7 Outsourcing Examples: How It Helps Companies Grow (2024)

So, your business is growing and you can’t quite seem to keep up with the influx of work. Congratulations! That’s a great sign your business is prospering.

Chances are, however, you are stressed out about finding the right people to hire to keep up with tasks as you scale. Am I right?

Examples of companies that outsource

  • Alibaba
  • WhatsApp
  • Basecamp
  • Google
  • Wise (formerly TransferWise)
  • Skype
  • Slack

Read on because we will dive in how these companies have used outsourcing to grow their business.

While you have several options for hiring employees, you may want to consider outsourcing some of your work, rather than hiring new, full-time, in-house employees.

The benefits? It’s more affordable. It yields productivity. You keep office costs down. You have access to a global market of talent. Happiness levels increase. You can hire people who are ready to start work without much training. The list of benefits goes on.

We wrote a detailed guide on it here: The Complete Guide to Outsourcing.

If you’re worried about looking into this progressive approach, keep reading.

This article will present a list of outsourcing examples from other successful companies that took this approach. In other words, you’ll get to read several success stories of hiring remote workers before you decide to go that route too.

If you’re looking for an easy way to see which tasks your freelancers and outsourced workers are working on,then check out Time Doctor free for 14 days. You’ll see what tasks they’re working on right now, how long each task takes to complete, and see which apps and websites they’re visiting right now.

1. Alibaba.com

7 Outsourcing Examples: How It Helps Companies Grow (1)

You’ve heard of Alibaba.com. In fact, you’ve probably browsed their website and purchased some cufflinks, a watch, or any other product for way cheaper than you could find it on Amazon.

Alibaba.com started as a small Internet company, and has grown into one of the world’s largest internet global ecommerce sites.

The interesting thing about Alibaba is they outsourced many of their projects to grow.

When we think of outsourcing, it’s common to think of sending manufacturing to China, hiring virtual assistants from India, or linking up with a copywriter from the Philippines. While these are great options for many companies trying to scale, China had the opposite problem.

The skills they needed to develop their website were more accessible when hiring remote workers in the U.S. The founder of Alibaba outsourced development to web developers in the U.S. and his business took off, according to his book.

Key Takeaway: The takeaway here is to do your research when scaling. Where does it make the most sense to look for the skills you need to grow your business? Can you find a better qualified team by outsourcing projects? If you’re like Alibaba, the answer is yes.

2. WhatsApp

7 Outsourcing Examples: How It Helps Companies Grow (2)

WhatsApp takes the outsourcing story in another direction…primarily to Russia.

In 2012, WhatsApp was a small firm with only 30 full-time and 5 part-time employees in Mountain View. Can you imagine?

Since then, WhatsApp has grown to be one of the most popular chat apps in the world, and was sold to Facebook 2 years later for $19 billion.

But WhatsApp didn’t experience this growth by relying solely on their 35 person team.

To keep operation costs down, they outsourced development to developers in Russia, and for a fraction of the costs it would have taken to keep business at home. As the business grew, however, some of the Russian developers were relocated to the US.

Key Takeaway: There is talent all over the world. If you’re looking to scale, but need to keep costs down, look to outsourcing work to talent globally. Like WhatsApp, after you grow, you can think about relocating your top players to your home office.

3. Basecamp

7 Outsourcing Examples: How It Helps Companies Grow (3)

Basecamp is a project management tool that helps manage in-house and remote workers. You may even be using this software now, considering it’s one of the most popular project management tools on the market.

Basecamp, however, started as a small 4 man team and began to catch speed. As the company started to grow, Jason Fried explains they started experiencing problems with client work, organization, and they weren’t portraying the right image to their clients to stay on base and successfully grow.

Fried admits Basecamp was delivering a good product for the money, but their internal processes were a mess. To get this done, they needed to free up time for their team at home to focus.

Enter outsourcing to save the day.

To move the app development forward, the team started outsourcing it to remote developers. This helped them improve their product, and the team was able to get more organized, focus on business priorities, and make necessary changes.

