7 Signs Your Airbnb Listing Could Be Earning You More Revenue (2024)

7 Signs Your Airbnb Listing Could Be Earning You More Revenue (1)

Manage Your Airbnb

When you first launch, there’s so much to do that optimizing your Airbnb listing typically isn’t at the top of your priority list…but it should be.

I know that when you first launch your Airbnb there’s soooo much to do that creating an optimized Airbnb listing typically isn’t at the top of your priority list, but it should be! Optimizing my listing helped me gross $160k+ my first two years hosting, even as competition for Airbnbs increased and it became harder than ever to be profitable.

If you want to maximize your profitability and start hitting those revenue goals you’ve been dreaming of, a haphazard listing just isn’t going to cut it anymore. Your Airbnb listing needs to be optimized for BOTH the algorithm and your potential guests. Keep reading to find out how to do just that.

7 Signs Your Airbnb Listing Could Be Earning You More Revenue (2)


  • Why you need to optimize your Airbnb listing
  • 7 signs your Airbnb listing could be earning you more revenue:
    • 1. You didn’t prioritize optimizing your Airbnb listing when you launched
    • 2. Your revenue is lower than you think it should be
    • 3. Airbnb’s search algorithm is a big black hole that you know nothing about
    • 4. Your Airbnb listing title is lackluster
    • 5. Your Airbnb listing photos have room for improvement
    • 6. Your Airbnb listing description is severely lacking
    • 7. You’re wondering if you need to market off-platform to be successful
  • Takeaway

Why you need to optimize your Airbnb listing

To maximize revenue, your Airbnb listing has to do two things–it needs to show up high enough in search results that potential guests will see it and successfully convince those guests that your Airbnb is hands-down the best place for them to stay.

If your Airbnb listing hasn’t been optimized for Airbnb’s algorithm, it won’t show up high enough in search results for the vast majority of potential guests to ever even see it.

Of those that do, if your Airbnb listing hasn’t been optimized for conversion, it won’t compel those potential guests to excitedly hit “book!”. Instead, potential guests will click over to another listing they’re more excited about and you’ll never hit that revenue goal that got you so excited to start your Airbnb in the first place.

But how do you know if your Airbnb listing needs to be optimized? You’re about to find out just that.

7 signs your Airbnb listing could be earning you more revenue:

1. You didn’t prioritize optimizing your Airbnb listing when you launched

If you deprioritized optimizing your listing to launch your Airbnb as quickly as possible, that’s not a bad thing! After all, being a successful Airbnb host is all about profit over perfection.

That said, if you DID quickly throw your listing together, chances are you’re not earning anywhere near as many bookings as you could be. Optimizing your listing can change that.

Which brings me to my next point…

2. Your revenue is lower than you think it should be

Maybe you had an exact revenue number in mind when starting your Airbnb but you haven’t been hitting it or are worried you won’t hit it in the future.

Or maybe you didn’t really know what to expect when starting your Airbnb but now you’re getting the feeling that you could be making more (e.g. if your Airbnb isn’t more than covering all of its expenses, you need to optimize your listing).

Or maybe your revenue was fine at first and is definitely not fine now. This could be because Airbnb gives new listings a boost when you first launch; if you don’t perform well enough during that initial period, your Airbnb revenue will fall off a cliff afterward.

Or maybe competition has simply increased in your area and you need to find ways to stay ahead.

If any of that sounds like you, optimizing your Airbnb listing could help.

7 Signs Your Airbnb Listing Could Be Earning You More Revenue (3)

3. Airbnb’s search algorithm is a big black hole that you know nothing about

If you’ve ever thought to yourself:

What is SEO anyway?

Wait…Airbnb cares about SEO?

Why would SEO matter for my Airbnb listing?

Trust me, I get it. Airbnb SEO (which stands for search engine optimization, by the way) can sound like a big, daunting thing that you know nothing about (because, well, Airbnb doesn’t tell us much about it!) but that doesn’t make it any less important.

Airbnb’s search algorithm is what ranks your listing in search results when guests are looking for a place to stay in your area. If you don’t know how to speak to Airbnb’s search algorithm (a crucial aspect of optimizing your listing), you’re probably not ranking as high in search results as you could be and, therefore, many guests aren’t even seeing your Airbnb let alone booking it.

4. Your Airbnb listing title is lackluster

Did you know that you have a FULL 50 characters to use in your listing title? If you’re not picking every character wisely and using all 50, your listing title isn’t as compelling as it could be. Just like your listing photos, your title is one of the very few things you have control over that shows up in Airbnb search results. If it doesn’t immediately hook potential guests in and make them want to learn more about your property, then you’re probably not getting as many bookings or earning as much revenue as you could be.

5. Your Airbnb listing photos have room for improvement

Your listing photos are by far the most important aspect of your Airbnb listing. Think about it:

What do potential Airbnb guests see first when your listing appears in their search results? Your photos.

What do they see featured most prominently when they click into your listing? Your photos.

