of ₹17,500 per month.

How much does a blogger with 100k followers make? ›

The OG of influencer platforms, Instagram keeps its spot at the top. Here's what influencers are pulling in: Instagram influencers with fewer than 100k followers earn around $200 per post. Instagram influencers between 100k – 300k followers may expect to earn around $600 per post.

What do mommy bloggers do? ›

For example, we can classify mommyblogs based on platform, content, genre, advertising, and religious affiliation among many other things. Mommyblogs often exist in clusters in which women create conversations within the mamasphere around topics or issues they are interested in.

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Author: Chrissy Homenick

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Views: 5999

Rating: 4.3 / 5 (74 voted)

Reviews: 89% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Chrissy Homenick

Birthday: 2001-10-22

Address: 611 Kuhn Oval, Feltonbury, NY 02783-3818

Phone: +96619177651654

Job: Mining Representative

Hobby: amateur radio, Sculling, Knife making, Gardening, Watching movies, Gunsmithing, Video gaming

Introduction: My name is Chrissy Homenick, I am a tender, funny, determined, tender, glorious, fancy, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.