Now Basecamp employs several remote workers around the world to keep their company image up, keep processes organized, and make sure their product stands out in the crowd.

Key Takeaway: As you scale, it’s important to make sure your processes are organized and your product is good. Outsourcing work to the most talented global workers can help you refine your product and processes as well as prioritize when necessary…just like Basecamp did.

4. Google

7 Outsourcing Examples: How It Helps Companies Grow (4)

If there is one company that sets a good example of excellent business practices and scaling successfully, it’s Google. You’d be hard pressed to find a businessperson that doesn’t know about and/or use several of Google products.

Google works hard to take care of all their in-house employees in Mountain View, California. But, their in-house employees are not the only people that enjoy the benefits of Google employment.

Google has been outsourcing work to remote employees for years and seeing excellent benefits. They outsource everything from virtual assistant work, IT work, development, and more. Not to mention, they outsource email support for AdWords, and there is no discrimination on who they hire.

Back in 2011, they had over 1,000 reps from 60 different countries. These reps were handling over 10,000 calls a week.

Google is not the only company that has a mix of employees at home and remote employees. In fact, several companies blend domestic and international customer service.

To determine the right balance for your firm, you must consider your expenses, your priorities, and your budget.

Key Takeaway: Even the largest companies, like Google, outsource work to remote employees. Finding the right balance between outsourcing work and keeping work in-house will depend on your needs, where the talent lies, what your priorities are, and your budget. It’s definitely worth looking into outsourcing as you scale.

5. Wise, formerly TransferWise

7 Outsourcing Examples: How It Helps Companies Grow (5)

Wise, formerly TransferWise is a widely successful global money transfer service. In fact, it’s a service we use here at Time Doctor. With the help of Time Doctor and Wise, it’s easy to monitor, manage, and pay your remote employees.

But, back to the story of how Wise uses remote employees for business growth.

Wise has several independent workers who help with engineering.

Wise (formerly TransferWise) is known for hiring Ukrainian and Estonia developers, but not because of cheap offshoring, but because of their talent.

Wise focuses on hiring product engineers that stand out of the crowd. According to TransferWise, a product engineer must:

  • Pass a take home test
  • Have a technical interview with 2 engineers
  • Participate in an optional follow-up technical interview
  • Have a product interview with a product manager and an engineer
  • Complete a final interview with our VP of engineering or co-founder

Each of these interview and test-taking phases are used to evaluate the skill of an independent worker. If someone passes, you know they are top-notch and will deliver results for Wise, not just be affordable.

Wise hires the right people, no matter where they live, and then empowers them to do the best job.

Key Takeaway: Hiring remote employees doesn’t have to be about budget; it can simply be about finding the right individuals to produce the best results. Sometimes you have to go outside your hometown area to find the best engineers for your product.

6. Skype

7 Outsourcing Examples: How It Helps Companies Grow (6)

Skype is, yet again, another company that you are most likely familiar with, and probably use often.

This is one of the first companies that introduced the idea of easily communicating with someone via phone, chat, video, no matter where the other person is located in the world.

As a leader in this industry, Skype has revolutionized the way companies do business. In fact, this tool has made communicating with remote workers easier for firms across the globe.

The best part about it is that Skype has outsourced the back-end development of the app to 3 Estonian developers. While they initially outsourced the development, just like WhatsApp did, Skype brought these developers in as partners later.

Skype was purchased by Microsoft in 2011 for $8.5 billion and remains one of the most important business communication tools.

If Skype hadn’t been willing to outsource work to the right developers in Estonia, perhaps it might not be what it is today.

Key Takeaway: Don’t limit yourself when it comes to hiring talent. Finding the right team may involve outsourcing to the best-of-the-best anywhere in the world. Take the time to do your research and find the best person for the job you need done.

7. Slack

7 Outsourcing Examples: How It Helps Companies Grow (7)

You may already be using Slack to communicate with your in-house staff and various different teams.