What are they most likely to look at before anything else on your listing? You guessed it—your photos.

Once you get a potential guest to actually land on your Airbnb listing, your photos are absolutely crucial in getting them to stay on your listing and convince them that your property is by far the best for their trip!

Go look at your Airbnb listing photos right now. Ask yourself, is this the BEST my property could look? If not, they need to be optimized. Even if you don’t change a single thing about your actual property, improving the photos alone can totally transform it.

6. Your Airbnb listing description is severely lacking

Unfortunately, a severely lacking Airbnb listing description is one of the most common issues I see on new Airbnb listings. This is the place to really sell your potential guests on why your Airbnb is perfect for them! It is an absolutely essential part of getting them to excitedly hit “book!”.

Yet, most new Airbnb listings I see have just a few sentences in their listing description or have listed out tons of amenities that your potential guests can read in your amenities section. If either of those sound like your listing, you’re missing a huge opportunity to get more Airbnb bookings.

Pro Tip: Identifying your target guest is a can’t-miss first step before creating your Airbnb listing. Without a target guest, you won’t be able to create a listing that makes your potential guests feel like you’re really connecting with them and speaking directly to them. This Target Guest Identifier will walk you through every step of quickly and effectively identifying your target guest.

7. You’re wondering if you need to market off-platform to be successful

Spoiler alert: You do NOT need to pay for Facebook ads, spend time creating and managing an Instagram page for your Airbnb (that alone is a part-time job), add your listing to MORE booking platforms, or invest tons of time and money into direct bookings. I’ve never done a single one of those things and have earned $160k+ since launching my Airbnb two years ago.

Your time is MUCH better spent learning how to use Airbnb’s search algorithm to get more potential guests on your listing and how to convince those guests that your Airbnb is perfect for them when they do. There’s no point in trying to drive traffic to a listing that won’t convert potential guests into real bookings when they land on your page anyway. Invest your time in optimizing your listing instead.


Optimizing my Airbnb listing has helped me gross $160k+ to date, even as competition for Airbnbs increases and it’s harder than ever to be profitable. If you want to maximize your profitability and start hitting those revenue goals you’ve been dreaming of, a haphazard listing just isn’t going to cut it anymore. Your Airbnb listing needs to be optimized for BOTH the algorithm and your potential guests to be successful. If any of the above signs are really speaking to you, then it’s time to optimize your Airbnb listing.

P.S. Want to know the best part? Every step of optimizing your Airbnb listing can be done RIGHT NOW to start earning more bookings TODAY without lowering your price or adding more discounts.

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7 Signs Your Airbnb Listing Could Be Earning You More Revenue (4)

Disclaimer: All content on this website is for informational purposes only. You are taking all provided information at your own risk. We are not financial, real estate, legal, investment or other professionals. Nothing on this website should be construed as professional advice. We will not be liable for any loss or damage of any nature. For more information, read our disclaimer.

7 Signs Your Airbnb Listing Could Be Earning You More Revenue (2024)


How to increase Airbnb revenue? ›

8 Ways to Improve Your Airbnb Rental Income and Boost ROI
  1. Automate Property Management and Cleaning.
  2. Perfect Your Rental Rates and Incentivize Longer Stays.
  3. Utilize Market Insights.
  4. Check the Events Calendar.
  5. Focus on Amenities and Services.
  6. Play with Occupancy-Based Adjustments (OBA)
  7. Optimize Airbnb Summary and Description:
Mar 21, 2024

What adds the most value to an Airbnb? ›

TIP: Small low cost things like complimentary fresh fruits, local map, bicycle to go around can be added to improve the overall value.

How do I get my listing higher on Airbnb? ›

Airbnb SEO strategy: 9 Rank Boosting Tips to optimize an AirBNB listing
  1. Fast Response Times. ...
  2. Update Your Airbnb Calendar Daily. ...
  3. Enable Instant Book. ...
  4. Quality (and quantity) of Reviews. ...
  5. Completed Listing. ...
  6. Pricing. ...
  7. Length of stay. ...
  8. Booking rate percentage.

How do I maximize my Airbnb listing? ›

24 Ways to Improve Your Airbnb Ranking and Optimize Your Listing
  1. Start with a Top Location. ...
  2. Offer Competitive Amenities. ...
  3. Complete Your Profile and Update Your Listing. ...
  4. Use Professional Photos. ...
  5. Research Keywords to Include in Your Listing Title and Description. ...
  6. Optimize Your Airbnb Title and Prioritize for Search.
Feb 19, 2023

How do I know if my Airbnb will be profitable? ›

Try a few tests to see if there's a market for you to profit from: Look at similar properties and check their Airbnb occupancy rate. Review their prices per night and guests and multiply by their occupancy rate. Get a third-party service like AirDNA or Jetstream to get an estimate of your yearly revenue.

