7 Reasons Why You Were Denied a Personal Loan | LendingTree (2024)

Being denied a personal loan can be frustrating, but it’s important to understand why you weren’t approved. Once you know the reasons why your application for a personal loan was rejected, you can take steps to prevent it from happening again. Keep reading to learn more about common reasons why your personal loan application could be rejected and to get tips on how to boost your chances of approval.

When you’re applying for a personal loan, approval is not guaranteed. There are quite a few possible reasons why your application may be denied. Fortunately, lenders are required to share the reasons behind their lending decisions with you. By law, they have to send you an adverse action notice within 30 days of your rejection. This document will contain an explanation for the denial.

Here are some possible reasons why a personal loan application could be denied.

1. Your credit score is too low

Your FICO credit score indicates to lenders how likely you are to repay your debts. This score is determined by a number of factors, including payment history, utilization ratio and the age of your oldest form of credit. In general, the higher your credit score is, the more trustworthy a borrower you are thought to be.

Since personal loans are often unsecured loans, meaning they are not backed by any form of collateral, your credit score often plays a very important role in the approval process. As a rule of thumb, if your score doesn’t meet a lender’s minimum eligibility requirements, your chances of approval are low. Plus, even if you do qualify, you’ll likely be charged a higher interest rate than borrowers with better scores.

It’s a good idea to research a lender’s minimum credit score requirement before applying for a loan. For best results, you’ll want to make sure you comfortably exceed that metric. If you don’t, it may be worth shopping around for another lender or looking into some alternative financing options.

2. Your debt-to-income ratio is too high

Your debt-to-income ratio (DTI) is another financial metric that tells lenders how likely you are to be able to repay a loan. This ratio measures your total income against all of your existing debts. It shows how easily you’ll be able to manage keeping up with an additional monthly payment.

You can check your debt-to-income ratio by dividing the sum of your existing debt payments by your gross monthly income. For example, if you have a total of $3,000 in monthly debt payments and you divide that number by a monthly income of $5,000, you’d have a DTI of 60%.

Generally, lenders look for a ratio of 43% or less, but the lower the percentage is, the more likely you’ll be approved for a loan. A ratio of 35% or less is considered “good” by most financial institutions.

3. Your income was insufficient or unstable

In addition to your credit score and DTI, lenders also consider your income when making a decision on loan approval. Essentially, they want to ensure you have enough money coming in to keep up with your monthly payments so you don’t default on your loan. Lending unsecured funds can be risky, and if you have a low salary or your income is unstable, the lender may not want to take a chance on you.

Some lenders publish minimum income requirements along with their other eligibility criteria. If your income is on the lower end or is spotty, it may be worth searching for a lender that is upfront about these qualifications so you can be more confident that you’re a match.

4. You tried to borrow too much money

After looking at your financials, your lender will determine the maximum amount they’re willing to allow you to borrow. This figure is typically based on how much you can comfortably afford to repay each month when taking your current income level and debt obligations into account.

If you request to take out a personal loan that’s larger than you can feasibly manage, the lender may reject your application entirely. Rather than aiming for a high amount, it’s better to be realistic and request a loan amount that makes sense given your financial situation.

5. You didn’t meet the basic application requirements

In addition to setting specific financial eligibility criteria, most lenders also put forth a few basic qualifying requirements you’ll need to meet in order to be considered as a borrower. Every lender’s requirements will be a bit different, but in general you can expect the following:

  • You must be of the age of majority in your state (typically 18).
  • You must be a U.S. citizen or qualifying resident.
  • You may need to have a permanent address and bank account.
  • You may need a working email address.

If you don’t ensure you meet the basic requirements before applying, you can expect to be rejected for a personal loan.

6. Your loan application was incorrect or incomplete

Often, handing in an incorrect or incomplete loan application will be considered grounds for automatic rejection.

Along with the application itself, you’ll likely be expected to submit some supporting documentation, such as W2’s, bank statements or tax returns. This information helps the lender make their decision. Without it, they won’t be able to make an informed determination on whether or not you qualify for a loan.

Be sure to read over your application to catch any errors before you apply for the loan, and make sure that you’re submitting the correct materials before you send everything in. It may also help to call the lender and double-check that they have everything they need once you’ve sent in all of your materials.

7. Your loan purpose didn’t match the lender’s criteria

Sometimes lenders will also impose use restrictions, or limits on how you can use your loan funds. For example, many lenders don’t allow their personal loans to be used to cover education costs or business expenses.

Be sure to read the lender’s fine print to verify that you intend to use the money from your loan for an approved purpose. Otherwise, your application could be denied.

How to improve your chances of getting approved for a loan

If your personal loan application was denied, don’t worry. There are things you can do to better your chances of being approved the next time you need to borrow some money. Here’s a look at what you can do to tilt the odds in your favor:

1. Build your credit score first

If you were denied the loan because your credit score was too low, the best thing you can do is build your credit score before applying again.