Now, imagine how much more successful you’d be if you use Slack to manage remote employees as well?

Slack is an online collaboration tool that helps teams communicate instantly to keep people on the same page.

Slack was launched in 2013 by 4 talented individuals, but before officially launching the product, they relied on beta testing from an outsourced design firm. This firm tested out copy and design.

As you know from using Slack, their tone and design is easy and more informal. And, $2.8 billion may show that this is just what the industry needed.

By outsourcing Beta testing, Slack was able to get important feedback that helped them create, not just a tool, but a personality. This helped the team launch a product that has outdone the market several times over.

Key Takeaway: If you want to launch a global product, consider outsourcing beta testing. This can give you insight into changes your product should make, what is working, and what is not working before you launch your product. If you’re successful, like Slack, you could end up creating one of the world’s most beloved business tools.

Why Outsourcing is Beneficial

We’ve looked at 7 companies that have used outsourcing to fuel business growth. The purpose of this article is not to toot the horn of already established companies, but to show you how these companies used outsourcing to grow from small teams to global leaders.

As you grow your firm, outsourcing can help you in a number of ways. Let’s quickly review the key takeaways from each business:

  • Key Takeaway 1: The takeaway here is to do your research when scaling. Where does it make the most sense to look for the skills you need to grow your business?
  • Key Takeaway 2: There is talent all over the world. If you’re looking to scale, but need to keep costs down, look to outsourcing work to talent globally.
  • Key Takeaway 3: As you scale, it’s important to make sure your processes are organized and your product is good. Outsourcing work to the most talented global workers can help you refine your product and processes as well as prioritize when necessary
  • Key Takeaway 4: Finding the right balance between outsourcing work and keeping work in-house will depend on your needs, where the talent lies, what your priorities are, and your budget. It’s definitely worth looking into outsourcing as you scale.
  • Key Takeaway 5: Hiring remote employees doesn’t have to be about budget; it can simply be about finding the right individuals to produce the best results.
  • Key Takeaway 6: Similar to key takeaway 5, don’t limit yourself when it comes to hiring talent. Finding the right team may involve outsourcing to the best-of-the-best anywhere in the world. Take the time to do your research and find the best person for the job you need done.
  • Key Takeaway 7: If you want to launch a global product, consider outsourcing beta testing. This can give you insight into changes your product should make, what is working, and what is not working before you launch your product.

Wrap Up

If you’re in the growth phase and wondering what step you need to take next to fuel growth, don’t be afraid to look into outsourcing.

Outsourcing can help you find the right talent. It can help you stick to your budget. It can free up time for your talented team workers at home who are spending too much time on mundane tasks.

Outsourcing can be the solution you need to grow your business properly and continue to compete in on a global scale.

Remember, as you begin to hire remote employees, it’s also important to invest in tools that will help you manage them. This includes a project management software (something like Basecamp, mentioned above), a good communication platform (like Skype and/or Slack, mentioned above), and a time tracking software like Time Doctor.

A tool like Time Doctor will improve your productivity rates and help you keep track of all your employees, no matter where they are located.

7 Outsourcing Examples: How It Helps Companies Grow (8)

Lauren Soucy

Lauren Soucy is the VP of Marketing for Time Doctor, the world’s leading time tracking and productivity software. She has 15+ years of experience in marketing at fast-paced companies. Her first passion is SEO, she can’t start her day without coffee, and she enjoys spending time at the beach with her two boys and her husband.

7 Outsourcing Examples: How It Helps Companies Grow (2024)


Which are examples of how outsourcing can help a company? ›

Advertising, office and warehouse cleaning, and website development are the best examples of outsourcing. Most business owners delegate authority to outsourced specialists when it comes to bookkeeping, maintenance, recruitment. This helps enterprises to focus most of their resources on the main activity.

How does outsourcing help a business grow? ›

Outsourcing for customer service has two benefits. First, you provide your customers with consistent customer service. Second, you allow your internal team members to focus on their own tasks, helping your business run more efficiently and ultimately increasing your ROI.