How to boost sales on Airbnb? ›

Top 7 Airbnb Revenue Growth Techniques Successfully Tested by Hosts
  1. Sell the Local Experience to the Host Community. ...
  2. Adopt a Thought-out Pricing Strategy. ...
  3. Be In the Right Place, At the Right Time. ...
  4. Promote Your New Listings. ...
  5. Embrace Automation. ...
  6. Network. ...
  7. Think Outside of Airbnb.
May 31, 2024

What type of Airbnb makes the most money? ›

For Airbnb hosts looking to make a living on the hospitality platform, full apartment rentals are the way to go. Rates for full apartments are significantly higher than those for single rooms and income after expenses ranged from $15,000 to $31,000 in our analysis.

What makes my Airbnb stand out? ›

Make your title and description attractive, informative and detailed. You need to include unique propositions about your property. Other information like amenities included, guest rules should also be mentioned. Guests need to know exactly what they are signing up for.

What do Airbnb guests want most? ›

Essential Airbnb amenities to include
  • Towels. ...
  • Pillows. ...
  • Bed linen. ...
  • Toiletries. ...
  • Clothes hangers. ...
  • Cleaning supplies. ...
  • Iron and ironing board. ...
  • Bin liners and garbage can. Ensure you are providing bin liners and bins so that guests can appropriately throw their waste away.
May 4, 2023

How can I boost my listing on Airbnb? ›

Fill your place faster
  1. Let your listing description sparkle with high-quality photos.
  2. Show you've got what guests want.
  3. Maximize your time with hosting tools and by troubleshooting.
  4. Make booking easier with Instant Book, pre-approvals, or special offers.
  5. Use guest reviews to improve your listing.
  6. Get tips for the off-season.

How to move up the Airbnb algorithm? ›

High-quality listing photos, and in particular an eye-catching cover photo, help attract guests' attention and improve engagement, which can improve ranking. A comprehensive listing description and accurate list of amenities help guests evaluate the listing and develop the confidence to book.

How do I make my listing stand out on Airbnb? ›

Use high-quality photos that showcase your property's unique features and write a compelling description that highlights its best attributes. Other helpful ways of making your Airbnb stand out are: Offering desirable amenities like Wi-Fi, air conditioning, and well-equipped kitchens can attract more guests.

How do I optimize my Airbnb revenue? ›

Growing your Airbnb Revenue, ADR, and Occupancy
  1. Offer an Airbnb Experience.
  2. Price right.
  3. Optimize your listing.
  4. Elevate your amenities.
  5. Ensure cleanliness.
  6. Host more people.
  7. Become a superhost.
  8. Automate property management.

How do I get more traffic to my Airbnb listing? ›

You can improve the popularity of your listing by:
  1. Responding quickly to guests' queries.
  2. Increasing flexibility: Keep the minimum stay duration to 1 night. This will ensure that your listing qualifies for more search permutations.
  3. Promote the listing: Ask your previous guests to recommend the listing to their friends.

How do I make my Airbnb more valuable? ›

Let's take a look at 7 clever ways to increase your Airbnb revenue.
  1. Rent Out Extra Storage Space. ...
  2. Rent Out Extra Parking. ...
  3. Make Use of a Large Yard or Acreage. ...
  4. Provide Pet-friendly Accommodations. ...
  5. Craft Unique Airbnb Experiences. ...
  6. Optimize Property Features and Amenities. ...
  7. Become an Airbnb Consultant.

How do you make more money on Airbnb? ›

Here's how to make money with Airbnb without owning the property:
  1. Co-hosting. For property owners who don't have the time to manage their listings, co-hosts can step in. ...
  2. Property Management. ...
  3. Hosting Experiences. ...
  4. Photography. ...
  5. Copywriting. ...
  6. Cleaning.
Dec 22, 2023

What is the main source of revenue for Airbnb? ›

Airbnb generates revenue by charging a service fee to both those who rent out their room (hosts) and those who reside there (guests). The hosts bear the lion's share of the costs and labor since they buy or rent the house, negotiate with visitors, and clean up after them, while Airbnb collects fees.

How can Airbnb become profitable? ›

An Airbnb short-term rental can be more profitable than renting out your property on a long-term basis. You set your prices and Airbnb nightly rates are usually higher than for longer rentals. According to AllTheRooms, an Airbnb host in the U.S. earned an annual average of $44,235 in 2021.

How do I make active income on Airbnb? ›

It is known as “net rental income” to the IRS. The reason Airbnb is passive income is that all rental agreements are within 30 days, meaning it is not a lease or long-term rental. Once your property becomes a long-term rental, it is considered active income.

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Author: Tuan Roob DDS

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Name: Tuan Roob DDS

Birthday: 1999-11-20

Address: Suite 592 642 Pfannerstill Island, South Keila, LA 74970-3076

Phone: +9617721773649

Job: Marketing Producer

Hobby: Skydiving, Flag Football, Knitting, Running, Lego building, Hunting, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Tuan Roob DDS, I am a friendly, good, energetic, faithful, fantastic, gentle, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.