Let’s take a look at some ways you can improve your score:

  • Check your credit report for any errors and dispute them.
  • Make your payments on time every time.
  • Use the debt snowball or debt avalanche methods to pay off credit card debt.
  • Wait for negative items to fall off your credit report.
  • Apply for new forms of credit sparingly.

2. Improve your DTI ahead of time

On the other hand, if your debt-to-income ratio was the reason behind your denial, you have two options to improve it. You can either increase your income or pay down your debts. However, doing both will likely have the biggest impact.

Using the example from the DTI section above, if you increase your income to $6,000 per month and pay down your existing debts to a total of $2,000 per month, your new ratio will be 30%, which is well within the typical lending range.

Increasing income is more complicated than paying off debt, of course, and can mean asking for a raise, taking on more hours or starting a side hustle. Meanwhile, paying off debt is a straightforward process that involves choosing the right budgeting strategy for you and sticking to it long enough to make progress. If you can’t increase your income, aim to pay off as large a chunk of your debt as possible to lower your DTI.

3. Choose a realistic loan amount

In the event that your loan application was denied because you inadvertently requested to borrow too much money, the solution is easy. You simply need to request a lower amount.

As for how much you can ask for, that will depend on your income and how much you can feasibly take on in a monthly payment. Use our personal loan calculator to get a better sense of what your monthly payments could look like at various loan amounts. Then, choose a loan amount that feels comfortable for your budget.

4. Find a cosigner

You may be able to increase your chances of being approved for a loan by asking for a little assistance from others. For example, applying for a loan with a cosigner who has a good-to-excellent credit score can help you secure loan approval and a better interest rate.

That said, it’s important to choose a cosigner with whom you have a trusting relationship. After all, if they sign your personal loan agreement, they’ll become responsible for the loan if you’re unable to make payments. At the same time, their credit score could suffer if you make a late payment.

Make sure that you’re both aware of all the potential consequences before signing on the dotted line.

5. Secure your loan with collateral

While most personal loans are unsecured, secured loans do exist. Secured personal loans are often easier to qualify for because they are backed by collateral. Collateral is any asset that the lender can repossess if you default on your loan. Typically, assets used as collateral can include real estate, vehicles, bank accounts, stocks, mutual funds or insurance policies.

The biggest advantage of this move is that it may help increase your chances of being approved, and it can help you secure a more affordable interest rate. However, the major drawback is that the lender is entitled to take possession of your asset if you fall behind on your payments.

6. Prequalify before applying

Prequalifying for a loan can give you a better idea of whether you’ll meet the lender’s criteria before you apply. Many lenders offer this feature without any impact to your credit score. If you’re unsure if you’ll make the cut, it may be worth finding lenders who offer prequalification and using their loan offers as a guide.

Still, it’s important to note that prequalification is not the same thing as loan approval. It’s a way to estimate your chances of being accepted and compare rates from various lenders rather than a hard-and-fast guarantee.

7 Reasons Why You Were Denied a Personal Loan | LendingTree (1)

Did you know?

LendingTree’s personal loan marketplace can help you prequalify for a loan with multiple lenders. It’s 100% free and won’t impact your credit score.

How to get a personal loan with bad credit

Qualifying for a personal loan can be more difficult when you have bad credit or no credit at all, but it’s far from impossible. Here are some tips on how to find a loan that works for you when you have a lower credit score.

  • Shop around for a lender: Since every lender sets their own eligibility criteria, shopping around for the right lender can be the key to securing loan approval and an affordable interest rate. As a rule of thumb, it’s a good idea to collect loan offers from three or more lenders before deciding on the best pick for you.
  • Consider a credit union: Credit union personal loans often have more lenient qualifying requirements because they come from not-for-profit organizations. Do some research into credit unions in your area and consider applying to one where you meet all the eligibility criteria for membership.
  • Look for bad credit loans: Some lenders simply have lower credit score requirements, making them a good fit for those with bad credit. Check out our list of bad credit loans to start researching your options.
7 Reasons Why You Were Denied a Personal Loan | LendingTree (2024)


What disqualifies you from getting a personal loan? ›

What disqualifies you from getting a personal loan? Personal loan denials vary, but the most common reasons relate to your credit score, credit history and income. Prospective borrowers who have poor, damaged or no credit typically find it difficult to qualify for a personal loan.

Why do people get denied for personal loans? ›

Although there are various reasons for getting denied when applying for a personal loan, five of those reasons include a low credit score, low income, a high debt-to-income ratio (DTI), an unstable work history, or an inability to meet basic requirements.