What are the 5 benefits of outsourcing? ›

Advantages of outsourcing
  • Improved focus on core business activities. ...
  • Increased efficiency. ...
  • Controlled costs. ...
  • Increased reach. ...
  • Greater competitive advantage. ...
  • Offshore outsourcing issues.

What is a good example of outsourcing? ›

A small company may decide to outsource bookkeeping duties to an accounting firm, as doing so may be cheaper than retaining an in-house accountant. Other companies find outsourcing the functions of human resource departments, such as payroll and health insurance, as beneficial.

What is outsourcing and its examples? ›

Outsourcing is where a company hires an external firm to conduct certain aspects of its business. In other words, one business hires another to operate part of its operations. For example, Apple outsources the majority of its production to Foxconn which assembles many of its products such as the iPhone.

What is the best example of outsourcing Brainly? ›

The best example of outsourcing Brainly is when a U.S. shoe company opens a factory in another country like China and contracts Chinese employees to make the shoes.

What are two benefits of outsourcing? ›

Outsourcing benefits and costs

lower costs (due to economies of scale or lower labor rates) increased efficiency. variable capacity. increased focus on strategy/core competencies.

Do you think that outsourcing is very beneficial for the companies? ›

Outsourcing is a growing business trend that has proven to be quite effective for businesses looking to reduce costs and increase productivity. Outsourcing mundane and low priority tasks to off-shore companies often cut costs, expands capacity, and increases growth in many businesses.

Is outsourcing a good business strategy? ›

It improves efficiency, cuts costs, speeds up product development, and allows companies to focus on their “ core competencies”.

What are three benefits of outsourcing? ›

Benefits of outsourcing your business processes
  • Cost advantages. The most obvious and visible benefit relates to the cost savings that outsourcing brings about. ...
  • Increased efficiency. ...
  • Focus on core areas. ...
  • Save on infrastructure and technology. ...
  • Access to skilled resources. ...
  • Time zone advantage. ...
  • Faster and better services.

What is the main purpose of outsourcing? ›

Reasons for outsourcing

Companies often outsource as a way to lower costs, improve efficiencies and gain speed. Companies that decide to outsource rely on the third-party providers' expertise in performing the outsourced tasks to gain such benefits.

Will outsourcing improve performance? ›

Outsourcing back office processes ensures that tasks are carried out by professionals which can go a long way driving business performance and revenue. Improves Productivity: Outsourcing back office tasks can increase productivity by allowing your employees to focus on what they do best.

What is outsourcing in simple words? ›

Outsourcing is an agreement in which one company hires another company to be responsible for a planned or existing activity that is or could be done internally, and sometimes involves transferring employees and assets from one firm to another.

Which of the following is an example of IT outsourcing *? ›

There are other aspects as well that we can include in IT outsourcing. Software-as-a-Service (SaaS), Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS), Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS), utility systems, and cloud-based services are all examples of IT outsourcing services.

What are the types of outsourcing? ›

A few of the main categories include:
  • Professional outsourcing.
  • IT outsourcing.
  • Manufacturing outsourcing.
  • Project outsourcing.
  • Process outsourcing.
  • Operational outsourcing.

What is the most common type of outsourcing? ›

Business process outsourcing is the most common type of outsourcing. It refers to contracting any business process to a third-party service provider. This type usually deals with repetitive tasks such as customer support and administrative roles.

What are the three 3 types of outsourcing contracts? ›

We have prepared a summary of the 4 most popular types of outsourcing agreements.
17 Jun 2020

What is outsourcing in a business? ›

BPO has been making its way in the business industry, changing how processes work. We can describe outsourcing as a modern business practice of contracting particular work processes to a third party provider outside the company. It can include various services depending on what your business needs.

Why IT's important to identify and select the outsourcing company? ›

By selecting the right outsourcing partner, you avoid issues in the long term, reducing risks and ensuring a smooth working relation.

When should you outsource? ›

7 Signs It's Time to Consider Outsourcing
  • You can't keep up with the demand. ...
  • Your employees are performing multiple roles. ...
  • Mistakes are costing too much. ...
  • Budgets are getting tighter. ...
  • You can't find the right talent. ...
  • Routine tasks take too much time.

What is outsourcing explain its advantages and disadvantages? ›

Outsourcing allows a company to focus on its core aspects by delegating less critical functions to the third-party outside organization. Insourcing brings new employees into the company rather than farming out tasks to third-party companies.

What are the effects of outsourcing? ›

Outsourcing Lowers Barriers to Entry and Increases Competition. While increased competition is encouraged by free markets and generally benefits consumers, it can hurt businesses that can't keep up. Outsourcing allows new entrants to industries where labor would have been too expensive otherwise.

What are some of the advantages and disadvantages of outsourcing? ›

The Pros And Cons Of Outsourcing
  • Advantages Of Outsourcing. ...
  • You Don't Have To Hire More Employees. ...
  • Access To A Larger Talent Pool. ...
  • Lower Labor Cost. ...
  • Cons Of Outsourcing. ...
  • Lack Of Control. ...
  • Communication Issues. ...
  • Problems With Quality.
17 Jul 2017

How important is outsourcing in every company nowadays? ›

Outsourcing allows you the time and resources necessary for focusing on other aspects of the company, while still providing customers with high quality service they expect from their favorite brands. Even with all the pros, a major reason for the practice of outsourcing is to run a successful business model.

What are the benefits of outsourcing IT services? ›

The Top 10 Benefits of Outsourcing IT through Managed Services
  • Control IT Costs. ...
  • Reduce Labor Costs. ...
  • Trained, Experienced, Qualified, Certified. ...
  • Qualified doesn't Equal Experienced. ...
  • Increase Efficiency and Competitiveness. ...
  • Quickly Implement New Technology. ...
  • Stay Focused on Your Core Business. ...
  • Reduce risk.
7 Oct 2022

Why is outsourcing good for the economy? ›

Job outsourcing helps U.S. companies be more competitive in the global marketplace. It allows them to sell to foreign markets with overseas branches. They keep labor costs low by hiring in emerging markets with lower standards of living. That lowers prices on the goods they ship back to the United States.

What is effective outsourcing? ›

Essentially, successful outsourcing is a practice where companies contract out some of their tasks and operations to third parties that specialize in the same. Outsourcing has two types — offshore outsourcing and onshore outsourcing.

How is outsourcing efficient? ›

Not only does outsourcing cuts down expenses for in-house work, especially for staffing and preparing, but it also lets the company's full-time employees focus on their more crucial core functions, which saves a lot of precious time.

Will outsourcing importance grow in the future? ›

Prediction #5: Outsourcing Continues Its Expansion Across The Globe. With a red hot job market, remote work boom, and technological advancements, the outsourcing industry is due for expansion in 2022.

What are the best practices used by firms to outsource work and why? ›

Efficient training and team-building exercises
  • Establishing Conflict management processes. ...
  • Review and status updates. ...
  • Implementing co-location. ...
  • Fair incentive contracts. ...
  • Outsourcing relationships for the long term. ...
  • Utilize Towne Mailer's printing and mailing services!
15 Sept 2021

What is not an advantage of outsourcing project work? ›

Outsourcing disadvantages:

Breakdowns are exacerbated by physical separation with people working in different buildings, different cities, if not different countries. 2. Loss of control. There is potential loss of control over the project.

How can outsourced accounting management solutions help streamline business processes? ›

Outsourced firms can help you manage your accounts payable, accounts receivable, bank reconciliation, and related needs. For your accounts payables, they can approve online payments and invoices, allocate expenses, process checks, scan and store invoices, and answer supplier inquiries.