Why didn't my personal loan get approved? ›

Credit score, income and debt-to-income ratio are the main factors lenders consider when reviewing applications. Paying down debts, increasing your income, applying with a co-signer or co-borrower and looking for lenders that specialize in loans within your credit band could increase your approval odds.

What's the best excuse for a personal loan? ›

9 reasons for personal loans
  1. Debt consolidation. Debt consolidation is one of the most common reasons for taking out a personal loan. ...
  2. Home improvement projects. ...
  3. Emergency expenses. ...
  4. Vehicle financing. ...
  5. Alternative to payday loans. ...
  6. Moving costs. ...
  7. Large purchases. ...
  8. Wedding expenses.
Jun 4, 2024

What credit score do you need to get a $30,000 loan? ›

This allows them to look at your history from the past seven years and see whether you've typically made payments on time. For a $30,000 loan, you'll typically need a credit score above 600 just to qualify or above 700 to get a competitive rate.

Who is most likely to get approved for a personal loan? ›

If you have a fair credit score, which includes FICO scores from 580 to 669, you may be able to qualify for an unsecured personal loan from a traditional lender.5 However, individuals with scores at the lower end of that range will find fewer available options overall, and they may not like what they see when they ...

What are the three most common mistakes people make when using a personal loan? ›

6 personal loan mistakes that could cost you money
  • Taking out a longer loan than necessary.
  • Not shopping around for the best offers.
  • Not considering your credit score.
  • Overlooking fees and penalties.
  • Not reading the fine print.
  • Falling behind on payments.
Sep 3, 2024

What determines if you get approved for a personal loan? ›

Your credit score, income and debt are usually evaluated by personal loan lenders to see if you qualify. Some lenders may also consider your work history or education.

Can I apply for a loan again after being denied? ›

If you're looking to reapply for a personal loan with the same lender that already denied your application, you will likely need to wait a while before submitting a new request. This time frame varies depending on the lender and may range from 30 days from the date of last application to up to six months.

Why am I not eligible for a personal loan? ›

Low Income

If your income is less than the minimum income requirement set by the lender, the lender may reject your loan request. For instance, most lenders require that your net monthly income should exceed ₹25,000.

How to always get approved for a loan? ›

You can improve your chances of getting a loan by following the seven tips below.
  1. Check the accuracy of your credit report. ...
  2. Improve your credit score. ...
  3. Prequalify before formally applying. ...
  4. Work on reducing your debt. ...
  5. Find ways to increase your income. ...
  6. Don't apply for too much money. ...
  7. Adding a cosigner or a co-borrower.
Aug 30, 2023

Why is it so hard for me to get a personal loan? ›

You may get denied if your credit score is too low, your existing debt load is too high, or your income is not high enough to cover the loan payments.

What not to say when getting a loan? ›

10 Things Not To Say To Your Mortgage Broker | Loan Approval
  1. 1) Anything untruthful.
  2. 2) What's the most I can borrow?
  3. 3) I forgot to pay that bill again.
  4. 4) Check out my new credit cards.
  5. 5) Which credit card ISN'T maxed out?
  6. 6) Changing jobs annually is my specialty.
Mar 10, 2023

How can I increase my chances of getting a personal loan? ›

In this article, we have compiled a few Personal Loan tips to increase your chances of seamlessly securing a loan from your lender.
  1. Maintain a high credit score. ...
  2. Improve CIBIL score. ...
  3. Increase your income. ...
  4. Reduce debt-to-income ratio.

How can I avoid rejection of personal loan application? ›

How to Avoid Rejection of Personal Loan Application
  1. Maintain a low FOIR. While accepting loan applications, lenders assess various criteria. ...
  2. Maintain a High Credit Score. ...
  3. Keep an eye on your credit utilisation. ...
  4. Pay off your credit card dues on time. ...
  5. Show all your income sources.

What is the minimum credit score for a personal loan? ›

To qualify for a personal loan, borrowers generally need a minimum credit score of at least 580 — though certain lenders have even lower requirements than that. However, your chances of getting a low interest personal loan rate are much higher if you have a “very good” or “excellent” credit score of 740 and above.

Is it hard to get accepted for a personal loan? ›

Personal loans generally aren't hard to get and are available from credit unions, banks, and online lenders. There are various types of personal loans to consider, depending on how much money you need to borrow.

Who is not eligible for a loan? ›

Low Income

While processing your Personal Loan application, one of the required criteria for eligibility is to have an appropriate regular income through a job, profession, or business. If your income is lower than the criteria or if it is volatile, the chances of you getting a Personal Loan can drop.

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Author: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

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Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

Birthday: 1992-08-21

Address: Apt. 237 662 Haag Mills, East Verenaport, MO 57071-5493

Phone: +331850833384

Job: District Real-Estate Architect

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Introduction: My name is Saturnina Altenwerth DVM, I am a witty, perfect, combative, beautiful, determined, fancy, determined person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.