What are some pros and cons of outsourcing? ›

The Pros And Cons Of Outsourcing
  • Advantages Of Outsourcing. ...
  • You Don't Have To Hire More Employees. ...
  • Access To A Larger Talent Pool. ...
  • Lower Labor Cost. ...
  • Cons Of Outsourcing. ...
  • Lack Of Control. ...
  • Communication Issues. ...
  • Problems With Quality.
17 Jul 2017

What are the effects of outsourcing? ›

Outsourcing Lowers Barriers to Entry and Increases Competition. While increased competition is encouraged by free markets and generally benefits consumers, it can hurt businesses that can't keep up. Outsourcing allows new entrants to industries where labor would have been too expensive otherwise.

How does outsourcing reduce risk? ›

Partial Outsourcing - Reduces the Risks involved in Outsourcing
  • Make huge savings on the cost of labor by getting the same work done by equally skilled professionals at a low cost.
  • Keep up with competitors and increase profits.
  • Provide customers with round the clock services, while not stressing out existing resources.

How does outsourcing help reduce costs? ›

Outsourcing reduces costs by transferring portions of your workload to a third party. According to a recent study, almost 27% of organizations outsource to reduce costs. Outsourcing is used by many small businesses to remain competitive. Large companies may outsource to save money and access focused expertise.

How can outsourcing improve the quality of products? ›

Outsourcing to someone who specialises in delivery of that part of your process, and therefore has up-to-date systems, technology and staff, can improve the quality of that service by reducing costs, improving final output quality or freeing up your internal staff for other roles they could be performing.

What are the types of outsourcing? ›

A few of the main categories include:
  • Professional outsourcing.
  • IT outsourcing.
  • Manufacturing outsourcing.
  • Project outsourcing.
  • Process outsourcing.
  • Operational outsourcing.

What is strategic outsourcing? ›

What Is Strategic Outsourcing? Strategic outsourced services represent a set of operations that are delegated by a company for management to a third-party service provider. Most commonly, this process is associated with small companies that do not have enough resources to manage all tasks themselves.

Is outsourcing good for employees? ›

Outsourcing can harm employee morale and company culture. While managers may see outsourcing as a cost-effective option, employees may feel like they are being replaced. They could also be confused as to why some company services need to be outsourced.

When should you outsource? ›

7 Signs It's Time to Consider Outsourcing
  • You can't keep up with the demand. ...
  • Your employees are performing multiple roles. ...
  • Mistakes are costing too much. ...
  • Budgets are getting tighter. ...
  • You can't find the right talent. ...
  • Routine tasks take too much time.

How outsourcing affects the business and trade? ›

Outsourcing is usually considered in an attempt to reduce costs and make a business more efficient; thus, in turn, making it more competitive. Failure to do this may ultimately lead to the business becoming unprofitable and almost certainly cease trading.

How much can outsourcing save a company? ›

Outsourcing helps companies experience significant savings in cost reduction in the rates vendors offer outsourced employees compared to in-house employees. In 2018, 62% of companies reported 10% to 25% savings when they outsourced and the remaining 38% of companies reported savings as high as 40%.

Why it's important to identify and manage the costs of BPO? ›

Managing Costs

Outsourcing allows a company to control costs, converting fixed costs into variable costs. The result is greater agility and improved cash flow.

Is outsourcing increases costs of the products? ›

Does outsourcing always reduce costs? No. The costs of product development (and research and development) usually increase over time because of the many unknowns that are involved in these projects.

How does outsourcing save time? ›

Outsourcing also saves you time by letting someone more experienced or knowledgeable handle work that requires a discerning eye. For example, you may be able to fake your way through a task, but chances are, you'll spend far more hours doing it than someone who specializes in performing that task.

How common is outsourcing? ›

78% of businesses all over the world feel positive about their outsourcing partners. About 300,000 jobs get outsourced out of the US each year. 71% of financial service executives outsource or offshore some of their services.

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Author: Kareem Mueller DO

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Name: Kareem Mueller DO

Birthday: 1997-01-04

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Introduction: My name is Kareem Mueller DO, I am a vivacious, super, thoughtful, excited, handsome, beautiful, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.